• Published 1st Feb 2016
  • 478 Views, 3 Comments

Memories of Fire: Second Chances - creativenamehuh

A boy, who lost it all in front of his eyes, get's a second chance at life by a chance meeting with Faust. He was broken, accepting death, begging for it. Instead his memories are sealed, and gets a shot at life under the care of Princess Luna.

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V Equestria... Your new prince!

The Heir of Equestria

-3rd Person-

Luna had fallen asleep holding Silver, and had not woken up to raise the moon. Celestia had originally been planning to talk with her sister about Silver's situation, but saw them sleeping, and took the duty of raising the moon for that night. However Luna did wake up a short while later, during Celestia's daily midnight teatime, one of her favorite things to do. Luna searched for her sister, and found her in the royal gardens, sitting at the table beside the petrified statues of their mother and father, King Nyx, and Queen Hemera. "Sister, we should talk..." Luna called out, which got the attention of Celestia.

"Yes, indeed we should. I am sure we both know what the topic is, Silver Sapphire, the unnatural alicorn." Celestia mused,

"No, do not call him that." Luna said a bit forcefully, but tried to apologize immediately after realizing her actions. "I-I am sorry sister, hearing such like that brings back memories of Her." Celestia solemnly nodded, for even she were still not comfortable with thoughts of Nightmare Moon. At any rate, this conversation was taking a turn for the worse, when the topic was supposed to be happy.

"If anything, we must find him caring parents, parents that would care for him, and make sure he does not ever have to be alone again." Celestia reminded, and continued with, "He is such a happy, and energetic colt. How goes his lessons?"

"He is doing so wondrously well with flying, I think we need not worry about it anymore. However his magic is subpar, as if it is a limb he has just grown, and was never told how to use." Luna exclaimed, putting past what they had spoken of earlier. Though, she then mumbled, "He also called me his mommy today..." Celestia's pupils shrunk, and she could only utter a simple "What?"

"I wish to adopt him as my foal. He loves me, and I love him, I feel a bond towards him and wish to raise him so he is happy and knows he is loved. D-don't worry about my duties, I can do them as well as care for him. He is easy to care for. We have had many wives, husbands, and children before Tia. This colt is no different." Luna declared, hoping to show an air of confidence. Celestia thought, and thought again. She noticed how Silver would respond more to Luna, and would spend much more time with her, instead.

"I think I understand, sister." Celestia agreed, "As even if we find willing and able parents, this is an alicorn colt. Who better to raise an alicorn, than one who has lived for millennia and some?

The two sisters discussed how this would go on, such like the paperwork, his documents. They decided he would not need a birth certificate, as neither of them has one too. On the matter of the populace acknowledging him, they had decided that once the paperwork had fallen through, he shall be announced to crowd and media alike. They would tell the story they know of Silver's appearance. As for schooling and education, they would send him to a Canterlot school and see how he mixes, if any problems arise, they would send him to Ponyville's local school. If any problems go on further, he will be personally tutored by Twilight Sparkle. Though Luna had argued that the first thing she wanted to do with Silver once he was her foal, was to bring him to the Crystal Empire, just so Luna could get used to being a mother. They had agreed that Luna would break the news during breakfast, after Silver has bathed and once he can think a little clearer. Though that time wouldn't be until much longer, around when Celestia raised her sun.

"Mmmmmh!" Silver yawned, seeing Luna missing, though, he got curious. He got up, and stumble towards a smaller door connecting to a room he had fallen in love with. When he pushed open those door open, he entered Luna's personal bath-house. It was a warm, humid room. With 4 large shallow pools of water, some small decorative fountains, and an area with steam coming out of it's smaller pool.

"Oh, so you already found your way to the baths. You really enjoy spending your time inside this room don't you." Luna said, as she made her way to stand beside Silver, while ruffling his mane. "I have something important to tell you during breakfast, so if you hurry you could get your favorite pancakes, and find out what's happening." That statement really motivated Silver, and he rushed to quickly get into one of the baths, then immediately halted and relaxed himself. Luna got in slowly after him, bringing a bucket of soap with her. She quietly got in, and pulled Silver closer to her, so that she could start washing his mane and coat for him.

"Mh, thank you woona!" Silver cried, as the feeling of being washed, and knowing that he was in the hooves of someone who cared and loved him, was absolutely amazing.
"This feels really nice, and then I'll be all squeaky clean!" he continued. Whiched made Luna laugh, and continue to wash him.

The pair finished up and made their way to breakfast with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Celestia. Noticing they were a bit late, as the three had already started eating. "Oh we are sorry, but you two had spent an extra hour getting ready, that Twilight had gotten too hungry and just ate her hayburger!" Celestia giggled, causing said mare to blush, and her cyan friend to laugh aloud. Even Silver shared a giggle.

"I am sorry sister, but Silver here wanted '5 more minutes' which turned out to be the whole hour." Luna 'mockingly' angrily said, which made Silver blush this time, and instead say,

"Uh, lets eat! Who's hungry for pancakes!" Silver cried out,

"Only you..." Luna replied again.

The group ate breakfast and continued on making jokes, until Luna had decided it was time, and she would let Silver know. She coughed to get the group's attention,

"I, have something to tell Silver, but I am sure everypony must hear this." Luna explained, which made Silver tilt his head in confusion. "Silver, my sister and I had discussed your situation. We have come to the conclusion that you cannot be raised by any normal family." Silver gained a frightened look in his eyes, "Do not worry, as my sister and I have agreed, that I- that I will be allowed to adopt you and raise you as Heir of Equestria." Luna finished with a small smile.

"S-so does that mean... I-I can call you my mommy?" Silver quietly asked, and when Luna nodded, he started crying. "*sniffle* Thank you woona, thanks for not leaving me alone." Then he ran into Luna and hugged her as tight as he could with all the strength in his tiny hooves.

-Silver Sapphire-

Today was the day, after half a year of getting things sorted out, my birthday being the day I was found. Making me 6 years old! I spent some more time working on magic with Twilight, but I am still having trouble with more difficult things. I had gotten used to calling Woona - Luna, mommy quickly, and she hugged me every night to sleep. Today, all of Equestria would find out I exist, and that I am a new Prince in Equestria. Luna had Miss Rarity come over and help design formal clothes for me. I was wearing a cyan blue and white suit, and had a silver crown on top of my head, with a blue sapphire in the center. The crown formed the shape of leaves and swords, which I thought was really cool! When we were finished we were to go wait below the stage that Aunty Celestia was going to make a speech on.

Citizens of Equestria! I come to you today not with ill news, or tales of woe and tragedy. I come today bringing news of happiness, and union. As we all know, my sister and I have been reunited since the Summer Sun Celebration. Though today, it will be my sister, Princess Luna of the Night, who will be united with a very new and important figure in Equestria. He is an alicorn, the age of 6, and Luna has taken to him as a mother would to her foal. He had appeared into this world in ways that we cannot explain, and we believe it was the actions of the creator Faust, though we can never know for sure. We had agreed to name him Heir of Equestria, and son of Luna. So Equestria, here is your new prince!

When she was finished, I suddenly froze, and a kiss from my mom onto my cheek calmed me down straight away. She held my hoof, and together we walked onto the stage. When the crowd saw me, they were silent for a while, until one person started stomping their hooves in applause, which caused the rest to follow. Everyone was applauding us, and I just didn't know what to do. I stretched out my wings, and stood tall, trying to look confident. For Twilight, and RD, and Aunt Tia, and woona. The crowd started cheering louder, and applauding harder than before. Eventually it died out, and Aunt Celly closed the event.

That night I happily lied down in bed with mommy.

"One day, you will become a great king of a great nation. One day you will find love in a beautiful mare, and will have your own children. I just hope you won't have to go through conflict as I did." Mommy whispered to me, which caused me to snuggle in closer to her.

"It's okay mommy, I will always love you, promise you will never leave me behind." I asked, and she nodded. That night I dreamt of nothing, other than me standing on a grassy hill and staring up to the moon.

-End of Arc 1-

Author's Note:

I have plans, big plans, most of them include time jumps. Though I don't know. I write as my heart leads me to.