• Published 29th May 2012
  • 8,152 Views, 39 Comments

Scootaloo's Life - AnnonyMouse

Scootaloo is an orphan, her friends earn their marks, leaving her bhind.

  • ...

1 Where the Heart Belongs

Scootaloo's Life
Where the Heart Belongs

Scootaloo was rushing to the clubhouse to meet up with her two best friends, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, like they always did when there was no school. Her little scooter nearly flying along the path as she smiled.

She saw her favorite branch coming up and jumped, trying a new trick she was dieing to try.

An awesome aerial back flip was performed before landing on her scooter without even slowing down.

"I did it? Awesome. I gotta show my friends that later." She beamed brightly as she came into view of the fixed up clubhouse.

Parking her scooter, she rushed up and inside.

But nopony was there.

This was a little odd, as they were always there before she was, seeing that they both lived so much closer than she did.

Still, she pulled out her cape from off the hook and paused. The other two capes were not there.

"Huh?" She blinked and searched the clubhouse. She could have sworn they had hung them all up last time they were here.

The other capes were nowhere to be found, only hers, with one corner ripped.

"What's going on here? Where's Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom?" She frowned a little. Had they already been here this morning and left already without her?

Not really understanding what was going on, she headed outside and listened for any sounds.

Besides the sounds of a gentle breeze blowing through the trees and birds singing, there was not a peep of her friends.

Scootaloo frowned for a moment, then decided to head into town.

She pulled up at Sweetie's home and knocked on the door. A moment later, the ever beautiful Rarity opened the door. "Why hello Scootaloo. However might I assist you?"

"Is Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom here?"

Rarity blinked. "Dear me, no. I thought they were looking for you. They have wonderful news to tell you."

"What news?"

"I promised them to let them tell you. I believe they're at Sugarcube Corner."

"Thanks Miss. Rarity." Scootaloo beamed a smile and scooted off at top speed.

Rarity watched Scootaloo leave. "Poor filly... I hope she's not disappointed when she gets the news."

Sugarcube Corner.

Scootaloo rushed through the door to the bakery and spotted her two friends, sitting at a table and enjoying a couple cupcakes.

"Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo beamed as she came over.

"Oh there you are Scoots." Apple Bloom beamed a huge grin. "We have some awesome news for you."

Sweetie Belle smiled softly. "Can you guess what it might be?"

Scootaloo paused and seemed to ponder. "Um... you got some awesome new ideas on how we can get our cutie marks without getting covered in sap for once?"

The pair looked at each other, then stepped out from behind the table, revealing their flanks.

An apple bloom with hammer and saw over a bright red apple adorned Apple Bloom's flank.

A pink musical note, topped with a heart adorned Sweetie Belle's flank.

"We got our cutie marks." Apple Bloom squealed with delight. "Ah got mine last night when Ah helped AJ fix up the barn. Ah was so happy to be helpin' her and came up with a few ideas on how t' make the barn even better." She looked so happy.

"And... and I got mine when I visited Fluttershy last night. We helped a sick bear get better by singing to it. My songs can make sick ponies and animals feel better." She beamed a cute smile.

Scootaloo paled. "But... but... What about the Cutie Mark Crusaders? We swore we'd work together to get our cutie marks." Scootaloo was feeling betrayed.

"Ah know, Ah know." Apple Bloom placed a hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder. "But Ah discovered it all on mah own. Just like what AJ said. We all gotta find our special talent on ah own."

Scootaloo shook Apple Bloom's hoof off and stepped back. She looked at Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom "You... you..." Tears came to her eyes and she rushed out of the bakery.

Scootaloo had left her scooter behind, her emotions getting the better of her. She ran till she stopped, and then looked around.

Floating over a small hill was her idol's home, the beautiful cloud home of Rainbow Dash.

She walked to the top of the small hill and sat there, her head hanging. Moments later, a shadow flew past.

She looked up to see Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash!" She called out.

Dash paused and looked back. "Sorry squirt. I don't have time for you." She then flew off, a rainbow trail left in the air. Some bad weather was coming in from over the Everfree Forest, and she had to make sure it was cleared up before it could hit Ponyville.

"Don't have... time?" Scootaloo felt more tears fall. "Rainbow Dash hates me... I can't fly, I can't build barns. I can't sing. I've failed at everything we've tried to do to get our cutie marks, and then last night my two best friends get theirs without us being together..." She sobbed uncontrollably for quite a while, before her mind started to make up things.

"They must all hate me. I can't get my cutie mark. I'm not good at anything I try." She frowned and rose to her hooves. "I don't have a family... living in the orphanage... and nopony ever comes to adopt me. Nopony wants me." She turned to look back at Ponyville, one last time. "I may as well leave."

"Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked tenderly as she walked into the Carousel Boutique

"One moment Sweetie Belle." Rarity spoke in her eloquent tone as she placed a few finishing touches on a stunningly beautiful dress. "There, done." She turned to her little sister. "Now, what is it sweetheart?"

"I think I hurt a friend's feelings really bad today." She hung her head, her soft lavender and pink curls hiding her face.

"Oh my. I assume you're talking about your little friend, Scootaloo?"

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Apple Bloom and I got our cutie marks without her. When we showed her, we were so happy, but then she got all sad and ran off. We tried to find her but we couldn't."

"Dear me." Rarity frowned. "I'll lend you a hoof, for a while. The customer shan't be by till evening to pick up their dress."

"Rainbow Dear!" Rarity called up too a cloud that sported a rainbow tail.

Dash poked her head over the edge. "What? I just cleared the sky of a pretty nasty storm and I'm pooped."

"Have you seen Scootaloo around?"


"Scootaloo, you're number one fan?"

"Oh, that little pipsqueak.." Dash made a distasteful face. "What about her?"

"Have you seen her?"

"No, don't think so... Oh! I think I saw her this morning, sitting on the hill near my place. Kinda creepy the way she's always watching me you know."

"Rainbow Dash." Rarity looked disappointed in her friend. "She adores you and looks up to you. You can at least pay a little more attention to her."

"Why? What about her family and friends?"

"She has no family, if you ever bothered to get to know her. She's an orphan and her only friends just recently got their cutie marks, and I think that really hurt her feelings, the poor thing."

Dash frowned. "An... orphan?" That tidbit of information hit far too close to home for Rainbow Dash. "I... I had no idea." She fluttered off the cloud and landed before Rarity. "I mean..."

"I know, I only found out about it recently as well." Rarity hung her head a little. "Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are looking around for her, at all their favorite places. Do you think you can search around as well?"

Dash nodded and took off flying.

(She's an orphan... like me?) Dash frowned as she approached the orphanage. The place was a little ways out of Ponyville, and looked like it had seen better days, and those days had been LONG ago.

She landed on the steps and knocked on the front door.

A stern looking Pegasus mare opened the door. "What can I do for you?"

"I... I'm looking for a little filly, named Scootaloo."

The mare raised an eye, looking over Rainbow Dash. "And why are you looking for that little trouble maker?"

Dash frowned. "She's missing. I was wondering if she came back."

"No, she has not returned since I sent her off this morning."

Dash blinked. "Just how many orphans so you house here?"

"Just the one. Why, do you want to adopt her? If you do, I wouldn't be surprised if you return her within a few days, just like all the others who adopted her. She's just a trouble maker you know, and I can't wait till she grows up and can leave, or better yet, leaves on her own. Now, if you don't mind, I have some peace and quiet to enjoy before she comes back and ruins it."

Dash narrowed her eyes at this mare. "How can you say that about her? Sure, she's energetic and curious and... and she's still young." Dash slammed a hoof down, cracking the wooden planks of the steps. "You know what? I can see now why she has low self esteem, having you for her caretaker." She then flew off.

"You haven't changed at all... have you Rainbow Dash?" The mare sneered. "Hotheaded as ever."

Scootaloo walked along the road. She had left Ponyville an hour ago, with nothing to her name but her own, well worn ponyshoes.

Heck, they had been a little small on her for quite a while now, hence the reason she got around on her scooter.

Her scooter... she had left it behind... oh well. It would most likely be thrown out into the trash anyway. She just pressed on.

Rainbow Dash landed at the library and entered, not even knocking. Heck, it WAS the public library after all.


"Yes?" The light purple unicorn poked her head out from behind one of the bookshelves, a few cobwebs stuck to her mane.

"Have you seen Scootaloo?"

"Not sense a few days ago, why?"

"I can't find her anywhere."

"How about her home?"

"She's the only orphan at the Ponyville orphanage. And she hasn't been back sense the caretaker there kicked her our for the day..." Dash then paused. "Wait a second... I remember her..." She gritted her teeth, only now recognizing the cruel and harsh mistress who had run the orphanage back in Cloudsdale. She shook her head a moment. "Well, keep an eye out for her please."

Twilight nodded. "As soon as I'm finished here..." Her horn glowed and the bookshelf slid back into place.

"What are you doing anyway?"

"Cleaning behind the shelves. They haven't been cleaned in years... and I found at least thirty really old books behind them." She then dusted herself off. "Let's go find Scootaloo."

"I'll see about getting the others to help too... I have to find her."

Applejack tilted her head slightly, looking at her little sister. "What's the matter Apple Bloom?"

"Scootaloo... she ran away when she saw Sweetie Bell and mahself got ah cutie marks. We can't find her anywhere."

"Well land sakes... We gotta go find yer little friend." AJ smiled. "Come along Apple Bloom"

Applejack and Apple Bloom reached Fluttershy's cottage at the same time as Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

"Howdy y'all."

"AJ. Have you seen Scootaloo?" Dash looked really worried.

"We was just comin into town to look for that little filly. Y'all lookin for her too?"

Twilight nodded . "Yes... so is Rarity and Sweetie Belle. We just came here to see if Fluttershy could help."

"Help with what?" The gentle, shy Pegasus emerged from her cottage.

"Oh dear, that doesn't sound good at all." Fluttershy said after the explanation.

Twilight nodded. "We need to set up search parties as well as search zones. Let's meet up with Rarity and Sweetie Belle. We should also get Pinkie Pie in on the search. She knows Ponyville like the back of her hoof."

Pinkie Pie frowned in thought. She looked at the map of Ponyville, as well as the markers. "All these places have been searched?"

The other ponies nodded.

"Hmm, well, there's a lot of great hiding places around Ponyville." She marked them on the map.

Twilight nodded. "Ok, Applejack, will take these ones here, to the west. I'm sure you know more hiding places on the farm." She glanced at the farm pony in question, who simply nodded. "Rarity, you take the ones to the south. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, you take the ones in the west along the Everfree Forest. Rainbow Dash, you check the ones to the north."

"What about yourself?" Pinkie Pie blinked cutely.

"I'll keep searching and asking around Ponyville. I'm sure we'll find her soon."

With that, the team headed off to do their searches.

Unknown to them, the young filly was trekking north, toward... well. It didn't matter, did it? Nopony wanted her. Her own friends had betrayed her. Her idol didn't want anything to do with her, and Mistress Meany... er, Mistress Cloud Heart, sure as hay didn't want her around anymore, if she ever did.

She looked up at the sun. It was getting a little low in the sky, and dark clouds looked to be forming. She could see a team of Pegasai setting up rainstorm for tonight over the farmland.

"As if things couldn't get any worse..." Scootaloo frowned a moment before she stepped own on a loose stone, catching her front right shoe and ripping it right off.

Scootaloo fell and hissed in pain. She looked and saw the shoe had been twisted slightly, and sure as it was starting to rain, would never be wearable again.

She got up and limped along, never having realized how walking without the iron-shod shoes felt. Her hoof was tender from the shoe being ripped out, but pressed on.

Rainbow Dash searched the hiding place on her map, but it looked like this hiding place had not been used in quite some time. She then looked north and saw the dark clouds. She knew the farms to the north had been scheduled for a healthy rain that night, even if that area was not part of her zone.

She felt a little worried, but pressed on to the next place. Somehow, she felt that Scootaloo might not even be in Ponyville anymore.

Scootaloo was getting soaked as she limped along, small drops of blood marking her path. She realized that this trail was not well used, as it started to become overgrown. She then realized, she had entered into the Everfree forest.

Panic struck the filly as she looked around. Behind her, the trail seemed to have disappeared into the forest. Still, she could make out the trail ahead of her, so she simply pressed on, hoping none of the scary creatures of the forest found her before she could find a way out.

As she moved on, she spotted a dim, flickering light ahead. She didn't know what it was, but curiosity got the better of her, and she moved to investigate.

She entered a small clearing and spotted a small cottage. It was nothing like Zecora's cozy hut. This place looked spooky, as it was built into a large, dead tree.

Scootaloo then spotted movement through the lit window, and caught a strange scent, like something was cooking. She approached and peeked into the window.

She spotted a cloaked creature, about the size of a pony, only it had clawed paws. She watched as it turned it's head slightly, showing off the tapered snout of some creature she had never seen before, and all the sharp teeth in its mouth. She gulped and stepped back, snapping a twig in the process.

The figure inside turned to face the window, narrow eyes glowing yellow in the dim light.

Scootaloo turned to run in fear, but ran face first into a tree. Stars flashed before her vision before darkness took her.

Back at the library, the ponies had gathered again.

"No luck to the south." Rarity griped as she used her magic to remove muck and grime from her hooves. "Why did I have to search the swamp anyway?"

"Don't worry..." Applejack frowned. "Ah didn't have no luck either. Ah searched the whole farm and all the hidin' holes ah could remember, and then some."

"There was no evidence she entered the Everfree Forest where we searched." Fluttershy hung her head. "I'm sorry we couldn't find her."

"She was nowhere in town, and I asked everypony I could find." Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash. "Did you have any luck?"

"None. She's gone." She looked out the window and saw the telltale wisps of wind picking up, meaning that storm she had broken up earlier was pulling itself back together, and with a vengeance. "Going to be a storm tonight... and not a scheduled one"

"Then we have to wait till morning?" Pinkie Pie blinked. "Ok, we'll be ready to search further. I'll get the snacks ready for the morning." She bounced out the door as the rain started to fall.

The rest of the ponies decided there was nothing else they could do till morning.

Twilight decided to ask the ponies of the town if they could offer some aid to find the missing filly.

"I'll just check at the orphanage." Dash flew out the door.

Scootaloo started to come too, feeling first and foremost the headache. She reached up her hoof and felt bandages on her head, as well as on her hoof.

Her eyes popped open and she looked around.

She was laying on a small bed in the very hut the strange, scary creature lived in. She looked over and spotted it, sitting before a small fireplace, stirring away at an old cauldron.

"Awake are we?" A raspy voice spoke. "Twas a hard knock ya took little one." It turned to face Scootaloo and pulled back its hood.

"W... wolf?" Scootaloo paled.

"Aye, I be a wolf, but ye not need worry bout me."

"Wolves eat ponies..." She scrambled back against the wall.

"Oh? Pray tell where did you hear such a tale?"

"Everypony knows wolves eat meat."

A light, raspy chuckle escaped through the sharp teeth. "Everypony... and how many pony have ye heard been eaten by us wolves?"

"Um..." Scootaloo paused to think. "I... I don't know... I don't know any who have been."

"Then don't worry little one. We wolves eat meat, aye, but only from the creatures who are smaller, weaker, and not so smart." The wolf rose to stand on its hind legs. "Least of all a wolf like myself." It spooned something from the cauldron into a bowl and set it on the stand next to the bed. "Worry not little one, this is not made from any meat."

Scootaloo leaned forward and sniffed the contents of the bowl. It smelled strange, but not unpleasant.

"Tell me little one... what know you of Poison Joke?"

"Um... it's blue, and it plays mean jokes on ponies?"

"Aye, that it does, including transforming ponies into wolves." He chuckled lightly again. "Ye remind me of somepony I knew long ago. Well, not too long, but only a few years."

"Wait... you... you're a pony?"

"Aye, that I was. But I have been exposed to Poison Joke for far too long, and now I am stuck. I know of no cure."

"I do. Zecora knows how to make a cure for Poison Joke."

The cloaked wolf walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "If what you say be true, then could I be cured? A chance to return to Ponyville I would relish, and to find my family once again I would cherish."

"You're family?" Scootaloo stared in wide eyed wonder.

"Aye. My two daughters at the very least. I know not their fates. My wife, she passed away but two winter ago, having taken her own life in despair from her curse." He looked into Scootaloo's amethyst eyes. "Such eyes, yours are like hers."

Scootaloo blinked. "You said you had two daughters... what was their names?"

"By name we called the youngest Scootaloo and the eldest Rainbow Dash, but alas, on a day we ventured into the wood to find herbs for an illness befallen the elder, taking her memories... we became cursed, and upon return to the village, we were shunned and chased from town as monsters..."

Scootaloo paled. "Scootaloo? Th... that's my name. I.. I'm Scootaloo."

"Thought as much I have... but alas I can be no father to any. Lest this cure you speak of works, I can nought be called your father."

"D... Daddy?" Scootaloo hugged the wolf and cried into his lap. "Please... please don't leave me again. I... Nopony on Ponyville wants me... I ran away. I can't believe I found you again after all these years."

The wolf wiped away his own tears. "Daughter of mine, you cannot stay here. The Poison Bloom, it grows and crawls about the wood as thought a creature, bent on laying its curse on all it finds. A fate I would wish upon none, friend or foe, in jest or in spite." He gently pushed Scootaloo back. "In the morn, after the storm, you must leave and ne'er look back. The wood, has claimed myself and mine wife. I shan't see it claim my child."


"Sleep now dear Scootaloo..." He waved a clawed paw before her face, and Scootaloo fell asleep from the magic power released.

Scootaloo awoke, the light of the sun shining in her eyes. She looked around to see she was outside the wood, and within view of Ponyville.

She frowned and rose to her hooves, wincing in pain as she set weight on her still tender hoof.

"SCOOTALOO!!!" A familiar voice cried from the sky.

She looked up to see Rainbow Dash. Her eyes lit up and she limped forward as the Pegasus landed before her. "S... Sister." She hugged the older Pony.

"S... Sister?" Dash blinked. "Whoa, whatcha talking about Scoots?"

"I... I met our daddy..." She looked around, but the Everfree Forest was a long way away, and she doubted she could remember exactly where she had found him. "We... We have to go save him. He's cursed by the Poison Joke."

Dash blinked. "Whoa now Scootaloo. What are you talking about? I don't have a little sister... not that I can remember really."

"Daddy said you were ill, and that it took your memories. Maybe that's why you can't remember me." She looked into Dash's red eyes.

"Sorry kiddo, but I can't even remember my own folks. If what you say is true... and we are sisters..." Dash looked down at the spunky filly. "Well, let's not worry about that. I was heading to the library when I saw you." She looked at the bandages. "What happened to you?"

"I broke my hoofshoe and bumped my head, but Daddy found me and fixed me up." She looked around. There was not even a paw mark on the ground. "Please Dash, we have to go find him. He's all alone. Mommy died two years ago leaving him all lone. He's cursed, and we can get him cured."

Dash nodded. "If... If what you say is true... I wanna find my father as well. I... I guess I can forgive him if he got himself cursed. I always thought mom and dad just ran away." She then scooped Scootaloo onto her back. "Let's go and show everypony you're safe and sound, then let's see about getting you some new shoes."

Everypony was so happy to see Scootaloo, especially her two friends. They apologized to her over and over, but told her they would still crusade till they found Scootaloo's cutie mark.

"You know what?" Scootaloo smiled, looking a little sad still. "I... I think I should find my mark all on my own. After all... You both did."

"Aww, can't we at least help a little?"

"You can help by still being my bestest friends in the whole world." Scootaloo smiled over at Rainbow Dash.

They had agreed, for the time being, to keep the possibility of their being sisters, and their father being still alive, to themselves.

Pinkie Pie whooped and bounced around. "We should totally have a welcome home party for Scootaloo."

Scootaloo shook her head. "I'm not home yet... I'm just an orphan till I can find my broken family and bring it back together."

Dash nodded. "That sounds great Scoots... so let's go see about getting you a new set of hoofshoes. Your hoof looks like it's pretty tender still."

"Actually, it's feeling better." She sniffed it, and smelled something, like herbs and mint.

Fluttershy noticed this as well. "Who put your bandages on you? Only a Unicorn could have done such a good job. And the smell, I can smell the healing herbs on your hoof, though I never thought to add mint. It smells nice."

Scootaloo smiled. "It was a wolf. He bandaged me up and brought me home."

All the ponies present paled.

"A... A wolf?" Dash looked into Scoots eyes. "You... are you saying a wolf actually helped you?"

Scootaloo nodded. "He..." She hung her head and looked at everypony. "He's my daddy."

After much panic, Dash and Scootaloo calmed everypony down, and the young filly explained that her daddy had become a wolf because of Poison Joke.

This brought up a lot of questions, which the youngster was ill equipped to answer.

"Zecora can make a cure for him, right?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Twilight looked a little doubtful, but nodded. "I'm sure she can. She knows more about the plants in the Everfree Forest then anypony I know."

"And she's not even a pony." Pinkie Pie popped her head up from behind the table.

Dash smiled. "Scoots and I will go ask her ourselves." She smiled at the young Pegasus. "Hop on." She lowered herself for the foal that might just be her baby sister.

Scootaloo walked about a bit, trying out her new hoofshoes. "These feel great, thanks Rainbow Dash." She hugged the older pony.

Dash smiled. The hug, it somehow felt right. "I'm glad you like em." She then paid for them. "So, let's go pick up your scooter. You left it at Sugarcube Corner."

"Um... if it's alright, can I walk? Walking was always uncomfortable before." She pranced about a bit, a huge smile on her face.

"Of course. Let's go to Zecora's now."

Zecora had listened to the tale.

"A tale of fate, one filled with the hope of love and no hate." She spoke in her usual rhymes. "For one so young and pure, I would be pleased to make a cure. But first, this wolf I must meet, before this joke I can beat."

"I think I remember the way." Scootaloo replied, her sparkling eyes full of hope.

It took far longer to find the path this time, mainly because Scootaloo had not been really watching where she had been going last time, but finally she found some landmarks that looked familiar.

"I'm sure this is the trail." She started ahead, but Zecora stopped her with a gesture. "These plants before us are bad, to touch them could result in a fate very sad."

"What kind of plant are they?" Dash asked, glancing at the crimson leaves.

"These plants are no joke, for they are called poison oak." Zecora stated. "To touch them causes a terrible rash, so to press on would be quite brash."

"I'll fly over and see if I can find the place Scoots described." She took to the air, leaving the pair behind.

It didn't take long for her to spot a thin plume of smoke rising from the forest. She flew down and landed before a large dead tree, set with a window.

Standing in the doorway she saw the wolf creature, standing on its hind legs, just as the filly had described. "Um... hello?" She was a little wary, and ready to take flight at a moment's notice.

"Hello young one. Assume I must you are here at the bequest of young Scootaloo?"

Dash nodded. "We're here with a friend who can cure you."

"A cure is to be had? I am most hopeful this is no hoax."

"Zecora is the most skilled pony... er, zebra, I know when it comes to herbal potions and cures for things like Poison Joke."

"Then... lead me to this Zecora." He reached into the tree and pulled out his tattered, dark cloak and donned it, pulling it over his head.

"Daddy!" Scootaloo rushed forward as she saw the wolf emerge from the woods and hugged him.

"Hello Scootaloo. You seem well."

"All because of you and your healing stuff you put on my hoof, and the new hoofshoes Rainbow Dash got me."

"Rainbow..." He turned to the Pegasus, a look of surprise on his face. "My eldest daughter?"

"Whoa now. I don't know about that. I can't remember anything bout my family." Dash replied defensively. "Let's just wait and see after you're cured ok?"

"I understand young one. Ah, to be cured and to return home, a dream I had long thought gone." He approached the Zebra. "Zecora I presume?"

"Indeed I am. Now, to see if I can cure you, or if not, what a sham." She examined the wolf carefully. "No wolf like you I have ever seen, and in nature, no wolf like you has ever been. Indeed this is caused by Poison Joke..." She suddenly paused, her usual rhythm broken. "A cure for you I can make, but a special potion I must make."

"What herbs do you need?" Scootaloo asked.

"From the Poison Joke I need a sample, but more than one, I must have ample."

"To show you where this Poison Joke dwells, I would be honoured. I know well the twists and turns of this area of the Wood. Follow, and be wary of the plants I point out."

The path had taken them far into the Everfree Forest, to areas even Zecora would not have dared to venture on her own. She saw many plants she knew to be beneficial, but even more that were dangerous, and a few that were downright deadly.

They finally reached a hillside, covered by the azure blue plant.

"This is where My wife long passed and I had been cursed, but it was not the small blooms that transformed me into a wolf..." He pointed to the one at the top of the hill, a thick tree, covered with many large and ominous blooms. "That one up there, the mother of all Poison Joke."

Zecora shivered, not with delight, but from fear. "To think... such a plant exists, and that it's joke for so long persists..." She looked at Rainbow Dash. "A dozen bloom I need, but beware how you gather or you too will be in need."

Dash shuddered. "I don't wanna get turned into no wolf... I'll be careful."

She then flew over the thick growth of blue and up too the tree. As she hovered over it, she watched as vines snaked and moved about the thick trunk, and at the blooms as they opened and closed ever so slightly, revealing sharp teeth and sickly blue interior.

(How the heck am I supposed to get blooms off that thing without getting bitten...) She frowned and closed in slightly.

The plant didn't seem to notice, even as she came within touching range.

Dash gulped and plucked one of the blooms the size of her head.

Other than a few vines twisting about, there was no other reaction.

One by one, she plucked the blooms and brought them back to Zecora. On her final run, she spotted something else. A pod the size of her head. It looked like a fruit. She didn't want to push her luck, so grabbed the last bloom she needed and returned. "Here's the last one. I also saw what looked like a fruit in there, the size of my head."

Zecora paled. "A pod of seeds you have seen... the end of ponydome I could well glean."

The wolf snarled slightly. "A seed pod? If it opens and sends its seeds everywhere, well could we see the end of all things. That plant, you see, feeds not on water and light, but the flesh of those the sweet smell these blooms lure.

"End it we must, but the pod we must not bust."

"How about if we burn it?" Scootaloo suggested.

"Fire would do well to end this plight, but the plant will not go without a fight."

"It's a plant." Scootaloo blinked. "How can it fight back?"

Her father placed a paw on her shoulder. "Should it feel truly threatened, the pod it will break open, sending its seed upon the wind. Spread far and wide it will and grow, many more such plants will consume all animal life in the wood, and beyond."

Scootaloo shuddered. "A pony eating plant? Dashie... please be careful."

Dash nodded. "Say, what if we mix something really sticky with oil and pour it on that pod, then light it on fire?"

"A deft idea young Rainbow Dash." The wolf grinned, making the pony feel quite nervous at the sight of those sharp teeth. "A mixture as such I can prepare quickly at home."

Back at the tree cottage, the two ponies and one zebra watched as the wolf mixed sap with oil, as well as a few other compounds. "These additives will ensure the flame burns very hot. Best you do not let this touch you, lest we have to take time to wash it off. This must be done quickly."

Dash nodded. "Ok, I'll dump the sticky oil on it, then come back and grab whatever we're using for the fire, fly back up and drop that on it as well."

"No need for a torch or lamp." The wolf chuckled. "Those additives will react to another powder I have made. It will burst into flames as soon as they meet and mix, and a flame so hot, the plant will be destroyed, seed pod and all."

"Really? You can make a fire that easily?" Dash wondered.

To demonstrate, he placed a pinch of the first powder into a small bowl, then he added another pinch of the second powder, pulling his paw away as fast as possible.

The tiny amount of powder burst into a flame as tall as Rainbow Dash.

All eyes watching had gone wide.

"Now hold on a second... I have to carry the sticky oil AND a pouch of that extra powder at the same time?"

"And move as fast as you can." He stated seriously. "You surely do not wish to be cooked in a flash."

Dash whimpered slightly. She sure was NOT looking forward to this.

"Maybe I can help?" Scootaloo joined in.

"Sorry Scoots, you still can't fly. There's no way you could help out."

Scootaloo hung her head, feeling useless.

"Mishaps a way there is you can help Daughter." The wolf ruffled her mane. "The heat very well can damage Rainbow Dash's feathers, even if she is flying away as fast as she can."

"What can I do?"

"You can be ready with a blanket soaked with water, to ensure her fine feathers are not damaged... too badly."

"I'll do what I can." Scootaloo brightened up. "Anything to help out Rainbow Dash. She's the best flier there is... and I don't want her to get hurt."

"After this is said and done, the cure we must make before we can have fun." Zecora smiled.

Back at the hill, the group was greeted by a somewhat unhappy, and quite thrashing plant. It seemed that while it was sensitive to movement on the ground, it took some time to feel that it's carnivorous blooms had been plucked.

"Wow... it looks mad..." Scootaloo said, from her hiding place behind Rainbow Dash.

"We better do this fast before it launches those seeds." Dash readied the leather bag filled with the oil. Strapped to one hoof was the pouch with the powder.

The wolf placed a paw gently on Dash's shoulder. "Remember, only after you have dropped the oil must you throw the pouch within. Then fly, fly as fast as you can."

Dash felt odd, the paw touching her was scary, but it felt warm, not threatening at all, despite the sharp claws. "Gotcha. Ok, let's do this."

She gripped the handles of the leather bag in her teeth and lifted off the ground. She flew above the plant and out of reach of the vines. She took careful aim on the pod and dropped the sticky oil.

It splattered all over the pod, which instantly burst open.

Thankfully the sticky substance kept the seeds from escaping. She then flew about, building speed as she took the pouch in her mouth, and took aim again. She then threw the pouch, scoring a direct hit.

Dash poured on the speed, not looking back as she suddenly heard a thunderous explosion and felt intense heat. She flew as fast as she could, even as flames licked at her hind legs, flank and wings. She screamed as she felt her right wing catch fire and went down, crashing into the forest.

Moments later she felt something heavy and wet, and cool, cover her entirely, snuffing the fire on her wing.

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!" Scootaloo was patting away on the blanket. "Please be ok."

Dash winced as she poked her head out from under the soaked blanket. "I... I'm ok. Won't be flying for a week or so though..." She kicked the blanket off and winced.

Her right wing feathers had been burned away completely, as was her beautiful rainbow tail. Her right flank was covered by a nasty burn, covering her cutie mark. She looked at the wing and nearly cried. Muscle tissue had been burned so badly, she knew she would never fly again.

The wolf lifted her onto his back, carefully. "Worry not young one, for special salves and herbs I have that will accelerate your healing. Within a month you will be healed fully."

"Such herbs I have heard of some. Perhaps a student I may become?"

"I am a healer and an alchemist. To teach my healing skills to another, I would be pleased."

"M... Me too Daddy?"

He smiled and ruffled her mane again. "We shall see Daughter of mine. Now, back to my home, to heal Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash was glad for the pain killing medicine she had been given, even if it did leave her groggy.

Zecora had returned to her hut to prepare the cure for Scootaloo's father, stopping in town to tell the others where Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were, and warning them that Dash had been hurt badly.

Upon hearing this, the girls and one confused, out of the loop dragon rushed from town, heading north, following Zecora's map.

Dash was sleeping soundly when her friends came calling.

Scootaloo's father slipped out the back of the cottage, not wanting to be seen by so many ponies, not until he was cured.

The foal pulled side the curtain that served as the front door. "Hey everypony. What are you doing here?"

Twilight stepped forward. "Zecora told us that Rainbow Dash was hurt really bad. What happened?"

"Well..." Scootaloo started telling the latest tale of Rainbow Dash's bravery, about her father and his curse, and how Zecora was making a cure for him.

When it was done, all present stared at both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

"Come now Scootaloo..." Rarity was not sure she cold believe such a tall tale. "You expect to believe all that? You father is alive and is a wolf, and Rainbow Dash got hurt in such an incident?"

"Didn't you see the smoke?" Scootaloo pointed out.

Pinkie nodded. "Oh, oh. I saw some smoke, but there wasn't really that much."

Twilight blinked. "For a fire to not make a lot of smoke, it must have been really hot." She walked over to where Rainbow Dash lay, covered by a blanket.

Dash looked up and smiled weakly. "Scootaloo's story was all true, except she forgot the most important detail."

Scootaloo looked confused.

"She saved me. I was burning, and she threw that water soaked blanket on top of me. If she hadn't acted so fast, I would have burned alive." Dash smiled at the foal. She's my hero."

Scootaloo blushed brightly at the highest praise from her idol, and big sister. "You... you mean that?"

"Of course. And your Dad. He said I need a month before I can start training my wing to fly again... but I think I can manage that."

Applejack sat next to the bed. "How... how bad is it Sugercube?"

Dash lifted the blanket with her leg, revealing the bandaged wing. From the bandaging, there was no way there cold be any feathers on it, as well as her flank, covered by bandages.

Rarity fainted when she saw what was left of Rainbow Dash's tail. Even her mane had been singed considerably.

Scootaloo gently hugged Rainbow Dash. "We all worked together to destroy a really bad plant that could have eaten everypony, and dragon."

Spike paled. "Something that could eat dragons?"

"Oh come on now, there's no way something can eat a dragon..." Twilight then looked down at the small dragon. "Ok, maybe a baby dragon, but not a full grown one."

A new voice spoke. "What would the dragons do, should their source of food be consumed?"

They all turned to see the cloaked figure standing in the back doorway. "Dragons can sustain themselves on gems for a while, but not survive on them. The Mother Seed of the Poison Joke would slowly choke out all other plant life as well, this I have seen in my travels in another land, far, far away."

"Do y'all mean there's another land that's been destroyed by that Poison Joke?" Applejack paled.

"Indeed I do. But after all is said and done, the plant has nought to live on, it withers and dies, sending more seeds into the air in hopes that it can continue spreading, consuming till all on a world is gone."

They stared at the wolf, but then Twilight Spoke. "You... you're Scootaloo's father?"

"Indeed I am, alas we are without his mother. two years prior, her own life in despair she took." He sat before the fireplace and started mixing some more herbs in a small stone bowl. "Fiery and full of life she was, with coat as blue as the sky, eyes like royal amethyst, and a smile more bedazzling than the sun itself." He wiped away a tear.

"Daddy? It's ok..." She looked back at Dash. "And maybe one day we can recover Rainbow Dash's memories of her childhood, so she can remember that you too are her daddy."

"WHAT?!?" Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie all gasped in shock, while Fluttershy squeaked from the sudden outcry.

"Now hold on Scoots. You and the old wolf both say I'm your family, but Like I said, I have no memories at all." She looked at Scootaloo. "I was barely eight when I woke up in that orphanage, no memories at all..."

"And I'm only eight years old now..."

"And... And I'm sixteen now..." Dash thought over the time line. "You... you would have just been born..." She looked at the wolf, and his intense red eyes, just like her own. "But... all I remember from before the orphanage was... burning up... like I was... was... on fire." She closed her eyes, more images coming to mind. "I... no... I... I remember... Mom? Dad? I can remember their faces... and..." eyes napped open as she stared in awe at Scootaloo. "I remember. Scootaloo... Dad..." She looked from one to the other. "I can remember now."

The wolf looked surprised, then looked at her burns. "The pain of this heat, seems it has reminded you of the burning fever you felt as a foal... Reawakening memories flood her head." He poured the herbs he had just crushed and mixed into a cloth, then placed that into a cup. He then poured hot water into it, letting it steep for a while before pulling the cloth and herbs out. "Drink this, it will help calm you."

With her father's help, she sipped at the bittersweet drink. She then started to doze off.

The wolf looked at those present and spoke again. "Please, my daughter eldest must rest. By two or three weeks end she may be strong enough to make the hike back to Ponyville. I... I will make visits in the night, to change her bandages and bring her much needed medicines." He lay Dash's head down on the pillow. "Visit as you wish, but do not linger after dark, lest the true dangers take you.

"What about you?" Fluttershy managed to squeak.

"Once a pony, with strength and speed of pony, but I have become wolf, with strength and speed of wolf added. There is little I fear but for those few stronger than I. Should I meet one faster, then I shall not have to worry long."

Scootaloo hugged her father again. "I'll come every day. I want to start our family all over... even if Mommy is gone."

"A family we shall be again, nothing shall stop that." He hugged her back. "Now, guide my daughter safely. I place her care and my trust onto all of you."

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom sat around a table in the Library. two of the three fillies looked really bored, while one was reading book after book on plants and herbs and medicines.

"Come on Scoots, this is really boring." Apple Bloom muttered.

Scootaloo looked up from the book she was currently reading... well, trying to read. There was little in the way of pictures in this one. "Ah come on Apple Bloom, you made us this really nice table to sit at."

Apple Bloom smiled. "Yea, it's a really nice one, isn't it?"

Twilight smiled. "Indeed it is, and it brightens up the library with it's pretty design." She looked at the trio. "Now girls, it is getting a little late, maybe you should be heading home?"

"Oh kay!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle chimed in unison.

"We'll see you tomorrow Scoots." Apple Bloom grinned.

"Have a good night Scootaloo." Sweetie Belle added, then started humming such a pleasant little tune as the pair left the library.

Scootaloo waved them off, then turned to Twilight. "Twilight?"

"Yes Scootaloo?"

"Um... may I stay a while longer? It's not dark yet and I..."

"You don't want to go back to the orphanage, do you?"

She shook her head. "No... I hate it there."

"I understand. I will let her know you will be staying with me until your Father, who was recently found, and your big sister as well, can return to Ponyville. I hope she won't mind."

"She won't care. She's mean and grouchy and makes me eat alfalfa."

Twilight stuck her tongue out and made a distasteful face. "Never cared much for alfalfa myself, though I do eat it occasionally because it is good for me."

Scootaloo giggled a little. "Thank you Twilight. Um, I guess I should get back to studying."

"Not tonight Scootaloo." Twilight levitated all the books over onto an empty bottom shelf, right where Scootaloo could easily reach them. "It's about suppertime anyway."

Spike smiled as he came in from the kitchen. "Right as usual Twilight." The young dragon smiled as he set plates on the table, as well as a bowl of mixed flower salad.

Scootaloo could see some alfalfa was mixed in, but not a terrible amount.

"Speaking of Alfalfa." Twilight giggled as she sat at the new table. "This really is a nice table. Apple Bloom did a really wonderful job." She then used her magic to serve the foal. "Now, eat up, alfalfa and all."

Day by day, Scootaloo would make the trip with one of Rainbow Dash's friends to visit her father and big sister. Each day, Dash looked to be getting better and better.

By the end of two weeks, the bandages were no longer needed for her hind leg and flank. The burns had left only minimal scaring on the skin, and her coat was growing in nicely, though her cutie mark had yet to reappear.

Her tail hair was growing out, now at least four inches long, and blond in color.

"You're really a blond?" Rarity gasped upon this discovery.

"Yea, I dye my mane and tail in rainbows every day. It's my secret for keeping them shiny and soft."

"My, what an interesting idea." She then thought about Dash's cloud house, how it had an eternal rainbow in it. "Are you the only Pegasus who does this?"

"Not really. Lots do, though they tend to stick to just one or two colors." Dash smirked. "I like to be different."

Rarity nodded. "I see. Well, Scootaloo is here to see you as well."

Scootaloo poked her head out from behind Rarity, a huge smile on her face. "Hiya Big Sis. Feeling better today? You sure do look better."

"Yea, I'm feeling better... but I'm also feeling really antsy. I want to get out and fly..."

The wolf looked over his shoulder, smiling. "Aye, but you must wait for your wing to regrow properly, and indeed you will need to train it again to become as strong as it had been."

"I know Dad, I know." She sighed. "You know, I'm getting used to seeing you like this, but it'll be awesome if that cure Zecora is working on works. She said it will be ready in about three more weeks."

"Indeed, and I await the cure as much as you do the day you can stretch your wings and take flight. I hope to one day join you aloft among the clouds."

"Me too! Me too!" Scootaloo beamed happily. "Oh, Sis, I almost forgot..." She reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a book. "I brought you a picture book so you won't get bored."

Dash smiled and accepted the book. She opened it and grinned. Pictures of the sky, as well as Equestria from the sky. "When my wings are strong enough, I'll have to take you up so you can see theses sights for yourself."

Scootaloo beamed a bright smile. "That's a promise."

Day by day flew by, though not fast enough for Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. Still, she never missed a day to come visit to spend time with her family. When she returned 'home' to the library, she continued her studies with an earnest need to learn about healing and medicine.

Sure, she knew Unicorns could learn to heal with their magic, usually a lot faster than with medicine, but her slowly growing knowledge comforted her, knowing that someday she might become as skilled as her own father.

Some days she would even visit Zecora, not only for an update on the cure, but to learn from her as well.

While medicine and healing did not seem to be her special talent, she decided she still wanted to learn, no matter what. After all, Rarity's special talent was for finding gems, but she was the best tailor she knew. Pinkie Pie was specially talented at throwing parties, but she had taken a lot of time to learn how to bake, as did Applejack. Fluttershy also knew a lot about sewing and cooking even though she was talented with caring for animals. Twilight was super talented with magic, but spent a lot of time studying many other things.

Why should Scootaloo let her still undiscovered talent be all that she knew?

Finally came the day when Rainbow Dash could return home, even if she couldn't yet fly up to her cloud house. Her rainbow mane and tail (which was about half grown by now) were now a bright blond, which did indeed look different on her.

Still, the welcome home party that Pinkie Pie threw was possibly one of her best parties ever, at least for Dash and her little sister.

It was now common knowledge that they were indeed sisters, and everypony seemed so happy for them. They couldn't wait till their father returned from wherever he was.

Each and every night he did, as promised, pay a visit to the Apple Farm where Dash was rooming, and he would administer his medicines, take time to talk to his daughter, and just be happy he had at long last found his family.

Finally came the day when a new Pegasus Pony entered Ponyville. He was orange in color, with blond mane and tail. His cutie mark was a small cluster of leaves and berries, showing off his special talent for plants.

His name, Sunny Skye, and he was the father of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

Dash's wing continued to heal rapidly, and she was soon taking short flights. She had not bothered to dye her mane and tail again, even though she could finally fly up to her home. Still, she chose to live on the ground, never straying far from Scootaloo.

When Sunny Skye rented a cottage on the outskirts of the village, she moved in with him and Scootaloo, once again a family, even though it was missing the Mother.

Sunny was such a patient pony, unlike the brash and energetic Dash, and the inquisitive and mischievous Scootaloo. He helped Scootaloo with her studies, knowing that one day, she might be just as good as he was.

Three months after Dash's heroic deed and fateful accident, she was fully healed, and easily capable of flying all the way to Cloudsdale, though not as fast as she had once been able too. Still, she had not dyed her mane and tail back to the rainbow locks she was known for.

Her burned cutie mark finally reappeared, signalling it was time to fulfil a promise.

Scootaloo was on Rainbow's back as they flew high into the sky, looking down on Equestria with wide eyed wonder.

"Is it everything you imagined from the picture book?"

"No." Scootaloo smiled. "It's better." She hugged her sister around the neck and stretched her wings.

A strong gust of wind caught her and lifted her clear off Dash's back, taking both by surprise.

"Don't panic Scoots." Dash said as she glided next to her little sister.

Scoots was scared, but didn't panic. She looked over to the brightly smiling Rainbow Dash, and suddenly smiled back. "I... I'm flying?"

"You're flying little sister, all on your own."

Scootaloo couldn't believe this. She was flying high in the sky with her big sister, a dream come true. She tested her wings and gave a few flaps, gaining a little speed and altitude. "This is the most awesome thing ever!" She beamed a huge smile. "I... I love flying."

"I believe you." Dash smiled and led Scootaloo to a big, soft cloud where they landed. "And look..." She pointed to Scootaloo's flank.

Scootaloo looked and gasped. A bright red heart, with a pair of white feathered wings stood out against the orange of her flank. "I... I got my cutie mark?"

"You sure did. I think it's because you finally discovered your special talent. Your love for flying."

Scootaloo could not be happier, even as their father landed on the cloud with them. He saw her cutie mark and beamed with pride. "You... you got your mother's cutie mark."

"I... I did?" She gasped, looked again at the beautiful mark. "Mom... I did it. I got my cutie mark, and it's the same as yours..." She looked toward the setting sun. If anypony could find a happier little filly anywhere in Equestria... no, that would not have been possible.

Happy Ending for Scootaloo.