• Published 17th Aug 2015
  • 11,207 Views, 553 Comments

MommAdagio - EagleOfDeath15

In an alternate universe far, far away... What if Adagio Dazzle fell in love and became a mother?

  • ...

Twenty Five - Happy Birthday Adagio!

Author's Note:

My apologies for keeping you all waiting for this chapter. Please consider that I may not be able to upload as much as I used to on a weekly basis for the following reasons:

- Friend and proofreader, Requiem17 busy with college.
- Splitting my time between this and another fiction project.
- Personal responsibilities.

Thank you everyone for your patience. Hope you all enjoy. :pinkiesmile:

- 1 Week Later -

[7 Months, 2 Weeks Into Pregnancy]

It has been a week already and today was my lady’s special day, her birthday. I had informed everyone and planned it ahead of time with our parents and friends for Adagio’s upcoming birthday. We had all agreed to set up a surprise party, courtesy to our party planner, Pinkie Pie. That left me with an important obligation to accompany her outside as everyone else sets up shop.

In addition, I had bought a couple of rings from Mr. Discord for my planned proposal and a wedding ring to save for the future. Having nearly forgotten the important event, I bought Adagio a gift, a necklace with a rose red gem attached to it that came as an offered discount. Thank goodness the former counsellor was kind enough to give me a monthly payment plan since I didn’t have enough money or I’d be a sitting duck.

At the moment, Adagio and I are at the hospital waiting patiently in Dr. Whooves’ office until he returned. We came in after we received a call personally from him that the test results from her previous appointment were ready.

I pulled out my phone and fiddled with the buttons on the screen as I typed and sent sent a message to Pinkie, though with some humor added in.

“Private Pinkie, report.” - Clavier

I held my phone and gazed at it, remaining patient for her reply.

“We’re at 50% readiness sir!” - Pinkie

Adagio cleared her throat, a clear sense of vexation in her tone and her arms crossed underneath her chest. It was plain that she was feeling frustrated.

“Hey, Dagi. What’s up?”

“Who’re you talking to?” she questioned icily.

A sweat drop rolled down my forehead. I wasn’t sure what to say, fearing I may compromise the plan too early and pronounce something to invoke her uncontrollable wrath. Still, I might as well try my best and reassure he as calmly as I can.

“O-oh, I’m just talking to dad,” I replied.

“Oh? What’d he say?”

“Nothing much. He’s just asking how we’re both doing and to have a nice day.” My body tensed the more she prolonged her narrow stare. Unexpectedly, she let out a smile, a sense of relief washing over me but I didn’t dare show it.

“That’s nice of Grand. Tell him to have a nice day as well.” I nodded and pretended to start typing away on my phone. I felt a little guilty having to lie to my beloved, but at least it was for a good cause this time.

Good dodge smooth guy,” I told myself mentally.

“Sorry to keep you both waiting. I’ve got the results here with me.” Dr. Whooves re-entered the room carrying a folder tucked under his arm. The doctor went over to us and sat back down on his chair. He opened the folder and hummed softly.

“Well, lay it on us, doc,” Adagio urged.

“According to the test results, you’re perfectly healthy and there are no signs of health risks or deficiencies that could affect the baby’s birth.” Like a balloon, we allowed all of the air in our lungs to escape as we sighed in relief.

“That’s great news. Is there anything else needed?” I asked.

Dr. Whooves nodded and gestured with a hand to an electronic weight scale and a blood pressure monitor on his desk. “I just need to measure Adagio’s current weight and blood pressure for some information updates.”

Adagio got up from her seat, went over to the weight scale and stepped on it. The scale’s readings shortly stopped, displaying a reading of 74.9kg. My girlfriend didn’t attempt to hide her groan as she threw one of her death glares my way.

‘This is your fault,’ she mouthed. I scratched the back of my head and shrugged. Her hormones must’ve kicked in again.

“Don’t worry lass. It’s perfectly normal for weight gain during pregnancy. The baby’s growth and other factors of pregnancy contributes to it,” Dr. Whooves assured.

Adagio sighed a little disappointingly. “I know.”

“Now to measure your blood pressure. Hold out your right arm please.”

Adagio held out her right arm. Dr. Whooves wrapped it delicately but firmly around her smooth skin. He pushed a button on the blood pressure monitor and it did its thing, compressing around her limb.

After a couple of minutes, Dr. Whooves unwrapped the cast off her arm and she rubbed it gently to shake off the uncomfortable tingle.

“110/70. Your blood pressure’s normal and in good health. Keep it up!”

We thanked Dr. Whooves for his time and effort and bade each other goodbye before we left. I signalled him a nod of my head, mentally reminding him of the upcoming event. He replied with a mutual gesture and waved.

Adagio and I had gone to the public park after we got out of the hospital and chose to spend our time together there. We were sitting down on a bench overlooking a large pond as it glared back with a blinding whiteness from the sun’s reflection.

The past week had mostly been mediocre with the climate the weather brought to Canterlot, although Faust seemed fortunate enough to bless Adagio’s birthday with a more pleasant atmosphere. Adagio was quiet as she admired the scenery, a beautiful smile etched on her lips and her fuchsia eyes were exposed to the wonders of Faust’s natural creation.

A disturbing small tremor vibrated from my pocket, my phone. Ensuring Adagio wasn’t looking, I took my phone out and checked for any notifications. Anticipatedly, it was from Pinkie.

‘We’re almost ready, Clavi! 90% readiness!” - Pinkie

I smiled, glad that our team effort was going at a fluidly steady pace. It wouldn’t be long before they were finished and we could go home and let it unfold.

“Clavier?” I jumped slightly in my seat. I instantly turned off my phone and hid it back in my pocket. I could only hope she did not see anything.

“Y-yes dear?”

“Are you okay? You seem on edge.” I gave a fake smile.

“Me? On edge? Not when I’m with you.” Adagio averted her gaze and smiled, blushing.

“That’s sweet of you, but are you sure? Is there something bothering you or anything that you want to talk about?” I denied with a shook of my head.

“I’m fine, really. Thank you though,”

“Hmmmm. Well, if you’re sure.” We both stayed silent for a moment.

“What about you?” I asked in return. She turned to face me with a small hint of sadness.

“Clavier, aren’t you forgetting something today?” she asked. I hummed, tapping the base of my chin.

“I... I don’t think so,” I said, feigning ignorance. Adagio frowned; that weighed heavily on my heart and contributed to my guilt. “Why?”

“Do you know what day it is today?” she asked.

“U-um? Cake day?” I replied.

Adagio sighed deeply. “Goodness Clavier, it’s my birthday today!”

I recoiled back as Adagio’s hormones kicked in. I opened my mouth to speak but Adagio cut me off with a finger to my lips.

“You know what? Just don’t say anything. I don’t want to hear what excuse you’ve come up with. It hurts me most that you of all people could’ve forgotten!” Adagio scolded angrily.

“I-I’m sorry,” I mumbled. Our plan for my act had gone too far and I couldn’t blame my girlfriend. If I was in her position, I’d probably be angry too.

Adagio just exhaled deeply, venting out her stress from her lungs “Let’s just go home. I’m tired and I just want to get some rest.”

My eyes grew wide and I started to panic inside. What if everyone wasn’t ready by the time we got home? “B-but…”

NOW!” she hissed. I gulped, a little frightened of my girlfriend at the moment. I could only hope everyone was ready

I drove my car slowly down the road and turned right as I parked it outside of our house’ garage. I got out of my car and opened the door for Adagio. She stepped outside of the car and made her way to the front door without a word. A sudden buzz in my pocket prompted me to pull out my phone.

Please be ready’ I begged mentally.

I opened my phone’s screen and there was a message from Pinkie. I held my breath.

We’re done!’ - Pinkie

I sighed in relief but I wasn’t out of the woods yet. I couldn’t retrieve Adagio’s present from the car without being noticed. Unfortunately, I looked up to see Adagio standing with her arms crossed whilst tapping her foot impatiently.

Looks like I’ll have to come back for it later.’ I hurried over to the door and unlocked it.

As Adagio and I stepped inside the house, the lights suddenly illuminated the dark space to reveal all our friends and family with lively decorations around the house.

‘SURPRISE!” everyone yelled. I held out both arms to catch Adagio’s fall as she jumped back a little in astonishment.

“W-what is this?” Adagio stuttered.

“Thought everyone and lover boy here forgot about your birthday didn’t you?” dad teased. Adagio stayed silent for the moment before turning around swiftly and holding out her arms, assaulting me with a very tight death hug.

“Oh, you cheeky boy. I’m so sorry if I shouted at you earlier,” she whispered. I raised her head gently, her eyes shimmering with happiness contrary to recent events. I brushed a hand over her beautiful eyes and smiled.

“I know and I did it for… no, we did it for you so it’s fine.” I wrapped my arms around her and patted her back comfortingly.

“Thank you for all this.” Adagio pulled back and we shared a quick kiss.

“No problem.”

“Aww!” everyone cooed in unison. I looked over to our friends and family and stuck my tongue out.

After the surprise greeting, everyone had gone to the garden and took their time to eat, drink and chat with everyone. I looked around and saw everyone had smiles on their faces, a sigh of relief escaping my mouth from all the pressure of our work.


Suddenly, the doorbell rang and I left to fetch the door and see who it was.

“Knock knock!” said a masculine voice. I could already guess who it was but I thought I’d play along.

“Who’s there?” I asked.


“Doctor Who?” I asked again.

“Open the door and you’ll find out.”

I opened the door and as I expected, it was none other than our family doctor, Dr. Whooves. In his arms was a wrapped present for none other than my beloved. I thought of a joke and decided to share it.

I flashed a smile and welcomed him inside. “Glad you could make it doc.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for one of my two favorite patients now would I? Surprised you still remember that joke.” we shared a chuckle. I led him back to where everyone was and stepped back outside. Everyone’s heads turned our way with mixed expressions of surprise.

“Doctor? What’re you doing here?” Adagio asked. She was the first to break the silence. The doctor flashed his trademark smile.

“Come on. A doctor also has a life outside work you know. What kind of family doctor would I be if I weren’t here to celebrate your special day?” Adagio giggled and held out her arms as the two shared a hug.

Doctor Whooves immediately approached our parents and became engaged in a series of discussions, not as his patients but as his close friends.

It wasn’t long after his arrival that everyone finally gathered inside in time for Adagio to open her presents. First up were our friends, then our parents and I am last.

Pinkie jumped up from her seat and eagerly held out her gift. “Here you go, Dagi! This is a collaborated gift by Dashie and I.”

“It’s not much but we hope you like it. Happy birthday and stay awesome!”

Adagio opened it and inside was two rock candy loom bracelets; one pink and one rainbow. I could tell the two had put a lot of time and effort into it just by its delicate design.

“Aww, this is awesome. Thanks you guys!” Adagio reached out and hugged Pinkie and Rainbow thankfully for their present.

Next up was Twilight. She held out her perfectly rectangular present over the birthday girl. Judging by its shape, I’m guessing it was a book because it’s just Twilight.

“Sunset and I put our time and effort into it. We hope you’ll love it and a happy birthday.” Twilight stated.

Adagio opened Twilight’s present and just as I expected, there was tall brown book. The girls besides Adagio and Sunset gave a deadpan gaze towards her.

“Come on guys. Cut Twilight some slack. Go on, Adagio. Open it,” Sunset urged.

Adagio nodded and opened the book. She eyed the contents and shortly she beamed happily like the sun.

“It’s… it’s all our memories together since we started Canterlot High,” Adagio mumbled. Twilight twirled her hair between her index finger nervously.

“S-so… do you like it? I put a lot of time and effort into it.” My girlfriend walked over to Twilight and hugged her tightly.

“Oh Twilight, Sunset, you two are wonderful. Thank you for this gift. I’ll treasure the memories.” She hugged the duo happily before returning to her seat.

Next was the timid member of our group, Fluttershy. She walked over to her meekly and gave her present.

“This is from Rarity and I. We hope you’ll like it and a happy birthday,” Fluttershy said quietly.

Adagio gently took her present and smiled at the duo. She carefully unwrapped it and inside was a purple knit sweater with an ironically black adagio note and a bright yellow gemstone on the right breast pocket.

“So what do you think darling?” Rarity asked, hopefully.

“Do… d-do you like it?” Fluttershy asked.

Adagio remained silent, an unreadable expression on her face. “Like it? No. I don’t like it.” The two sighed and lowered their heads in disappointment.

“I love it! Oh thank you guys so much!” Adagio walked over to the fashionista and the shy girl and hugged them both.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’ll say that Fluttershy deserves most of the credit. She came up with the idea and made your present.”

“Oh no, I couldn’t take all the credit, Rarity,” Fluttershy dismissed bashfully.

“Nonsense. Be proud of your work my dear.” Rarity, Fluttershy and Adagio smiled and shared another hug.

Next was Applejack with a wrapped basket in her hands. Everyone in the room was noticeably shifting in their seat, their noses sniffing the air that originated from it. It’s lingering smell was driving me hungry even after eating my fair share before.

“Ah’m sure ya can guess what’s inside judgin’ bah the smell. This is from the Apple Family and I. A happy birthday and enjoy!”

Adagio thanked her and took the wrapped basket, trying her best to maintain calm and in control from the undeniably sweet aroma. She unwrapped it and inside was a basket full of freshly baked apple treats and pastries.

I could feel my mouth watering involuntarily, sharing everyone’s thoughts besides Applejack; we all wanted a piece. Adagio, noticing the hungry eyes around the room, hugged the basket and shielded it with her arms cutely.

“Thanks, Applejack. Pass on my gratitude to the Apple Family!” Adagio said. Applejack took off her hat and tipped it in response.

My hand reached out for the basket as if it had a mind of its own. Unluckily, my girlfriend noticed and slapped my hand away.

“Ow,” I groaned. Adagio hugged her basket closer, far from my reach.

“Oh it wasn’t that hard silly. Mine.” I groaned in disappointment, earning a laugh from everyone much to my dismay.

Next was Flash and in his hands was a neatly wrapped, regular square sized box. Adagio thanked Flash and gracefully received it before opening her present. Free from the covers, a perfume box set going by the brand name, Éclairer, was revealed, her favorite brand of perfume.

“Aww thank you, Flash. That’s sweet of you. How’d you know what was my favorite perfume?” Adagio asked. Flash smirked and threw a quick glance over to me.

“A trustworthy ‘informant’ of mine has told me you’ve been saving up for this for some time now but never got the chance to, so I thought I’d get it for you.”

Our friends have given their presents and now it was our parents and Dr. Whooves’ turn. First were Flux and Dulcet who each gave their individual presents to their daughter.

“Here you go baby girl. Open mama’s gift first,” Dulcet cooed. Adagio blushed and laughed as she received her mother’s present.

Adagio unwrapped her gift to reveal a large box with the words ‘Elegance’ on top of it. Adagio giddily wasted no time in opening the box that contained a beautiful pair of red high heel shoes. There was no hint of scratches or any taint of use or abuse. It was indeed an elegant pair.

“Oh my goodness, Mum you didn’t have to!” Adagio said in awe.

Dulcet merely chuckled. “Oh it’s nothing my dear. Think of it as my late gift after you graduated from High School.”

“Still, I feel you’re spoiling me too much sometimes.” The two shared a laugh and a hug before moving on.

“Here’s papa’s gift. I know you’ll love it!”

Adagio received her father’s gift and opened it. Below the wrapping was a book similar to what Twilight and Sunset had given. I can already anticipate what it may be. Adagio opened the book and scanned the pages, her mouth morphing into a variety of positive expressions.

“I’ve gathered all of your memories since you were born. I thought I’d give you a copy to go over with lover boy over here and to your daughter someday,” Flux explained. I blushed at his mention.

“Oh dad. Thank you for making this. I really appreciate it. Thanks as well for the present mum. Love you both.”

“Come here. You’re going to make me cry if you keep saying such things.” Adagio giggled and shared a family hug with her parents, eliciting an ‘Aww’ around the room.

Finally, it was my parents turn. I assumed they’ve got a combined present judging by the large wrapped gift in the shape of a flat square in their hands. The two gently passed it onto Adagio as she received it.

Adagio took her time to carefully unwrap the large gift. After removing the thin layers of paper, what was inside not only shocked Adagio but shocked everyone and I. In front of Adagio was a large canvas that bore a beautifully drawn image of my beloved and I locked into each other’s arms and surrounded by the falling blooms of cherry blossoms. The amount of detail they’ve put into it was outstanding.

“It took Grand and I weeks to make this. We wanted to make sure we captured every detail of our imaginations,” mum said.

“We also thought it’d be cruel to leave lover boy out so we added him in for you,” dad teased.

“Oh my, this is wonderful. Thank you both ever so much!” Adagio exclaimed happily.

Mum beamed brightly. “Anything for you my dear. We wish you a wonderful happy birthday.” Adagio went over to my parents and hugged them both. The two wrapped their arms around her and returned the embrace.

The room burst into smiles and murmurs as everyone in the room examined the detail. I was aware of my parents’ fascination for art, but I could never imagine them being this good. Looks like their their attendances to art galleries and gaining inspiration from various works have paid off over the years. I looked back over to my girlfriend and my parents who were still embracing each other. Dad looked over to me with one eye and winked.

After some more time examining my parents’ work, it was Dr. Whooves’ turn to give his gift to Adagio.

“Happy birthday Adagio! I know it may not be much but I hope you’ll like it,” Doctor who greeted.

He handed his present which was wrapped in a paper themed with a mixture of an old fashioned blue phone box, little cylindrical robots, humanoid cyborgs and various cute and tiny alien creatures. Adagio happily took the present and opened it.

Shortly, she pulled out a purple shirt with a white outline forming her appearance on the front. At the back and below her outline avatar were words saying ‘Keep calm and dazzle on’. Adagio giggled and went over to Dr. Whooves to hug him.

“I love it. Thank you very much. You being here to grace us with your presence is enough for me,” Adagio assured.

Dr. Whooves smiled and ruffled her in her embrace. “Anything for you.”

“Hey doctor? Can you get me one too?” Rainbow asked.

“Me too!” Twilight added.

“Me three!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Soon, the entire room echoed with various voices as our friends placed the poor doctor under pressure, a sweat drop rolling down his forehead in demand for his simple, yet wittingly designed shirts. I couldn’t help but laugh and decided to sit back with the birthday girl and our parents.

After some innocent coercion, the doctor eventually gave in and gladly accepted to make each one of them a shirt. All eyes turned to me and I knew what was coming. It was now my turn to hand over my gift. I stood up and excused myself

“Wait, where are you going?” Adagio called out.

“I’ll be right back.”

I went to get my car keys and went outside the door to open my car. I opened the driver’s compartment and extricated the box containing the necklace. I decided however not to bring the engagement ring yet as I had other plans for another time and did not want to give everything away at once. Everyone sighed in relief in unison as I rejoined them.

“Goodness, I thought you were going to ditch Adagio’s birthday because you didn’t have a present,” Twilight said.

“Of course not. I wouldn’t do that to my beloved. You know that, right dear?”

“You better not,” she growled softly. She threw a cute glare and averted her gaze. I chuckled nervously and scratched the back of my head.

“Come on hurry it up already!” Rainbow shouted.

“Geez I’m on it. Hold your horses.” I cleared my throat and handed my present to Adagio.

Adagio took my present and unwrapped it to reveal the box underneath the thin layers of paper. I felt myself and everyone else’s tension increasing, wondering how she’ll react. Adagio slowly lifted the lid of the box and her eyes grew wide and shone brightly.

Resting precariously in her hands was the simple black neckpiece containing the red gemstone. The sight of its illuminate elegance brought back the familiar sense of nostalgia I’m used to from Adagio’s loving nature.

“I’ve put a lot of time and thought into finding your present. I wanted to get you something that had meaningful value. Something that projects how much I feel and care about you. I hope you like the present and I love you.”

“Clavier, this is beautiful. Thank you and I love you too.” Adagio leaned her head forward and we shared a kiss.

The room burst into a loud applause and ‘awws’. I had forgotten everyone else was in the room as I was lost in the moment. I quickly pulled away, my cheeks burning fiercely in embarrassment as I hid myself from view.

“Awww, is my Clavi embawwassed?” Adagio cooed.

“S-stop it,” I whimpered. The room, especially Adagio and the girls giggled and awed in enjoyment much to my distress.

Everything eventually died down after Adagio had received and opened her presents. It was quite a sight to see Adagio smiling that brightened my day. She truly was an angel amongst the living in the flesh. Despite what had occurred earlier today, it was all worth it in the end and another day of moments to remember.