• Published 17th Aug 2015
  • 11,207 Views, 553 Comments

MommAdagio - EagleOfDeath15

In an alternate universe far, far away... What if Adagio Dazzle fell in love and became a mother?

  • ...

Seven - Making The Call

Author's Note:

Things are finally moving up a notch! Hope you've all enjoyed the story so far. :twilightsmile:

I've been asked by a few people what Clavier looks like. If you're curious, please look back to Chapter One, it's been updated with an image. I'll be looking forward to adding at least one for each chapter in future.

Anyway, one week away from the airsoft skirmish event. I might be able to publish another chapter before it begins. Stay tuned for more. :raritywink:

Credit and thanks to fbksru521 for making me this image.

[Adagio Dazzle’s P.O.V.]

My ears picked up the noise coming from outside as the leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, the birds chirping and the rays of the sun engulfing the room in a bright glow. I opened my eyes as I sat up. I placed a hand on my forehead as a familiar throbbing pain hit me.

“Ugh… I don’t feel too good,” I muttered. Unexpectedly, the same nauseous feeling also returned. My eyes grew wide as I felt an uncomfortable lump rising up my throat. I instantly jumped out of bed and rammed through the door to my bathroom, holding a hand over my mouth to prevent throwing up on the carpet. I went over to the sink and uncovered my mouth, letting myself hurl out the contents of my stomach. I continued to throw up into the sink until the nauseous feeling disappeared.

I felt my stomach begin to relax as I took in deep breaths to recover from the early morning ordeal. My headache was still present and was very much painful. I cupped my forehead and fell back against the wall, letting myself slide down onto the cold floor. I sat there in silence, recovering, until I heard muffled noises coming from the opposite room. I must’ve woken Sunset up, I thought, facepalming. There was a gentle knock on the door, catching my attention.

“Adagio? Are you in there?” Sunset asked. I could hear the worried tone in her voice.

“Yeah… yeah, I’m fine now,” I replied.

“Can I come in?”

“Sure. Door’s open.” The handle on the door twisted as it opened, revealing Sunset clad in a pink tank top and pink short shorts that clung tightly to her curvaceous figure. Wow, I thought, dumbstruck. I stared at her from top to bottom. She looked like she could be a model. I shook my thoughts out of my head and returned to reality. Sunset rushed over to me and crouched down to my level.

“Adagio, are you okay? What happened?” Sunset asked, concern in her voice.

“I just threw up again,” I gestured to the sink with my finger. Sunset looked over and saw my pile of sick almost covering the whole base.

“Eugh, that looks awful. Smells bad too,” she said in disgust as she covered her nose. “No offence.” She laughed nervously but I decided to wave it off.

“No, it’s okay. Just grab that can of air sanitizer. It’ll do the trick.” I pointed. Sunset went over to the bathroom cabinet and opened it. She scanned the contents until she found the can.

“Got it.” Sunset began spraying the bathroom to freshen up the atmosphere. After she was done, she placed it back in the cabinet and closed it, turning back to me. I suddenly felt the urge to vomit. This time, I rushed to the toilet since I didn’t want the sink to overflow. I threw up once again, letting it all out until there was no more. I felt a hand pat my back.

“Let it all out,” Sunset said comfortingly, patting me continuously. I stood up slowly after I was done.

“So much for cleaning the air here,” Sunset groaned.

“Sorry, I can’t help it,” I apologised.

“No, it’s okay.” Sunset went back to the cabinet and sprayed the bathroom with the air sanitizer once again to remove the foul smell while I flushed the toilet and cleared the sink of my own sick to prevent it from clogging up. I grabbed my brush and scrubbed my teeth clean until the foul aftertaste of stomach acid had disappeared. I finished brushing and placed it back on top of the sink.

“There we go, all done,” Sunset said. I opened my mouth to speak, but a familiar pain shot up my skull, making me stumble.

“Adagio!” Sunset called out. Sunset caught me with her arms to support me from falling. Nice reflexes. Sunset opened the bathroom door with her free arm as we entered my room. She set me down slowly onto the bed.

“Thanks,” I said.

“No problem. What happened there?” Sunset asked.

“No idea. I just felt a pain shoot up my head. Maybe I just need some breakfast and a drink of water,” I waved off.

“Alright. I’ll go downstairs and make some breakfast,” she offered.

“I’ll come with—” I said but was cut off.

“No, wait here. I don’t want you to get any worse than you already are. You look horrible,” she said firmly.


“No buts. Wait here and rest okay?” I gazed at her in silence. Finally, I sighed and nodded enthusiastically. Sunset smiled and left the room, leaving me alone. I fell back onto the bed, exhaling deeply.

“Ugh…” I groaned. I lay there in silence, breathing deeply to calm my nerves. I could hear the clattering from downstairs as Sunset was in the process of making me some breakfast. I closed my eyes, waiting. After some time, my eyes opened and they looked over to the door as Sunset entered, holding a plate and a glass.

“I made you a sandwich and also got you a glass of water to keep your body hydrated,” she said. “Here you go.” She set them down carefully on my bedside.

“Thanks.” Sunset smiled and nodded. I raised myself up slowly and sat on the bed, reaching for the food. I took a large bite of my sandwich and chewed. I finished off the rest of my sandwich in seconds and took large gulps from my glass.

“Whoa, easy there. You might throw up again,” Sunset warned, but it was already too late.

“Ah!” I sighed in relief, placing my glass back on the bedside. I noticed Sunset giving me a confused look.


“You’re really hungry these days, aren’t you? You eat like a wolf,” she pointed, chuckling.

“I don’t know. I can’t help it. Sweet tooth’s gotten the best of me.”

“You don’t say,” Sunset muttered. I shoved her playfully, eliciting a chuckle from her. I stood up out of my bed.

“Wait, where’re you going?” Sunset question, eyebrows raised.

“Just going to take a shower.” I grabbed my bathrobe that was slumped over a chair and went inside.

“I’ll wait downstairs!” Sunset called out.

“Okay!” I called back. I closed the door and began to undress, my clothes sliding off, leaving me in my purple bra and panties. With a flick of my wrist, they slid down my body and onto the floor. I posed in front of the mirror. Looking good, Adagio. Looking good, I admired myself. As I kept making random poses, I noticed something out of place. I ran a hand over my stomach slowly, feeling for anything different. I looked down and noticed something, still unsure.

“Hmmm… is it just me or did I just gain some fat in the belly?” I muttered to myself. I ran my hand over again, feeling it. Ugh… I’ve been eating too much lately. I walked over to the weight scale and stepped on it. The scale showed that my weight was 60kg. 60kg.

“I’ve gained weight! I was only 57kg last time I checked!” I groaned, throwing my arms up in the air. Due to my urge to eat something sweet, I’ve gained weight at my own consequence. I stepped off the scale, shaking my head as I entered the cubicle. I turned on the shower as water poured down my body.

After I finished cleaning myself, I turned off the shower and stepped out of the cubicle, reaching for the towel nearby. I scrubbed myself dry and wrapped it around my body. I grabbed my clothes and exited the bathroom back into my room. I wore my clothes again and went downstairs. There was the sound of muffled voices. I wonder who that is? I thought curiously. The voices became much clearer; it was the girls. I entered the living room.

“Morning girls. Good to see you all. What’re you doing here?” I asked.

“Morning, Adagio. Sunset sent us a text saying that you were feeling unwell this morning?” Twilight said. I looked over to Sunset with an eyebrow raised.

“I wanted to invite the girls over for today. Not much to do and seeing your condition, we—” she began. I decided to cut her off.

“Wait, what? Don’t tell me you’re going to insist on keeping me inside the house again today. I can’t stand being stuck in doing nothing!” I snapped.

“Whoa, calm yer horses,” Applejack spoke, tranquil. I took in a breath to calm myself down.

“Calm down? CALM DOWN? Why should I?!” I shouted. The girls reeled back in surprise as I burst out in anger. I realised what I just did and felt regret.

“I’m… I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me,” I apologised, looking away in shame. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“It’s alright, sugarcube. Ah can understand how ya feel,” Applejack eased.

“Yeah, like the time you were too stubborn to accept help,” Rainbow pointed out teasingly. Applejack looked back, giving her a stern glare while Rainbow held a smug grin.

“Anyway, I’m sorry to say this darling, but you’ll have to stay in again for the day,” Rarity said apologetically. I sighed deeply and nodded.

“Now, go on ‘n get your hind back up to bed,” Applejack urged. I nodded and trudged up the stairs, followed by the girls. I walked into my bedroom and tucked myself into bed once again. Rarity approached but was intervened.

“Rarity,” Twilight said in a reminding tone.

“Hehehe, sorry. Instincts,” Rarity chuckled nervously, stepping back.

“No worries,” I waved off.

“Just shout if you need anything. If that’s okay with you, that is,” Fluttershy offered. I nodded, smiling. The girls left the room and went back downstairs. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes to sleep. I slept undisturbed and dreamed about Clavier. Just when things were starting to improve, an all familiar, unpleasant urge struck me again. My eyes bolted open widely as I jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom. I let loose the previous contents I’d eaten recently into the sink. So much for eating breakfast. I heard faint noises approaching, and assumed it was the girls. I heard the door burst open.

“Adagio! Are you okay?” Twilight asked. I felt several pats on the back in an attempt to comfort my unpleasant experience.

“Y-yeah, I—” I began but was cut off by another wave of discomfort. I leaned into the sink and threw up.

“Ugh, WHHYYY?” I whined.

“It’s okay. Let it all out,” Fluttershy said soothingly as she patted me on the back gently. I turned on the tap to unclog the drainage and remove the unpalatable taste of stomach acid and sick from my taste buds.

“Adagio, are you sure you’re okay?” Twilight asked again.

“I have a little headache, but I’m fine now,” I assured her. I took my brush and cleaned my mouth clean once again, restoring a fresh scent.

“Alright, you’d been throwing up yesterday when we got here and you’ve been throwing up since this morning,” Sunset started.

“What’re you getting at?” I asked.

“I think you should go and get yourself checked up by a doctor,” she suggested. I raised an eyebrow.

“What? Why?” I demanded.

“I’m concerned. The girls are probably concerned. We’re all concerned for your well-being and we don’t want you getting any worse,” Sunset explained. I tapped my chin as I thought.

“Hmmm… nah. I’m good. Nothing’s wrong, I’ve probably just had too much to eat, especially sugar,” I dismissed with my hand.

“We can’t be sure. It’s best ya go to the hospital for yer own safety. Better safe than sorry,” Applejack mentioned.

“No! Nothing’s wrong, okay? I’m probably just ill and need rest!” I snapped.

“Darling, please,” Rarity joined in.

“Pleeaaasseee?” Fluttershy and Pinkie begged with puppy eyes. I sighed and crossed my arms under my chest.


“Gosh, you’re stubborn as a tramp!” Rainbow groaned. We noticed a tramp walking past outside. Rainbow looked back and gave a sheepish smile. “Er, no offence!” Rainbow called out.

“None taken, lass!” the tramp called back. Rainbow sighed in relief, wiping her forehead.

“As I was saying, I don’t see the point going to hospital to see the doctor. I’m fine and I should be okay by tomorrow.”

“And what if you’re not okay tomorrow?” Rainbow questioned.

“I will be fine. Trust me. Now, If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go back to bed and get some more sleep.” The girls nodded slowly and left the room.

“Please, consider it for your own good,” Twilight reminded before she left, leaving me alone. I fell onto the bed and grabbed my phone to check for new notifications.

You have one message from: Clavier Melody

I typed in my password and went straight to the message app, checking the notification.

“Hey, Adagio. Sorry if I had to leave early yesterday. Time differences between here and there. Anyway, feeling better?” - Clavier

I began typing rapidly on my screen keyboard in response.

“Hey, Clavi. It’s okay, I understand that, so long you’re not seeing anyone else there >:|. Just threw up again this morning and I’ve got a bad headache. I should be okay now though, thanks for your concern <3” - Adagio

Clavier responded within seconds.

“No! Of course not! Why would I do that? You’re the only girl that’s caught my eyes, you siren. :P If any girl tried, I’ll just give them the denial haha XD. Are you sure you can handle it? I don’t want you getting ill or feeling worse :(“ - Clavier

“Just kidding. I know you’re mine, but seriously though... Anyway! I can handle myself, don’t worry your cute handsome self about me too much ;)” - Adagio

“I would suggest going to the hospital to get yourself checked up. It’s better to be safe than sorry you know, but if you’re sure, then just stay in and rest for the day, okay?” - Clavier

I read my boyfriend’s text message, eyes focused. I groaned as I rolled my eyes. Even Clavier’s insisting I go to the hospital and stay in! I began typing up a response:

“Ugh, you’re just like the girls. They suggested that I go to the hospital too. Just because I have a bad headache and a little nausea in the morning does not mean I’m going to die or anything. No, I don’t want to go because I’m perfectly fine and I don’t want to waste the healthcare’s time and resources all for nothing,” - Adagio

I let out an exasperated huff after I pressed the ‘Send’ button. I stared at the screen, waiting for a reply. Finally, my phone gave off a notification sound. I instantly looked at the screen.

“I’m sorry if I’m aggravating you since the girls have suggested it, but they’re just worried for you, most of all, me. I don’t want to see you hurt or in any sort of pain. There’s a reason healthcare is there; for you, me, and everyone else,” Clavier

I felt a twinge of guilt come over me. I was lost in my thoughts as I remembered some of the words said to me by the girls.

“I’m concerned. The girls are probably concerned. We’re all concerned for your well-being and we don’t want you getting any worse.”

“We can’t be certain for sure. It’s best ya go to the hospital for yer own safety. Better safe than sorry,”

I shook my head and returned to reality. Another notification appeared, prompting me to check it.

“Please, for me? Or at least for your own health?” - Clavier

The pleas from the girls and Clavier were eating away at me. On one hand, I felt it was unnecessary, but at the same time, I felt regret for ignoring their worries and concerns. To ease their minds, I accepted and decided to go on ahead with it. I sighed in defeat, having made my decision. I turned my attention back to my phone.

“Okay, fine. I’ll ring them up for an appointment” - Adagio

“You have no idea how relieved I feel now. Thank you :)” - Clavier

“I still think it’s unnecessary and a waste of my time and theirs though, but fine. I’m only doing this because of you and also because the girls are worried ¬_¬” - Adagio

“Nonetheless, I’m glad to hear you’ve made your mind up. I’ll have to go now. I’ve had a tiring day and tomorrow will be busy. Take care and I love you!” - Clavier

“Alright, love. Take care of yourself there and have a goodnight and sweet dreams. I love you more. XOXO” - Adagio

I felt a smile creep up on my face as I read Clavier’s last message. I stared at it some more, letting it imprint on my mind. I closed my phone and placed it back on the bedside, falling back onto the bed for a moment to rest. Shortly, I jumped off and made my way downstairs to the living room. The girls were still there, doing all kinds of things: watching TV, on their phones, or just chatting amongst themselves. I walked in and cleared my throat to gain their attention. The girls turned to see me.

“Oh hey, Adagio. I thought you were upstairs getting some sleep?” Twilight asked.

“I was trying to, but I couldn’t. I’ve been thinking things through my head, especially what you girls suggested,” I said.

“Oh?” The girls raised their eyebrows in curiosity.

“So what is your decision, dear? Are you going to?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, I will,” I muttered, sighing in defeat. The girls gave a warm smile.

“That’s great to hear. What made you change your mind, if you don’t mind my asking?” Sunset inquired.

“I’ve been weighing in my decisions. I know it’s unnecessary and pointless considering these are minor things, but if you all insist, I’ll do it. I know you girls are just worried about me and I see that. Thank you girls for your concern. I can’t ask for better friends,” I explained, smiling. The girls let out an “aw” as they moved in for a group hug. Numerous pairs of arms wrapped around me and each other into a tight embrace. I closed my eyes and relished the bonding moment between my friends. My sisters.

“We’re always here for ya, don’tcha forget that. Y’hear?” Applejack mentioned. I chuckled heartily.

“Of course, I won’t,” I reassured the farm girl. The girls retreated to give me my space. I smiled at each of them which they returned. Suddenly, my stomach rumbled loudly. I gave a sheepish grin.

“Hehehe, I think I need some food. I’m hungry.” The girls let out a laugh which I joined in.

“Pinkie, yer up.”

“Okie-dokie, Lokie!” Pinkie replied cheerily. She bounced off into the kitchen to prepare some food.

“Come sit with us while we wait for your food,” Sunset patted the seat next to her. I went over and sat down, joining the girls.

“So, when’re you going for your check-up?” Sunset asked. I shrugged in response

“I’m not sure yet. I’m going to ring them up, but first, I need some food so I can think clearly,” I answered. The girls nodded, understanding. I focused my attention back to the TV as the girls flipped through random channels.

“There’s nothing interesting to watch or do,” Rainbow groaned. I reached out and snatched the remote from her hands. “Hey!” she complained.

I ignored her, smirking as I pressed the button to switch to a random channel. Much to my dismay, it was a documentary discussing sex. Everyone in the room (including me) blushed a fierce red. I quickly changed the channel again randomly. I could see Rainbow was trying hard to stifle her laughter, but to no avail.

“BWAHAHAHA! Why did you change it? That looked interesting,” she teased. I blushed red as a tomato.

“Whatever, you horny speed demon,” I grumbled, rolling my eyes. I looked away and smiled. I could hear the faint snickers and giggles of the girls.

“I am not!” Rainbow defended.

“Well, you implied it since you wanted to watch it,” I smirked. It was Rainbow’s turn to look away in embarrassment. She let out a huff.

“Yeah, yeah. You changed the channel though, so that makes two of us,” she added.

“Stop tryin’ to get ‘er involved, Rainbow. Ya clearly said it,” Applejack mentioned. We all let out a laugh except Rainbow. Pinkie entered carrying what looked like a plateful of sugary pastries, treats, and desserts. I caught the scent of the sweet aroma as my mouth hung open, drooling.

“Here you go!” Pinkie said happily. She held out the plate with both hands to me. Still drooling over the sweet scent, I grabbed the plate from her out of hungry instinct. I took a random treat and began munching it down, then the next and so forth. After eating every last crumb, I clapped my hands together to free myself of any crumbly residues. I noticed the girls staring at me in awe.

“What?” I asked, confused. None of the girls answered except Pinkie who recovered the soonest.

“Wowzaroonie! You eat fast! Do you want to duel?” she asked, eyes gleaming. I just stared at her in confusion.

“Um… no?”

“Awww,” Pinkie groaned.

“Wow, I thought it’d take you longer to eat those treats. You ate them all in less than two minutes,” Sunset spoke. I grinned sheepishly.

“Pinkie, Adagio asked for breakfast!” Twilight scolded.

“I did make her breakfast. I walked in, gave her the plate, she ate it all quickly, and now we’re standing here talking!” Pinkie grinned. Twilight and the girls facepalmed.

“No, not that kind of breakfast. I meant like a sandwich or something!”

“Oopsie,” Pinkie muttered, grinning sheepishly as she scratched the back of her head. The girls shook their heads.

“It’s okay, girls. I’m full enough already. Thanks, Pinkie,” I said.

“You’re welcome! If you want more, just ask me!” Pinkie offered, pulling a cookie out of nowhere and eating it in one bite.

“Oookaaayy,” I trailed. Pinkie sat back down on one of the couches between Applejack and Rainbow.

“Are you sure you don’t want a proper breakfast? I don’t think sugar’s going to help you feel any better, especially with a medical check-up. It might make you feel worse,” Sunset warned.

“Thanks for the offer, but I think Pinkie’s breakfast already filled my stomach up,” I giggled. I shot her a smile, and she grinned in return. “Relax, sugar won’t affect a medical check-up. Sugar is just… sugar,” I said, shrugging.

“Well, it’s your decision. Can’t stop ya fer it,” Applejack admitted. I gave her a nod. I stood up as I proceeded to go upstairs for my phone, but was interrupted.

“Where’re you going?”

“I’m just going to get my phone and make the call,” I assured.

“I’ll get it in ten seconds flat!” Rainbow bolted from her seat and whizzed past me like lightning. The wind carried by her speed blew over my hair, ruining it.

“UGH!” I groaned frustratedly.

“Don’t worry darling. We’ll fix that up for you later,” Rarity reassured. True to her words, Rainbow came back with my phone in her hand in ten seconds, just as she said.

“Wow. That was quick. Exact time too,” Sunset said.

“Heh, I told you! I’m just that awesome,” Rainbow boasted, fueling her ego. The girls and I shook her heads. I gave Rainbow a stern glare which she caught. Rainbow stared back in confusion.

“What? I got your phone for you.” I pointed to my hair which was strewn up all over. “Oh, hehehe. Sorry,” Rainbow muttered sheepishly. I shook it off and swung my hair to the side, returning it to its normal state as it was before.

“You have such marvelous hair darling. I’m quite envious,” Rarity beamed.

“Nonsense. Your hair suits you just the way you are.”

“Why, thank you!”

I sat back down next to Sunset and Twilight and opened my phone. I tapped the contacts list as I scrolled down, searching for the number of the Canterlot General Hospital.

“Ah, there it is.” I placed my phone to my ear as it rang. Finally, it picked up.

“Hello, Canterlot General Hospital, how can I help you?” a feminine voice spoke.

“Hello, I’d like to book an appointment for a check-up,” I requested.

“Okay, and can I get your name please?”

“Ms. Adagio Dazzle.”

“One moment please.” There was a moment of silence as I could hear the bustling sounds of the hospital in the background. “Ah, yes, Ms. Dazzle. Just bear with me for a second, I’ll put you through to your doctor.”

“Thank you.” I waited as the phone rang again, re-directing. The girls sat there, observing.

“Hello, Doctor Whooves speaking, how can I help you?” a male voice spoke.

I let out a smile. “Is this Dr. Whooves?” I asked with a smirk.

“May I ask who’s speaking, please?”

“Seriously? You’ve forgotten your favourite patient?” I said teasingly.

“Wait a minute… is that you, Adagio? Adagio Dazzle?”

“Yes it is,” I replied, chuckling.

“Oh, goodness me, child! I didn’t recognise your voice! How long has it been now? Five, six years? You were probably twelve years old the last time I saw you!”

My smile grew. Dr. Turner, or better known by many as Dr. Whooves, was my childhood doctor and has been a long-time friend of my family. More to say, he’s also been like a second father to me. Kind, tender, and caring; the qualities of a doctor. I’d missed him dearly.

“Yeah, it’s been too long.”

“You must’ve been keeping up to good health based on my advice. Always does the trick,” he said, chuckling. I giggled at his humour.

“Anyway, must maintain professionalism. I have a tight schedule on my hands lately at the moment. What can I do for you today, Dagi?”

“Well, I’m wondering if it’ll be possible to book an appointment for today?” I asked.

“Hmmmm. I’ll check my list.” There was the sound of paper rustling which I assumed was his list of appointments and schedules. Ugh, I still think this is a waste of time. I’d hate to waste Dr. Whooves’ time especially, even if he doesn’t mind it.


“Hey, I’m still here.”

“Hey, Dagi. I’m sorry, but I’m fully booked today and tomorrow. However, I can reserve an available space and squeeze you in.. How does 5:30 PM on Thursday sound?”

“Hmmm,” I hummed, thinking. I don’t think I have anything I’m supposed to do on Thursday. Eh, I’ll go with it.

“Thursday’s great. Thank you very much, Dr. Whooves,” I said, exhaling in relief.

“Don’t mention it. Oh, and don’t tell anyone I saved that space for you. Don’t want to be accused of favouritism,” he mentioned, laughing.

I giggled. I’m glad he’s my doctor, I thought.

“Alright, I have to go now. There’s much to be done. See you on Thursday at 5:30, okay?” he reminded.

“Alright, see you then. Take care!” I said.

“Ta-ta!” he bade in return. I couldn’t help but let out another giggle at his choice of words. I placed my phone down on my lap after hanging up and returned my attention back to the girls.

“Dr. Whooves is your doctor?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Yeah, since I was a kid. He’s a long-time family friend.”

“Wow, I don’t know what to say. Your reputation precedes you,” she said.

“Eh.” I shrugged.

“So when’s your appointment? Is it today?”

“Unfortunately, no. He’s got a busy schedule lately, so he can’t fit me in today or tomorrow. He’s reserved a space for me on Thursday, though. Half-past five in the afternoon,” I explained. The girls nodded.

“I see. Well, that’s a relief,” Twilight sighed.

“I still can’t help but feel that it’s pointless,” I huffed, crossing my arms under my chest.

“Good gravy, girl,” Applejack groaned.

I held up my arms up defensively. “Okay, fine! I’ll stop.” The girls turned their attention to the TV while I pulled my phone out and began typing away.

“I’ve booked my appointment. I hope you’re happy,” - Adagio

I sat there waiting for a reply. There was none. I turned off my phone and watched TV with the girls. Similar to yesterday, the girls stayed in my house for nearly the whole day to keep me company.

- End Of The Day -

We watched some TV, ate together, and just had the usual conversations between girls until night struck.

“I’m staying again for tonight,” Sunset insisted.

“If you’re sure.” She nodded in response. The rest of the girls stood up and walked out of the living room. I went ahead and opened the door for them.

“Thank ya kindly, Dag. Ya take care now, y’hear?” Applejack patted me on the back gently. I nodded, smiling at her.

“I’ll drop by again tomorrow. I’m still ahead of schedule, so nothing to do just yet,” Twilight said.

“We’ve finished school already, Twilight. You need to relax.”

“Just because we’ve graduated does not mean I have to let up on my education,” she replied. I chuckled, shaking my head.

“Whatever. See you later.” Twilight gave me a hug and left.

“Take care and be safe. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Fluttershy said in her usual soft, quiet tone. She waved goodbye and left.

I couldn’t help but let out a silentaww.

“Take care, Dagi! I’ll remember to hold a get-well-soon-party when you’re feeling better!” Pinkie rambled. She gave me a tight hug as I struggled to breath. She let go and zipped out of the door. “SEEEE YOOUUUU LAAAAAATEEEERRR!!!” she called out.

“Take care Dagi, and I hope you feel awesome soon. See you tomorrow!” Rainbow whizzed by, ruining my hair.

That’s the second time, I growled in my thoughts.

“Get some rest, darling. I’ve got a few orders to do, but nothing that should stop me from coming over. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Rarity said. She gave me a hug and left.

“Take care!” I called out, waving goodbye. I closed the door, locked it, and walked back into the living room where Sunset sat.

“You don’t have to do this you know,” I reminded her.

“I’m fine. Someone needs to be there to look out for you and pat you on the back,” she mentioned, smiling. I gave a smile of my own.

“Thanks. The spare room’s welcome for you to use,” I told her.

“I could use some sleep,” Sunset yawned.

“Me too.” Sunset trudged up the stairs as I followed her. We reached the top as I reached for the door handle to my room.

“Goodnight, Sunset. Sleep well and sweet dreams.”

“Likewise. I’ll be here if you need anything,” she reminded. I twisted the handle and entered my room, closing it behind me. I went over to my bed and let myself fall back onto the smooth, cosy surface. I tucked myself under the covers and grabbed for my phone. There was a notification from Clavier.

“Hey, sorry for the late reply. That’s great to hear! I’m glad you’ve chosen to listen to our advice. We’re just worried for you, you know? Would you not do the same if one of the girls or I were in your position? - Clavier

I began typing away on my phone.

“Yeah, I guess. Thanks again. I’m going off to bed. I feel really worn out today despite staying inside. Goodnight, love and miss you so much XOXO :)” - Adagio

“Thanks for understanding. It’s morning here and I’ll be outside. Sleep well and sweet dreams gorgeous. Love and miss you more :)” - Clavier

I smiled and sent the text back to Clavier. I placed my phone back on the bedside and tucked my arms back under the duvet, snuggling for comfort. I felt my consciousness dwindle until I fell into a deep sleep with a smile on my face.