• Published 2nd Jul 2016
  • 775 Views, 38 Comments

Nights. Heroes forever - Tunefulsubset72

The tenkai have been disbanded, earth has fallen to the dark ones, no hope is left

  • ...

The masters return/ the legend of the super anneiran

"This is getting boring." Red rave said after killing an akavearie soilder." Where's a friend when ya need them."

"STOP IN THE OF..ACK!!!!" A akavearie said before red threw dagger at him, as he fell to the ground.

"That was the last one." Red said with a sigh." Things we're more interesting when I was with mid, what happened to all the strong ones?"

"Maybe those were the strong ones." a family voice said." You've become stronger."

"Well I'll be." red said smiling turning around." It's been awhile swift."

"Sorry I haven't kept in touch." Swift said smiling back." Been kinda busy."

"Investigating that rift?" Red said as swift nodded." Was it him?"

"Most likely." Swift said frowning." In my travels I ran into midnight."

"How's he doing?"

"Not well." swift said with worry." he didn't say much, on top of that I believe something's big is about to happen."


"I do not know." Swift said pulling out a book." Nights gave is to me before his...demise, it's a record of annierian prohesies."

"Sounds interesting." Red said as a body of a akavearie commander fell behind her from the above." He was already up there."

"Anyway?" swift said opening the book, ignoring what happened, and began reading." A warroir shall rise, a king, a defender, he shall rise in our most darkest hour, bringing light, hope, peace, and justice, a warroir shall rise, strongest of all, king of a proud race, of music and form, master of the dragons of sea, Desendant of the might king kalmar, from the family of the feather of the wing."

"I know that prophesy." Red said as swift looked at her surprised." It's about the legend of the super annierian, Back in my time in oblivion, the dremora would freak out about it, apparently this ' super annieiran'.' red rave said with air quotes." Has enough power to wipe out oblivion it self."

"So if this prophesy comes to pass, we could witness a power so great..." Swift trailed off with a worried tone.

"What is it?"

"We could witness the most powerfull being ever known." swift said." The age of the akavearie has ended, the age of annieria has begun."


"So jim, how's the kids?" an akavearie soilder asked his partner as they stood on gaurd." Your wife still making that chicken casserole?"

"Fred, we're robots remember?" Jim said with as sigh." We don't have families."

"Riiight." Fred said." So..( beep, beep, beep) hold up, something happening."

"Massive energy spike over there." Jim said pointing towards a light." Get ready, could be rebels."

"Um excuse." a voice came form next to them." I'm appear to be lost, can you tell me where I am?"

"Your in restricted area." Jim said aiming his gun in the direction of the voice." come out and state your name."

"My name is ak yearling, my husband and I are camping in the woods not to far from here." Ak said coming out of the shadows." And I appear I got lost, I saw a light over here and thought it was our campsite."

"Oh, we'll if you follow this road, you'll hit the camp." Jim said pointing down the road." You won't miss it."

"Thank you." ak said walking in the direction Jim pointed." Also, I lied."

"What do you mean?"

"Check behind you." Ak said ping behind them." meet my husband, Shadoc."


"She means me." a voice said from behind them as man with light blue hair with a red streak through it approached them." Now whoa re you two?"

"We're soilders." Fred said as shadoc frowned." Of the might empire of the akavearie."

"Should of known my sister was wrapped up with this." Shadoc said with annoyed." anyway, your no longer of any use." he said grabbing both of the soilders and cursing their heads." I'm glad to be back in the land of living."

"You and me both." Daring said taking off her glasses and hat." We just need to find max or nights, what was the plan again?"

"To help them, the rest of the team should meet us as soon as possible." Shadoc said smiling." my son maybe the new king, but we have more experience."

"So where too?"

"We find max first, after what sithis told us about nights." Shadoc said worried." It's best if we find the rest of the members of the nights team, and celestias daughter."

Author's Note:

I decided to changed nights fathers name from Shadic to Shadoc

And shadoc's brothers name from nazo to nazix

Also sorry this is so short, I wanted to get this off my chest