• Published 17th Aug 2015
  • 11,206 Views, 553 Comments

MommAdagio - EagleOfDeath15

In an alternate universe far, far away... What if Adagio Dazzle fell in love and became a mother?

  • ...

Thirteen - Midnight Cravings

Author's Note:

A chapter will be released on a weekly basis on Sundays to satisfy that 'Reading Hunger' for you all.

Thank you and enjoy!

Credit and thanks to amazingpuffhairfor making me this image.

- 1 Week Later -

[2 Months, 2 Weeks Into Pregnancy]

[Adagio Dazzle’s P.O.V.]

I lay in my bed, sleeping peacefully whilst I was cuddled up to my boyfriend, feeling the warmth radiating from his touch as I dreamt of him and I. Everything was calm and silent since then... until now.

My stomach let out a low growl as my hunger instincts kicked in. I tried to shrug it off but my cravings were irresistible. I let out a low groan and slowly woke up, rubbing my eyes clean from drowsiness. I looked over to my side, noticing Clavier was fast asleep. I laid a hand on his shoulder and began shaking him awake.

“Clavier, wake up,” I whispered. I did not receive any response from him.

I shook him once again, this time a little rougher. “Mmmmmm…” All I received was a low, soft moan. I tried again for the last time, more rough than before.

“Clavier, wake up,” I repeated, a little louder this time as I continued shaking him by the shoulder. Clavier did not respond which made me annoyed, but then he began to stir. In the darkness, I could see Clavier waking up from his slumber.

“Hold on.” Clavier sat up slowly and fumbled in the darkness. There was a low light illuminating his face from his phone, his blue eyes glimmering in the dark. The light disappeared to be replaced by a lamp which Clavier turned on by his bedside.

“It’s three in the morning. What is it?” he grumbled sleepily.

“Sorry to wake you up, but I’m feeling hungry,” I answered sheepishly.


“Cravings.” ‘I’m so hungry,’ I remembered what Delight and my mother had mentioned to me once during their talks about going through pregnancy, do’s, don’ts, and what to expect. I’m glad our parents decided to come by last week. Now it’s time to put their advice to the test.

“What would you like?” I tapped my chin as I hummed in thought.

“Can you get me a sandwich?” he nodded his head in acknowledgement.

“Is there anything else?” I shook my head.

“Alright, I’ll go downstairs and make you a sandwich. You want your usual?.” I nodded and gave him a peck on the cheek which made him smile. He got up from the bed and left the room as he made his way downstairs to the kitchen. I laid back down to rest until Clavier came back. Suddenly, I felt my hunger instincts kicking in. I was beginning to crave for something else.

“Just when I sent your daddy downstairs, now you want something else,” I muttered to no one in particular. I patted my belly which was now a tiny bump, but not too big or obvious at the moment. Clavier entered the room carrying a sandwich on a small plate.

“Here’s your sandwich.” he offered the plate to me which I took.

“Thank you.” I carefully placed the plate on my bedside, causing Clavier to gaze at me confused.

He furrowed an eyebrow. “Aren’t you going to eat?” I shook my head and gave a sheepish grin which made him more puzzled.

I began rubbing the back of my head and giggled nervously. “Yeah, about that. My cravings just changed. Sorry.” he rolled his eyes and groaned loudly, falling back onto the bed. I felt sorry for waking him up in the middle of the night and for sending him downstairs to get food, only for my cravings to change. He lay there with his eyes closed. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I swear!” I felt Clavier’s hands wrap around mine as he gently squeezed.

He let out a tired sigh. “It’s okay. I can understand you can’t help it. It happens. What’re you craving for this time?” I hummed in thought again.

“Can you get me some ice cream?” I requested. Clavier shot up from his bed almost instantly.

“Alright, alright. I will.” Clavier got up once again but stopped in his tracks. “Wait, who would be selling ice cream at this time?! It’s the middle of the night.” I facepalmed, not having thought of that until an idea came to me.

“There’s a 24/7 convenience store just around the corner five minutes from here.” Clavier nodded reluctantly and let out a yawn before grabbing some clothes and going to the bathroom. I could hear rustling in there until Clavier came out, dressed casually.

“Why did you change in there? You could have changed in front of me silly,” I smirked seductively.

“I thought it’d be inappropriate to do that in front of a girl,” he said sheepishly as he grabbed for his coat.

“Such a gentleman. You and I’ve seen each other in the nude so there’s no need to be ashamed.” I noticed a faint blush growing on Clavier’s cheeks which made me giggle.

“You’re such fun to tease.” Clavier rolled his eyes and pecked me on the lips.

“I’ll be right back with your food, okay? Just sleep for bit.” I nodded and lay down for some more sleep while Clavier left to find me some ice cream.

[Clavier Melody’s P.O.V.]

I stepped out into the dark, cold night and shut the door behind me. I sighed deeply. ‘I hope I won’t have to do this every night.’ The thought of having to put up with Adagio’s cravings every night made me groan.

“Let’s just get this done and over with.” I left the house and began walking to where Adagio told me to go. Just as she said, there was a 24/7 convenience store nearby where we lived. I let out a sigh of relief and made my way inside, greeted by the warmth. I browsed the store for some ice cream and eventually found it. I opened the freezer and reached out until a realization hit me. ‘I forgot to ask her what flavour she wanted’ I groaned, facepalming.

I thought of which one to get, knowing Adagio liked many flavours, which made it all the more difficult. Unable to decide, I chose a variety and brought them over to the counter.

“Good evening, sir,” the clerk greeted.

“Good evening,” I returned.

The clerk began scanning the items. “If I may ask, what made you need to buy ice cream at this time? It’s the middle of the night.”

“Well, my girlfriend woke me up and she’s got cravings for ice cream,” I answered.

“Hmmm, cravings. Is she going through pregnancy?” I nodded my head in confirmation. He let out a hearty chuckle.

“I can understand where you’re coming from. Believe me, I’ve had to deal with the same for my wife once.”

“I hope I won’t have to deal with it every night,” I grumbled.

“I see. My advice to you, make a list of things she craves and be sure to stock up your fridge at home with those. That way, it’ll be less of a hassle.” I smiled and nodded gratefully.

“Thank you for this and thank you for the advice. Much appreciated.”

He let out a smile of his own as he handed the bag to me. “It’s no problem. Good luck and congratulations by the way.” I waved goodbye and stepped out once again into the cold, making my way back home.

I hurriedly made it back and opened the door, rushing to the kitchen. I set the ice cream tubs down and grabbed a small bowl and a spoon, filling and mixing them in. I stored the tubs in the freezer and walked back upstairs where Adagio lay sleeping. I switched on the lights in the room and walked over to her, shaking her shoulder gently.

“Psst. Adagio, I’ve got your ice cream. Come on.” Adagio quickly sat up from the bed. “I forgot to ask what flavour you wanted, so I made up for it by getting a variety of flavours.”

“Aww, that was thoughtful of you. Thanks.” Adagio smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek.

“Thanks for getting me the ice cream.” I held the bowl and spoon out to her as she set to work in devouring its contents. I sat down and watched her eat it ravenously, making me chuckle.

“Slow down there, you don’t want to get brain freeze now do you?” My words fell upon deaf ears as Adagio continued to eat her ice cream. With a final lick off the spoon, Adagio held the bowl towards me.

After taking them, she said, “More please.”

“More?” Adagio nodded. “Fine, I’ll go bring more.” I lazily got back up and went back downstairs to the kitchen for Adagio’s second helping before making my way back upstairs. Once again, I watched Adagio quickly eat her dessert as a devious idea came to my mind.

I smirked at her, causing her to gaze in confusion like a deer caught in headlights. “What?” she asked.

“That looks delicious. Can I have a taste?” Adagio frowned.

“I don’t know…”

“Please? It’ll only be a lick,” I pleaded, opening my eyes as wide as I could. Adagio held strong but only momentarily. I could see she was starting to break and would eventually give up.

“Fine, you can have some.” I grinned and leaned in, only to be held back by Adagio. “Only a lick…” I nodded my head and leaned in, a smirk visible on my face as I leaned in for a taste. A

I saw Adagio’s eyes grow wide as my lips met hers, pushing my tongue into her mouth as I tasted the sweet flavour of vanilla. I held the kiss for a moment before pulling away. Satisfied, I licked my lips clean and grinned at my girlfriend.

“That tasted pretty good,” I teased. Adagio’s cheeks were a bright shade of red, making her all the more cuter. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.

“You look endearing when you blush.” I winked as Adagio playfully shoved me, causing me to fall into a fit of laughter.

“You’re such a tease.”

I stopped laughing and wrapped my arms around her. “Oh come on. You know you loved it.” Adagio giggled.

“Yeah, I guess I did.” I felt Adagio’s hands unwrap my arms around her as she resumed eating her second serving before finishing and letting out a burp.

“Pardon me,” she excused, giggling nervously, prompting a small laugh from me.

“Feeling better?” Adagio nodded her head.

“Much better. I don’t feel hungry anymore.” I grabbed my phone and began typing away on an empty note page.

“What’re you doing?” Adagio asked curiously.

“Making a list of items I should buy in the future whenever you get cravings,” I replied without turning to look at her.

“Oh, okay. Sorry if I woke you up in the middle of the night.” I finished writing down the notes and placed my phone back on the bedside.

“No, it’s okay. Anything for you and the baby. It’s my responsibility to look after you both,” I reassured. I let out a small smile which she returned.

“Thanks.” Adagio gave me a quick peck on the lips. “Oh, by the way, did I ever show you the photo of my ultrasound?”

I perked up, the mention of the results catching my attention. ‘Why have I not thought of that before?’ “No, I don’t believe so.”

“Oh my, how could’ve I forgotten?” Adagio facepalmed.

“It’s okay. I can understand. We’ve both been caught up lately in a short span of time, I forgot to ask too.” Adagio nodded.

“I’ll go get them.” She leaned forward on her bedside as I heard her open a drawer and extricate a small folder. She opened it and reached in.

“Hmm… where is it?” Adagio trailed. “Ah! Here it is” Adagio dug out a small picture from the folder and held it between us.

I gasped lightly as my mouth hung open slightly. On the picture was an ultrasound scan from Adagio’s appointment. There was a small grey dot on it which I assumed was the baby’s heartbeat. I couldn’t help but smile as a small tear escaped my eyes. I reached out and caressed the picture with my other hand.

“I-it’s beautiful. That’s our baby, Dagi.” I felt her arms wrap in mine as my other arm wrapped around her.

“Yeah, it is. That’s our baby,” she whispered. I continued to look at the picture some more before giving it back to her to put away safely. I laid back down with my girlfriend and snuggled closely up to each other.

“Wow. I can’t describe how happy I am right now,” I whispered.

“Yeah, me too,” she replied quietly. “Despite everything, everyone’s come to accept it. I don’t regret any of this.”

“I don’t think everyone knows about it yet though. I’m not sure how’d they react,” I mumbled, unsure.

“Like who?”

“My cousins for example.”

“Oh, Octavia and Vinyl?”

“Yeah, them. I’d like to tell them about it. I hate keeping secrets from those two. They’re practically like my sisters.”

“I know what you mean. They’re good friends. Why don’t you tell them when you see them next time?” she suggested.

“I’d like that.” I paused. “Dagi?”


“Would it be okay if I kept a copy of the ultrasound photo?” I requested.

“Okay, but what for?”

“So I have a reminder of one of the most beautiful things in my life.” I could see a smile in the dark as the moonlight shone over her smooth skin.

“Of course.””

I yawned and wrapped my other arm around Adagio. “I’m going back to sleep.”

“Alright then. Goodnight, Clavier.”

“Goodnight,” I mumbled. I kissed her on the forehead quickly and held her tightly in my arms. I began to feel the drowsiness kicking in before falling victim to unconsciousness.