• Published 29th May 2012
  • 8,153 Views, 39 Comments

Scootaloo's Life - AnnonyMouse

Scootaloo is an orphan, her friends earn their marks, leaving her bhind.

  • ...

6 Endless Skies

Author: Annonymouse74

MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fanfiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.


This is a continuation of Scootaloo's Life. Something I did in my off time.


Scootaloo's Life (Mini Story)


Endless Skies


Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and sucked in a gasp.

Sky... Infinite Sky.

"Oh Celestia..."

Scootalae smiled at her big sister. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yea... I mean, Equestria is the most beautiful place I know, but... oh wow." The slender cyan Alicorn stepped to the edge of the impossibly large leaf.

"This is Nimbus, home of all the Alicorns." Moon Star smiled at the slightly larger mare. "So, how do you feel?"

"Um..." Rainbow stretched out her wings. They were not the same as her little sisters, but more like the slender wings of the falcon. "It feels strange. I know I'm larger, but I feel, I dunno, like I'm actually lighter."

"Well, the Alicorn body is a lot stronger than the Pegasai body. Think of it like this. You have full Earth Pony strength and endurance, the light body of the Pegasai, and even the magic of the Unicorn right now."

Rainbow Dash looked at Moon Star. "Seriously?"

"Not a word of a lie."

"Hey Sis, let's see how fast you can go." Scoots beamed. "I bet you can fly so fast that you can make a Sonic Rainboom without having to dive."

"I don't know..." Dash then grinned. "But I'll give it a shot." She stretched her wings and crouched to perform her famous instant speed take off. "Might wanna stand back."

The two smaller Alicorn backed away.

"You're good to go Sis."

Dash nodded, and launched. Had her body not been magically strengthened, she would have bet that her wings would have been ripped off in that instant.

A Sonic Rainboom, right from launch.

The pair of younger Alicorn were knocked clean off their hooves by the unexpected explosion.

"WHOA!" Scoots gasped as she watched Dash in the sky, taking impossible turns and creating ring of rainbow light again and again, and pulling all of her favorite signature stunts all over the place. Her speed was insane. "Think she'll ever wanna come back to Equestria?"

"Sadly, she'll have too." Moon Star chuckled. "The transformation only lasts three days."

"I know, and I intend to make the most of it. I bet Sis will too."

Dash returned, flying in slowly and landing gracefully. "I'll never be able to do that back in Equestria, but you know what?"

"What?" Moon Star and Scootalae chimed at the same time.

"I don't care about that. I'll always be happy even if I can never do what I just did again." She pulled both younger ponies into a hug. "This is the best gift anypony has ever given me."

Moon Star smiled, then noticed Dash's cutie mark.

The cloud was shaped like a sleek wing, and the lightening bolt reached down to her knee. "Awesome cutie mark."

Dash looked and blinked. She then looked at Scoots and Moon Star's. "You're have both changed too... why is that?"

Scootalae smiled and explained. "You've seen how beautiful Princess Celestia and Luna's cutie marks are, right? This is normal for Alicorns."

"That is so cool. I love my cutie mark, but this just makes it even more awesome." She grinned at Moon Star. "Any way I can keep it?" She asked in a joking tone.

"Afraid not." Moon Star replied calmly. "So, what say I treat you to some pizza."

Dash licked her lips. "That sounds great. The pizza Scootaloo made when she got back from that last trip was so good."

"Warm and gooy goodness." Scootalae giggled. "Yea, let's go."


Dash was doing her best to not rubberneck at the beautiful town. "Moon Star, is this where you live?"

"Oh no. I live a long distance away."

"Like a million miles from here, beyond the top of the sky." Scoots added.

"Beyond the sky? And how far does the sky go?"

"You can fly forever, and never see solid ground here." Scoots was beaming. "I love visiting here, but I'll never want to move away from Equestria." She smiled softly at Moon Star. (Not without a good enough reason.)

Moon Star returned the fond smile.

This was not missed by Rainbow Dash. She knew that look well, as she received it often from Spectrum. (Ah, young love. She's still young, but her heart is in the right place. Although... falling for a Prince... I hope he never breaks her heart.)

"Lady Dash? Is something the matter?"

Dash blinked and looked at Moon Star. "Oh, no. It's just this place is so different." She looked at all the Alicorns. She noticed they were all adults, standing at least as tall as Luna, though none reached Celestia's grand height. "Also... where are the young ones?"

Moon Star chuckled. "I'm the youngest Alicorn. The second youngest is my mother."

"Why is that?" Dash asked, feeling odd now. Second youngest Alicorn... Luna? She was at least over a thousand years old.

"We're immortal. We don't die from old age. We're immune to illness and poisons. The only way we die is from some horrific tragedy or if one should sacrifice their immortality to become mortal. Our numbers are pretty consistent."

"How many are there? Are they all as powerful as Princess Celestia?"

"Hmm, not sure how many there are of us, I'm guessing a few hundred thousand. As for level of power? There are less than one hundred who can be considered Prince or Princess, such is the title given to the most powerful among us."

Scootalae gasped. "And Everypony here calls you Prince. So, you're really powerful?"

"Don't really know about that, but I can manipulate the stars as I wish." Moon Star shrugged. "Of course, I'll never actually take over the roll as Regent of the Stars. Father holds that title."

"I see." Dash smiled. She then caught a whiff of something that smelled familiar, but absolutely heavenly. "Do I smell... pizza?" She looked at her little sister.

"Yes you do. This is where I got the recipe to make it. Min's not as good though."

"If you think your pizza was not 'as good' then I'm almost afraid to try this pizza. I loved you pizza."

Scootalae blushed. "You're just saying that."

"To take a page from my good friend Applejack's book, that's the honest truth."

"Thanks big sis."

Moon Star smiled and lead them to the cafe. "Lady Scootalae, Lady Dash, here we are." He showed them to the best outdoor table, which had a beautiful view of the town, and what looked like an orchard in the distance. Beyond that, the World Tree emerged from the clouds below, and stretched into the clouds above.

"Prince Moon Star? Is that an orchard?"

"Yes. They grow apples there."

"Applejack would LOVE to see that."

"We can bring her some apples if you like."

Dash perked up. "Really? Um... do those trees only grow on clouds?"

"I think so. Why?"

"Imagine the look on AJ's face if she were to see an apple tree growing on my front yard."

Scoots giggled at that. "I can almost imagine."

Moon Star smirked, realizing why. He had never seen any cloud plants in Equestria. "Hmm, I'm not sure introducing 'alien' plants to Equestria would be a good idea... though the ground based apple trees looked identical. They were just as delicious." He smirked. "Well, I can't stop you from planting seeds."

"Thank you Prince." Dash smiled. "So, let's try this pizza."


Dash flopped down on a free floating cloud and sighed happily. "That pizza good."

Scootalae lay down next to her. "Told you it was better than mine."

"Nope. Yous was better."

"You're just saying that."

"Nope. I'm telling you the truth." She flashed a smile. "You may not believe me, but your pizza, well, it had just the perfect taste. And less garlic." She sniffed her breath. "Spectrum will not be wanting to kiss me if my breath smells like this."

Scoots smiled and floated a few small leaves from her saddlebags. "Here. Moon Star told me these can make your breath smell fresh."

"Smells like mint... and speaking of the Prince, where is he?"

"Booking passage to Grandis, the largest city in all of Nimbus." Scoots giggled. "There's something going on there that our young Prince told me you'd love."

"Really?" Dash raised an eye. "What's that?"

"He didn't tell me. Oh, here he comes."

Dash looked over and watched as Moon Star glided gracefully down from a higher cloud balcony. "Hey Prince. Scoots told me about this Grandis, but not why we're going there."

Moon Star smirked. "You'll love it Lady Rainbow Dash. Just you wait."


The transport was a magical portal that allowed for instant travel, something that was very impressive indeed.

Dash whistled. "We could use something like this in Equestria."

Moon Star chuckled. "Too bad the portals only function because of Prince Gateway. He's the one who controls them."

"Oh, I see." Dash sighed. "Too bad really. But, oh well. Let's go."

Moon Star glanced up at an Alicorn standing by a floating crystal. "We are ready."

The Alicorn nodded and tapped his horn to the crystal, with only a tiny spark. A moment later, a magical circle of brilliant azure light appeared below them and rose up. Dash and Scootalae almost panicked as they watched their bodies disappearing below them, but somehow they could still feel them.

Then the portal passed over their heads and they were whole again.

The room looked the same, only the Alicorn at the crystal was different.

"This way Ladies." Moon Star lead them out of the room and out into a massive cloud structure. There were many of those portal rooms. "Welcome to Grandis."

"Whoa..." Both Dash and Scoots gasped at the size of the chamber, and at the sixty Alicorn that were either flying around, or riding on small clouds.

"Awesome." Scootalae said as she followed the Prince.

"You said it lil sis."

Moon Star stepped onto a circular cloud. "Hop on. We really should stay together."

The mares stepped onto the cloud, and they could tell it was no normal cloud.

With his horn glowing slightly, the cloud started moving. It exited the portal structure and out into the city.

It was indeed huge, stretching for as far as the eye could see, but it was not cramped. Every building was placed well apart from any other buildings. If anything, it made the city seem even larger.

The cloud moved swiftly through the city, passing floating gardens, plazas, malls, businesses, homes and parks.

"How old is this city?"

"Some say it's over a million years old." Moon Star answered. "Others believe it is far older." He smiled as they came around a large building and approached a huge stadium. There were thousands of Alicorns heading into the place.

"What is this?" Scoots asked.

"The main stadium. There is a competition of flying skill going on."

"Really?" Dash's eyes lit up.

"Yes, but you are not entered into it."

Dash chuckled nervously. "Why would I be? I'm not a real Alicorn. I'd bee WAY too nervous to be able to pull any of my stunts... And I haven't practiced for any competitions."

Scootalae nudged her sister playfully. "You'd win anyway, no competition."

"Don't be so sure. Speed and flashy stunts won't always win a competition like this."

Dash nodded as they entered the stadium and 'parked' the cloud in a very good spot.

The three could see everything very clearly.

"This is so awesome." Scoots pranced a little.

Dash was looking around. The crowd was HUGE. At the Best Young Fliers competition, there was only a couple hundred ponies present. She knew that no amount of preparation could ever have prepared her to take part in this.

It took over ten minutes of waiting, but the show finally started.

Dash hoped there wold be some flashy stunts. These were Alicorn after all. They had to know some really awesome trick she could try to learn.

Scootaloo just sat on Moon Star's right and watched as the first contestant was introduced. The golden mare danced about, moving like she was a gentle breeze, gracefully twisting and turning through the air.

Dash leaned over to Moon Star. "Are all of them going to be like this? I man, sure, it's pretty and all that, but I'd like to see more action."

"Just watch, I'm sure you'll see something you'll like." Moon chuckled.

And he was right. Out of the thirty contestants, Dash watched in awe as eight of them flew with skill and grace, performing tricks that actually impressed Rainbow Dash, even if not a single one showed off any great speed.

Scootaloo enjoyed those eight as well as most of the others.

"Sky Dancing. It's a lot different than performing stunts." The white Alicorn stretched his wings. "We Alicorn can move very fast, though I'm not sure any would be able to match you, Lady Dash."

"Well, I am the fastest flier in all Equestria."

"Spectrum is just as fast as you Sis." Scoots smirked.

"Well, he's not FASTER than I am." Dash stood, a hoof on her chest as she took pride in being unmatched.

Scootalae giggled while Moon Star chuckled.

"Gotta admit though..." Dash watched as the winner was called up, a mare that had danced and moved in ways Dash would never have dreamed. "That sky dancing is actually kinda neat. Not my style though."

"I liked it." Scootalae smiled. "Prince Moon Star, thank you for bringing us here."

Moon Star seemed to let out a breath he had not been aware he was holding. "I was actually a little afraid you might not like it."

Scootalae leaned forward and kissed the Prince on the cheek. "I really enjoyed the show."

Dash smirked a little. (Lil Sis is getting comfortable being with her little Prince. He seems to really like her too. I guess I don't really have anything to worry about.) "I'm starving. Is there any good places to eat in this city?"

Perfect timing. Scootalae's and Moon Star's tummy's rumbled.

"Ah, yes... Food sounds good." He grinned sheepishly. "I know of a place here that has a good selection of food. Hope you like pasta."


Dash had been skeptical.

Spaghetti looked strange. Heck, the name sounded strange. But the moment she tasted it, she fell in love. The long noodles were easy to eat, and the rich, thick sauce was a perfect blend of dices vegetables, herbs, mushrooms and even a healthy dose of garlic.

Scootalae has ordered the same dish as Moon Star. Some dish called lasagna.

It was thick, with layers of pasta, cheese, spicy sauce and vegetables. Being used to a more sweet style of foods (pie, cobbler, cupcakes and other such baked goods), Scootalae found the new flavor and textures to be a wonderful surprise.

"I am stuffed." Dash leaned back and sighed contently. "Never tasted anything like that before."

Moon Star wiped a tiny spec of sauce from his lips. "Pasta is tricky to make, even for us Alicorn. The chef here is just talented with making it."

Scootalae was just as full as her sister. The servings had been more than generous, but the sisters had both been very hungry.

"If I eat like this all the time, I'll really put on the weight." Dash winked at Scoots. "Better be careful Scoots. Don't want to get fat, do you?"

The young mare blushed. "Of course not. Besides, I burn calories quickly enough just by flying." She then turned to Moon Star. "Speaking of which, After that long show, I'd love to stretch my wings."

"Me too." Dash added in. "Someplace we can fly freely without anypony watching us."

Moon Star nodded. "Near the world tree is the best place. Only those who can use it to travel too other worlds ever bother to go there. My father and I are the last ones to go there in a very long time though."

"Sounds perfect." Scootalae smiled.


The sky was filled with fluffy clouds, which was a great joy for Rainbow Dash. She flew fast, free and without a care in the world (like potentially crashing into the ground).

Twisting, turning, diving, combining her stunts in ways she had never dreamed possible, and even adding a few of the moves from some of that Sky Dancing that actually impressed her.

Dash knew she could pull the Sonic Rainboom off at will here, in this form. She almost did not want to go back, but she loved Equestria. She loved her Father, and even Zecora. She loved Scootaloo, She loved her friends and the Princesses.

To stay here would be the most disloyal thing EVER, and Dash would never do that.

That didn't stop her from at least enjoying the unlimited freedom here in Nimbus.

Unlimited freedom.

Rainbow Dash could only smile and dance in the skies of Nimbus.


The End.