• Published 4th Jul 2015
  • 1,256 Views, 61 Comments

Project: Transcendence - Bluecatcinema

Discord goes looking for love... and stumbles upon an evil plot.

  • ...


The next morning, the others noticed that Isis was still outside the ship, Discord dutifully by her side.

"What's with Isis?" Caboose wondered, as he glanced out of the window. "I don't think I've ever seen her look this down."

"Considering you've only known her a couple of days, that's not really saying much." Eclipse remarked.

"Hey, I know how to read ponies." Caboose declared. "I only need to be around them for a little while to know what they're usually like. Take Shine, for example. I caught on pretty quick that he's a nice guy with a tendency towards living up to responsibilities."

"Thank you, Caboose." Shine smiled.

"And he can be a little uptight sometimes." Caboose added, causing Shine to lose the smile. "Big Red, on the other hoof, is larger than life, really loves what he does."

"Thank ya kindly." Big Red nodded.

"But he can also be really stubborn and hard-headed when he wants to be." Caboose added.

"Now, hold up a sec..." Big Red growled.

"Eclipse is brave and tough, but only because he's so soft on the inside..." Caboose continued.

"Hey!" Eclipse yelled.

"Huckleberry acts all confident and braggy, but that hides some self-confidence issues..." Caboose trailed on.

"I... don't know what you're talking about!" Huckleberry spluttered.

"Globe is a real sweet kid." Caboose nodded. "Too bad he's so nervous and meek."

"True..." Globe sighed.

"And of course, Daring is so inquisitive and curious, which is why she's such a great explorer... and why I can never get away with hiding snacks around the house." Caboose continued.

"Um, sweetheart, you're getting off topic again." Daring nudged him.

"Oh right." Caboose nodded, "Now, Isis is normally a really peppy kinda gal, always looking on the bright side of things, so what could have gotten her so down in the dumps?"

"Beats me." Daring shrugged. "She's usually flown off with Discord by now."

"It's almost like she's choosing to stay put." Shine mused. "Like there's something out there she doesn't want to encounter."

"What in the heck culd that be?" Big Red snorted. "The gal's immortal, not to mention she's been up here fer years. If there wuz anythin' fer her ta worry about, we'd a' seen it by now."

"Then what's the problem?" Globe asked.

"Maybe she's had a fight with Osiris." Huckleberry suggested. "She's probably staying here because she doesn't want to risk running into him."

"Yeah, right." Eclipse snorted. "Those two are immortals, not kids. No way they'd get into something like that."

"You sure?" Globe asked. "Because I can't think of any other reason for Isis just sitting there."

"Well, whatever it is, it ain't really our business." Big Red declared. "Less'n Isis or maybe Discord decide ta tell us about it, we shouldn't oughta get involved."

"Sound advice." Shine declared. "I know Osiris wouldn't appreciate us butting in."

"Of course you'd say that." Eclipse snorted. "You've been kissing his scales since we got here."

"I prefer to think of it as showing him the proper respect." Shine said tersely. "I think we can all agree that it wouldn't be wise to get on the bad side of Deity of Death."

"Even I know that'd be a bad idea." Caboose nodded.

"But Shine, why you would be the most concerned?" Globe asked in confusion. "You're immortal now because of the Phoenix. Wouldn't that make you immune to Osiris's powers?"

Shine remained mute for a moment.

"I did not think of that." Shine admitted.

"Well, even so, I believe Shine's 'compliments' is what kept him from banishing us up to now." Daring declared. "Though if Huckleberry's right, and those two had a fight... there might be some Tartarus to pay."

"Well, if there is something up between him and Isis, let's just hope Mr. 'Death Deity' doesn't take it out on us." Eclipse said shrewdly.

"Mah thoughts exactly, kiddo." Big Red chuckled. "Now, let's get us some breakfast."

"Oh, yeah." Globe nodded. "All this talking's made me hungry."

"Just breathing make you hungry, bro." Huckleberry joked.

"Very funny." Globe scowled.

Outside, Discord was starting to get worried. Isis was so angry, so resentful. This wasn't the Isis he knew. Never before had he ever seen her in such a way, even recently when she slapped him. It was a sight he could barely stand to see. He didn't want to see such a lovely creature sink into such rage and grudge. He had to do something...

"Um... Isis?" he said tentatively.

"Yes?" Isis sighed.

"Are you... okay?" Discord asked.

"Of course I'm okay." Isis growled. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you did just have that big fight with Osiris." Discord pointed out.

"Don't even say his name!" Isis yelled. "I don't to talk to, see, or even hear from him ever again!"

"And I don't blame you." Discord nodded. "It was just terrible, what he did. Threatening me to stay away from you, not once, but twice, just because he resented our... friendship."

"Really, Discord?" Isis sighed. "Still playing that card. You and I both know what we had was more than just friendship."

"...It was?" Discord raised a brow.

"Yeah." Isis turned to him, "What, don't tell me you actually forgot about what we had together, did you?"

Discord remained silenced... as a cricket suddenly materialized on his shoulder, making noises.

"...Discord?" Isis frowned.

"Um... actually, Isis..." Discord flicked the cricket away to non-existence. "That is... actually a part of the reason I came to find you..."

"Seriously?" Isis gaped, touched, her anger abated for a moment. "You're just bringing this up now?"

"Well, I didn't want to say anything after we just reunited not so long ago." Discord shrugged. "And... to be honest, I wasn't even sure if there was anything... it has been over a thousand years, you know."

"Well, I certainly saw it that way." Isis smiled. "Remember that time during the winter?"

"What time?" Discord asked, genuinely stumped.

"You know, when we sat by the pond together?" Isis prompted.

"Oh, yeah..." Discord mused, a faint memory awakening. "I think I recall something like that... Could you refresh my memory?"

"Gladly." Isis nodded. "What happened was..."


Discord and Isis were sitting on a bench Discord had made out of a fallen tree. It was the dead of winter, the land and trees covered in snow, a nearby pond frozen over.

"Ah, this world really is beautiful, sometimes..." Isis sighed, gazing upon the winter wonderland.

"Yes..." Discord admired his reflection in the frozen pond. "Beautiful..."

"Not you!" Isis chuckled, shoving Discord playfully. "I meant all this!"

"Hey, can I help it if I have the most gorgeous face in the world?" Discord smirked.

"If you say so yourself." Isis chided him.

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful..." Discord grinned.

"Well, what does that make me?" Isis asked. "Am I hideously ugly compared to you, or just moderately ugly?"

"Well... I wouldn't quite 'ugly'..." Discord said awkwardly. "In fact, I'd say you're the second most beautiful creature in the world."

"Second, huh?" Isis smirked.

"Yes, well... you are quite a sight, my dear." Discord admitted bashfully. "Elegant, and graceful."

"Oh, you think so?" Isis said humbly.

"I know so." Discord nodded. "And you're as lovely on the inside as you are on the out. You're such fun, and wonderful company. In fact, you're the only real company I've ever had. Up until now, I've been... alone. Nopony to talk to, nopony to have fun with..."

"That sounds pretty lonely." Isis sighed. "I may have a brother, but we're not really that alike. I can't talk to him the way I do with you. Until recently, I had to keep so much to myself."

"Good thing we found each other, eh?" Discord.

"Sure was." Isis planted a kiss on Discord's cheek.

"Well..." Discord rubbed his cheek. "That was... new."

"Didn't you like it?" Isis fretted.

"I didn't say that." Discord chuckled. "It was quite enjoyable, actually. Now its my turn."

Discord kissed Isis on the cheek.

"Discord..." Isis blushed.

At that moment, snow began to fall. Discord and Isis snuggled together closely, watching the flakes drift downwards.

"You know, you were right." Discord admitted. "This really is a beautiful sight."

"I can think of a better one." Isis gazed at Discord. "And I'm staring right at it."

"Oh, you..." Discord chuckled, as they snuggled closer. "I couldn't ask for better company."

"Me neither." Isis sighed.

Suddenly, Discord scooped up some snow with his tail, and dumped it on Isis' neck.

"Oooh!" Isis shivered.

"Gotcha!" Discord snorted.

"Very funny." Isis smirked. "My turn!"

Isis flicked her tail, sending an entire drift of snow Discord's way. Recovering fast, Discord threw more snowballs, which Isis returned, the two laughing merrily all the while.

The present...

"Wow..." Discord whispered. "...Did we... get any farther than that?"

"A little." Isis admitted. "I remember this one night, we slept in each others' coils..."

"That does ring a bell." Discord admitted.

"Remember those times helped me get through the rough patches." Isis sighed. "Even if I was mad at you for leaving, I didn't forget how it felt when we were together."

"Now that I think about it... I must not have known what I had back then." Discord frowned. "It was more of another source of amusement for me..."

"But I knew it." Isis held his talon in hers. "I knew there was a beautiful soul in you. Something more than a mischievous being of Chaos. Sure, you made a lot of mistakes... but, hey, even gods make mistakes. And that's what I loved about you... even as an immortal, you acted like every day was your last and lived it to the fullest."

"Well..." Discord blushed. "Tell me something I didn't know..." Suddenly, a frown appeared on his face. "I only wish that Osiris didn't do what he did... it was rather rotten."

"It was more than rotten." Isis spat, anger instantly returned. "It was downright cruel! Forcing away my only friend, leaving me alone for over a thousand years? All because he believed that you are no good, and that we should be like machines, mindlessly performing the tasks we were assigned. Well, I am not like him! I will never forgive him for this act of treachery!"

"And I don't blame you." Discord sympathised. "But still, maybe you could possibly... talk to him? Maybe try and clear the air?"

"Never." Isis growled. "I'm never going to so much as glance at him again. Not if I can help it."

"But Isis, he's your family." Discord pointed out. "The only family you have left. Do you really want to throw that away?"

"That's rich, coming from you." Isis said sourly. "You never had anything close to family."

"Not true." Discord shook his head. "When Fluttershy married Forrest and had a foal, they asked me to be an honorary uncle to little Honeysuckle, and to the foals that followed. Through them, I learned what it was to be part of a family. I learned enough to know that it's better to have family, even family you're mad at, than none at all."

"That's as maybe." Isis growled. "But I'll bet none of that family's members ever did anything to each other as bad as what Osiris did to me."

"You'd win that bet." Discord admitted. "But they still had their little fights and disagreements. They would even claim they wouldn't talk to each other again, just as you pledged. But they always made up in the end. And you know why?"

"Enlighten me." Isis said sourly.

"Because they loved each other." Discord said simply. "That's what family is for, after all."

"If Osiris loved me, truly loved me, he wouldn't have done such a despicable thing." Isis growled.

"He was probably just trying to protect you." Discord declared. "I mean, let's look at it from his point of view. His little sister, running around with a troublemaking chaos spirit... you can't blame him for thinking I was a bad influence..."

"Hey, you may not be Prince Charming, but you are far from the worst among the mortals and immortals I came to know in all my years." Isis retorted. "The fact that despite how I felt, Osiris sent you away because of his own baseless hate for you just... just..." She suddenly slammed her tail.

"I know it's hard to argue with..." Discord expanded his own tail, and slammed it on the ground. "But it's not like he did it for no reason."

"Yes." Isis agreed. "He did do it for a reason. And it was a selfish reason."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Discord retorted. "Can it really be selfish if it was you he was thinking of?"

"Why are you defending him all of a sudden?" Isis spat. "After everything he did to me? To you?"

"Don't get me wrong." Discord declared. "I will never be the guy's biggest fan. In fact, I'm still mad over the way he humiliated me back then. And then to demand I simply up and abandoned you. If only I had the courage back then, I could have refused..."

"So why are you so determined to have us talk?" Isis asked.

"Because I don't want to be the reason you hate your brother." Discord said solemnly. "Not only would the guilt eat at me, but..." He scratched the back of his head. "Hate really doesn't suit you, Isis..."

"I can't help it." Isis scowled. "This is what Osiris' meddling has brought upon me."

"You have to understand his perspective though..." Discord answered. "He was just trying to protect you."

"He had a funny way of showing it." Isis growled.

"Well, it's like Fluttershy used to tell me: Sometimes, you have to be cruel to be kind." Discord shrugged.

"Well, there just so happens to be a limit!" Isis yelled. "Osiris not only crossed that line but he lapped over it a thousandfold! I never want to see him again! He can go straight to Tartarus. So please..." Isis then drooped onto the ground, her anger replaced with depression. "Just leave it be..."

Discord sighed. It was obvious he was getting nowhere on persuasion alone. But it was equally obvious that the situation was eating Isis up in inside. He needed a change of tactic... And suddenly , it hit him.

"Are you hungry?" Discord asked. "I'll get us something to eat."

"Yeah, sure." Isis shrugged.

"Be back soon." Discord declared, changing into an eagle and flying away.

Inside the airship, the others saw him take off.

"And there goes Discord." Daring noted. "Wonder where he's off to?"

"Probably getting some food." Globe said through a mouthful of pancakes.

"Maybe one of us should talk to Isis." Caboose suggested.

"If Isis wanted to talk about it, she would have by now." Shine declared.

"Besides, sometimes, you just don't want to talk about it." Eclipse remarked. "Trust me."

"Ah don't know about that." Big Red frowned. "In mah experience, talkin' ta a pony is the first step to clearin' up their problems."

"That's if the pony actually wants to talk." Huckleberry shrugged.

"Well, she was talking to Discord." Caboose pointed out. "Maybe he'll help fix things."

"Here's hoping." Shine declared.

After picking a few berries, Discord took a detour, scouring the sanctuary for Osiris. He finally found him, still at the same mountainside as yesterday. The Serpent was staring off into space, a lost look on his visage. The dust from the rockslide he caused yesterday still clung to his body, showing that he hadn't moved since then. The Spirit of Chaos flew over to join him, changing back to his normal self.

"Good morning." He said, as respectfully as possible.

"You..." Osiris raised his head, his glare full of hate, baring his fangs, as he roared. "What do you want?!"

The roar nearly blew Discord away, as soon as it ceased, his body was curled backwards, his arms and neck stuck out at ridiculous angles.

"Well, I was hoping we could talk... after... you know." Discord murmured, regaining his usual shape.

"Talk?!" Osiris snarled. "I have nothing to say to you! You've already taken my sister away from me! What more could you want from me?!"

"I understand if you're angry-" Discord started.

"Angry?" Osiris glared. "I'm furious! Your intrusion into this sanctuary has cost me my sister! I knew that you would find a way to ruin my life, but of all the things you had to do..."

"To be fair, Osiris, you did had this coming." Discord declared.

"You shut your twisted mouth, you freak!" Osiris roared. "I have more than half a mind to annihilate you! I don't care if I can't kill you, I will find a way to make your life a nightmare!"

"Are you sure you want to go and do that?" Discord asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" Osiris growled. "You ruined my life..."

"Don't be so sure." Discord smiled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Osiris challenged.

"It means, Isis has taken the time to clear her head and is prepared to talk things out with you." Discord lied. "Over at the cavern, on the other side of the island."

"Is this another one of your insipid jokes?" Osiris snorted. "Because if it is..."

"No joke." Discord shook his head.

"Forgive me if I'm a little sceptical..." Osiris scowled. "Considering you employed a similar trick only days ago..."

"Seriously!" Discord held up his arms in a gesture of compliance. "I wouldn't lie about something this important!"

"Then why is Isis not here to talk to me herself?" Osiris asked.

"Because... she wants you to come to her." Discord thought quickly. "She says it's the least you can do, all things considered."

"Well..." Osiris wrestled with the thought for a moment. "...Fine. I'll come."

"Excellent." Discord smiled. "But you might want to spruce up a little first." He pointed out the dust on his scales. "Since you don't appear to have moved since last night."

"Very well." Osiris shrugged, flying off to clean himself.

Discord flashed up a headset.

"Phase one complete." He muttered, before flashing over to where Isis was. "Now for phase two."

Holding the basket in his paw, Discord rushed over to Isis.

"Got the berries!" He smiled.

"Thanks, Discord." Isis grinned, reaching for the basket.

"Oh, you know what would be great?" Discord suddenly yanked the way the basket. "You know this cave, over at the mountain? The one with the glowy crystals inside? Wouldn't it be fun if we ate the berries in there?"

"I... guess." Isis frowned. "It'd make a nice change."

"Excellent." Discord grinned. "Let's go."

As Isis followed him, Discord thought 'Phase two: complete. Moving on to phase three....'

"And there they go." Eclipse remarked. "Off by themselves."

"Looking for a little alone time, huh?" Caboose smirked. "Discord, you dog..."

Discord and Isis reached the cavern in no time. It was a fairly large place, easily enough to fight a small mansion. As they entered, they were bathed in the light of the glowing, multicolored crystals that protruded from the walls and ceiling.

"What a sight..." Isis smiled.

"Kind of makes you forget your troubles, right?" Discord asked.

"Almost." Isis scowled, Osiris clearly still on her mind. "Come on, let's eat."

"Ladies first." Discord offered.

"Why, thank you." Isis managed a weak smile.

"Here to help." Discord smiled. "You can count on that."

"Okay..." Isis frowned, noting the look on Discord's face. "What are you up to?"

"Why, nothing." Discord said innocently. "Just trying to cheer you up, that's all."

"And I'm very grateful for that." Isis smiled.

"Now, on to the feast." Discord urged. "Those berries won't last forever, you know."

As they ate, Osiris slithered into the cave.

"Isis..." Osiris murmured.

"Osiris?" Isis glared, "What are you doing here?"

Discord started easing his way over to the cave entrance.

"What do you mean?" Osiris asked. "Discord sent your message."

"What message?" Isis frowned.

"The message that you wanted to talk things over." Osiris declared, his mood dampening. "That you finally calmed down."

"I never said that." Isis growled, as she turned to Discord. "Discord?"

As the serpents turned to look at him, Discord snapped his finger, and a giant stone pillar crashed down in front of the entrance.

"What are you doing?!" Osiris yelled.

"Mediating." Discord answered, as he snapped on a therapist's outfit, with glasses and a notepad. "You two need to settle things, and I saw no other way to help you do it. None of us are leaving until you talk things out, sibling to sibling."

"Do you really think a chunk of rock is going to hold us in here?" Osiris growled.

"Yeah, Discord. Even you know that a rock can't contain two Deities." Isis declared with a frown.

"Not just a rock." Discord stretched and contorted his body so it covered the pillar blocking the entrance, his claws hooked into the gaps. "You'd have to go through me, too."

"Gladly." Osiris snarled, as a orb of power began to manifest between his mandibles. "Finally gives me a reason to annihilate him..."

"Don't even think about it!" Isis spat as she whacked the 'orb' from his mandible, making it disappear like mist. "This is exactly why I don't want to bother myself with you anymore! You're always so hostile! Like violence is always the answer!"

"Good, good." Discord nodded. "Keep venting. It's perfectly healthy."

"In case you hadn't noticed, Isis, violence is what get things done!" Osiris yelled. "And I am only 'hostile' because I know full well the trouble that comes from associating ourselves with the mortals of the surface world and those like him!" He gestured to Discord.

"Oh, again, with your hate for Discord!" Isis snapped, "What has he ever done to you to warrant such hate?!"

"Well, this right here is what I was talking about!" Osiris glared at Discord. "Discord tricked us here through lies and deceit! How is it that I keep falling for them, I will never know!"

"I don't know... maybe it's you just being 'stupid and naive'." Isis spat.

"Isis..." Osiris groaned, recognizing his words from yesterday. "Please, I'm sorry... I didn't meant to call you that."

"Then what did you mean?" Isis snarled. "Because I am sick of you treating me like a brain-dead hatchling who can't fend for herself!"

"I never did that!" Osiris shook his head.

"Oh, please." Isis snorted. "Remember when I first learned to fly? You kept hovering close by, thinking I was going to fall any second."

"That was justified!" Osiris shot back.

"Bottom line, you've always treated me like some fragile little creature who couldn't handle things on her own." Isis growled. "That's what hurts the most: That you have so little faith in me that you think you have to coddle me day and night for all these thousands of years... to the point where you'd meddle in my personal life!"

"I only did what I did to protect you. I am not sorry for that!" Osiris declared fiercely, "Or have you forgotten what happened to the rest of our kind?"

"All this time, and you're still going on about that." Isis rolled her eyes. "You're forgetting that we don't really know what happened to them. It could have been from the surface world, or it could have been something else, who knows?"

"It hardly matters in the end." Osiris scoffed. "Staying on this sanctuary kept us alive. I could not bear the thought of you coming down to the surface and perishing, or worse." He then glanced at Isis with eyes of sorrow. "You are the only family I have left, Isis... if I lost you...I would never forgive myself."

"...Osiris..." Isis growled, though mostly of frustration. "I know you did this with good intentions and all, but I'm not some little girl anymore. You don't need to protect me! I should be free to make my own choices, go my own way, and befriend whoever I choose!"

"Even if the friend is a potentially dangerous Chaos Spirit?" Osiris said stubbornly.

"Come on, Osiris..." Isis growled, "What truly makes me mad about what you did was the fact that Discord was my only friend and you took him away from me... Can you say that you never had a friend?"

Osiris remained silent.

"Well?" Isis challenged.

"...I did... once..." Osiris admitted.

"And do you miss that friend?" Isis asked.

Osiris remained silent.

"Ah, you see, Osiris, it's not a good feeling it is?" Isis glared, "That's how I felt in the years Discord was gone. A whole millennia of being alone."

"Isis... I never meant to hurt you..." Osiris frowned.

"Well, you did." Isis pouted.

"I was... just trying to keep you safe." Osiris insisted.

"What good is keeping me safe if you break my heart in the process?" Isis asked.

"...Perhaps I do go a little too far..." Osiris admitted.

"A little?" Discord snorted.

"Don't push your luck." Osiris growled before turning to Isis with a frown. "Isis, I'm sorry. You're not a child, you're a Deity. And I should have let you choose how you want to go about living your life. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Well, that's a start." Isis scowled.

"Can you ever forgive me?" Osiris asked.

"I don't know." Isis sighed. "In time, maybe. But for now, it's still a tender subject. I just need a little space right now, okay?"

"I understand." Osiris nodded. "Take all the time you need."

"Well, I think this is a good time to end our session." Discord declared. He removed himself from the pillar. "You've both made some excellent progress."

"I'm still mad you tricked me, mister." Isis glared at him. "And I expect you to make it up to me."

"Of course." Discord nodded. "You just have to name it."

"Well, I could use a nice deep tissue massage." Isis admitted. "All this stress has given me knots like you wouldn't believe."

"Consider it done." Discord stretched out his fingers.

Osiris scowled lightly, but otherwise showed no signs of reacting to the thought of Discord touching his sister. Hoping it would take his mind off it, he approached the pillar.

"Allow me to get us out." He offered.

With a flick of his head, Osiris sent the pillar flying out of the cave.

"Now that's using your head!" Discord chuckled. "Anypony? Anypony? No...? Suit yourselves. I thought it was a great joke."

"Let's go." Isis declared. "We still have berries to finish, remember?"

"How could I forget?" Discord grinned.

As they left the cave, Discord glanced over at Osiris, who glanced at him in confusion. He gave the serpent a thumbs up in return.

Once Discord and Isis returned to the airship, the others were already out, looking to stretch their legs.

"Hey, big D." Caboose smiled.

"Hi, Isis." Daring declared.

"Hi, guys." Isis beamed.

"You're looking a little more chipper than you were this morning." Shine noted. "Did you solve that problem of yours?"

"Getting there." Isis shrugged. "Thanks to Discord."

"Oh, I didn't do much." Discord said modestly. "I just set things in motion."

"Thanks anyway." Isis kissed him on the cheek.

"Ooooh!" Caboose whooped.

"Would ya care ta join us fer lunch?" Big Red offered.

"No thanks." Isis declined. "We still have some berries."

"Then don't let us stop you. Enjoy them." Shine smiled.

"We will." Discord chuckled.

Off in the distance, Osiris gave the group a short glance as he flew through the air. While it wasn't quite the reconciliation he was hoping for, he had at least managed to level things out with Isis. And it was all thanks to Discord, of all beings. It confused him really.

"What was that all about?" Osiris pondered. "Why did he help me? After everything I did to him? It would have been in his best interests to let Isis hate me forever, but he chose to try to get us to reconcile." He put a talon to his chin in thought. "Perhaps there's more to that troublesome spirit than I thought..."