• Published 4th Jul 2016
  • 896 Views, 112 Comments

Code Geass: Stryker of the Equus Rebellion - Skye Mist

Nymphia has conquered the island nation of Japone with the help of new robotics called Knight-Mares. Stripped of their very identities, the Japonese are renamed Elevens; their land, Colony 11. Among the war, one character shall bring justice: Zero.

  • ...

Act X: Battle at Nareina

Stryker scrolled through the applicants for the Black Knights as S2 dove from the diving board. The moon shined brightly in the sky as the sound of a splash echoed.

He stopped when he came upon an interesting one. 'Hazel Dune', it read. He narrowed his eyes. "Hmm, a Nymphian? Looks too confident to be a spy. An extremist, perhaps?"

"Isn't it wonderful? How the number of recruits keeps growing." S2 commented.

Stryker smirked, keeping his eyes on his laptop. "And it was simpler than I ever expected. 'While I bitterly hate the Nymphians, I refuse to condone terrorism.' That's the prevailing view of most Elevens."

"Then basically Elevens support the Black Knights for the most part."

"Which in turn makes it easier for us to operate as a whole. It's a huge help that creatures don't report our activities to the Nymphians. Plus, I hear some group called Sythi offer to send us some Knight-Mares. The number of informants has been increasing quickly, too. The Japonese can't resist jumping on the bandwagon. They hear a well grounded buzzword and off they go."

S2 fluttered out of the pool and dried her mane. "Hence the 'Knights for Justice' act."

He looked up at her. "Yeah, well everybody loves a hero, and what better hero than a knight."

"I kind of doubt that's what a real knight for justice would say." She chuckled.

"You don't think so?" He asked with the hint of a snark.

Hazel turned to Ember and Crescent. "Yes, I was demoted from my position. In very much the same way that you were."

Crescent gritted his teeth.

"We have no intention of letting the situation end this way. And we have the sneaking suspicion that you don't either." Ember said, inclining her head.

Hazel raised an eyebrow and smirked. "That so? Well, who can say."

"We have a lead that might help us find Zero." Crescent said. Hazel's ears perked.

"You're familiar with Tempus Private Academy? I want to investigate a student drone attending there. I think he may be working with Zero." Ember said. Hazel typed up 'Tempus Academy' on her laptop.

"Ember and I are going to be shipping out with the military soon for duty. And we'll be stationed in the Nareina mountains. Therefore-"

"Nareina?" Hazel questioned. "Isn't that where the Japone Liberation Front headquarters are rumored to be located?"

"You may be a bit too clever for your own good." Crescent said, narrowing his eyes.

Hazel chuckled. "You overestimate me."

In a large warehouse, the Black Knights, including their new recruits, exclaimed in awe and excitement of the new Knight-Mares. Righteously so, for these new Knight-Mares looked more advanced than their old Glasgows.

"Wow, it's amazing."

"These are Glasgows, aren't they?"

"Burais, a Japonese modification."

"I've never seen these before."

"Damn, the Black Knights have gotta some serious muscle."

"It wasn't easy to sign up with the BK."

"So that makes us special, huh? We're elites now."

Off to the side, the original Black Knights gazed on a different Knight-Mare with the same awe.

"Those guys from Sythi, They believed in us. They sent us this." Syphilis gaped.

"A completely Japonese made Knight-Mare." Torpid exclaimed.

"A Guren MK-ll." Sirocco stated.

"Did you check up the manual?" Syphilis asked them all.

Eclipse grinned, "I'm really loving this. The big shots in Sythi are recognizing us. We've got their approval."

"Eclipse, would you show me how to use this equipment here?" A new recruit called.

"Oh sure. Hang on, I'll be right there." Eclipse took off.

Syphilis shook her head as she and the others, sans Sirocco, followed. "Newbies, what are you gonna do?"

Sirocco turned around as hoofsteps came from behind the Guren. Zero appeared out of the shadows and scoffed, "First Eclipse and now Syphilis and the rest are treating this like a party. Sythi is backing multiple resistance groups, correct?"

"Yes. Which means that we finally made it in. They know that we're worthy." Sirocco said confidently.

"No, you're wrong there Sirocco. This is merely a test they put to us."

"So, what if it is? This is still incredible." She exclaimed.

"You're an optimist." Zero said before throwing a key towards her with a leathery wing.

Sirocco caught it with a hoof. She turned it over. "What's this?"

"The Guren MK-II is yours now, Sirocco."

Her eyes widened. She looked up at him. "Mine? But we have a lot more members now, and we can't afford to lose you. We need the Guren's defense to protect you."

Zero shook his head. "You're a top notch pilot. I'm a commander. I'll use a Burai. But you're our only ace to play during a battle. Besides... you have a reason to fight."

She nodded determinedly, realizing what he meant. "Right."

"Zero, you got a second?" Rough Boulder walked up with a folder in his hoof. "We got some weird intel here from a Nymphian who wants to join up with the Black Knights."

Stryker raised a non-existent eyebrow.

"This maybe a trap to draw us out. I'd say even if we wanna confirm the information it's too risky to contact her directly. But news like this isn't something we can just ignore. What should we do?" Boulder asked as Zero read through the folder.

Zero closed the folder. "This weekend, we're going hiking."

"What?" Boulder asked, wide-eyed in confusion.

"To the Nareina mountains."

"Very well, then." Boulder said hesitantly.

Moth sat up in bed and yawned as 'Raven' walked in. "Raven, we won't need any breakfast for my brother this morning."

'Just like you told me, sis...' 'Raven' grimaced. She asked questioningly, "He's going out?"

"He'll be leaving on a three day trip starting today." Moth answered.

"Oh, I see." 'Raven' smirked at this point. 'More than likely it's not true, but, I wonder...'

"My, your brother's been going out quite a bit recently. Think it's a mare or nymphfriend?"

Moth tilted her head in thought. "Huh... Maybe it is."

"Sector five, nothing to report. ...Right. The next scheduled report will be in two hours." The unicorn stallion put down the phone to resume his game.

The drone laughed as the stallion sat down. "Of course, there's nothing to report. This area's controlled by the Japone Liberation Front. No one can just stroll in-" The door opened and Zero walked in. The two grabbed their guns and stood quickly, causing a chair to fall. "Zero!"

"Relax, I only came to talk." Zero took off the mask, revealing a black-maned thestral with slitted sky-blue eyes. He activated his Geass. "I want you to ignore any unusual activity during your watch."

"Sure, no problem." The drone nodded as they went back to their game. "Come on, it's your turn."

"What's the rush? We're just on regular duty, you know." The stallion said as he planted the chair back to its original spot.

Rough Boulder spotted a series of flashes in the mountain with his Burai. "I've confirmed the signal from Zero. We're now moving to way point 2."

As they moved up the mountainside, Eclipse asked through the radios, "Hey, why doesn't Zero just use the radio in his Burai?"

"And what do you suppose he meant when he said hiking?" Syphilis added.

"Ah... military training, right?" Torpid suggested.

"Only with Zero in another location?" Eclipse said skeptically.

"Maybe we'll dig a hot spring." Torpid said.

"Is that why we brought those excavators?" One of the new recruits asked.

"Then, heck, I'm all for it." Another said.

As Sirocco examined the Guren MK-ll's manual again, Eclipse asked her, "Sirocco, you heard anything about this?"

"I haven't." She said, grimacing.

"What about you, Boulder?"

"Nope, not a word." Rough Boulder said. 'Zero wasn't using the radio to avoid being traced. Is he serious about this?'

'The day I've waited for has finally come, Chrysalis.' Stryker thought, now transformed back into his normal self as he read through the Burais' manual. He glanced out the window, and gaped in shock as he saw S2.

"We're certain that the Japone Liberation Front headquarters are in this area. We've already split 4 battalions into seven units and hidden them in the vicinity. We've only to wait for the Viceroy's signal then we'll surround them in one fell swoop and wipe them out." Decas stated, turning towards Chrysalis as he finished.

"And are you confident that the enemy won't show up outside the encirclement line?" Masquerade asked.

Everyone looked towards her. Chrysalis asked, "You mean Zero?"

Decas answered, "Have no fear about that. As the operation begins, we'll be blocking off the surrounding highways and mountain roads also."

"Plus, we have reserve units. If Zero is stupid enough to show up, it'll be the end of him." Chrysalis added, narrowing her eyes.

"What? You wanna meet her? Are you kidding? Do you know who you're talking about? Yeah, I know she's you're aunt, but she's probably swamped with meetings and appearances. And I don't think being her niece will get you past security, princess or not." Raincloud exclaimed.

Shadow shuffled her hooves. "Yes, but... Well... Aunt Mirage, I never got to thank her."

Raincloud sighed, "Hmm, there was a time when my family name had the influence to arrange that. So, tell me Shadow, do you know what the social status is of a principal's granddaughter?"

"Um, not a very high one?"

"Correct, not very."

Stryker walked up behind S2. "What are you doing here?"

"I said that I would protect you, didn't I?" She said without turning to look at him.

"Aren't you overdoing it?" He asked.

"I've been wondering about something Stryker. Why are you Stryker?" She asked, ignoring his question.

"I don't have time to discuss philosophy with you." Stryker scoffed.

"You changed your family surname to Surveil, but you kept Stryker, the name that was given to you at birth." She closed her eyes and smirked. "Hm, how sentimental. You can't let go of the past."

"Well, S2 swings to the other extreme, doesn't it? It's not a humane name." Stryker narrowed his eyes as the wind stirred a few snowflakes.

S2 finally turned to him with a distant look in her eyes. "Stryker, do you know why snow is white?" Stryker didn't answer. S2 smiled. "Snow is white because it's forgotten what color it's supposed to be."

"All units are in position." Decas announced through the Knight-Mare communicators to Chrysalis.

Chrysalis prepped her Gloucester. "Understood. Masquerade will provide logistical support From G1 as planned. Have her command the medical group."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Princess Chrysalis." Mandible contacted through the hivemind.

"Mandible, let me guess. This is about Mirage, isn't it?" Chrysalis asked.

"Yes. she really should be in a government agency, not-"

"But she's being unusually stubborn about this. She told me she wanted to see actual combat for herself."

"What's that unit there holding to the rear?" Masquerade asked the three soldiers behind her.

"Our reserve force with an Eleven pilot." One answered.

"What? You mean that's the Lancelot?" She exclaimed, whirling around to face them with wide eyes.

"As a rule, Numbers aren't permitted to operate Knight-Mares but that particular unit is an exception." One of them said.

"The second princess is the patron of that unit. We have no say over their personal selection. But she said she wants them to have as many chances at real combat as possible." Another quipped in.

As the excavators sprayed dirt into the air, Zero walked up to the ridge where Rough Boulder stood.

The latter asked, "Are you really going through with this?"

"Our opponent is Chrysalis, whose forces are among the best Nymphia has to offer." Zero stated.

"Then why don't we cooperate with the Japone Liberation Front?" Boulder mumbled, turning to the side.

"What was that? Rough Boulder, don't you believe in me anymore?" Zero said with an edge of mock hurt.

Boulder turned to Zero and exclaimed, "What do you mean? I was the one who asked you to be our leader, don't you remember?"

"Then there's only one answer to give."

Boulder sighed and nodded. "Right."

"Viceroy, it's time." Decas said.

Chrysalis smirked as she answered, "Right. Commence operation." Her Knight-Mare was launched first, giving the signal for all units to deploy. Chrysalis sneered, "You, the Japone Liberation Front. You, who time has left behind. You, who have forgotten basic creature decency. You and your dream of a bygone golden age shall fall and rot to nothingness."

"We're under enemy attack?" The leader of the JLF, General Kytus, exclaimed. His green eyes were widened in surprise.

"Yes sir. The Nymphian forces have completely encircled the Nareina mountains. We've counted over a hundred units."

"It's begun." Zero said as several Nymphian airships appeared over the mountain.

The Black Knights all gaped at the sheer number.

"Huh? What the bloody Tartarus?!" Eclipse exclaimed, turning to Zero. "You've gotta be kidding, Zero!" He pointed with a hoof. "Those troops coming in have this whole area totally surrounded. There's no way out!"

"We've already been cut off. Our only chance of surviving now is to fight." Zero said calmly.

"What? We can't fight the Nymphians!" Torpid exclaimed.

"Let me get this straight. We're surrounded and you want us to fight them head-on?!" Eclipse yelled.

"And we'll be fighting against Chrysalis. Her forces are far stronger than any we've encountered." Syphilis added.

"Correct. It would be a miracle if we win this." Zero agreed unflinchingly. Noling could tell what he was thinking; his emotions were a sea of calm.

Rough Boulder whirled around. "Zero, what are you saying?"

"Even Messiahs need to perform miracles if they're to be acknowledged. Therefore, we have to produce our own miracle, don't we?"

Eclipse yelled, "Now look, pulling this off isn't gonna be cheap! The price could be our lives! I knew it wasn't sane to make you our leader!" He began pulling out his gun and the metal of his wing blades reflected the sun's pale rays. "It should be me!"

Zero pulled out a gun and pointed it. Everyone froze with wide eyes. Silence descended.

Zero then turned the gun towards himself with a simple flick of the rotary bar. Still, the silence remained, if not becoming thicker.

"Our path of retreat has been cut off. If you think you can win without me then shoot me! Someone... anyone."

Everyone glanced briefly at Eclipse, but he too, was frozen with shock. A tense moment passed.

"Since you've joined the Black Knights, you have only two choices: You may either live with me or you may perish with me." Stryker narrowed his eyes.

"We're completely surrounded and our underground reserve forces were captured all at once." One stallion reported through the radio.

A mare clocked in as well. "General Kytus, we've received the message from Chrysalis's forces demanding our surrender."

"Imbecile. If we fall here then we've lost and the whole resistance movement falls with us!" Kytus exclaimed.

"Then general, do we engage the enemy in battle or do we dig in?" A unicorn mare to his left asked.

"What about Taiyang? Where is he?"

"He's gone to Sythi. To get the custom Burais." The mare replied.

"The Four Holy Swords are traveling with him, too." A earth pony stallion to his right added.

The mare frowned. "If they're on schedule, they should be returning soon, but..."

"Taiyang won't make it in time." The stallion finished.

"Prepare to send out the Burais. We'll break the encirclement on one side and evacuate. We'll show them the Japonese spirit and pride. This is our moment of truth." Kytus said.

Masquerade watched with narrowed eyes as the soldiers laid out the plan to her.

One drone said, "We believe that the enemy's main base is located in the mountains here, but we haven't pinpointed it yet. However until we obtain a list of their collaborators, we can't burn down everything with our aerial bombing."

The second took over. "The enemy is engaging our encirclement, and they'll try to breakthrough with some point. From there we'll be able to ascertain where their base is."

The third pointed at the map with a hoof. "Our forces are divided into three fronts. The units let by General Decas here," He pointed to the right front. "-General Aeces here," He pointed at the middle front. "-and Viceroy Chrysalis here." His hoof landed on the left front. "As for our flanking forces-" The screen began to fritz out. "What?"

"It's enemy ECM." The first drone said as they looked out the windows.

Decas announced to his front, "The main enemy force should be coming out anytime now. We're switching to ECCM mode, link up on channel alfa four. The enemy, what are we calling them again?"

"Burais, sir."

Decas smirked. "Right, they're rather like pseudo Glasgows, so watch out for them."

"Yes, my lord."

Chrysalis smirked. "How clever, they turned this whole mountain into a fortress."

"Your Highness, please fall back." Mandible said.

"Mandible, don't treat me as though I'm another one of your nymphs." She sped ahead.

"Princess Chrysalis!"

Three Burais spotted Chrysalis.

"It's Chrysalis!" One panicked.

"Don't panic. Take out their leader." They begun firing on her. She dodged their attacks and thrust her lance forward, scattering them and impaling one of them.

"Insolent worms!" She exclaimed, taking out the other two with her lance. She launched a slash harken at a tank nearby as well.

Mandible narrowed his eyes. "Right, well then, I'll cover you from the rear."

"Hm," She smirked before looking for more Burais. "Well, Chrysalis is here! Is there no one who will challenge me?"

"What's wrong? Challenge me and try to take me down." Zero said.

Eclipse scoffed, turning away as he muttered, "All right, fine. Do what you want."

"We acknowledge you as our leader, Zero." Syphilis said.

"Thank you very much. I appreciate it." Stryker smirked.

"An evacuation order has been issued for this area. Anyone remaining must evacuate at once. I repeat. An evacuation order has been..."

"Why did they choose this place?" A nymph researcher asked.

"If the military should find the experimental data on Code R, it's all over." Her partner said.

"Being inside the terrorist area, we thought it would be difficult for them to discover us." A third member entered.

"This was all General Acadis's decision, so there's no use in complaining about it." The nymph said, frowning.

"They're too fragile." Chrysalis sneered as she took out yet another Burai.

"The enemy seems to be concentrated over here. This may be the target. Split up now." Decas commanded his attacking front on the other side of the mountain. He and another Gloucester ducked behind large boulders while firing whereas the other two went head-on, firing their Knight-Mare guns.

"No good. Our second attack wave had no effect." The mare said.

Kytus gritted his teeth. "Their sheer dominance is insurmountable."

"General Decas, based on the analysis of the enemy's movements, I've determined that the entrance to the JLF main base is that lodge located up on the mountain." One of Decas's soldiers said.

"I believe the proper word for this situation is 'Bingo'." Decas smirked.

"Well, to be more precise sir-"

"Oh just call it in already, Mr. Literal." He said. A flare went up.

"Is that... Decas?" Chrysalis asked.

"So, that's where the main enemy base is located?" Mandible said.

"Right. We'll be securing our position here."

He asked, "Are you sure about this?"

Chrysalis chuckled. "I don't need to steal achievements from my subordinates. Send the reserve forces to back up Decas. Looks like he'll be getting another medal."

Stryker placed his mask down beside his seat as he shifted into his natural form again and closed the manual. "Impressive as always Chrysalis, a very logical deployment. However excellent though it is, it's also easy to read, as is your location." He tapped the screen with a hoof.

"I thought the reserve units were supposed to be assigned to General Decas." Crescent asked.

Ember turned to him. "That's right, they were, but our unit has to secure the rear line of Viceroy Chrysalis."

He exclaimed in astonishment, "You mean this is the rear line?! You can't get any further away from the battlefield!" He stamped a hoof down in frustration. "How am I going to redeem my reputation out here if I'm not even near the fighting?!"

"We've lost contact with Nyea's unit."

"No response from sector three."

"Major Tergo has been killed."

"Kato and Kito are gone, too."

"What about Niya?"

General Kytus clenched his teeth in frustration. 'Where's Taiyang? If only he were here the divine wind would blow. We'd have another miracle of Itsukustall.'

Taiyang and the Four Holy Swords smashed their way through the barrier. The soldiers in front yelled out, "Look out!"

Arques asked Taiyang, "Sir, don't you think this is a little extreme?"

"Arques, Cyeas, prep the custom Burais ASAP. Tell Caeca and Slit behind us to do the same. Traffic is blocked off all around Nareina. They've already begun to attack. I just pray that we are in time."

As the units made their way up the mountain, Decas smirked. "Now any resistance still remaining in Colony 11..."

"...will soon be finished." Chrysalis said.

"Right, all preparations have now been completed. Black Knights, prepare to move out." Stryker said through the intercom.

"Damn it, we have no choice."

"I don't wanna die."

"We'll make a miracle happen."

"Yeah, we'll have Zero with us."

Stryker's Burai turned to the others. "We the Black Knights are going to launch a surprise attack on the Nymphians from the summit of the mountain. Per my instructions, you will charge on most down toward point three. And the intent of this operation is to capture Chrysalis, third Princess of Nymphia. Our breakthrough route will be opened by the Guren MK-II."

"Sirocco, use penetrating electrode number three, settle things with one blow." He said, turning to the Guren.

"Got it." The right hand of the Guren was placed on the number three excavator. "Output confirmed. Wave surger level is ready and holding." She took a deep breath. "Activating gun bullet now." She pressed the wave surger button, sending a massive beam down the hole.

Sirocco breathed deeply as they waited for an effect. After a few moments, the ground began to shake and crack. "It worked!" She exclaimed with a smile.

The land began to shake and burst, causing great amounts of dirt and grit to quickly crash down the mountain. The giant landslide came down the mountain, submerging Nymphian and JLF Knight-Mares and tanks alike. S2 turned from the small outpost and narrowed her eyes as the landslide continued on.

"Woah... What's happening?!" Kytus exclaimed as the very building began to violently toss.

"Is this an earthquake?" A Nymphian pilot exclaimed.

"At a time like this? Aah!"

"What the buck?!"

"What's happening?" Masquerade exclaimed.

"Impossible! How could a landslide come out of nowhere?!" One of the drones exclaimed.

"Aeces and Decas's units are getting wiped out!"

"Climb! Get to higher ground!" Decas yelled.

"Status report!" Chrysalis ordered as she watched the landslide sweep by.

"We're still trying to confirm."

Mandible exclaimed, "Your Highness, fall back. You're in danger there."

"I don't care. Forget about me. Find out about Decas. And where's Aeces?"

The JLF stronghold shook madly as the landslide struck.

"Will this place hold together?" Kytus asked.

"This center area should make it through." The mare said.

"Oh my, at this rate they'll be swept all the way to the bottom." Gear said.

"These heat readings are abnormal. Do you believe a hydrovolcanic eruption was artificially induced?" Azure asked.

Gear shook his head. "Impossible. Unless of course, someone's used Resilence's Radiant Wave surger."

"Hey, has something happened?" Greymane asked.

Gear waved it off with a hoof. "It is has nothing to do with us. So just relax and continue waiting."

Greymane frowned, but complied nonetheless.

The landslide swept away any Knight-Mares, soldiers, and tanks in its destructive path.

Stryker smiled, his fanged mouth twisting up in a devious smirk. 'It's even more destructive than I anticipated. We did succeed in isolating Chrysalis's unit, but I guess we could've been a bit more accurate. Perhaps I should've consulted a physics teacher. Hm... Or ask Shadow to tutor me in probability. Heh, think of that, the niece tutoring the uncle.'

"New enemy force confirmed moving in from the summit. Carapace's unit is moving to engage them."

"Hoping to take advantage of all the confusion, are they?" Chrysalis narrowed her eyes.

"Emergency call from Carapace unit!"

Chrysalis frowned. "What's wrong?"

"It's not the Japone Liberation Front, they think it's, the Black Knights!"

Chrysalis's eyes widened. "What? Then it's-?"

"Zero. How dare he show up here, Zero!" Crescent yelled, charging his Knight-Mare into the fray.

"Lord Crescent, you can't just abandon your post!" Ember exclaimed.

"This requires drastic measures. If you want glory in life, then follow me!"

"Chrysalis has only limited reinforcements headed her way. Smash right through them!" Stryker commanded.

"Yeah, we can do this now." They fired on the advancing units.

Near a cliffside, Syphilis and a few others hid.

Syphilis narrowed her eyes. "All right everybody? You know the game plan. Our job is to watch their backs. Get ready? Fire!"

Missives fired at a tank, causing it to topple and explode.

"The enemy's taken out Carapace's unit? If I can finish this before Zero reaches Princess Chrysalis, then I'll be golden." Crescent exclaimed.

"Lord Crescent." Ember spoke through the Knight-Mare radio.

"Ember, you came. I knew that you would." Crescent grinned.

'Burn the bridges behind you and keep your back to the wall. Classical strategies remain effective ones, don't they?' Stryker thought.

"Zero!" Crescent exclaimed, firing on two with him.

"Ugh, damn it!" Two pods shot off.

Crescent stopped. "Is Zero here? If he is, then face me. Come forward and fight Crescent Blade!"

Stryker sneered at him. "Well, well, it's been a while Crescent. So you're still in the army? I'd love to stay and catch up, but I'm afraid I don't have time right this minute, Calico Colt."

Crescent's ruby eye twitched. "Grr... Calico?! Die!"

He charged towards Stryker's Burai, but the Guren landed out of nowhere and struck his Knight-Mare gun away with its right hand. Crescent was reverted to using the stun-tonfas.

"Lord Crescent!" Ember exclaimed.

"Stay out of this. This is my duel." He growled.

"But look at it, I've never seen a Knight-Mare like that before! Is it possible that the Elevens have-"

"You think Elevens are capable of such technology?" Crescent asked. He charged it, striking with the stun-tonfas. However, it dodged each attack with speed and precision.

"It's fast. This thing, is this what destroyed Carapace's unit?" Crescent exclaimed as the Guren grabbed the Sutherland.

"Yeah that's right, Nymphia. We can finally go up against you on equal footing head on. And our counterattack begins with this baby: the Guren MK-lI!" Sirocco raised the Guren's right hand, ready to strike.

"Oh buck! There's something on its right hand. But if I keep my distance?" He backed up, only for the right arm to extend and latch onto the Sutherland's head. "What's this?"

Sirocco narrowed her eyes. "Nothing personal." She pressed the wave surger button.

As the Sutherland began to buckle and break, Crescent exclaimed, "Ah... What- What the buck's happening?!"

"Lord Crescent, eject!" Ember said.

"I can't run now. Zero's right in front of me. He's standing right here!" The Sutherland sent a warning alert as blood began to bleed from his nostrils. "Damn it! The auto-eject! Don't you dare activate! I can still get Zero! I know it! I know I can still get him! Gah!" The systems all shut as electricity frizzed and a loud warning 'beep' could be heard.

The beaten pod shot off at the last second. The Guren's arm retracted again as the Sutherland exploded.

Sirocco smirked. "I won't lose! Not with this. Guren MK-II!"

Ember gaped in shock. "She defeated Lord Crescent! Who are the Black Knights? Who are they, these warriors?"

Stryker narrowed his eyes. 'All our tasks at hoof have been cleared. The pieces are in position. Even Chrysalis will lose with only limited allied reinforcements. I'll capture her, then at last, I'll learn the truth about my father's death. And once she's my prisoner, I win! Barring any unforeseen events, my Black Knights will claim victory!'

In the distance, Chrysalis saw the plume of smoke from the explosion. "Grr..."

Author's Note:

That moment you realize 'Nareina' could have been 'Marita' and it could've been so much easier.:facehoof:

And sorry I almost forgot to publish. I went to a party and completely forgot about it. Better late than never though, right?:twilightsheepish: