• Published 29th May 2012
  • 8,152 Views, 39 Comments

Scootaloo's Life - AnnonyMouse

Scootaloo is an orphan, her friends earn their marks, leaving her bhind.

  • ...

4 Magic of the Heart

Author: Annonymouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fan-fiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.


A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar please. See my profile for details.


This is a continuation of Scootaloo's Life. Something I did in my off time.


Scootaloo's Life (Mini Story)
Magic of the Heart


It had been a month sense Scootaloo had met her new friend. He was a wonderful listener. A wonderful talker. He could fly for hours on end. He enjoyed playing all sorts of games and exploring.

His name, Moon Star, and he was the son of Princess Luna.

Scootaloo knew his true identity, but Moon Star asked she not reveal it to anypony. To help this, he used magic to hide his horn when they were around other ponies.

Currently, Scootaloo was waiting on one of the leaves of the legendary World Tree, waiting for him too arrive.

She loved this tree, and just exploring it with Moon Star was a great joy.

Scoots then felt a warm pulse from her locket, and she knew he had arrived. She turned and watched as he materialized out of a cascade of silver starlight.

“Good morning Scootaloo.” Moon Star smiled. “Did you just arrive?” He set down a basket filled with grass and flowers, as well as a few fruit she had come to enjoy.

“I arrived a couple days ago and slept in a little cloud house I made.” She pointed up at a rough looking cloud house. “It's not anywhere near as nice as home, but it kept last night's rain off me.”

Moon Star smirked and picked up the basket. He then flew up to the 'house'. Setting the basket down, he entered the one room cloud. “Yea, it may not be as nice as the one Rainbow Dash made, but it looks cozy.”

Scoots entered behind him. “Yea, but the roof did leak in a few spots.”

“Hmm, you're always here when I arrive. Maybe a little house out here would be a good idea.” Moon Star stepped outside and looked around. “Look up there.”

Scootaloo looked up at a fair sized cloud. “That's as big as home.” She wondered.

“Yea, so, think it would make a nice little house?”

Scootaloo eyed the cloud. “It's pretty big, and making a cloud house is kinda tough.”

Moon Star patted Scoots shoulder. “Oh come on now. How hard can it be?”

“Well, you have to make the clouds semi solid. Dashie showed me how to do it.” She patted the wall of her house, and it fell apart. “Um... I'm still trying to figure that out though.”

Moon Star sat down and nudged he basket. “Breakfast first, then maybe we can see if we can figure it out together.”

They dined on the sweet grass and slightly bitter flowers that Scootaloo enjoyed. The fruit was very juicy and filled her with energy.

After they had eaten, a small flash of his horn made the basket vanish.

Scootaloo thought it a little odd that Moon Star never used his magic for anything big, like moving the sun or the stars like Celestia and Luna did.

“Shall we?” Moon Star smiled at his friend.

“Sure thing Moon Star.” Scootaloo followed him up to the cloud. “Do you know how to make clouds permanent?”

“You got me there. I live in a castle of crystal and starlight. It's really big and I still get lost all the time.”

Scootaloo snickered. “You get lost in your own home?”

“It's Dad's castle. Maybe one day I'll show you.” He picked up a fluff of cloud. “But we gotta try to make this first.”


Moon Star's special talent was not making cloud houses, but he picked up the basics quickly enough and figured out that a little additional Alicorn magic would help.

By noon, the pair had build a nice, fluffy looking house with small, twisting cloud designs that seemed to shimmer with a soft silvery light.

“Still not as nice as your place.” Moon Star wiped his brow. “But it's getting there. What say we go get something to eat?”

Scootaloo nodded as she sucked the water from a piece of random cloud. “Yea, food is good.” She looked around. “But, there's nothing on the World Tree that we can eat, is there?”

“On the tree?” Moon Star laughed. “You don't want to try to eat the world tree. It's a magic tree after all, and it's indestructible.” He looked around, at the large leaf overhead that would help protect the project in process. “And while we're there, we can read up on cloud construction.”

“There? What do you mean?” Her eyes suddenly lit up, realizing what Moon Star was saying.

“Yea. I did promise to show you another world sometime. How about a cloud world? A world where everything lives in the clouds.”

“Sounds awesome.” Scootaloo's eyes were sparkling like stars now.

“Hmm, but you'll need a disguise.”

She blinked. “Why?”

“Because, it is my world.”

“Don't you have Pegasai there? It's a cloud world after all.”

“That's the thing. We are all Alicorn.”

“Wait... what?” Scootaloo's eyes nearly popped out of her head.

Moon Star smirked. “Very few of us have ever left Nimbus. My Mother and Father, my Aunt Celestia, and just a few others. Don't tell anypony ok?” He grinned. “Now, you won't be getting any magic powers other than being able to float things, so try not to stand out too much.”

Scootaloo blushed as Moon Star touched his horn to her forehead. She felt the tingling sensation, then sucked in a breath as she felt some discomfort. But she trusted Moon Star.

The pressure she felt in her head subsided quickly.

“There, all done. You look cute with a horn.” He summoned a silvery mirror and held it up before Scootaloo.

The orange Pegasus gasped in awe. She had a horn. She reached up and touched it, almost expecting to to vanish, or not even be solid.

“Do you like it?”

“I...” She smiled and hugged Moon Star. “I love it.” Scoots then realized she was hugging Moon Star and released him.

Both were blushing madly.

He then looked her in the eye. “Are you ready?”

“Yea.” Scootaloo was so excited.

Moon Star's horn lit up with a bright silver light. “Here we go.” The light engulfed Scootaloo for a moment, then faded away.

She looked around. “We didn't go anywhere.”

“Oh? Where is the cloud house?” He pointed up to where it should be.

All Scootaloo saw was a cloud. She then looked out past the leaves, and down to what should have been a sea of trees.

As far as she could see, the clouds and sky stretched on forever. It took her breath away, especially the star filled sky. So many bright stars that it almost felt like day.

“It's beautiful.” Scootaloo lifted off the leaf. “How far is your home from here?”

“It's very high up in the sky.” He looked up. “I'd love to show you someday, but it would take you years to get there.”

“How do you get there?”

“I'm an Alicorn. I can teleport myself. Unfortunately, I can't teleport others.” He them smiled. “So, there's a town not far from here. What say I teach you how to float objects while we travel.”


The sensation of kinetically moving an object with one's mind was very odd, especially for a pony who had never been able to do it before.

But she quickly got the hang of it, with Moon Star's guidance.

“You're a natural.” Moon said, flashing a grin. “But then, somehow I'm not surprised you can use Unicorn Magic so easily.”

“What do you mean by that?” Scootaloo asked, a look of mild confusion on her face.

Moon tapped his chin. “Well, Unicorn magic comes from the heart. Strong emotions make for strong magic.” He tapped her cutie mark, making Scootaloo blush at the contact. “Your cutie mark, you love to fly. How you talk about your family and friends, you love them a great deal as well. I'm betting your talent isn't just loving to fly, but to be able to freely spread love as easily as you spread your wings.”

Scootaloo looked away shyly. Her face was blushing quite a bit. “Do you really think so?”

“Of course.” He tapped his own cutie mark, a crescent moon with a star swirling around it, leaving a trail of silver. In the center of the star was a heart. “Any pony with a heart mark can understand emotions better than those who don't.”

Scootaloo smiled and tossed the ball she had been practicing with to Moon Star. “Teach me more.”

“I don't know. I mean, do you want to really learn about magic? When you change back, you'll loose it.”

“I realize that, but learning this magic from my heart, and my emotions and feelings, it sounds wonderful.” She then glided over and flipped upside down. This was one of her favorite tricks that her sister had taught her, and it was quite difficult for almost any Pegasus. She flew under Moon Star and closed the distance. “Please?”

Moon Star, being a white coated Alicorn, tended to blush quite brightly, and that was what he was doing. Scootaloo was flying so close that he could feel the warmth of her body, even though they were not touching.

“I... I guess I can. Who knows... maybe you'll even be able to teach me something too.”

“Like that?”

“Like how you can fly upside down. That looks fun.”

Scootaloo giggled and gave Moon Star a kiss on the cheek. “My wings are wider and a bit longer than other Pegasai. I can hold the air better than they can.”

“So, it's because of your pretty wings.” He looked at his own wings. “Mine are bigger than yours. Maybe I can learn too?”

“Yes you can.” She took his hooves in hers, and flipped, trading positions.

He wanted to panic, but the look in Scootaloo's eyes told him he would be alright. “This feels different.”

“You've seen my sister and her coltfriend perform their signature Spiral Prism Helix, right?”

“Yea, that's an amazing move. Wait... what are you doing?”

Scoots switched to the bottom again, but didn't stop. She kept her gentle momentum and kept the pair swirling, their forehooves never breaking contact.

“Fun, isn't it?”

“Yea, but it makes me a little dizzy...”

“That's because you're not focusing. You have to keep eye contact with your dance partner.”

“Dance partner?”

Scootaloo nodded and looked into his blue / lavender eyes.

Moon Star stared back, and they continued. He didn't feel dizzy anymore. “This is awesome... but how do we know where we're going?”

“Oh... Um...”


The pair suddenly found themselves embedded into the cloud wall of a house.

“What do you think you are doing?” A shrill voice called out as an older looking Alicorn mare entered the room.

“Um... not paying attention to where we were going?” Moon Star chuckled, becoming well aware that Scootaloo and himself were good and stuck, their chests and bellies pressed against each other, and their legs tangled up as well.

Scootaloo's warm breath on his neck didn't help matters either. “Moon Star?”


“This is a little embarrassing...”

The older mare came chuckled, realizing their predicament and used her magic to pluck them from the wall.

The pair separated but stood next to each other, both blushing madly.

“I can excuse a little hole in my wall. You didn't break anything I can't fix.”

Scootaloo wanted to bow before this Alicorn. She had to be a Princess as well, right? She did lower her head though. “I'm terribly sorry. I was teaching my friend how to do a spiral helix dance and we kinda were not paying attention.”

The mare chuckled lightly again. With a light glow of her horn, the hole in the wall was repaired. “No damage was done. You two should scoot along now.”

“Thank you Ma'am.” Moon Star nudged Scootaloo and left the house. She quickly followed.

“Welcome to the town of Calumnious.” Moon Star showed her around. It was very much like Cloudsdale, but at the same time, very different.

The cloud buildings were beautiful, and almost looking like actual buildings rather than semi shaped clouds. The town was built around, and into a huge cloud column.

“It's beautiful.” Scootaloo was in complete awe.

“So, are you still hungry?”

“Of course.” She looked around. “Where can we eat?”

“I know a nice little cafe.”


With the world being a cloud world, Scootaloo was surprised to see trees and other plants growing out of the clouds themselves.

“How do the plants stay on the clouds?” Scootaloo asked.

“That's just how this world is.” Moon Star said as they came into view of a lively little cafe. “Ah, here we are.”

They landed at a cloud table and chatted a little about what different kinds of drinks and foods were available on the menu.

Scootaloo leaned forward and whispered. “I can't read this language.” She tapped the menu. “How about you order for me?” She grinned a little sheepishly.

Moon Star smiled. “Very well. I think I know something you might like.” He waved a waitress over.

Scootaloo was a little surprised that an Alicorn could be a waitress. But then, she was not tall and elegant as Princess Celestia. She looked like a Pegasus with a Unicorn horn, just like herself at the moment.

“What may I get for you today?”

“Two of my usual please.”

The waitress smiled. “Alright. I'll be right back with your usual.” She trotted off, taking a couple more orders along the way back inside.

“What's your usual?”

“It's something called pizza. It's really tasty, with a lot of vegetables, sauce and thick, gooy cheese.”

“What's cheese? And why is gooy good?”

Moon Star stared at Scootaloo. “You've never tried cheese before?”

“No, I haven't. What is it?”

“Just wait. It's really good.”

The waitress returned with a couple dense cloud plates and a couple cups of hot cocoa. “Here you go Prince.”

“Thanks.” Moon Star floated a few clear gems, which she took and pocketed. “Keep the change.”

“Thank you again Prince.” She winked and headed off to work.

Scootaloo looked at the triangular piece of food and sniffed it. From the smell, she was able to identify quite a few of the herbs, as well as the light, pungent scent of garlic. Garlic was used in medicine, mainly salves for cleaning infected cuts or drawing out poisons and helping with fevers. She had never thought of actually using it for cooking.

“There's garlic in this?” She looked up, a little doubtful, and saw Moon had already taken a bite. Strings of a white gooy substance connected his mouth to the slice of pizza.

Moon Star nodded and stretched the pizza and cheese out a bit, before floating it over his head and eating those strings. Once that was dealt with (until the next bite), he swallowed and spoke. “Yea. Garlic can really add to the flavor of food.”

“I've only ever heard of it being used in medicine.”

Moon Star nodded. “Well, it's supposed to be good for you, just not so great for your breath.”

“Eew. Yea. I can tell.” Scootaloo wrinkled her nose a little.

“Just try it..”

“Well, alright.” She floated the slice and took a nibble, careful not to make a mess. She chewed and 'analyzed' the flavor, the texture, and composition. After swallowing, she smiled. “This... This is really good.” She took a bigger bite, pulling away with long, gooy strings of warm cheese.

She mimicked Moon Star's method of eating, doing her best to not get any of the sticky cheese in her mane.

Somehow, by the time she was done, she had not gotten a single drop on her face or mane.

The hot chocolate itself was delicious, with an odd spicy bite that really brought out the flavor of the cocoa.

She learned that it was a pinch of hot spice that did that.

“So you always eat such delicious food?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yea, I do more often than not. I know it's different from the foods you're used too, but I have to admit, the pastries from your hometown are really tasty as well.” Moon Star gestured around. “You see, we actually have no means of producing sugar. We rely on fruit for sweetness in our foods.”

Scootaloo looked at the various foods. She didn't see any cakes or cupcakes or other such sugary pastries. “Wow. We're really from different worlds, aren't we?”

The Alicorn nodded. “Yea, but that won't ever stop us from being friends. What say we go learn a little something about making cloud houses now.”

Scootaloo nodded and followed her friend to the library.


“Dear Princess Celestia.

These last few days, I learned so much, about myself, about your nephew Moon Star, about how to keep the roof of a cloud house from blowing away when you sneeze and about the warm gooy goodness of pizza.

Most importantly, I learned about the magic of the heart. The stronger your feelings for those around you and for yourself, the stronger your magic.

Your truly, Scootaloo.”

Celestia blinked. “Pizza?” She read the letter over and looked at the very nice and neat penmanship. It had the feel of actual magic about it. She then smiled. “I hope she enjoyed her visit to Nimbus.”

“Who visited Nimbus?” Luna asked, a surprised tone in her voice.

“Your son, and his little friend, Scootaloo. You know, I really could go for a slice of Pizza right about now.”


Author's Notes:

Mmm, Pizza... so warm and gooy... mmmm