• Published 4th Jul 2015
  • 1,257 Views, 61 Comments

Project: Transcendence - Bluecatcinema

Discord goes looking for love... and stumbles upon an evil plot.

  • ...

In Spirit Only

The next morning, everypony woke up and had breakfast together.

"I could barely sleep last night." Shine admitted. "I still can't believe we actually met the full-fledged Deities of Life and Death."

"Me neither." Daring admitted. "In all my years of adventuring, I never dreamt I'd come across anything like this."

"I'm just happy I helped big D find his lady friend." Caboose said proudly. "And what a nice lady she is."

"I know." Huckleberry admitted. "Who'd have thought a giant flying serpent would be so... friendly?"

"Too bad her brother isn't the same." Globe frowned.

"He's a little on the stern side, I'll admit." Shine declared. "But maybe he'll come around. He seems to respond to respect. We just have to give him that."

"If you ask me, respect has to be earned." Daring frowned. "I don't care if he is a Deity, he's gotta show us some common courtesy before we do the same."

"Fat chance." Huckleberry snorted.

"Besides, I don't think we have enough time to wait for that to happen." Globe declared.

"Speakin' a' time, we can't stick around here forever." Big Red declared. "Ah don't know about y'all, but Ah'm startin' ta miss home."

"Me too." Shine sighed. "I miss Celestia, and Miracle..."

"And I miss Hurricane." Caboose admitted. "And Mikey..."

"Adventuring sure is different when you have ponies waiting for you back home..." Daring admitted.

"You boys miss home, don't you?" Big Red asked.

"Yeah." Huckleberry nodded. "I miss the smell of cherries on the wind..."

"I miss sleeping in my own bed." Globe sighed. "And lounging on the couch, and sitting under the trees."

"What about you, Eclipse?" Big Red asked. "I'll bet ya miss yer ma."

"Sure, I miss Cherry." Eclipse said flatly, putting emphasis on "Cherry."

"Seriously?" Big Red frowned. "All this time, an' ya still can't call her 'ma'? What's the problem, kid?"

"It's personal." Huckleberry chipped in. "Eek doesn't want to talk about it."

"Fooey on that." Big Red snorted. "We's family, an' family don't keep secrets from each other, 'specially if they keep 'em from actin' like a family."

"Pa, I don't think it's-" Globe tried to explain.

"And another thing." Big Red cut him off, "Ah don't think it's fair that ya call me pa, while ya can't call Cherry 'ma'. Don'tcha think Cherry's earned that privilege?"

"Of course she has." Eclipse shook his head. "But that's not the problem."

"Then what is?" Big Red asked.

"...You wouldn't understand." Eclipse sighed.

"Try me." Big Red urged.

"No thanks." Eclipse frowned.

"Come on, Eek." Big Red insisted. "Tell me."

"Oh, you really wanna know?" Eclipse growled in frustration. "I can't call Cherry 'ma' because I never had a 'ma' to begin with!"

"What kinda crazy talk is that?" Big Red snorted. "Course ya had a ma. Ya didn't jest pop up from outta nowhere!"

"That's not what I meant." Eclipse scowled. "Sure, I had mother that gave birth to me, but I never knew her... because my twisted psycho of a father killed her. I grew up without her, never knowing what it was like to have mother."

"Ah, jeez..." Big Red's face fell. "Ah'm sorry, Eek. ah didn't think..."

"I know Cherry's been trying, and I am grateful for her being one." Eclipse sighed. "But I just don't know how to feel. Because even if she acts like my mother, she's actually not. Because my actual mom died before I even hatched. I knew nothing about her. What she was like, what she did before she met my father, or even her name. Not even my old father would tell me.... Not that I can trust anything that ever came out of his beak."

"Oh, Ah see." Big Red frowned. "Sorry, Eclipse. Guess Ah never really saw it that way."

"I can't imagine what you're feeling, Eclipse." Shine sighed. "I may have lost my mother too, but at least I knew her. You can't even say that, you poor thing..."

"It's cool." Eclipse sighed. "And it's not really Cherry's fault. It's mine. If I had only known my real mom, even for a little while, maybe I wouldn't feel this way."

"Excuse me?"

The others turned to see Isis, floating outside the room's window.

"Oh, hi, Isis." Caboose smiled. "Lovely day, huh?"

"It sure is." Isis nodded.

"How's Discord?" Daring asked in a smug tone.

"Oh, he's gone to get some berries for us." Isis smiled. "Now, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation." Her eyes fell on Eclipse. "Eclipse, what would you say if I told you I knew of a way for you to see your birth mother."

"I'd say 'are you crazy?'" Eclipse said bluntly. "You said yourself you can't bring back the dead. So if you don't mind, knock off the jokes."

"It's no joke." Isis declared. "I can't bring back the dead, that much is true. But I know of a place where the spirits of the dead can be seen, even spoken to."

"...Really?" Shine gasped. "You mean you can talk to... any spirit?"

"Of course." Isis nodded.

"What is this place?" Caboose asked.

"We call it The Garden of Souls." Isis declared. "It's a special place on the island, not too far from here. It's sort of like a weak spot between the worlds of the living and the dead. You can contact any spirit you want, just so long as you focus on them."

"Seriously?" Eclipse asked. "Even if you didn't really know them?"

"All life is connected." Isis declared. "Even if you didn't know your mother, she would have known you. Her spirit is connected to yours. All you have to do is focus on meeting her, and she will come."

"I... I don't if... I should do this..." Eclipse muttered. "I mean, I want to... but what if it's not what I hope it'll be?"

"The choice is yours." Isis declared. "And the invitation isn't just for you. It's for everypony here. Everypony who as a lost loved one they would like to speak to. Everypony seeking closure."

"Well, I have some things I'd like resolved." Shine admitted.

"Me too." Big Red nodded.

"I know one spirit I'd really like to meet." Caboose smiled. "What about you, Daring?"

"I don't have anypony in particular I'd like to see." Daring shrugged. "Until I met you, there was never anypony... significant in my life. But I'll come anyway. I wanna see this garden for myself."

"We'll come too." Huckleberry declared.

"We won't let Eclipse face this alone." Globe smiled.

"Thanks, guys..." Eclipse smiled.

"Then it's settled." Isis smiled. "Come on outside, and I'll lead you right to it."

As the group left the airship, Discord returned with a basket full of berries.

"Ta-daaa!" He called, before noticing the others. "Huh, didn't think you guys wanted some. Didn't you just have breakfast?"

"Oh, Discord." Isis declared. "Sorry, but I'm going to have to postpone our berry-eating."

"What? Why?" Discord's face fell. "Was it something I did? Whatever it was, I'm sorry."

"It's not like that." Isis assured. "I'm just taking our friends here to the Garden of Souls."

"The what?" Discord frowned.

"It's a long story." Isis shrugged. "But the short version is that I'm going to help them talk to their lost loved ones."

"You could come with us, big D." Caboose suggested. "Don't you have anypony you'd like to talk to?"

"Not really." Discord shrugged. "Everypony I've ever cared about is either alive or right here."

"Then maybe you could keep Osiris out of our hair." Isis suggested. "He may not appreciate us talking to the dead. He's always been a firm believer that the living world and the spirit world should be kept separate. It may not be his jurisdiction, but he'd prefer that the spirits be left alone."

"You want me to keep your brother busy?" Discord grimaced. "You do realize he hates me, right?"

"He doesn't hate you..." Isis sighed. "He just... well... just try and keep his attention away from the garden."

"I'll try." Discord shrugged.

"Thanks." Isis gave him a warm smile. "I knew I could count on you."

"Oh, well..." Discord said bashfully.

"Enough of the mush." Eclipse said impatiently. "Let's get to this 'Garden' already."

"Of course." Isis smiled. "But I should warn you, it's quite a trek. Right on the other side of the island, in fact."

"A li'l walkin' never hurt anypony." Big Red smiled.

"Okay, then let's go." Isis smiled.

"Have fun!" Discord waved.

"We're about to raise the dead." Shine said flatly. "I doubt 'fun' is part of the equation..."

Once they started off down the path, Discord fell into deep thought.

"Hmm, how does one keep a Serpent Deity of Death 'busy'?" He mused. "Very carefully. Perhaps I'll get lucky, and he won't go near this 'Garden'."

Just as he said that, he noticed Osiris emerging from the mountainside cave where he and Isis made their home, and flying towards the half of the island the others were heading for.

"Me and my big mouth." Discord groaned. "Oh well, here goes nothing..."

Discord flashed up to the sky, taking the form of a kite.

"Well hello there, Osiris!" He smiled widely. "Lovely day for a flight isn't it?"

"Go away, Discord." Osiris scowled.

"Ooh, somepony woke up on the wrong side of the cave today." Discord joked. "You need to cheer up, and I'm just the Spirit to do it!"

"What part of 'go away' don't you understand?" Osiris glared at him.

"Come on!" Discord urged. "How about a race... on the other side of the island?"

"How about you get lost?" Osiris spat.

'This isn't working.' Discord thought. 'I'll have to take... drastic measures...'

As Osiris headed closer to the Garden, Discord called out to him.

"Hey, big O!" He yelled.

"What is it now?" Osiris snarled.

"Oh, not much." Discord declared. "Isis just wants to speak to you. She's right down there." He pointed to the edge of the forest.

"Fine." Osiris sighed.

The Serpent Deity flew down to the ground.

"Isis?" He asked. "Isis! Where are you?"

"Over here." A high-pitched voice called. As Osiris turned in the voice's direction, he saw what looked like Isis' arm beckoning him over.

"What's the problem?" Osiris asked. "And what's wrong with your voice?"

"The problem... is you!" The "arm" (actually a branch Discord had transformed) struck Osiris in the face.

"Gotcha!" Discord snorted.

"Rahh!" Osiris snarled. "You'll pay for that!"

"Then come get me!" Discord taunted, flashing a target on his back side for good measure.

"Oh, I will!" Osiris spat, lunging at Discord.

Discord dodged Osiris and took off into the air, taking on the form of a bird.

'Okay, consider him kept busy.' He thought. 'Try not to take too long, Isis...'

A short while later, the others were making their way to the other side of the island.

"How much longer do we have to walk?" Globe asked.

"Not long now." Isis answered. "We're nearly there."

"I hope so." Caboose sighed. "My hooves are killing me."

After walking for a little while longer, Isis lead them to a curtain of shimmering silver ivy.

"Here we are..." Isis gestured, as she turned to face the group, "Now, before I show you in, are any of you having any trepidations right now? If you feel as if you can't go through with this, you can easily wait out here."

"I've come this far." Shine declared. "I'm not turning back now."

"Me neither." Caboose smiled. "I've got some stuff to say to some ponies I'd really like to see again, and I'll be darned if I'm giving up now!"

"Mah thoughts exactly." Big Red grinned. "Eclipse?"

Eclipse took a deep breath.

"Let's do it." He said firmly.

"That's the spirit, bro." Huckleberry smiled.

"We're right behind you." Globe added.

"I'm with Caboose." Daring nodded. "All the way."

"Very well then..." Isis nodded.

With a swish of her tail, she pulled back the curtain of ivy, revealing an odd place... it was like an enclosed garden (as per it's namesake), with golden plants, ranging from roses to orchids. The air was shrouded in blue mist, and in the center, there was a large circular hole.

"This is the Garden of Souls." Isis declared.

As the group entered, they noticed some strange noises, almost like... whispers.

"What was that?" Globe gulped.

"What do you think it is?" Huckleberry asked. "We're in a garden of souls. Use your head."

"Whoa." Daring gaped, looking around. "Nice place."

"Thank you." Isis smiled, "Me and my brother planted these flowers ourselves. Though my brother had to use a lot of his energy to suppress his spiritual essence so everything didn't die."

"Well, it certainly shows." Daring smiled.

"What's with the hole?" Caboose asked.

"It's supposedly the link between the lands of the living and the dead... for souls, at least." Isis declared. "Try not to fall in. I hear it's a long way down."

"So... how does this work, exactly?" Shine asked. "Is there a certain place we have to be?"

"Well, in the Garden of Souls, things are a little different. This is the only one of two places where one can be in both of this life and the afterlife... the other place being Tartarus. However, here, you are more than likely to meet the one you seek." Isis explained.

"That doesn't really answer my question." Shine frowned.

"Oh, sorry..." Isis blushed. "All you really need to do is think really hard about who you want to see here. You might have to walk around a bit to get them to come in clearly, but I promise you, this will work."

"Sounds simple enough." Daring shrugged.

"Even for me." Caboose grinned.

"Everypony ready?" Shine asked.

"Yep." Big Red nodded. "Let's knock on the door ta the afterlife, an' see who answers."

"I wouldn't have put it quite like that, but yeah, that works." Shine declared.

"Okay, here goes nothing..." Eclipse sighed.

The group all started thinking hard as they split up, Shine and Big Red going on their own, Caboose and Daring going one direction, and the three boys going another.

As they did so, the mists started to grow and swirl. The whispers grew louder, and the place grew colder.

"Here they come." Isis declared. "Don't lose focus now..."

As the mists rose higher and higher, it formed into ponylike shapes.

"Wh-what exactly do you think we'll see?" Globe asked nervously. "Do you think they'll be like, ghost-ghosts, all see-through and stuff?"

"Maybe they'll be all decayed, and gross, or something..." Huckleberry cringed.

"Knock it off, you two." Eclipse scowled. "We'll find out soon enough."

Soon, one ponylike shaped mist took form, as it cleared away partially to reveal a hazy image of a Thestral with missing wings and a black rook chess piece cutie mark.

"Echo..." He whispered forlornly.

"Who is that?" Globe asked sympathetically. “He looks sad…”

"I just did what I thought was right..." Synchro sighed.

"This is a Garden of Souls, remember?" Isis pointed out. "I forgot to mention that whenever spirits are called here, a couple of other spirits tend to slip through."

"You couldn't have mentioned that before?" Huckleberry asked.

"What kind of spirits?" Globe asked. "Bad ones?"

"Maybe." Isis admitted. "But it's not likely."

"It better not be." Eclipse scowled.

"Just try and focus." Isis repeated. "It helps..."

"Yeah, yeah." Eclipse growled. "I'm focusing already..."

Meanwhile, Caboose and Daring were busy trekking through the mist.

"I have to say, this place isn't anything like I thought it would be." Daring admitted.

"Yeah." Caboose nodded. "King reminds me of this cheapo horror flick I saw once, 'The Beast From The Mists'. This is just like that scene where the beast pounces on the handsome star and his beautiful leading lady..."

"Good thing this isn't a movie, then." Daring playfully chided him. "Now stop being silly and concentrate."

"Not really my strong suit, but I'll try." Caboose shrugged.

Suddenly, a distinctly non-pony shape emerged from the mists, taking on a visible form. It was a form Daring and Caboose knew all too well: That of the evil Ahuitzotl.

"Daring Do!" He roared.

“Ahuitzotl?” Daring gaped.

“ZOINKS! A GHOST!” Caboose leapt in horror, “What is he doing here?!”

“Like I said, spirits tend to slip through when they are allowed access here.” Isis explained, as her floating body circled the garden, “The Garden does not discriminate between souls based on morality. Good or evil, you may find them here.”

"Well, that’s just great." Daring frowned. "Ahuitzotl is the last spirit I wanted to see."

"You will pay for what you did to me!" Ahuitzotl snarled. "Both of you! I won't rest until I've had my revenge!"

"Um... being dead hasn't really mellowed him out, has it?" Caboose winced.

“Do not fret. The souls here are incapable of interacting physically with the living. He cannot hurt you, as you cannot hurt him.” Isis explained.

“Wanna bet?!” Ahuitzotl snarled, “I will crush you!” With that, he swings his tail fiercely towards Caboose.

“GAH!” Caboose cringed… only for the tail to pass through him. He opened his eyes, elated to find himself unharmed. “Huh, neat.”

"What?!" Ahuitzotl growled. "No!"

Ahuitzotl tried to attack Daring and Caboose multiple times, his blows continuing to pass through them.

"No, no, no!" He snarled. "You will pay! I'll make you pay!"

“Even in death, you're still that same angry cat-gorilla thing.” Daring shook her head, “Pitiful…”

“And to think there’s actually dirty novels shipping you two.” Caboose said in disgust. “Honestly, I don’t get it.”

"You dare mock me?" Ahuitzotl spat. "For that, I will make you suffer!"

“Um, Isis, how do we make him disappear?” Daring frowned. “He’s starting to annoy me.”

“Me too.” Caboose frowned.

"No need to worry. All you need to do is just ignore him." Isis urged. "Once you stop focusing on him, he'll slip back to the spirit world."

"Fine with me." Daring turned away from Ahuitzotl.

"Don't you turn your back on me, Do!" Ahuitzotl screamed, as he faded away. "I'm not through with you yeeeeet...."

"Keep up the focusing." Isis told them. "It'll reach through the mists, and pull through the spirit you want to see."

"Come on, come on..." Caboose muttered, as he began concentrating so hard his head felt like it was going to pop.

“Don’t overdo it, honey.” Daring put a hoof on his shoulder. “The last thing I want is a repeat of when you ate ice cream too fast and I had to call Lars to prevent your head from exploding… still can’t wrap my head around that day.”

“Well, tell whoever I am thinking of should hurry up already.” Caboose pouted, as he tried focusing harder. “And to think, they used to talk about me being late all the time...”

"Well, you were." A familiar voice chuckled. "Remember the time you were supposed to go shopping with me? You were two hours late... all because you got trapped in the shower curtain."

"Well, it was a pretty tough shower curtain." Caboose said nonchalantly, before realizing who he'd just answered to. “...Wait a minute...”

Suddenly, forming from the mist was none other than Sandstorm ‘Sandy’ Speck-Napoleon, Grimiore’s first wife, looking as she did days before her demise.

“Oh my gosh…” Caboose felt weak in the knees. “S-Sandy... it’s you... it’s really you...”

“Hello, Caboose...” Sandy smiled, “It’s been a while.”

“So this is Sandy Napoleon...” Daring whispered.

“Sandy…” Caboose repeated, before smiling brightly, as he moved to hug her. “Oh Faust, I missed you so-“

Unfortunately, as with Ahuitzotl, instead of hugging an actual pony, Caboose’s hooves went through her like mist, and he fell flat on the ground.

“Ow...” Caboose deadpanned into the ground.

“Oh, Caboose...” Sandy shook her head with a laugh. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah...” Caboose rubbed his face as he got back up, as he glanced at Sandy. “I just can’t believe it’s really you... or some kind of you...”

“Indeed it is.” Sandy nodded, “I had hoped to see you again in the afterlife... but this is a nice surprise visit. I’m touched I’m the first one you thought of in here.”

“But of course...” Caboose smiled. “Who else would I think of in a place where you can speak with the dead?”

“I dunno... you tell me.”

Caboose perked up in shock as he turned to see another pony take shape, revealing none other than Clyde Napoleon, his father.

“Oh my gosh...” Caboose gaped. “Pop...”

“Hello, son, it has been a while.” Clyde chuckled. “Look at how much you've grown...”

“Pops...” Caboose was almost on the verge of tears, as he tried to hug him. “I also missed you very-GAH!” Once again, he went though him and fell to the ground. “I gotta stop doin’ that...”

“Ah, Caboose... all these years and you hadn’t changed one bit.” Clyde laughed merrily. “Good to know that you listened to my last words.”

"And I see you found yourself a wonderful mare." Sandy grinned. "Congratulations to the both of you."

"Thanks... sis." Daring smiled indulgently.

“Oh, man... I get to see my dad and Sandy again both in one day...” Caboose looked between the two. “I can think of only one thing that could be better..."

“Funny you should say that...”

Another pony took form as none other than Anarchy Napoleon, the eldest brother of the Napoleons, stepped forth. Caboose instantly recognized him, as the other brothers went to show him pictures of him following the Crystal Sun incident.

“Lauren Faust...” Caboose gaped at the sight of the brother he never knew. “Anarchy...”

“In the... well, misty flesh, I guess.” Anarchy smirked.

“Whoa...” Caboose approached Anarchy. “I can’t believe it... I am actually meeting you for the first time... oh, brother...” Caboose was about to hug him... only to stop. “Nope, not going to do that again...”

"Third time's the charm, right?" Anarchy chuckled.

"Wow, all three of you are here..." He gaped. "What is this, three for one day?"

“You’re the one who called us all here.” Anarchy said, “You must have a lot of things you would like to say to us.”

“I certainly do.” Caboose nodded, before frowning. “But... um... could you guys form a line or something, cause I am having trouble knowing where to begin.”

"Same old Caboose." Clyde chuckled.

"Some things never change." Sandy grinned. "But who should be first?"

"How about you, pop?" Anarchy asked.

"No, son." Clyde smiled. "It should be you. You need it the most."

"If you say so." Anarchy nodded, taking up the front of the line.

Caboose walked up to Anarchy.

"So... Anarchy... do you, um... know who I am?" He asked timidly.

"Of course I know." Anarchy chuckled. “You’re my baby brother, Caboose James Napoleon…”

Caboose looked at him in shock.

“How you know my full name?” Caboose asked. “I mean, I hadn’t-“

"That's the thing about being a spirit." Anarchy smiled. "We're omniscient."

"Omni-huh?" Caboose frowned.

"It means we can watch the world of the living. It’s hard to explain, but we can see things as they happen in our old life." Anarchy declared. "I for one have been keeping a close eye on you since... well, you know... everything that had happened to you and our brothers, I had been observing."

"Whoa, really?" Caboose cringed. "Even that one time that I got... curious with that jar of jelly?"

"What?" Daring frowned.

"Except that part. That part I looked away." Anarchy admitted. "No offense, bro, but that wasn't exactly your proudest moment."

“Yeah, Grim said the same thing.” Caboose nodded, scratching the back of his head. “I won't lie, I did... screw up a lot in the past. But you probably already knew that.”

“I do.” Anarchy nodded, “But to be honest, I welcomed it. Watching you grow up truly was a show in itself... I only wished I could had been there with you in pony...”

"I heard about how you died." Caboose admitted. "It was terrible what Twitch did."

"Yeah..." Anarchy sighed. "I never should have trusted him..."

"I really wish I could have known you." Caboose admitted. "The others made you sound like the best big brother in the world."

"Well, I wouldn't go that far..." Anarchy smirked. "I had my faults, just like any pony. Regrets, too... and the biggest one was not being able to be there for you growing up."

"So... what do you think?" Caboose asked. “...Am I anything like you pictured I would be?”

“…No.” Anarchy admitted. Caboose frowned and was about to complain. “You are much more than anything I could had imagined…I mean, I was a bit surprised that you turned out to look like me... but the fact that you became such a kind, caring, fun stallion, a husband and father, and a Royal Guard to boot... I’m happy that Grim kept his promise all these years. I would had been honored to call you brother.”

"Aw, y'know..." Caboose blushed.

“Archie is right, you know.” Clyde nodded. “...I admit, ever since I found out I was dying... I was really worried about you. I was afraid you'd lose your way, or get hurt, and the others wouldn't be able to help you...” He then glanced at Daring. “Heck, I was worried about you actually finding a girl that I was afraid you would marry your right hoof.”

"Like that would ever happen." Caboose chuckled. "Everypony knows it's my left hoof that's the looker."

"Of course it is." Daring sighed.

"Ooh, I forgot!" Caboose declared. "Introductions! Daring, this my father, Clyde, my big bro Anarchy, and Grim's first wife, Sandy."

"Nice to meet you all." Daring smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine." Clyde said humbly.

"So I finally get to meet Caboose's girl face to face." Anarchy chuckled. "It not hard to see why he fell for you."

"Flattery will get you nowhere." Daring joked.

"We all saw the wedding." Sandy smiled "It was beautiful. Caboose deserved to settle down with a lovely mare like you."

"Thanks." Daring grinned.

"It seems I was wrong to worry about you, after all." Clyde smiled. "You did okay. You all did."

"Thanks, pop." Caboose grinned.

"But when the mansion blew up..." Clyde frowned. "That's when I was really worried for the future of this family..."

"Me too." Caboose admitted. "But it all worked out in the end, right?"

"I know." Clyde smiled. "You have that nice new mansion in Ponyville."

"And you're not... disappointed that we've mostly split up?" Caboose asked.

"I was, at first." Clyde sighed. "But then I realised that you all deserved to live your lives. Running the mafia is the family business, but family doesn't force you. As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

"Wow, dead." Caboose smiled. "Being dead has really mellowed you out."

"Thanks." Clyde chuckled. "And tell Grim I admire his choice of pet. Oakley's a real keeper."

“Pa…” Caboose frowned. “That day... in the warehouse... we figured out that you had grenades strapped to you after the explosion... did you really went into that fight with Killsquad... expecting to die?”

"...Yes, I did." Clyde sighed.

"But... why?" Caboose asked. "Why would you commit suicide by deranged cop?"

"I figured it was better to leave you all while I was still myself, rather than do it when I was a sickly mess, barely able to stand." Clyde sighed. "I wanted you all to remember me at my best. Do you understand?"

"Not really..." Caboose admitted.

"Just know that I did it for all of you." Clyde smiled. "You, and all my other boys. I knew you had what it took to keep going without me, and you proved me right. I'm proud of you all.

"Thanks, pop." Caboose smiled.

"It's so good to see you, Caboose." Sandy declared. "I've missed our little talks... without you to talk to, the afterlife has been... quiet."

"I've missed you too, Sandy." Caboose declared. "I never stopped thinking about you. None of us had. Grim and Dusty both missed you very much as well.”

“Dusty…” Sandy smiled wistfully, “Oh, how she's grown... She's such a beautiful, wonderful mare. I found it hard to believe when she started dating Blueblood. I didn't think it would last, but I was so wrong..."

“Napoleon marrying royalty.” Clyde snorted. “Never thought I'd live...” He stopped. “Oh.”

"You and Grim always did think of Dusty as your 'little princess'." Anarchy chuckled. "And now she is one!"

"And I couldn't be prouder." Sandy beamed.

“Grimoire still thinks about you, you know.” Caboose declared. “Even though he' married again and is having a second foal with…” He stopped, realizing what he said. “Oh... I mean...”

"…It's okay, Caboose." Sandy smiled. "I know all about Grim and Zecora…”

“You do?” Caboose asked.

“Yes, and I couldn't be happier. Grim deserved to move on and be happy.” Sandy declared, “I mean, come on, Grim really knows how to rattle a mare's trunk..." Caboose couldn’t help but laugh. “But in all seriousness... when you see Grim again... tell him that he had my support the entire time, and tell Zecora she's a lucky mare to have him for a husband and a father to her foal."

“In all honesty, after losing his virginity to those two zebra gals from Kenyolk, I had a feeling that Grim would get married to a zebra.” Anarchy joked.

"He always did have a liking for stripes." Anarchy chuckled.

“I will tell him, I promise you...” Caboose smiled. “...But I don’t think Grim is ever going to believe that I actually talked to you three.”

“Oh, that is a good point.” Sandy mused, “Well then... if Grim doubts you... tell him this...”

Sandy leaned forward and whispered into Caboose’s ears. Immediately, Caboose went wide-eyed.

“Wow... and you sure that will work?” Caboose gaped.

“Yup. Only Grim and I know of that little snippet. The moment you say it, he will believe you.” Sandy assured.

“If you say so...” Caboose shrugged.

"And let the others know that I'm proud of them." Clyde added. "I'm proud of their accomplishments, of them following their dreams..."

"And of all those cute mares they settled down with." Anarchy added. "You found yourselves some good ones. Especially you, Caboose."

"Ain't that the truth." Clyde smiled.

"Just let them all know we're happy for them." Sandy declared.

"I will." Caboose smiled... before frowning. “Say, since you are all here, may I ask... what is it like... in the afterlife?”

The three glanced at each other...

“Well, for starters... there is a major lack of chairs.” Anarchy deadpanned.

“Whoa... really?” Caboose frowned.

"Yeah." Clyde nodded. "It can be a little too peaceful for my tastes..."

"But I did meet this cute zebra named Zou..." Sandy smiled.

"Afterlife dating." Daring smiled. "Who'd of thought?"

"Well, there really isn't much to do here but meet others." Anarchy shrugged. "I just talked to some ponies from a couple of centuries back. Nice guys."

"Wow, it sounds like fun." Caboose grinned. "I can't wait to die!"

"Trust me, you can." Clyde rolled his eyes.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Big Red was making his way through the garden.

"Hello?" Big Red asked. "Anypony here?"

From out of the mists came a broad stallion. He looked a lot like Big Red, but with an aviator's cap and a brown scarf. His Cutie Mark was a propeller.

"Pa..." He smiled.

Red Baron turned to face Big Red, his scarf no longer flapping in the wind, taking off his goggles to look at his son.

"Well, look at you." Red Baron smiled. "Mah boy."

"Ah... Ah can't believe Ah'm seein' ya here, pa..." Big Red stuttered.

"Me neither." Barrelroll grinned. "But ah'm glad, though... So, how have ya bin?”

"Ah've bin... good, pa." Big Red admitted. "Had a good life."

"Ah know, Ah saw." Red Baron chuckled. "Ya got yer own farm, a wife, an' ev'rythin'."

"Yeah." Big Red nodded. "I left the S.S. Cherryblossom tah rot, though. Yer most prized possession, the one thing ya trusted ta me, an' Ah left it gatherin' dust..."

“And Ah don’t blame you. Ah know Ah wuz never there for ya much growin' up." Red Baron sighed. “Always goin’ off and flyin’ everywhere. Ah missed so many birthdays, so many important moments... Ah’m sorry, son... Ah really am.”

"Nah, it's me that should be sorry." Big Red frowned. "Ah know ya were only doin’ what you loved, and providin’ fer yer family. Ah was the one who resented ya for caring for this family... an’ Ah was the one who didn’t want to fly airships... Ah wuz a lousy son, that's fer true... Ah don't blame ya fer not bein' proud a' me..."

"That's a load a' hogwash." Red Baron declared. "Ah've always bin proud a' ya fer that, son. Ya followed yer own path, despite what yer bull-headed pa said. Ah never got up the will ta tell ya that when Ah wuz alive, but Ah'm tellin' ya now. Ya've made me proud, son."

"Oh, pa..." Big Red sniffed.

“An’ even if ya were never an airship pilot, ya did take the ol’ Cherryblossom out for a flight. Mah one dream was fer ya to fly it someday, even if it was just once.” Red Baron smiled. “An’ with yer own boys…”

"Yeah, Ah'm a pa mahself now." Big Red chuckled.

"An' ya doin' a great job of it." Red Baron beamed.

"Ah jest followed yer example, pa." Big Red said humbly.

"No, ya didn't." Red Baron smiled. "You were yer own pa. An' ya did great with it. Keep it up, son."

"Ah will, pa." Big Red smiled.

Shine looked through the mists, hoping to find the ones he was looking for.

"Where are you?" He said aloud.

"Getting impatient, are we"? A male voice asked.

"You was never like that when you were little." A female voice added.

To Shine's amazement, he was faced with his parents, White Knight Paladin and Silver Wind, looking exactly the same as they did when they left that fateful day.

"Hello, son." White smiled.

“Pa…” Shine gasped.

“Shine…my beautiful baby colt…” Silver said, misty-eyed.

“Mom…” Shine glanced at his mother. “I can’t believe I'm actually seeing you two again…”

"Neither am I." Silver smiled.

"It's really happening, though." White added.

"Just look at you." Silver smiled. "Our little colt, all grown up. You look just like your father right now…"

"And a Prince, no less." White chuckled. "I always knew you'd do great things, but I never imagined this..."

"This... this is incredible..." Shine said, beside himself with joy. "Like some wonderful dream..."

"Except it's real…" Silver declared. "We're so proud of you, Shine… And not just for the big things, but everything. For being such a wonderful big brother to Mist, and for siring a beautiful daughter."

"Thanks, mom." Shine smiled.

"We weren't too thrilled about you becoming immortal, though." White frowned.

"Why not?" Shine asked.

"Because it means we'll never be together now." Silver declared. "You'll be alive forever, so we can never be reunited."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Shine apologised. "I just... never thought..."

"It's okay, son." White smiled. "We know why you did it, and we support your choice."

"You do?" Shine beamed.

"Of course." Silver nodded. "You just didn't want to be apart from Celestia and Miracle. I know I'd hate to be separated from White. You made the right choice."

"Thanks, mom..." Shine said, all choked up. He swallowed hard, then asked a question he knew he had to ask. "Dad, I don't suppose you've... seen uncle Black on the other side?"

Immediately, White and Silver’s face turned to a solemn frown.

“I know what you two are going to say.” Shine sighed, “And while I cannot excuse the things he did... I would at least liked a chance to speak with him face to face... at least, figure out why he did it…”

“Son…” White frowned, “We do not blame you for wanting to know... I out of anypony would want nothing more than to know why my brother would do such things... but alas... I know no more than you do.”

“What do you mean?” Shine asked.

“I mean…” White sighed, “I haven’t seen him at all since his death. I do not know why he hadn’t shown himself nor could I feel his presence. It’s as if he never existed…”

“Do you think…” Shine began, not liking what he was about to suggest. “He was sent to... Tartarus? Or some form of a hellish plane?”

“No.” White declared, shaking his head, “Trust me, I had seen those who travelled here from there... Black is not one of those monsters... he’s not.”

“White…” Silver put a hoof to his shoulder.

“Then what would had become of him?” Shine asked.

“I don’t know…” White sighed, “But I would had liked to see him again…I want to give him a good talking-to over his actions…but more so, I just wanted my brother back...”

"I know." Shine sighed. "He was evil, but losing him felt like I was losing you all over again..."

"Oh, Shine…” Silver smiled warmly, “I know us leaving you was hard, but you were so strong. You took it like the strong colt we knew you were."

“And you even kept that pendant I gave you...” White grinned, placing his hoof on Shine’s silver necklace.

“Of course...” Shine whispered, “It was the only thing of you and mom that me and Mist had left...”

"And we’re sorry for that... sorry that we weren't there to see you grow into the fine young stallion standing before us." White added.

"It's okay." Shine sniffed, on the verge of tears. "I always knew you were watching over me and Mist."

"We always were." Silver smiled.

"And we always will." White beamed.

"I love you both." Shine smiled. "And I'm sorry we can never truly be together again."

"At least we got to be together right now." Silver declared.

"We're grateful for that." White added. "Maybe you could come and visit us again some time?"

"I'll try." Shine nodded. "Maybe I'll even bring Celestia and Miracle. I know Miracle would love to meet her grandparents."

"And we'd love to meet here." Silver grinned.

"You always were the thoughtful type, son." White smiled. "Good to know that wasn't a phase."

"Thanks, dad." Shine smiled. "I'll never forget you."

"And we won't forget you." Silver smiled.

Meanwhile, Eclipse had to see anything. He was trying so hard to focus on the image of his mother, but no matter how hard he tried, he really had nothing of her to begin with.

“…Why is this not working…” Eclipse frowned, his voice quivering with sadness.

"Maybe there's a delay?" Huckleberry suggested.

"Yeah, maybe traffic's backed up in the spirit world?" Globe added.

"...I knew it wouldn't work." Eclipse sighed, trying his best to not shed a tear, “I was so stupid to believe I could see my mom again…”

"Hey, cheer up." Globe urged.

"Yeah." Huckleberry agreed. "Don't give up. Maybe she's on her way?"

"Or maybe she doesn't want to see me..." Eclipse sighed.

“Eclipse?” A feminine voice called out to him.

The trio perked up as they glanced at a figure that was approaching through the mist.

"Who's that?" Globe asked.

"You think it's..." Huckleberry squinted.

"Could it be..." Eclipse said hopefully.

The mist soon parted, revealing the figure to be a beautiful female Griffon. She had golden head feathers with brown spots, and an amber-colored lower body. Her deep blue eyes glinted as she approached the three boys.

“Wow…” Huckleberry gaped, “She’s... she’s purty.”

“Who is she?” Globe asked, “Do we know her from somewhere?”

Eclipse was stupefied as the female griffon stood before them... he couldn’t explain it, but as the griffon looked upon him with her blue eyes... he felt some sort of familiarity... something that he hadn’t felt... since he was an egg.

"...Are you...?" Eclipse whispered, “Are you who I think you are?”

The female griffon smiled a smile that only a mother would.

“Eclipse…” The griffon began, “Eclipse, my beautiful young boy…”

“Wait, how did she know your name?” Globe pondered.

“Isn’t it obvious, Globe?” Huckleberry face-hoofed, “This griffon is Eclipse’s-”

“Mom…” Eclipse quivered, his eyes finally tearing up, “Mom... is that... is that really you?”

“Yes…” The griffon smiled, “Oh, how I had hoped for the day I would see you again. I never imagined it would be so soon…”

“I… I…” Eclipse stammered, tears streaming down his beak as all words seem to fail him.

“Don’t cry, little one…” The griffon soothed, bringing a claw to his face and rubbing it smoothly, or at least tried to, as her claw was unable to feel him. “Mommy's here..."

“I’m sorry... I’m sorry…” Eclipse shuddered, trying to wipe his tears away. “I just... I never thought… I would ever meet you… I spent so long either wanting you to come back, hating you, or missing you.” He let out another sob. “I was so alone…”

“Oh, baby…” The mother griffon wrapped her wings around him, her own tears streaming down her beak, “I cannot fathom how you felt when you hatched without me being there... it pained me so much to watch you grow up to live such a miserable life and not be able to hold you in my arms and tell you that it would be okay... what kind of mother am I if I couldn’t protect my own child…”

“No! Don’t say that! It’s not your fault!” Eclipse sobbed, as he felt a twinge of rage, “It’s his fault! My buckin’ pellet-mouthed jerk of a father took you from me! Had I known... I would have... I would have...” He stifled a roar. “I hate him so much…”

“Oh, Eclipse…” The motherly griffon sighed, shushing into his earhole, “I know you are angry at him. I'm angry too. He took me from you, after all... but don't hate him.”

“Don't…” Eclipse gaped. “But mom... he killed you...I wasn’t even born and he just killed you because he didn’t want me…”

“I realize that…” Eclipse’s mother murmured, “But I do not want you to hate him. He is an awful being, that much I am certain, but despite all that…” She gave Eclipse a small nuzzle, “He did give me you... and even if I hadn’t the chance to see you hatch... I am glad that I got to bring a little chick into the world…”

“But why? Why would you have me with him?” Eclipse asked, utterly confused by his mother’s words.

“...It was a dark time for me...” The mother griffon admitted. “I made a bunch of bad choices... and somehow it led me to lying with Lunard. I only stuck with him because I was afraid... afraid of being alone, and afraid of what he would do to me if I tried to leave. And when your egg came out... he was furious…” She shook her head in shame, before giving a small smile. “But you must know, I never regretted carrying his egg. You... you gave me purpose again.”

“Oh, mom...” Eclipse frowned.

"That's such a sad story..." Globe sniffed.

"No kidding." Huckleberry sighed.

"Oh, hello." Dawn turned to them. "You must Huckleberry and Globe. I'm Dawn. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"You too, ma'am." Huckleberry smiled.

"You know us?" Globe asked.

"Of course I know you." Dawn smiled. "You're Eclipse's adopted brothers. Which practically makes you family. I'm so glad to finally meet you."

"Thanks." Huckleberry grinned.

"So are we." Globe nodded.

“Just look at you, Eclipse…” Dawn smiled. “In spite of everything, you grew up to be a young fine griffon. Handsome, kind, caring, and selfless. I will not lie, there was a part of me that was afraid that you would turn out like your father. But then came the day I saw you take these two boys in.” She smiled at Huckleberry and Globe. “It was then I knew that you were nothing like him…”

"You saw that?" Globe asked.

"Of course." Dawn nodded. "I was so proud of him for taking you both in."

"We were pretty glad ourselves." Huckleberry grinned.

"What truly makes me happy is that you all managed to find a place where you can thrive and not have to live in fear or misery, and you found yourself a loving family, with a new father, and a new mother…"

"We all did." Huckleberry nodded.

"We got the best pa and ma in the world." Globe added.

“Yeah... pa and... and...” Eclipse muttered, unable to bring himself to say the other word.

“Oh... I heard about your problem..” Dawn declared, “I know it is hard to accept somepony as a mother, when I had not been there for you... but this Cherry Jubilee seems to be a very kind mare. If anypony would had to be your new mother, I am glad that it would be someone like her.”

"You really think so?" Eclipse asked.

"I know so." Dawn smiled. "Both her and Big Red. Parenthood isn't just about sharing a bloodline, it's about caring for your children. Big Red and Cherry clearly care about you, and I know they are proud to be your parents. The choice is yours, but I think Cherry would be overjoyed to hear you call you 'ma'. You just do what you think is best, and always remember... I love you so much…"

"...Oh, mom!" Eclipse let out a tearful cry as he tried to hug her, but passed right through her misty body. "I... I..." He started weeping.

"I'm sorry." Dawn sighed, placing her talon over his shoulder. "Don't be sad, my darling Eclipse. We will be together again one day. But until then, enjoy your life with your new family…your new father… and your new mother… think you can do that for me?"

“I…I think so…” Eclipse whimpered.

“That’s my boy…” Dawn smiled, as she turned to Globe and Huckleberry, "Take good care of each other."

"Always have, always will." Huckleberry nodded.

"You have our word." Globe declared.

Suddenly, the mist that surrounded the air began to change, as it became paler, and lowered back down to the ground. This wasn’t lost on all the living ponies.

“Whoa…what’s going on?” Daring asked.

“The time has come for the spirits to return to the afterlife.” Isis declared, “I’m sorry, but you all have to say good bye now…”

“Good-bye?” Caboose frowned, “But they just got here.”

“I’m sorry, but this is the rule of the Garden…” Isis sighed. “Letting them stay any longer could have detrimental effects on the spirits…”

"Bye, little bro." Anarchy smiled.

"I'll miss you, Caboose." Sandy sighed.

"Think you could tell Bonnie to hurry up?" Clyde asked. "I don't want to be alone up here much longer."

"Will do, pop." Caboose chuckled.

"Goodbye, son." Red Baron grinned. "You keep makin' me proud, ya hear?"

"Ah sure will." Big red smiled.

"Farewell, son." White sighed.

"Try and come back soon, okay?" Silver asked.

"I'll try." Shine nodded.

"Stay strong, Eclipse." Dawn declared. "And remember what we talked about."

"I will, mom." Eclipse wiped his eyes. "I... I love you."

"And I you." Dawn smiled, “Farewell, my baby boy…”

With that, Dawn closed her eyes and faded into the mist. Eclipse simply sat there, as tears continued streaming down his beak.

"Are you gonna be okay, bro?" Huckleberry asked with genuine concern.

"...Yeah." Eclipse nodded. "I will be fine... eventually…"

"So that was your mom, huh?" Globe asked. "She was beautiful..."

"She sure was..." Eclipse grinned.

The group returned to the entrance, where Isis was waiting.

"So, how was it?" Isis asked.

"It was... just, amazing." Caboose smiled.

"That's putting it mildly." Shine declared, his eyes still wet.

"Ah'm so glad Ah came here." Big Red admitted.

“I want to say 'thank you', Isis…” Eclipse turned to the Serpent Deity. "Thank you so much for this. I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

"You don't have to." Isis smiled. "I was happy to help."

"Come on, guys." Shine wiped his eyes. "Let's get back to the ship."

As they headed back to the S.S. Cherryblossom, all feeling amazed by their experience, Isis started to wonder something.

"How did Discord manage to distract Osiris?" She mused, “I mean, I know my brother. He doesn’t get distracted easily.”

"Knowing Discord, it was probably something pretty clever." Daring surmised.

"Yaaaah!" Discord suddenly screamed, flying above them. Osiris was in hot pursuit.

"You think you can slap me with a tree branch and get away with it!" Osiris roared. "Think again! I am going to make you a mare!"

"...Or maybe not." Daring sighed.

"Either way, he got the job done." Caboose grinned. "Way to go, big D!"

Discord couldn't hear the compliment. He was too busy flying for his life.

"I think you're overreacting just a smidge!" He yelped.

"What was that?" Osiris asked with a bloodlusting chuckle. "I can't hear you! Come a little closer!"

"Not on your eternal life!" Discord declared.

"Do you think we should... help him?" Globe suggested.

"Not to worry." Isis shrugged. "Discord's immortal, so Osiris can't cause any lasting damage. Besides, those two could use some time together."

"Speaking of time, I think, I think for lunch." Globe smiled.

"Me too." Huckleberry nodded.

"I could eat." Eclipse shrugged.

"Then let's go." Big Red smiled. "Ah got some more cherry pie, jest waiting to be eaten..."

"Sounds good to me." Daring chuckled.

The group returned to the airship, the chase still going on above their heads.