• Published 17th Aug 2015
  • 11,214 Views, 553 Comments

MommAdagio - EagleOfDeath15

In an alternate universe far, far away... What if Adagio Dazzle fell in love and became a mother?

  • ...

Twenty Seven - Adagio's Suspicions

- 1 Week Later -

[7 Months, 3 Weeks Into Pregnancy]

[Adagio Dazzle’s P.O.V.]

I was awoken by faint sounds of a voice coming from downstairs. Disturbed, I groggily felt with my hands beside me where Clavier should be, but he wasn’t there. I slowly sat up, careful not to hurt myself and the baby and turned on the lamp.

I grabbed my phone by the bedside and read the time. It was now 11:00PM in the night. What on earth could Clavier be doing downstairs at this time? I imagined our bed calling out for me, tempting me back into its comfortable softness but I shook it off. My curiosity was increasing so I decided to investigate. I put on my slippers and made my way to the door.

I closed the door behind me quietly and trudged my way downstairs. I had to cover my eyes a little as they adjusted to the brightness.

“-kay, how does 5PM for next week sound?”

It was Clavier’s voice. It seemed like he was on the phone with someone. Who could he be speaking to at this time of the night?

“-ey. I’m good, how’r-?”

I felt my heart beating, increasing at every moment. I walked over to the kitchen where his voice was originating from.

“Ahaha, that’s go-” I stood in the doorway. Clavier instantly noticed me and lowered his phone a little.

“Oh, hey Dagi. Was I being too loud? Sorry If I woke you up.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s fine. I was wondering where you were.” I noticed the phone in his hand, prompting doubts in my head.” Who’re you talking to?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m on the phone with mum discussing some things,” he replied.

I stared at him intensely. Somehow, I felt a nagging feeling in my chest, a sense of doubt growing within. However, I was too tired to think about it right now. I sighed sleepily and let it go, the sense of fatigue returning.

“Okay, but come back to bed when you’re done okay? It’s late already.” Clavier nodded and smiled.

I turned around and lazily made my way back upstairs, crept into bed and quickly fell asleep.

[Clavier Melody’s P.O.V.]

I remained silent and held my breath. I listened to Adagio’s footsteps as she made her way back upstairs to sleep. I lingered with time a bit more, ensuring she was out of ear reach. Once the coast seemed clear, I sighed deeply in relief.

“Is she gone?” It was my mother on the other end of the line.

The excuse I’ve given to my beloved was still the truth. She couldn’t just find out. I was discussing things with our parents and friends in secret in regards to the proposal I was secretly planning on.

“Yeah, she’s gone,” I replied.

“Whew. You need to be more careful if you want to stick with your plans son. A gentleman must keep his tricks up his sleeve.”

“I know, I know.”

“So what did you have in mind then?”

I hummed quietly. “Well, I planned on proposing to Adagio after the baby was born.”

Everyone seemed to have been nagging me about it lately (including the audience), so I thought why not? It seemed like the perfect opportunity when our lives would become blessed with Aria.

“That sounds great! Although while our granddaughter’s arrival would be a blessing mood for the two of you, I’d suggest going with the flow a little earlier,” mum suggested.

“Hmm? How comes?”

“Wouldn’t it make more sense for the little darling to have soon-to-be-legitimate parents? She deserves it just as any other newborn would.”

“Oh, right. That…”

I sat silent, thinking gloomily over mum’s words. I carried the guilt with me everyday knowing that I had committed something that went against my faith; Aria’s conceivement outside of marriage. How foolish of me to have been so forward that night and let my desires take control. I should’ve known better and been more disciplined by planning ahead.

I sighed. It was pointless of me to mope around and think about a past sin I’ve brought upon myself. Now, all I can do is just move forward and look ahead to the future.

“Clavier, are you okay?”

There was no way the wedding could be arranged as soon as I proposed marriage. It’d take a lot of time to plan, contact the right people, and then organise it all into one chunk for the big day. The least I could do before Aria’s birth was propose to Adagio. That should count for something, even if some people might not see it from our eyes.

“Yeah, I’m fine mum,” I reassured. “I was just thinking.”

I’m sorry if that came out wrong. I should’ve been more careful with my choice of words.”

“No, it’s fine, really.” I paused. “I think I’ll go with your suggestion. You’ve got this experience more than I do.”

Mum squealed excitedly. “Splendid! I think I already have a plan to accommodate yours.”

“Oh? Do tell.” I could imagine her holding a crazy grin on her face as she planned it all.

“Why don’t you and Adagio attend the party your father and I are holding?”

Her invitation was intriguing. Mum always held one of the best parties in Canterlot. However, I wasn’t sure about proposing in front of all that many people. I get quite shy around many eyes gazing at me, believe it or not.


“Oh come on! It’ll a great way to liven up the mood with you two! Eat, socialise, dance, everything! It’ll help you prepare later on.”

I sighed, giving in to her persuasion. A smile formed on my face. “Alright mum. You win. We’ll be attending.”

“Great! I’ll look forward to one of your big days!”

“Just let us know when it’s near.”

“I will. I think we should both get some sleep. It’s late already. Sorry if I kept you up,” mum apologised.

“No, no, it’s fine. I should be the one apologising. A lady needs her sleep after all,” I joked.

Mum giggled. “Alright son. Goodnight and sleep well.”

“You too mum. Goodnight.”

The call ended. I released an exhausted yawn, tired both physically and mentally from personal agendas and work. I got off the kitchen chair, letting my legs carry me as they began to move on their own upstairs towards the bedroom. I quietly opened the door, making sure not to wake up Adagio.

Tired, I slumped over gently on the bed. I closed my eyes and felt the soreness leave them. All of my senses gradually dulled until the softness of the darkness claimed me unto slumber.

[Adagio Dazzle’s P.O.V.]

The next morning, I found the bedside empty once again of my boyfriend’s presence. I got up, put my slippers on and went downstairs.

“Clavier?” I called out.

“I’m in the kitchen, hun!” His familiar voice replied.

I went to the kitchen and found him sitting down on a chair helping himself to some breakfast. He smiled when he saw me enter.

“Hey, good morning, Dagi.”

“Morning,” I replied.

“Slept well?” I nodded. “That’s a relief. I was worried I might’ve ruined your beauty sleep last night.”

“It’s alright. Besides, I was waiting for you to come back and join me,” I said teasingly.

“Oh? Well, I suppose I can’t sleep well without my queen by my side.” I giggled. He gestured me to a seat, my own breakfast laid out. I sat down and dug into my food.

After several minutes to myself, I finished consuming my share. I wiped my lips clean with a napkin afterwards.

“What about you? Did you sleep well?” I asked.

“I’m still a little tired, but I slept well nonetheless,” Clavier replied. I could hear it in his tone.

My mind wandered off to last night. I had vaguely overheard some parts of the conversation, prompting the same mental itch to return. Questions had helplessly formed inside my thoughts, forming doubts that suspected Clavier’s commitment, love and loyalty to me.

Maybe I was just overthinking it too much. However, the whispers of uncertainty continued. It’s probably for the best if I vent it out and talk to Clavier to calm my nerves.

“Hey, can I ask you something?” Clavier perked up. He placed his cup down on the table gently.

“What’s up?”

“Why were up so late at night?” I questioned.

“Well, it’s because I was discussing things with mu-”

“I know that,” I interrupted. “But why late at that time of night? You could’ve just waited until next morning.”

Clavier sighed. “Dagi, If my family needs help or someone to talk to, I’m readily there for them. They’re important to me.”

The way the words had been phrased out of his mouth made me feel worthless and secondary. I could feel my hormones kicking in, the frustration brewing up inside me.

“What? And I’m not important to you at all?!” I burst out angrily.

“Of course you’re important to me!” he shot back. “Please cal-”

“Don’t tell me to calm down! I know you’re hiding something from me and I want you to tell me the truth!”

Clavier furrowed his brow, genuinely confused. “Whatever do you mean? What do you want me to say?”

I was fuming uncontrollably in anger. I took in deep breaths, trying to keep myself calm as best as I could. I didn’t want to harm the baby. Tears suddenly built up inside my eyes and flowed down my cheeks.

“Adagio, why’re you crying? Please don’t cry.”

I could hear the authentic concern in his voice. I felt his gentle caring touch embrace me with both arms. I tried shrugging him off, but he continued relentlessly. He shushed me as I weeped like a child.

Some time passed until I calmed down and was able to control myself again. “Clavier, be straight with me. Do you not love me and the baby anymore? Are we not that important to you?”

A shocked expression morphed on Clavier’s face. “What? Where on earth are you coming up with these thoughts?”

“I overheard you last night. You’ve been arranging dinner with someone for next week!”

“Dinner?” Clavier repeated. “Oh, right. That.”

“Yes. That. You’re seeing some other woman! You’re cheating on me!” I spat out.

I had expected him to be guilty and admit the truth, but what happened next was one I had not expected. Instead, he burst out into fits of laughter.

“What’s so funny?”

“That dinner reservation I made for next week is with our parents. I wanted us to spend time with them and relax,” he explained.

Clavier showed me his phone and displayed the dinner reservations as evidence. My eyes switched back and forth between the screen and his blue eyes dumbfoundedly, mouth parting slightly. I groaned, feeling foolish that my suspicions had gotten the best of me.

I got worked up all over nothing, all because I had jumped to conclusions. Nevertheless, I sighed deeply in relief.

Clavier chuckled. “Besides, I wouldn’t look at another woman, nonetheless cheat on you. You’re the only one for me, my darling,” he added,

“Hmph. Yeah right. I bet she’s more beautiful than I am, and I look ugly because I’m pregnant isn’t it?”

“Ohoho, I see how it is.” I turned my head around. I found a devious smirk drawn on my boyfriend’s lips. “You’re jealous aren’t you?”

“M-me? Jealous? Who said I’m jealous? I-I’m not jealous!” I sputtered.

“Oh, but it seems you are. You’re so adorable when you stutter. I like it,” he teased.

I blushed fiercely. “W-whatever! It’s not like I care or anything!”

Clavier chuckled. I felt his arms embrace me once again. I didn’t resist this time and allowed myself to accept his warmth again. “I’m sorry if I made you worry.”

I sighed, smiling. “No, I should be the one saying sorry. This is the second time I’ve doubted you. I should be more faithful when it comes to the one I love.”

“I can’t argue with that.” He leaned in. “Now that I think about it, this is the first time we’ve argued as a couple.”

I giggled “There’s a first time for everything.” I closed the gap between us and shared a kiss.

Comments ( 36 )

"It's Jake, from State Farm."

Good work bro!

Aww, such a sweet chapter.

Everyone seemed to have been nagging me about it lately (including the audience),


Either way, that was a nice chapter. I did notice that your spacing was off at times though. Be sure to check when you use the tab button.

7803383 Ahaha. I placed it there as a 4th wall self-joke, but I forgot to remove that before publishing. I can take it off you and others want me to.

It's just Google Docs doing it. I've checked the spacing before publishing.

Fourth wall jokes are nice every now and then, but they're to be treated as if they were the spiciest pepper in the world.

When's the kid coming? I want to see these two as parents...

7803481 Some mothers/fathers are too eager to find out, but that's normal when on the path to parenthood.


Some mothers/fathers are too eager to find out, but that's normal when on the path to parenthood.

a little too eager from my point of view but to each their own.

Dagi, hold back on the tsundere. It can only make you appealing for so long.

7803585 Glad to see a fellow who knows their terms.

7803628 Don't be too proud, I'm no expert. Some just stick to me better than others.

I'm so anxious to see he propose to Adagio and to Aria born.

Enjoy this time of peace, because when Aria is ready to come into the world, Clavier will know what a mother's wrath is when she gives birth.

So...I'm gonna be a jerk and ask the question everyone wants to ask but won't. When's the next chapter?

7884228 Hey, I'm working on it. I'm just trying to balance my time between work, this one and other projects I'm working on. Rest assured, it'll come out,


Are you continuing the story?

7940529 Yes, of course. I'm trying to find the time whenever I can to write. I'm bogged down with work at the moment. Sorry.


My question came off more rude than I meant it. Sorry about that!

I only asked because my mobile doesn't show me the dates that the chapters were published. So I wasn't really able to guage your writing speed or when the last update was.

7941704 It's alright. No harm done. :)

How's it coming with the next chapter. I can't wait for the birth chapter. :pinkiehappy:

Unfortunately, I had to put the story on Hiatus. You can check my latest blog for the details.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will get back to it sometime, I've just got a big project, a visual novel, to work on right now.

That's fine. Life can be nuts sometimes and you have to put some things in perspective more. Get back to it when you can; we'll all be waiting and that'll make the birth even more special. :raritywink: :pinkiehappy:

is...... is this story ok??:applecry::fluttercry:

If you mean if it’ll be continued, yes.

Man, I used to come back and read this story all the time. Can't wait for the next chapter soon. :)

There are quite a good amount of gender neutral clothes for newborns, and toys are not really important for newborns.

Legally, in Britain, doctors are not allowed to reveal the baby's gender.

I can't wait for the next chapter! :twilightsmile:

It’s been on hiatus for almost 4 years I don’t think it’s gonna come back

I know it makes me sad as well :pinkiesad2:

Responding to some old comments

The last time the author was on this site was when MLP ended. So there's a very slim chance for him to return to this story.

Is this story going to have more chapters cause it is a great Story

I. Need. More. PLEASE!

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