• Published 4th Jul 2015
  • 1,257 Views, 61 Comments

Project: Transcendence - Bluecatcinema

Discord goes looking for love... and stumbles upon an evil plot.

  • ...

Now Boarding

Caboose and Discord flashed outside Grimoire's new mansion. The forcefield may have been enough to keep out the wildlife, but it was no match for the master of chaos.

"Nice place." Discord chuckled. "Guess crime really does pay."

"Not really." Caboose frowned. "Our old house got blown up."

"That's too bad." Discord told him. "Still, at least you won't have to worry about those annoying encyclopedia salesponies out here."

"We didn't have to worry much back in Bitaly." Caboose smirked. "They pretty much learned to stay away after Slot kept shooting at them whenever they arrived on the doorstep."

"What a novel method." Discord joked. "Get it? 'Novel'? Because they're selling books?"

"Maybe you should let me do the talking." Caboose suggested. "Grim isn't so likely to lend money to strangers."

"Your brother, your call." Discord shrugged. "Just so long as you get the moolah."

"Yeah, that's the tricky part." Caboose frowned. "We may be rich as all get out... but our pursestrings are tighter than a thong on a hydra."

Caboose and Discord walked over to the front door. Caboose knocked on it. Grimoire opened it, smiling as he saw his brother.

"Caboose?" He declared. "Back so soon?"

"Yeah, something came up..." Caboose frowned.

It was then that Grimoire noticed his companion.

"And I see you've brought a friend..." He said drily, "...Who is this creature?"

"This is an old pal of mine." Caboose smiled. "Discord, say hi."

"Discord's the name." Discord flashed up a fancy suit and top hat. "It's a pleasure to meet you. messr Napoleon."

"Discord? As in the Spirit of Chaos?" Grimiore blanched. "The guy who tried messing up Equestria so many years ago, and the same guy who turned you into a toy and drag you on that old Phoenix trip?"

"That would be him." Caboose nodded.

"Somehow, I pictured him more impressive..." Grimiore deadpanned, before he turned to Discord. "No offense."

"None taken." Discord shrugged.

"So... care to explain why the Spirit of Chaos is on our doorstep, 'Boose?" Grimiore asked.

"It's quite a story." Caboose shrugged. "Maybe we can talk about it inside?"

"Fine." Grimoire sighed. "Come on in."

As Discord followed the stallions inside, he came across Oakley, who growled at him, obviously not likinig the looks of the odd-looking spirit in his master's home.

"Want a bone, fido?" Discord conjured up a giant thigh bone.

In a instant, Oakley's glare turned to that of a playful pup, as he started panting and begging.

"Enjoy!" Discord tossed the bone across the room.

Oakley barked as his ran after the bone. Once he caught it, he started chewing on it vigorously. Satisfied, Discord joined Caboose and Grimoire in the lounge, as Caboose was explaining their reason for coming. Grimoire sat quietly, waiting until Caboose finished before responding.

"Well, that's a story, little brother." He remarked, "Never crossed my mind that someone like Discord could actually be in desire of female companionship."

"So, can we borrow a couple hundred bits?" Caboose asked. "We only need enough to rent an airship to find the place that Discord says she lives in. Simple as that..."

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the answer's 'no'." Grimoire declared.

"What?!" Discord gasped.

"But why?" Caboose asked, "Discord really needs our help, bro!"

"As much I would want to, money is actually sorta tight. Apart from building this mansion, reimbursing every one of our members for their participation of the Crystal Sun incident and... well, Oakley." He gestured to Oakley, who was focused on chewing the bone Discord gave him. "Even with all our riches, we're still in the red... and honestly... I can't afford to fund a trip to some mystical, mythical, and magical 'sanctuary'..."

"Oh, I see, you don't believe me." Discord growled.

"I didn't say that." Grimiore retorted.

"Grim, what reason would Discord have to lie to us? Sure, he's the Spirit of Chaos, and sure, he tried to plunge Equestria into chaos, sided with Lord Tirek, wrecked the Grand Galloping Gala, and forced me to join a search for an ancient treasure that almost killed me... where was I going with this again?" Caboose frowned.

"I don't think Discord is lying, Caboose." Grimoire shook his head, "But you are asking me to help you find a place that no pony have ever found. If not even Discord could find it, what's to say anypony else would find it? The sky is like the pegasus's haystack, and this 'sanctuary' the needle. It would be a waste of time and money."

"Don't hold back, big guy." Discord said indignantly, conjuring up a microphone. "Tell us how you really feel."

"Come on, Grim." Caboose urged. "It would be for love."

"If only it were that simple." Grimoire sighed. "Look, Discord, I feel for you, I really do. But I can't just magically conjure up a pile of Bits..." The old stallion then frowned. "Couldn't Discord simply bring a bag of bits into existence?"

"You know, that is a very valid point." Caboose turned to Discord, "Why can't you just make your own money?"

"You think if I could do that, I wouldn't had done it already?" Discord sighed, "Bits are a lot harder to make than you think. They have these watermarks, and the dates of minting, and those tiny little drawings on them. As a Spirit of Chaos, I can't simply replicate such fine details."

"Yet another convenient, yet plausible excuse." Caboose mused.

"Alas, this means my quest is over before it even began." Discord sighed.

"Aw, don't give up, big D." Caboose smiled. "In the movies, there's always a scene like this, when all hope seems lost. Then somepony comes up with something that turns everything around."

"Yes, well, if you can come up with a way for us to get an airship without paying for it, I'd just love to hear it." Discord scowled.

"It's not that hard." Caboose defended. "Take Big Red, for example. Prince Shine told me how his dad was once an airship pilot, and how his father used to travel all around the world... who knows, maybe he even knows where to find one for cheap."

"That's it!" Discord gasped. He flashed a lab coat and glasses onto Caboose. "Caboose, you're a genius!"

"I am?" Caboose asked.

"Yes, you are!" Discord nodded. "We simply go over to Big Red's place, and ask him for his help!

"What did I tell you?" Caboose said smugly. "Just like in the movies."

"Adieu, Mr. Napoleon." Discord grinned. "Perhaps next time we meet, I'll make you an offer you really can't refuse."

"Bye, Grim." Caboose waved. "See you at the end of the story!"

The two vanished in a flash of light.

"You know, Oakley, Caboose always did have an odd taste in friends..." Grimoire frowned.

Oakley briefly looked up from his bone, then resumed chewing it.

Over in Dodge Junction, Big Red was bucking cherries in his orchard, enjoying the lovely day.

"Lookit that red rain." He smiled, as the cherries cascaded down. "Is there a more beautiful sight in all Equestria?"

Suddenly, Caboose and Discord appeared in front of him.

"Sweet sasparilla!" He yelped, leaping back against the tree he was bucking. "What in tarnation do ya think yer doin', sneakin' up on an ol' stallion like that'?"

"Yeah, sorry about that." Caboose rubbed the back of his head. "Hate to drop in on you without warning..."

"Well, ya know Ah have no problems with seein' an old friend..." Big Red gave a small smile, before looking at Discord, "Hey, isn't this that Discord feller? The guy who was at Shine's weddin'?"

"Glad to know I made an impression." Discord smiled. "Now for the formal introduction." He flashed on a formal gown. "Discord, master of chaos. How do you do?" He curtsied before the gown vanished.

"Howdy." Big Red said awkwardly. "Ah'm Big Red Barrelroll."

"Charmed, I'm sure." Discord offered his bear paw. Big Red shook it, only for it to pop off.

"What in tarnation-?!" Big Red gaped, before the paw returned to Discord's body.

"Isn't he a laugh riot?" Caboose smiled.

"He's somethin', all right." Big Red muttered. "Not tah be rude, or anythin', but why exactly are y'all here?"

"Well, we were kinda hoping that you could help me and Discord here. He really needs a favor." Caboose explained.

"Izzat so?" Big Red mused. "Whut kinda favour would the Spirit a' Chaos want from somepony like me?"

"Just a small one." Discord shrugged. "I am in need of an airship, and as Caboose here tells me you are the son of an airship pilot, I was wondering where we could get one for very little money."

"Ah think Ah might know." Big Red mused. "But first, whattaya'll need that ship fer, anyway?"

"Why, we're taking a trip, of course!" Discord flashed up some Haywaiian shirts for himself and Caboose.

"Ah figgered on that." Big Red smirked. "But ta where?"

"Some kind of 'sky sanctuary'." Caboose shrugged. "I don't know much about the place, other than Discord has a lady friend there."

"Well, if you wanted to blow the whole plotline..." Discord scowled.

"Goin' courtin', are we?" Big Red smirked. "Well, well. Guess even immortal spirits have needs."

"Yes, yes." Discord said impatiently. "Now, do you happen to know where to find a cheap airship, or not?"

"Ah'll do ya one better." Big Red smiled. "Ah happen to have an airship that I will let you borrow for free."

"You do?" Discord lit up.

"No foolin'?" Caboose smiled, "That's great!" He then paused, "Wait, when did you get an airship? I mean I visited this ranch hundreds of time, and I don't see anywhere that you would have something airship-shaped."

"That is a good point." Discord frowned.

"Maybe ya weren't lookin' in the right place." Big Red grinned, "Come on, Ah'll show ya where it is."

About a half hour later, Big Red lead Caboose and Discord through the plains. Despite Discord's insistence that he would warp them there, Big Red was adamant about walking there. It wasn't before long that they finally made it to their destination.

"Guys, welcome to mah pa's ol' airfield." Big Red gestured.

Caboose and Discord look upon the said airfield, and frowned. The area looked like it hadn't been touched for a long while. The ground was ridden with weeds and tall grass, and the one and only hangar was disheveled, and practically falling apart.

"Yeesh, looks like it' seen better days." Discord frowned.

"You need to run a mower or a group of goats across this place, Big Red." Caboose cringed.

"Heh, Ah've bin meaning to clean this place up." Big Red admitted. "But with the ranch and everythin', Ah never had the time." He then began moving through the tall grass, "Come on, you two, the airship is in the hangar."

The two followed the big stallion, trotting through the messy field when Caboose decided to make conversation.

"So...Red..." Caboose began. "You never did explain to us how it is you came to own an airship. I mean, I know your pa was a pilot, but I would of thought you mention having a airship."

"Well it wuz just something that never came up." Big Red shrugged "Ah don't exactly advertise it. This airship was just something that mah pa left me when he passed."

"And what about your pa?" Discord asked, "How does a son of an airship pilot come to be a farmer?"

"Ya got me." BIg Red sighed, "Ever since Pa wuz a little colt, he wuz in love with the big blue sky. He'd play with toy planes all through his colthood. One day, he went the whole hog, and made an airship of his own, outta ballons an' an ol' basket. The thing actually flew, and he wound up gettin' his Cutie Mark for it."

"Heh, and I thought the way I got my Cutie Mark was wild." Caboose chuckled.

"It wuz then that pa knew what he wanted ta do with his life." Big Red smiled. "All through his teen years, he took all sorts of odd jobs, savin' up money, an' readin' up on how ta fly on an airship on the side. Eventually, he got the skills an' the cash necessary ta buy his own airship. Sure, he had ta go all the way ta Canterlot ta buy it, but he got it. With that ship, he started up his own airship flying business here in Dodge Junction. Anywhere ya could reach with a airship, he would go. 'course, that meant he didn't stay in one place fer long. Pa's big dream wuz always ta someday go around the world. He never got the chance, but he loved to fly anywhere, so it didn't matter. In fact, it was because of his business that he met my ma."

"How so?" Caboose asked.

"Yes, don't leave that out." Discord flashed up some popcorn.

"Well, ma hired 'im in Whinnyapolis ta take her ta Dodge Junction, so she could visit some relatives." Big Red smiled. "Dad wuz so smitten with her, he didn't even charge her, sayin' her gorgeous smile was payment enough. They got ta talkin' durin' the flight, really clicked, ya know? Then, on the trip back, ma found she couldn't bring herself ta get off the blimp, so she chose ta stay with pa."

"Aw..." Caboose cooed.

"Yet another example of pony romance," Discord declared, a tad jealously.

"So, years later, they got married and had me." Big Red grinned. "One woulda thought when starting a family that my pa would had settled down... but no, after Ah was old enough to walk, he started up his business again, and continued flying around the world... while ma and Ah just... stayed in Dodge Junction." Big Red finished, his voice actually taking on a bit of a bitter tone.

"Why, Red... is that... resentment I'm detecting?" Discord asked, holding up a beeping metal detector.

"No!" Big Red shot back swiftly... before sighin., "It's just... mah pa was just a pony who never wanted to stay on the ground for more than a couple days. He wuz always going off, flying his airship for days on end. Ah would go weeks without seein' him, and even when he wuzn't flyin', he wuz in the hangar, makin' sure his 'pride and joy' was up to snuff and hanging out with the crew that helped him run his ship. Sometimes, Ah thought he paid more attention ta that ship than me... but it's not like Ah hate him for it... he was just doin' what he loved, and bringin' the bits for the family."

"How did he take it when you told him you wanted to be a farmer?" Caboose questioned.

"Well... he wasn't angry." Big Red explained. "But Ah could tell that he was disappointed. When he retired and passed away, all he had left was the airship. Ah had thought about selling it... but ironically, it's the only thing about 'im that Ah have left."

"That's too bad." Caboose sighed.

"You have my sympathies." Discord declared.

"Nah, it's fine." Big Red gave a smile, as they finally arrived at the doors to the hangar, "Well, allow me to introduce ya to yer main mode of air-based !" He then pushed the doors aside with his bare hooves. "This is the 'S.S. Cherryblossom'!"

The two looked at the airship with awe. It was a classically built zeppelin, with perfect curves and aerodynamic features. It was mostly a light gray, but with some hints of red visibly in the fading paint job.

"Ain't she a beaut?" Big Red smiled.

"Well, I gotta say, big guy, this has to be one of the finest looking airships I had ever seen." Discord grinned, impressed.

"Yeah..." Cabose agreed, before frowning, "Hold up... you had this airship all this time?"

"Um, yes." Big Red nodded.

"And you didn't think we could have used this when we had shadow ponies after us back at 'House of the Crystal Sun'?" Caboose gestured, exasperated.

"Um, no, not really." Big Red frowned.

"What do you mean?" Caboose frowned as he approached the airship, "This ship is practically in tip-top shape!"

He tapped the ship to emphasize his point. Unfortunately, the moment he did so, there was a loud creaking sound as the ship started falling apart. Caboose jumps back as an entire door panel dropped down. Discord sidestepped as a fin came crashing down. A propeller then dropped in front of the trio, as Caboose and Discord gape in shock.

"Wha.. .what the buck just happened?!" Caboose yelled.

"Caboose, the S.S. Cherryblossom ain't been used in about forty years." Big Red sighed. "Ah tried to keep the ship up ta snuff, but again, Ah've been too busy."

"Well, this is just great." Caboose pouted, "Here I thought we had an airship... and all we got is a piece of junk!"

"Hey, watch it, pardner!" Big Red growled. "That big fella's practically family!"

"Family or not, that ship won't be flying!" Caboose retorted. "We would be lucky to even get it off the ground."

"Don't be so negative." Big Red declared. "This thing'll work, believe me. They don't build 'em like this anymore!"

"There's probably a reason for that." Caboose snorted. "This thing's coming apart worse than my aunt Porcelain."

"If ya wanna fly at all, ya'll cool it with the jokes." Big Red growled.

"Who's joking?" Caboose asked.

Discord mulled things over for a moment.

"Hey, why don't you two wait outside a bit?" Discord smirked, "This will only be a moment."

Discord flashed the two outside, then shut the doors. Instantly, there was cacophony of banging and scraping, as well the sounds of power tools.

"What the buck?!" Big Red ran to the door, putting his ear to the door. "What is Discord doing to mah pa's ship?!"

"I don't know, but it sounds like a taping of Home Improvement is going on in there." Caboose assumed, putting his ear to the door.

Then, as quickly as it came, the sounds stopped, as the doors opened again (prompting the two stallions to back off), as Discord came out in a handyman's outfit.

"All done!" Discord yelled with glee, as he gestured into the hangar. "Good as new!"

The two looked into the hangar and were dumbfounded to find the S.S. Cherryblossom was practically brand-spanking new. It had a gleaming new paint job, a solid structure, and a fully intact gas bag. It was definitely ready to fly.

"Holy crud..." Caboose gasped.

"Dad gum..." Big Red gaped. "The ol' girl's never looked this good before, not even when my pa was running it! Yer a miracle worker, Discord!"

"You're welcome." Discord smirked. "If you can't travel in style, you may as well not travel at all!"

They climbed aboard the ship, taking it all in. The inside contained a dining section, an observation deck, restrooms, and even bedrooms, for long trips.

"Not bad." Discord declared. "Your pa certainly got his money's worth on this thing,"

"Yeah, pa always did have an eye fer a bargain." Big Red nodded.

Their last stop was the cockpit.

"Oh, this is so exciting!" Caboose rushed over to the wheel. "I can't wait to take off..." As he touched the wheel, he suddenly suffered a magical shock, which threw him across the room. "Yeowch!"

"Are you alright, Caboose?!" Discord gasped.

"Ow... I'm in pain..." Caboose weakly brought himself to his hooves, electricity still crackling through him. "What was that?!"

"Ah, Ah remember now." Big Red glanced at the wheel. "Ah forgot that mah pa had the wheel enchanted with some fancy anti-theft magic stuff. Ain't no pony except those related ta mah pa can pilot this ship..." He then frowned. "And unfortunately, Ah don't think anypony can undo a charm like this."

"Then how are we supposed to use this ship if we can't pilot it without getting a thousand volts?" Discord crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Well that is simple. Ah'll pilot the ship for you." Big Red smirked.

"You?" Discord snorted.

"Oh, yeah." Big Red nodded. "Mah daddy taught me how ta fly before Ah Ah wuz ten. Ah'll admit it's been a while, but Ah sure as hay can pilot this baby to wherever ya need to go."

"Are you sure, Red?" Caboose frowned. "I mean, we don't want you to go to all the trouble for us."

"It ain't no trouble helpin' somepony in their quest fer love." Big Red smiled. "'Sides, Ah've bin hoping fer years fer a chance to use the airship again... fer pa's sake."

"Well, if you're cool with it, then we are all set." Discord smirked.

"Not quite, pilgrim." Big Red declared, "While ya may be a miracle worker, ya can't run an airship with just three ponies. Mah pa needed at least six ponies including himself to fly this thing properly."

"And where do you think we can get three other ponies?" Caboose asked.

"Glad you ask that, Caboose." Big Red smiled, "Ah just happen to know the three perfect candidates..."

Meanwhile, out by the homestead, Big Red's adopted sons, Eclipse, Huckleberry and Globe, were hanging out in the orchard. After Big Red had confronted and defeated their criminal father, the boys were making the most of their new home.

"Ah, this is the life." Huckleberry smiled, as he lazed about in the sun.

"You said it." Globe munched on a slice of cherry pie.

"Better than hiding out on a rock, that's for sure." Eclipse smirked.

Cherry Jubilee, Big Red's wife walked down the path.

"Boy, dinner will be ready soon, so don't go too, far." She smiled.

"Never gonna happen." Globe smirked.

"You got it." Huckleberry grinned.

"Thanks, Cherry." Eclipse nodded.

"You don't have to call me that." Cherry smiled. "You can call me 'mom', if you like."

"...I'm good, thanks." Eclipse sighed.

Cherry frowned. Though he had warmed up to them considerably, there were still barriers the young Griffon had around him.

As she returned to the homestead, she saw Big Red walking up the path with two others. The first she recognised as Caboose. The second she knew only by vague recollection as Discord.

"Red, you didn't tell me you were expecting guests..." She declared.

"Ah wuzn't." Big Red declared. "Cherry, would ya mind tellin' the boys ta join us all in the sittin' room?"

"Okay..." Cherry said, a little confused.

Moments later, they were all gathered in the sitting room. As Discord entered, Huckleberry grimaced.

"What the buck is that?" He frowned.

"Discord, master of chaos." Discord extended a claw. "How do you do?"

"C-chaos?" Globe gulped, "As in that scary guy who tried to destroy Equestria that one time."

"Mostly retired nowadays." Discord shrugged. "You've got nothing to worry about, trust me."

"So, why exactly is the walking jigsaw puzzle here?" Eclipse asked.

"Well, him an' Caboose here are goin' off on an adventure to a magic land." Big Red announced. "They need me ta pilot the airship."

"Airship? You have an airship?" Huckleberry asked in confusion.

"Dear, I thought the S.S. Cherryblossom was out of commission." Cherry frowned, also confused.

"Well, not anymore, it aint." Big Red smiled, "And Ah'm gonna be takin' these fellas ta that place. An' Ah wuz hopin' the boys culd come with. Nothing like an adventure ta help father and sons bond. What do ya think, Cherry?"

"Well, I suppose it could be good for you all to bond." Cherry admitted. "What do you think, boys?"

The boys pondered for a moment, each considering things carefully.

"Sounds like fun." Huckleberry smiled. "Even if it means hanging out with Dismay over there."

"That's Discord." Discord growled.

"I'm up for a little adventure." Eclipse shrugged. "Things have been pretty quiet around here lately..."

"I don't know..." Globe frowned. "Seems a little risky."

"Relax, kid." Caboose smiled. "It'll be perfectly safe. Right, Discord?"

"Oh, yes." Discord nodded. "Perfectly safe. More or less."

"Come on, bro." Huckleberry urged. "It won't be as much fun without you."

"And if anything goes wrong, I'll protect you." Eclipse pledged.

"Well... okay, I'll come too!" Globe agreed.

"Git 'er done!" Big Red chuckled. "We'll leave first thing t'morrow!"

"Tomorrow? But that's so soon..." Cherry frowned.

"The sooner we leave, the sooner we get back." Big Red smiled.

"Well, there is that..." Cherry admitted.

"An' we will be back." Big Red kissed her. "Ah promise."

"I know." Cherry smiled. "It'll just be a little lonely without my boys."

"All the more reason ta enjoy today." Big Red grinned.

"And until then, you two gentlecolts are welcome to join us for dinner." Cherry smiled at Caboose and Discord.

"Thanks, ma'am." Caboose beamed.

"I am feeling a little peckish." Discord manifested a beck on his stomach.

"And suddenly, I'm not so hungry anymore..." Eclipse grimaced.

The next morning, all was in readiness. The boys were packed and ready to go.

"Good luck out there, Red." Cherry kissed her husband.

"Ah won't be needin' luck." Big Red grinned.

"You boys have fun, okay?" Cherry told the trio.

"Yes, mom." Globe hugged Cherry. "I'll miss you."

"Me too... mom." Huckleberry agreed.

"Yeah." Eclipse nodded. "Bye...m-" He stopped himself before he said the next word, "Bye, Cherry."

"Goodbye, dear." Cherry gave a small smile. She was saddened by Eclipse's hesitance to call her mom, but she didn't force the issues. She knew that the young Griffon had some issues to work out still...

"I'll miss you all too." She declared, kissing Big Red. "Bon voyage, Red."

"Thanks, darlin'." Big Red smiled.

"Good luck on your quest, Mr Discord." Cherry told the Spirit of Chaos. "I hope you find what you're looking for."

"As do I." Discord said solemnly.

"See ya around." Caboose waved.

Discord snapped his fingers, and they vanished, reappearing at the airfield hangar.

"Whoa, nice ride." Huckleberry grinned.

"It's amazing." Globe added.

"I hate to put a downpour on things, but won't it take forever for us to take off from here?" Eclipse pointed out. "Look at this mess."

"Good point, beaky." Discord tapped Eclipse's beak (to his chagrin). "Time for a change of venue."

Another flash later, and they and the airship in a pristine airfield in Canterlot.

"Well, that could work." Eclipse admitted.

"Is it just me, or is all that flashing making anypony else dizzy?" Globe asked.

"It's doin' a number on mah eyes, at least." Big Red rubbed his peepers.

"Okay, now we're all set." Huckleberry smirked.

"Not quite." Discord declared. "We still have one more crew member to pick up."

"Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back!" Caboose smiled, as he and Discord flashed away.

They appeared outside Caboose's house, where they entered.

"Hi honey, I'm home!" Caboose smiled.

"Hey, babe." Daring smiled... before noticing Discord. "...And what is he doing here?"

Caboose and Discord took a couple of minutes to explain what was going on.

"Let me get this straight." Daring declared. "You're going to find an ancient sanctuary so Discord can go talk to an old flame?"

"That's pretty much the size of it, yeah." Caboose shrugged.

"Well, you won't be going anywhere without me." Daring announced. "I'm not letting my hubby get killed on some foolhardy quest."

"But I thought you were retired?" Caboose asked.

"Well, consider me un-retired." Daring declared. "Besides, I could never resist the call to adventure. Of course, we'll have to find somepony to take care of the kids..."

As Daring mentioned their offspring, Discord glanced at Michael, Caboose and Daring's youngest, who waved innocently at him. He was a cute little thing. In fact, he reminded Discord of Fluttershy and Forrest's firstborn, Honeysuckle. He could still remember the day he had laid eyes on her for the first time.


Discord was pacing around Fluttershy's cottage. He had offered to look after it while she was at the hospital (having found the prospect of witnessing the birth revolting). Fluttershy and Forrest had been gone for some time, and he was starting to worry...

Just as Discord's fears were reaching their zenith, the front door opened. Fluttershy entered the cottage in a wheelchair (still quite tired from the birth), being pushed in by Forrest. In her hooves was a tiny bundle with a bright yellow coat, light green mane, and brown eyes.

"Are you okay, Fluttershy?" Discord flashed over to her.

"I'm fine, Discord." Fluttershy smiled. "And I've got somepony I'd like you to meet..."

Fluttershy held up her new daughter.

"Her name is Honeysuckle." Forrest asked. "Isn't she beautiful?"

"...She sure is." Discord nodded. "Just like her mother."

"Like that was ever in doubt." Forrest grinned.

"Boys, you're embarrassing me..." Fluttershy blushed. "Would you like to hold her, Discord?"

"Me?" Discord gulped, suddenly nervous. "I don't know. I haven't had that much experience with foals... What if I do something wrong?"

"It's okay." Fluttershy smiled. "I trust you."

Gingerly, Discord reached down and picked up the foal. The young one looked at him, oddly curious. Discord feared his... unconventional appearance would prove disturbing for her, but it didn't seem so; She reached out with a tiny hoof, tapping Discord on the nose.

"Aw, she likes you." Fluttershy smiled.

"She does?" Discord asked, pleasantly surprised. "She does! Hello, little Honeysuckle! I'm your uncle Discord!"

Discord pulled a funny face, making Honeysuckle giggle.

"'Uncle Discord'?" Forrest frowned.

"Just go with it." Fluttershy chuckled.

The present...

"Discord... hey, big D!" Caboose yelled, snapping Discord out of her reminiscing.

"What?" Discord frowned. "Oh, sorry, I was just... thinking."

"About what?" Daring asked.

"Oh, this and that." Discord shrugged.

"I guess we could ask Lars and Lyra to look after Hurricane and Michael while they're away." Daring shrugged.

"Does it have to them, mom?" Hurricane asked. "Can't one of our cooler uncles do it instead?"

"Not a chance." Daring shook her head. "In this family, the 'cool' uncles are often more reckless. Lars is the most level-headed of the bunch, so he's the best choice. I'll just go and ask them, then we'll be on our way."

As it turned out, Lars and Lyra were happy to watch over the kids for a while.

"This'll be fun, won't it, Hurricane?" Lars smiled.

"It'd be more fun if it was uncle Vinny watching us." Hurricane frowned.

"Now you two be good, okay?" Daring asked. "Daddy and me will be back as soon as we can."

"Bring me back a present?" Michael asked.

"Sure thing, champ." Caboose chuckled.

"You'll be careful out there, right?" Hurricane asked.

"Relax, sweetie." Daring smiled. "Your mom's an old pro at his. And besides, we'll have an mighty omnipotent chaos spirit watching our backs."

"Guilty." Discord smirked.

"We'll be back soon." Caboose kissed Hurricane on the cheek.

"Missing you already." Daring echoed the action with Michael.

With that done, the group returned to the airfield, where Daring was introduced to the boys.

"So this is number six, huh?" Eclipse mused.

"Could've been worse." Huckleberry grinned. "This trip needed a lady's touch."

"Nice to meet you." Globe smiled.

"And you." Daring smiled. "So, who is this girl, anyway?" She turned to Discord. "If we're going to go look for her, shouldn't we at least know what her name is?"

"Isis... Isis was her name." Discord declared.

"That's a nice name." Caboose smiled.

"Anything else?" Daring asked. "Favorite hobbies, hangouts, y'know?"

"I'm... afraid I don't remember that much about her." Discord admitted. "It was all so long ago..."

"I've heard that name before..." Daring mused. "Mind if we hold off on takeoff for a second? I need to check something."

"Sure, sure." Discord shrugged. "Just make it quick."

"You got it." Daring nodded, racing away.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot castle, Shine Paladin was walking down the corridors when a Royal Guard ran over to him.

"Sir, an airship has suddenly appeared in the private airfield!" He announced.

"Appeared?" Shine frowned. "Are you feeling alright, soldier?"

"I swear, your highness!" The Guard urged, pointing to a nearby window.

"No pony's magic is powerful enough to transport something that big." Shine chuckled. "You must seeing-"

Shine stopped as he looked out the window, seeing the airship, which clearly wasn't there earlier.

"How the..." He frowned, before taking note of the paintjob. "Wait, I've seen that ship before..."

Back down at the airfield, Discord and the others were waiting on Daring.

"I thought I told her to make it quick." Discord scowled at Caboose. "For a great adventurer, your wife likes to take her sweet time, doesn't she?"

"But she always gets what she's looking for." Caboose smirked. "That is why you wanted her on this trip, right?"

"...I suppose." Discord said grudgingly.

"Hey!" Daring finally returned to the airfield, carrying an old book under her wing. "I'm back!"

"Finally!" Discord groaned. "I hope your little side trip was important."

"Maybe." Daring shrugged. "We'll have to wait and see."

"I love when you get cryptic." Caboose cooed.

"Thanks, hon." Daring grinned.

"Okay, looks like we're finally ready to go." Discord smiled.

"Go where?"

The group turned to see Shine Paladin walking across the airfield towards them.

"Shine?" Big red frowned. "What are ya doin' here?"

"Well, the fact that an airship had inexplicitly appeared out of nowhere in the middle of a busy airfield had caught a lot of attention." Shine explained, "What is going on here?"

"Well, basically, Discord wants to find this old marefriend of his..." Caboose started.

"Friend." Discord corrected. "We never got that far."

"...Which is why he wants to ask her how she feels about him." Caboose continued. "So we came to Big Red, looking for an airship. He lent this old one, and it was kinda banged up..."

"So I had to do some fixing up." Discord added.

"...And now we're off to find this hidden sanctuary where Discord's old lady pal lives." Caboose finished.

"That's the plan, at least." Discord shrugged.

"I see..." Shine murmured, as he glanced at the airship, "So this is the S.S. Cherryblossom... how in Equestria did you convince Red to let you borrow it?"

"Because Ah'm the one drivin' it!" Big Red chirped.

"You?!" Shine gaped.

"Not just him." Eclipse stepped forth, "Me, Huck, and Globe are coming too."

"You guys too?" Shine frowned. "Why?"

"Ah always wanted ta fly the thing." Big Red smiled. "An' bringin' the boys along makes fer a nice father-sons adventure.

"Wait, so you mean to tell me that Discord is taking all of you to some place that no one ever seen before, just so Discord can meet this 'girl' of his?"

"Yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell." Eclipse shrugged.

"You do realise how crazy that sounds, right?" Shine asked, "I would had expected this from Discord or Caboose, but all you guys? Over this one girl?"

"Well, Discord needs help." Caboose declared.

"Big Red said the guy's okay, so that's good enough for me." Eclipse declared.

"He can't go out there all by himself, anyway." Globe added. "He needs moral support."

"And we're all here to lend that support." Huckleberry smiled.

"Except for me." Daring shrugged. "I'm in it for the adventure."

"Look, this girl is very special to me." Discord declared. "I need to see her again. I need to know how she really feels about me. And I can't get to her by myself, so I need their help."

"So, ya still think it's crazy?" Big Red smirked.

"Totally." Shine nodded. "...Which is why I will be joining you on this trip."

"...Pardon?" Discord frowned.

"I'm sorry to barge in on your adventure, but I cannot in good conscience let you take my foster pa and my brothers off to Faust knows where. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night with all the worrying I would do about them." Shine explained.

"Excuse me?" Big Red frowned. "Remind me again: Jest who raised who, mister? Me and mah boys can handle ourselves."

"Still, it wouldn't hurt to have a pony of my stature along." Shine countered. "In case there are any... diplomatic problems."

"He's got a point." Daring admitted. "Who knows what the natives of that 'sanctuary' will be like."

"Maybe having a Prince with us will impress them." Caboose suggested.

"And it'll be a great opportunity to bond with our new bro." Huckleberry grinned.

"It would be nice." Globe nodded.

"It won't really be a father-sons thing without all the sons." Eclipse pointed out.

Big Red looked around at the others. With the exeption of Discord, they were glaring at him expectantly.

"...Ah, why not?" Big Red sighed. "One more won't hurt."

"Great. I've just got to go and tell Celestia, then I'll be all set." Shine declared.

Discord scowled as Shine flew back to the castle.

"Great, another tagalong. So much for just being three ponies..." He frowned. "Anypony up for leaving now, before he comes back?"

The others (especially Big Red) glared at him.

"It was just a suggestion..." Discord huffed.

Once Shine returned, the motley crew climbed aboard the airship, ready to depart.

"Okay, put all your stuff over here." Daring instructed, pointing to a storage box.

"Ooh, this is exciting." Caboose smirked. "You and me, off on another whirlwind adventure..."

"Just like old times..." Daring sighed.

"I've never been on a airship before." Globe noted. "I hope I don't get airsick..."

"If you do, try not to throw up in my direction." Huckleberry grimaced.

"Put a lid on it, guys." Eclipse growled. "You're ruining the dramatic moment."

"So, how did you convince ol' Sunbutt to let you go off on this outing?" Discord asked Shine.

"Well..." Shine frowned.


"Another trip, I see?" Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Well, at least you've seen fit to tell me this time."

"Yeah..." Shine said awkwardly. "I know this is kind of sudden, but I need to make sure Big red and the boys will stay safe on that loony 'quest' of theirs. Please, cherryblossom? I'll do anything."

"Hmmm..." Celestia mused. "I suppose I could let you go... in exchange for a month's worth of hoofrubs, and a few dozen backrubs."

"...Done!" Shine nodded.

"Then you may go." Celestia smiled.

"Thank so much, my darling!" Shine kissed her.

"Just make sure nothing happens to those hooves of yours." Celestia joked. "They have a lot of work ahead of them..."

The present...

"It was a fierce negotiation, but I came up on top in the end." Shine fibbed.

"So, is everything shipshape, captain Red?" Caboose called to Big Red

Big Red walked out, but instead of his old stetson hat, he was wearing an aviator's cap, much like his father's.

"Whoa, what's with the cap?" Huckleberry asked.

"Ah found it under the way." Big Red shrugged. "Musta bin mah pops, cuz it fits like a glove. Now, everypony prepare for lift-off!"

"Oh boy, here we go, everypony!" Discord smiled, "Let the voyage begin!"

Big Red them took to the helm, as he began flipping switches. The airship's rotors, propellers and engines started up. Some epic flight music emerged from the speakers.

"An' away we go!" Big Red cheered. As soon as the propellors and rotors reached a high enough speed, the airship began to lift off the ground.

"This is so exciting!" Caboose squeed.

"Easy, sweetie." Daring told him. "The adventure's barely begun. Try to save some excitement for later."

"Um... how likely is that we could crash?" Globe asked suddenly.

"Relax, bro." Huckleberry told him. "Ol' grandpop flew this thing for years without a problem. It's not like things are gonna go wrong now..."

"Famous last words..." Eclipse declared. "Still, we should be okay with Big Red at the helm."

"...Should?" Globe gulped.

"Well, this is it." Shine sighed. "No turning back now..."

"I'm coming, Isis." Discord said quietly. "I'm coming..."

The refurbished blimp took off into the sky, its crew seeking adventure, romance, discovery, and excitement. Little did they know, they would find what they sought, and then some...


At the same time, another airship soared through the skies, however, it was not alone, as it was heading a V-formation of airships much like it. On the leading airship, its occupants were none other than the masked unicorns and his minions.

"Steady as she goes, pilot." The masked pony declared. "We need to be as stealthy as possibly. The natives may be hostile, and I don't wish for us to be blasted out of the sky over a misunderstanding."

"Yes, sir." The pilot nodded.

"Is the tracking system up and running?" The masked pony asked another minion, who was manning a peculiar device. It resembled a giant compass, with a large, vividly silver stone acting as the needle.

"Indeed it is, sir." The minion nodded, as the stone twitched slightly from side to side. "The stone is already picking up some low-level magics in the vicinity. Once we get closer to our destination, it should really get going."

"For your sake, I hope so." The masked pony frowned, as he glanced at the map that was in his lap, turning back to the pilot. "Set a course to southern Equestria, and we'll start our search there."

"At once, sir." The pilot turned the steering wheel.

The masked pony gazed out of the window, watching the clouds go by.

"Soon..." He gloated. "Soon, the greatest power in this world shall be mine..."