• Published 4th Jul 2016
  • 895 Views, 112 Comments

Code Geass: Stryker of the Equus Rebellion - Skye Mist

Nymphia has conquered the island nation of Japone with the help of new robotics called Knight-Mares. Stripped of their very identities, the Japonese are renamed Elevens; their land, Colony 11. Among the war, one character shall bring justice: Zero.

  • ...

Act Xlll: The Battle and The Mare

"He was a pious soul who is always looked to God in his life and friend to us all. To his wife, he was a devoted husband, to his foal, a loving father."

'Father...' A tear fell to the ground from Amber's muzzle as the priest continued. She, her mother, and many others were gathered around the grave in black attire. The entire student council was there also, Greymane even. They all wore saddened and worried looks as they stood in the background, except Stryker, whose unreadable gaze was locked firmly on his hooves.

"May he rest in peace forever cradled in the bosom of our Lord." As the priest finished, the grave the coffin was placed in was slowly refilled.

Amber's mother rushed forward. "No, stop!" The crowd looked at her in sympathy. She fell back on her haunches in front of the grave as the tears rolled down her face. "Don’t bury him again, please. He suffered enough. Oh God, don’t leave me."

Amber put a wing on her mother's back and whispered softly, "Mom, he’s gone already." Her voice faltered slightly. "Please Mom."

A young Amber looked up at the clear blue sky while resting on a cloud with her father. She giggled. "Guess what Papa? Someday when I grow up, I'm gonna be your wife."

He gave her a side glance and chuckled. "Oh, that’s very sweet of you, honey. But your teacher told you, didn’t she?"

"Huh?" Amber made a oblivious expression.

"Someday you'll meet the colt you really love." He said, smiling.

"More than I do you?" Amber asked with a tilt of her head.

He put a hoof to his chin in thought. "Hmm... It’s hard to explain." He paused for a moment before turning to Amber and tickling her with his wings, which made her squeal happily. He laughed and booped her nose. "But I do know, if you truly love that colt and he cares for you just as much, it would make me the happiest father on Equus."

Amber placed a flower on the grave with cloudy eyes as she finally turned away from it to face her friends. She smiled at them with only the ghost of her usual self.

Sirocco was the first to speak. Guilt-ridden, she said regretfully, "Amber, I'm so sorry this happened."

"Oh, stop. What have you to apologize for?" Amber said, the ghostly serene smile still adorned on her muzzle. Sirocco's eyes flashed with guilt before directing her gaze towards her hooves.

Fallout grimaced. "We feel awful."

Amber blinked in confusion.

"It just that... when we were all watching the hotel jacking on TV, I thought the Black Knights were... you know, heroes. I mean the news was handling it all wrong, anyway I was posting online how I thought what happened in Nareina was kinda cool, and I... I'm sorry." He bowed his head in shame.

Amber waved it off with a hoof as she walked up to them. "Come on! Don't be silly. That has absolutely nothing to do with this at all. I mean even I was saying Nareina was-"

Raincloud put a hoof on her shoulder and frowned. "Amber, stop." She draped a wing over Amber's back. "Seriously, I'm starting to worry about you here. Have you cried yet? If you simply hold it in, It's only going to be harder for you later on."

Amber's smile faded and her gaze dropped as she whispered, "You don't have to worry. Really, I'm fine. I've cried a lot."

Greymane scowled and stamped a hoof down, earning the attention of everyone, sans Stryker. "Cowards, Zero and his group. Their methods are just cowardly. He doesn't even get his hooves dirty. He stirs creatures into a frenzy, tips the world into chaos, and then sits back and congratulates himself. It's not going to change a thing. Anything gained through his kind of tactics is just meaningless."

Sirocco winced.

Raincloud sighed and straightened up. "Well, anyway, I think it's time we headed back, everyone." Letting go of Amber, she smiled softly. "Amber, we'll be waiting for you, back in the old student council room, same as ever."

Amber smiled a bit more and nodded her head.

"Come on guys, let's go."

Fallout stopped in front of Stryker, who'd still hadn't moved a bit. "Hey, Stryker! I-"

Raincloud urged him to move forward, using her wings to push him ahead.

"What? What I'd do...?" Fallout asked confusedly.

Sirocco cast a backwards glance at Amber before walking away with the others. She sighed. 'Are we really doing the right thing, Zero?'

A heavy silence fell between Stryker and Amber as rain began to fall.

"Ry-Ry, forgive me."

Eyes wide, Stryker snapped his head up and looked at her incredulously. "What?"

Amber began to shake and her voice broke a little. "It wasn't fair. Kissing you like that. It wasn't fair of me at all. It was just... just something I did. Forget about it, okay? I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that." She met his gaze with teary eyes as her voice broke even more. "I'm sorry. It was totally stupid of me. I mean, you finally kissed me, and I can't even be happy."

She turned and flew off.

"Wait! Amber!" Stryker yelled out. But Amber didn't turn back as her form grew smaller in the distance.

The rain continued on.

Stryker looked down at his hooves as he sat on his sofa. His phone vibrated on the table, indicating a call, but he ignored it.

"Do you regret it? That your friend's father was caught up in all this?"

Stryker's eyes flashed as the phone silenced.

"You were just accusing Kuruta of being too soft. What happened to the path of blood?" S2 asked as she sat on his bed.

"Shut up." Stryker said, his voice lacking his normal conviction.

"But it turns out you're the soft one. Did you think this was all just a game? You've already killed your fair share of creatures. By hoof, or words more often than not." She continued in her usual blunt, unfeeling way.

"Just shut up." Stryker growled.

"All of them left behind a family. All had lovers and friends. Are you really telling me you hadn't grasped that yet? Hm, I would have thought you to be better prepared."

"Just shut up! I am prepared! I have been from the moment I killed Xirex." His eyes flashed as he yelled.

"Then why this hesitation? Has she shaken you so badly? One kiss and you go to pieces then, huh?"

He turned around with a scowl to see her smug face as she scoffed at him.

"So for all your preening and posturing, you're really just a spoiled little drone with a swollen head and a big fat mouth."

In a swift second, he pinned her to his bed with his fangs bared and eyes ablaze.

S2 said calmly, "You've gone way too deep to be turning back now. You've passed the point of no return. You need a reason for living, don't you? ...You're not going to disappoint me, are you?"

Stryker recoiled, the anger in his eyes replaced with overwhelmingness and pain. S2 sat up as the bathroom door was slammed. "Hm."

Hot tears burned in Stryker's eyes as he leaned over the sink. His hoof repeatedly slammed against the counter in an pointless attempt to rid himself of his pent up emotions.

"Yes, that is why creatures discriminate against one another."

"So, is that the reason why you killed my cousin?"

"And any ends gained through contemptible means aren’t worth anything."

"Are you really going through with this?"

"That’s all easy enough to say, isn’t it?"

"You can’t! We may have our differences, but you and I are still blood!"

"It’s nothing but self-satisfying gratification."

"And to have this utopia you'd...?"

"I wish the world was a gentler place..."

"You appear to have a reason for living."

"And I've come back to change everything."

"Are you embarking on the path of blood?"

Stryker's eyes flashed as he came to his final decision. 'I've already spilled so much blood to get here...'

The sky began to clear as S2 heard a phone dial.

"Boulder, it’s me, Zero."

Sirocco stared longingly at two pictures on her laptop. One was from when she was a filly on a picnic trip with her parents and sister. The other, taken only shortly before the Nymphian takeover, was her with her sister and Rough Boulder on a camping trip.

She sighed sorrowfully. 'Aurora, you were always positive with what you do... What would you do now?'

Amber lighted down on the empty sidewalk, tear stains still evident on her face. Meanwhile, on the other side of the street, a familiar apricot pegasus closed the door of a carriage and headed towards her, leaving a clipboard with Stryker's picture on it in the seat.

"I have some bad news, Greymane."

Greymane looked from the Lancelot to Gear.

"We've just got word from Chrysalis's Royal Guard. We're on deck for the next operation." Greymane's eyes widened a bit in surprise. Gear smirked slightly before adding, "I wonder, are they acknowledging your skill or do they need another decoy?"

"Oh Gear," Gear Spring turned as he heard Azure call him. "Care for another lesson in proper social etiquette? You look like you have some time to kill."

"Eh... I'll have to take a pass on that." He answered distastefully. Turning back to Greymane, he smiled, "Now then, I believe we were talking about your mission."

The Black Knights stood at attention in one of the many warehouses that dotted the docks.

Rough Boulder frowned. "Wait a second, Zero. I realize this is a request from Sythi. I think we can definitely handle it. And I'm pretty sure that Japone Liberation Front would rather join with us than flee to foreign soil and all... But-"

"You're the one who brought us this information. Hazel, wasn't it?" Zero asked, interrupting Boulder.

Hazel disregarded the two guns pointed at her, and nodded. "That's right. It's an honor that you’d meet me like this, Zero."

"So, Princess Chrysalis is going to deploy the Royal Mareines on General Kytus of the Japone Liberation Front, is that correct?"

"Yes. The network is already poised to broadcast a special report on it."

"Lieutenant General Taiyang will never make it to Kytus in time. Which means that Japone Liberation Front has no military strength right now. Their only chance of escape is the liquid Sakuradite they're carrying."

"Which is why we should help General Kytus escape instead of going after Chrysalis." Rough Boulder interjected.

"Boulder, who are we?" Zero asked.

Rough Boulder blinked in confusion but answered, "We're the Black Knights, Zero."

"Then we have but one task. We will destroy Chrysalis's troops. And in doing so, rescue the remnants of the JLF. Tonight, we regain what was lost to us at Nareina."

"What are our chances?" Boulder asked.

Stryker smirked. "Need you ask?"

Boulder nodded. "Understood."

"Hm." Hazel narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Begin preparations. You all have your orders to carry out." Zero began to leave.

Sirocco rushed forward. "Uh... Zero!"

He stopped and turned back to her. "I have something to attend to. Whatever it is, save it for later." Sirocco's eyes flashed with conflicted emotions as Zero's hoofsteps grew softer.

Decas narrowed his eyes. "Just so you know, the viceroy has reservations about using the numbers. But 'Use every able body', I always say. Even if it's the son of the former prime minister."

Greymane's eyes widened slightly, but he did not interrupt his superior.

"Our target is Kytus. Take him out, and the Japone Liberation Front is finished. We're sending in the Royal Mareines. Your job will be to provide supporting fire from the shore until the marines have Kytus. As well as annihilating any stragglers left over."

"...I'm to annihilate them, sir?" Greymane asked in disbelief.

Decas gave the slightest of nods. "Nobody but the target is to survive. Is that clear?"


Decas's scarred eye seemed to bore into him. "Warrant Officer Greymane, show your loyalty to the crown." He turned. "This is your chance to get ahead in the world, soldier."

As Decas walked away, Greymane said reluctantly, "...Understood, my Lord."

Gear popped up next to him and smirked. "Onward, faithful soldiers. Conflicting morals, right?"

Greymane tensed and clenched his jaw slightly.

A lone sea lion swam beneath the surface of the water, carrying a bomb on its back. It looked up at the surface.

'Hmm, sunset. I need to hurry if I want to be there for the game to play out.'

Amber walked along the barely lit docks. Her wings nervously ruffled, and her eyes remained wide with uncertainty and denial.

She murmured to herself, "No, Ry-Ry... It can’t be true. He would never get tangled up with somepony like that."


"There is a possibility that this drone is linked to the Black Knights." Ember had said.

Amber's hooves had shook as she held the picture of Stryker. "W-What’re you saying he’s involved...?"

"In terrorism."

"I don’t believe you!" She had yelled, shutting her eyes and flattening her ears. 'It can’t be... It has to be a lie!'

Yet she had followed him here.

'Ry-Ry... I’m so sorry to be doubting you like this. But... Please... I wanna believe in you.'

Ember clenched her teeth as she watched Amber from behind one of the warehouses.

'Dammit, she lost him. If she'd just called me sooner, I could’ve had him. I should’ve grabbed him when I had the chance... No, I need proof. If he talks to her, I can learn what his role is in all this. Which is all the more important if he can manipulate memory without magical aid somehow. I won’t have to die, striped of my position and honor like Crescent. Damn, this is my chance to move back up again. So I have to find a link to Zero. It has to be me.'

"Who's there?" Stryker asked as the warehouse door opened. He was internally relieved that a towel was draped on his head and that the dying sunlight casted many dark shadows. A green inferno turned him into his thestral form.

He heard Sirocco's voice stammer. "I-I'm sorry, I'll go."

"Second thoughts?"

He heard her hoofsteps stop.

"I thought that the goal was justice. The only reason I've fought until now is because I thought it was the right thing to do. So I could live with the killing, but now..." Her voice had been low and quiet; it was instantly replaced with the desperate plea of a mare whose morals had clashed. "Tell me. Is this real? Is what we are all doing here really going to change the world for the better?"

Stryker didn't hesitate to answer. "Yes, it will, or rather... it must change the world. Will there be sacrifices? Not only just soldiers but the innocent as well." Stryker gazed his Zero outfit. "And yet, because of all these things, we have no choice but to continue on. No matter the cost, even if creatures see us as cowards, we have to prevail. If that means more blood will be shed, so be it. We've spilled so much to get here. We can't let it be in vain."

Stryker paused a moment.

"...But I won't force you, Sirocco. If you wish to turn back, now is the time."

Sirocco's eyes widened slightly in surprise at the offer, but Stryker felt her determination stir. "I've made my choice. I'll follow you to the very end."

Stryker smiled slightly. "I'm grateful, Sirocco."

S2, in her pegasus disguise, stopped her walk past the campus as snowflakes began to fall. She held out a hoof, and a small snowflake melted into her white fur.

'"Yes, you saved me today. Thank you. S2, I need you. I do."'

She sighed. "What am I doing? I just can't afford to make the same mistake here all over again."

Unbeknownst to her, a changeling with chitin the color of snow roamed the campus only a short distance away.

Decas turned to Chrysalis. "It’s time."

She nodded and ordered, "Commence the operation!"

"All underwater units, hit the water! Dive! Dive! Dive!" Several units disappeared beneath the dark surface of the water as they sped towards the JLF tanker. "Special team, you're clear for category C1 weaponry."

The Lancelot rested along the edge of the bay along with other Knight-Mares.

"Our unit will be covering them from the shore. Careful though, we want that tanker in one piece." Greymane heard through his earpiece.

"Understood, my Lord." He nodded.

"Once torpedo attack is confirmed, all units go to weapons free. Repeat, weapons free."

A jet of water shot several meters into the air as a resounding boom echoed across the docks.

Amber froze, eyes wide. "Oh my God... Terrorists?"

Boulder frowned and spoke into his earpiece. "It looks like it’s started. Zero, you wanna move out or what?" No response. He turned to the submarine ship where he knew Zero's Burai was. "Hey? Do you read me? They’re closing in on the JLF. Come in."

"We have to hold. Chrysalis moved faster than expected. If we go now, we'll die along with them."

Boulder frowned.

"Commence support fire. All units restricted to micro round ordinance only. Be careful not to set off that liquid Sakuradite!"

JLF members raced to the deck of the ship.

"Damn those Nymphians! When the bloody Tartarus did they get here?"

Guns raised, they fired at the water units.

"Enemy units! They’re coming from the water- Ah!"

"Myse! -Ah!"

One by one, the JLF were gunned down by the support fire Knight-Mares that lined the dock.

"2-0-2, 5-0-3, focus fire at 9 o'clock."

Greymane gritted his teeth. 'This isn’t battle. This is wholesale slaughter.'

"Warrant Officer Greymane." Azure's voice came through his earpiece.

"Go ahead."

"I certainly know this must be hard for you. But you are a soldier, remember that."

"...Right, I understand."

"How could they've found us? Where is Taiyang?!" Kytus demanded.

"We can’t locate him, or the Holy Swords."

He gritted his teeth. "What about Sythi?! They said they would send help!"

"Yes sir! But we have no way of contacting them now!"

"So they’re just gonna sit back and watch us die here?!" His eyes blazed as a disgusted scowl appeared on his muzzle.

"We surrender! Please cease fire! This is the Japone Liberation Front! I repeat we surrender!"

Greymane spoke into his earpiece. "Sir, they’re issuing a surrender over an open channel."

"Ignore it." Decas responded.

Greymane frowned. "Yes. But sir..."

The ship began to steam out of the docks.

Decas's sneering voice reached Greymane's ears. "You see? They’re just buying time. Now, carry out your orders!"

Gunfire rang out.

Amber took a step backwards from the resounding chaos. "Ry-Ry just couldn’t be a member of the Black Knights... could he?"

Rough Boulder narrowed his eyes as the Nymphians began to gain the upper ground. "Dammit! It’ll be too late soon! When does Zero plan to move?!"

Boulder turned to face the newest member of the Black Knights as she scoffed.

"I just hope that he isn’t doing all these to honor some foalish notion of justice." Hazel sneered.

"The Knight-Mares are boarding the ship!" Boulder exclaimed into his radio.

"I see..." Zero responded. Stryker smirked, his thestral eyes gleaming. 'That leaves only one way out. They have to be careful around that precious Sakuradite.'

Nymphian Knight-Mares began to bombard the JLF ship.

"Zero! If we don’t hurry-"

"Very well then, go ahead." He pressed the switch beside his hoof.

Directly beneath the ship, a bomb exploded. The Sakuradite became active.

"What the bloody Tartarus is going on?!" Kytus exclaimed as a glowing pink light engulfed the entire ship.

The ground shook, and the water crested as the Sakuradite came to its self-destructing phase. Both sides gaped in shock and confusion.

"I can’t believe this idiocy! They blew up the liquid Sakuradite?" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"Just what you'd expect of the JLF, choosing to take the Nymphians out with them." Zero's voice came through the radios.

Boulder frowned. "Suicide? But they never mentioned..."

"We're going to rush Chrysalis's position head-on! Forget about everything else. All that matters is achieving our goal. If you want to avenge the JLF, then capture Chrysalis. And show them our strength and determination!"

Sirocco nodded from within the Guren Mk ll. "Right."

The Black Knights' ship moved into action, angling their course towards the remaining Nymphians.

"This is like Nareina all over again." Boulder exclaimed.

"It’s outstanding!" Hazel beamed, jumping from the platform.

"Hey, get back here!" Boulder exclaimed.

She began to run off, feeling a burning sense of ecstasy. 'The JLF was just bait! Their command is wide open now. One of the oldest tricks in the book!'

"Where are you going? Hey!"

Hazel swerved left and right as the bullets missed their mark. She began chuckling to herself. 'It makes perfect sense! He wanted to cripple his enemy’s defenses using the Liberation Front as a living trap! He’s excellent material, this Zero! He’s chaos incarnate! More, show me more of your genius! Let your ego engulf the world!'

Black Knight Knight-Mares leapt from the water, assaulting Chrysalis's forces with attack after attack.

"Enemy attack?!"

"2-0-4 signal lost! Tymere, form up with 3-0-8! Provide support! All unit, status report! I repeat, what is your status?!"

Among the chaos, Greymane thought to himself in confusion, 'Why would General kill himself? It doesn’t make any sense... Wait, the main force! Could they have used the tanker as a decoy?!'

Decas began issuing orders left and right. "Mount up now! And form a defensive of line, on the double!"

Chrysalis readied her Knight-Mare. "How did they know we were here?!"

"Your highness!" She heard Mandible call out.

"Knock their Knight-Mares into the sea before the pilots can mount! Guren Mk-II, you’re with me!" Zero ordered.

"Yes sir!" Sirocco replied.

"Your highness, we can handle this." Mandible's voice spoke through the hivemind.

"Quiet! How many times you think I'll allow them to mock me?!"

She was suddenly lurched backwards as Zero struck her Knight-Mare.

She scowled. "I haven’t even powered on!"

"Do you think you can best me in Knight-Mare combat!?" She yelled, using her Gloucester to slash off one arm of the Burai.

Before she could strike again, the Guren came in from nowhere and slashed at her Knight-Mare.

"That new model again!" She growled.

Stryker narrowed his eyes. "I'll smash your hatch and drag you out, Chrysalis."

He smirked as his hoof hovered over his controls, ready to fire. His Knight-Mare's sensors suddenly alerted him of a nearby figure.

Turning his attention to it sharply, his eyes widened.


He was suddenly thrown back in his seat as a familiar white Knight-Mare struck.

Greymane gritted his teeth. 'Zero, your methods are not going to change anything. You're focused on goals, and don't understand the pain of others!'

"Zero!" The Guren attempted to aid, but was cut off by Chrysalis's Gloucester. The Guren quickly swerved to avoid being pierced by its lance.

"This is payback for Nareina!"

At the same moment, Stryker held his ground against the Lancelot. He spat, "Well, if it isn't the knight in shining armor?!"

The Lancelot landed a hit on the chest of the Burai. 'These are creatures' lives you’re playing with. You're nothing but a murderer!'

The Burai failed to dodge a hit from the Lancelot's barrage of attacks. 'Why?! Why do you keep getting in my way?!'

Another hit. 'Why do you keep spilling creatures' blood without meaning?!'

'If it wasn't for you...!'

'Because of you...!'

"Critical damage to unit. Systems failing."

The Lancelot pinned the barely functioning Burai. "Zero, this is the end result."


The cockpit skid across the dock, sending wild sparks into the air. Electricity shot through the entire unit. "Grrahh...!"

The Lancelot turned towards the deformed remains of the cockpit, but before it could move, a voice called out.

"Lancelot, behind you!"

Whirling around, a shield was instantly put up as it was met with the claw of the Guren. "Get the fuck away from him!"

Lashing out at each other, both sides did not see the young pegasus mare that cautiously approached the broken cockpit of Zero.

A green flash prompted her to take a step forward.

Her hoof brushed against an object. Startled, she looked down to see a hoof-gun.

Slowly, she picked it up. The sound of the ensuing battle faded in her mind. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears.

"I-Is this Zero’s...?"

"So then with this..." She slowly—shakingly—pointed it at the exposed, masked head of Zero. "You'll repent for my father!"

She started slightly as Zero unconsciously gave a low, painful groan.

His head moved slightly. Not much, but slightly. But it was enough.

The mask fell to the pavement.

Amber felt her heart stop as her breathing hitched.

Author's Note:

This is so overdue... ;-; I'm sorry...
School was a bitch with hw, then Christmas break was a bitch with no spare time... and I literally just typed this up after coming home from a party... Please don't mind if this chapter is shitty. >~<
I'm sorry for being very inactive with my stories this month and last. Too much stuff has been happening for me to properly work out a set-in-stone schedule, so I hope you can forgive me.

Well, Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah everyone! I hope to have another chapter of this story up on New Years' but no promises!

As always, I hope you enjoy the story thus far, and feedback is appreciated (even if this chapter may be shitty).

Comments ( 9 )

Very Nice, happy holidays.

I really didn't expect this, and it's great to see this story up and running again! This chapter was great, and I can't wait to see more of it! And Merry Christmas/Holidays/Hanukkah to you as well!

7818871 Thx! And yeah, I have been dead on this site for a while, so I was DETERMINED to get something up before the end of the year! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Happy Hanukkah!

don't worry about hitting a deadline, Skye. writing a better chapter is more important, and the last half of this chapter is especially good

keep it up!


7925516 Thx! I shall try!

May I inquire about when the next chapter is if your still writing it that is.... Not to be rude I am a big fan of the show and well want to see where you take it

Thank you for listening - shadow aka Jamie

8014913 Oh yes! I definitely plan on releasing a chapter soon now that I'm on break! I was simply very, very busy the last couple of months, since it's near testing time.

that i can understand exams are the worst

will this ever return

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