• Published 2nd Jul 2016
  • 775 Views, 38 Comments

Nights. Heroes forever - Tunefulsubset72

The tenkai have been disbanded, earth has fallen to the dark ones, no hope is left

  • ...

A false sign of hope

----Akavearie H.Q----

"Soldier, report." Iron wall said with a grim tone as a akavearie walked in." This better not be a waste of my time."

"Sir, a group of rebels attack high reach prison." The soldier said as iron wall stood up." They escaped with two prisoners."

"And?" Iron wall said as he approached the shaking akavearie.

"Just as the escaped the rebel fleet did a bombing run on the prison." The soldier said as Iron wall raised an eyebrow." Lord Vader escaped, but he has turned to his home world."

"Seems like the odds are against us." Iron wall said as he picked up an object." Tell me, what's is your rank?"

"Scout, sir." The scout said saluting." Of the the iron wolf squad."

"Yes, yes." Iron wall said as he showed the object to the scout, which was a very big spiky war hammer." Tell me scout, what is this?"

"A war hammer sir."

"Not just any hammer." Iron wall said as a red spot shone on the hammer." This is the artifact of Malacath, Volendrung."


"You see scout, I was there when The original Anneria fell, I was on the winning side, the armies of Coldharbour, using this very weapon." Iron wall said as he raised the hammer." And now, we shall wipe out the rebels, but first, the weak shall parish." He said as he slammed the hammer unto the scouts with a sickening crunch." Starting with you." he said as blood pooled under the fallen scout.

"Iron wall a word." Shrieker said as she walked in nothing the dead scout." What happened?"

"Mearily getting rid of the weak." Iron wall said as he strapped the hammer to his back." What do you need?"

"An avengers had been spotted in the city." Shrieker said as iron wall groaned." I do not know which one, all I found out was his name is Bruce banner, former gamma scientist."


"Should be a simple task." Shriker said as Iron wall slammed his fist on his desk." I don't see the big deal."

"Beause Bruce banner is the muscle of the avengers." Iron wall said with fear." He's the Hulk."

"We have the tech to take him down." Shrieker said smirking." Does he have a limit?"

"You do not understand." Iron wall said." The angrier he gets, THE STRONGER HE GETS!!!" Iron wall yelled." Even with our current technology, we do not stand a chance."

"What does the mean?"

"The rebels are rising quickly." ." Iron wall said he walked over to the window and watched the sunset." The reign of the akavearie is over, a new age is dawning."

"What is our course of action?"

"Pull out all our troops, every nation, every town and city, including our bases." Iron wall said as they walked out of his office." Have them rally here."

"What good will this do?" Shrieker asked with worry." It will just show to the rebels that we surrender."

"No, it will not, do you remember the battle of Bon Rona of the green hollows?" Iron wall asked as Shrieker shook her head ." Just as the armies of the nameless one were on the verge of winning against the rebels of skree, he order all fangs to be pulled out and force a full assault on the hollows."

"So, what town are we going to be attacking then?"

"Crown city." Iron wall said as the entered the war room."I want the rebels defeated once and for all."


"Thanks for getting us out of there." Spitfire said as we entered the ship bay.

"No need for thanks." Max said as I walked towards the mechs." We actually needed your help, and luckily we found out whe you were."

"Honestly, I thought it would've been my husband that we be the one to find us." Spitfire said as max chuckled." What?"

"I assume you mean Crimson beat." Max said as spitfire nodded." He was recently recruited into the stormclaoks by my brother."

"He was?" Spitfire asked as Green song smiled." Wait...you have a brother?"

"Yes, and yes." Max said as I approached them with crimson behind me." This is my brother, Nights."

"Dad." Green song said hugging crimson.

"Don't I know your rom somewhere?" Spitfire asked as I removed deactivated my mask.

"Autobots." I said as we shook hands." During high school you tried to get a friend of mine arrested by shield."

"I did?" Spitfire asked as I nodded."Wasn't his name ryker?"

"Yes." I said bluntly and walked off." I'll be in command if you need brother."

"Oh nights." Crimson spoke upc." Octavia wanted to talk to you when you get the chance, she's in the living quarters."

"Thank you." I said as I left the bay.

"What's up with him?" Green song asked after the door closed." Is he always like that?"

"Just after a battle." Max said as he leaded them out of the bay." Give him some time."


"You needed me?" I asked as I entered the living quarters.

"Thank goodness your in one piece." Octavia said walking up to me and hugged me." I wanted to ask you something?"

"What is it?" I asked as we sat down as Octavia looked down." Everything alright?"

"I don't know to be honest." Octavia said sadly." I've lost some close friends over the years, some I called family, I've seen you talk to your father, sometimes I wonder, what do you talk about?"

"Home." I said as Octavia looked at me." Sometimes we talk about and wonder if it could ever be restored, but we both know, it's impossible."

"Even if it could, would you go back?" Octavia asked.

"Not without my family." I said smiling as Octavia rested her head on my shoulder." But, there's no home to go back to anyways, the magic that could've restored the isle was destroyed during the invasion."

"I understand." Octavia said wrapping her arms around me." Tell me, what we lived there, as a family?"

"Every family member of the wingfeather bloodline has a position or job they do, even the children." I said chuckling." Growing up, I was the second born, so I was next in line to the throne, my brother, who was the first born, it was his duty to protect me."

"The second child was next to the throne?" Octavia asked with curiosity." From what I've read, it usually the first born."

"Well that's anneria for ya." I said as octavia giggled." Even we lived there, Ellaway would've been queen."

"Then anneria would've been doomed either way." Octavia said causing me to laugh." Not to sound rude or be mean, she can be quite the handful."

"I believe that." I said as swift blade ran in." Hey swift, what's up?"

"You need to see this." Swift said out of breath." It the akavearie."

"There not attacking are they." I said standing up." The alarms would've sounded."

"It not that." Swift said as I followed him out of the room." Thier....I don't know how to explain it."


"What's this about the akavearie?" I said as I walked as a group of rebels looked at a screen." Explain."

"See for yourself."Vinyl said as she pointed at the screen." Akavearie all over the world are leaving and heading towards the capital."

"People are calling it a sign of hope." Swift said smiling." Maybe their surrendering."

"This is no sign of hope." I said as max walked followed by Octavia." You see this?"

"I do, does it remind you of something?" Max said as I nodded." A certain story perhaps?"

"Yes, The battle of Bon Rona." I said with worry." What's the closest town or city to the capital?"

"Crown city." Swift said as stared at the screen." Why?"

"Get us to crown city as quickly has possible." I said as max nodded and began giving orders."and hurry?"

"Nights, What's going on?" Midnight asked as he walked in." Something good?"

"Midnight, with me." I said as midnight looked at me confused." We need to get to crown city as quickly as possible."

"Whats happening?" Midnight asked as we walked tot he ship bay." Explain. Now."

"The akavearie are going to wipe crown city off the fae of the planet." I said as i stopped walking." With everyone in it."

"Sunset is there." Midnight said with worry.

"We need to get there before the akavearie do." I said as we entered a ship." This maybe our only chance to stop them."