• Published 10th Jun 2012
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The Dalek Invasion - the ghost

The Daleks have arrived in Ponyville. Can the mane six handle this new threat?

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Chapter 27: The Legendary Wooden Plank

Chapter 26: The Legendary Wooden Plank

Zek carefully walked out of the door to the bathroom looking in all directions to see if the coast is clear. He needn’t have bothered. He couldn’t see anything in this fog anyway. He walked down the grimy streets. He read the sign. Nathin Ave huh? He took a right towards the town. He walked for miles through the fog. Walking was getting easier and easier for the purple pony/Dalek.

Again he wondered how he got here. Was it an involuntary emergency shift? No, if that was the case why was Zek a pony? It didn’t make any sense. He still wasn’t sure what planet he was on. In any case Zek felt naked without some sort of weapon.

Just then Zek saw another one of those slug monsters from before. This one had dozens of daggers sticking out it’s rotten flesh instead of pikes. It was slowly moving down the road leaving a trail of blood. Zek knew he should just travel around it. But it couldn’t help himself. He needed to boast about his superiority.

He began walking in circles around the creature staying just out of its range.

“Oh, look at the inferior creature.” He teased the slug. “So slow. He can’t even catch a pony. You see these?” He showed off his legs. “These are what are known as legs. This body may not be as superior as what I normally have, but at least its superior to your body. You slowpoke”

The monster slug began to roll up into at ball. Zek took this as a sign that he was getting to it.

“What’s the matter? Can’t take the fact that I’m superior to you in every way? Why don’t you go home and cry about it?”

The slug finished curing into a ball. It looked kinda like an armadillo now with spikes. And that’s when it started to roll. Slowly at first, but speeding up. The daggers leaving holes about an inch wide and about a foot deep in the cerement.

“Oh-oh.” Said Zek. Oh-oh indeed the monster was rolling strait towards him. Zek made a break for it as fast as he could walk. At first Zek was faster the the rolling meat grinder and this allowed him to get an early lead, but the rolling monster slug was accelerating and was soon gaining on him. He glanced behind him the monster wasn’t more then a meter behind him now. He put all his endurance into moving. But all he could manage is a fast hobble.

He chanced another look behind him. The slug was less then a foot away. This was it. Zek would survive countless involvements with the Doctor to be crushed by a slug. His lungs burned, but he didn’t even notice. He looked somewhere to hide, but he couldn’t see anything, but fog. He was doomed.


Just then there was a shot from a rifle. Zek heard the bullet pierce the body of the slug. The monster let out a moan.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three more shots into the beast. It uncurled itself, and bled out onto the pavement. Zek stopped running. He looked back at the slug. The creature was dead, but who had killed it?

“Hello?” Asked Zek. “Identify yourself.”

The fog was very thick but he could just make an outline of a two humans. One adult and one child. The adult was tall and blond and wore a green Jacket. The girl, who looked about eight years old, was also blond and wore a dress. The Zek knew one thing for sure. He was not in Equestria.


James Sunderland lowered his rifle. Those four rifle shots had been the last of his rifle ammunition. He had used up most of them with his battle with those two red pyramid things. Laura looked surprised.

“Hey what’re you shooting at?” Asked Laura. Laura was unable to see the monsters. James himself could barley see them anymore. But he had clearly seen something being chased.

“It’s nothing, I thought I saw an animal chasing something.” Said James. “Let’s go see what it was.”

“Ok.” Said Laura.

The two of them approached what ever it was. It was still hard to see what it was through the fog, but it looked like it was on all fours. James hoped it wasn’t another one of those crawling monsters.

“Hello?” Asked whoever it was. “Identify yourself.”

Good it was talking. None of the monsters here (Baring that last one) could talk.

“My name is James and this is my adopted daughter Laura. Are you ok?” He didn’t want to give his last name. After all the police might be after him by now. James and Laura got closer and could finally see the creature close up. To James shock it looked was a purple pony.

Awwww, look it’s a pony can we keep it? Please?” asked Laura. But if this was a horse, where was the person who asked him to identify himself?

“What planet is this?” Asked whoever it was.

“Huh? What are you talking about? This is earth of course. Well I think it is.” James never considered the fact that Silent Hill might not be part of the “earth.”

“I can’t see you can you come out?” Asked James looking around for the speaker.

“I’m right in front of you.” Said the voice. James looked in front of himself and saw the pony. The pony was talking to him. He was talking to a pony. The pony was talking back to him… he was talking to a pony!

James wondered what the player had to do to unlock this ending. It had to be a joke ending.

“Well at least you’re not Pyramid Head.” Said James.


“What are you?” Asked the one called James. He had a soft voice.

Zek thought about calling himself a Dalek, but he doubted that James would believe that. And even if they believed him it would not be helpful.

“I am a pony.” Said Zek.

“Wow a talking pony!” Said Laura exited. “Just like the one’s I watch on television. Can I ride you?”

“No.” Said Zek

“Come on, please.” Pleaded Laura.


“Don’t be a pest Laura.” Said James. “If you don’t mind me asking, where did you come from?” James asked Zek.

“Information denied.” Said Zek. He didn’t have to tell this stranger anything. Also he didn’t know how to answer the question.

“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me anything.” Said James.

Zek noted that this was a valid point.

“I’m not sure how I got here actually.” Admitted Zek.

“This place attracts all sorts of strange people and… ponies I guess.” Said James. “It draws people who were tormented in their past. It brings the demons in you’re mind to life.

“I didn’t see any monsters.” Said Laura.

“That’s because you’re not tormented. It’s different for everyone. If you’re going in there you should take a weapon. I’ll give you my best one, I don’t need it anymore.” Said James. He went into his inventory.

Zek was exited. At last he would have a weapon to defend himself with. He wondered what it would be. A sword? A handgun? A shotgun? A death beam? A chain saw?

He was disappointed when he saw what James pulled out.

“It’s a… wooden plank with a nail poking out of it… don’t you have anything that, I don’t know, I can actually use to kill something?” Asked Zek.

“Don’t let it’s appearance fool you. This is one of my best weapons. It’s been with me since I got to this town. And now I’m giving it to you. Also here’s a map of town and a radio that tells you when there are monsters around. I don’t need them anymore.”

“Best weapon? How can a wooden plank be your best weapon? I just saw you shoot that monster with a rifle!” Said Zek.

“This is much better then the rifle trust me and besides the rifle is out of bullets.” Said James. “Anyway better be heading off.”

“Can’t we play with the pony a little more?” Wined Laura.

“No we have to go... Well goodbye.” And with that James and Laura were off. “You know.” said Laura to James. “Mary always liked ponies.”

“I know.” Said James.

Zek was left alone again in the fog. Well at least he knew what planet this was and now and he had a weapon now… kinda. However he wasn’t sure what his next move should be. Should he keep exploring the town? Just then he thought he saw movement in the fog. The shape looked almost like a pony.

“Wait!” Yelled Zek. But the pony didn’t wait. It just ran off into the fog. Zek ran after it. He wasn’t going to let his only lead get away. He followed the pony as best he could. It lead him into the main town. The town looked like it was a mess. Blood marks on the street, cracked bloody pavement, the buildings were boarded up, cars where abandoned in the streets and there were large crevice. If Zek didn’t know any better he would say it looked like the town had been abandoned years ago or Daleks invaded it. He saw a few more of the slug monsters, but he avoided them. Best not to start a fight.

He saw the pony figure go into one of the buildings. Zek ran to the building. Zek read the sign on the top of the building aloud. “Silent Hill Public Library, huh.” This was not on the map James gave him. But then again perhaps it was an old map. He tried the door. It was open.

“Hello.” Anyone in here?” Asked Zek. No answer. That was strange. He thought for sure he saw somepony come in here. He looked around the library. It’s was massive, though in disrepair. Some of the bookshelves were tipped over. However there were no books on the floor. Except for one. Zek went over to the book. The book’s cover read World War II Historical Analysis. It was cracked open to a page. Zek turned it over and began to read.

…The Nazi’s were obsessed with creating the master race. They were convinced that the Arian race was superior to all others. Indeed German technology was advanced far beyond the other nations of the world. So they decided that all other races had to be wiped out. They didn’t even consider it murder, because they were so much better then the other races that they considered it no more than an extermination. All those who were not Arian were rounded up like cattle and put into concentration camps. They were then exterminated.

Zek considered this an honorable pursuit, although it misguided. Everyone knows that Daleks are the master race not Arians. This book was relative to his interest. He kept reading.

…Friends turned against each other. There were many examples of cases were someone’s best friend would turn their friend in because they were not part of the master race. But there were a few that stayed loyal not only to their friends but to there fellow man. Even though they were Arian there were groups who would hide Jews and help them to escape from Nazi at the risk of their own lives. These people, not the one’s who stayed loyal to the Nazis, are the ones that history remembers as heroes for their bravery.

They were heroes? Really? Even after betraying there own country they were heroes? Zek was having trouble understanding.

The Germans ultimately failed not because they were inferior to any other the other countries, but because their hostility had caused others to work together against them. This is what ultimately led to their down fall: their pride.

Zek closed the book. He didn’t want to think about something like that. The prospect of all Zek’s enemies ganging up on him was too terrifying.

Suddenly Zek’s radio started screeching with static. He looked around and saw a figure walking down the hallway. Zek had never seen anything like it. It had a pony head. A human torso, a human right hand a claw left hand, a right hoof and a left leg from some sort of bird. It was a mismatched creature with various body parts. Zek was going to run away but then he remembered his weapon. He pulled out his wooden plank, put it in his mouth and swung it at the creature. It let out a howl of pain as the nail at the end of the board smashed into its skull. It reached out to grab him with its claw. But Zek didn’t give it time. He swung his weapon again. And again. And again. And again. Each time not letting the creature recover. It fell to the floor but Zek didn’t stop hitting it. Even after it stopped moving he kept hitting it.

When Zek had finally used up all his energy he stopped and looked at the bloody mess that he made. He put the wooden board back onto his back and investigated the body. Attached, as if by glue, were six different books. He removed them from the body and examined them. They were covered in blood and had a few holes in them but he could still read the names. Julius Cesar, The Lion King, Pop Out book, The Bible, Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince, Rainbow Factory, and lastly Cupcakes. Zek continued to look around the library. He spotted a bookshelf with exactly six missing books. He took a closer look. Above each of the empty slots was an inscription. From left to right they read.

The one who betrays his leader.

The one who betrays his brother.

The one that betrays with her eyes.

The one who is a double agent.

The one who betrays with a smile.

The one that betrays with a kiss.

Zek thought about this. It seemed to be some sort of puzzle. He thought about it for a while. He had to put the books in a certain order. To open the door. The riddle must It must refer to the plot of each of the books.

The one who betrays his leader. That was Brutus. He put Julius Cesar, in the first slot.

The one who betrays his brother. That has to be Scar from The Lion King.

He skipped this next one he didn’t know it.

The one who is a double agent. Snape from Harry Potter.

The one that betrays with a smile. This had to be the one with Pinkie Pie grinning like crazy mare on the cover. He put Cupcakes in this slot.

The one who betrays with a kiss. Most likely Judas from the Bible.

That left the one who betrays with her eyes. That had to be Rainbow Factory. It was the only one left.

Zek put the last book into the bookshelf to his surprise the bookshelf moved aside revealing a secret passage. Now we’re getting somewhere. Zek walked through.

He was in a large round room surrounded with books. Two different figures were in the room with Zek. One of those figures was the Dalek Lez in his black an white armor. The other was a large Pegasus in a bloodstained brown dress, was very strong looking and had a pyramid for a head. The pyramid headed pony also wielded a large ax. The passage way door shut behind Zek. The sound of the siren began to echo through the chamber.


Queen Harmony Silent Hill Notes
Entry: 6
Zek met James. James is a good guy. Haven't seen his wife around though. I wonder where she could be.
Entry: 7
That book about the Nazis... I bet zek can relate to that well.
Entry: 8
That monster that attacked Zek might represent the all the people that he is responsible for killing in his life time.
Entry: 9
He solved that puzzle quickly didn't he?
Entry: 10
Oh this...

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