• Member Since 19th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen June 5th


Big Gamer! Trying to youtube, but I'm just very lazy! I like more serious stories that include funny/slice of life bits.


*First story I will have written in the MLP:FiMverse.
*Dark will only be for the prologue scene.
*Human tag for prologue only, it will be pony from next chapter on.

A boy who saw his family die in front of him, on the same day when he finds out the war had killed his friends, takes his own life to escape insanity. Instead he is brought forth before Faust the Alicorn and is told of a world where he would get a second chance at life, love, and friendship. Though what Faust never counted for, was that the insanity had followed him, he thought she made fun of him, and lashed out. Faust was forced to seal his memories, but saw a glimmer of hope within him that what she said was truth. She sends him to the Everfree Forest, reversing his age to a young 5. Coincidentally, that night was the same night Princess Luna would be flying over his exact dropoff location, where she would find him, and would bring him back to Canterlot Castle with her.

This story is both a mix of planned and unplanned details, so I may not take too long to post chapters, however, I also have school, and much overdue homework I must deal with, so no promises can be made.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 3 )

Hmmm I can give you three tips,

1. Break up your paragraphs into ones containing 1-3 ideas each.

2. Try to separate speech from Paragraphs trying to add perspective, or visualization to a particular part. (you can keep inner monologues/ thoughts inside such paragraphs)

3. Find a style of writing and character perspective that best suits how you want your characters to interact and express themselves and stick with that style.

6915865 wow okay, first helpful comment, second comment ever! Thanks for those tips, I will try them out chapters 8 and on!

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