• Published 29th May 2012
  • 8,153 Views, 39 Comments

Scootaloo's Life - AnnonyMouse

Scootaloo is an orphan, her friends earn their marks, leaving her bhind.

  • ...

5 Life, Love and Truth

Author: Annonymouse

MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fanfiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.


This is a continuation of Scootaloo's Life. Something I did in my off time.


Scootaloo's Life (Mini Story)


Life, Love, and Truth.


It was an early spring morning, bright and early. The air was chilly as Scootaloo awoke and crawled from her warm cloud bed.

Scootaloo stretched as her hooves set down onto her cloudy bedroom floor. She glanced out the window, seeing the sun was just above the horizon.

"Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day." She smiled brightly before heading out and into the hall.

She paused at her big sister's room and peeked in. "Dashie?"

Dash was curled up in her bed, and it looked like she was shivering slightly.

"Dashie? Big Sis? Are you okay?"

"Uhh..." Rainbow Dash moaned. "I feel sick."

Scootaloo rushed to her sister's side. "Sis, what's wrong? Why are you feeling sick? You were fine last night."

"Must have been that extra spicy burrito I had before bed." Dash said, rolling over to face a concerned looking Scootaloo.

Scoots touched their foreheads together. "You're not running a fever. Why would you be sick in the morning... Morning... Sick... Morning sickness?" Scootaloo jumped back. "Sis? Are you..."

"I'll be fine... just need some water." Dash slid from the bed and headed to the washroom.

Scoot followed but stopped when Dash leaned over the toilet and vomited. (I read about this in some of those books I borrowed from Twilight... Is my sister... is she going to be a mommy?) Her eyes lit up. "I'll get you some fresh mint water." She rushed back to her room and got some of her own special water from the cooler she had hidden behind her bed.

She returned to see Dash brushing her teeth.

"I hate that taste..." Dash muttered.

Scootaloo placed the bottle on the counter.

Dash glanced and blinked. "How is that not falling through the cloud?"

"Special Pegasus magic." Scootaloo grinned.

"Sense when can you make solid things not fall through the clouds?"

Scootaloo smirked. "Remember Moon Star?"

"Yea, that cute friend of yours. Did he give you that bottle?"

"No, but he taught me how to make things float on clouds, kinda like Twilight's cloud walk spell, but this never runs out."

Dash rinsed her mouth out in the sink before looking at the bottle. "Mint Water?" She blinked. "Never heard of it before."

Scootaloo fluffed out her feathers a little, a slight glow becoming visible at the tips. The bottle cap them popped off.

"Whoa. How's you do that?"

Scootaloo simply smiled. "Moon Star taught me."

"You're the first non-unicorn I've ever seen do anything like that." Dash grinned. "You're an awesome little sister. Now, let's try this stuff." She took the bottle in her mouth and tilted it and took a sip.

The water tasted as pure as rain water with the slightest hint of refreshing mint. She set the bottle down and smiled. "That's really nice. Thanks Scoots."

"Anything for you Big Sis." She smiled as she left to go make breakfast.

Dash picked up the bottle and followed. She had not been home for a few weeks, having taken a vacation with Spectrum to some tropical islands far out in the southern seas. She started noticing some differences about the place.

The walls for starters. They looked like they had less cloudy appearance, more like they had been molded like clay into a smoother form, but with some pretty designs. It reminded her a little of Cloudsdale design, but at the same time, it was quite different.

As she entered the kitchen, she noticed an actual marble counter top.

"Did you add that as well?" Dash asked as she came over and examined it.

"Do you like it? I traded some of my new medicine in Canterlot to pay for it. It cost a hundred and fifty bits."

Dash blinked. "That's pretty expensive. You paid for it yourself?"

Scootaloo nodded as she made a nice looking salad. "Yea. I mean, this is originally your home, but Dad and you and I all live here. I thought I'd do something to make it nicer. I mean, it was awesome before but..."

"I think it's at least twenty percent cooler now." Dash chuckled as she took another drink. "Where did you get this? And this bottle... is it glass?"

"Crystallized cloud actually. You can even eat the bottle." Scootaloo laughed. "Breakfast is ready."

Dash watched in awe as the bowl slid over to her. "That is so cool. You're at least one hundred percent more awesome than last time I saw you."

Scoots blushed at the praise. "Really?"

"No, more like two hundred percent more awesome. That makes you just as awesome as me." Dash then took a bite of the salad, her eyes going wide. "This is delicious."

"You think so?" Scoots beamed. "I used some cloud grass."

Dash paused. "Cloud grass? Crystallized cloud bottles? You using magic? Why do I get the feeling that your friend Moon Star is behind all this."

"Because he is. He brings me the water and grass whenever he comes to visit. He lives a long way away from here."

"Where does he live?"

"Um, in a place called Nimbus."

Dash sputtered. "NIMBUS?" Her eyes were wide. "That's impossible. I mean, that's just an old pony tale."

"I've even been there a few times. It's really beautiful." Her eyes sparkled as she remembered the few times she had been there. "Imagine sky that goes on forever. No limits, beautiful cloud cities and towns and even forests and grass and farms growing on the clouds."

"You've got to be kidding. That place is like... an ancient legend I herd about as a little foal. Have you really been there?"

Scootaloo nodded and proceeded to eat her own breakfast. "Eat up. It's yummy."

Dash looked down at the food. She then ate. Dash really had to admit, this grass was good, considering it was grass.

"Maybe I'll try to make a pizza one of these days." Scootaloo said after they finished.


Scoots grinned. "You'll have to wait. I'm expecting Moon Star to arrive soon. You take it easy, ok?"

"Take it easy? I got flying practice to do."

"Should you really be doing stunts in your condition?"

Dash eyes her little sister. "Condition? I was just queezy from that spicy been burrito I had at midnight."

Scoots eyed her big sister. "Are you sure that's all it is?"

"Um... Well... yea. I mean, I've been sick a few times in the morning and all... Wait... Morning... Sick... Morning Sickness?" Dash paled. "Oh no. It can't be THAT! I can be..."

"Pregnant?" Scootaloo smiled. "So what if you are? You're the best sister in all of Equestria, and I bet you'll be the best mommy in all of Equestria too."

"But I can't be... I mean..."

Scootaloo looked right into Dash's eyes. "You and Spectrum... You've been doing the naughty, haven't you?"

The blush on Dash's face was all Scoots needed to know. "Wow, and I was just guessing too."

"Are you serious?" Dash looked frantic. "Oh pony apples..."

"Language." Scootaloo chided. "You might just have a little something, but may be you should have yourself checked out at he clinic."

"What? But... What if I AM pregnant? What will Spectrum think of me... Oh wow... He'll be the dad. Dad will be a grandfather..."

"And Zecora might become our Mom." Scootaloo's smile was a mile wide.

"She might? I mean, I know dad and her really seem to like each other and all that... but... I can't be a mom."

Scootaloo fluffed her wings and gathered up the plates. "Come on. It'll be awesome. I know you'll be a great mom. And I'll be an aunty." She paused. "Wow, that makes me sound old."

"..." Dash looked like she was somewhere between excited and panicked. What'll I do? What'll my friends think of me? I... I never told them I was actually DOING anything with Spectrum."

"They're your friends." Scootaloo nudged her sister toward the door. "Go get yourself checked out. If you want, I'll come with you and give you some support."

"I guess I should go, but you're meeting up with Moon Star, right?"

Scoots placed a hoof over her heart. "Don't worry. He can always find me just by following his heart."

Dash nodded weakly. "Well I guess that ok." She then registered. (Following his heart?) "Um.. Scoots? How do you feel about Moon Star?"

"We're really good friends. I love him like I love Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle." She turned and waged her flank a little. "After all, My cutie mark is a heart with wings. And a heart means love."

Dash calmed down a little. "How does he feel about you?"

"He loves me too." Scoots blushed a little. "Well, I guess I love him a little more than Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle."

Dash smiled. "I never thought you'd say that about a colt."

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm not like Applejack and Fluttershy." Her face was now a bright red. She fumed a little. "Come on, let's get you poked and prodded. I wanna know if I'm going to be an aunty." Her expression changed to a happy one.


Dash was glad it had been Nurse Redheart to examine her, not the dreaded, cruel and evil needle happy Nurse Needles.

Ok, she wasn't cruel and evil... but she loved to give needles for just about anything.

Nurse Redheart examined the chart. "Well, it's confirmed. You're two months pregnant."

"Two months?" Dash felt her belly with a hoof. "Really?"

Redheart smiled. "Congratulations. Spectrum is the father, correct?"

"Who else would be?" Dash gave Redheart a glare.

"I was just asking because I wasn't really sure of his name. He's been in here a few times covered in some scratches."

"Oh yea... He still has a little trouble pulling out of the Sonic Rainboom at times."

"That might explain the crater just outside town." Scootaloo laughed.

Dash grinned. "Do you think you could do any better?"

"Nope. I'd crash before even getting close to making one." She stretched her wings.

Scootaloo was a little smaller than Dash, but her wings were a little larger, perfectly suited for long distance flying.

Redheart eyes those wings. "Have your wings been growing?"

"I'm still growing." Scoots replied. "I'm going to grow to be as big as my big sister."

Redheart worried a little. "I've never seen a Pegasus with wings like yours you know."

Scoots looked at her wings. "Really? Never seen wings like mine?"

"I have seen wings like yours, but never on a Pegasus."

"And they sure are not Gryphon wings." Dash added. "Trust me, I'm friends with Gilda."

Scootaloo looked at Redheart. "Where then?"

Redheart looked a little nervous, but answered. "Princess Celestia."

Dash's eyes went wide, as did Scootaloo's.

"What? But... How? I've only been to Nimbus three times with Moon Star." She paled and clamped her hooves over her mouth. (Ponyfeathers... I can't believe I blurted that out.)

Redheart didn't seem to realize the implications, but Dash did.

"Doesn't Moon Star have wings like those too?"

"Ah..." Scoots was at a loss for words.

Dash smiled. "That's awesome. That means he can fly with you for hours the way you like to fly, right?"

Scoots stared at her sister. She slowly nodded, and saw the wink. Dash was covering up for her.

Redheart raised an eye. "Who's this Moon Star?"

"He's a friend of min who comes and visits me often. He lives really far away, over the... the sea."

Dash blinked. "That far away?"

Scoots gave Dash a look, almost telling her that she's telling her all about it later. They were sisters, and they didn't have secrets.

"Yea. His home is a long way away, but we're long distance fliers so the trip isn't a problem for either of us."

Redheart smiled. "Sounds like a match made in heaven."

"Really?" Scootaloo blushed.

Redheart nodded. "Have I ever lied to you?"

"No..." Scoots hugged her sister. "Oh I'm so happy. I learn my big sister is going to be a mommy, and I know Moon Star is coming to visit. Today couldn't get any better."

Rainbow Dash was happy, but also scared. (A mom... I'm going to be a mom...) "Um, Nurse Redheart? I'm really clueless on stuff like pregnancy and being a mom and stuff like that..."

"We offer courses to help you adjust. In nine more months. You'll be a mother. Oh yes, I do suggest you not practice your stunt flying for a while."

"There goes my dreams of joining the Wonderbolts..." She wanted to cry, but the tears that were forming in her eyes were not ones of sadness, but of joy. Rainbow Dash was going to have a baby.

"Come on Sis, let's go get some lunch." Scoots nudged Dash. "My treat."

Dash glanced at Redheart.

"You're free to go."

"Thank you." Dash smiled and allowed Scootaloo to push her from the examining room.

In the waiting room, they were greeted by Moon Star. He was a good looking young Pegasus stallion, maybe a year older than Scootaloo.

"Moon Star." Scoots rushed over and hugged him. "I missed you so much."

"Yea, this last week was kinda hectic. Dad had me chasing those little guys all over the sky."

Scootaloo knew he meant the stars. They needed to be chased around a bit to get them psyched up for the star showers.

"Oh, so, everything is ready for the festival?" Her eyes sparkled so brightly. "So... did your Dad say it was okay for me to come watch?"

"I didn't let him say no." Moon Star smiled. He then bowed too Rainbow Dash. "Hello again Lady Dash. It is always an honor and a pleasure to see you."

"Aww, don't worry about it... and please I've asked you every time we've met to NOT call me Lady. I'm not nobility or anything like that."

"No can do Lady Dash. It's custom from where I come from."

Dash leaned forward and whispered. "Are you really from... Nimbus?"

Scootaloo paled and spoke quickly. "I'm sorry Moon Star, I didn't mean to tell her. It's just that Sis and I don't hold any secrets from each other..."

"Well, is that so." He looked dead serious. "Fine. If that's how it's going to be." He then grinned. "I shall be honest with your sister as well... but not here. Too public."

Dash was good and confused.

Scootaloo was relieved. She had thought that Moon Star was going to get mad.

They left the clinic and returned to the beautiful cloud house.

"You've taken what you learned in the library and made good use of it." The young stallion grinned at the sight of the less fluffy house. "Any leaks or anything?"

"Not even one drop."

Dash nodded. "Yea. And here I thought I had the best quality cloud home before. I'd love to know what Scoots did to the place."

"Hmm... You used a little of the crystallization technique I see. You really are talented in many things."

"Not really. I had to redo it over and over again till I got it right."

"Crystallization?" Dash wondered and examined the outside wall of her home. She felt it, and realized it actually felt almost... solid. "You did this Scoots?"

"Yea... You're not mad, are you?"

"Are you kidding? This is just awesome. Cloud homes are notorious for leaking from time to time. No more leaks would be great."

Moon Star smiled. "Shall we step inside? I really feel relieved that I'm finally getting the chance to tell your family the truth about myself."

"Are you sure?" Scoots asked, looking concerned.

"Very sure Scootalae."

Scootaloo blushed madly. "Don't call me that."

"Why not? It is your name, well, when you're in Nimbus."

"Ooh..." Scootaloo sat down, but then smiled. "Fine... but don't go telling my friends, ok?"


"Pinkie Pie swear?"

"And get another black eye?"

Dash chuckled. "Ok, you're really making me wonder. Who are you really?"

Moon Star turned to face Rainbow Dash.

"My truth is, I am Prince Moon Star. Son of Princess Luna, and Prince Star of Nimbus." His form grew a little till he was a hoof taller than Dash. His horn appeared and his simple moon and star cutie mark became considerably more elaborate.

"Oh my gosh..." Dash was in awe. "You... You're real? I mean... You're really a Prince?" Dash turned to face Scootaloo. "You knew this?"

Scootaloo nodded and stood next to Moon Star. "Moon, let's show my big Sister... Everything."

He nodded and his horn started glowing. Scootaloo was engulfed in a silvery light. Her form grew till she was the same height as Rainbow Dash, but quite slender. Her wings stretched a little larger, more majestic, and a short horn grew from the center of her forehead. Her simple winged heart cutie mark changed, becoming more elaborate, but still a winged heart.

Dash stared, then smiled brightly. "You are officially more awesome than me. And that's the first time I've ever admitted to anything like that."


"Dear Princess Celestia.

Today I discovered that my big sister is going to be a mommy. I'm so proud of her.

Your nephew and I also told my sister the truth, about him, where he's from and everything. Having a sister that you can tell anything is the best thing there is in all the world, or even in all the worlds there are.

I sending this letter to you before I return to Nimbus for another visit, and I hope you don't mind. Please give my regards and love to Princess Luna.

With love, Scootaloo."

Celestia set down the letter and smiled at the means of delivery. "Congratulations Rainbow Dash."

"Thank you Princess." Dash smiled. "Um, and I have a request..." She fidgeted.

"What is it my little pony?"

"I want to visit Nimbus, just once. Please?"

Celestia frowned a little. "I'm afraid I do not have the means to return to Nimbus, nor my sister either. You will have to make that request from your little sister and the young Prince." She then smiled. "But if they agree, I will give you my blessing, and the endurance to make the flight."

"Thank you so much." Dash beamed.

Nopony was as proud of their little sister as Rainbow Dash was of Scootaloo.


To Be Continued...