• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 4,589 Views, 471 Comments

The Dalek Invasion - the ghost

The Daleks have arrived in Ponyville. Can the mane six handle this new threat?

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Chapter 11: Docto... I mean Mister Whooves

Chapter: 11 Docto… I mean Mister Whooves

That pony’s logic does not make sense. Thought Zek. Why would she give me the element? Does she want the Daleks to win?

“It’s not about logic silly. It’s about fun.” Said Pinkie Pie sticking her head back into the room. Zek was confused.

“What is ‘fun’?” Asked Zek

“You’ve never had fun before? Hm, it’s hard to explain. Oh I know! Lets sing about it!” Music begins to play.

“Where is that music coming from? Asked Zek in a panicked voice. Pinkie Pie ignored the question “Are these the drums you heard earlier?”

“No they’re there’s less tap tap tap. tap tap tap in this music. Oh here comes the first verse.”

“F is for friends who do stuff together

U is for you and me

N is for anywhere and anytime at all

Down here in the land of ponies.”

“You give it a try now Zek.”

“An if I refuse?” asked Zek

“I'll tell twilight about you destroying the elements.” said Pinkie Pie. Zek was cornered. He had no choice. He began to sing.

F is for fire that burns down the whole town

U is for uranium, bombs

N is for no survivors when you EXTERM-

“Zek those thing aren't what fun is all about

Now do it like this.

F is for friends who do stuff to-“


“Here, let me help you.” said Pinkie Pie.

F is for friends who do stuff together

U is for you and me

“Try it!” said Pinkie Pie Zek obliges.

N is for anywhere and anytime at all

Down here in the world of ponies

“Wait, I do not understand.” Said Zek concerned.

"I feel tingly inside, should we stop?"

"No, that's how you're suppose to feel" said Pinkie Pie

“I like it, let's do it again.” Said Zek


The two sing together

F is for frolicking through all the flowers

U is for Ukulele

N is for cupcake baking, sharing gum and sun licking

Here with my best buddy.”

Pinkie pie fell over on the floor laughing.

“Your voice is sooo funny” said Pinkie Pie. "I can hardly breath." Zek noted that singing could be used as a means of disabling or suffocating a pony.


During the whole ‘Pinkie Pie nearly dying incident’ Rarity had yelled out for a ‘doctor’. This for some reason made Mister Whooves ears perk up. He was not a doctor, so it made no sense for him to respond to this title, but he had taken a course in first aid back in the college of Canterlot.

“Don’t worry miss I’m coming!” Said Mister Whooves. He galloped across Ponyville he arrived several minutes latter at sugar cube corner. The Mister rushed through the door. The main six, who where playing a game of pin the tail on the pony, stopped their game and stared at Mister Whooves. They looked like they where hiding something.


Twilight Sparkle had to think fast for two reasons. One she didn’t know Mister Whooves that well and two there was an alien in the other room that no one was supposed to know about!

“I heard someone yelling for a doctor is everything alright?” asked Whooves

“Oh, hi Mister Whooves,” said Twilight Sparkle. "We were just, um partying. Yeah we where totally not hiding any aliens. if that's what your wondering." smooth Twilight, smooth.

Just then Zek and Pinkie Pie walked out of the storage closet.

"Hey you guys what's goin on?" said Pinkie Pie cluelessly.

"What in the name of sweet Celestia is that thing?" Yelled Mister Hooves. "It looks like a trashcan on wheels."

"I can explain!" Started Twilight. If Celestia found out about Zek who knows what she'd do. 'You can't tell anyone."

Mister Whooves looked over the Dalek carefully.

"Oh I see" this must be your costume for next nightmare night!"

"No actually-" started Applejack before Rarity clamped a hoof over her mouth.

"Yes, a costume for nightmare night that's it" said Twilight relieved to have an excuse.

"Aren't you a little old for nightmare night?" asked Mister Whooves.

"Well maybe a little bit," said Twilight.

"Oh well. You know what they say 'there's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.'"

"Who said that?" asked Twilight.

"I'm not sure actually it just kind of popped into my head" Said Whooves. He takes a closer look at the Dalek. You know for some reason it looks really familiar to me somehow. What is it supposed to be?”

Twilight looked around at the other five ponies. They gave her look like ‘don’t ask me I don’t know.’

“It’s supposed too be the monster from when trash can’s attack.” said Twilight. “It’s a classic.” Whooves leaned down closely to the Dalek he stared deep into it’s eyestalk.

“I can’t put my finger on it.” said Mister Whooves. “But there’s something about this costume that for some reason I dislike. He stares at it for a few seconds as if trying to remember something. “Well don’t mind me girls. I’ll just be on my way. I won’t tell anyone about your Night Mare Night costume. I’ll be in the clock tower if anyone needs me.” And with that he was out the door.

Everypony let out a sigh of relief, especially Zek.

“That was too close.” Said Rainbow Dash. “Anyway it’s been a great party Pinkie Pie but it’s about time for me to be heading home.” All the other ponies agreed with her. Applejack had an idea

“Hey I just thought of somethin I could show you for a gift.” Applejack said. “I could show you my Element of Harmony”

“I like this idea.” said Zek.

“Bring me too” said Fluttershy.

“It’s already past 9:30 don’t you usually go bed early to get up early to feed the chickens?”

“Oh yeah that’s right. Well I guess I’ll see you latter then” said Fluttershy as she headed off toward home.”

“You will bring me to the element now.” Said Zek

“Alrighty partner.” Said Applejack.

The two headed off towards sweet Apple Aces.

“Tell me before we get there. What do I have to do to get to the element?”

“Well it should be easy providing that you haven’t been lying. In order to see the Element of Honesty you must have a clear conscience…”

(note- one chapter per day is a little stressful so i'm going to make it a chapter every 2/3 days.)

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