• Published 2nd Jul 2016
  • 775 Views, 38 Comments

Nights. Heroes forever - Tunefulsubset72

The tenkai have been disbanded, earth has fallen to the dark ones, no hope is left

  • ...

Home/ his name is crimson ghost

--the void--

"It's time." Sithis said as the rift opened to full power." Just step through and you'll be on earth."

"Thank you." I said stepping towards it." Any idea where I'll end up?'

"None." Sihtis said with a smile." But except danger."

"Good to know." I said as I started getting closer, then noticing my tattered clothes." erm, quick question, what about my..."

"Your clothes, I was waiting for you to ask." Sithis said I was blinded by a light." That should fight you style I hope."

"Not bad." I said checking out my new outfit, I was now wearing a black and red trench coat with a hood, my gloves we're a dark red with a blac line going down the back of them, I my pants were black along with my boots." Nice touch with the trench coat."

"Your welcome." sithis said." now then, you ready to go home?"

"Of course." I said as I was about enter the portal." And thanks for the help." I said as I jumped through the rift." Now to end this war."


"Everybody alright?" Octavia asked as her, flint Locke, and ellaway came out of the shelter." That was the worst earthquake yet."

"We're fine mom." flint said rubbing the back of his head." So what now?"

"We need to see if applejack and her family is okay." Octavia said with worry." Then help out the town as much as possible."

"Can I help?" Ella asked." Please?"

"Of course you can help." Octavia said smiling." We need all the help we can get."

"Glad to hear it." a voice came for behind them." I was just coming to see if you guy were alright."

"We were actually coming to check on you guys." Octavia said seeing applejack." We have to be careful, after shocks."

"I know what you mean, we've had earth quakes before but this.....(BOOM)." as applejack was talking a loud boom was heard followed by a flash of light." what in Tarnation was that?'

"Um mom." flint siad getting their attention." I think I found the cause of it." he said pointing to the rift in the sky." That cant be good."

"I don't like it." Applejack said." We need to get to town, now."

Let's get moving." Octavia said as they ran towards town." As long as nothing comes out of that thing, we should be okay."

"Do you have any idea of what it could be?" applejack asked." think it could be related to all the earthquakes and the sky changing?"

"Probably, the only thing I can thing of is..." Octavia Said as she stopped running." but that would be impossible."

"What is it mom?" Ella asked worried." What's impossible?"

"You don't think it could be nights returning could you?" applejack asked a bit worried." I know after his death most of the planet turned his back on him, but why we he return?"

"We need him now more then ever." Octavia said with a stern look." If nights is related to the thing that opened up in the sky, lets hope he's coming to help us."

"Let's hope so." applejack said as the rift opened a bit more." Bcause something's happening." she pointing to at it as it got bigger, and in just a flash of light, it vanished as quick as it came." that was strange." she said rubbing her eyes.

"Did any of you see something come out of it?" Octavia asked as they slowly got their vision back." Anyone?"

"Nope." flint and Ella said in unison." sorry."

--Ontario forest--

"Ah my head." I said as I sat up." Where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around the snowy forest." Perfect." I said said I stood up and stretched a little." Now to find civiliza..(clack)...what the?" I moved my foot and looked down to see a mask of some kind." a mask?"

"Not just any mask." Sithis said in my mind."A dragon priest mask."

"One why are you in my head, and two what am I going to do with this?" I asked picking it up." What will it do?"

"it will give you power" sithis voice said."Power over the arcane."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you mean destrution magic!?!?" I asked in shock." I can't use any magicka in this world, how am I supposed to use it?'

"It will help you tap into your magicka." Sithis voice said."Become the dragon king of anneira, become the avenger of your people, become the..l

"Crimson ghost." I said chucking." I know of the legend." i stood there staring at the mask for a few minutes." I'll do it."

"Good, Destroy your enemies in my name." Sithis said before laughing evilly." Send them to the void."

"It will be done." I said point the mask one and felling the power flow through me." It's time to bring down the akavearie, and avenge my home." I said as I focused my magic and formed a pair of transparent dragon wings." I am crimson ghost."

Author's Note:

Nights coat

Nights wings