• Published 10th Jun 2012
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The Dalek Invasion - the ghost

The Daleks have arrived in Ponyville. Can the mane six handle this new threat?

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Chapter 30: Rainbow Dash V.S. Caan Round One.

Chapter 30: Rainbow Dash V.S. Caan Round One.

Rainbow Dash was in the central room of the Rainbow Factory. Caan had Spitfire suspended above a vat of specta, and was making weird comments about Rainbow Dash's birthday... what else is new?

“For the last time its not my birthday!” shouted Rainbow Dash. And quit calling me whoareyou. My name is Rainbow Dash and don’t you forget it.”

“Oh, But it is your birthday.” Said Caan. “And not even I know who you will be yet. Do you remember whAt I saiD on the phone? ‘Do you prefer to give pain or receive pain?’ Well until you ansWer that question I can’t decide whO you are and what to give you for your birthday. He he he.”

“What in Equestria are you talking about?” Said Rainbow Dash. “Actually you know what? I don’t care anymore about your nonsense. What have you done with the Wonderbolts?”

“Oh them,” Caan said dismissively. “They’re fine I trapped each of them in the empty vats of specta. Unlike you I don’t kiLl ponies that I like. At least not anymore. Only those who deserve it.” he turned his Dalek head to the former Factory Director. “I hated her For trying to make thIs slaughter houSe seem like a happy place. It’s just dishonest. If something is evil it should be obvious, not Covered up with sunshine or smiles.

“HOwever the real question is, can I punish soMpony who hasn’t done anything yEt? More specIfically can I kill you, with a clear coNscious, knowinG that in the future you become the most ruthless project manager the factory has ever seen?”
Rainbow Dash was taken aback by this accusation.

“How would you know something like that?” Asked Dash.

“I have the ability to see all of time and space.” Said Caan. “I’ve been looking into the future of this rainbow factory and I have to say it’s one of the worst places I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot

“Your visions must be faulty then because I would never work at a place like this. Said Rainbow Dash. “I’m no killer.”

“This morning you killed a Dalek, how did you feel about it?” Asked Caan. Rainbow was surprised. How did this Dalek know about that?

“I-I felt sick.” Said Rainbow Dash. “I felt sick about killing a living thing.”

“No that’s not it.” Said Caan. “I think you felt sick not because you killed a living being, but because you realized that you enjoyed killing it. You where sick with yourself for enjoying killing. It’s in your nature to kill.”

“SHUT UP THAT IS NOT TRUE!” Denied Rainbow Dash.

“The worst part of it was your betrayal. I can’t believe you would kill poor Scootaloo. She looked up to you know.” Said Caan.
Rainbow Dash’s anger exploded.


She charged Dalek Caan with dragon stun knife that Celestia gave her. Caan, however had seen it coming and at the last second he temporal shifted away causing Rainbow Dash to crash directly into Spitfire, causing Spitfire to fall into the green vat of specta.

“Spitfire you ok?” Asked Rainbow Dash

“She’ll be fine. That specta tank is shallow so she won’t drown, but you on the other hand should keep your guard up.” Rainbow Dash turned her head just in time to get a hydraulic punch to the face from Caan’s manipulator arm. This caused Rainbow Dash’s head to snap back, but Dash didn’t waste as second, she swung her knife at Caan. About a half a second before the knife made contact with the Dalek, he temporal shifted to the other end of the room.

“That will not work on me, I know your movements before you make them.” Caan said amused.
Dash wiped her mouth and spit out a little blood.

“You call that a punch?” Said Dash. “Fluttershy can hit harder than that, that barley even hurt.” In reality the punch had stung, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. It wasn’t the Dalek’s strength she needed to worry about. It was the ability to teleport/temporal shift and to predict her movements that made him troublesome, but Dash only had to hit him one time with the knife to win that’s all it would take. But the question is “how”?

“Don’t lie, I am a master of Dalek Jujitsu, there’s no way that didn’t hurt.”

“Well I’m a black belt in Pony Karate.” Said Dash. She would have to attack faster then the Dalek could react, Dash decided. She started to back up to get some room to accelerate and then fired herself like a torpedo at the Dalek with her knife.
Caan didn’t wait to the last second this time. He teleported behind Rainbow Dash and grabbed her by the tail. He then redirected her momentum spinning her around and around, faster and faster as Rainbow Dash couldn’t escape his grip. The Dalek twirled Rainbow Dash making a swirl of rainbows

“Let-me-go!” Demanded Rainbow Dash.

“Ok. So long King Bowser!” Caan released Dash causing her to lose control and to crash into a vat of blue specta with a smash.

“Ha ha ha ha. Get it? Mario 64? No? Alright then, but you should play it sometime it’s classic.”
She swam to the surface of the specta tank, she gasped for air, but as soon as she breached the surface Caan was there to push her back under again. She tried a again, but Caan was waiting at the surface for her yet again. Every time Rainbow Dash tied to swim to the surface Caan was there to push her back under. At this rate she was going to drown. Her lungs burned for air. She made one more attempt for the surface, but this time Caan did not push her under. Rainbow Dash gasped for breath. She pulled herself out of the vat of specta. She shook herself off. She looked up at the golden Dalek.

“Why. Cough. Why didn't you finish me off?” Asked Rainbow Dash coughing out the blue specta. “You had me right where you wanted me.

“What, and ruin all the fun? He he he he. Never. Besides you haven’t answered the question yet. Do you prefer to give pain or receive pain? So far it seems that you prefer to receive pain. Are you ready for round two?” Said Caan excitedly.

Fluttershy followed Celestia down a dimly lit corridors. Only the princess’s magic illuminated the cavern.

“Um… princess where are we going.” Asked Fluttershy.

“Down to where the Eye of Harmony is. These caverns were built to solely for access to the Eye of Harmony. You see it was worshiped back in ancient times as a deity. Some time past and the city of canterlot was built on top of the old temple, but the tunnels still remain here to this day.

“Um...What exactly is the Eye of Harmony?” Asked Fluttershy.

“It’s a great mystery. Some say the Gods put it here. Others say that it is a god. Still other say it was put here by aliens to try to give us a message. The only thing we know for sure is that it’s been there for as long as anypony can remember and it gives off an insane amount of power.”

Fluttershy wondered why this task had been given to her of all ponies. She wasn’t the fastest she wasn’t the strongest, she wasn’t even the smartest. So why did the Doctor entrust only her in the letter?

“Can you at least tell me what it looks like?” Asked Fluttershy.
Celestia was quite for a moment.

“It’s blue and shaped like a box.” She said simply, walking further down the corridor.”

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