• Published 4th Jul 2015
  • 1,257 Views, 61 Comments

Project: Transcendence - Bluecatcinema

Discord goes looking for love... and stumbles upon an evil plot.

  • ...

Smooth Sailing (Not!)

The S.S. Cherryblossom sailed through the skies above Equestria. Big Red whistled merrily as he steadied the wheel.

"Ah, sailin' the open skies." He smiled between whistles. "Pa, if ya culd only see me now..."

"Boy, this takes me back." Daring smiled. "Soaring the skies, heading towards adventure... I had no idea how much I missed this."

"You did?" Caboose asked, a tad concerned.

"Yeah." Daring nodded... before noting the look on her husband's face. "But I'd miss being with you and the kids more. Trust me, I'm not going anywhere."

"That's a relief." Caboose sighed. "I don't think I could handle bachelorhood again... you realize how much I suck at dating shows?"

"And I sure couldn't take being on my own again." Daring admitted. "You've changed my life forever, you big, handsome goofball, you."

"Right back at you, baby." Caboose grinned. "Only, y'know, without the 'big' part. And the 'handsome', and the 'goofball'..."

"I get it." Daring chuckled. "Good thing I didn't marry you for your way with words..."

"You mean you didn't?" Caboose frowned.

"No, I married you because you're the best stallion I've ever met." Daring planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Oh." Caboose grinned. "Can't argue with that..."

Meanwhile, the trio were gazing out of the window on the observation deck.

"Wow..." Globe said weakly, staring out at the clouds. "We're really high up..."

"Oh, yeah." Huckleberry grinned. "We're flyin' high, now!"

"Big deal." Eclipse snorted. "I fly all the time."

"But I bet you've never gone this high up, though." Huckleberry pointed out.

"True." Eclipse shrugged. "That, and it's nice not to have to work the old wings to get up here."

"So high..." Globe muttered, his face paling.

"Easy there, bro." Huckleberry declared. "Just relax."

"Relax?" Globe chuckled weakly. "How can I relax, knowing we're like... a million miles up, with only a big chunk of metal between us and the ground?"

"We're perfectly safe in here." Eclipse declared, stomping on the floor for good measure. "See? This ship's solid as a rock."

"And rocks fall pretty hard..." Globe cringed.

"You just need to take your mind off things." Huckleberry smiled. "How about we grab a snack?"

"I'm not hungry." Globe declared.

"That's a first." Eclipse mused.

"I feel so queasy..." Globe admitted. "Even if I was hungry, there's no guarantee that snack won't come right back up again."

"Try and breathe, Globe." Huckleberry urged. "In and out, in and out..."

"And it might help if you quit looking out the window." Eclipse added.

Globe did as instructed, breathing evenly as he turned away from the window.

"Feel better?" Eclipse asked.

"Well, I'm not queasy any more." Globe admitted. "But I still know I'm way up in the air. Way, way up..."

"I still say you need to think about something else." Huckleberry insisted.

"Like what?" Globe asked. "What could make me forget I'm so high up?"

"I think I might know." Eclipse smirked, sharing a look with Huckleberry.

"Oh, yeah..." Huckleberry smiled in understanding.

"...What?" Globe gulped. "What are you thinking?"

"We have the perfect way to get your mind off things." Huckleberry declared.

Eclipse opened a wing, and Huckleberry plucked a single feather, holding it in his mouth.

"Oh no." Globe frowned. "Don't, please..."

"It's for your own good bro." Eclipse grinned, as he and Huckleberry approached Globe.

"No, no, no..." Globe tried to flee, but was tackled and pinned by Eclipse. "Come on, guys! Stop!"

"You'll thank us later." Eclipse declared.

Huckleberry leaned down, and started running Eclipse's feather across Globe's stomach, inducing wild laughter in the young Unicorn.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Globe guffawed. "No, stop... ha-ha-ha! I can't take it! Ha-ha-ha! I'm gonna puke! Ha-ha-ha-ha!"

After a few moment, Huckleberry stopped, and Eclipse let Globe up.

"How do you feel now?" Eclipse asked.

"Actually... I feel pretty good." Globe said breathlessly. "Thanks, guys."

"Hey, that's what brothers are for." Huckleberry smiled.

"I think I'd like that snack now." Globe admitted.

"Well, that didn't last long." Eclipse chuckled. "Still, I could eat. let's go, guys..."

Meanwhile, up on the deck, Shine walked over to Discord.

"So, where is this 'sanctuary' of yours, anyway?" He asked. "You do know where to look, don't you?"

"I have a vague idea." Discord shrugged.

"A vague idea?!" Shine cringed. "You're joking, right?"

"Oh, you'll know when I'm joking, trust me." Discord chuckled. "I've never actually been to Isis' home before. She mentioned its location once, a long time ago..."

"So what's the plan, exactly?" Shine asked. "That we just aimlessly fly from place to place, hoping we stumble on to it?"

"Of course not." Discord snorted. "That's where the 'vague' part comes in. I happen to know that the sanctuary resides somewhere in the south-east of Equestria. I recall Isis mentioning how she and... somepony else... enjoyed the warm climate in that part of the world."

"...Who is this somepony else?" Shine frowned.

Discord frowned in confusion.

"I'm not sure." Discord shook his head, "It just came to my head that there was someone else besides Isis... probably a friend or something."

"So you don't remember the friend either?" Shine sighed.

"Afraid not." Discord admitted, "All I know for a fact is that we need to look in the southeastern Equestria."

"And with that, we only have to search an entire region." Shine deadpanned. "That isn't much better. That's still about five hundred miles of sky to cover.

"Hey, you're the one who invited yourself along." Discord shot back. "If you're going to blame anypony, blame yourself."

"I'd rather blame you." Shine pouted.

"Trust me, we'll find the sanctuary." Discord smiled, flashing up a giant map. "There really aren't that many places to look, so we should find it in no time."

"If only..." Shine shook his head.

"Well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine?" Discord snorted, turning into a miniature sun. "How Celestia chose to marry a 'gloomy Gus like you is beyond me..." He turned into a rain cloud.

"I am not a 'gloomy Gus'." Shine shot back. "I'm a realist. And forgive me for suggesting it's just not very practical to float around the sky, with no sense of direction, looking for some mystical sanctuary. At least the last time we went on some foolhardy journey, we had a map to lead us..."

"Oh, lighten up!" Discord returned to his normal form. "The search is part of part of the fun! Just ask Daring!"

"Okay, fine." Shine sighed. "But I'm not willing to let everypony be out here forever. If we don't find this sanctuary within a couple of weeks, we're turning back, understand?"

"Yeah, sure." Discord smirked. "I doubt it'll take that long, anyway."

"Let's hope so..." Shine frowned.

A few hours later, the sun began to set. The passengers had all gathered in the pilot's room to witness it.

"Wow, what a view..." Huckleberry smiled.

"Yeah, it's really... orange." Eclipse shrugged.

"Guess being this high up does have its perks." Globe admitted.

"Romantic, isn't it?" Daring nuzzled against Caboose.

"Oh, yeah..." Caboose smiled. "Like watching a cartoon skunk chasing after a cat with paint on her back."

"Pa always said there ain't nuthin' like watching the sun set from this high up..." Big Red declared. "Guess ya were right, pa."

"I gotta admit, this is quite a sight." Shine said grudgingly.

"Glad you came along now?" Discord smirked.

"That remains to be seen." Shine said sternly.

Once the sun set, Big Red decided to stop for the night, dropping anchor onto a nearby cliff.

"Okay passengers, time for some shut-eye." He declared.

"Come on, Caboose." Daring smiled. "You and I can share a bed. Makes it easier on the others..."

"And more fun for us." Caboose chuckled saucily.

"I am so glad we've got separate cabins..." Eclipse grimaced.

"For them, at least..." Huckleberry added.

The trio's beds were all in a single cabin (Discord having put it together), in bunk style.

"I call top bunk!" Huckleberry smirked.

"Not so fast." Eclipse grabbed him by the tail. "I'm the oldest, so I get the top bunk."

"No fair!" Huckleberry pouted.

"I don't mind having the bottom." Globe pointed out.

"Leaving me in the middle... as usual." Huckleberry pouted.

The boys climbed onto their bunks.

"Boy, this is so soft!" Globe bounced on his bed.

"Discord brand bedding." Eclipse joked. "Talk about first class accommodation."

"Like a big, fluffy marshmallow." Huckleberry snuggled under the covers.

Big Red entered the room.

"You boys holdin' up okay?" He asked.

"Okay?" Eclipse smirked. "You'll be lucky if we don't decide to permanently move in!"

"He's joking." Globe said redundantly. "You know we'd never leave you and Mom."

"Sho'nuff." Big Red chuckled. "Now, if y'all need anything, Ah'll be right next door."

"We'll keep that in mind." Huckleberry yawned.

"Night, boys." Big Red grinned.

"Night!" The boys chorused.

Big Red gave a small smile as he gently closed the door. The room remained silent as the three boys lied in their bed... when then, Globe decided to ask a question.

"Hey, Eek... can I ask you something?" He said quietly.

"Sure, what is it?" Eclipse asked.

"How come you don't Cherry 'mom'?" Globe inquired.

"Well, uh..." Eclipse stumbled.

"Yeah, I've been wondering about that myself." Huckleberry frowned.

"It's... it's nothing, really." Eclipse said weakly.

"Really?" Globe frowned. "Because you eventually managed to call Big Red 'pa'. So why not call Cherry 'ma'?"

"It's not that simple." Eclipse growled.

"Why not?" Huckleberry asked. "Seems pretty simple to me."

"But it's not." Eclipse insisted.

"Why?" Globe asked. "We got us a mom now. Never had one before..."

"That's part of the problem." Eclipse sighed.

"Come again?" Huckleberry frowned.

"I never knew my mom, remember?" Eclipse admitted. "With all the guff my old pa put my through, I never knew what it was like to have a mother to protect me, to care for me."

"Well, neither did we." Globe pointed out.

"Yeah, but you had me to look out for you." Eclipse pointed out. "I had nopony to watch over me. Not ever. It just... makes it hard for me to accept Cherry as a mom... Its hard to accept a mother when I've never had one for my entire life..."

"I never thought of it that way." Huckleberry sighed.

"That's rough, bro." Globe put a hoof on Eclipse's shoulder.

"Don't get me wrong." Eclipse said morosely. "I like her, but... I'm just not ready to call her that. Not yet."

"You take all the time you need, Eek." Huckleberry smiled.

"We'll call Cherry 'ma' enough for the three of us." Globe added.

"Thanks, guys." Eclipse smiled. "You're the best brothers a guy could ask for."

"Aw, thanks..." Globe chuckled.

"So true." Huckleberry

Meanwhile, Big Red went to his own cabin, settling under the covers.

"Goodnight, Cherry." He said to himself. "Ah miss ya, darlin'."

As he laid his head on the pillow, his thoughts turned to the previous owner of the ship.

'Pa...' He thought. 'Ya may not have bin the most attentive father ever, but Ah know ya loved me. An' if it weren't fer you, we wouldn't even be on this quest. Thanks fer everythin'...'

Meanwhile, in Shine's own cabin, the Pegasus lay on bed, thoughts of his own wife running through his head.

"I'll be back soon, cherryblossom." He sighed. "Even if I have to drag this thing back myself."

'Hopefully, we'll find this place soon.' He thought. 'If Discord isn't just having us fly around in circles for his own amusement.'

Meanwhile, in Caboose and Daring's cabin, the couple were indulging in some cuddling and heavy petting in their cabin...

"I'm a naughty schoolgirl..." Daring purred. "I need to be punished..."

"I'm a paladin with 18 charisma and 97 hit points." Caboose said suavely. "I can use my Delm of Disintegration and perform 1D4 damage as my half-elf mage wields his +5 Holy Avenger."

"Paladins can't use the helm of disintegration!" Daring admonished him.

"Oh." Caboose frowned. "Okay, then I'm a Clydesdale!"

In the next cabin over, Discord was fixing up his own cabin to make it more homey. He affixed the bed to the ceiling, threw in some lava lamps, and flashed in his old picture of himself and Fluttershy.

"I wonder what you'd think of this little quest of mine?" He asked the picture. "Would you approve? Or would you think I'm crazy, like Shine?"

The picture did not answer.

"I don't know what to really expect at the end of this journey." Discord admitted. "I don't know if Isis is still around or even if she would want to talk to me after disappearing for a thousand years... Maybe she'll just kick me right off the sanctuary."

The picture still remain silent.

"You're right, Fluttershy." Discord nodded. "I can't stop now. I need to know if she likes me or not. If she doesn't, it will be a load off my mind... but... I hope she will." He then smiled back at the picture. "Thank you. I know you would root for me no matter what. You always did... goodnight."

Placing the picture on the upside-down bedside cabinet, Discord got into bed, falling into an expectant slumber.

The next morning, the crew gathered for breakfast.

"Did everypony sleep well?" Shine asked.

"I know we did." Daring nuzzled against Caboose.

"After a little 'tossing and turning'." Caboose smirked.

"I slept like a baby." Huckleberry nodded.

"Those were some soft sheets." Globe agreed.

"Hey Red, think we could bring those mattresses back to the homestead when this is over?" Eclipse asked.

"We'll see." Big Red said through a mouthful of oats.

"Not to rush you or anything, but could you please finish up?" Discord asked Big Red. "We can't go anywhere without our captain at the helm."

"Hold yer haystacks." Big Red swallowed. "It ain't like that place is goin' anywhere."

"True." Discord nodded. "However, certain crew members, who shall remain nameless..." He coughed loudly. "Shine! ...Are showing signs of impatience."

"Nice." Shine snorted. "Real subtle."

"Ah'm almost done." Big Red declared. "Just gotta down these oats, then Ah can weigh anchor, and we can get movin' again."

"Excellent." Discord smiled. "Should be smooth sailing from there."

After a couple of hours, the crew settled in for the day, relaxing and having fun.

"Who's up for a pillow fight?" Eclipse asked, as the boys sat in their cabin. He threw a pillow at Huckleberry.

"Oh, it's on now!" Huckleberry smirked, grabbing his own pillow.

"Don't forget about me!" Globe used his magic to toss his pillow.

"Hey, no magic!" Eclipse frowned.

"Cut the kid some slack." Huckleberry retorted. "How else can he keep up?"

"I can keep up just fine." Globe snorted. "Watch!"

Globe grabbed and threw another pillow, catching Huckleberry on the side of his face.

"Watch the mane!" Huckleberry yelled. "You think I just wake up looking like this?"

"I hope not." Eclipse teased. "That poor bathroom mirror..."

"Okay, now you're gonna get it!" Huckleberry chuckled.

As the boys continued their clash, Discord walked by the open door, stopping for a moment to observe their hijinx.

"Ah, kids..." He smiled.


A few years after Honeysuckle's birth, Discord dropped in on the family's cottage.

"Good afternoon, everypony!" He smiled.

"Uncle Discord!" Honeysuckle, at that point a precocious four-year-old, squealed, leaping into his arms.

"How's my little mischief-maker?" Discord chuckled.

Honeysuckle giggled. Of course, she was nothing of the sort, being as sweet as her mother. It was a little private joke they shared.

"I'm great!" she smiled.

"Of course you are." Discord grinned. He turned himself into a giant bird, Honeysuckle on his back. "Wanna go for a ride?"

"Can I, daddy?" Honeysuckle asked.

"I don't know..." Forrest frowned. "Sounds a little dangerous."

"Who do you take me for?" Discord growled, flashing a seatbelt around Honeysuckle. "Like I'd let any happen to this darling little filly..."

"I suppose a quick ride wouldn't hurt." Fluttershy declared. "Just don't go too high, okay?"

"Your wish is my command." Discord bowed. "Come on, little one. Time to fly!"

"Yay!" Honeysuckle squealed.

They flashed outside, and Discord spread his wings.

"Hang on tight." He smiled. "Here we go!"

Discord took a running start, then took off. He hovered only a few feet off the ground, soaring the flowers and grass.

"Whee!" Honeysuckle giggled. "Faster, faster!"

The sound of Honeysuckle laughing was like music to Discord's ears. He had treasured having Fluttershy as a friend, but in Honeysuckle, he had found a playmate; Somepony to have fun and excitement with. For that at least, he felt he owed Forrest for coming into Fluttershy's life.

'I really should thank him sometime...' He thought, before saying out loud. "Here comes the turn!"

"Yeah!" Honeysuckle giggled again as Discord turned sharply, the wind running through her mane.

The present...

"Ah, good times..." Discord sighed, as he walked over to his own cabin.

Over the next couple of days, things were quiet. The search continued, but with no luck. But otherwise, things were going fine.

One morning, Daring was looking through the luggage Caboose had packed.

"Hey, Caboose, why did you pack bowling balls for this trip?" She asked, finding a bag full of them.

"You never know." Caboose shrugged. "They might come in useful."

"If you say so..." Daring murmured. "Wouldn't be the strangest thing you've brought on a trip."

"Well, I would had brought a tank of scorpions and a deep fryer, but I hadn't the time." Caboose admitted.

Meanwhile, Big Red was at the helm, steering the airship through the skies. Suddenly, the mother of all storms seemed to come out of nowhere, threatening to engulf the airship.

"Sweet sarsaparilla..." Big Red gulped. He grabbed the speaker next to him, started talking. "Attention, passengers." He said, eerily calm. "We are about experience some... ah, storm-related turbulence. Please hang on."

In their own room, the trio heard Big Red's voice over the speakers.

"Did he just say 'storm'?" Huckleberry asked.

"I think he did." Globe nodded. "We might want to get under the beds. It'll be a lot safer under there."

"Better idea: We get to the control deck, see what's going on." Eclipse countered.

The other passengers had the same thought, rushing over to the stern.

"Caboose, why did you bring those bowling balls?" Daring asked.

"You never know." Caboose repeated.

"Big Red, did you just say we're headed into a storm?" Shine asked.

"Yep." Big Red nodded.

"Well, can't you steer us away?" Globe asked.

"Too late fer that." Big Red declared. "Our only choice now is ta try an' ride it out."

"Ooh, goody." Discord grinned. "A little excitement at last!"

"Excitement?" Shine scowled. "We'll be lucky not to get blown out of the sky."

"Never gonna happen." Big Red said firmly. "The old girl's weathered worse in her time. And that wuz before Discord souped 'er up."

"I've been in my share of storms." Daring admitted. "And this one doesn't look too bad..."

The storm's winds started to buffet the airship, shaking it from side to side.

"Okay, now I'm really gonna puke..." Globe said queasily.

Suddenly, a crack of lightning flash across the window.

"Holy buck!" Huckleberry yelped.

"Language, kiddo." Big Red admonished him.

"Well forgive me for being a little freaked out!" Huckleberry retorted.

"Will you relax?" Eclipse told Huckleberry. "You heard pa. We're perfectly safe."

"Safe?!" Huckleberry yelped. "We're in the middle of a lightning storm, with a bag full of highly flammable gas right above us! How is that safe?!"

"We'll be fine." Discord said nonchalantly. "You know, the odds of being struck by lightning are about a hundred to one."

"Oh, is that all?" Shine grimaced. "I feel so much better..."

Suddenly, the wind picked up to gale force. The airship leaned on its side, causing the others (save for Big Red, who held on to the wheel, and Discord, who was floating in midair) to slide downwards.

"Whoa!" They yelped.

Eclipse tried to fly, but Globe and Huckleberry held onto him for dear life.

"Get... off!" Eclipse gagged. "Can't... breathe!"

The winds pushed the airship in the other direction, sending them flying down that way. Shine crashed to the side first, then had to endure the others landing on top of him.

"Why couldn't I have just stayed home?" Shine groaned.

"Hang on, everypony!" Big Red yelled. "Here comes another one!"

The strongest gust yet sent them flying in all directions. Even the seasoned Daring was screaming her lungs out. Meanwhile, Discord was eating an ice cream.

"I really don't see what all the fuss is about." He said nonchalantly.

As they kept going from side to side, Caboose's bowling balls got loose. One slammed into his groin.

"Uhhh!" Caboose bent over in agony... just in time for the other to get him in the head. "Owww!"

Meanwhile, Discord was lounging in midair, practically in slow motion, listening to music from headphones he was suddenly wearing.

"We're almost... home... free!" Big Red struggled with the wheel. "Just a little more..."

The airship finally escaped the storm.

"Yee-haw!" Big Red cheered. "We're out!"

The others groaned as they stood up.

"I never want to do that again..." Shine cringed.

"Still feel like you're gonna puke, Globe?" Huckleberry asked.

"Still kinda fifty/fifty." Globe cringed.

"Oh, my achin' everything..." Eclipse groaned.

"Caboose, are you okay?" Daring asked. "You did just take a bowling ball to the head..."

"Of course I'm okay, talking badger..." Caboose giggled.

"Well, that was a nice little diversion, wasn't it?" Discord asked. "Hey, who's up for going back in there?"

"NO!!" The others yelled.

"Suit yourselves..." Discord pouted.

They may have escaped the storm outside, but a different kind of storm started to brew inside the ship. As the days passed, with no sign of their objective, the crew started to feel a little cooped up, and tension started to run high...

It was small at first, with little arguments about food...

While, Globe and Hucklebery were playing cards in their cabin, Eclipse burst in.

"Hey, who ate my fish?" He growled.

"Not me." Globe shrugged.

"I didn't touch your slimy fish!" Huckleberry gagged. "Now back off!"

"Well, somepony did!" Eclipse yelled. "And if it wasn't you, than who?"

At that moment, Caboose walked past the cabin, his stomach gurgling.

"Urgh... that's the last time I eat those funny gray things..." He groaned.

"You!" Eclipse tackled Caboose. "You ate them!"

"Easy, kid!" Caboose yelled.

"Give me back my fish!" Eclipse yelled. "Right now!"

"I don't think you want that." Caboose belched.

"Arrrgh!" Eclipse yelled, getting off Caboose and walking away.

"What's his problem?" Caboose frowned.

And then there was use of the single bathroom onboard.

One morning, Shine and Caboose was fighting over it.

"Let me in!" Shine yelled.

"I was here first!" Caboose shot back.

"What's this?" Discord smirked as he walked by. "Trouble in paradise?"

"Very funny, Discord." Shine growled.

Caboose took advantage of Shine's distraction to rush inside the bathroom.

"Ah-ha!" He yelled. "Caboose for the win!"

"Unbelievable." Shine growled, before turning to Discord. "Why did you only install one bathroom on this thing?"

"I didn't think we needed more than one." Discord shrugged. "I certainly don't need it. I don't have the vile bodily functions you ponies do."

"Lucky you..." Shine groaned, his need to relieve himself increasing. "Hurry up Caboose!"

"Tell that to my colon!" Caboose shot back.

It wasn't long before things began to boil over...

One afternoon, the group were all gathered together in the cockpit. As Shine tried to look at the skyline, searching for their goal, Discord turned his binoculars into soda bottles.

"So, Discord." Shine asked testily, as Discord snickered. "Are we any closer to finding this place?"

"I think so." Discord shrugged.

"Oh, you think so?" Shine growled. "So we're just floating around up, with no idea if we're even in the right place!"

"Cool it, Shine." Big Red urged. "What's put a bee up yer nose all of a sudden?"

"We've been out here for over a week now." Shine declared. "And there's still no sign of what we're looking for. Heck, we don't even know what it is we're looking for. This 'sanctuary of yours could look like anything!"

"Doubtful." Discord shrugged. "From what Isis told me, it's not the sort of place you fail to notice."

"And that's another thing." Shine scowled. "The whole reason we're out here is to help you find this 'Isis', yet none of us know anything about her. The only thing you've told us about her is her name."

"Maybe I can clear things up." Daring declared. "I though her name sounded familiar, so I did some research..."

She then pulled out the book she had brought from home. It was an ancient book, it's cover torn and peeling. Its title was "Legends Of Equestria." With a flick of the wing, she opened the book to a page, which held a rather strange picture. It was of a serpentine creature with a segmented white body with blue markings, its angular head roaring with mouth wide. The name "Isis" was under it.

"Is this the 'Isis' you spoke of, Discord?" Daring asked.

Discord glanced at the picture closely, putting on a pair of reading glasses.

"Hmm... I believe it might be... though this picture really adds on a couple pounds, and I don't remember her head being that big." Discord then made the glasses disappear. "But why show us the picture? I know who she is."

"It's not just who she is, Discord." Daring frowned, "I looked over the text a couple times over... and she is more than you made her out to be."

"Say what?" Huckleberry asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Eclipse added.

"What's she talking about Discord?" Shine asked.

"Okay, maybe I might have exaggerated how she was a spirit like me." Discord pouted.

"More like under-exaggerated." Daring declared, "Discord, this 'Isis' of yours... she is not some spirit... your 'friend' happens to be one of the most powerful beings in all of the world... the fabled 'Serpent Deity of Life'..."

"The what now?" Everypony repeated in shock.

"Oh yeah..." Discord lit up in realization. "I forgot that Isis had that title. I always thought it was a little bit much."

"Whoa..." Caboose gaped. "Discord, you didn't tell me your gal pal could bring stuff to life!"

"It's more like she breathes life into it." Discord said awkwardly, "Well, that at least how I remember her powers working..."

"That's who we've bin searchin' fer?" Big Red gaped.

"What is she, some kind of goddess?" Globe asked.

"No such thing." Eclipse said sceptically.

"Probably close enough, though." Huckleberry declared.

"And you don't think that this would had been worth mentioning?" Shine asked.

"No. It's not that big of a deal you know." Discord shrugged. "So she has the power to give life. Big whoop."

"Big whoop?" Daring frowned. "Discord, it says in the text that Isis hadn't been seen by a pony for thousands of years. In fact, many archaeologists are arguing as to whether or not Isis actually exist. Many ponies actually died trying to prove her existence!"

"Died?" Globe gulped.

"That doesn't sound good." Huckleberry murmured.

"Wait, you're saying that this girlfriend might not be real?" Eclipse scowled, as he glared at Discord, "Why you..."

"She does exist!" Discord growled. "The book said that ponies hadn't seen her for thousands of years and that ponies died to find her. But I am no pony! I had met her, I had hung out with her, and as far as I know, we might have had something more."

"But how can you be sure?" Daring asked. "I don't mean to doubt you, Discord, but you said so yourself that it had been around a millennia since you had seen her. Might it be possible that you might had remember things wrong? That maybe Isis was just someone you made up in the back of your mind?"

"...How dare you..." Discord seethed, "Isis is real! In fact, I have proof that she is real! The Golden Phoenix of Immortality!"

"What does the Phoenix have to do with any of this?" Shine asked.

"Yeah, that would be a callback to a really old story." Caboose admitted.

"Here's a thought for all of you: how the heck do you any of you think I knew about the Golden Phoenix?" Discord challenged, "I knew about it because I remember way back when that Isis made it as some sort of gift for the ponies. She even imparted a part of her magic in it! It is thanks to her that you..." He pointed to Daring. "Met Caboose!" He pointed to Caboose. "And that you..." He then shifted to Shine. "Are now able to live till the end of days with Celestia! Is that proof enough for you?"

"I guess that kinda makes sense." Caboose shrugged. "I mean, it's not like the thing just appeared from outta nowhere, like those pesky horseshoe goblins..."

"The book did say something about Isis enchanting some object at one point..." Daring admitted.

"Even if Isis is real or not... how do we even know if this sanctuary is even still around?" Shine asked. "Like you said, it's been thousands of years. What if it isn't there any more, or if Isis had since abandoned the place?"

"Ah..." Discord cringed, his anger dissipating. "...I didn't think of that."

"So we could be on a wild goose chase?" Huckleberry asked. "Great, just great. Almost got killed for nothing..."

"Maybe she's still there?" Globe suggested.

"Or maybe she's long gone." Shine growled. "Which would mean we'd been flying around up here for nothing. Thanks a lot, Discord."

"Now Shine, don't blame Discord." Big Red declared.

"Pa's right." Eclipse nodded. "We should blame Caboose!"

"Huh?" Caboose frowned.

"The way I heard it, you're the one who gave Discord the idea in the first place." Eclipse scowled. "So it's your fault we're up here!"

"Now, Eek..." Big Red said warningly.

"No, Eclipse got a point." Shine growled. "And it wouldn't be the first time Caboose has led ponies into disaster..."

"Hey, come on!" Caboose yelled. "I was just trying to help big D with his love life! You know, like friends do!"

"But what about the rest of your friends?" Huckleberry growled.

"Like us." Eclipse added.

"Well, to be honest, you kids are more like acquaintances. I mean, we only interacted in one chapter together in another story!" Caboose shrugged.

"And that's another thing." Huckleberry scowled. "What's with all this talk of 'chapters', and the like?"

"Yeah." Eclipse added. "What do you think this is, some badly-written story?"

"All that talk kinda freaks me out, to be honest." Globe admitted.

"Uh...Daring, please back me up!" Caboose turned to Daring.

"Leave Caboose alone." Daring declared.

"Thank you." Caboose smiled.

"He didn't know things would lead to this." Daring continued, "He was just trying to help a friend."

"That's the thing, he doesn't know anything!" Eclipse yelled. "He's a doofus! Right, guys?"

"..Well, he did bring all those bowling balls for no reason..." Globe admitted.

"Hey, I like to be prepared!" Caboose retorted. "So sue me for thinking ahead!"

"You can think?" Eclipse snorted. "That's news to me..."

"Boys!" Big Red yelled.

"You know what? Fine!" Caboose yelled. "If you guys can't stand having me around, then I'll just go!"

"Caboose, don't..." Daring tried to talk sense into him. "We're in the middle of nowhere..."

"It's better than staying here!" Caboose yelled. "Big Red, lower the anchor!"

"Now, hold on there, hoss." Big Red declared. "No need to be doin' nuthin' rash..."

"Fine, I'll do it myself!" Caboose yelled.

Caboose fired up his horn, forcing the anchor downward.

"Caboose, stop!" Daring grabbed the manual lever.

"Don't try and stop me, Daring!" Caboose growled, as he focused harder on the anchor.

As they struggled, the anchor, buffeted by going up and down, starting swinging across the sky. Suddenly, it stopped in mid-air, "caught" on something.

"What th-?" Big Red frowned.

"That's one thick cloud." Caboose frowned, using his magic to pull the anchor back in. As he did, a piece of the sky seemed to be dragged with it.

"Is the sky...tearing?" Globe gaped.

"Could it be?" Discord whispered as he then turned to Caboose, "Pull on it more, Caboose."

Caboose did just that, as the sound of ripping echoed. The sky slipped away like wrapping paper, the tear in the sky opening up to reveal an astounding sight...

It was a giant floating island, resplendent with lush greenery, flowing water, and pristine ivory buildings. Giant trees filled with lush flowers sprouted up, a massive waterfall flowed down an even more massive mountain, and the edge of the island was walled off by an ivory barrier.

"Whoa..." Eclipse gaped. "What is that?"

"An actual solid piece of land suspended in mid-air." Daring gasped. "This is certainly something that was not made by Pegasi."

"Dad gum..." Big Red tipped his cap, "Ya don't see that everyday."

"Discord..." Caboose turned to the draconequus. "Is this..."

"I don't believe it... it's the sanctuary...the place Isis told me about." Discord gasped. "We've found it!"

"You mean Caboose found it." Daring smiled.

"I did?" Caboose gaped.

"You sure did." Daring kissed him, "Once again, you 'inadvertently' come through for us."

"Nice work, Caboose." Shine smiled. "And, er, sorry about just now."

"Yeah, I guess you're not totally useless after all." Eclipse admitted.

"Aw, thanks!" Caboose smiled.

"I can't believe we're finally here..." Discord smiled. "Captain Barrelroll, prepare to land."

"With pleasure." Big Red spun the wheel in the island's direction.

Discord felt great anticipation as they descended. He had a feeling that he couldn't explain, just a hunch, that Isis was down there, waiting for him.

'This is it.' He thought. 'Isis, get ready for a blast from the past.'


The masked pony's forces weren't having quite the same luck. Despite the headstart, they were far behind the others.

"Why is this taking so long?!" The masked pony roared, slamming his hoof onto his chair. "I thought that stupid device was supposed to point the way!"

"It is!" One of his servants cringed. "But it keeps getting thrown off by background magic readings..."

"Well, you'd better do something about that." The masked pony growled. "Or else you'll be the one who gets 'thrown off'... this ship! Understand?"

"Yes, sire." The minion cringed.

"Good." The masked pony seethed. "I didn't come this far to get misled by shoddy equipment. The ultimate power will be mine. I don't care how long it takes. As long as it's soon!"

As the minions got to work on finding a way to make the machine more precise, the masked pony looked out the window again, toward the horizon.

"I know you're out there." He growled. "And I'm coming for you."