• Published 17th Aug 2015
  • 11,207 Views, 553 Comments

MommAdagio - EagleOfDeath15

In an alternate universe far, far away... What if Adagio Dazzle fell in love and became a mother?

  • ...

Twenty One - Aria's Quickening

Author's Note:

Please give a detailed constructive criticism if you haven't yet. It would be highly appreciated and will help me a great deal. Thank you!

Mid-Story Analysis Link - http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/652390/mommadagio-mid-story-analysis

- 1 Month, 2 Weeks Later -

[6 Months Into Pregnancy]

I opened the door and gestured Adagio to go inside the house first. Adagio and I have recently returned from one of her monthly medical appointments, specifically her fourth one. Each one brought good news that made our hearts beat and brought joyous feelings inside for us both.

However, this appointment had left us impatient, but in a good way. Dr. Whooves’ words echoed in my mind.

The foetus has made some remarkable amounts of growth and is now six months in development. At this stage, its brain will be developing more rapidly and will be active to a certain extent. For example, it will begin to have patterns of sleep, it can now suck its thumb, and you may feel it letting out a hiccup. By the way, this is is from numerous mother’s experiences, not mine mind you.”

I chuckled mentally, remembering the doctor’s humorous attitude. I smiled, imagining our baby girl sleeping and sucking its thumb.

Adagio entered the house. She was evidently exhausted as she walked inside slowly to rest. I closed the door and made my way to the kitchen.

“Clavier, I’m going to the living room to watch some TV, alright?” Adagio called out.

“Okay babe. Would you like anything to eat or drink?” I offered.

“No thank you!” With that, I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea.

A lot of things have happened lately. The months passed by and Adagio’s hormone levels seemed to have dropped, having less of an effect on her than it did during her first trimester. I sighed, slightly relieved that I’ll finally be able to rest a little bit more after weeks of sleepless nights and the constant mood changes. There was still several months to go and I’m not out of the woods yet.

As Adagio’s pregnancy grew, so did her belly. This made it harder for her to move about on foot, which was a problem. This meant that Adagio would have difficulty getting to her medical appointments and it’ll put a lot of stress and pain on her which was one of the things I wanted to avoid.

In response, I recently just got my driving certificate and license last week after I decided to pursue finishing my practical driving test that I took near the end of highschool. Dad was also generously kind enough to buy me a car, knowing the situation Adagio and I were going through. I promised I would pay him back in full for it and everything else, but my old man dismissed it. Still, after several hours of endless debate, he gave up after I kept on insisting. After all, I hated mooching off people, especially my parents.

Most surprising of all, I now had a job thanks to my cousin, Vinyl. She informed her dad, my uncle and my father’s younger brother, Discus Scratch, of my current situation. He kindly offered me a job at his business, Euphony Records, as a singer. His company was perhaps the most popularly well known in Canterlot. The business had a close partnership with Adagio’s parents and especially my parents.

I asked my uncle if I could be treated as an equal applicant. I thought it would’ve been a wise choice, considering it’d be an unfair advantage over the others applying at the business. He understood this and respected it highly. With high hopes, I had been accepted and exceeded the demands of the company. I was asked to come in to sign a contract and that was how I got a job. Not only was this for my own independence, but for my new family.

I had been employed for a couple of weeks now and everything was still going pretty well, more than I thought it would. I sighed and sipped my cup of tea.

“Hey, Clavier?” came Adagio’s voice.

I jumped out of my thoughts and looked in the doorway. Adagio had entered the kitchen without me noticing.

“Hey, what’s up? Do you need anything?” I asked. She shook her head. She came over and sat down on one of the seats.

“No. I’m still not feeling hungry. I’m just feeling bored I guess,” she mumbled, sighing.

“Well, what would you like to do?” Adagio smiled and placed a hand over one of mine. I raised an eyebrow curiously. “Is there something wrong?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m just happy about everything. Just several months until the baby’s here. I can’t wait.”

I smiled and placed a hand on her cheek. “Me too.” Adagio laughed.

“What?” I asked.

“You seem more excited than I am,” she replied. I chuckled.

“I can’t help it.” I took another sip of my tea and stared outside the window for a moment. What should I do to cheer her up? We could go to the sofa and watch TV together or just cuddle and talk like we usually do. No, I should probably think of something else. A sudden idea popped into my head. I smiled and stood up, gently taking Adagio’s hand.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea to get rid of that boredom. Here, why don’t I entertain you instead?” I offered.

Adagio raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “What did you have in mind?” “You’ll see. Come.” Adagio nodded and stood up. She flashed a sly grin.

“Are you going to strip for me?” she said seductively. My cheeks blushed faintly. I shook my head, chuckling nervously.

I walked out of the kitchen and led her carefully to my studio room. My piano sat in the middle, gleaming brightly in the room’s light. I gestured for Adagio to sit down while I went over and sat down behind the piano. I played a few short notes and cleared my throat as a test.

Ready, I took a deep breath and exhaled. My fingers touched the smooth surface of the piano as they began playing the first notes in a slow, smooth rhythm. I gradually moved onto a steady stream as I opened my mouth and let my voice loose into the mix. The song and the lyrics combined into the beat. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to be swallowed into the musical trance. My fingers danced at every touch, flawlessly landing on every key of the song and my voice hitting the right notes, making sure they’re not too high or low, ensuring they were just the right pitch. Every note played held a symbol of tender warmth that fueled the melodical fire. Finally, I held the last note as long as I could and returned to reality. I smiled, my eyes instantly locked onto those alluringly innocent fuchsia spheres that stared back into mine.

Adagio’s mouth hung open. Shortly, her lips flashed a bright smile and she gave a short applause. I stood up and bowed.

“Oh my, that was wonderful,” Adagio complimented.

I blushed and turned my gaze elsewhere, scratching the back of my head.

“Come on, it wasn’t that good,” I dismissed modestly. Adagio giggled.

“My, you’re a bashful one sweetie. Don’t be shy,” she teased. “Anyway, was that a new song you came up with?"

I nodded. “Yeah. I came up with it while at work. I just have a lot of inspiration I guess. Even you,” I said, winking. Adagio smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

“You’ve got quite the imagination don’t you?” she whispered. I smirked. Adagio leaned in for a kiss as I closed the distance.

“Ugh,” Adagio grunted. I leaned back and looked at my girlfriend, confused.

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked worriedly. Adagio nodded.

“Y-yeah. I’m fine. I just felt like something moved inside my… belly.” I stared longingly into Adagio’s eyes.

Our eyes grew wide and realized something. Could it be the baby was starting to move? After all, Adagio’s recent appointment with Dr. Whooves has revealed that the baby should be starting to develop movements on its own soon. My mind flashed back to another one of the doctor’s explanations.

Most importantly, Adagio, don’t be alarmed if you feel something. Now, what I mean by that is the foetus, being capable of activity, may also start moving its body. You may feel a little bump here or there but it won’t hurt. Nearly forgot about that piece of information. I’m getting too old for this.”

“Adagio, could it be?” Adagio nodded, mutually sharing the same thought.

“Oh my. I think the baby’s moving!” she exclaimed. “Clavier, come here!”

Adagio gestured me over. I immediately dove down and placed an ear gently against her belly. I held my breath, listening closely for any signs of sound or movement. There was nothing but silence for a few moments. Suddenly, a vague sound reached my ears, barely hearing it.


A faint, yet powerful thump gently struck my head. I think our suspicions have been confirmed. The baby was starting to move as Dr. Whooves had told us.

“Well, that hurt a little,” I mumbled. I rubbed the side of my head gently. Adagio giggled happily.

“I-I can’t believe it! Our baby’s moving!” she exclaimed once again. I smiled and patted her belly where the baby lay, getting accustomed to its movements.

“Yes, she is,” I agreed. Adagio’s face lit up.

“The baby’s kicking again, Clavier! Come! Feel! Feel!” Once again, I dove down and placed an ear against her belly. I could feel and hear the baby’s movements.

“Hey Aria. It’s daddy. Hey there, baby girl. You want to say hi to daddy?” I cooed. The baby replied with a kick. Adagio and I shared a laugh gleefully. “Okay then. Why don’t you come say hello to mommy?”

“Hey there, baby girl. It’s mommy. Would you like to say hi to mommy? Come on, don’t be shy,” Adagio murmured. She gently patted her swollen belly. Adagio giggled, indicating the baby’s physical response.

“I think she’s trying to talk to us,” I joked. Adagio laughed.

“You silly man. I don’t think the baby can understand what we are yet. That’s what I think anyway.”

“She can. She said hello.” Adagio jumped slightly. “See?” Adagio tapped her chin in thought.

“Clavier?” I stood to attention.


“Thank you. That confirms my theory,” she said.

“What theory?” Adagio grinned.

“I think the baby kicks when she hears your voice. Aww, baby Awia wikes you!” Adagio cooed teasingly.

She moved forward and wrapped her arms around me, nuzzling her head against my chest. I chuckled and ruffled her hair gently. I took Adagio’s hand and we walked out of the studio room, making sure to close it behind us. We went to the living room and sat down on the couch so Adagio could rest, cuddling in each other’s arms.

“Sometimes, I wonder what the baby’s thinking about, you know?” I mumbled. Adagio looked up.

“Yeah. me too. What do you think Aria’s thinking about now?” she asked. I hummed, thinking of an answer.

“Maybe she’s thinking about how awesome her mum is, that you’re the most beautiful, caring, and the best in the world,” I answered. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks as.

“Oh, stop it you. But thanks, that means a lot.” She smiled.

“Just speaking the truth.” Adagio giggled.

“Hey, Clavier?”


“I’m scared,” she said. I raised an eyebrow.

“Scared? What about?” Adagio paused for a moment.

“I’m scared about giving birth. Mum told me it’s painful like no woman has ever experienced before, but at the same time, I’m also happy,” she explained.

I pulled her closer to me. “Don’t be scared. I know there are things we all have to inevitably go through in life, but they’re obstacles that can be overcome. We’ve passed the other obstacles before, haven’t we?” Adagio nodded. “See? There’s nothing to worry about. We’ve come so far and we’ll continue to go through every challenge.”

“Yeah, I guess. Clavier, promise me you’ll be by my side,” she asked. The concern in her voice was there.

“I promise I’ll be by your side. Always,” I reassured. Adagio smiled and pecked me on the lips.

“Just a little while more, Aria. We can’t wait to see you soon,” she mumbled happily.

We sat in silence, enjoying each other’s company in each other’s arms. With us, our unborn child lay peacefully, waiting to be greeted by the world.