• Published 10th Jun 2012
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The Dalek Invasion - the ghost

The Daleks have arrived in Ponyville. Can the mane six handle this new threat?

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Chapter 35: The Head Comes Off

Chapter 35: The Head Comes Off

On the marry-go round, Zek was fighting Pyramid Pony with the head shaped like an Ax.
Zek charged the Ax headed Pony with the wooden plank in his mouth. He didn’t care that the monster was indestructible. He didn’t care he would probably die. All he knew as that he had seemingly murdered his friend. Nothing else matters. It was time to face his fear.

Zek swung the wooden plank with pure determination catching Ax Head right beneath the tip at his ax shaped helmet. The Pyramid Pony made no attempt to dodge, and thus knocking the helmet right off its twisted yet familiar pink smiling face.
The helmet fell to the ground with a metallic clunk.

Zek was silent for a few seconds. He almost dropped his plank at the sight of the pink pony’s smiling face.

“P-Pin…P-Pinkie Pie?” Said Zek, quietly almost to quietly to hear.
The monster looked at Zek its disfigured head staring at him.

“No it can’t be that’s not possible.”

Indeed the monster did look like Pinkie Pie, however it was terribly mutilated. Her curly hair was up like it normally was when she was happy, but it was shooting off wildly in all directions. One of her eyes were sown shut. The other was open, and fine.

Now that Zek had knocked the helmet off the rest of her body had changed a little too. There were bite marks all along her front forelegs. Some of them still where still fresh. She had a large metal chain around her neck that caused her to be much slower. She still wore the blood stained smock though and one of her hoofs had been replaced with a hand.
The disfigured Pinkie Pie had a smile on her face.

“Oh good you knocked the helmet off. I could hardly breath in that thing, never mind talk. I mean can you imagine me not talking? It was only like the worst thing ever!” Said the Pinkie Pie look alike.
“Pinkie Pie is that you?”

“No silly goose, I’m Pyramid Pie and I set up this ambush just for you. I’m loads more fun then regular Pinkie Pie don’t you think?” Said Pyramid Pie proudly.

“No.” Said Zek simply. he took his wooden plank with the nail in it full force against Pyramid Pie's head. It bounced off harmlessly.

Pyramid pony lost her smile for a second before quickly regaining her creepy smile and letting out a laugh that shook Zek to the core. The laugh was not normal it was an attack on his sanity. Zek’s head felt like it was about to split open. then pyramid pie picked him up effortlessly by the neck with her hand. Causing Zek to choke and sputter. Then she threw him through one of the fences.

Zek regained his footing had to get away. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him away from Pyramid Pie.
“Oh are we playing tag? I lloooove tag!” Said Pyramid Pie happily reloading a .44 mag pistol with her hand and took off in pursuit of Zek.

Zek heard the sound of a bullet wiz by his head. And knew that he had to take shelter.
You know Zek the others wanted me to wait to play with you. Said Pyramid Pie. They wanted to throw you a surprise party at the Silent Hill historical Society. But I couldn’t wait to play with you."

Zek saw a mirror maze and made a dash towards it. Pyramid Pie saw this and fired another round. This time it imbedded it’s self in Zek’s right foreleg. Zek didn’t register the hit. He just kept running until he made it into the mirror maze.
The Zek was panting. He was feeling the pain in his leg now. He was starting to tear up from both the pain and the shock of losing Rainbow Dash.

“Come out come out where ever you are.” Said Pyramid Pie. “I just want to play.” Her hoof steps where coming closer.
Zek had to suck up his tears; he had to move deeper into the maze.

“Hey Zek do you want to here I wrote about the Doctor? Oh, sorry I mean the song I wrote about you?”
Zek didn’t answer.
“I’ll take that as a yes” Said Pyramid Pie as she began to sing.

When you're rife with devastation
There's a simple explanation:
You're a Davros creation
Trapped inside a armored shell

And whichever way he tilts it
Know that you must be resilient
We won't let them break your spirits
As we sing our silly song

Zek saw Pyramid Pie coming in one of the mirrors. A reflection of a reflection. And went the other way.

When you took that gambit, a galloping blaze overtook your planet
So they shipped you off to the orphanage. Said, "ditch those roots if you wanna fit in"
So you dug one thousand holes and cut some holes in Time Lord foals now
Memories are blurred, and their faces are obscured, but you still, know the words to this song

Again he saw Pyramid Pie coming in one of the mirrors that made people look twice their normal size. And he took the right this time to try to avoid her.

When you've bungled all your bangles
And your loved ones have been mangled
Listen to the jingle jangle
Of your Time Lord tambourine

Oh shoot a dead end.

'Cause these chords are hypnotizing
And the whole world's harmonizing
So please Doctor stop your crying
And just sing along with me.

Zek turned around to see Pyramid Pie’s distorted face. Her one good eye staring directly into his.
“Looks like I caught you. Time to finish the game.” She said pointing her pistol at Zek.”
Zek had no choice, but to employ one of the strategies that he learned from the Doctor. Keep the enemy talking.
“Why do you look like Pinkie Pie?” Asked Zek.

“I don’t know, you’re the one that made me out of your nightmares.” Said Pyramid Pie. “Perhaps you’re scared of the color pink.” Pyramid Pie let out one of her laughs.
Images of children laughing and having fun in the pool went through his head.

“All I know is that something about me torments you and until you accept it you’re stuck with me.” She let out another laugh. Images of a party full of happy teenagers having a good time ran through Zek’s head giving him a headache. Were these visions connected with her laugh?
Zek had realized what he had to overcome to make her disappear.

“How about we play another game?” Asked Zek.

“Ohhh what kind of a game?” Said Pyramid Pie.
Zek thought about it. He didn’t know many games.

“How about tic tack toe? Do you have anything to write with?”
Pyramid Pie thought about it for sure. Pyramid Pie took a bite out of her front foreleg. Mmm, Juicy! I still taste good! You want a bite?” She asked cheerfully offering her hoof.

“Errr, no I will pass. Thanks though.”

“I can use my blood to draw. We’ll play tic tac toe in blood ok?” said Pyramid Pie.
Zek looked at his own bleeding foreleg that Pyramid Pie had shot a bullet in earlier.

“Blood is fine.” Said Zek.

“Awesome let’s play.” Said Pinkie Pie.
And so the two began to play tic tac toe in there own blood. Zek won almost all of the games, because he was a master at strategy, but even so Pyramid Pie seemed to enjoy it anyway. She had begun to transform. The chain around her neck decreased in size and the bite marks on her forelegs began to disappear.

“Why are you happy even though you’re losing?” Asked Zek.

“Well you know what they say. ‘If you had fun you won.’” Said Pyramid Pie.
“Fun huh?” Zek had heard a little bit about fun from other life forms, but had never felt the emotion of “fun” for himself. It was forbidden among Daleks because it created a distraction from killing other life forms.
Zek let out a smile. A very small one. He was having fun. He guessed having showing wasn’t so scary after all.
“YAY! I knew I could make you smile!” Said Pyramid Pie, all signs of disfigurement were gone even the eye was no longer sown shut. “You got over your fear of showing emotions. Although I’m not sure why you were afraid of having fun in the first place. It’s kind of weird.”

“Anyway I have one last game to play and then I have to go, because unfortunately once I help you get over your fears I have to go, because I finished my job.”

“Ok what game is it?” Asked Zek.

“Russian roulette.” Said Pyramid Pie as if she were talking about Monopoly.

“Wait isn’t that the game were you put one bullet in the barrel of the gun, spin the barrel and put it up to their own head and shoot?”

“Yeah that’s the one.” Said Pyramid Pie loading the gun and putting it up to her head.

“But you only have room for one bullet in that gun!” Objected Zek.

“I know this way I always win.”
Pyramid Pie pulled the trigger and there was loud bang as the bullet went through her skull.
She remained conscious for about five seconds.

“See I told you I win.” Said Pyramid Pie crumpling to the floor. Zek caught her. He inspected the damage and realized there was no hope. He placed the Pinkie Pie look alike on the ground. Where she twitched and squirmed. There was only one thing he could do for her. Zek picked up his wooden plank and delivered the finishing blow.

Zek stood there a while looking at the Pinkie Pie look alike, dead on the floor for what seemed like hours.
Then he broke out into something of a laugh. A sad laugh that slowly built inside of him and until broke free. It was somewhere between a sobbing and laughing.

This was Zek’s first experience laughing.

And he didn’t like it.

But it felt good regardless…
After he had recovered he looked down the dark road. He knew where he had to go. To the Silent Hill Historical Society to finish this.


Caan’s log stardate: 101010
RIP Pyramid Pie.
This couldn’t have ended any other way. You represented the Zek’s fear of having of showing some emotion. I know you was just an incarnation of Pyramid Head, but I enjoyed doing the talk show with you. You where always quick with a joke and were fun to be around. You were a good friend to me. I hope you come back some day. RIP Pyramid pie

Queen Harmony’s Journal.
I’m sorry to hear about you’re loss Caan. She was a… nicest sociopath monster you could have known. I’m sorry to hear about her death.

Caan’s log stardate 101011
Wait, who said she was dead?

Queen Harmony’s Journal
Wait what do you mean you just said by...

Pyramid Pie Master Spy notebook
Waz up guys! What’s going on in this journal? Looks like fun! Can I play? :pinkiehappy:

Caan’s log star date 101009
Sure welcome aboard

Queen Harmony’s Silent Hill Journal.
No! You, get out of here this is my journal! it's bad enough Caan is writing in here. How are you even alive?

Pyramid Pie Master Spy Notebook.
Wait who said anything about being alive?

Queen Harmony's Silent Hill Journal
But you... how did... never mind I give up

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