• Published 1st Feb 2016
  • 478 Views, 3 Comments

Memories of Fire: Second Chances - creativenamehuh

A boy, who lost it all in front of his eyes, get's a second chance at life by a chance meeting with Faust. He was broken, accepting death, begging for it. Instead his memories are sealed, and gets a shot at life under the care of Princess Luna.

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VIII A Ruined? Trip to the Crystal Empire

|A trip to the Crystal Empire, Part 2|


When Twilight and Rainbow Dash rushed out from the crystal arc, Luna was the first to ask what happened.

"Twilight, Rainbow Dash, are you okay? Where is Silver, did something go wrong?" Luna asked worriedly, then something signaled within her, and her head suddenly perked up, "SILVER!" , she screamed. Luna then ran straight into the building to check on her son, followed by the rest of us.

We finally made it to the heart room, where we saw Luna lightly sobbing, and Cadence with her magic on Silver to check what was wrong. I also decided to check for myself, so I lit my horn and whispered a few scan spells over Silver. However I was shocked to find that some other power was inside of him, and retracted my magic.

"Cadence? Did you come over that... presence in him?" I questioned her, she looked confused and shook her head, "There is another power inside of him. I'm guessing he touched the heart to catch a glimpse of his future?"

"Yes Aunt Tia, I thought it would be safe, since whenever Shining or I tried it failed, I thought nothing would really happen for Silver." Cadence told me. I nodded and thought on it. 'So my guess of Silver's origin was right. The powers that be had brought him to our part of the multiverse, so him trying to see a nonexistant future brought the power of fate into him instead. Silver will now be leading his own destiny, and ours, since he is the anomaly that our universe never planned for.' I telepathically relayed to Luna, when I saw her curtly nod, I left the building to inform the group of what had happened.

"Silver is fine, nothing too bad had happened, he is just receiving a power vision of the future. I only hope that he will forget what he sees as soon as he wakes up." I told them, "However, he is in a short coma until it ends. We will make our way to the castle immediately." They all complied and as soon as Cadence, and Luna carrying Silver, we made our way towards the castle, this time without the happy and cheery mood.

~3rd Person~

They entered the Crystal Castle, and were saluted by the guards. Shining Armor dismissed them to their posts and went to do his duties, and Cadence led the rest of them towards their rooms. The Mane 6 got situated in their rooms, and Celestia too, her room being situated beside Luna's, which she shared with Silver, obviously. Cadence then told Luna if she needed anything to tell the Guards outside their room, then left after Luna absentmindedly nodded.

"Oh Silver. What can I do to help you." she said, stroking his mane lovingly, "I cannot rid the presence within you, and I can sense the fear within you." However she then remembered something important, she was the ruler of dreams. She lay by Silver on their shared bed, and started saying the spells which would transport her into Silver's visions, however she had no idea if this would work, as visions and dreams are not one and the same.


I appeared in some grass field, outside of a small town. As I looked I noticed the two armies I was between, exactly between too. A changeling army, and a small pony army, a tiny one, no more than 5000 stallions. Then I saw silver, standing behind the pony general, and I ran towards him.

"Silver! Come here to me Silver so I can wake you up!" I shouted, as I ran towards him. When I got to his side, I shook him hard and turned him so he could look at me. His eyes seemed to be glazed so I flared some magic, and it cleared him of its influence.

"Mommy? Oh mommy, I'm so scared, where are we. What happened to the crystal heart, did I do something wrong?" He cried out. To which I shook my head.

"No my son, it was not your fault. Now, let me see if I can get us out of here before this battle begins, I don't want you seeing violence, especially at your age." I worriedly told him.

I was a bit late however, as I saw the pony army spread to thin lines to create a wall, with their long pikes down, and ready to face their deaths. The changelings had started buzzing, and seemed like they were getting ready to charge. Thunder cracked, and the changelings moved forward, I sparked my magic hastily and said my spell, however it was a long spell with lots of incantations.

Before I let you both go, know that what you see here can be changed, however war is inevitable.

I was almost too late however, as the changelings were but a meter away, and the ponies had started shouting war cries once more, and as soon as the first changeling was but an inch away, it all vanished.

~3rd Person~

Luna and Silver had their eyes closed, so they opened their eyes in shock when they heard the door slam open. They looked around the room and saw that they were safe again, and the visions had disappeared.

"Sister, are you alright? I think the whole castle may have heard the blast of energy." Celestia told us, and she was right, as some guards, the mange 6, Cadence, and Shining Armor appeared running down the hallway. The guards were eventually dismissed, leaving the original group in the room. However something unexpected happened, a loud grumble was heard in everypony's ears, and caused them all to laugh once they realized it was from Silver.

"Okay everypony, lunch first." Cadence told them, while still giggling.

They had gotten ready in the crystal dining room, and Rainbow Dash made a comment about everything being so cold which caused Twilight to tell her to zip it. The food was brought in and everyone was instantly salivating at feast before their eyes. They all dug in, and ate hungrily, having not eaten since first arriving here.

"So Silver, tell us what happened to you." Rainbow asked, which made her friends glare at her, "What? I just wanna know!"

"W-well, I think I was shown my past, my life now, and what is going to happen later. I-I saw a lot of things I really didn't like, a-and at the end I was in the middle of a battle..." Silver hesitantly began, "At the start, I saw this... thing, apparently called Chrysalis, but it wasn't actually Chrysalis, it was something else. This Chrysalis said I was going to be forced to watch my world b-burn, and the rest of it is blurry."

All of them sat there, listening attentively to the story Silver told. Luna thought back on what she saw, and realized that she only was there to bring him from the end of his visions.

"T-then I was in some city, I think it was Canterlot, and I was right there in the middle of a huge crowd of ponies doing whatever they d-did..." continued Silver, "However I was trying to get their attention, and I saw that no one was looking at me, even though they stayed clear of me. When I tried knocking somepony down, it worked, but he looked really confused even though I was standing right in front of him."

"That must have been horrifying for you, darling!" Rarity said.

"Oh no, you poor thing." commented Fluttershy.

"What!" shouted Pinkie, Rainbow Dash nodded and growled.

"I have never heard of anything like that happening before! This could be a new, world anomaly!" exclaimed Twilight.

"B-but at the end... I-I was suddenly in a broken and burned down town... There was nopony there but it looked like it was just attacked. I wandered a bit, but then I was teleported onto a field, I looked back and saw the town. When I turned back around, though, I saw this group of ponies, and a BIG group of these things called changelings." continued Silver, however when changelings were mentioned, Cadence took a sharp gasp.

"I think I shall take over the story from here. I think it was at this moment that I appeared into this vision. However neither army reacted, and I saw both preparing for their battle. I spotted Silver right behind the pony general, and I ran towards him. Apparently he was becoming a part of the vision too, as when I got to him and turned his muzzle to face me, his eyes had a hazy green hue on them which took a flare of magic to recede. I immediately put him on my back and ran back towards the middle of the field, to start a spell to wake both of us up from the vision." Luna said as the food servers started piling in, setting up their lunch/dinner, "However the pony army started to set their formation, as the changelings started to buzz forwards, so I rushed my spell. Right as I was about to finish though, all time halted, and a voice spoke in my head. 'Before I let you go, know that what you see here can be changed, but war is inevitable.' B-but what I noticed was... I-it sounded like... Faust..."

The revelation that in those visions, her sister Luna had heard the voice of the being they once called mother, caused Celestia to move to hug her sister beside her. Everyone else at the table was sat thinking on the information just given to them, Shining Armor especially worried about the security situation on Equestria and the Crystal Empire. However at that moment, another pony decided to join their lunch/dinner.

"M-mommy, who are these ponies?" this new stranger asked while rubbing her eyelids, " Gasp Aunty Twily! Yay!" Then this new stranger who was related to Twilight Sparkle, ran up to her and hugged her.

"Flurry Heart? Honey what are you doing up?" Cadence asked her daughter, "Shouldn't you be in bed resting, the doctor did say you have a slight fever..."

As Cadence's worry dissipated, seeing her daughter happy and not so sick anymore, Flurry Heart went around saying hi to everyone there.

"Come now everypony, eat up. It would be a waste if we just started at it, no?" Cadence announced, finally letting the situation go. Though when Flurry Heart finished everyone, she came to see an alicorn she never saw before, sat beside Luna, one just her age.

"Hey? Who are you, I don't think I've seen you visit before?" Flurry asked, tilting her had to one side, causing Luna to giggle, "You're also an alicorn, like me and mom. Who're your parents, and where are you from? Ooh, tell me, tell me, tell me!"

"U-uh hi... M-my mommy is Luna, a-and I'm from Equestria!" Silver said, mustering the courage to meet somepony his age, finally, "I'm a bit n-new to Equestria. Luna found me in the forest a little while back, and then she adopted me."

"Hey, that's really cool! Maybe we could be friends." Flurry cried out, to which Silver nodded vigorously.

That night, dinner went on swimmingly, and everyone was tired out by its finish. The following week they decided to take it slow in their time of seeing the Crystal Empire, and actually split into groups according to where people wanted to go. On the first day, Rainbow Dash, Silver, Luna, Cadence and shockingly, Flurry Heart, had raced around the walled city while the rest of the group spent a day relaxing in the Castle, Shining doing his duties.

The second day however, got a bit hectic. Flurry Heart invited him to go see something way early in the morning, but wouldn't tell him what. She ran off, and he chased her worried that they would get in trouble. However the wild goose-chase would lead him to the top of one of the mountains, overlooking the valley which he saw on his way to the Crystal Empire. Apparently though, Luna had woken up just as they had left the castle, and had alerted all the guards which caused a city-wide chase.

Flurry Heart and Silver Sapphire were chatting on the mountain, Flurry telling him a little bit more of Equus after he explained he has no idea of his origin and that he apparently just appeared in their world. Suddenly, once the sun started falling, Luna appeared in front of them, and boomed her canterlot voice yelling 'Silver Sapphire, you are in soo much trouble young stallion. to which she then hugged him, and told him not to do it again when they got back to the castle by nightfall.

The rest of the week the group had decided to keep it slow, visiting popular restaurants, catching small concerts, or just watching the clouds pass. Then came the day they needed to leave.

Silver was a little reluctant to leave, having enjoyed the Crystal Empire so much for being such a calmer yet still large walled city compared to the ever busy Canterlot. They were all gathered at the train station, again with a group of guards in case any situation happens that calls for them. Everyone was giving their goodbyes, while Silver and Flurry thought of a cool hoofbump.

"So will I ever see you again?" Flurry asked,

"Maybe some day! But don't forget our cool hoofbump!" Silver replied, then they went through their hoofbump, and Silver waved bye as he rushed into the train so as not to miss it.

'Maybe this trip wasn't so bad after all...' he thought, as he sat looking out the window.

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