• Published 2nd Jul 2016
  • 775 Views, 38 Comments

Nights. Heroes forever - Tunefulsubset72

The tenkai have been disbanded, earth has fallen to the dark ones, no hope is left

  • ...

The final battle (part 3)

"WE LOST ANOTHER ONE!!!!" A rebel shouted as a decpticon was sent plunging towards the ground." I'll admit the akavearie has a good air force."

"Agreed." one of the wonder bolts said as they shot down a fighter." but we're better."

"How exactly?" The rebel asked as he was being chased by a fighter." I can't shake them, Need su...."

"CAP!!!" A rebel yelled as the The rebel captain was shot down." WE CAN'T TAKE MUCH MORE OF THIS!!"

"Until the control is taken down, we're one our own." Megatron said as he fired at a fighter." Which I hope is soon."


"Trixie, can you pinpoint Iron wall location?" I asked as I landed on top of a building." It's Chicago all over again."

"Some of the rebels reported that they spotted him in the park district."Trixie said as I looked around."Near the high school."

"Thanks." I said as I flew towards the park." They turned C.H.S into a park?"


"Good to know." I said as I landed and spotted to the ruins of the high school." Kinda miss that place."

"So do I." Iron wall said as he approached me." My, Shrieker wasn't lying, you have grown, I remember whine your just a baby."

"Before you betrayed our people?" I asked with hatred in my voice." What is the meaning of this, letting our people die, now you want to wipe out he humans."

"The humans betrayed us millinia ago." Iron wall said as he clenched his fist in anger." As for our people, it needed to be done."

"WHY!?!?!" I yelled at him." FOR POWER, FOR WEALTH!?!?!?"

"No, For many years, your father kept power hidden from people who deserved it, So I made a promise, the only they could have that power, was if the king was dead." Iron said as I glared at him." But Unfrotunatly, ain't you and your brother still alive, that cannot happen."

"My father hid that power for a reason." I said as formed a blade of energy in my hand." he himself said he shouldn't have that power."


"THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD AND HE DOENST SHARE HIS POWER WITH ANYONE!!!!!" I yelled as Iron wall pulled out his war hammer and we charged at each other." IT'S TIME TO PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES!!!"

---Rebel ship---

"And that's the story." Octavia said as Green song looked at her." What?"

"Yous use had some adventures, Dagon, getting to go to equestria." Green song said with excitement." You guys are lucky.'

"Don't forget travel through time and space." Vinyl said chuckling." Remeber when the guys had to go back in time to skyrim?"

"I remember." Octavia said laughing." Nights came back with frostbite right on his rump."

"He had to fight a frost dragon." Sunset said trying hold back a laugh." That must've been fun."

"It wasn't." Octavia said calming down."Those were the days, I miss em."

"Agreed." Vinyl said as Trixie approached them with a worried look." What's wrong?"

"Nights just contacted me." Trixie said as Octavia looked at her."Accoridng to some the rebels, He's fighting Iron wall as we speak."

"So this is it then?" Vinyl asked as Trixie looked at her." Is this really the end of the war?"

---Nights vs Iron wall--

"DIIIEEE!!!!" Iron wall yelled as he swung his hammer at as I dodged." I WILL WIPE YOU BLASTED WINGFEATHERS OFF THE FACE OF UNIVERSE IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!!!!!" He bellowed in rage as he sung his hammer downward and slammed it into the ground as I teleported behind him and kicked him.

"Why do you hate my family?' I asked as I caught the hammer as he swung at me again." What do you have against us?"


"Wait, Your Gnag?" I asked in fear as he yanked the hammer out of my grip." Oh sweet Anna, you my Uncle."

"Excatly." Iron wall said as the hammer was surrounded by a pinkish flame." And I won't make the same mistake twice."

"Oh crud." I said I was hit by the hammer was smashed into the the ruins of the school." That hurt."

"It should." Iron/ Gnag said as he hovered." Once I get rid of you rebels, I will be able to rebuild my empire, rebuild the lands of dang right on top of all of this." He said spreading his arms." In just matter of time, your friends, and your family will be dead, including yourself."

"Okay bringing my friends into this is one, but threatening my family." I said as I stood up and a white firey arua surrounded me." You pretty much just dug yourself a grave." I said with a threatening tone." So Gnag, I'll do the one thing none of my ancestors or my father have done before."

"And what's that?"

"Kill you." I said as I reformed my energy blade." Right here."

"You think you can defeat me?" Gnag said as he laughed." That rich, You can't kill something that immortal."

"Your not immortal, You just can't age." I said as Gnag looked at me confused." That's jsut what the stone can do you, your not immortal."

"Very well." Gnag said raising his hammer." I guess I'll just have to except it, But still, I'm much stronger then you."

"Let find out shall we." I said as I charged as my hand were surrounded by a yellowish aura as I charged him." DIE GNAG!!!!"I yelled as he swung his hammer at my fist, but as it collided, the head of hammer shattered.

"W-what?" Gnag said in fear as he looked at what was left of his hammer." How? you broke a deadric artifact, What are you?"

"I'm a Annerian King." I said as I clenched my fist." One of the few guardians left of this world, Decendant of the wolf king, Son of the High king of power." I said as I pointed at him." The bringer of your end, Surrender now Gnag, You've lost."

"I'll never surrender to the likes of you." Gnag said as he dropped the broken hammer." I WON'T STOP UNTIL YOU WINGFEATHERS ARE DEAD, YOUR HEAR ME, I'LL STOP ONCE....(Shirnk)...and for all." He trailed as he looked down and saw an arm piercing his chest, MY arm." Impossible."

"That's where you failed before Gnag." I said as I removed my arm which had a energy blade covering it." You let your ego get to you, and you your gaurd down." I said as Gnag fell to his knew covering the hole in his chest." This is where you fall.....Once and for all."

"I'll come back, stronger then before." Gnag said smirking as he coughed up blood." With the power to the stones, I can come back."

"I'd like to see you try." I said as I kicked him to the ground and place my foot on his head." If your weren't evil, I'd probably would've looked up to you." I said as I lifted my foot up and stomped on his head, whcihw as followed by crunch." Try coming back from that."


"I hope Nights I having better luck then we are." Max said as he did his best to keep the Akavearie at bay." Swift, where's Shartimus?"

"Dead." Swift said as he stabbed an akavearie." Ender and Tremroing made quick work with him."

"Good." Max said as and akavearie fell over." What the...." He was cut off as another akavearie fell over." Your seeing this too?"

"Sure am." Midnight said as Akavearie fighter began exploding." Nights?"

"Maxwell, this is Nights."I said through their communicators."Iron wall.....Is now more."

"HE DID IT!!!" Misnight shouted with joy as Rebels began Cheering." It's all over."

"A happy ending." Swift said as he chuckled." For once."

"So Nights actually did it?" Shadoc said approaching them." I knew he could do it."

---Sometime later---

"I hope their alright." Octavia said with worry as she paced around." They haven't contacted us yet, and it be quiet with the rebels too."

"I'm sure there fine." Vinyl said as she place a hand in Octavia shoulder." I think."

"Not helping right now." Sunset said giving her friend a glare as Vinyl shrugged." Try contacting them again."

"Already did and...oh." Trixie said in annoyance." The communicated wasn't on." She said she turned it on." Max, This is Trixie, Is everything alright?"

"Bout time you answer." Max said as They girl sighed with relief."You need to get down here."

"But we agreed..."

"The wars over, Nights did it." Max said as Octavia smiled."Iron wall is no more."

"What are we waiting for?" Vinyl said as she mde her way to the door." THE WAR IS OVER!!!"

---Crown city---

"Your okay." Octavia said with relief as she ran over to my and hugged me as I grunted in pain." Sorry."

"It's fine." I said she let go." Getting hit by Iron wall's hammer really did a number." I said rubbing my chest." But, I'll live."

"You better." Max said patting me in the back." Or you wouldn't be able to your niece and/or nephew."

"What are you talking about?" I asked max gave me a 'Figured it out' look." Let me guess, you and Trixie?"


"Well congrats brother." I said Max chuckled." So, it's all over, Think the world will still need us?"

"Most likely." Midnight said as he rest an arm in my shoulder." Like you told us, Once a tenkai, always a tenkai."

"I don't we should be called Tenkai anymore." I said as they gave a surprised look." If anything we're guardians, and this our home, so let's guard it was our life."

"What about us dad?" Ellaway asked as walked up." What if want to help?"

"Then when it our time to step down as protectors of this world you and your brother will step up to take our place." I said Ellaway hugged me." Until then, Let's be a family."

Author's Note:

End credits

Nights, Max, Ryker, Shadoc--My self
Midnight, Gold dust---Oreos
Crimson beat, Green song---Crimson beat
Melodia---Darkness melody
Tremoring quake---
And more

Thank you all for the support