• Published 4th Jul 2015
  • 1,256 Views, 61 Comments

Project: Transcendence - Bluecatcinema

Discord goes looking for love... and stumbles upon an evil plot.

  • ...

Something Missing

In a very bizarre section of Equestria, there was a house, floating on a chunk of stone. In the bedroom, the bed, along with the other furnishings, was hanging upside-down from the ceiling. The bed's Draconequus occupant lay under the covers, defying gravity as everything in the room did. An alarm clock suddenly went off, making a loud quacking noise. The Draconequus manifested a mallet, and crushed the clock, which let out a plaintive squawk.

"Oooohhh." Discord stretched (literally, his limbs extending across the room). He climbed out of bed, and flashed down to the floor. "...Good morning, empty house."

Discord went about his morning routine. He took a shower in chocolate milk, brushed his fangs with chewing gum, and spent five minutes trying on all sorts of outlandish clothes (until he eventually decided to go without). He poured himself a bowl of cornflakes for breakfast, eating the bowl instead of the flakes. All along, he couldn't shake a feeling he was having, a feeling he had experienced on and off for a while now.

That feeling was loneliness. While Discord had managed to make several friends over the years, he still had to go home to an empty house every night. Sure, he could conjure up living crockery and sentient utensils, but it just wasn't the same as having a thinking, breathing companion. He found himself wishing that his friends could come and stay with him, but most of them had homes of their own, even special someponies to share it with. In particular, Fluttershy, his first friend, had settled down with a stallion named Forrest. Discord recalled the day she had introduced them quite vividly.


Discord flashed himself outside Fluttershy's cottage, ready for another tea party with his closest friend. Just as his paw reached for the door handle, he heard Fluttershy chuckling inside, with an unfamiliar voice talking to her. It was unmistakeably a male voice.

"What in Equestria is going on in there?" Discord frowned. He knocked on the door, harder than he normally would.

The door opened a crack, Fluttershy's eye peeking out through the gap.

"Oh hi, Discord!" Fluttershy opened the door fully, smiling wide.

"I'm here for our regular tea time." Discord declared. "Now, call me crazy, but is there somepony in there with you?"

"Um... yes." Fluttershy said nervously. "He's actually somepony I want you to meet." She gestured him to enter.

Discord followed Fluttershy to the living room, where an unfamiliar brown stallion was sitting on the couch.

"Discord, this is Forrest." Fluttershy introduced them. "He's my..." She blushed lightly. "...Coltfriend."

"...Could you please repeat that?" Discord asked. He pulled off an ear and patted it, causing various items to fall out. "I think I had something in my ear."

"So, you're the famous Discord." Forrest smiled. "Fluttershy's told me a lot about you."

"Really?" Discord put his ear back on. "Because she hasn't told me anything about you."

"Well, we only just started dating." Forrest shrugged.

"Dating?" Discord grimaced. It was one thing for Fluttershy to make new friends. He had come to terms with that. But a coltfriend? He couldn't compete with that.

"Yes." Fluttershy nodded. "Sorry I didn't tell you before now. I was just waiting for the right moment."

"No offence, but I think you can do better." Discord said bluntly. "This stallion's a little on the scrawny side."

"What?" Forrest frowned.

"And his eyes are too close together." Discord continued. "His wings are too messy, and that crooked smile..."

"Discord, be nice." Fluttershy scolded him.

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy." Discord apologised. "I'm just trying to look for you. You deserve the best, and there's something about this fella that I don't trust..."

"Said the Spirit of Chaos..." Forrest snorted.

"Oh, that's how it's going to be, huh?" Discord readied a finger snap. "Want me to show you what a Spirit of Chaos can do?"

"Bring it on." Forrest said boldly. "From what I've heard, you're way more tame than you used to be..."

"Tame?!" Discord growled, his pride wounded. "Why, you..."

"Discord, stop!" Fluttershy said firmly. "I wanted you to meet Forrest, not use him as target practice."

"...Okay." Discord sighed, lowering his claw.

"And Forrest, please don't mock my friend." Fluttershy scolded her coltfriend.

"He started it." Forrest growled.

"I know." Fluttershy admitted. "He's always been a little... protective of me. Just give him a chance. Please? For me?"

"...Fine." Forrest sighed. "For you."

"Thank you." Fluttershy kissed him on the cheek. "And Discord, can I count on you to be a real friend, and treat my coltfriend with courtesy and respect?"

"Of course, Fluttershy." Discord nodded.

"Good." Fluttershy smiled. "Now, we're all going to have tea together, and we're all going to have fun. Okay?"

"...Fine." Discord groaned.

"For you, anything." Forrest pecked Fluttershy on the cheek.

Discord found himself grinding his teeth.

"Wonderful." Fluttershy beamed. "I knew I could count on my two favourite guys."

"Of course." Discord chuckled awkwardly. "Because there's nothing with having two favourite guys. Nothing at all..."

"Of course." Forrest frowned, as they sat down at the table.

It was a quiet event. Discord and Forrest were mostly civil with each other, but would occasionally fire off glares when Fluttershy wasn't looking. Once it was over, Discord politely excused himself.

"I'm so glad you two could meet." Fluttershy smiled. "Maybe we could do this again sometime."

"That sounds great..." Forrest smiled fakely.

"Can't wait." Discord chuckled. "Now, if you'll excuse me..."

As Discord exited the cottage, he shuddered.

"Ugh, love." He gagged. "Such an unseemly emotion. Hopefully, Fluttershy will see sense and kick that fool to the kerb before long..."

As he started to leave, he heard Fluttershy laughing once more.

"Hopefully..." He sighed.

The present...

Discord sighed as he finished reminiscing. He had eventually learned to accept Forrest, on the grounds that he made Fluttershy happy. But the fact remained that, the more time Fluttershy spent with her coltfriend, the less time she had to spend with him. Of course, getting married and having kids together reduced that time even more. Now, Discord was lucky to have an hour a week to spend with Fluttershy. Her oldest, Honeysuckle, had left the nest, but she and Forrest still had a rowdy group of triplets to look after. And they weren't the only ones. All the others had also settled down and had families together.

For some reason, the thought of them all having full houses to live in, sharing their lives with others, made Discord feel... strange. Like there was something missing in his life. But what could it be?

Deciding to clear his head, Discord took a trip to Ponyville. As he made his way through the streets, he took a moment to acknowledge that none of the pony passers-by gave him even a second glance. They had become so accustomed to his presence over the years that he barely warranted a raised eyebrow.

'My, how things have changed.' Discord thought. 'It seems like just yesterday that ponies like these were fleeing from my wrath... and here I am now, just some wacky neighbour to them.' As he walked on, he took note of all the couples and families on the street. 'You don't know how lucky you are, my pony neighbours...'

As he continued his musings, Discord suddenly collided with somepony.

"Hey, watch where you're-!" The pony started, before they both recognized each other. It was Caboose, bereft of his Royal Guard armor. "Oh. Hey, Discord."

"Well, if it isn't my favourite Royal Guard." Discord chuckled. He turned himself into an acorn. "Still as nutty as ever, I hope?"

"Nutty? Me?" Caboose frowned. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. Hey, you know what's really nutty? Squirrel poop!"

"So in other words, yes." Discord smirked. "So, what brings you all the way out here?"

"Just visiting my bros over here." Caboose smiled. "After Black Knight Paladin blew up our mansion in Bitaly, we all kinda... spread out."

"Oh, yes." Discord mused. "I heard about that. Of course, I was on vacation at the time, so I missed all the fun."

"Yeah, fun..." Caboose snorted. "Still, we could've used your help."

"It wouldn't really be a battle, though." Discord shrugged. "With my powers, it would all be other too quickly, and you'd have no sense of accomplishment."

"We'd have a sense of getting out of there alive, though." Caboose pointed out.

"How's that family of yours, by the way?" Discord asked. "It's gotta be tough for 'em, you being so far off right now."

"It can be." Caboose admitted, "But it's not all that bad. Besides, it's all worth it when I see them again. Especially Daring. She's always so supportive and caring, ready to listen to me yack on at the end of the day and put up with my shenanigans, and give me cuddles and... other things at night."

"Yeah, I bet you're glad that I turned you into a wind-up toy back then, are ya?" Discord joked.

"Not exactly." Caboose pouted. "Having a key in your back can really put a crimp on your day."

"I guess." Discord shrugged. "But you can't argue with results. Thanks to you, you got a lovely marefriend, who later became your wife, and mother to your foals, all because of me."

"Well, it's not like you planned it that way." Caboose shrugged.

"True." Discord admitted. "It was all a wonderful coincidence. Sometimes, that makes for some great natural chaos."

"Either way, I owe you big time for that." Caboose smiled, "Thanks to you, I have a family and a beautiful wife. Tell me, Discord, you ever had a special somepony? The kind that you want to spend the rest of your days with? The kind that always bring a smile to your face? The kind that scratches your back with a matchbook cover while calling you 'Big Rudy'? The kind that nopony in the would could possibly match?"

Discord remained silent for a moment.

"...No, can't say that I have." Discord shrugged.

"Seriously?" Caboose frowned. "In all your years, you've never once 'been' with a gal?"

"Nope." Discord shook his head.

"Never had a date?" Caboose asked.

"Never." Discord shrugged.

"Never snuggled around the moonlight with somepony?" Caboose offered.

"Non." Discord flashed up a beret and striped shirt.

"Never had a quick tongue hockey session?" Caboose continued.

"Sports were never my thing." Discord flashed on a hockey suit.

"Have you ever even... kissed a girl?" Caboose asked.

"A gentlecolt does not kiss and tell." Discord flashed up a fancy suit.

"Oh, really?" Caboose asked. "Who did you kiss? I heard this rumor once about you and Celestia..."

"Oh, please!" Discord chortled. "Even if I had those inclinations, Celestia would be the last mare I'd go to! Besides, I'm a swinging bachelor, now. Have been for a good millennia now."

"That must be pretty lonely." Caboose frowned.

"What do I know of love, anyway?" Discord shrugged. "I've barely even mastered the ways of friendship. From what I've heard, love is in a league of its own."

"It's not that hard to master." Caboose shrugged. "Look at me. I'm happily married, even though I'm a total goof! If I can do it, anypony can!"

"Well, there is that..." Discord admitted. "Still, it's not like I can just go speed-dating. I'm an immortal Draconequus!" He suddenly morphed into a giant dragon (that somehow didn't catch anypony's attention). "With cosmic, phenomenal powers!" Then he changed back to normal. "And with my track record, I doubt some mare would give me the time of day."

"Eh, I've seen tougher matches." Caboose shrugged. "I once worked for a dating network, you know."

"Really?" Discord asked. "And how did that work out?"

"Not well." Caboose admitted. "I wound up hooking a supreme court judge up with a serial gangster's moll. I've never seen a date go downhill so fast..."

"And suddenly, I'm starting to fall into doubt again." Discord frowned.

"Come on, don't give up hope." Caboose urged. "I mean, you can't be the only immortal non-pony... thing... around. Surely there are others?"

"Actually, there are." Discord admitted.

"Whoa, really?" Caboose gaped. "I was clutching at straws there... But there are others like you?"

"Not exactly like me." Discord shook his head. "There's only one Spirit of Chaos, but there are other spirits, or rather powerful entities, out there, Like me, they control some of this world's fundamental forces. They have power the likes of which you can't even fathom."

"Any lady sprits?" Caboose smirked. "Nudge, nudge, wink, wink..."

"Well..." Disccord suddenly conjured up a pedestal as he assume a 'thinker' position, "Not many... but now that I think about it..." A smile then came across his face.

"Oh, I take it you remember someone?" Caboose beamed hopefully.

"Yes...there is this one spirit that I knew a very long time ago..." Discord grinned nostalgically, "Oh, I remember her fondly... she was certainly a wild one. We used to have so much fun together, playing games that god-like beings like us could play and having a good laugh. Back then, we were practically inseparable."

"Well, well." Caboose smirked. "So much for not having romantic entanglements...or kisses, snuggles and makeouts for that matter."

"Oh, it wasn't like that... or was it?" Discord frowned, as he rubbed his head. "It was so long ago. I spent so long stuck as a lawn ornament to the Royal Sisters that almost everything back then is a huge haze." A fog materialized all around his head.

"Well surely something must had happened." Caboose supposed, "I mean, you sound like you were happy with her. I doubt you would go off and forget her just like that."

"That is a valid point." Discord agreed, as the fog was suddenly sucked into a vacuum he had in his hand before that disappeared. "But then again, I wasn't exactly the nicest 'Spirit of Chaos' in the world, even before the whole 'plunge Equestria into chaos' thing. I don't even remember if she felt that way about me..."

"Well, why don't you go find her and ask?" Caboose asked, "Surely if she is a entity like you, she must still be alive or something."

"What?" Discord snorted. "You expect me to just go and see her, after thousands of years, and ask if she had any warm and fuzzy feelings for me? That's nuts, even for you!"

"Hey, I get it." Caboose declared. "You're scared she'll say 'no'."

"Exsqueeze me!" Discord squeezed himself, making a loud squeaking noise. "I am Discord, master of chaos. I'm not afraid of anything."

"Then why don't you do it?" Caboose asked.

"Because it probably won't even work." Discord snorted, "For all I know, I messed something up and she hates me and never wanted to see me again." He crossed his arms petulantly, "I shouldn't had brought this up with you."

"Hey, hey, come on, champ..." Caboose soothed, patting him on the back, "Trust me, you should do this. And if things don't work out, you'll at least know. And knowing if she likes you or not is better than not knowing anything at all." Caboose declared. "Like when I first asked Daring for a date. She said 'no', and I was so crushed, and... Wait, where was I going with this?"

"I have no idea." Discord declared.

"That was different, though." Caboose recovered. "I'd only just met Daring. You said yourself you knew that other gal for a while. Maybe there really was some spark back then, and you guys might be able to rekindle it."

"Well..." Discord frowned.

"Come on." Caboose urged. "It's worth a shot."

"Fine, I'll do it." Discord gave in. "But I'll need a little moral support. So you, Mr. Love Guru, will be going with me."

Discord flashed some multi-colored robes onto Caboose.

"Me?!" Caboose gaped.

"It was your idea, so you should see it through to the end." Discord declared. "Besides, you did okay during that whole 'Golden Phoenix' business, didn't you? Think of this as a sequel to that little adventure."

"I hate sequels." Caboose grimaced. "They're never as good as the original."

"That's your opinion." Discord snorted. "I thought Terminatrot 2 was way better than the original... Hey! Let's call this adventure..." A cinema marking appeared above them, bearing words that Discord said out loud. "...'Seeking Eternity 2'!"

"Eh, not the best name." Caboose shrugged.

"Really?" Discord frowned, the marquee vanishing. "What do you suggest, then?"

"Maybe some kind of subtitle?" Caboose offered. "Or something dark and foreboding?"

"What, like something a villain might prefer?" Discord smirked. "So much for our family rating... Now, shall we get going?"

"...You aren't going to turn me into a toy if I say no, are you?" Caboose deadpanned.

"I might." Discord vaguely threatened.

"Well then, guess I have no choice in the matter." Caboose shrugged, "But what about Daring? I don't want her worrying about me when I am off doing something crazy."

"She can come, too." Discord smirked. "She is, after all, the 'master of finding things'."

"Finding things?" Caboose frowned, "One, that suddenly makes me want a 'Jill Sandwich'. And two, why would we need to find this girl of yours? Can't you just ring her up or something?"

"Caboose, my friend, who do you think this is? Some quick trip down the street?" Discord scoffed. "Unlike me, she is not as... 'social' with the ponies down here like I am. She likes to stay somewhere where no pony could find her..."

"And where would that be?" Caboose asked.

Discord pointed upwards, as Caboose looked up to the sky.

"...Space?" Caboose said in confusion.

"No. The sky." Discord clarified.

"So, she lives in some sort of cloud home? Like the Pegasi?" Caboose questioned.

"...I don't know." Discord admitted. "I've never actually seen her home."

"...Really?" Caboose frowned. "Then how would we go about finding her?

"That I don't know either." Discord sighed, "But I do recall... way back when, that she had a 'sanctuary in the sky', a place that was untouched by all mortals."

"Ooh, sounds very mystical and foreboding." Caboose mused in awe.

"It is." Discord grinned. "It'll be the archeological find of the millennium for any pony. Daring won't be able to resist."

"Okay then." Caboose smiled. "Flash us over to her, then than we can all just pop up to that sanctuary place!"

"...Yeah, there's a slight snag." Discord frowned. "Like I said before, my old friend likes her privacy. I don't remember much, but she did say that her home was steeped in ancient magic that only entities can learn. Any attempt to warp there would totally throw off my inner compass..."

"Wow, that is very convenient for the sake of the plot." Caboose snarked.

"Well, convenient or not, if we are to find her, we'll have to go there the old-fashioned way. And we're going to need an airship. A real one too. I doubt that her home would be receptive to anything I conjure up."

"Well, I don't exactly have an airship lying around." Caboose admitted. "But I bet I could borrow some money off Grim to rent one."

"Excellent." Discord smiled. "We're on our way!"

"Grim's mansion is right over there." Caboose declared. "In the Everfree Forest."

"Then what are we waiting for, my oddball friend?" Discord smiled, putting an arm around Caboose. "Let us take the first step towards adventure! ...And perhaps, something more..."

The two vanished in a flash of light.


In an secret location, somewhere on the outskirts of Equestria, there was a dark room, its walls covered with ancient writings and pictures. Standing in the back was a masked and cloaked pony, a Unicorn if the horn sticking out of his mask was any indication, who was gathering up various artifacts into a travel bag. A group of cloaked servants stood around him.

"At long last." The masked pony declared. "After all my years of searching, the way to ultimate power is finally within my grasp."

"Yes, sir." The head servant nodded. "All is in readiness. Your private airship is fuelled up and ready to go."

"Excellent." The masked Unicorn smirked. "Gather the others and meet me at the airfield."

"At once." The servant bowed. He urged the others to follow him, leaving their masked master alone.

"It won't be long now." He declared. "It won't be long before I finally have the thing I need to begin Project: Transcendence. And woe betide anypony, beast, or of the like that dares to stand in my way."

"Awfully confident, are we?"

The masked pony turned to see another masked pony entering the room. He was an Earth Pony, his cloak more ragged and mask faded, indicating that he was older than the masked Unicorn. His body seem to glide through the room, while a squeaking sound echoed.

"Well, isn't this a surprise?" The masked unicorn snidely remarked, "What brings an old coot like you to this miserable pile of rocks?"

"I was told that you would be departing on this trip to find the 'thing' for your project." The masked Earth Pony declared. "I figured I could see you off, and wish you a safe journey."

"Safe journey?" The masked Unicorn scoffed, "Peh, save your wishing. I've been preparing for this day for a while now. I planned for every contingency, every possibility. In short, I'm ready for anything fate has in store for me."

"You mind your arrogance, boy." The masked Earth Pony scolded, his southern drawl more apparent. "This is a dangerous quest you are about to embark upon. To fail would definitely not be in our favor...and it could most certainly cost you your life."

"Hmph, you are starting to sound like Sparky." The masked Unicorn sneered. "And like him, your worries are baseless. I have it all worked out." He then pulled out a map. "My charters already pinpoint the possible locations of this 'holy ground' where I can find the two things I seek. By the time this expedition is through, I will have them in my possession, and all of you will be kissing my hooves."

"So said Black Thorn, and look what had become of him." The masked Earth Pony pointed out.

"But there's an important difference between myself and Black Thorn." The masked Unicorn sneered. "I'm not a fool. And where he failed, I shall succeed!"

With that, the arrogant stallion left the room.

"We will see, my egocentric friend." The masked Earth stallion said quietly. "We will see."

He made to leave... only to bump into a step.

"Grr..." He slid backward. As he did, his cloak caught on something, pulling off him just enough to reveal that he was in a wheelchair. "The first step. My old foe."

The step lay there, like the inanimate object it was.

"Sure be silent." The masked Earth Pony snarled. "Mock me all you want. But one day, I will best you! Mark my words, you impetuous lump of stone!"

The step, of course, didn't answer.

"Sure, play it cool." The masked Earth Pony sneered. "But we both know your time is coming! And you will rue the day you ever crossed me!"

The masked Earth Pony around, and located another way out. The step remained where it was, silent and still. Even if it was aware of the Earth Pony's vendetta, it probably wouldn't have cared much.