• Published 1st Feb 2016
  • 478 Views, 3 Comments

Memories of Fire: Second Chances - creativenamehuh

A boy, who lost it all in front of his eyes, get's a second chance at life by a chance meeting with Faust. He was broken, accepting death, begging for it. Instead his memories are sealed, and gets a shot at life under the care of Princess Luna.

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I Prologue: A Day of Disaster

A Day of Disaster


Another day of school, another day of the latest world war, and another day knowing my time in this world is coming to an end. My name is Argen Ayster, I am aged 13, and all my life I had known war. The year on Earth is 2019, and all of the world is at war, well, what's left of the world. I was born in the Spring of April 17th, 2006, to a loving mother, and a serious but caring father. At my birth, my parents had migrated from the war torn United States of America, to the semi-safe Republic of Italy, but what they didn't count on was Italy entering the war so soon, and my father being called to the front, if my mother and I were to be allowed to stay, and so he went. He never came back. In Italy, there were quite a mix race of people from the Western Badlands, as they are now being called, which included North and South America. At school, I did my work, I made some really close friends, not many, but good ones. My Mother was proud I hadn't let the war weight in on me, and continued raising me to the best of her abilities. Life was normal, until today, the very date I will never forget, the day I found out my friends had been taken by the war, and that the 'enemy' was much closer than we thought. 'Heh, yeah right, they knew, and to keep us from running away so they had time to make an escape, they kept us ignorant as the birds in the sky.' I thought. If I was going to spend the last of my days doing anything, it would be with my Mother, so that she wouldn't die alone, like my father. If only I knew...


I watched as a boy ran from his school, to his home where he would soon find out the worst of his fears. I dreaded wondering what he would do if he found out what had happened to his mother, but to wonder is naught, for he found it. He slowed to a walk, then a crawl as he started sobbing. Tears flowing freely down his cheeks, watching the scene. His house was battered, destroyed so that wreck and ruin remained. That was the least of his worries, for he saw his mother outside on the ground, presumingly dead, shot in the heart, but surprisingly still alive. He was at his mother's side like a bolt of lightning to a tree. "Mom, no mom, please don't leave me!" This boy screamed, shaking his mother harshly, I winced, not being able to know what it felt like to have someone you care so deeply about ripped from your life in that cruel of a way. The woman shakily breathed, and opened hear eyes.

"My son, is that you?" She asked him, as she reached her hand up to wipe the tears from his cheek. He only nodded as he hugged her. She pleaded to him, "Please, don't grieve for me, move on and live your life. Try to, for me."

"How?! How am I supposed to live my life, when war has reached Italy, mom! Dad is already dead, and there is no saving you!" He screamed at her, and he ran. The boy ran from his pain, he will try to. Though, what could I do?


I ran fast, hard, and I ran until the forest edge. It seems fate was with me, for once I had reached the forest edge, our local soldiers and moved to the house, to fight back the invaders... Suddenly, realization hit me harder than a brick wall. My mother was dead, my family was dead, my friends were dead, my home is gone, my country is gone, and I had nothing. At my age, I had watched everything burned, and I hated it. So I screamed, and I ran. I found a steep cliff which lead into one of our local mines, and without hesitation... I jumped. Tears streamed past me as I feel quickly down, once I neared the ground I closed my eyes... but the impact never came. Instead I opened my eyes and I found myself in... a library! I wiped the tears from my face and looked around my room, I saw a horse sitting at a desk, holding a pencil, and writing things. Wait... I saw a HORSE, SITTING at a DESK, HOLDING a PENCIL, and WRITING THINGS?! "H-hey! W-what are you, and where am I?" I questioned, trying to get my voice together. It turned around, and looked like it had it's hair/mane, whatever, covering its face...

"Shh, calm down, there is no need to worry, you are safe here." It told me, it's voice seemed to soothe my fear, but I was instantly shocked again. As I opened my mouth to shout in questioning, she raised herself and put one of her legs against my mouth. It quietly said, "Ah ah ah, no shouting here. By the way, my name is Faust, I am female, and as for what I am, I am an Alicorn, a mix of Earth Pony, Unicorns, and Pegasus." I had no idea what this, Faust, meant by that, but I nodded slowly anyways. "If I let go of your mouth, will you scream, shout, run away, or do anything that will disturb the peace and calm?" She asked me. I shook my head, and she slowly pulled back her leg. "Hoof, it's a hoof." She said aloud.

"You can read my thoughts?" I quickly questioned. She nodded, and pointed to a comfy looking sofa right behind me, I sat down, and she sat down across from me. "Where am I?" I interrogated.

"I saw what happened to you, I watched, but I am not allowed to interfere." She told me. I instantly hated her, she reminded me of my life being ruined on a single day, I hope she felt my hate. "Calm down, I am not here to remind you of that anymore." She paused. "I am here to offer you a chance, at a second life. There is a world that I watch over, in a separate universe, this world is known as Equus, and it's inhabitants are ponies. There are Earth Ponies, who are like me, without the wing and horn. Pegasi, which I'm sure you know of. Unicorns, which are familiar to you too. Together they are ruled by two princesses, don't ask why, in the Kingdom of Equestria, but they are caring leaders, and I'm sure they could help figure out something for you. Equestria is a kind place, filled with ponies of all kind, all very accepting. It would take a while to get used to, but there will be people to support you the whole way." She explained. As she storied to me this land, I was entranced, it sounded like a paradise. Though then enraged, I thought 'This sounds like utter crap, there is no way this person is god.' "LIES! THOSE ARE ALL LIES! PEOPLE ARE EVIL, HATEFUL! WAR IS ALL THEY KNOW!" I screeched, and lashed out, my right arm reached out towards he face and I suddenly blacked out.


Ow, that hit had really hurt. I rubbed my cheek idly, as I thought of what to do with the now sleeping boy in my house. On one hand, it could be a serious detriment to send him to Equestria, on the other, his Earth is gone... A thought popped into my mind, 'How about I lock away his memories, it would be cruel, but it would be for his own survival. Yes, I must do this, for his own good.' I decided. I sealed away his memories quickly, so I can pop him into the Everfree Forest when Lulu was flying over, hopefully she could find him. Hm, maybe I could reverse his age just a teensy bit. Yeah, 5 years old sounds nice. As I looked towards him, I saw my transformation magic in work. When it was done, I laid eyes upon an adorable young alicorn colt, with a fur colour of night blue, and a mane of pure silver. I knew that one day he would grow up to become a handsome stallion... 'No, bad Faust, leave the poor boy alone!' I thought to myself. I made us both appear in the Everfree Forest, where Luna would be flying over soon. I summoned a sticky note and wrote,

"Silver Strike Silver Hoof Silver Sapphire."

"There, done." I said aloud. Well, good night little colt, I hope you will find what you have been missing all these years.

-3rd Person-

Luna was flying over the Everfree Forest, mulling about her return to Equestria after 1,000 years of banishment to the moon. It had been 34 years since Nightmare Moon's second defeat, 5 years since the Mane 6 were granted longevity in order to be the proper Element Bearers, and 4 years since the rulers of the Crystal Empire had their daughter, Skyla. Still, she was alone. People would rarely visit her night court to ask for her guidance. Although they had warmed up to Lunar Princess a bit. The only more personal friends she had are my night guard, and she created them! She sighed, and lowered my head, but when she opened her eyes she saw a small alicorn colt sleeping alone on the forest ground. Luna flew down towards him, and approached him slowly, cautious if this were to turn out a trap. When Luna approached him she could see he had no cutie mark, and he looked to be about 5. A fur of beautiful blue, and a mane of a beautiful silver, he snored quietly, as Luna wondered who he belonged to. Seeing as that there are no chances of him being related to her sister and her, and alicorns were usually born from adult ponies, Luna knew that he was not natural. Luna's maternal instincts kicked in when she heard him whimper, and she immediately laid down beside him, and pulled him closer towards her. She blushed, realising her actions, got up and put the colt on her back. Luna made sure he stayed on as she took off, and she immediately flew back towards Canterlot Castle.