• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 7,911 Views, 355 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 1 Becoming Popular - kitsy-chan

He went into the Everfree to prove himself a brave stallion. He would be a stallion amongst colts. He would be respected. He would be cursed and miserable. Welcome to Snails 1/2, a Ranma 1/2 spoof.

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Part 7: Every word I Speak

Part 7

“So THIS is the little Harvest Princess!”

“What a perfect little filly!”

“Oh, her parents must be so proud!”

“I wonder if she’s related to Fleur De Lis? She looks like she has real royal blood!”

“Really? If that’s the case I MUST introduce my colt to her!”

Snails ½ Every Word that I Speak

Escargot looked up at Rarity, almost in tears. He was never that good in school, but this was torture. He hardly understood any of the words she was using, and some of the things she had smelled toxic and made his eyes burn.

It was all too much. There was just no way he could do this; he didn’t understand any of what she was saying. It was just so far beyond him, it made his head spin. Slowly, Rarity levitated another jar towards him, holding it in front of Escargot.

“This is eye shadow. It’s used to color the fur of your eyelid to make your eyes stand out more.”

Smiling, she showed him how to apply it to his eyes, using a slightly darker shade of peach. It was just another term in the long list of things he had to remember.

“This is different than eyeliner?”

“That’s right dear. Liners are the pencils. Shadow is the dust. Don’t look so down, Escargot, it’s not that hard. It just takes some practice.”

“And all fillies do this?”

Rarity frowned slightly, “Well, not all. I doubt Applejack or Rainbow Dash would. But that’s just because they don’t see a need.”

“Well, what is the need?”

“It’s to make yourself look better, dear, or to hide imperfections. Many mares do it to feel better about themselves, but it’s not really needed for that.” Rarity smiled, “Now, the best way to take off the makeup is with hot water.”

Squeaking, Snails backed away from her fearfully.

“Oh don’t worry, it’s not that hot. Just warm enough to open your pores properly.”

“No, I- I- I’ll use the washroom, I have to go anyway.” Escargot said quickly, almost defensively.

“It’s the powder room darling.” Rarity said with a resigned sigh, opening the car door. Smiling brightly as always, she escorted him to the fillies powder room, before moving on to the dining car.

He ducked quickly into the bathroom, then, once inside, paused and looked around. The bathroom generally looked the same as the colts’, but…

He looked uncomfortably at his dress, then the facilities, murmuring to himself: “I… Have no idea how to do this.”

Getting undressed, he sighed and hung the dress up behind the door. Using the hot water, he washed off the makeup, then turned to go the bathroom. Thumping his head against the wall, he whimpered anxiously. “Why? Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?”

The mare that opened the door was one of the upper crust variety. She had expected the powder room to be empty, or at the very least occupied by a mare. Seeing a colt in the room was unacceptable. This was the mare’s room, after all.

Screaming, she turned and started to wave down the conductor. “Help, there’s some strange colt in the mares’ room!”

Quickly spraying himself with cold water from the tap, he sat down on the toilet. Honestly, he didn’t have to go anymore, but he didn’t know what else to do.

“In there!” Pointing to the powder room, she fanned herself in melodramatic shock.

Flinging open the door, the conductor looked inside, but saw only Escargot sitting on the toilet. Glancing in, the mare blinked. “But- but- but-”

Rarity was on the conductor in an instant, smacking him with a rolled up magazine. “You cad, you pervert, can’t you give a filly some well-deserved privacy?”

“Sorry ma’am sorry, sorry, sorry…” He beat a hasty retreat.

The mare looked in and then closed the door again, “But…”

Moving out of the bathroom, Escargot carried the crown and gown with him. Escargot blushed hard and kept his head low.

“Oh dear, I’m so sorry, a stallion should NEVER barge in on a filly when she’s doing that. I will lodge a complaint with the railway over this.” Rarity huffed. “Why, I would be completely mortified.”

“She came in first and screamed, that’s why the conductor came in. It’s not his fault.”

“He should still know better than that.” She said, affronted “He should have knocked and waited for you to tell him whether or not you were decent.”

Slowly, Escargot got dressed again (with a little coaching from Rarity) , then returned to her seat with a sigh.

Putting the crown back on, he looked to Rarity. “I kind of missed breakfast. May I eat something?”

“Oh yes, eat light however: a few small snacks should do.”

Rarity stood and lead Escargot to the dining car, where both took a seat.

Several rows down, Diamond Tiara watched with a gaze of pure malice. That little blank flank had to pay. She would find a way to deal with that upstart, mark her words.

Happily unaware, Rarity and Escargot looked at the menu, “Oh, might I suggest some hot buttered scones and tea?”

“May I have juice instead?” Juice was cold, and therefore much, much safer than tea. Escargot smiled pleadingly.

Placing the order, Rarity giggled, “Juice is fine, but I suggest orange, it doesn’t stain as much as say… grape.” For some reason, Rarity shuddered at the idea of grape juice.

As one of the servers came down the aisle with a large pot of coffee, Diamond Tiara saw her chance. With a sickeningly sweet smile, she stuck her hoof into the path.

Tumbling, the server sent the full pot of scalding hot coffee straight towards Rarity and Escargot.

Snails saw his life flash before him. It was over. He was dead. Closing his eyes, he cried out and turned away, trembling. The guards were going to string him up. They’d hold him till he could be banished by the Princess. He didn’t want to be banished. He didn’t do anything wrong, did he? He was just a colt in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Crying softly, he curled up, trembling.

“Oh poor thing, she’s terrified.” One of the mares said.

“Wouldn’t you be? How horrible. She could have been hurt badly by that. That was boiling water!” Another mare said.

“Food shield. Between a little sister that loves grape juice, and a hyperactive pastry chef, it became a necessity.” Rarity said knowingly.

Chancing a peek, Escargot saw the last off the coffee dripping down a magical field erected by Rarity.

“She looks adorable, even when she’s scared.”

“She should meet my foal! I’m sure they would make an adorable couple!”

“She looks like she’s part of the royal bloodlines. She MUST meet my nephew!”

“Who are her parents? I need to see if she’s eligible for an arranged marriage.”

“I wonder if she’s related to Fleur De Lis? She looks like she has real royal blood!”

“Really? If that’s the case I MUST introduce my colt to her!”

“Oh, now she’s getting marriages arranged for her? Daddy, what makes her so special?” Diamond Tiara growled, frustrated. “She’s just a stupid blank flank.”

Panting and looking around in shock, Escargot had no idea what was happening. All of a sudden, he was at the center of attention, all eyes were on him.

“Do you think your parents would accept a bride price or marriage dowry?” One woman asked.

“I guess so?” Escargot said. He’d have to remember to ask Rarity what that was when they were in private again.