• Published 1st Feb 2016
  • 478 Views, 3 Comments

Memories of Fire: Second Chances - creativenamehuh

A boy, who lost it all in front of his eyes, get's a second chance at life by a chance meeting with Faust. He was broken, accepting death, begging for it. Instead his memories are sealed, and gets a shot at life under the care of Princess Luna.

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IV I love you... Mommy Woona!

Sleep well, my child...

-3rd Person-

The two diarchs of night and day decided to keep Silver at the castle, as most if not all orphanages in Canterlot had been full, and ponyville was quite a distance away for the tiny alicorn's comfort. He had stayed for a week so far, along with Twilight and Rainbow Dash, both to tutor him in magic and flying respectively. In that time, Silver had made slow progress in magic, but was excellent in flying drills for his age. Today was a flight day, where he and Rainbow Dash would do drills until he could confidently fly and land. Rainbow Dash had decided today was a day for him to try flying. Luna had decide to stay awake a little while longer, to catch Silver if anything went awry.

"Kid, trust me, all you need is confidence in yourself. One day, once you work hard enough and do all your training, you could probably fly as fast as me!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"I'm ready for this! I will make you proud woona!" Silver cried out, still misprounouncing Luna's name, which always brought a smile to her face. Working with Rainbow had made him quite confident, and less shy around other ponies he didn't recognize, and working with Twilight had made him a listener, patient and always focusing on the task at hoof. Rainbow went over what he needed to keep in mind again,

"You need to remember to breathe, keep your eyes open. Extend your wings, and flap. The rest of it will come naturally, if anything!" she said, he nodded and got himself ready.

Standing on the edge of the balcony, he could get a clear view of most of Equestria, and thanks to his alicorn sight his view range was pretty far. It took Luna to call out of him to bring him out of his reverie, and he got ready.

'I can do this! For Celly, for Woona!' he thought to himself. He took a deep breath of confidence, got on the railing, and jumped! Immediately out of instinct he spread his wings out, and started to glide, he remembered to flap and finally put all his lessons with RD together, to now finally fly.

"Alright! This is so cool! It feels so free! I can see everything!" Silver shouted out, Rainbow Dash took of to go join her student in flying, and Luna decided to tag along too.

Soon they were flying in a triangle formation led by Silver, Luna caught up with Silver and asked him to avoid flying over the city. He didn't get why, but listened to her anyways.

Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof at Silver, and them pointed the hoof at herself. Silver tilted his head, which caused Luna to "aww" at his confused look.

"Let's race! We go from here, up to those mountains, around the gardens twice, then run through the castle from the main entrance and back to Luna's room!" Rainbow explained, Silver excitedly nodded, and decided to be sneaky and get a head start.

The duo raced around happily, enjoying the time together, while Luna went back to her room to see who would be the one to win. Rainbow Dash gave it her 'all' to make sure the race was kept fun and not competitive. Silver however looked to be pushing himself quite hard, and would always try and be the first to reach a checkpoint. They entered the great main halls of the castle together, and ran through different corridors, Rainbow Dash decided to take the longer, but with less corners main hallway. Silver went through the side corridors which twisted and turned quite often, and were full of maids and workers moving through, but he didn't let that stop him. They both were at the opposite ends of the hallway which Luna's room was situated in, the cards were holding a ribbon which the winner would run through to celebrate their victory. It was a standoff, they were both staring at each other, smiling, Silver had one thought in his mind, FUN, while Rainbow Dash was happy seeing the little colt enjoy himself. However Silver was the first to make a break for it, running with all the strength left in him, while Rainbow Dash actually put the same effort, because she had decided to make a stop at the dessert hall of the castle, and was feeling the two cakes she ate. However Silver would be winner this day, while Luna waited for him on the other side. He immediately rushed to hug her, and shouted out "I WIN!" While panting hard. Rainbow Dash was doing no better, slowing down to a crawl just to make it inside the room.

"Good job kid, I think you can fly now!" She exclaimed, while letting her head down, and closing her eyes for the moment. However the race took a lot more out of Silver, and he yawned while slowly descending into slumber, Luna holding him all the while.

"I love you mommy woona." Silver mumbled while falling asleep. He continued with, "Please don't ever leave me alone."

"I never will, my sweet colt." Luna whispered in reply, which made the sleeping alicorn smile.