• Published 4th Jul 2016
  • 896 Views, 112 Comments

Code Geass: Stryker of the Equus Rebellion - Skye Mist

Nymphia has conquered the island nation of Japone with the help of new robotics called Knight-Mares. Stripped of their very identities, the Japonese are renamed Elevens; their land, Colony 11. Among the war, one character shall bring justice: Zero.

  • ...

Act Vlll: Taken Hostage

Shadow Aura, Raincloud, and Amber were all seated on a train. Amber gazed out the window in awe.

"I've never left the Trotyo Settlement before, this is my first time!"

"I'm sure you wish Stryker could've come with us, don't you?" Raincloud asked with a smirk.

"Eh?!" Amber blushed and broke her gaze. "No..."

Raincloud giggled. "Don't be so shy. Tonight we can stay up all night talking. Let's tell each other which colts and drones we like from school."

"Then you'll probably have a lot to talk about, right Madam President?" Amber asked bluntly.

Raincloud shrugged. "Who can say?"

It went dark suddenly as the train went through a tunnel. Shadow Aura flinched a little and tensed up.

Raincloud wrapped a wing around her. "Shadow, it's all right. There are lots of Nymphian tourists at Lake Kawagaitchi so security's fine. Don't be afraid, it's not the ghettos."

"Yes, but-"

"We'll be with you the whole time. We won't leave your side for a second. No one will try anything if they recognize you. Not with us here."

Shadow Aura smiled a little and her posture loosened. "Thanks."

Light flooded back into the train as metal-plated Mount Fuji came into view.

"Woah..." Rough Boulder and his group hesitantly entered a massive, fancy, and mobile vehicle.

"What are you waiting for? Come in." Zero said from a cushioned sofa within the vehicle as he sat in his usual getup. As the group came in and looked around the two floors, Zero stated, "As of now, this place will be our hideout."

"So, you think joining up with us is a good idea?" Rough Boulder asked him as he walked in.

"Yes. We're comrades, after all."

Eclipse gaped as he walked in. "Holy crud..."

"So what is this, huh?" Syphilis asked to no one in particular.

"Do you mind if I ask how you came by this?" Rough Boulder gestured.

"I borrowed it from a rather libertine nobleman who indulges my requests." Zero replied.

Rough Boulder raised an eyebrow. "You asked for it, just like that?"

Zero waved a hoof offhandedly. "Don't worry, no strings attached."

"It's huge. Check it out, it's got a second story." Torpid said.

Sirocco commented, "On the other hoof, no one would expect us in something like this."

"Hey, it's even got a TV." Torpid exclaimed. As most of the group gathered around the TV, Torpid turned it on.

"How are things looking at the scene?"

The reporter announced, "I'm here in front of the Lake Kawagaitchi Convention Center Hotel. The hotel-jackers have identified themselves as the Japone Liberation Front."

"Huh?" Eclipse blinked in surprise, as did everyone else.

Rough Boulder walked up and asked, "What's happening?"

"Members of the Sakuradite Allocation Meeting, most notably Chairnymph Jaete, were taken hostage, as well as several tourists and hotel employees." The screen switched to that of a room full of terrified ponies and changelings, the latter greater in number than the former. "This footage was taken by the perpetrators. In it, you can clearly see Chairnymph Jaete, including some students."

Sirocco started as she recognized Amber, Shadow, and Raincloud among the hostages. "From the Student Council."

Stryker perked his ears up. "Hmm?"

"The leader of the group claims to be Lieutenant Colonel Arset of the now defunct Japonese..."

Taiyang stamped a clawed hoof down, gaining the attention of his fellow soldiers. "That imbecile!"

"Sakuradite, an essential component in the manufacture of high-temperature superconductors, is a vital strategic resource that directly affects world security. Colony 11 is the largest producer of this material, providing 70% of Equus's total supply. Here at the yearly national meeting of sakuradite producers, it will be determined how this resource will be distributed among the world's nations. It's no exaggeration to say that the outcome determines the balance of global power between Nymphia and other countries. It is believed that the terrorists are using world interest in the annual gathering to their advantage by carrying out this violent hotel takeover."

Arset stood before the hostages, his reflection-less green eyes narrowed. "I am Arset of the Japone Liberation Front. This stand we're taking is for the freedom of Japone and our country's creatures. Even though you are not soldiers, you are still Nymphians. You are the ones who rule and oppress us. Sit still, be quiet, and you'll be fine. If you don't..."

Silence followed. The threat was clear.

Shadow held tight onto Raincloud, her demeanor switched from that of her normal peppy self to a frightened shaking nymph. Amber let her head droop dejectedly. 'Ry-Ry...'

Syphilis narrowed her blue eyes. "So they made their move."

"They're easily the biggest anti-Nymphian force in Japone, and now their pride's hurt." Boulder said.

"Because of us?" Torpid turned to Boulder.

"Maybe." He narrowed his eyes.

Eclipse grimaced. "I don't know whether to feel happy or sad about that, because they're all gonna end up dead."

Stryker's phone began to ring. He looked at the caller ID. 'Fallout?'

"Ah, Stryker, I've-! Huh?" Fallout broke off as the other end hung up.

"This is Stryker, please leave a message after the beep. Beep.."

"What the bloody Tartarus is he doing at a time like this?!" Fallout exclaimed.

Stryker grimaced. 'I know, but...'

Decas turned to Chrysalis. "All bridges connecting to the hotel with the exception of the main one have been destroyed. Our attempted approaches from the air and water have been unsuccessful. There's only one route left that will allow us to develop a possible hostage rescue plan."

Chrysalis had her interest peaked. Narrowing her eyes, she gesturing for him to continue.

"The main utilities tunnel running directly beneath the Convention Center Hotel. Basically, we would go in through this route, destroy the foundation block, and submerge the hotel. Since the tunnel was also built to handle supply deliveries, it should be able to accommodate Sutherlands. Even if the enemy has taken precautions, it should be no problem."

As he spoke, three Nymphian Sutherlands were released down into the utilities tunnel. "Go."

"They've been using substandard weaponry, so we'll have no trouble evading them." Decas included.

In the utilities tunnel, the JLF spotted the Sutherlands with a modified Glasgow. "Enemy detected! As expected, they're moving through the underground tunnel."

"Roger that. Raikou secondary startup, both quad-linkage legs locked. Super Electro Magnetic Shrapnel Cannon voltage confirmed."

One Sutherland pilot spoke through the communicators. "I think these creatures have Knightmare rifles. Spread out and break their ranks."

"S.E.M.S.C., fire!" The Glasgow shot out a large beam headed straight for the Sutherlands.

The three pilots widened their eyes. "What?"

The beam engulfed the Sutherlands, which exploded within seconds.

"One shot!" A JLF member exclaimed.

"Yes! It works! The Raikou is a complete success!" Another spoke through a radio.

Arset grinned as he heard that. "What do you think of that, Nymphian hogs?"

"Wiped out?" Decas widened his eyes.

"It looks as though they've modified a Glasgow into a linear cannon."

"Then there's no way we can break through."

"What do we do now? If we release the political prisoners as they demand-"

"We can't show weakness to terrorists!" Chrysalis yelled.

Mandible turned to her and spoke through the hivemind, "But, Princess Masquerade Mirage and Shadow Aura, they're-"

Chrysalis clenched her teeth. "Yes, I know."

Decas came into the connection, "Thus far it appears that none of them have discovered that fact. If they learn that your sister and daughter are among the hostages, Your Highness, they'll undoubtedly use them as bargaining chips. Princess Shadow Aura should be safe if she doesn't draw much attention to herself. As for Princess Masquerade Mirage, she went there just to observe, therefore she isn't registered along with the other guests."

S2 looked down from the roof to see the same nymph from before scratch a line on the wall. Majesty cocked her head at S2 as she sighed in a exasperated manner.

"Yes, yes, I understand. I'll do well this time. I'll try to look out for him but I'm not his guardian." She said, rolling her eyes.

"Can't the Special Core offer any assistance with the rescue operation?" Greymane said, turning to Gear.

Gear shrugged. "I've already asked them, but we're in a regular unit and they don't acknowledge our chain of command. Besides-"

"It's too risky to entrust the operation to an Eleven, is that right?"

"Yet I'm sure you're aware that Princess Chrysalis is very discriminating about Nymphians and Numbers."

"So the Japonese still aren't being accepted enough into your structure." Greymane narrowed his eyes.

Azure stated, "If that were true, then what point would there be in even having an Honorary Nymphian system?"

Zero watched the news from a small laptop as he sat in a swivel chair.

"Sir, did your daughter appear to be..."

He heard Torpid ask, "Where do you want this?"

Rough Boulder answered, "Over there, by the driver's seat."

Syphilis exclaimed, "Hey, what about these boxes here?"

"Is there anything you want to say to the terrorists?" He heard the reporter say.

"She was only sightseeing. Amber is still a student, but these criminals act indiscriminately. Savages... I want to know if Am- I want to know if my daughter is alright. She hasn't done anything wrong."

"All he's asking..."

Stryker narrowed his now slitted thestral eyes. 'We need to organize before we fight them again. It's too soon though, we're not ready, but we can't just sit here and do nothing either. Knowing Chrysalis, she'll sacrifice the hostages.' He frowned as he realized something. 'Then why doesn't she make her move? Shadow's there, I know, but is it possible-'

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Sirocco came up to him. "Zero... what will happen to the hostages?"

"Eventually, there will be no reason to keep those Nymphians alive." He said, placing his head upon a hoof as he swiveled around.

Sirocco looked down at her hooves. "Yeah... I'm sure you're right."

Rough Boulder walked in with a box of uniforms at his hooves and exclaimed, "Hey Zero, I found these. Should I hoof them out to everyone? I mean as far as gear goes it looks pretty hip, but we're just a resistance group so-"

"Wrong!" Zero interjected, drawing everyone's attention.

"Uh..." Rough Boulder blinked in confusion.

Zero stood from the chair. "We're not a resistance group, is that clear?"

"Well then, what are we?" Boulder asked.

He gestured with a hoof. "What we are, what we're trying to be..." He clenched his hoof. "-are knights for justice!"

"Attention all sniper teams, situation is hold, all team commanders confirm..."

Azure turned to Greymane, who was in the Lancelot as she made adjustments. "Those teenage hostages are friends of yours from school, aren't they? They're still negotiating so let's not give up hope."

"I have faith in the system. I prefer the logic of systems to individualist emotions." He said.

He widened his eyes as the Lancelot's cameras spotted something. "Ms. Azure, look."

He zoomed in.

"Huh?" Azure looked at the screen as the camera focused. Three JLF members stood on the roof with a drone who's wings had been tied with an anti-magic barrier cast around him.

"Situation changing!" The communicators fizzed in and out.

Greymane gasped. "That's..."

"Hotel roof, Alert 2, Status D. Urgent report..."

"What are they going to do to him?" Azure gasped, though they both knew the answer.

Greymane looked on in horror as they pushed him closer to the edge. "Oh no, don't do it." The drone fell to his death with a single push. "No!"

"Our demands have gone unanswered. Therefore, we will throw one hostage from the roof every thirty minutes until our terms are met. For the sake of the hostages, negotiations better be in good faith." Arset said over a broadcast sent to the military.

Decas walked down the corridor with Chrysalis and Mandible. His uncut eye burned with rage as he growled, "This is their warning? Barbarians."

"For now, we could negotiate just to get the nymphs, mares, and foals out." Mandible suggested.

"Forget it! If you give in to their conditions even once, then you're simply legitimizing terrorism." Chrysalis growled.

"Then do we use force?" Decas asked.

"We would pursue that course of action after we secure the safety of Princess Masquerade Mirage and Shadow Aura." Mandible said, glancing over at Decas.

Chrysalis clenched her teeth. 'Mirage... Aura... I....'

A drone appeared out of a hallway behind them. "Viceroy, it's Zero! We just received a message from Zero."

Chrysalis, Decas, and Mandible all turned towards the drone with widened eyes.

"What? What do you mean Van 3 was stolen by Zero? What the buck was Gygus doing all the while?!" Hazel yelled at the drone that'd ran up to her. 'Just when I could visit Amethyst.'

"He said that when he realized what was happening, it was too late."

She scoffed. "Hm. Then where's Van 3 now?"

"Driving straight towards the military." The drone chittered.

"What?!" Hazel said, her eyes wide.

As the van drove up to the military, lights focused on Zero, who was atop it.

"We confirm, it's Zero. Should we open fire?"

"No, just stand by. We'll capture him after he's surrounded." Decas commanded.

In the van, now in their new getup to disguise themselves, Boulder asked Sirocco, "Hey, when Zero went off about justice earlier, what do you think he meant?"

Sirocco answered, "Don't know, but we may die first before we find out. Seems all of our escape routes have been cut off."

"I'm just wondering, why didn't we use that other vehicle?" Torpid asked from the back.

Syphilis said sarcastically, "Oh, so you want the whole world to see where we hide out, huh?"

"Point taken."

Syphilis narrowed her eyes from behind her visor. "Hmm... I don't know about this Zero character, you really think we should trust him? I know he's saved our hides, but is it safe to assume he's doing this for the Japonexe?"

Eclipse shook his head, joining in on the conversation. "No way, we hardly know the guy. But if anything goes wrong, I'll do something about it."

Chrysalis, Decas, and Mandible showed up in their Gloucesters. The van was now completely surrounded. Stryker narrowed his eyes from behind the mask. 'Chrysalis, much as I'd love to get you back right here and now, you're more useful to me alive. If you do what I predict, I won't need to use my Geass.'

Chrysalis opened her hatch. "Well well, we meet again, Zero. Are you a member of the Japone Liberation Front? Or perhaps you intend to help us? Regardless, our concerns take priority over yours at the moment." She raised a sword-rifle into view and aimed it at Zero. "And so for the death of my cousin Xirex, I shall take my revenge right here."

Zero asked, "Chrysalis, which would you choose: Xirex, who is dead, or Masquerade and Shadow, who are alive?"

Chrysalis widened her eyes in surprise. 'How could he have...?'

Stryker smirked. 'My suspicion's confirmed. The first task at hoof is completed. ...You haven't changed, dear sister. You've always doted on sweet little Masquerade ever since Father adopted her as his own. You know Shadow can hold her own even if she can be skittish when fearful; you trained her yourself. You're really just worried about Mirage. That's why you won't take aggressive action, your emotions are getting in the way.'

"It's within my power to save Masquerade Mirage and Shadow Aura for you." Zero stated.

Confusion flickered in Chrysalis's eyes as she shook slightly. "What do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I said that I'm able to rescue them." He repeated.

Arset narrowed his eyes. "Zero, you say?"

The drone nodded. "Yes, sir. Word came from the Nymphian Army."

"Attention all forces, let Zero pass. I repeat, let Zero pass." A broadcast announced across the JLF members.

As the van neared the hotel, Zero inclined his head slightly. 'Either the Japone Liberation Front will accept me as their ally, or they're going to treat me as nothing more than a nuisance. In any event, I highly doubt that they can resist the temptation of meeting the infamous Zero. We shall see.'

The gates opened. Stryker smiled. 'Excellent. All the operation's preliminary conditions have been cleared.'

"Viceroy, what are we doing?" Decas asked through the hivemind.

"I believe that by letting Zero go in, we can buy some time before the next hostage is executed. So, this is our chance. We can hit them both at the same time." Chrysalis smirked.

"Wonderful! I want to thank you for that lovely order. Hahaha!" Gear exclaimed before turning to Greymane. "They said you've got the green light, Lancelot. You've orders to charge right into that linear cannon in the tunnel."

Azure frowned. "Wait a minute, you mean they're using him as a decoy to make an opening for them?!"

"Yep, seems like they'll use the confusion to send in the Royal Guard." Gear nodded.

"Seems like?! But Gear-"

"Miss Azure," Azure turned around to Greymane. "I'm ready. Please let me do it." He let out a deep breath. "If Lancelot and I are needed, and we're able to give the hostages an opportunity to be saved, then I'll do it. Even if it means being a decoy."

"Warrant Officer Greymane, here is a guideline for your mission. According to prime search the hostages are located on the hotel's middle floor and believed to be locked inside a food storage room. Advanced prototype weapon Z-01 Lancelot will use the utilities tunnel to move under the hotel. Once on site you will destroy the foundation block and submerge the building. The area with the hostages should hold out for 8 minutes. Hostage rescue and mop up of the terrorists will be handled by other units. You will be using the VARIS to destroy the foundation. Set the Impact Rail to Anti-Material Level 3." Azure said through the communicator.

"The only variable in this is that pesky linear cannon waiting for you in the tunnel. Space is tight in there, the Lancelot will only have a 47.8% evasion rate." Gear added.

Azure turned to Gear as the Lancelot prepared to launch. "Are we really going through with this?"

"Yep, make sure you both pull out of there before it's too late. Lancelot might be wrecked, that would be unacceptable." Gear instructed.

"Before it's too late?" Greymane questioned. He grimaced, but nodded. "Understood, sir."

He remembered when he spoke to Amber about this trip.

"Greymane, the president and Shadow and I are going to Lake Kawagaitchi on Sunday. Wanna join us?"

Greymane shook his head. "Sorry, I have to work that day."

"You do? Too bad, but I guess that can't be helped then." She shrugged.

"But thank you for inviting me, I really appreciate it. I hope all of you have a great time."

"Twelve minutes to operation start. Commencing countdown."

Shadow Aura flinched as a JLF member walked by. "An... Eleven."

Unfortunately, the pegasus stallion heard her. Whipping around, he exclaimed, "What did you say?"

"Aah!" Squeezing her eyes shut, she clung onto Raincloud, who'd draped a wing over the young princess.

"Not Elevens! We're Japonese, dammit!" The stallion shouted.

Raincloud frowned. "Yes, we're aware of that. Just lay off of her."

"Then correct her, we're not called Elevens!" He growled.

"Fine, we'll correct her." Amber said hotly.

"How dare you speak like that to me?!" He took a long look at Aura. "Wait a minute, isn't that Princess Shadow Aura, Chrysalis's little grub?"

Near the back of the room, a cream-colored pegasus mare with a black mane and cerulean eyes widened her eyes. 'Shadow?'

He grinned as two more JLF members came up. "You're going to the lieutenant. As for you two," He pointed his gun at Amber and Raincloud. "-you're coming with me to the next room, and I'll teach you a real lesson."

Amber and Raincloud exchanged horrified glances as Shadow cried, "No! No!"

Masquerade started to rise, but the nymph next to her grabbed her hoof and shook her head. "Mm-mm."

"I said get up now!" He yelled as he grabbed her by the hoof.

She flailed about. "No! Let me go!"

"Stop it!" Masquerade said, standing.

"Who the buck are you?" The stallion demanded as Shadow squirmed in his grip.

"I demand you take me to your leader right now, understand?" She said, narrowing her eyes.


The nymph beside her whispered, "No Sub-Viceroy, please."

Masquerade payed her no mind as cream fur became black chitin, black hair became cerulean, and blue fire burned away her disguise. With her now slitted sapphire eyes still narrowed, she announced, "You're addressing Masquerade Mirage li Mirren. The fourth princess of the Nymphian Empire. Let my niece and her friends go, or else." The JLF members gasped. Obliging, the stallion slackened his grip on Shadow Aura, who immediately backed up towards Amber and Raincloud as they were also released.

Smiling as her gaze met Shadow Aura's, she asked, "Are you all right, Shadow? You haven't been hurt, have you?"

"Huh?" Aura blinked in surprise of seeing her aunt and murmured, "No."

"You have no intention of joining me?" Zero questioned as he stood in front of Arset and two other JLF members.

Arset narrowed his green eyes. "Remove that mask and reveal your real face to us. It's disrespectful not to."

"I understand, but before I do, I'd like to ask you something. What exactly do you hope to accomplish by this action?"

"Gain attention. I want this country and all of Equus to know that the Japonese aren't dead yet." Arset said, pride gleaming in his eyes.

Zero scoffed, "How stale. You creatures are obsolete, there's no saving you."

One of the other JLF members, a earth pony stallion, scowled, "What? Why you arrogant-"

"Explain what you mean by that, Zero." Arset said calmly.

Greymane started up the Lancelot. "ME Boost."

"Lancelot, now launching!" Azure said.

The Lancelot shot down the tunnel like a bullet.

The JLF saw the Lancelot with the modified Glasgow. "Reaction confirmed, one enemy Knight-Mare. It moves twice as fast as the others." The one at the monitor reported.

"So what?" Another said. "It'll end up like the rest. S.E.M.S.C, fire!"

Greymane gritted his teeth as the cannon fired its explosive shells. The Lancelot used its speed to its limit to dodge them. "Gah!"

The blast sent a mighty gust to come out of the opening of the tunnel, causing everyone to duck and cover. Azure yelled, "I warned you about this, Gear!"

"He doesn't wanna play decoy, he's going for the goal." Gear exclaimed.

Sirocco, Eclipse, Syphilis, Torpid, and Boulder moved about the building as Zero kept Arset busy, placing bombs along the walls and vents.

Outside the room Arset and Zero were conversing in, the pegasus stallion brought Masquerade forward for the sentries to see.

"I brought the hostage that I radioed about earlier for the Lieutenant Colonel to see. She claims that she's Princess Masquerade."

Inside, Arset bared his teeth and lunged at Zero with a sword in his aura. "Zero, there's no point talking anymore!"

The left side of Zero's mask slid down to reveal his slitted eye. "Die!" He commanded with his Geass.

"Fire!" The cannon fired, but the Lancelot dodged the spheres yet again.

The sound of gunfire made the sentries turn around. "Huh?"

One opened the door wide. "Colonel! Ugh!" He grabbed his left shoulder as he was shot.

"Calm yourselves." Zero said, a hoof-strap gun on his foreleg.

Masquerade blinked. "Zero..."

"The Colonel and the others committed suicide when they realized how meaningless this operation was."

The JLF and Masquerade gasped as they saw how true his words seemed. Arset's sword was impaled into his own chest while the other two had blood stains. All three had blood and ichor on themselves, yet the thing that seemed to support that they'd killed themselves was that not a speck of blood was on Zero.

"Masquerade." The young queen started as Zero singled her out. "You were willing to sacrifice yourself for your niece and the commoners. You haven't changed." He said, leaving Masquerade puzzled.


"What? The AE6 Knight-Mare?" Chrysalis exclaimed.

Decas nodded. "Yes. At the rate it's going, it'll break through soon."

"Huh. Do we dare hold out hope?" She narrowed her eyes.

The Lancelot's shields held out against the barrage of attacks. Greymane pressed onward. "Yes. It can take this level of destructive force."

The JLF widened their eyes in panicked surprise. "That thing broke through salvo number five. I can't believe it."

"Just don't panic. Deploy the quad-link free-fire armgun, batteries too. We'll shield this final defense with our lives."

As the cannon began charging up, Greymane contacted Azure. "Ms. Azure, it's time for me to use the VARIS."

"No, you could get killed!" She exclaimed.

He blocked another attack. "There's no room for me to evade, I'll risk getting blasted to take the first shot." The Lancelot prepared to fire the VARIS.

The JLF were forced to stay still, or Zero's group would fire on them. The JLF member who'd gotten shot in the shoulder clenched his teeth. "Why you stinking son of a..."

Inside the room, Zero and Masquerade conversed.

'Heaven must truly be on my side. I never expected that Chrysalis's one weakness was among the hostages: Masquerade.'

"I heard that you're the Sub-Viceroy now your Highness, Princess Masquerade Mirage li Mirren." Zero said.

"It's not an appointment I'm happy with." She said curtly.

"No, it's because Xirex was murdered. That was my handiwork."

Masquerade narrowed her eyes from the way he said it without remorse.

"He begged pathetically for his life to the very end. He pleaded with the same tongue that ordered the deaths of Elevens."

Masquerade's mouth made a straight line as her eyes wavered. "So is that the reason why you killed my cousin?"


"Then why?!" Masquerade demanded.

"Because Xirex was a relative of the Nymphian Queen."

Masquerade's eyes widened.

"That reminds me... You're one of her children, aren't you?" Zero raised his foreleg, and pointed the gun at her.

"Use maximum output! I don't give a damn if it destroys the guns. Be prepared to die defending this spot. Smash him!" The JLF pilot said.

The cannon fired just as the VARIS did. The beams went straight towards one another. Several bombs and explosives separated from the missive, but they never made their mark. The VARIS exploded all of them on impact, and it continued until it hit the cannon itself. A fiery explosion resulted, blowing smoke everywhere. The Lancelot launched upward, out of the water.

"It's the Eleven." Chrysalis said, astonished.

Greymane fired the VARIS at the foundation block, as per the plan. All the hostages were shaken, literally, by it.

As several floors collapsed, Chrysalis exclaimed, "He really did it." She turned to her right. "Mandible!"

He nodded. "Right."

As the building collapsed slowly, Greymane spotted someone with the Lancelot's cameras. It zoomed in to reveal Zero. "No way."

'The white Knight-Mare from before.' Stryker thought, eyes narrowed behind the mask. He used his magic to press the button in his, currently invisible, aura. The bombs planted before by Zero's group exploded.

Greymane stared in horror as the Lancelot landed on the main bridge. The building toppled, no longer able to hold its own weight.

"Shadow! Mirage!" Chrysalis exclaimed, wide-eyed.

"My friends!" Greymane yelled, charging back in.

"Warrant Officer Greymane, don't!" Gear yelled through the communicator.

"What about the cameras in Van 3?" Hazel asked.

"I told you, Zero took the van-"

"Well then, let's hope we pick up a signal from them." She said. She narrowed her eyes. 'What are you doing, Zero? Wasn't that part of your plan: to show us something?'

As the dust settled, Azure and Gear spotted the Lancelot.

Azure exclaimed, "He's all right!"

Gear let out a sigh of relief as he leaned back in his chair.

Greymane looked on in despair. "I couldn't rescue them. They're dead... I failed. Not again!" He slammed his hoof down on the panel in self-frustration.

A boat began emerging out of the debris.

The cameras of Van 3 turned on to reveal Zero. Hazel exclaimed, "We've got it."

Across Japone, Zero was broadcasted. "My dear Nymphians, have no fear." The picture switched to that of all the hostages, safe. "All of the hostages from the hotel are safe and sound. I, Zero, return them to you unharmed."

"They're fine!" Greymane smiled.

"Whew, they're all right!" Fallout breathed a sigh of relief.

Chrysalis gritted her teeth. "Of all the brazen audacity... If we attack you, those creatures will quickly become your hostages, won't they, Zero?"

The screen flicked back to Zero. This time, unseen lights focused on the entire group, though none them could be recognized because of their new uniforms and visors.

"Creatures! Fear us, or rally behind us as you see fit. We, are the Black Knights." Zero announced, his leathery wings spread open.

"Black Knights?" Azure said.

"Ironic, isn't it? The terrorists referring to themselves as knights." Gear chuckled.

Zero stood center, everyone's eyes on him. "We of the Black Knights stand with all those who have no weapons to wield. Regardless of whether they be Elevens, or Nymphians. The Japone Liberation Front cowardly took innocent Nymphian civilians hostage, and they mercilessly executed them. It was a wanton and meaningless act, therefore they have been punished."

Taiyang narrowed his eyes a bit. "Hm."

Hazel received a message on her communicator. She narrowed her eyes. "You heard me right, I said let it run. Liable? I'll be the one responsible for this."

"Just as former Viceroy Xirex was punished for ordering the slaughter of countless unarmed Elevens, we could not stand by and allow such cruelty be carried out, and so we made him pay for his actions. I will not repudiate battle on a fair and level field, but neither will I tolerate a one-sided massacre of the weak by the strong. The only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed! Wherever oppressors abuse their power by attacking those who are powerless, we shall appear again. No matter how mighty, how formidable our foe may be."

Moth raised a hoof to her mouth in shock while 'Raven' simply had a grim expression. 'What have you gotten yourself into, sister?'

"Knights... for justice?" Sirocco whispered to herself.

A breeze began to pick up, making Zero's cloak fly in it. "Those of you with power, fear us! Those of you without it, rally behind us! We, the Black Knights, shall be the ones who stand in judgment of this world!" Zero finished with a stamp of his hoof.

'From now on, the Black Knights shall become my counterattack: against the world in which I was trapped, and against my own undecided heart.'

Author's Note:

Just to be random, I've thought about something odd lately. Any changeling OC someone makes blood-related to Chrysalis is usually her kid. I've just noticed that. Actually, no I lie; I didn't just notice that. It flitted through my mind when I made Stryker and Moth.

Speaking of Stryker and Moth... y'know, I laugh every time when I think about it. Bc when I made Stryker and Moth, I had never even heard of Code Geass. But their personalities were so near identical, it was so laughable. And I am not shitting you; I'm serious.
I made Stryker to be the sly, protective older brother who'd do anything for his little sister, but still remain rather cold, distant, and stoic. He probably wouldn't burst into manic laughter like Lelouch does, or kill millions of creatures to just find the answer to a murder, though. That's just Lelouch; he's still cute to me when he does that though. Lulu, you're so cute when you go off with one of your evil laughs.:heart::rainbowkiss:...Don't judge me ppl, I have the right to love villains and anti-heroes.
Oops. Getting side-tracked here. Ahem.
As for Moth, I had fun there. She was made to be like the missing half of Stryker. The optimistic one who can be clumsy and absent-minded. Yet adorably cute. She was made to be the outcast who'd connect the ponies and changelings together with her smarts and upbeat nature. So she and Nunnally are very similar in that retrospect.

Well, that was just a random thing that came up when I was talking with another MLP-fan friend in my class.

Well, see ya'!:scootangel:
(Btw, if you're curious why it isn't Saturday and I've posted, I'm feeling benevolent since it's my dad's birthday!:pinkiehappy:)

P.S: For fucking sake ppl, I'm dying from lack of commenting! Give me some sort of comment to let me know how I did in a chapter, plz! Insomnia is boring as heck ppl!:raritydespair: