• Published 29th May 2012
  • 8,153 Views, 39 Comments

Scootaloo's Life - AnnonyMouse

Scootaloo is an orphan, her friends earn their marks, leaving her bhind.

  • ...

3 Lonesome Hearts

Author: Annonymouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fan-fiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.

A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar please. See my profile for details.

This is a continuation of Scootaloo's Life. Something I did in my off time.

Scootaloo's Life (Mini Story)
Lonesome Hearts


Scootaloo loved to fly, and she was getting better at it, though she still couldn't beat her big sister at anything other than long distance flying. If you think this bothered her at all, you're wrong. She loved flying. Speed and fancy tricks came along on occasion, but she never tried to pull any of her sisters stunts or match her speed.

Of course, there was something she loved a million times more than flying.

Her family. Her father, Sunny Skye, who was a very skilled herbalist and alchemist, and her big sister, Rainbow Dash, the best young flier in all of Equestria.

She also loved learning about herbalism and alchemy from both her father and Zecora, whom Sunny spent quite a bit of time with, and leaning tricks about flying from Dashie.

When not at school, she would spend time with her friends, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle in their newly built clubhouse.

It was almost a year sense her family had come back together, and she had started noticing a few changes in her family and friends.

Sunny and Zecora were developing romantic feelings for each other, which was ok with Scoots. She loved Zecora a lot and was happy to see them starting to fall in love with each other.

Rainbow Dash had started getting the attention of a Pegasus stallion named Spectrum a few months ago, and they would spend a lot of time together, sometimes flying off someplace and not coming back till the next day.

Heck, Apple Bloom was starting to notice colts, and Sweetie Belle was being chased by a couple colts competing for her attention.

Scootaloo though, didn't see what Apple Bloom saw in colts, and had none chasing after her.

So that brings us to this scene.


Scootaloo sat up on the deck of the cloud home that she and her family lived in. She was the only one home right now, having just returned from an empty clubhouse.

“I'm so bored...” She fumed. She looked out over Ponyville and spotted Sweetie Belle in the park.

Her two suitors were once again competing, taking turns singing to the pretty young mare.

“Blah... colts.” She muttered to herself. She then spotted Apple Bloom talking to the new student at the school. Some colt named Butterscotch. He was kinda cute, and seemed to like Apple Bloom.

Scoots rolled onto her back and looked up at the clear blue sky. She spotted a pair of rainbow streaks high in the sky, wrapping around each other in a double helix, weaving about the sky in intricate patterns.

“Big Sis got herself a coltfriend... Looks like Apple Bloom found a colt she really likes, and Sweetie Bell... She's got two of them trying to see who she'll like better.” She covered her head with a chunk of cloud and screamed into it. “AAARG!”

Scream therapy didn't help much.

Her friends were not around as much now to hang out and play like they once had.

Her sister was often running off and doing who knew what. Dad and Zecora, well, that was pretty awesome. She wouldn't mind having the Zebra as a Mom. She may talk a little funny, but she was pretty and smart and wise and always nice and patient.

Scootaloo was feeling lonely.

She stood up and stretched her growing wings. She no longer needed an airlift to get airborne. Not like her first couple months of flying.

With a few flaps, she took to the air. She needed somepony to hang out with.

Pinkie Pie was always available, right? She flew toward the center of town, toward the Sugarcube Corner.

She landed outside and trotted through the open doors.

Mrs. Cake was busy behind the cake display, humming happily to herself.

“Hi Mrs. Cake. Is Pinkie Pie here?”

“Why hello Scootaloo. I'm afraid she's not. She's visiting Manehattan to attend her cousin's wedding. She was so happy when Surprise sent her the invitation to help her arrange and set up the wedding. It's the biggest party Pinkie has ever set up in her life, so she won't be back for at least a week.”

Scoots looked dejected for a moment, then smiled. “Ok. That's awesome for Pinkie. I bet she'll be having a TON of fun.”

“I believe she will. Is there anything I can help you with?”

Scoots shook her head. “Nah. I'll just go and find something to do.” She waved a wing and left the shop. “Hmm, Pinkie is out of town. Maybe I can help Rarity. I've helped her plenty of times in the last few months without destroying anything.”

The young mare trotted off toward the Boutique. When she arrived, she entered and saw Rarity sitting at a table, talking to some gentlecolt she had never seen before. They were drinking tea and just talking about business.

Rarity smiled at Scootaloo. “Hello Scootaloo. I'm sorry ,but I'm in a very important business meeting.”

“Oh, sorry. I was just stopping by to see if there was anything I could help you with. I guess not.” She waved a wing, smiled and left.

Once outside, she frowned. “Rarity's busy too. Maybe Twilight. She might have some new book on herbs.” She took to the air and flew leisurely through town till she arrived.

Landing, she spotted the sign on the front door. “Due to Librarian and Assistant attending a magic conference in Unicornia, the library will be closed until...” Scoots frowned. “Two weeks... Guess I won't be hanging out here.” She took to the sky, flying toward Sweet Apple Acres.

As she arrived, she saw Applejack in the fields, tending to the corn. She flew over and hovered overhead. “Hi Applejack.”

“Howdy Scootaloo. Apple Bloom isn't here.” She smiled and blushed a little. “Ah think she's out with her little coltfriend, Butterscotch. He's a real nice fella.”

“Yea, I saw them back in town.” She landed between the rows of corn. “It feels like all my friends are doing things with others and I'm left all alone.”

“Don't feel that way Sugercube. Ah know Apple Bloom loves hangin' out with ya and Sweetie Belle. She's just at that age where she's takin an interest in colts.”

“Blah.” Scoots made a distasteful face. “Boy are just icky.”

“What about fillies?” AJ teased.

“What about em?'

AJ chuckled. “Maybe you'd prefer fillies.”

“No way. I'm not into that kinda stuff like you and Fluttershy.”

“Ain't nothin wrong with our relationship.” AJ replied. “Sides, Ah'm expectin' her soon to help with the corn harvest.”

“Oh, um, would you like some help?”

AJ blushed a bit more than she really needed to. “Nah, we got it. Sides, we'd really like some private time together.”

“Ok... wait... OH!!!” Scoots eyes went wide as she recalled the incident a week ago in the hay loft. Her face went bright red. “Um, yea, I'll just be leaving.” She bolted into the sky and was gone.


Scootaloo flew high in the sky above Ponyville, taking wide circles and watching the town.

Even from so high up, her Pegasus sight could see various couples here and there.

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia.

Lyra and Bon Bon.

Heart and Soul, the two newcomers to Ponyville. She didn't know them all that well other than that they had a little adventure with Dash and her friends a few weeks ago. Those two were always together as well.

Dr. Whoof and Brighteyes (aka. Ditzy Doo), with their daughter Dinky Do. An odd family, the father being an Earth Pony, the mother a Pegasus, and their daughter a Unicorn.

There were other couples as well.

Scoots noticed that every pony seemed to have somepony else.

“I'm all alone...” She sighed and landed on a big fluffy cloud.

“Oof.” Came a sound from beneath her.

Scoots jumped up and hovered. She watched as a head, covered in fluffy clouds poked out.

“So much for an undisturbed nap.” The young colt chuckled, looking up at Scootaloo. He shielded his eyes from the sun that was right behind the young Pegasus. “Did I startle you?” He brushed off the clouds, revealing a white unicorn horn and pale blue mane.

“Uh... not really... You're not a Pegasus... How are you staying on that cloud?”

The colt winced a little. “Um...”

“How did you even get up here? Did some Pegasus play a prank on you and...” Her words froze as he stood up and flexed his wings.

The colt looked around, his soft blue / lavender eyes glinting in the sunlight. “Sorry, but could you not tell anypony you saw me? Mom's going to be miffed if she finds out I'm here.” He looked around and quickly flew off.

Scootaloo felt her cheeks were warm. “He was cute...” She paused and slapped her cheeks. “Eew. I don't like colts, and I don't like fillies either.” She turned to leave, but spotted something glinting in the cloud.

She landed and uncovered the object with her hoof.

Scootaloo gasped at the sight of a beautiful sun shaped locket. She looked around, but the Alicorn colt was nowhere to be seen. She picked it up and opened it.

A picture of Princess Luna and a Unicorn with a very long horn. She didn't recognize the white coated and silver maned stallion, but he was really good looking, and possessed soft blue / lavender eyes.

“Wait... could that be... Princess Luna's and this stallion's son?” She looked toward Canterlot, the opposite direction that the colt had gone. “I don't know where he went... Maybe I should bring this to the Princess... But he said his Mom would get mad if he was here. Maybe he meant outside the castle...”

Scootaloo sighed and closed the locket and put the fine chain around her neck. “If I see him again, I'll just return it.” She dove off the cloud and toward home.


For the next few days, Scootaloo had only spent a single hour with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom before their colt friends showed up and dragged her friends off to some dance.

Sweetie Belle asked Scootaloo if she wanted to come, but the Pegasus Pony declined, stating that it would not be cool if she was the only one to show up without a dance partner. With that, she flew off, leaving her friends behind.

Scootaloo flew up into the perfectly clear sky and flew her relaxing circles high above Ponyville. “Stupid colts... taking my friends and sister away from me...” She wanted to scream, but there were no clouds around to dampen the sound.

She dried a few tears that were welling up in her eyes. “I'm meant to fly... Maybe I should do just that. Fly wherever the wind takes me.” She looked to the horizon. Cloudsdale was in that direction. She knew she had no family there that she knew of, and no friends either.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were her only friends, and they were now more interested in colts than keeping their friendship. She no longer cared and screamed as she flew in a strait line, choosing a random direction that would not lead her to Cloudsdale.

Unseen by Scootaloo was a tiny white form high above her, following at a distance.


It was getting late now, the sun setting in a beautiful display of golds and reds.

Scootaloo landed on a fluffy cloud and lay down, stretching her aching wings. She had been flying for nearly eight hours, not even paying attention to where she had been going. Far below her was an endless forest.

She was hungry, but even more tired. She curled up in the cloud and shut her eyes, not even noticing the lavender shod hoof land on the cloud.


Scootaloo awoke to something tickling her nose. Whatever it was, it smelled tasty. She opened her eyes and saw some strange grasses and flowers that she didn't recognize.

That was quite a feat, seeing as she knew all about every plant that grew near Ponyville.

But how did they get up here? How were they not falling through the clouds?

Her stomach told her to not worry about that and fill 'er up. Scootaloo obliged her rumbling stomach and ate the fragrant plants. They tasted simply wonderful. The flowers were sweet, with a hint of bitter, and the grass stalks were a mix of sweet with a hint of tart, and quite juicy.

“Maybe the wind had blown them up here?” Scootaloo though after she was full. She shrugged and looked down. “So much forest...” She noticed that the forest in the distance, toward the rising sun, looked different.

The trees looked huge, towering above the rest of the forest. But then she looked up and gasped.

There was an island in the sky, on which grew an even larger tree than the ones on the ground.

“The... The World Tree?” She gasped. “Then... would that be the legendary Everdeep Wood?” She had only ever heard stories about this place. Nopony had ever seen it before.

Scootaloo grinned and took to the sky, flying toward that sky borne tree.

Again she didn't notice the white winged form high above her.


“Hmm... The World Tree... Been a while sense anypony has been here, so Dad tells me.” The Alicorn grinned and followed the adventurous young mare that carried his pendant.


The tree was getting larger, and larger, the closer Scootaloo got.

A single one of the larger branches was even larger than the whole of Canterlot Castle.

“How can something so large exist?” She wondered and flew on.

It took her four hours from the time she had first seen this amazing sight till she finally was close enough to truly see the massive scope of the tree.

“Magnificent, isn't it?”

Scootaloo screamed and nearly jumped out of her coat. She spun around and saw the colt from a few days ago. “Don't do that. You startled me.” She then remembered the locket that rested against her chest, over her heart. It felt warm and comfortable, but it belonged to this Colt. “Oh... Um... I think this is yours.” She lifted the locket, but didn't take it off, just in case it slipped and fell.

“Yea, it is.” He smiled. “What's your name?”

“It's Scootaloo.” She blushed. He really was cute.

“I'm Moon Star.” He chuckled a little. “So, I take it you looked inside the locket?”

Scootaloo nodded. “I'm sorry, I... I was curious... I mean, you're the same as Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, except you're a colt and... Yea... Here's your locket.”

“Hang onto it. Wouldn't want to drop it.” Moon Star flew down toward the tree, and Scootaloo, not knowing anything else to do, followed.

They landed on a leaf that could have covered all of Ponyville.

“How can a tree so big even exist?” Scoots asked.

“Well, you see, this tree doesn't actually exist on Equestria, and I don't mean because it's floating in the air.” Moon Star smiled, looking up at the infinitely large tree.

“What do you mean?”

“This tree, it connects all worlds. Your world. My world. Any world you can imagine and more are connected by this tree.” Moon Star glanced at the locket. “My mom is your Princess Luna, and my father is Prince Star, from my world. I kinda got into a fight with Dad and ran away.” He chuckled. “I was thinking of seeing Mom, but I haven't seen her sense she was up on the Moon.”

Scootaloo paused. “Your Dad visited Princes Luna while she was on the Moon?”

“Yea, Mom and Dad were apparently in love over a thousand years ago, then dad had to return home for a long time. When he came back, he learned that she had transformed into the being you know as Nightmare Moon. He spent hundreds of years trying to heal her, but the best he could do was to weaken her evil. She wasn't like she is now. She was lonely and wild and angry. Dad would come and visit her and finally... well, I was born. Mom didn't want anything to do with me so Dad took me away. He came back here once and knew she was weakened enough for the Elements of Harmony to finally cure her, so he and his three sisters freed her.”

Scootaloo was in awe. “So you really are Princess Luna's son... wait...” Scootaloo blushed and bowed before the Prince. “Prince Moon Star. I'm sorry for being so familiar with you.”

“Please, don't bow. I am lonely as well you know. I have no friends, just servants and guards. I hardly ever see Dad anymore, what with him up among the stars all the time.”

Scootaloo stood up. “Are you sure?”

“Yea. I mean, you look like you could use a friend as well. So, friends?”

“Not coltfriend marefriend, right?”

Moon Star laughed. “We just met. I think we should be friends. What do you say?”

Scootaloo smiled. “Here's your locket back.”

He tapped his chest, showing the locket. “I've already replaced it. I made that one you're wearing as well. Take a look inside.”

Scootaloo opened it and gasped.

One picture was of her father and big sister. The other picture was of her two best friends. Even the locket had changed to a heart engraved with wings. It looked a lot like her cutie mark, her mother's cutie mark.


“A little Alicorn star magic.” Moon Star smiled.

Scootaloo smiled as well. “Moon Star?”


“I'd love to see your world, but I think we should do something here first.” She looked back the way she had come from. “You came here to see your Mom, right?”

“Yea... but I don't know. She didn't want me before...”

“Somehow, I think Princess Luna would love to meet her son.” Scootaloo took to the sky, and Moon Star flew after her.

“Yea... I'd like that.”


“Dear Princess Celestia.

Recently I was feeling alone because my friends were were following the feelings in their hearts, and I felt all alone. I learned today that lonesome hearts can reach out to each other from across worlds, and today I made a wonderful friend.

No matter how you may feel, no matter how alone, you just have to follow your heart.

Your faithful subject (and admirer), Scootaloo.”

Celestia smiled and looked at her dear sister. “Luna? I think today will hold a wonderful surprise for you.” She simply smiled as the throne room rooms opened.

“Hi... Mom.”
