• Published 29th May 2012
  • 8,153 Views, 39 Comments

Scootaloo's Life - AnnonyMouse

Scootaloo is an orphan, her friends earn their marks, leaving her bhind.

  • ...

2 Warm and Buttery

Author: Annonymouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fan-fiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.
A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar please. See my profile for details.
This is a continuation of Scootaloo's Life. Something I did in my off time.
Scootaloo's Life (Mini Story)
Warm and Buttery

It had been a whole month sense Scootaloo had earned her cutie mark.

A bright red heart with a pair of pure white wings extending from both sides.

It had been her mother's cutie mark as well, and showed her love for flying.

Scootaloo flew through the sky, along with her big sister. A big sister she loved with all her heart.

“Hey Scoots, are you sure you don't want to learn a few tricks?”

Scootaloo smiled. “I'm not that strong a flier yet.”

“Sure you are. You can fly for hours and hours and not get tired. I can't fly for as long as you can.” Dash chuckled. “So, wanna have a little race?”

Scootaloo laughed. “What kind of race? You're faster than I am in every way I can think of.”

Dash glided gently next to Scootaloo. “Oh, not a race of speed. I know I'd win that easily.” She pointed to a fluffy cloud. “Let's land and take a moment. I'll tell you about the race I have in mind.”

Scootaloo nodded and leaned in her flight, gently gliding to the cloud and landing.

Dash landed next to her, wrapping a wing around her little sister. “So, what do you think about a race to learn something new?”

“Something new?”

“Yea, and I don't mean a flying trick or something to do with the herbs and alchemy that Dad and Zecora are teaching you. I mean, a race to learn about something entirely new.”

Scootaloo was a little surprised. She knew her sister loved to fly fast and wild above almost anything else. “What do you think we should 'race' to learn?”

“I dunno. You choose.”

“How about cooking?”

Dash cringed. “Last time I tried to cook, I burned down my house.”

“Your house is a cloud... how?”

“Don't ask, it wasn't pretty.” Dash laughed. “But if you really want to learn how to cook, I guess I can give it another shot.”

Scootaloo nodded. “What should we try making first?”

“Hmm, how about we each choose something easy for the other.”

Scootaloo grinned. “Something simple? Ok. How about.. You make bread.”

Dash grinned. Bread had to be the easiest thing in all of Equestria to make. “Bread it is for me. And... Cookies for you. Chocolate chip cookies.” She licked her lips.

“I... I can do that.” She knew exactly who to ask to help her learn to cook.

“Great. We can both ask Pinkie Pie and the Cakes for some starter tips.”

“Aww, I was thinking the same thing.”

Dash hugged her sister close. “Don't worry Scoots. I'm sure we'll both do great.”


Sugarcube Corner.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo walked through the door to the confectionery. They saw a bubbly and happy Pinkie Pie humming to herself as she swept the floor.

“Hiya Pinkie. Catchy tune.” Dash greeted her friend.

“Oh hi Dashie. Scootie too.” She bounced over. “What brings you in today? Cupcakes? Cookies? Oh, I know. You gotta try our new carrot cake with whipped cream cheese frosting. It's so yummy.” She licked her lips.

“Heh, sure, a slice for my lil' sis and me.” She looked down at Scoots. “Well, if that's what you want.”

Scootaloo smiled and nodded her head. “A new cake made by Pinkie Pie? I'd love to try some.”

Dash placed the bits on the counter, earning a disapproving look from Pinkie Pie. “Dashie, you know you don't have to pay for...”

“Pinkie, I know you love to give us cake and cookies and all the awesome stuff you have here, but it IS a business.” She pushed the bits forward.

“Well, ok.” She took the bits and dropped them in the till. “Two slices of my new carrot cake. You'll be the first ones to taste it.”

Pinkie Pie served them each a generous slice of the cake.

Dash could see small shredded pieces of carrot mixed into the rich brown cake. In the center was a layer of the cream cheese, looking light and fluffy. The icing on top was layered thick, looking almost as light as a cloud. There was even an icing carrot with icing greens on top.

“This looks awesome.” Scootaloo wondered as Pinkie Pie brought their order to the table, setting it down before her best friend and awesome little sister. She inhaled deeply. “Oh, nutmeg, a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla, and...” She blinked and looked sheepish. She then took a bite and savoured the flavor.

The cake was light, full of flavor. She could taste the fresh carrots used. The frosting was indeed whipped to be very light and fluffy. But oddly, it was not really sweet.

“This is awesome.” Dash said after swallowing a big bite. “It's so yummy.” She licked some frosting off her lips. “But... it's not sweet, well, it is, but...”

Pinkie hugged Dash. “I know. I wanted to try something new so I started experimenting. I actually used WAY less sugar than I usually do in my cakes.”

Scootaloo licked her lips. “Wow. I can taste everything. Usually your cake is sweet and yummy. This, there's so many subtle tastes that a lot of sweetness would have covered up.”

“I know right?” Pinkie bounced over to Scoots and hugged her too. “Do you really like it?”

“It's the best cake I've ever had.” Her smile was a bright and wide one.

“I'm so happy to hear that. Bringing a smile to another pony's face just makes my heart feel like it's full of sunshine.”

Dash finished off her slice of cake. Usually after a slice that big, her stomach did feel a little heavy, but now, she felt full, but still light. “Wow. I'm full but not stuffed.”

“Wait till you try my next recipe.” Pinkie winked. “But it's a super duper top secret ultra special something that I'm still working on and hoping I don't blow up half the kitchen again recipe.”

“Blow up...” Dash started.

“...the kitchen?” Scootaloo added.

“Oh, well, more like cover the whole thing in batter...”

Dash and Scootaloo laughed, and Pinkie joined in.

“Finish up your cake Scoots. We still have our race.”

Scoots nodded and dug in. She didn't inhale the cake, but took reasonable bites. She wanted to really enjoy every bite.

Dash watched her eat as she talked with Pinkie Pie. “So Pinkie, um, Scoots and I wanna have a race, but, you know I'm the fastest flier in Equestria...”

“So you want to have a race in which you can both have an equal chance of winning?”

Dash nodded.

“Whatcha got in mind?”

“Well, Scoots challenged me to making bread and I challenged her to making chocolate chip cookies. Whoever learns to make theirs first wins.”

“What's the prize for the winner?”

Dash paused. “Never thought about a prize. I kinda just wanted to have fun with my baby sister.”

“I'm not a baby. I have my cutie mark.”

“And an awesome one it is.” Dash flashed her a grin. “Anyway Pinkie, we thought, seeing as neither of us know how to cook, that we'd ask you and the Cakes for some help to get us started.”

Pinkie looked from one sister to the other, a thoughtful look on her face. She them beamed a smile. “I'll ask Mr. And Mrs. Cake.” She trotted into the kitchen.

Scootaloo finished off her cake. “Mmm. I'd love to learn how to make a cake this awesome.”

“You and me both, but I don't think there's enough safe places in Equestria for ME to attempt that.” Dash laughed. “You on the other hand, with what Dad and Zecora have been teaching you, I wouldn't be surprised if you win this race.”

Scootaloo stared wide eyed at her sister. She knew she was competitive, and had watched her and Applejack compete on a number of occasions. She had never heard her say anything like that. “Hey, you're awesome at whatever you try. I bet we both do awesome.”

Pinkie emerged from the kitchen, followed by Mr. Cake.

“So, you two want to learn how to bake break and cookies?” He looked over the pair of sisters.

They glanced at each other, then at Mr. Cake and nodded.

Dash spoke, smiling. “Yea, I mean, I'm an awesome flier, and Scoots just loves to fly, but our flying styles are so different. I mean, she can fly non-stop for hours at a time.” She ruffled Scootaloo's mane. “But I can fly for maybe an hour before I have to rest. She actually got to Cloudsdale before me a couple days ago.”

“Only because you fell asleep on a cloud.” The filly laughed.

“Yea, I know. But you did win fair and square. Anyway...” Dash explained the little 'race' idea to Mr. Cake.

As soon as she was done, Mr. Cake eyed the pair with a critical stare, looking them over as though he were examining one of his wedding cakes for any flaws.

Both Pegasai glanced at each other nervously.

“Well... Alright. But you'll both be learning to make the same thing. Cookies are a lot easier to make than bread after all.”

“They are?” Scootaloo blinked. “But they have so much more stuff in them.”

Mr. Cake held up a hoof. “Ah, they may have more stuff, but they are a lot easier to make. Trust me on this.”

“Ok... so what should we learn to make?” Dash asked.

Scootaloo thought for a bit. “I really like cookies, but we can always just buy them here.” She looked around. “You don't sell bread, and the mare who runs the bakery is... well, old and cranky. I'd love to learn to make bread.”

Dash had to agree. “Yea, last time I went in to buy a loaf of bread, I ended up getting chased out... Something about nearly burning her bakery down when my old cloud house exploded.”

“I thought you said you burned it down.”

“Uh... more like blew it up in a huge ball of fire...”

“What were you trying to make?” Mr. Cake asked nervously.

“Um... Fried eggs with Pinkie's favorite hot sauce...”

Pinkie winched. “Oh, my favorite hot sauce? Wow. You really like that too?”

“Heck yea. Though the cap kinda popped off and... I spent a couple days in the clinic.”

Pinkie Pie laughed. “Oh I remember that now. Wow, that's what happened? We thought you got one of those new gas stoves and plugged it into a lightening outlet.”

“No, I use an electric stove. Lightening powered.” Dash chuckled. “But that Celestia's Sun Spot Hot Sauce is just awesome.”

“Yea...” Mr. Cake shuddered. He had tried a single drop of that hot sauce once on his morning toast once. That had been too much for him, his tongue and mouth sore and red for most of the day. “Anyway, come in and let's see if we can't teach the two of you how to make some bread.”


The first attempt at making bread, as was expected, didn't turn out so well.

Scootaloo looked at the odd looking black crusted lump that had white oozing out of it. That had been her attempt.

Dash's attempt would have made Sweetie Belle proud, as it was pretty much charcoal.

“Wow...” Mr. Cake chuckled. “Reminds me of my first time baking bread, only with less screams of terror.”

“So... try again after we clean up?” Dash asked Mr. Cake. “We'll pay for all the ingredients we use, and of course, a little extra for your time.”

That seemed to relax Mr. Cake quite a bit. “Well, if you insist. Now that I know neither of you can follow a recipe unsupervised...” He turned to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie, I know you don't like making bread, so tell you what, you tend to the store front. Feel free to have a slice of your favorite strawberry cake.”

“Oh thank you Mr. Cake.” Pinkie hugged the baker and bounced out of the kitchen.

Mr. Cake then turned to the pair, who were already starting to clean up the dishes and kitchen.

“I'll take care of... these.” He grinned nervously at Scootaloo's... creation.


Every day for a week, the two sisters would show up for baking lessons from Mr. Cake, always making sure they didn't stop by when it was rush times or when they were busy baking.

They were progressively getting better under Mr. Cake's care.

Finally, Saturday afternoon.

Scootaloo and Dash pulled their latest attempts at baking bread from the oven.

They looked the right golden brown. They looked the right shape. They didn't nearly break the table when set down on it. Heck, they even smelled like fresh baked bread.

Mr. Cake popped them both out of the bread pans, grabbed a bread knife and sliced a thick piece off each.

“They look good, right consistency and fluffiness.” He spread some fresh butter on the slices and handed them back. Scootaloo's slice to Dash, and Dash's slice to Scootaloo. “Well? Try it.” He knew they had gotten it right this time.

Dash took the first bite. She chewed the warm, fluffy bread, feeling the buttery butter melting and filling her mouth with delight. Her eyes went wide in pleasant surprise and looked at her sister, who was giving her the same look.

Scootaloo swallowed and smiled. “You did it Dashie. You made a perfect loaf of bread. Looks like you won.”

“Me? Oh no. You're bread was just perfect too.”

Scootaloo smiled. “So we tied?”

“Yup. We both won.” Dash grinned.

Scootaloo smiled. “I added a secret ingredient. “Wanna know what it is?”

“If it's the same one I added...” Dash grinned.

They then both chimed together. “Love.”


“Dear Princess Celestia.

Today I learned that going fast isn't always the best way to win a race. Slowing down, taking your time and learning patience can be more rewarding then rushing in head first and hoping for the best, especially when it comes to baking bread with your awesome little sister.

Yours truly, Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo here. Hello Princess Celestia. This past week was so much fun. Rainbow Dash and I learned how to bake bread, without destroying the kitchen or terrifying the neighbors. I learned that no matter what, you can always count of your friends and family to give you all the courage and love to learn new things.

Oh yea, thank you for the beautiful sunny day.”

Celestia smiled as she set down the letter and picked up a slice of the still warm, buttery bread and took a bite.

“Love really is the most important ingredient.”

The End.

A/N: Decided to try something cute and heart warming. Hope I did alright. I might add more to this little 'series' whenever I'm in the mood.
Feedback, comments, and hugs appreciated.