• Published 2nd Jul 2016
  • 775 Views, 38 Comments

Nights. Heroes forever - Tunefulsubset72

The tenkai have been disbanded, earth has fallen to the dark ones, no hope is left

  • ...

The Grand admiral arrives ( the cyber arc ends, Civil war arc begins)

"WHAT!?!?!" Shrieker yelled in rage after hearing the news from shartimus." Nights wingfeather is alive?!?!!"

"Yes and no." Shartimus said nervously." he seemed different."


"Well for one, he didn't use any of ki, two He seemed more focused and he now uses magic." Shartimus said as shriek calmed down." And on top of that he wore a mask."

"A mask?" Shriek asked." What type of mask?"

"It looked like dragon priest mask." Shartimus said." It was bronze, the mouth part was just blank and it had...."

"Two tusk at the bottom." Shriek interrupted." This isn't just any mask, it's The mask of the Crimson ghost."

"So Nights is filling a role of a anneiran myth." Shartimus said as he activated his void armor." I'll take him out."

"No." Shriek said smiling." I'll send someone else, Pheonix get I'm here."

"Your sending her?" Shartimus said as android phenoix walked in." Why her?"

"She one of the best, Inculding yourself." Shriek said." Pheonix, I want you to find someone who goes by Crimson ghost, He's a rebel."

"As you wish." Pheonix said." Where was his last know location?"

"I be,I've he might've been part of the raid on one of labs that held a dinobot." Shriek said pulling up a video of the attack." If you can find that red mech, You'll find Crimson ghost."

"Anything about this persons that I should watch for?"

"He wears a mask, a dragon priest mask."

"Understood." Pheonix said activated her jet pack." Dead or alive?"

"Very much alive." Shriek said." I suggest you start in the city of younic."

"Misson accepted."

"What if she fails?" Shartimus asked." Do you have a back up plan?"

"I've already sent word for some help." Shriek said standing up." I should've contacted him sooner."


"Before I met you, before my attempt on ruling annieria." Shriek said smiling." There was one I called ally, mentor, and most importantly, friend."

"Was he annierian?'

"Next to my brother, Shadic, he was the most powerful annierian ever known." shriek said." His name was Iron wall, And he's part of our army."

"Wait, called in Grand Admiral Iron wall?" Shartimus asked surprised." With him, we're pretty much going to win."

---The nemesis---

"So where are we heading?" Grape asked as he worked on his Mecha." Can't wait to try the upgrade on this thing."

"How should I know." Crimson said leaning against a wall." Ask The boss, he'll know."

"He doesn't want to be disturbed." Tremoring said walking in." He doing something."

"He's been secretive lately." Ender said aproaching them." I wonder what's he hiding."

"Not our place to ask." Melodia said startling them." He's misses his family."

"He has a family?" Grape asked." Who's he related too?"

"His brother is the leader of the stormcloaks." Ender said." Thats all we know."

"Max wingfeather had a brother?" Grape asked, as the others looked surprised." I met the guy a few times, while I was waiting for a certain part."

"It will arrive next week." Beat said annoyed." Why do you need a Txl battery?"

"Im trying to make a......Bomb." Grape said with a sigh." I'll show to ghost and see if we could use it on one of our mission."

"Which we will." I said walking in." Load up, We're heading to younic."

"Finally, some excitement." Melodia said." Quick question, how are me and tremor getting there?"

"Simple, you ride with one of us." I said as the group gave confused." Your mechs have a vehicle mode."

"Vehicle mode?" Beat asked." how do we activate it?"

"Simple, Activate vehicle mode." I said as the mechas started changing into vehicles." So who's coming?" everone raised there hand, as I smiled under my mask.


" I love this thing." Ender said as we drove through the city."What type of motorcycle is this?"

"a prototype." I said as I drove my Mecha in vehicle mode, which was a red big rig." Beat, yours is a military based vehicle."

"Plenty of space too." Melodia said as she and tremor sat in the back of the serrated blade vehicle mode." So what's the plan?"

"Do we get to blow stuff up?" Beat asked." I want to do a lot of damage to the akavearie."

"It wouldn't be much fun if we didn't." I said chuckling." Any way, one of the akavearie's headquarters is located here, it also where we'll find one of the world leaders as well."

"Which one?" Grape asked as he flew his Mecha over the city." Theres about three of them."

"Starlight glimmer." I said as we turned down a street." I heard an old friend of mine mention her once back in high school."

"Shes the only human member of the world leaders." Beat said as we stopped." Why did we stop?"

"Stealth or barge in?" I asked, only to receive silence." Do we sneak in or go in guns a blazing?"

"Guns a blazin." Beat said as Tremor and melodia got out of his vehicle." Won't we start a civil war?"

"Theres already a civil war." I said as I started activating my mechas weapons for when when we transform into robot mode." We're just going to send a message to the rebels that there's hope."

"So what do we do?" Tremor asked."'You can't expect me and melodia to sit on the sidelines."

"Me, Beat, Ender, and Grape will Make you an entrance." I said as I saw Grape fly above us." You two find starlight, dead or alive."

"Got it." Tremor and Melodia said in unison.

"Then let's not waste any time." I said hitting the gas pedal of my Mecha and speeding forward." As Optimus would say, ROLL OUT!!!!!" I said as my vehicle kept forward and smashed through the hq bulding front window and into Mecha mode.

"HERE'S JOHNNY!!!!" beat yelled as his Mecha transformed and did a roll and started firing."CLEAR MEAT BAGS!!!!"

"Find the lab." Grape said as he flew and transformed." That's where we'll do the most damage."

"Let the fun begin." Ender said as we ran down a massive hall, big enough for our mechas to run down." How is this place?"

"Don't care, Don't want to know." I said as I fired at some akavearie soldiers." Tremor, Melodia, how's are you doing?"

"We located starlight on the tenth floor." Melodia said as the building shock from beat firing of his missles." Your not making it any easier with whatever you are doing."

"Making a path to the lab." I said as beat cackled firing his mechas death machine." Well, beat mostly, Listen, grab Starlight and head towards the roof, grape, meet the up there and destroy whatever you see."

"Got it." Melodia said followed by the sound of gun shots." We just arrived on the tenth floor."

"On my way to the roof." Grape said as his Mecha turned back into a jet and flew towards the roof, firing it's rockets." I LOVE MY JOB!!!"

"Agreed." Ender said Picking up one of the akavearie with his Mecha and ripping it in half." This Mecha maybe small, but it's powerful."

"Just like you asked." I said activating my mechas energy blaster." I love the small of plasma in the morning."

"HOW ABOUT LEAD!?!?!" Beat yelled Laughing like madman firing off rockets and firing his death machines." And we're not even in the lab yet."

"This will be fun." Ender said firing his Mechas weapons killing akavearie left and right." There's the door." Ender said pointing to a last door." How do we get in?"

"Like this." I said using my cannon to blast the door down." Destroy it all."

"I'm a fat ballerina who takes scalps and slits throats!." Beat said as he spun a round firebug his death machines." I've been around hound to much."

"Not at all." ender said using his mechas cloaking to sneaks around and set the bombs." When do the bombs go off?"

"On your command." I said as Akavearie walkers started firing at us." Great, they got Mechas as well."

"No problem." Beat Said gunning them down." their nothing compared to us."

"We got starlight." Tremor said." She put up a fight, well if you count a few bodyguards, and a rifle a fight."

"Good job, head to the roof." I said as we kept destroying the lab." Alright mission complete, move out team."

"I don't wnat the fun to end." Beat whined as his and Enders Mecha's went to vehicle mode." Whete are we going to meet the rest of the team?'

"Just outside." I said as we drove out." Once we're out, we think of what to do with starlight."

"I say we kill her and be done with it." Ender said." She ruined a lot of lives."

"Or we just leave her here." Beat said." We killed about everyone here."

"Agree with beat on that one." I said as we left the smoking building and transformed outside as people ran in fear." Grape, we're out side."

"On my way." grape said as he flew down and landed, and Tremor and Melodia got out with starlight, who was fighting her restraints." She a pain." Grape said he transformed back into Mecha mode." What do we do with her?"

"I'll have you know, once My leader finds out about this, you'll be hunted down and killed." Starlight said as I kneeled down to her level." What"

"As much as I'm tempted to step on you." I said, but the my Mecha made voice sound more robotic, which scared her." We're going to let you live."

"Why?" starlight said as Tremor tied her to a pole." I'd rather die, then be your prisoner."

"That can be easily arranged." Beat said aiming his death machines at her, causing her to let out a small Meep." Just say the word and I'll vaporize her a@&."

"Just leave her here." I said as the sounds of war jets were heard." Set the bombs off, and let's roll." I said as ender pressed a button on his mechas arm causing the building to shake and smoke to rise." Good job." I said as we transformed in vehicle mode and left." Misison success."

----Heavenal, akavearie main head quarters---

"When will the Grand Admiral arrive?" Shartimus said in a bored tone." We've been waiting for how long?"

"He said he should arrive today." Shriek said with a sigh." I need to investigate on the terrorist attack on our younic lab."

"Heard about that." Shartimus said." So the rebels have mechas on there side know, what's next Nights joining them?"

"If My nephew is still alive, it could pose a problem." Shriek said as the door opened." Ah youve arrived Grand admiral Iron wall, it's a pleasure."

Grand Admiral Iron wall

"The pleasure is all mine." Iron will said with thick annieran accent." What's this I here about Shadic's second son being alive?"

"We though he died almost twenty years ago." Shriek said." But apparently he came back from the dead."

"We won't let this stand, will we?" iron wall said smelling evilly." I've sent my best men to down this team of rebels, what were they called?"

"They called themselves Veritas." Shartimus said." According to the only survivor of the attack."

"So they call themselves defenders?" Iron will said as shartimus spooked at him confused." Veritas means defenders in annierian."

"I see." Shartimus said." So know that your here, whats the plan?"

"You'll see." Iron wall said." you will see."

Author's Note:

Veritas update, vehicle modes for Mechas

Black Dragon Vehicle mode-----Ender
Mecha mode height: 18 feet tall

Time shadow vehicle mode------ Grape vine
Mecha mode height: 19 1/2 feet tall

Serrated blade Vehicle mode----Crimson beat
Mecha mode height: 25 1/2 feet tall

Dragon Blood----Crimson ghost
Mecha mode height: 34 feet tall