• Published 4th Jul 2015
  • 1,257 Views, 61 Comments

Project: Transcendence - Bluecatcinema

Discord goes looking for love... and stumbles upon an evil plot.

  • ...


The S.S. Cherryblossom descended on the sanctuary, heading towards a small clearing on the east side.

"Steady as she goes, mon capitan." Discord told Big Red. "For all we know, Isis isn't the only one here. We don't want to spook them."

"Aye, aye." Big Red turned the wheel.

"This is it." Shine said solemnly. "No turning back now."

"Feel that tingling on the back of your neck?" Daring asked Caboose. "That's the thrill you can only get from exploring an uncharted land."

"Or from putting ice cubes on your back." Caboose added.

"I can't believe we're really here." Eclipse declared.

"Me neither." Huckleberry grinned. "Look at this place..."

"You, er, think the natives are friendly?" Globe asked.

"Eh, probably." Eclipse shrugged. "But like Shine said, there's no turning back now."

Once they were close enough, Big Red dropped anchor, and the airship landed.

"Passengers, prepare ta disembark." He declared, as with a flick of his hooves, he swapped his aviator's cap with his trademark stetson hat. "We hope ya enjoyed flyin' with us."

'Here we go.' Discord thought, as they exited the airship. 'I wonder how you'll look, Isis, after all this time? I hope you haven't changed too much, or I'll never recognize you...'

"Okay, stay together, everypony." Shine instructed. "We don't know what's out there, or if they're hostile or not."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Globe stuck close to Eclipse and Huckleberry.

As they walked down a dirt path, the group looked in awe at the magnificent flora and fauna around them. The trees stretched up for miles, and the branches were being used as perches for wondrous multi-colored birds, which looked like crosses between phoenixes and peacocks. The birds let out melodious squawks as the group passed by.

"I've never seen anything like this before." Daring admitted. "And I've been pretty much everywhere."

"I think I saw a picture of birds like that in a book once." Shine admitted. "Spectrawings, they were called. But they're supposed to be extinct..."

"Well, nopony told them that." Caboose declared.

As they continued looking around, they saw more things that supposedly no longer existed, yet were right in front of them. There were Bushwoolies, walking puffs of fluff that came in all colors, and rock dogs, padding around the trees. Nearby was a patch of aurora bloomialis, flowers that glowed brightly when in bloom.

"I knew I should have brought a camera." Shine frowned.

"Ooh, I got one!" Caboose took out a camera and took a picture, causing the Bushwoolies to scatter.

"Remember what Discord said about not spooking the natives?" Daring gently lowered the camera.

"...Sorry." Caboose cringed.

"So, what now?" Eclipse asked. "Do we just, like... wander around the place until we find this 'Deity', or whatever?"

"That's pretty much the whole plan." Discord shrugged.

"Why am I not surprised?" Huckleberry rolled his eyes."

"Well, it ain't that big an island." Big Red admitted. "It's barely bigger than our own farm. Shouldn't take too long to search it from top ta bottom."

"Let's just hope this 'Isis' is in a good mood..." Globe gulped.

"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about." Shine declared. "A 'Deity of Life' probably won't be too hostile, right?"

"Not unless she's got a thing against trespassers." Daring declared.

"I'll bet she's a really nice gal." Caboose smiled. "You all saw that picture in the book. She's got such a pretty smile."

"She sure does..." Discord sighed.

They began their search, looking around trees, scouring the sky above the island, and watching for tracks.

'Come on, Isis.' Discord thought. 'Where are you?'

"Hey, big D!" Caboose said suddenly, shaking Discord out of his musings.

"Huh, what?!" Discord yelped, his head briefly leaping off his shoulders. "Did you see Isis?"

"Ummm... no." Caboose admitted. "I was just thinking, you never did tell us how you two first met."

"Oh, you're not interested in hearing that." Discord waved a claw.

"I am." Daring countered.

"Me too." Shine nodded. "In fact, I'm very interested to learn how a Spirit of Chaos and a Deity of Life first crossed paths."

"Go on, tell us!" Huckleberry urged.

"It'll relieve the boredom, at least." Eclipse shrugged.

"Please?" Globe added.

"Ya'd better start talkin' pardner." Big Red chuckled.

"Okay, fine." Discord gave in. He flashed up a chair, reading glasses, and a book. "Gather round, folks!"

"Yay, story time!" Caboose cheered.

"It all began, many, many, many years ago..." Discord opened the book.


Discord was merrily cavorting across the countryside, performing his random acts of chaos. He turned a tree into a giant toffee apple, gave a turtle wheels, and transformed a boar into a long-legged hot dog. As he continued his twisted bouts of anarchy, he saw a white serpentine creature flying overhead.

"What in Equestria is that?" He frowned, before smirking. "Something new. Something I might be able to have some fun with..."

Discord flew in the direction of the newcomer. He didn't have to go far. The odd creature was sitting on a cliff edge, staring into space. Now that he had a better look, Discord could see for himself that she was a majestic, impressive specimen. For some reason, it struck a chord with him.

'Well, there's something you don't see everyday.' He thought.

As Discord got closer, he saw that the creature was staring out into space, her expression morose. The sight of her looking like that stirred an emotion in Discord that he didn't quite understand. It was telling him to go over there and cheer her up.

'Why should I care that she's sad, or whatever?' Discord thought. 'I'm the master of chaos! I don't have time to cheer folks up!'

Despite his boast, Discord was unable to resist the urge to go over to her.

'Fine.' He thought. 'Let's just make it quick.'

Discord suddenly flashed beside her.

"Hello, there!" He smiled.

The white serpent lifted her head in shock upon his sudden appearance.

"Huh?!" The serpent gasped. "...Where did you come from?"

"A very good question." Discord admitted. "Wherever it is, they sure know how to make a masterpiece."

"I see..." The white serpent murmured. "Well, no offense, but I have no desire for company, so please leave me be..."

"Well, no offense to you, but you shouldn't have come into my back yard to do it." Discord retorted. "Especially not with that frowny face, grumpy Gwen. Why are you so down, anyway?"

"...It's complicated." The serpent sighed.

"Well, that's informative." Discord smirked. "But whatever the reason, I refuse to allow sourpusses in my neck of the woods. Time to turn that frown upside down!"

"Look... you mean well, but I don't think-"

Before the pale serpent could finish, Discord turned his whole face upside-down, emphasizing his previous statement.

"Heh..." The serpent chuckled, before composing herself. "Hmm, I'll admit, that was a bit humorous."

"Liked that, huh?" Discord grinned. "Yeah, I figured that'd tickle your funnybone!"

Discord pulled out his own funnybone, turned it into a feather duster, much to the serpent's confusion.

"What are you doing with-" The serpent began... before Discord began tickling her with it. "Gah! Ha-ha-ha-ha..."

"Looks like I've got a bone to pick with you!" Discord joked, lowering it down to her stomach

"Ooh, stop!" Isis giggled.

"There's a smile!" Discord chuckled. "How about a prize?"

Discord zapped a nearby log, turning it into a musical horn. Flashing a clown wig and red nose on him, he honked the horn twice, then hit himself in the face with a cream pie.

The white serpent found herself unable to stop laughing, having barely been able to stop after the tickling.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! ...You're very funny!" The serpent laughed.

"Thank you, thank you." Discord bowed.

"I should thank you." The serpent declared. "I really needed that. What's your name, stranger?"

"Oh my, where are my manners?" Discord smirked, "My name is Discord..." Suddenly, he did a dramatic pose, making himself bigger. "The Spirit of CHAOS!" Lightning flashed through the sky.

"Discord?" The serpent's eyes widened in surprise.

"I take it you've heard of me?" Discord smirked.

"Oh... um..." The serpent murmured, as her eyes shifted back and forth. "It's just... somebody told me about you once... he said some... unsavory things about you..."

"Well, I assure you, ma'am, half of those things he said are either rumors, lies, or haven't yet been proven." Discord chuckled. "Now, who might you be?"

"I... I'm not sure if I should tell you." The serpent frowned. "I was told you were... untrustworthy."

"'Untrustworthy'?" Discord snorted. "That's just a word. Like 'mononucleosis', or 'onomatopoeia'. Besides, surely your opinion is what matters most. Do I look untrustworthy?"

"Well, you do look... odd." The serpent admitted.

"Ooh, burn!" Discord suddenly lit on fire, burning to ash. Then he reformed himself. "Let's not forget how I pulled you out of that funk just moments ago, despite not even knowing you. For all I knew, you were some monstrous beast who would eat me as soon as look at me, yet I took a chance and made myself known. Surely that merits me at least knowing your name?"

"I suppose I owe you a benefit of a doubt for making me smile." The serpent gave a smile (which was quite pretty, in Discord's opinion). "My name is Isis... or as the mortal ponies call me... the Serpent Deity of Life..."

"Hoo, that's a mouthful." Discord declared. His cheeks bulged, and his tongue shot out, carrying the words 'Isis, the Serpent Deity of Life' on it.

Isis laughed once again.

"You have quite the wit, Mr. Discord." She admitted. "And I must say, you're not like anything I've ever seen before."

"Nor you I." Discord admitted. "Not from around here, are you?"

"You could say that." Isis shrugged. "I decided to take a little time away from home."

"Well, you picked a good place to drop by." Discord declared.

"What do you say we get to know each other a little more?" Isis offered.

A part of Discord wanted to decline, having chaos to wreak... but a bigger part urged him to stay, a part he didn't recognize.

"Sure, why not?" Discord shrugged. "The day is still young."

"So... what does a Spirit of Chaos do for fun around here?" Isis asked.

"How about a little tobogganing?" Discord suggested. With a snap of his fingers, he made it snow sugar. He then turned a nearby boulder into a toboggan big enough for the two of them. "Care for a ride?"

"Hmm... why not?" Isis smiled.

"By an astounding coincidence, that happens to be the code I live by." Discord chuckled.

They both got on the toboggan, being close enough to touch. Discord felt a slight tingle, but dismissed it as nothing.

"Geronimo!" Discord yelled, as they pushed off down the side of the cliff.

"Hurrah!" Isis cheered.

They soared down the cliff, and came to a rest by a lake.

"Well, that was quite a ride." Isis smiled.

"Yes, it was." Discord chuckled.

Isis took note of the setting sun.

"I, er... have to go." She declared.

"Oh... really?" Discord frowned, suddenly morose. "Guess this is arrivederci..."

"Perhaps we could... see each other again tomorrow?" Isis suggested. "Same time, same place?"

"I'd... like that." Discord admitted. "Tomorrow it is."

"See you then." Isis smiled. She took off into the sky, her body weaving and twisted as she rose up. Discord kept his eyes on her all the way.

"Ta-ta." He waved.

As Discord made to leave, he saw the hot dog boar glancing at him.

"What are you looking at?" He frowned.

The present...

"And that's pretty much how it went down." Discord closed the book. "Isis and I hung out day in, day out. We were practically inseparable."

"Aww, isn't that nice?" Caboose cooed.

"So what happened?" Daring asked.

"Yeah." Eclipse added. "If you and this girl were so tight, why did you leave?"

"That's a story for another time." Discord said curtly, flashing the book, glasses and chair away. "Now, let's keep searching."

After a couple of hours, Shine was starting to grow impatient.

"Do you remember what I said before?" He asked the others. "About Isis possibly not even being here anymore? Who's to say she didn't move to a new home in the intervening years?"

"She's here." Discord said stubbornly. "I know it. She has to be."

"If she is, she's doing a great job of staying out of sight." Eclipse remarked. "Maybe she doesn't want to see you."

"Mares, huh?" Huckleberry snorted.

"Watch your mouth, kid." Daring glared at him.

"Yes, ma'am." Huckleberry cringed.

"As hurtful as that was, I doubt it's the case." Discord shot a look at Eclipse. "Isis isn't exactly omnipotent. She wouldn't know I was coming until she actually saw me. And she once told me that this island is her kind's ancestral home, so why would she leave?"

"She left before, didn't she?" Big Red pointed.

"True..." Discord sighed.

"Hey, maybe she is here." Caboose smiled. "Maybe she's just takin' a nap somewhere..."

"Where do 'Serpent Deities' like ta nap, anyway?" Big Red asked.

"Maybe they make nests in the ground, like regular serpents." Daring suggested.

"I doubt it." Discord snorted. "Not with Isis' pristine coat."

"Maybe they hang out in trees?" Huckleberry suggested.

"What?!" Globe gulped, backing away from a nearby tree.

"Relax, kiddo." Big Red chuckled. "In mah experience, snakes like to hide in the grass."

"Ah!" Globe yelped, realising he was standing on some grass.

"She can fly, can't she?" Eclipse asked. "Maybe she's somewhere up high?"

"Great, mountaineering on top of everything else." Shine rolled his eyes.

As they continued their discussion, they came across a beautiful and pristine lake. The waters were shimmering and clean, being fed by a magnificent waterfall not far away. Some silvery fish floated under the surface, one being picked up by a spectrawing. Suddenly, the water began to form bubbles, as if something was lying under the surface.

"Uh, guys... are lakes supposed to do that?" Globe pointed.

"Not in my experience." Daring frowned.

"Maybe somepony's just tooting in there." Caboose snickered.

"Gag." Huckleberry cringed.

"That's gotta be one big fish." Big Red remarked.

"If we're lucky." Shine frowned.

"If it is a fish, I call dibs." Eclipse smiled hungrily.

"Something tells me that's not a fish..." Discord declared.

Then, bulging out of the water, a giant shadowy creature burst free, spreading water everywhere, which rained down on the group.

"What in the world..." Shine gaped.

Suddenly, the plants and trees in the area started growing and flowering, almost in response to the newcomer. The branches of one tree exploded with glorious orange blooms, while another produced fruit in seconds.

The group looked skyward as they were greeted with a awesome... but extremely terrifying sight: a giant white serpent, about as big as a tower, circling in the sky. The serpent's eyes, which were a dark shade of green, grow vibrantly in the light as it eyed the group of ponies, griffon, and draconequus, and let out a deafening roar.

"LAUREN FAUST!" Big Red screamed.

"Run away!" Shine yelled.

"Run, witch, RUN!" Caboose was immediately running away.

"Wait for me!" Globe followed.

"Run for your lives!" Daring called.

"I'm too handsome to be eaten!" Huckleberry yelp.

"Worst. Trip. Ever!" Eclipse yelled.

"That's a little premature, don't you think?" Discord asked.

However, the giant beast of a serpent moved fast for a creature it's size as it quickly descended, gliding along the ground. With it's long body, the serpent coiled into a circle, entrapping the group with it's body.

"Oh, buck!" Daring cursed.

"What do we do now?" Shine asked.

"If only I'd remembered to pack my snake charmer flute." Caboose groaned.

"We're dead!" Globe yelped. "We're dead, we're dead, we're dead!"

"Think positive." Huckleberry told him. "Maybe it just wants to hurt us, not kill us?"

"Who's up for making it eat Discord first?" Eclipse growled.

The serpent raised it's head, looking upon it's prey with angry eyes...

"So this is how it ends..." Big Red frowned. "Ah always thought Ah'd choke ta death on a cherry pit. Now that's the way ta go..."

"We came to find a Serpent Deity of Life... and we end up getting eaten by a giant serpent... way to lead us to our doom, Discord." Shine cast a glare at Discord.

"Okay, I admit, I did not expect this 'thing' to be waiting for us." Discord shrugged. "But maybe it's vegetarian."

"Oh... why doesn't it just finish us off right now?!" Globe quivered, his eyes welling with tears.

"It's probably toying with us..." Eclipse frowned.

"Yeah, like the Manticore of Marechu Picchu." Daring declared.

"I wish it'd just get it over with." Caboose pouted. "It's the waiting I can't stand!"

The serpent let out a guttural growl as it leaned it's head towards the group, who cringed in fear.

"Here it comes..." Huckleberry quivered.

However... they were surprised when a deep yet feminine voice blew them away.

"What brings you mortals here?!"

It took a second for the group to recover from having their eardrums ringing from the roar, as they fearfully look up at the serpent, who was glaring down at them. Getting a better look, it's face appeared... feminine.

"Um... I beg your pardon?" Shine asked.

The serpent growled, as she spoke loudly.

"I said, what brings you mortals here to this sanctuary?! This floating mass is the sacred grounds of the most powerful entities known to ponykind! No pony is welcome here!"

"Oh!" The group said in realization.

"We are very sorry, giant serpent lady!" Caboose apologized. "We had no idea we were trepassing or anything!"

"Um, yeah!" Shine agreed, coming to his side. "We will gladly leave this place! And we will tell nopony of its existence! We are so sorry to had-"

"Hold on a minute!" Discord glared at Shine. "We are going nowhere! I came here to find my friend! No giant snake thing is going to scare me off!"

The giant serpent snorted in offense.

"Discord..." Shine hissed. "We're dealing with a very angry giant serpent here. I don't think we can stand to argue with it!"

"I don't care!" Discord scowled, as he then glared at the giant serpent. "We are not leaving! I had come here in hopes of meeting the girl I met a long time ago once again and I refuse to leave because you said so, you jumped-up, glorified garter snake!"

"Whoa." Eclipse gaped.

"Awesome..." Huckleberry agreed.

"That is bad-flank..." Caboose declared.

"Hey, now." Big Red grinned. "That fella's got stones."

"No kidding." Daring nodded.

"I hate to say it, but I'm impressed." Shine admitted.

"Um, miss giant snake?" Globe said nervously. "That guy doesn't speak for all of us."

"You abominable fool!" The serpent sneered with a fierce hiss, leaning her head closer to Discord. "You think you can just waltz in here and act like you own..." The serpent's glare began to weaken and her voice began to trail off as she zoomed in on the draconequus. "...the place..."

At the same time, as the serpent approached Discord, he was more than ready to tell the giant beast off... but as he got a closer look at the beast's green eyes... his own eyes began to light up in recognition. There was no mistaking those glorious, enchanting, luminous green eyes...

"...Isis?" Discord whispered.

The serpent's anger dissipated as she pulled her head back, recognition appearing on her face.

"...Discord?" The serpent whispered.

"Um... what is going on?" Eclipse murmured.

"I am not sure... but I think this giant beast... might be Isis." Shine surmised.

"That thing?" Huckleberry frowned.

"Seriously?" Daring asked.

"Well, Ah'll be a son of a hydra..." Big Red mused.

"Boy, that book was way off..." Caboose declared.

"Does that mean she's not going to eat us?" Globe asked timidly.

The Draconequus and 'Isis' looked at each other.

"Isis... is that really you?" Discord asked.

The serpent remained silent, but her surprise and shock was apparent. Then, in an instant, the serpent's body began to glow brightly, blinding everyone as the serpent let out a small roar.

"Gah, what's with the lightshow?!" Huckleberry covered his eyes.

As the light shone brightly, the serpent's body began to grow smaller, as the body began to retract from around the group. It was almost like she was deflating, her body simultaneously contracting and becoming thinner.

The glow faded, as the group uncovered their eyes (with the exception of Discord, who remained shell-shocked), as they glanced towards where the serpent's head was... only to see an much smaller ivory-scaled, blue-marked serpent with green eyes floated before them. At this size, it was much easier to take in the sight of her.

The group gaped, slack-jawed. Discord was right; The book's picture really didn't do Isis justice. She was far more graceful and slender in the flesh. Her head wasn't as big as the picture depicted, instead possessing slimmer, more angular proportions, and smaller teeth. It had four fin like protrusions, forming an "x" around her face. Her eyes were composed of black sclera and green irises. She had slim arms, ending in three digit hands. She had no feet, her lower body tapering off into a thin tail. Gold markings ran down her ivory body, forming odd patterns. A patch of gold also lined her mouth, making it look like she was wearing lipstick. In this form, she was almost as tall as Discord.

"Holy..." Shine gasped.

"It's really her." Daring gulped.

"Wow..." Caboose gaped.

"Whoa..." The boys chorused.

"Dad gum..." Big Red whispered.

Discord's jaw remained dropped as he gazed upon the girl he had met all those years ago, floating before him like a angel sent from heaven, beautiful as the day he first set his eyes on her...

"Isis..." Discord gasped, as he then felt a chuckle in his throat. "Isis... oh, Faust, I can't believe this... it's you... it's actually you..."

"Discord..." Isis nodded solemnly, her expression seemingly stoic, as she lowered herself to the ground.

"You're... you're every bit as amazing as I remember." Discord admitted, as he slowly approached her, his paws reaching out to her. "I didn't think I would ever..."


"Ooh!" The entire group cringed.

"OW!" Discord clutched his face... which was literally spinning after Isis slammed the end of her tail into it. He turned it back to face Isis, who was donning the same fearsome scowl as her giant counterpart was moments ago. "What was that for?!"

"You... insolent... little... pest!" Isis snarled. "You have some nerve coming here, after what you did!"

"What I did?!" Discord frowned. "What did I do?!"

"Don't play dumb with me, Discord!" Isis yelled. "You think that after leaving me for a thousand years, without so much as a goodbye, that you can come and find me, and act like everything is good or 'Ayyyy...' or however the Tartarus they say it nowadays!"

"Did she just quote the 'Fonz'?" Caboose whispered.

"Not now, dear." Daring grunted.

"Uh... Isis... I-" Discord started.

"I thought we were friends, Discord!" Isis snarled, though her eyes seem to show sadness. "But you left me! You disappeared to Faust knows where and left me all alone! You were my only friend!"

"Isis, I had no idea... but I-" Discord stammered.

"But nothing!" Isis scowled in Discord's face. "Have you any idea what the past thousand years had been like? A millennia of loneliness, of having nopony to talk to you, nopony to joke with, nopony to have fun with. I had been wracking my brains, trying to figure out what I did that made you leave me..." Her scowl weakened into a deep frown.

"Oh, Isis." Discord said sadly. "I'm sorry. I didn't think-"

"No, you didn't." Isis growled.

"But I'm here, now." Discord smiled. "Doesn't that count for something?"

"Not much." Isis snarled.

"Um, well..." Discord cringed, literally shrinking before Isis' glare.

"As I thought about it more, I came to realize that what they said about you was true..." Isis growled, her anger instantly returning. "I was just another source of amusement for you, and that the novelty must have finally worn off and you got bored of me!"

"Ouch." Eclipse cringed.

"Is that what happened?" Isis asked. "Well, is it?"

"Well, I... um..." Discord stammered. A second face appeared on his tail. "Help me!" It hissed at the others.

"Just tell her the truth, big D." Caboose urged. "Tell her what really happened."

"That's the best advice you've got?" Discord groaned. "Some wingpony you turned out to be."

"Don't knock it 'till you've tried it." Shine added.

"Well, I'm waiting." Isis growled impatiently.

Discord let out a heavy sigh.

"Look, Isis... I'm not going to try and sugarcoat it..." Discord murmured. "The reasons I have been gone over the past thousand years are numerous... one of them being that I... kinda forgot about you."

"Forgot about me?" Isis frowned. "How could you forget... about me?"

"I really don't know." Discord sighed. "But all I do know that back then... I was a really bad spirit. I spent countless centuries trying to plunge all of Equestria into chaos, just so I could have my own playground, and one thing led to another, and I ended up being stuck as a rock... twice. I guess, during my conquest, everything else became... obsolete."

"Including me." Isis growled.

"I'm afraid so." Discord shook his head. "But that's all in the past now. I am not the same guy you met a thousand years ago. I remember now how I once had a friend, and I 've come back to make things right. I came to find you because I... I..." He felt his words trailed off a bit, before he got back on track. "Wanted to see you again. And maybe pick up where we left off... as friends, right?"

"...Is that so?" Isis asked, a small smile appearing on her lips.

"Yes." Discord nodded. "I know it's been a long while since I thought of you, but since the memory of those times resurfaced, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Please, give me another chance."

"Well..." Isis gave a small chuckle, as she began circling around him. "And what makes you think I want to be friends again, mister?" Her voice didn't seem petulant or angry... but rather... mischevious.

"Um... ah..." Discord murmured, a blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Excuse me, miss Deity of Life..." Big Red spoke up. Isis stopped circling, as she turned to face the red stallion. "Ah know ya might be steamed at Discord, but please give him a chance, ma'am. The poor fella went halfway across Equestria fer ya."

"And dragged all of us along for the ride." Eclipse added.

"Did he now?" Isis glanced at Discord. "And here I thought Discord was a loner."

"Well, he kinda needed us." Caboose pointed out. "This place wasn't exactly... teleport-friendly."

"So he called on you for help getting here?" Isis asked. "The great Discord admitted he needed somepony else?"

"That's pretty much it." Caboose shrugged.

"Well, maybe he has changed..." Isis mused.

"You have no idea." Daring smirked.

"He put a lot of work into finding you again." Shine added. "And he was willing to do more. As much as it took."

"He did?" Isis asked, touched.

"Come on, surely all this has gotta count fer sumthin', right?" Big Red asked.

"Well..." Isis pondered.

"Come on..." Discord turned into a giant puppy, giving her the cutest eyes he could muster. "Please? You know you missed me..."

"...Yes... yes, I did." Isis sighed, as she gave that same bright smile that Discord loved. "I didn't mean to sound so angry... it's just... without you, these past hundreds of years have been so boring! Just you being here brought a little fun into my life again!"

"Tell me something I don't know." Discord chuckled, returning to normal. "So... are we still friends?" He offered a paw.

"We are." Isis nodded, shaking his paw with her tail... which detached from Discord's arm.

"Gotcha!" Discord chuckled.

"I always fall for that." Isis rolled her eyes, as she returned the paw to Discord. "Nice to see that your sense of humor hadn't changed."

"Same here." Discord smirked, putting on his arm back on. "You always did love that one!"

"It was quite... disarming." Isis joked.

"Oh-ho!" Discord chuckled. "Somepony's making her own jokes now!"

"Guess you really rubbed off on me." Isis smiled. "Like a case of scale rot... only more entertaining!"

The two laughed loudly.

Though he was laughing on the outside, inwardly, Discord was reassessing his strategy. He was thinking it might pay to wait a while before asking Isis about anything romance-related. They just met each other again and Isis was probably still upset at him for leaving her all those years ago. The last thing he want was to ruin their rekindled friendship by taking things too quickly.

"So, who are all these?" Isis pointed out the others. "Looks like you had been busy making a lot of friends since we last spoke."

"Oh, where are my manners..." Discord chuckled. "Isis, these are my friends who helped me find this place." He then gestured to Caboose. "This is Caboose..."

"Hi!" Caboose waved a hoof.

"His wife, Daring Do..." Discord continued.

"It's a pleasure." Daring smiled. "Truly."

"Hi!" Caboose repeated.

"Prince Shine Paladin..." Discord went on.

"It's an honor, your... Deityness." Shine bowed.

"Hi!" Caboose grinned.

"And this is Big Red and his sons, Eclipse, Huckleberry, and Globe." Discord finished.

"Howdy, ma'am." Big Red tipped his cap.

"Hello." Eclipse said curtly.

"Hey." Huckleberry grinned. "So glad you're real, by the way."

"Um, er... meet to nice you." Globe said nervously.

"Meet to nice you too." Isis smiled. "Boy, those ponies have some weird customs, don't they?"

"You have no idea." Discord deadpanned. "Anyway, these are just the friends I brought with me. I have lots more out there. Maybe you'd like to meet them some day?"

"Oh, let's not get ahead of ourselves, Discord." Isis smirked. "I would like to get to know these ponies first. I haven't really communicated with a bunch of ponies before..."

"It gets easier the more you do it." Discord smiled. "So you'd better get started."

"I intend to." Isis smiled. "But perhaps we could find a place to get acquainted?"

"Consider it done." Shine declared. "We have an airship parked a ways away from here."

"Perhaps you'd like to join us for lunch? Daring asked. "You do... eat, right?"

"I don't need to." Isis shrugged. "But I like to."

"Then yer in luck, li'l lady." Big Red chuckled. "Ah've been savin' some primo chow for jest this moment."

"I'm sure it'll be great." Isis smiled.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Discord grinned. "Dinner, party of nine!"

"I can get behind that." Globe smiled. "I'm starving."

"I'm not looking forward to walking all the way back to the airship." Huckleberry cringed.

"Why walk?" Isis suggested. "I could give you boys a lift, if you like."

Oh, er..." Globe stepped back, a tad nervous, as Isis brought her fanged head, just big enough to swallow him whole, close. "I don't wanna be a bother..."

"It's no bother." Isis smiled, showing off her fangs. "I've carried heavier things than the two of you."

"Um..." Globe quivered.

"Come on, Globe." Huckleberry urged. "She's not gonna bite."

"Says you." Globe whispered.

"I know I look a little scary, but I wouldn't hurt a fly." Isis smiled. "I am a pacifist. I would never lay harm upon a single soul."

"You really wanna walk all the way back?" Huckleberry asked Globe as he climbed on Isis' back.

"...I guess not." Globe sighed.

"Easy does it." Isis told Globe as he climbed on. "Now, hang on tight."

Isis gently soared down the path.

"Oh boy..." Globe yelped, clinging on for dear life, his eyes tightly shut. "Oh geez..."

"Will you relax?" Huckleberry told his brother. "We're not going that fast. Open your eyes!"

Globe opened his eyes, taking in the view.

"Heh... this, this actually isn't so bad." He admitted. "It's... actually kinda fun!"

"By the way, I wish to apologize if I had frighten any of you with that intimidating form I assume back there." Isis declared. "I was afraid that you were here with awful intentions when I saw the veil tear open and your airship came in. It's a form of self-defense, you see."

"That's okay." Shine declared. "You had every right to be suspicious."

"Perfectly natural." Daring shrugged.

"Darn tootin'." Big Red nodded. "We wuz trespassin' on yer property."

"It's what I would have done." Eclipse declared.

"I nearly peed myself!" Caboose admitted.

"I'm glad." Isis smiled. "I don't like using it, but with some mortals these days, you can't be too careful."

"I can understand that." Daring admitted. "You are a mythical being after all."

"Please, Miss Do, you flatter me." Isis chuckled. "I prefer no special treatment because of who I am. I see myself no better than the mortals I watch over."

"You should talk with my wife sometime." Shine grinned. "You two think alike."

"It's not every day you meet an immortal being with humility." Eclipse remarked.

"Yer a real sweetheart, darlin'." Big Red smiled.

"And... nice." Globe admitted.

"And kind of cute." Huckleberry added. "Y'know, in a giant snakey kind of way."

"Thank you all for the kind words." Isis smiled. "But enough about me, Let's hear something about all of you..."

As the others continued their conversation with Isis, Caboose sidled up to Discord.

"Way to go, big D!" He told him. "You got her on the hook! She doesn't even mind that you ditched her to try and take over Equestria!"

"Yeah..." Discord smirked... before frowning. "But now that I think about it... there was something... some reason I did leave her. It wasn't to take over Equestria... though that was on my agenda..." Discord realised. "It was something very important... a big giant something that made me head for the hills... I just can't put my claw on it..."

"Well, whatever it is, it probably doesn't matter. You and Isis are well on track to becoming lovers once again." Caboose smiled. "And I doubt anything will stop that..."

However, as they neared the airship... Daring noticed something.

"Hey..." Daring frowned as she pointed. "Look over there."

The group looked to where Daring pointed, and were shocked to see the patch of aurora bloomialis that were once blooming with life, now withered and dead...

"Weren't these flowers alive a few minutes ago?" Eclipse frowned.

"Yeah... what could had happened?" Shine murmured.

As they looked around, they noticed that bushes, grass, and even trees were starting to die.

"What is going on? Why is everything dying?" Globe shivered, his breath becoming visible.

"And more importantly, why is it suddenly so cold?" Huckleberry quivered.

Indeed, the temperature seem to had plummeted as everypony that wasn't a spirit were shaking from the cold, as the sky began to darken. Isis looked to the sky in response and frowned...

"He's here..." Isis whispered.

"He?" Shine turned to face her. "He who?"

Suddenly, as to answer Shine's question, a black and silver blur burst out through the dark clouds raveling in the sky. Coming down with tremendous speed, the blur circled around the group and Isis, it's body so long and big that it was able to form a dome made of it's own coiling body.

"Wh-what is that?!" Globe yelped.

"A gigantic lizard, straight from the depths of Tartarus?" Caboose quivered.

"That's jest what Ah wuz thinkin'." Big Red gulped.

"It's like a nightmare come to life..." Daring remarked fearfully.

"And I thought Isis was scary..." Huckleberry shuddered.

"I'm starting to regret coming here..." Shine cringed.

Suddenly, a booming voice spoke, it's tone borderline demonic and downright horrifying.

"Trespassers..." The creature said in a guttural, growling voice. "You dare desecrate our sacred homeland? This transgression is unforgivable!"

The black creature lowered it's head, it's gaze so powerful and terrifying. Getting a better look at their new captor, the beast looked like Isis, with black skin and dark silver markings. It had purple eyes, and several spikes running down its back. It had similar head protrusions to Isis, but the lower ones curved into a pair of mandibles. From each one trailed silvery ribbon-like extensions. One thing to know was how it's size made Isis's giant form look like a tiny rattlesnake in comparison.

Those said purple eyes stared right into Discord's soul, as the draconequus felt a pang of fear as he gaze up at it. But as he did so... something began to came to light... something about what Isis said when he first met her...

"I take it you've heard of me?"

"Oh... um... it's just... my brother told me about you once... he said some... unsavory things about you..."

Brother. Isis said "brother". Isis had a brother. And if Isis, the Serpent Deity of Life, had a brother, then that brother must be...

"...Oh..." Discord groaned. "...Now I remember..."

"Um, Isis... who is that?" Daring gaped.

Isis frowned.

"That would be my big brother... the Serpent Deity of Death."