• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 7,911 Views, 355 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 1 Becoming Popular - kitsy-chan

He went into the Everfree to prove himself a brave stallion. He would be a stallion amongst colts. He would be respected. He would be cursed and miserable. Welcome to Snails 1/2, a Ranma 1/2 spoof.

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Part 4: The Star of the Show

Part 4

Princess Celestia narrowed her eyes. She had heard things like this before, and it brought back bad memories. She had already banished one pony for this. She had seen how things like this change ponies, how the change could overcome them.

Twilight shook her head. Something about this pony just didn’t sit well. There was that curse that enveloped the filly. Normally, there was only one way to deal with such a thing, but Fluttershy was away, so she couldn’t use the elements.

Mayor Mare was careful to make her notes. As the third judge, her vote did count, however, she really hoped she wouldn’t be voting against the princesses.

Princess Celestia looked to Princess Twilight and sighed, “Well, looks like both of us can see her for who she really is.”

Snails ½ The Star of the Show

“Dinky, please take the stage and answer a simple question.” Mayor Mare smiled bright, “Why do you want to be the Harvest Princess?”

Dinky took the stage first and smiled. She was a little timid to talk, but did her best to put on a smile. Looking to the judges, then the crowd, she took a deep breath, “Hi! I’m Dinky. My big sister nominated me because mom always calls me her little princess. Mom can’t be here today because the weather board has her training and helping out, but I want to be the Harvest Princess so I can make her proud!”

“It’s not easy being the daughter of a pegasus and not be a pegasus myself. It means she has to be grounded more, but that time makes her all the more special to me. She’s the best mom ever, because she spends time on the ground just for me. I want to be princess so I can give back to her. So I can show her I love her. And so I can give her something else to be proud of.”

Nodding once, she trundled back to have a seat, smiling brightly.

“Ok Noi, it’s your turn. Please come up and tell us why you want to be a princess.”

Noi trotted up and bowed to the crowd. She was scared, but tried her best to put on a front of happiness. She flipped her mane once as she started to speak, “Hi, I’m Noi. I’m Golden Harvest’s little sister. I’d like to be princess for the day so I can see what it’s like to be a royal, to be pampered and treated like one. It would be so neat.”

Standing proud, Noi giggled “I think I’d be a good princess, and handle the responsibilities well. I could share the experience with my friends and classmates, tell them what it was like, show them that even the littlest of us can be lucky enough to be a princess. I may be a common earth pony and farm girl like Apple Bloom, but it would be nice to show Equestria that even WE can be nobles for a day.”

“Thank you Noi.” Mayor Mare said, looking over.

Turning, Noi went and sat with Dinky giving her a hug.

“Escargot, could you come up here?” Mayor Mare said smiling bright.

Slowly Escargot walked up onto stage, her mane still dripping slightly from Derpy’s accident. Turning to the judges’ table, she whimpered.

“It’s ok, we just have a simple question for you. Why do you want to be a princess?”

Looking around, Escargot swallowed nervously. Looking at the Cutie Mark Crusaders, she sighed. She couldn’t do this. It didn’t matter how much they needed her… him… he had to get out of there.

Shaking his head slowly, he looked at the judges, then the crowd. “I don’t. I don’t deserve to be a princess. It’s not who or what I am.” Sighing, he looked back at the CMC’s. “I’m only here because my friends wanted me, needed me here. I’m not smart like Princess Twilight Sparkle, I’m not wise or regal like Princess Celestia or Princess Luna. I’m just a little pony.”

“I’m sorry if I’m letting them down, but Noi is so gentle and beautiful. And Dinky, Dinky here has such a huge heart. They should be seen for what they are. They are so much more worthy than me to be the princess, and they want it for the right reasons.”

With a quick nod, Escargot backed away and turned to sit by Noi.

Noi blinked at Escargot, then hugged her tightly, on the verge of tears.

“Oh darn it, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you Noi. I should have just kept my mouth shut.” Sighing, Escargot looked down.

Twilight and Celestia shared a look, writing down things, as did Mayor Mare. There was a lot of quiet discussion between them, and a few surprised looks.

Shaking his head slowly Escargot's mind was running in circles. Good. Everyone knows I’m not looking to win. I apologized, I turned down the offer; I’ve got nothing to worry about. I even suggested Noi or Dinky win. That should make the CMC happy. Now all I need to do is get home and have a shower. Again. Wow, I’m taking more showers than a filly.

Taking center stage was, unquestionably, Diamond Tiara. She didn’t even need to be asked. Strutting up with an air of authority, her head held high, she nodded to the judges and the crowd. Smiling brightly and full of confidence, she took a moment to clear her throat before beginning,

“Hello everypony; noble judges, royalty. I am Diamond Tiara.” Smiling she turned sideways to show of her cutie mark.

“I was born here in Ponyville. Ever since Ponyville was founded, my family has been the upper crust, the nobility of this town, ensuring everypony was able to buy what they needed. I won my first pageant when I was little, and it was then that I realized my destiny: to be a winner, a princess. My crown proves that.”

Turning back to face the judges she flipped her mane, “I deserve to be princess because it’s my calling, my cutie mark. As princess, I will hold my position with the dignity and honor that mere commoners could not understand.”

“I will do my duty as princess to the best of my ability, and ensure the crown is properly taken care of.” Flipping her head she turned and took a seat with the girls, regally. Casting a glance to Escargot she sneered once, “Now THAT is how a speech is done.”

“Would all 4 girls stand on stage please?” Mayor Mare smiled at the fillies.

Looking to CMCs, she saw them cheering her on. Apple Bloom pouted, looking up at her “Even if you don’t win, we’re here for you.”

“Celestia, how did I ever get into this?” Escargot mumbled, “I don’t want to be here…”

Walking up onto stage with the other girls, she backed up a few steps to make sure she was at the back. Hopefully Noi would win, or maybe Dinky. Oh, if Dinky won, her mom would be so proud of her! Either way, Diamond Tiara wouldn’t win.

If she did, well. That’s good too ‘cause at least it would keep Escargot out of trouble.

“The princess of the Zap Apple Harvest Festival will receive her very own crown, a tour of the castle here in Ponyville, and another of Canterlot Castle itself. While there, she will receive the pampering of a true princess, meet the foals of other noble families, and eat only the best food.”

Princess Celestia stood and smiled brightly, “Thank you all; this was lovely to watch and to hear, and it makes me proud of all of you. It was a tough choice, but we have finally agreed on a winner.”

Looking at the fillies, she nodded “Our runner up will be Dinky. Her love and heart shone through, and she deserves her own tiara to go home with.”

Walking up to the stage, Twilight put a little shining tiara on Dinky’s head and hugged her. “Congratulations! I’m sure your mom will be very proud of you.”

“That leaves the winner, who will be a princess for a day. It was a hard choice, but in the end there was only one destined to win this crown.”

Head high, Diamond Tiara stood up and strode forward to claim her prize.

“Princess Escargot, please step forward.”

Frozen with disbelief, Diamond Tiara threw a venomous glare back at Escargot.

Unable to move, Snails simply stood there. How? Why? He didn’t want this…

The CMC’s charged up, hugging Escargot from all sides and pushing her forward to receive her prize.

“You won! You beat her!” Sweetie Belle said.

“You kicked flank!” Scootaloo cheered.

Gently, Celestia laid the crown on Escargot's head.

“Tomorrow, you’ll wake up and be treated like princess all day long.” Celestia said, smiling.

Narrowing her eyes, Diamond Tiara snarled, “I WILL destroy you.”