• Published 10th Jun 2012
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The Dalek Invasion - the ghost

The Daleks have arrived in Ponyville. Can the mane six handle this new threat?

  • ...

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Chapter 12: Stalker

Zek was not fooled by the Doctor’s new form. The cutie mark gave it away. I mean really. Mister Whooves? Whooves is the most common name for a pony. It’s like calling yourself John Smith. Everyone expects it. anyway the Doctor was not a threat while he was "Mister Whooves". What Zek was really worried about was the Element of Honestly. How in the world could he completely honest? It would mean telling about the invasion plan. And if he wasn’t able to go through the barrier they would start to suspect he was hiding something. He supposed he could tell one of them the truth and kill them immediately afterwards, but he wanted to avoid that.


The two arrived at Sweet Apple Aces around 10:00. A large red stallion. Along with an older green one.

“Applejack where have you been?” Asked Granny Smith. It’s almost time for the moonlight apple harvest!”

“Oh yeah almost forgot about that.” Said Applejack. Moonlight apples could only be harvested under the light of the full moon. And tonight is a full moon. “Zek do, ya mind waiting till morning to take a look at the element?”

“No I do not.” Said Zek who for some reason he sounded relieved.

“If you want to take a look without me the element is in the barn. Help yourself to some Apples over there in that barrel.”

“I will not accept food from a primitive.” Said Zek

“Ah. come on a apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Said Applejack


“Um yeah.” What did this fella have a fear of doctors or something? Wondered Applejack

Zek paused for a second.

“I will accept you offer.”


Rainbow Dash watched the encounter from the tree. Just because he had beaten her in the race and she admired her, doesn’t mean she completely trusted the Dalek. Especially around someone as trusting as Applejack. That pony was too honest for her own good.

The problem was that they were too far away to hear what they where talking about and too dark to see.

“Hm, I see. Moonlight apple harvest.” Said a voice. Rainbow Dash heard somepony write something down.

Rainbow Dash looked around in surprise. She didn’t see anypony.

“A fear of doctors, hm? I’ll take note of that.” Said the voice. More writing.

Was the tree talking? Thought Rainbow Dash. She looked up into the higher branches of the tree and saw a yellow pony sitting there.

“Hey Fluttershy what’re doing up there.” Whispered Rainbow Dash. Dash saw Fluttershy give a little jump.

“I can explain! I was uhh… I… was… was.” Stammered Fluttershy.

“Um Fluttershy what are you wearing?” asked Dash. The yellow pony was dressed in camouflage, had a set of highly advanced night vision goggles, a long range listening device equipped with a tape recorder. Also she had a note pad.

“Oh I see you where worried about Applejack being alone with Zek too huh?” said Dash.

“Well I guess-” started Fluttershy

“I had the exact same idea. Not that I like Applejack or anything, but she needs a little extra protection ya know?” said Dash

“Well I-” Fluttershy tried to say.

“Your not implying that I’m stalking Applejack are you?” asked Rainbow Dash

“No I- “ said Fluttershy

“Good because I’m not.” said Dash

While they where talking Zek had begun to move toward barrel.

“What’s going on now?” asked Rainbow

“Well apparently Zek is going to eat some apples.” Said Fluttershy “He’s picking one up in his plunger arm.”

“Oh so he does eat! Let me take a look though the goggles!”

“No.” said Fluttershy

“What do you mean no?” said Dash

“No means no. I brought the goggles and now I want to see how he eats.”

“Your not being fair Fluttershy now let me have the goggles!”

“No” the two of them struggle over the goggles finally with some effort Rainbow Dash puts them on.”

“That was delicious.” Rainbow Dash heard Zek say.

“Ah I missed it!” said Dash. “And it’s all because you couldn’t share the spy equipment. Now we’ll never know how Daleks eat.”

“Sorry.” Said Fluttershy.

The two of them sat there for an hour, but the Dalek did almost nothing.

“Ugggg he’s not doing anything this is getting boring. I’m out of here.” Rainbow Dash flew away. Leaving Fluttershy and her spy equipment alone in the tree. She started to sketch Zek in her note book.


Derpy Hooves was very very late. She had gotten lost on her way to deliver mail to Sweet Apple Acres. She was going to be in so much trouble with her boss! Wait there’s the barn! She came in for a landing. Oops she lost control and crashed into a trashcan knocking it over. Well at least she didn’t hit anyone.

“ALERT. ALERT. I AM UNDER ATTACK.” Said the trashcan.

“Oh I’m sorry I’m not attacking you. “Wow, your only the second talking trashcan that I've ever met.” Said Derpy.

“I am not a trashcan. I am a Dalek.” Said the Dalek

“Oh you’re a Dalek. Derpy thought for a second. "Daleks" sounded familiar. Actually this Dalek even looked familiar.

“What’s a Dalek?”


Zek thought about lying, but then he remembered about the Element of Honestly. He might as well tell her. Everything.

“I am Dalek Zek. Daleks are the supreme race of beings. We have come to mine the land of Equestria for its resources. The ponies will be made into miner slaves. And when they have outlived their usefulness they will be exterminated. I have been destroying the Elements of Harmony in order to get ready for the Dalek invasion.”

Zek didn’t wait for the pony to freak out. He made a dash for the barn. And ran strait into the honestly force field. It stopped him like a brick wall. What more could the element want from him? He already told this crossed eyed pony about the invasion. Oh right that…

Then Zek noticed something. The crossed eyed mare was not freaking out.

“Why are you not running to warn the other ponies.” Questioned Zek.

“Oh that’s an easy one. The Doctor told me not to freak out when a Dalek named Zek told me about his plan. Your name is Zek so I’m not going to freak out no, matter what you say and he also said ‘don’t do anything to try to stop him.’ He also said to stay at least 6 feet away just in case you try to exterminate me.” Derpy took a step back.

"The Doctor said WHAT? You know the doctor?” said Zek Suprised

“You heard what I said mister. He told me when I met a Dalek named Zek, don't try to stop him, just listen to what he has to say.”

Darn, the Doctor knew that I would be going after the Elements of Harmony. And somehow he knew that he would be talking to this Pegasus. Thought Zek

“According to him. There should be another thing you want to tell me.” Said Derpy

Zek knew what he had to say.

“I am… a divergent Dalek.” He struggled to say.

"What does that mean?" asked the Derpy.

“It means I’m special. I can feel emotions. This makes me inferior to other Daleks. I never have exterminated an enemy in real combat. I’ve just ordered their destruction from my battle ship. I faked my results on my exams so that they wouldn’t recognize me as a divergent. I AM A DISGRACE TO THE DALEKS!” said Zek.

The two of them sat in silence for a little while

"Oh Zek being special is tough, I would know. You know what you have too do? Just be yourself. Your friends will accept you no matter who you are.” Said Derpy.

“I have none.” Said Zek.

“I’ll be your friend if you have have none. Even if you have emotions or crossed-eyes you can’t just hide them. YOU HAVE TO SHOW THEM!" Suddenly Derpy was giving an inspirational speech.

“Show them?” said Zek surprised


“YES!” shouted Zek.


“YES YES YES!” chanted Zek


“YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!” chanted Zek




“I WILL! I WILL SHOW THEM!” shouted Zek

The now inspired Zek burst through the barn door. He located the Element of Honestly. It was in the shape of Applejack’s cutie mark.

“I WILL SHOW THEM ALL!” Zek threw the element onto the floor and ran it over repeatedly and enthusiastically. He then vacuumed it up. He replaced the Element with a false one and exited the building feeling triumphant. “I AM A DIVERGENT AND I WILL SUCCEED.” said Zek

“That’s not what I wanted you to do...” Said Derpy.

(I came to a realization after last chapter. Not everypony has watched every single episode of Doctor Who. And for the next part of the plot to make sense there are a few things that need to be explained. Therefor next week Zek, Pinkie Pie and a surprise guest will be answering questions that will help shed light on some stuff. Feel free to ask them questions in the comment section. I don’t have many viewers so as long as you ask an appropriate question it should be answered. Don’t forget to like the story.)

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