• Published 2nd Jul 2016
  • 775 Views, 38 Comments

Nights. Heroes forever - Tunefulsubset72

The tenkai have been disbanded, earth has fallen to the dark ones, no hope is left

  • ...

Roll out( nightmare arc ends, Cyber arc begins)

--Majin crater--

"You feel that?" Midnight said after the rift closed." Feels fimilar."

"Impossible not too." swift said as he laid on his back." What ever came out of that rift has a high magicka level, It's defendable beyond Luna's and Celestia's."

"Could it be trouble?" midnight asked a bit worried." Or could be nights?"

"Could be both." swift said as he stared at the sky."It could be nights, but not the same nights we once knew."

"First sunset, and possibly nights, I can't stand losing anymore friends." Midnight said sadly." Especially what happened to my brother?"

"Your brother?" Swift asked leaning forward." I never you had brother."

"He's still around, we just don't talk much."Midnight said with a shrug." Last time we talked, I think he was getting married."

"Do I know him?"

"Yeah, you guys met when nights died." midnight said sadly.

"Ryker?" swift asked." Isnt he from the planet of the saiyens?"

"Not him."

"Wait, Gold dust's your brother?" swift asked shocked." but you two look completely different."

"Yep." Midnight said with a sigh." We went our own ways a few years ago, he wanted to stay in crown city, I wanted to look for sunset and hopefully bring her back."

"I see." Swift said." Wo did he get married too?"

"Remember twilight from crystal prep?"


"Depsite all the destruction, this planet is still quite beautiful." I said to myself as I flew over the landscape." Now then where should I even start forming this new cult or faction." I said as I stopped flying and hovered using my wings." What should it even be called?"

"The crimson hand" Sihtis voice rang in my head."You are the Crimson Ghost."

"On earth, listening to the voices in your head is the first sign of insanity." I said." But you do have a good point."

"Excatly." Sithis said chuckling." Also duck."

"What does a duck have to do with anything?" I asked as the sound of flapping was heard." What the heck is that?" I asked looking only to surprised to see what was coming up behind me." That's no duck."

"DRAGON!!!" I yelled as flew as fast I could away from it, and of course it followed." A robotic dragon, never thought I'd see the day."

"That thing must have a wingspans of at least fifteen football fields." Sithis voice said as I avoided a wave of fire." I'm not helping am I?"

"Not in the slightest." I said as a through a fireball at the said dragon." Where did it come from?"

"Look down and a little to the left." Sithis said." That's one strange earth vehicle, almost looks cyrbertronian."

"Now is not the ti...Megatron?" I said in shock." Then this dragon must be from cybertron, Just perfect." Just then the the dragon let out a terrifying roar." This makes alduin look like a teddy bear."

"Your coming with us freakshow." A voice came from above me followed by red lasers blasts." Long live the akavearie."

"Great the cons are allied with the akavearie." I said with a groan." This has gone from bad to wor...AHHHH!!!" I screamed in pain as a laser hit me in the back." That actually hurt."

"Stand down, the akavearie want us to bring you in for questioning." One of the vehicons said as they surrounded me." Just cooperate,
And come with us."

"I know how you cons work." I said as I summoned fire in my hands." My name is Crimson ghost, master of the arcane, stand aside and I won't melt you down."

"You think that will scare us." Megatron said transforming and using his jets in his feet to hover." We have a Predacon."

"So that's what's that thing is called." I said Looking at the dragon." Impressive."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere." Megatron said aiming his weapon at me." Now just come with us."

"Since when do you take orders from others." I said as Megatron looked at me confused." From what I heard about you, you are the decpeticons greatest leader, once a powerfull gladiator, concurred many planets, including cybertron, now...."

"What?" Megatron asked lowering his weapon." I'm still those great things you have said, where are you getting at?"

"Megatron, a proud and powerful leader." I said as megatron smiled with pride and the vehicons muttered in agreement." Now your taking orders from humans." Megatrons smile quickly disappeared." Problem?"

"The leader of the akavearie is not human, she an anneirian,a powerful one for that matter." Megatron said darkly." Even I am afraid of her, the only one apwe know of that could take her on, was one of her nephews who died many years ago." he said clenching his fist in anger." I considered him a son to me, then he joined the autobots, after hearing about what happened to his people, I sometime considered ending this war, but that never happened."

" I assume your talking about nights wingfeather." I said as he looked at me surprised." I knew him, he's currently leaving happily in soverngarde." I lied." He sent me here to end the akavearies reign of terror."

"Why should I care, nights betrayed us years ago." Megatron said in anger, his word hurting." I thought of him as one of own, even starscream took a likening to him."

"Starscream even liked me." I thought to myself." Nights said to me, someways he regretted leaving that day, he hated seeing th r hurt in your eye, but he also enjoyed saing the lives of the humans." I sighed sadly." But after his death he noticed most of the humans turned his back on him, most of the, he called friend, so he sent me." Megatron looked like he was trying to come up with something to say, but was speechless." He sent me to bring justice on both the akavearie and the human race, so megatron, leave the ranks of the akavearie, join me and we can bring their downfall."

"Sounds tempting." Megatron said stroking his chin in thought." What's in it for us or in this case, for me?"

"You well be restored to your rightful place as leader of the deception faction." I said as Megatron smiled once more." But you won't be know as decepticons, you will be known as the crimson hand." I said as used my magic to form a symbol.

"What say you?" I said holding out the symbol." Join me or remain a puppet for the akavearie?"

"I will join you." Megatron said as he took the symbol." What are you exactly, Your mask looks familiar."

"Like I said, my name is crimson ghost, I'm what you call a dragon priest." I said." And you megatron have earned a place in my circle, I will find others soon enough."

"Im honored to be part of your circle." Megatron said bowing in respect." But if I'm part of this crimson hand, don't I take orders from?"

"In a way yes, but your also welcomed to do what you will." I said crossing my arms behind my back." Meaning that if you want to take over a akavearie base, just let me know and I won't stop you, I might even want to join you."

"So it sounds like if I respect you, you'll respect me in a way." Megatron said." If I'm not mistaken."

"The moment you attacked me, I could tell your someone worth my respect." I said." So you already have my respect."

"Likewise." Megatron said." so dragon priest, what are your first orders?"

"First we let the akavearie know of your change." I said as the symbol embedded its self into Megatrons chest, right where the decepticon symbol used to be." Then we move on from there."

"Let us work wonders together."

Author's Note: