• Published 10th Jun 2012
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The Dalek Invasion - the ghost

The Daleks have arrived in Ponyville. Can the mane six handle this new threat?

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Character Sheet

Character sheet of important characters.

OC= original character
CC= Cannon character
FF= fan Character

Very high
very low

The Daleks:

Zek: OC
Species: Dalek
Original coat color: completely Black.
New coat color: Purple.
Combat level: high
Intelligence: very high
Zek is the captain of his dalek battle ship. Zek is known as a brilliant strategic mind. He has won against the Doctor up to 49% present of the time. A feat unmatched by any other Dalek. However he is known to have emotional problems when trying to EXTERMINATE. Sometimes even letting the enemy get away. He has befriended the Mane Six. Caan hinted that he was supposed to be the leader of the cult of Skaro. However this is unconfirmed because his records have been removed leaving Zek wondering about his past. Zek does not use a normal dalek dialect. Whether this was because of his disguise or his divergence is unclear.

Lez: OC
Species: Dalek
Coat color: Black
Combat level: High
Intelligence: Mid
Dalek Lez is known for being ruthless. He kills whomever he wants and enjoys it. Lez was paired with Zek in order to balance out his divergence with his heartlessness. He has lived in Zek’s shadow for many years, making him slightly hostile to him. He, like most other daleks, speaks in all capital letters.

Hallowed Lez: OC
Species: Super Dalek.
Coat color: charcoal black and ash white
Combat level very high
Intelligence: mid

And encounter with the collective has caused Lez to become hallowed. His voice and personality have been altered as well. Lez also seems to developed a cough, something Zek thought dalek’s couldn’t do. He has ascended beyond normal daleks. But what does that mean exactly?

Caan: CC
Species: Super Dalek
Color: Gold
Combat level: very high.
Intelligence: very high/godlike( but insane and forgetful)

Caan is the last survivor of the Cult of Skaro. Because he went to he Time War he has the ability to see the future and the past, however this is at the cost of his sanity. He also has shown the ability to be able to control temporal shifts. This coupled with the ability to predict his enemies’ movements makes it impossible to land a hit on him or even run away. He is a master of “Dalek Ju-jitsu”. Caan died after betraying the Daleks at the battle of Medusa Cascade, because he realized how truly evil the daleks truly are due to his ability to see the future. He does not speak in normal dalek dialect. He is also prone to laugher

Dalek Sec: CC
Species: Dalek/?human?
Color: Ink black.
Combat level: high
Intelligence: high

Zek was the former leader of the Cult of Skaro. He was very intelligent. Sec made himself part human in an attempt to help the daleks progress. The rest of the cult did not like this idea. He was killed by Caan in a crossfire.

Davros: CC
Species: Kaleds
Combat level: Nil
Intelligence: Very High.

This evil genus is the creator of the daleks. He is crippled and stuck in a wheel chair/ life support system. He is a subject to much controversy among daleks.

Dalek supreme: CC
Species: Dalek
Coat color: red
Combat level: high.
Intelligence: high

He is Zek’s boss. He has a tendency to interrupt people when they are talking though.

Dalek Emperor: CC
Species dalek
Color: gold
Combat level: low
Intelligence: very high

He is the leader of all daleks. Besides the ones loyal to Davros


Fluttershy: CC
Species: pony.
Coat color: yellow.
Hair color: pink.
Combat level: very low.
Intelligence: mid.

Because of Fluttershy all the animals in ponyville are cared for.
As of right now she lives on the edge of the Everfree forest in a cottage.
Due to her quite personality she has trouble standing up for herself.
Worry not though, when her friends are in danger she can tackle any foe.
Other then those times, she prefers to keep to herself.
Look out for her stare though.
For if you get caught in her stare there is no escape.

Twilight: CC
Species: pony
Coat color: lavender
Hair color: purple colors
Combat level: mid.
Intelligence: high /very high.

Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn pony who is an apprentice of Princess Celestia and is the main protagonist of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic who represents the element of magic. She lived in Canterlot where she studied under the Princess' tutelage, but moved to Ponyville where she now works as a librarian and continues her studies. Twilight regularly maintains correspondence with her mentor through the use of letters. She lives at the town's library along with her young dragon assistant Spike and owl pet, Owloysius. Twilight is Shining Armor's younger sister and is a sister-in-law to Princess Cadance.

Pinkie Pie: CC
Species: pony (?)
Coat color: Pink
Hair color: Pink
Combat level: mid/high
Intelligence: low/very high/godlike… /I don’t know

She lives and works at Sugarcube Corner as a baker, assists Mr. and Mrs. Cake at work, babysits their babies, holds parties for the various ponies of Ponyville, and goes on adventures with her friends. She is exuberant, enthusiastic, silly, talkative, jolly, and giggly. She writes and performs many songs, and she also has a toothless pet baby alligator named Gummy. Though lately she has been hearing the sounds of drums in her head. She has a watch that belongs to an unknown Time Lord. She represents the element of laugher.

Applejack: CC
Species: pony
Coat: orange
Hair: blond
Combat: mid/high with power horseshoes.
Intelligence: low/mid

Applejack is a reliable and hard-working pony, although headstrong about doing things on her own. She is the strongest physically of the ponies. She also received a pair of power horseshoes from princess Celestia that allow her to hurt daleks

Rarity: CC
Coat: white
Mane: purple
Combat: low
Intelligence: mid

Rarity is a unicorn pony who resides in Ponyville, and is one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She is the older sister of Sweetie Belle, with whom she often argues. Rarity works as both a fashion designer and as a seamstress at her own shop, the Carousel Boutique. She has a white Persian cat named Opalescence. Her personality traits consist of elegance and generosity, for which she represents the element of generosity.

Rainbow Dash: CC
Coat: blue.
Mane: Rainbows
Combat: high/ very high with a knife.
Intelligence: low

Rainbow Dash's is the fast in the sky. She is also the best at fighting out of the Mane Six. However she lacks a little bit of intelligence. She’s deadly with a knife. She is also is the element of loyalty so don't worry about being stabbed in the back.

Princess Celestia and Luna CC
Combat: very high
Intelligence: high

The two princess have ruled over Equestia for thousands of years. The princesses are no slouches when it comes to combat. They are also sorces of great wisdom.

Mr. Time Turner Whooves: CC?
Coat: brown
Mane: brown
Combat: mid
Intelligence: high

Is Time Turner is The Doctor”? This remains to be seen. However he is responsible for all clocks in ponyville. He went to a university in his younger days. He is slightly cowardly, but brave in a pinch. He was hesitant to become the Doctor.

Time Lords:

“The Doctor” CC

combat: mid/high depending on regeneration.

intelligence: very high
what can I say about the doctor? Hm…

“The Master”: CC
Combat: high/very high
Intelligence: very high

The master is the Doctors oldest rival. They were friends when they were kids, but something happened to separate the two. The master was driven insane by the constant sound of drums in his head. They told him his destiny was to rule over all others. He is brilliant just like The Doctor. He is prone to laughing fits and breaking out into song. In his most recent appearance he was obsessed with eating meat to stabilize his body. He even ate humans in an attempt to satisfy his hunger. This was not cannibalism because he was a time lord, but still. He may or may not have the ability like shooting lighting from his hands.

The Jester: OC
Wait this guy’s not part of my story… get him the hay out of here.


Slender Mane/ Keeper: FF
Coat color: gray
Mane color: (Ironically) none
Combat: godlike.
Intelligence: godlike

Slender Mane is [REDACTED]. He is known to stare out of the Everfree Forest. Taking young foals and [REDACTED] leaving a bloody tail in it’s wake. What does it want? Good question. Let’s hope you never find out.

Observer: CC Tribe Twelve
Species: what he wants to be.
Coat color: [REDACTED]
Mane color [REDACTED]
Combat: high
Intelligence: godlike

Observer is a servant of his Keeper. He is a member of the collective. He’s special talent is spying on people or other things. Anytime someone draws his symbol he can see through it. He enjoys toying with his victims. He has no physical body. He takes physical form by living inside either dead corpse or a living body. You can kill his body but he will take a new one. He’s also one of the few members of the collective that can use the internet. Althoughhebelievesthespacekeyiswasteofspace.

Bad Wolf Entity: CC
Species: ????
Coat color: ????
Mane Color: ????
Combat: godlike
Intelligence: godlike

The Bad Wolf is the entity that was created when Rose Tyler looked into the heart of the TARDIS. What was created was a god who could see all of time and space and had complete power over the universe. The power to control life and death. It even had the power to bring someone back to like (and make him immortal) However the cost of using this power was death. The Doctor saved Rose by drawing the vortex from her mouth. (Essentially by kissing her.) however the doctor had to regenerate afterwards. The power of the bad wolf had temporary driven rose insane with power.

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