• Published 17th Aug 2015
  • 11,206 Views, 553 Comments

MommAdagio - EagleOfDeath15

In an alternate universe far, far away... What if Adagio Dazzle fell in love and became a mother?

  • ...

Twenty Four - Dazzling Bijouterie

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I've added in an image to Chapter 13. Also, I'd like to announce that all art commissions and requests made specifically for the story will be added onto my Deviantart profile! Thank you and enjoy!

- 1 Week Later -

[7 Months, 1 Week Into Pregnancy]

The breeze from the cold morning gently whispered in my ears as I strolled through the empty park. So many thoughts were revolving through my head after I had visited Adagio’s and my parents last week for some discussions.

The direction of the discussions had turned from warm greetings to serious uncertainty. Flux and Dulcet had caught me completely off-guard, but in a good way. The two had unexpectedly given me their blessings, marking their full acceptance, utmost trust, and respect towards me.

To put it simply, they’ve given me permission to take Adagio’s hand in marriage, a move I was willing to wait patiently for and make a move. Moreover, I could not have anticipated it happening any sooner but I was grateful.

I sighed happily and breathed in the fresh morning air, gazing into the horizon as clouds slowly passed by and scattered before the sun’s embracing warm beams.

Since then, the aftermath of the discussion endlessly replayed in my head and has become one of my highest priorities. It left me deep in thought as numerous questions swirled inside my mind. How should I propose to her? Where should I do it? Should I propose in public or in private? Should I propose sooner or later after the baby’s here? What kind of engagement ring should I buy?

I covered my face with both hands and groaned softly, slightly frustrated. That was the moment an idea popped into my head. The shops in the high street normally had something a person desired, but then there was the central mall that generally has more wares to offer with its many facilities and businesses inside. I smiled determinedly and continued to enjoy my peaceful walk.

I guess I’ll only be able to find out one way or another.”

It wasn’t long until the sun had reached its peak. I decided to go to the mall and take action on my planned self-errand.

I made it to the main high street within a few minutes from the park. The shops had already started to open for business and activity was gradually bustling as the number of people increased within less than an hour. I spotted the first jewellery shop and went over to it, taking my time and musing over the items it had on display inside and outside. I nodded and made a mental note of a few options that caught my eye before leaving and checking the other nearby shops.

Similar to the first, they all offered a large variety of items, but only a few really caught my attention and demand. What I wanted to give Adagio was something extraordinary, something that had a meaningful value. I noted down a few of the items in my head and thanked the clerks for their help. I made my way to the central mall, hoping I’d find more in there.

I entered the mall and immediately scoured the shopping centre for every jewellery shop present. I was relieved when I noticed a large variety of rings on display in every shop, even more when I caught sight of a potential purchase.

Despite the immediate temptations, I held it off and chose to continue looking over more that I may have missed. There was always something that had better value and I wasn’t going to rush and make a mistake on passing this chance.

Sometimes, looks weren’t everything. What mattered was being sure I could project my feelings with an item of significant worth for Adagio. I went on consuming my time for the next hour searching the other stores. Disappointingly, none offered more than the ones I found in the other outlets.

I was on the brink of mental exhaustion, unable to decide out of all the ones I had seen earlier. Maybe I needed to head home, get some rest, and re-evaluate my plans for some other time? Maybe I was thinking over it too much due to my excitement. As my eyes wandered towards the exit, I caught a glimmer from the corner of my vision. I gazed over in its direction and saw another jewellery outlet that I had not seen before.

It was a normal store like any other, except for the lack of stylish design that was valuable for drawing attention. All it had was an old-fashioned exterior for its appearance and a sign above it that read ‘La Devoción Eterna’ [Eternal Devotion] written in worn out curly pearly white letters. The shop looked like it’s seen better days. The sign was the only eye catching feature in my opinion but I suppose beggars can’t be choosers.

I hurried over to the front window and inspected the merchandise on display. Immediately, my eyes caught sight of a pair of rings sitting gently inside the satin of a box among the sea of items. The first was a silver ring with a glimmering fuchsia coloured diamond encrusted delicately onto the middle. The second was another silver ring with an infinity sign and nestled between it was a glimmering bright amber gem. In comparison to all the other rings I’ve seen today, I think these two certainly took the money, no pun intended.

There was something about the rings that made it unique, an extraordinaire among others. They both projected an aura and each held a meaningful value that reminded me much of Adagio. I imagined Adagio’s gentle and alluring eyes in the fuchsia gem of the first ring while the second reminded me of her smooth and elegant fiery hair. These were no doubt the perfect rings.

Excitedly, I went inside the shop and was met with an antique-like musky smell. Just like the exterior, the interior was old-fashioned and was packed with antiques and other merchandise as if it were a small museum.

Someone surely likes to keep a collection,’ I mused.

“Hello there good sir. How may I help you?” a voice greeted. I jumped a little and held a hand to my heart.

There stood a man who had a sense of oddity around him. The man had light tanned skin, a white beard and brows, a mix of white and black hair that was smoothly slicked back and the most eccentric feature were his eyes. One was noticeably larger than the other, both being yellow with red pupils. His outfit consisted of a smart brown jacket, a yellow shirt, a red tie, a mix colour of green and brown pants, black shoes, a monocle, and a fancy golden cane in his hand. I could’ve sworn I’ve seen him before but could not recall.

Nevertheless, it wasn’t my place to judge someone for their appearance and ‘unique’ sense of fashion. Though, I could imagine Rarity throwing a fit and giving a lecture to the man about his clothing ‘being a crime against fashion’. I mentally laughed and shook it off.

“Oh, hello there. I noticed a couple of rings outside on display and I wanted to ask if I could take a closer look at them?” The man smiled and tapped his cane on the ground once.

“Very well. Bear with me for a moment.” I nodded. The man turned around and made his way to a wooden desk, extricating a ring of keys from a drawer. He returned and unlocked the window display. “Which one was it again my boy?”

I gazed through the sea of items once again. I immediately spotted the pair of rings standing out like a pair of beacons. “It’s those ones.”

“Ah, the ‘Internal eh? A good choice, Clavier.” I furrowed a brow from the mention of my name.

“Wait, how do you know my name?” I asked. I cautiously stared into his eyes, feeling mysteriously entranced.

The man chuckled and slicked his hair back. “I’m surprised you still don’t recognise me smarty-pants. Don’t you remember the good ol’ Discord?”

My eyes grew wide and I carefully glanced at him, examining his features closely. That hair, those mysterious and unique eyes, the unusual mix and matched of coloured clothes… I knew him from somewhere! How did I not recognise him at once?

“M-Mr. Discord? As in, Canterlot High School’s counsellor? The one and only?” He nodded, snapping his fingers.

“Correct! The one and only Discord! Well, former school counsellor anyway.”

I sighed in relief, feeling a little more relaxed in the shop’s atmosphere. Discord was quite a strange person, yet he was comfortable to be around in with that goofy attitude of his.

“Goodness, my apologies. I didn’t recognise you there sir. You look quite different in that… unusual clothing,” I said apologetically.

Discord held up a hand. “It’s fine my boy. No need to work up a sweat. I’m surprised myself to see you here. Out of curiosity, you’re buying these for a special someone, right?

Before I could respond, the uncanny counsellor grabbed me by the collar with surprising speed, his face and eerie eyes staring deep into mine. I felt my forehead starting to sweat uncomfortably. “Might I ask who the lucky girl is?”

“Well, it’s A-”

“Adagio Dazzle? I knew it!” he interrupted, smirking.

“W-wha? How’d you know already?” I stuttered. I stood silently in astonishment, wondering how this man knew my love interest? Or was it just that obvious no one wanted to point it out before?

Discord shrugged. “Educated guess?” We shared a laugh, but his expression shortly turned to one of sadness, something I had not seen before in one of the liveliest people I know. “Ms. Dazzle indeed is a lucky one. You know, those rings were once for the woman I harbored my love for.”

I wasn’t sure how to react to it. Back in high school, Discord never seemed to show any hint of affection or romantic feelings for someone nor did he address who. He maintained a humourous masquerade through a jester-like personality. Still, my curiosity was at its peak of interest and thought I should find out for myself.

“Oh? What happened?”

“Well, you could say the universe doesn’t want her and I to be together. We’re incompatible. There’s just too much differences between us.” Discord hung his head low and let out a small sigh. I could feel the gloom in his tone. I felt pity for the man and comfortingly placed a hand gently on his shoulder.

“I’m really sorry to hear that you feel that way sir. However, I do believe that achieving love comes with many obstacles in life. Just know that if you truly love someone, you’ll be there for them no matter what challenges in life gets in the way. Accepting each other’s differences, their personality, and adjusting to them are a part of what forms love,” I explained. I could see the man’s abnormally unique eyes were filled with curiosity as he hummed thoughtfully.

“I… never really thought of it that way. You speak wise and encouraging words my boy.” I gave a reassuring pat and a smile.

“It’s nothing. Honestly, I’m not that good with advice and words, but I try my best from what comes from my heart.” I patted my chest gently. The man acknowledged. “If you don’t mind me asking, who is this special someone that’s caught your heart?”

Discord quickly spun his head in the opposite direction. I could’ve sworn I saw a hint of bright red forming on cheeks. Now, that would be hilarious yet dear of him.

“Well… it’s Ms…” he mumbled. His voice lowered to an inaudible volume for me to hear.

“Ms.? Come on, don’t be shy. Ms. who?” I urged. Discord turned his head back towards me.

“It’s Ms. Sunshine!” Discord exclaimed, embarrassed.

I raised a brow. I tapped my chin as I tried to recollect my memories of Canterlot High School’s female teachers. “Hmmmm. Ms. Sunshine… I don’t recall anyone of that-”

Discord facepalmed. “Come on, you know who. Beautiful coloured hair, tall, nice legs, and a big nice a-”

“W-woah! Alright, I think I get who it is! Principal Celestia?” The ex-counsellor nodded. Intensifying red circles were evidently growing on his cheeks. I couldn’t help but feel happy that he found someone he holds affection for.

“I see. Well, I’m happy to hear you found love in someone.” Discord crossed his arms haughtily.

“Hmph. I-it’s not like I like her now anyway! Baka…” I burst into a hearty chuckle. [TsunDecord confirmed]

“Whatever you say. Still, wish you the best of luck and hope you find the courage.” I cleared my throat and remembered what I came here for. “Um, back to the topic?”

His usual cheerful self returned. “Ah yes! My apologies for the digression. So, will it be just these two? There’s one last item that comes with these set pair of rings.”

Discord extricated a necklace out of nowhere behind him. It was a simple black neckpiece with a red gemstone attached to it. The stone reminded me of Adagio’s kind and loving heart. Immediately, I remembered her birthday was near so this could be a perfect opportunity to buy her this for a present. Three birds in one stone.

“Hmm… It depends. How much is it for all three?”

Discord extracted a calculator from his pocket and tapped some buttons as he did his math.

“Both rings are 1050 bits each separately, but when bought as a pair, it’ll be 950, bringing it to 1900 bits. The necklace is 165 bits so… that’ll be 2065 bits overall,” he stated.

I frowned, having expected this. Even if I worked at the studio, I still needed money to buy essentials for Adagio and I. I sighed disappointedly.

“I don’t think I can afford all three at once. Maybe the necklace and one of the rings, but I’d rather buy all three.”

“That’s quite alright. Although, I can give you a discount for being a decorated student at Canterlot High.” Discord winked teasingly and I chuckled.

“No, no, no, no, no. I can’t possibly take that offer just because you know me sir. You’ve got this business to run after all,” I declined politely.

“Honourable. Well, how about a monthly deposit plan? Paying it off in small deposits might help ease things a bit?” My mood instantly brightened and smiled.

“That’ll be great. How much would it be if I were to pay for it now with a monthly payment plan?”

Discord did his math once again on the calculator. “That’ll be 688 bits.” I sighed heavily in relief.

“I’ll take it. Do you take card?” Discord replied with a nod of his head. We went back to the counter and paid my down payment. After the transaction, Discord handed me three luxurious boxes with the same words as the shop’s sign.

“I wish you the very best of luck, Clavier. Thank you for your advice. Don’t forget to invite me to the wedding, you hear?” We shared a laugh.

“Thank you and I will sir. Best of luck with Ms. Celestia,” I bade, winking. The man only responded with the roll of his eyes. We shook hands and exchanged waves of goodbye.

I gazed at the small bag of items in my hand. I have to find a place to hide these where Adagio wouldn’t go looking. Maybe my drawer in our room? The kitchen? The living room? All potential areas were at risk of discovery.

But what about the car? The glove compartment perhaps? Adagio would unlikely go looking in there which makes a safe and viable option.

With those out of the way, I now have to plan and coordinate Adagio’s birthday with our friends our parents.