• Published 4th Jul 2016
  • 896 Views, 112 Comments

Code Geass: Stryker of the Equus Rebellion - Skye Mist

Nymphia has conquered the island nation of Japone with the help of new robotics called Knight-Mares. Stripped of their very identities, the Japonese are renamed Elevens; their land, Colony 11. Among the war, one character shall bring justice: Zero.

  • ...

Act Vl: Phoenix Hunt

In a realm not unlike the dream realm, a lone orchid-maned changeling queen with mismatched eyes stood atop the steps of a great temple-like structure.

A message came through the hivemind. "Your Majesty. The remains have arrived."

"I was just conversing with Xirex actually." The queen replied.


"The project must proceed without a moment's delay." She continued, not caring for the messenger's confusion.

Sirocco sat among her friends as they spoke in hushed voices about the new transfer student, Greymane.

"What's an Eleven doing here?"

"He was a suspect in Prince Xirex's murder!"

"But the teacher says the charges were dropped." Sirocco pointed out.

"He was suspicious enough to arrest, though. Right?"

"You don't really think he's a terrorist, do you?"

Sirocco was at a loss for words. "Uh..."

"Of course he isn't. The school board would know something like that."

"An Eleven here at school?" Shadow Aura said a little uncomfortably.

"He is an Honorary Nymphian." Fallout said.

"I know... but still all the same." She murmured.

Amber tilted her head. "Well, he doesn't look all that scary to me, why don't we just talk to him?" She began to walk over to him. "I'm sure he's totally-" Fallout grabbed her tail and dragged her back.

"Hey, the guy just got here. Give him some space."

Stryker stood from his chair, drawing Greymane's attention. He walked out the door, but not before stopping at the door to tug his uniform collar. Greymane widened his eyes in shock.

Greymane walked out onto the roof to see Stryker leaned against the balcony. Stryker turned back with a smirk and pulled his collar again. "Seven years since we used this signal. Long time, huh?"

"Meeting on the roof like the old days." Greymane walked up next to him.

"Yeah." Stryker said, looking out towards the horizon again.

"I'm glad you're okay. I've been worried."

"Alive and kicking thanks to you. You almost died trying to protect me." Stryker said, glancing at Greymane as he remembered how they'd part last.

Greymane shrugged. "I was just returning the favor from 7 years ago."


"Ah, what about that mare? You know, from the capsule." Greymane asked.

Stryker lied. "I don't really know. We got separated during the fray. But you would know more about her than I do, right?"

"No. The only ones who knew anything were the inner circle of the Royal Guard."

"I see." Stryker said, narrowing his eyes. 'So S2 was telling the truth about that. But that also means I can't get any information about her from Greymane.'

"And your name. Do I still call you Stryker?"

Stryker turned around to face Greymane. "The records count my old identity among the dead. I go by the name Stryker Surveil now."


"And you? What happened at your court-martial? And why did you enroll at this school?" Stryker asked.

Greymane shrugged. "I'm as surprised as you are. What are the odds that we'd end up at the same school? Truth is, someone arranged for me to receive a proper investigation. And that someone said that a 17-year-old should be in school."

Masquerade walked along a hall decorated with paintings. She saw one of her adopted father and siblings when they were younger. She smiled a bit at the memories of those times. 'We were so carefree...'

"Were all of these painted by Xirex?" She asked a changeling butler.

"Yes, ma'am." The butler nodded his head stiffly.

She put a hoof gently on one painting. "Such gentle colors. Very much akin to my cousin."

"We've successfully identified the guerrillas, Lord Decas."

Decas smirked, and even his scarred, clouded eye seem to gleam triumphantly. "That's good. Now all we need is their hideout. Get that intel to the Viceroy."

"Yes, my lord."

Tank fired on tank as Eleven fought Nymphian. In the heat of battle, Chrysalis appeared behind the enemy in her Knight-Mare. Using their blind spot to her advantage, she fired her two slash harkens at two tanks.

"What the-"

"Is that Chrysalis?!"

The tanks slowly began to turn around and fire on Chrysalis, but she used the slash harkens to dodge the attacks. Failing to halt the princess, the forces were crushed.

"Relics of a forgotten age." Chrysalis muttered before turning to an entrance into the mountain. She spoke through the hivemind. "Decas, in here? Correct?"

"Yes, my lady. Shall we accompany you?" He asked.

"Not for this level of resistance."


Chrysalis's Knight-Mare sped down the tunnel that led to the heart of the mountain. Once she reached the end, she shouted, "Surrender at once, you feeble-minded Elevens!"

"Down with Nymphia!" They cried before firing their guns at the Knight-Mare. The Knight-Mare was able to take it though.

Chrysalis looked around. "Doesn't seem Zero is here. No point in going after them one at a time, I suppose." She narrowed her eyes. "Vermin." She raised her Knight-Mare's gun. "Rot like the filth that you are!"

Raven and Moth walked in through the doors, the former guiding the latter. Moth grinned. "Hi, Stryker! I returned home."

Stryker smiled. "Hi there! Welcome back." He nodded his head to Raven in greeting. "Miss Raven. I've got a special present for you today, Moth."

"Really? What could it be?!" She began flitting her wings excitedly and jumping up and down in place. In her haste, she tripped her bionic legs up. "Ack!"

"Moth!" Stryker exclaimed.

Luckily, Raven caught her in time and placed her on her hooves. She used her magic to pull a chair over. "Are you alright, Lady Moth?"

Moth sat down in the chair. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Miss Raven." She tilted her head. "So... What's the special present?"

Stryker smiled. He lifted a hoof to his muzzle to tell Raven not to speak. "Shh..."

Raven blinked in confusion. "Huh?"

Stryker gestured with a hoof, and Greymane came in. Stepping into the room, Greymane paused as he saw Moth, ever-smiling and patient. He looked at Stryker, who nodded in turn. Slowly, he walked over to Moth and placed a hoof on hers.

Moth started in surprise. "Huh..." She placed her other hoof on Greymane's hoof and felt around it. "This hoof..." A small smile formed on her muzzle. Her closed eyes began to leak tears. "Thank heavens. I knew it. I just knew you'd be alright."

Greymane smiled. "It's been a long time, Moth."

S2 leaned against the doorway of Stryker's room, sharpening the hollow grind edge of a wing guard as she glanced briefly at the unicorn mare who stood gaping at her. She looked back down at wing guard to continue sharpening it.

"So, this is where you went off to when the war started, eh? Guessing that Mother's still okay if you're here. Smart, using a disguise. Otherwise, they'd question you for being an alicorn. Am I right, Miss Raven Feather?" Her wing guard vanished in a blink of an eye as she stopped sharpening it and looked up at Raven. "Or since I saw through your disguise, Night Shadow?"

Raven chuckled as she snapped out of her stupor, lighting her horn. "Hehe... You always were the observant one..."

In the next moment, a dusk-blue alicorn with a lighter shaded mane and tail with navy-blue streaks, black muzzle and hooves, and slitted cerulean eyes stood in her place.


"So, tell me, you will stay the night, won't you?" Moth asked.

"Greymane's enrolled as a student at Tempus Academy now. So you can see him anytime you want to." Stryker said.

Moth flitted her wings and gasped excitedly, "Is that true?"

"Well, I still have military duties, so I can't be here everyday." Greymane confessed.

Her smile faded a little. "Oh, you're... you're still in the military?"

"Don't worry. I've been reassigned to the Engineering Corps. It's a lot less dangerous." He assured her.

"Cool. Engineering, huh?" Stryker commented as he got up, the teapot in his aura.

"Oh, let me help you." Greymane started to get up.

"You just sit down. Unlike seven years ago, we get to be your hosts now." Stryker said with a smirk.

"Huh." Greymane chuckled a bit as he sat down.

"It's funny. You're lot more mellow than you used to be." Stryker called over his shoulder.

"And you're a bit more rough." Greymane retorted.

"Haha! I suppose." Stryker laughed, turning into the kitchen. He spotted S2 inside the kitchen doorway.

"Huh? I told you to stay in my room." He said, frowning.

"Can't a mare speak with her family? And that colt out there, he's the Nymphian soldier from Shineighku, isn't he? Is that wise?"

"Family?" He shook his head. She wouldn't answer anyway. "And... don't worry, it's fine. He's..." Stryker put the teapot down on the counter as he tried to find the words.


"He's a friend... from the past." Stryker finally said.

Crescent looked up as his cell door was opened. A dark-red maned drone with green eyes stood there, his eyes narrowed.

"You're getting out, Crescent."

"Lord Mandible! You see I'm innocent, don't you?!" Crescent exclaimed.

Mandible narrowed his eyes. "Well, it seems in the eyes of the court you are anyway, Calico Colt."

"Huh?" Crescent was baffled as Mandible continued scathingly.

"Whatever the truth is, Zero got away. And you purebloods let it happen. You've been demoted three ranks for failure. You have two options to choose from: starting over as a pilot, or working in a calico factory."

"You should come by again. Moth would enjoy it." Stryker said as they reached the front door.

"Sure. But..." Greymane trailed off, looking away.

Stryker sensed his uneasiness and stopped. "Hmm?"

"Stryker, I- I don't think we should be seen together at school." Greymane said, meeting his gaze.

"What do you mean?" Stryker exclaimed.

"Think, how would you explain it. Being friends with an Honorary Nymphian? You have to guard your secret. No one can know you're royalty."

Stryker's expression turned grim. "Hm."

"And the same goes for Moth. I don't wanna cause you any troub-"

"Doing it again, huh?! Everyone's needs but your own!"

Greymane blinked in confusion. "Again?"

Stryker looked away. "...Forget it."

"Uh, thanks for having me. It was a lot of fun. I'll uh, see you later." Greymane walked away.


Stopping and turning around, Greymane said, "I'm glad, you know?"

"Huh?" Stryker blinked.

"I never thought we'd get another chance, to talk like this." Greymane smiled as he started to walk again.

Stryker leaned against the wall as he conversed with Fallout.

"So, what's the deal? Something happen to ya' yesterday or what? You didn't even show up for the council meeting." Fallout asked.

Stryker lied. "You know, I kinda tanked that history exam."

Fallout scoffed. "Please, I don't buy that. The way you study? I-" Fallout cut off as Greymane walked by and entered the classroom.

As he entered the room, several students looked up and began to quiet down.

"Shh, stop, you guys..."

Stryker stood alone beside the window on the staircase as Rough Boulder contacted him.

"It hasn't made news yet, but the Blood of the Samurai faction was wiped out by Chrysalis. They were the largest group we had in central Japone. Look, Zero. It won't be long until she comes after us."

"Just keep your head. Our chance will come." Stryker replied coolly.


"Sit tight. I'll contact you later." Stryker ended the call.

'Hmph. He's getting too overly familiar. Maybe I better cut my ties with them.'

He looked out the window to see Greymane washing away a rather insulting graffiti message from his uniform. He widened his eyes.

Shadow Aura sat at the computer, using her magic to type as the door opened. Moth wobbled in unevenly though she didn't hit anything this time. "Shadow?"

Shadow Aura started. "Oh! I'm sorry. Am I too loud?"

Moth shook her head as she walked over. "Not at all. Why are you here? What about class?"


Moth frowned and tilted her head. "Something wrong?"

Shadow let out a sigh. "Well, it's... I dunno, a little scary."


"We have a transfer student in our class now. It's that colt who was accused of murdering Prince Xirex. He's an Eleven."

Moth set her mouth into a grim line dejectedly. "Oh."

Shadow realized how she sounded and exclaimed while shaking her head wildly, "Oh no, I don't mean it like that! ...It's just that-"

"You don't want a repeat of the past. I understand, Shadow."

She sighed. "Thanks for understanding, Moth."

Moth smiled slightly. "It's fine."

S2 opened the front door as the delivery pony was about to knock. Unbeknownst to the two of them, a certain blue phoenix slipped past the doorway.

"Oh... Thanks for all the repeat business. Although the name on the account we debit has a guy's name on it, is that okay?"

S2 walked into Stryker's room with the takeout sushi in her aura, the phoenix slipping in as well before the door closed. She saw Stryker trying to fit his Zero mask into a case.

"Trying to hide your mask, huh?" She asked.

"Unlike my Geass, the mask is a physical piece of evidence." Stryker said without looking up.

The door opened again, this time Moth on the other side. Stryker looked up. "Huh?"

"Alright, Stryker, the tea is ready when you are." She tilted her head a little. "That smell... Hey, did you order sushi? Again?"

Stryker closed the case and answered, "They have a special deal going on. I'll be right down, okay?"



"Maybe you should cut down on the seafood. You don't want your blood so high, or your chitin might burst." Moth said, smirking.

Stryker smirked back as he walked past S2. "Just don't touch or tap it, okay?"

"Ooh, scary!" Moth said, turning and heading down the hall.

"Ha-ha." Stryker said, following after her.

S2 looked at the closed door as she put a sushi roll in her mouth. The blue phoenix, previously perched on a shelf, landed on the case. However, the case wasn't completely flat on the table, and the phoenix fell along with the case onto the floor. "Caw!"

S2 sighed. "Really now, Arctic? How clumsy can you be?"

She turned, but she only saw the case. The phoenix was already behind her, a certain mask in her talons as she flew out the door.

S2 scanned the room. "Hmm? What the heck? Where'd that troublemaking phoenix go?"

"Hm. Yeah, I was wondering if that was going on." Stryker said, taking a sip of tea.

Moth frowned. "They're just being cruel to Greymane."

"No. It's just... Hmm. These things take time. They'll come around." He said.

"Isn't there anything you can do, though? I mean, he is your friend."

"Hm. Well I-" He spotted Arctic perched on a nearby bookshelf. "Huh?"

Then he saw what she had in her talons as she took off down the hall. "Caaww!"

"Gahhhh!" Stryker, wide-eyed, got out of his chair so quickly, his chair hit the floor with a loud crash.

Stryker galloped after the phoenix. "Hey, give that back!"

Moth sat with a confused look on her face. "Uh... Stryker?"

Arctic flew out a window.

Stryker said to himself as he chased it, "Yeah, a phoenix. A stupid little phoenix! You've gotta be kidding me. There's no way I'm getting exposed by a lousy bird! Of all the times to be earth-bound!"

S2 looked out the window in time to see Stryker chasing after Arctic.

"Of all the times to be doing pranks, now was the best, Arctic? Well, it wasn't my fault at least. I didn't touch anything." She shrugged, taking another bite of a sushi roll.

Raincloud, Fallout, and Shadow listened as Moth explained. "Yeah, that's right. I think a medium-sized bird flew off with something pretty important to him."

"Important?" Raincloud asked.

"I'm not sure what exactly, but I'm positive it was something of value to him. Because... I've never heard my brother sound like that. He was completely hysterical."

"That's weird. What could be so important to the guy?" Fallout asked aloud.

"A love letter?" Shadow suggested.

Raincloud put a hoof to her chin. "An embarrassing photo?"

"Poetry he wrote?" Fallout offered.

Moth tilted her head. "Poetry...?"

A devilish grin appeared on Raincloud and Fallout's muzzles, and they exchanged a sly glance.

"Leave it to us! We'll get our hooves on the thing before Stryker has a chance to blink. Just you wait." Raincloud said.

Stryker panted as he chased after Arctic. "If I had those terrorists with me, we could encircle the enemy. Maybe Sirocco? No, she's suspicious of me as it is." As he turned a corner, he went face-first into a bush. "Wooaah!"

The phoenix let put a hearty guffaw before flying off again. Stryker backed out of the bush and brushed his uniform off. "Ughh... get it together!"

Arctic turned into a hallway full of students. Luckily, none saw the phoenix.

Well... except for two.

Arctic stopped and perched atop a locker, preening her hurt wing. The two nymphs across from it stopped their conversation.

"Uh... Is that the mask Zero wears? Or am I crazy?" One exclaimed to the other as Arctic took off again.

"No way. Why would it be here?"

Stryker ran up, panting. "You two saw it?" He activated his Geass. "Forget everything you just saw!"

The two nodded in a mechanical manner. "Sure. No problem at all."


As he chased Arctic, the school intercom came on.

"This is Raincloud Tempus, your Student Council President. Bird hunt, everybody!"

"Bird hunt?" Greymane murmured.

"There's a medium-sized bird loose on campus that needs to be rounded up. Put everything on hold. Participating clubs will get budget priority. And whoever catches our feathered friend, will get an Extra Special Prize!"

Amber sighed as she prepared to jump off the high diving board. "Oh, madam President."

"A big ol' kiss from one of the members of the Student Council! AH-HAHAHAHA-" A fit of coughing from Raincloud stopped the laugh short.

"WAIT! WHAT?!" Amber lost her balance and fell off the diving board with a scream.

Sirocco paused. "Members of... Wait! Like, me?" Her eyes widened as severals colts and drones popped up.


Sirocco wore an expression of horror. "Hah?!"

"You've been hanging around the Student Council, haven't ya?"

"Wouldn't mind a taste of those lips."

"It's not gonna be like some lame peck on the cheek though, is it?"

"A kiss on the cheek would be fine with me."

"Wait. We can choose where she plants it?"

"Yeah. All right!" All of them suddenly disappeared off into different directions.

Sirocco galloped towards the school building, exclaiming, "There's no way that's how I'm gonna get my first kiss!"

"What? From a member of the Student Council?"

"Does that include Stryker?" Many of the mares giggled and squeed.

"Actually I would prefer Raincloud." One nymph said.

"Ugh. Could you get back in the closet, please?"

"And when you do catch that bird, bring what it's carrying to me, to me, to me!" It ended with Raincloud in a coughing fit, again.

"Raincloud! Stay out of this, will ya'?" Stryker muttered.

"Offering creatures up as prizes, that's why I hate Nymphians." Sirocco murmured as she ran down the hall. She slowed down as two students walked by.

"I could hardly believe it."

"I was like, floored when I heard it. Haha."

She sped up again as she passed them. "Damn it! Why do I have to pretend like I'm sick and feeble?" Turning a corner, she bumped into someone. "Gah! Huh. Jeez, I'm sorry about that... huh, Amber!? Why are you dripping wet like that?"

Indeed, Amber's mane and fur was dripping wet. Amber exclaimed, "I didn't have time to dry off. They're gonna make us kiss somebody. We've gotta hurry!"

Sirocco nodded. "I'm with you."

Shadow Aura asked, "Moth, is there anything about this bird that's special?"

Moth tapped her chin. "Hmm... I think that its wing must be hurt, because its wingbeats sounded off to me. I smelled a bit of something like fire and smoke but sort of contained, so it might be a phoenix. And, uh... Oh, I almost forgot. It cawed like this." Raincloud brought the intercom microphone close to her muzzle as she inhaled. "Caaww!"

"The school seems so laid back, in spite of the fact that they're in mourning. You suppose Greymane will be alright in here?" Azure asked outside the gate.

"Never mind that. The university here-"

"Don't worry. I've made arrangements with them."

"Hmm. They still didn't have to kick poor Lancelot out, though." Gear said.

"I know. Even if they did say Elevens aren't acceptable." Azure sighed.

"Okay! Let's go!" Raincloud said to Fallout as they took off flying, the latter a little slower.

"What happens if a member of the Student Council catches the bird? We don't get a prize, do we?"

"Do we get a kiss? But of course." She smirked.

"Is that so? Well, what are we waiting around for, then?" Fallout exclaimed.

Arctic dived into a cranny and stayed there as Amber and Sirocco stopped.

"Okay. We do this right and our lips will be safe. Amber, you cover the rear. Hmph." Sirocco began to loft herself up to the cranny.

"Oh, wait a sec!" Amber exclaimed.

"What's the matter?"

"Who would you wanna get a kiss from? Is there anyone in particular?" Amber frowned.


"It wouldn't be Ry-Ry, would it?" She asked.

Sirocco was confused. "Huh? Just what would make you think that?"

"Oh, how... I guess it... it's just..." As she stammered off, Arctic slipped past them.

Greymane spotted Arctic blur by. He caught a glimpse of blue. "Hey, that's..."


He turned to see Stryker run up, sweat running down his chitin and panting.

"Stryker! You're looking for the bird, too?"

A caw resonated from up the bell tower. Both of them looked up.

"Up there." He began to climb the steps quickly.

"Greymane, wait! Don't go up there!" Stryker exclaimed.

"But the Student Council President said to catch it."

"Don't worry about it. I'll get the phoenix." Stryker said, running up after him.

Greymane laughed. "I was always more agile than you. Remember when that little hummingbird got loose?"

"Quit talking ancient history!" Stryker panted.

"It was only 7 years ago!" Greymane laughed.

"Oh, for Pete's sake..." Stryker breathed heavily. 'He always was an exercise nut. Doesn't help that he's an earth pony either.'

Raincloud touched down in front of the bell tower with Fallout as they saw a large crowd gathering. "So, someone's got it cornered, huh? So, who's the lucky winner?"

Amber pointed with a hoof. "Up there! It's... Greymane?"

Arctic was perched on the ledge.

"Easy now. You don't have to be scared." Greymane said, climbing up towards her.

Stryker appeared behind him. "Greymane, come back!"

"It's alright. Leave this to me."

'That's funny. He never went along with the crowd like this.'

Missing a step as he tried to get closer, he slid near the edge of the roof, his hindlegs already over the edge. "Woaah!"

Everyone gasped from below.

Greymane glanced back. "Huh? Ah... Stryker!"

Raincloud exclaimed, "Someone help him!"

"Wait, look!" Amber exclaimed.

Greymane carefully slid down and extended a hoof towards the drone. Stryker grabbed it with a hoof.

"Are you okay?" Greymane said, pulling him up.

"Y-Yeah." Stryker said.

Shadow Aura looked at them curiously. "Is it possible? Those two are..."

Stryker glanced at Arctic as Greymane pulled him up. Her talons let go of the mask as she began preening herself. The mask rolled down the roof but was caught on a pole. Stryker let out a sigh.

"Pretty calm for someling on the verge of death." Greymane commented as Stryker stood on the roof evenly again.

"Yeah, right. I was just limp with fear."


"Hey, what's going on?" Moth asked as everyone began murmuring.

"That transfer student just saved Stryker from a really close call." Raincloud answered.

Moth smiled. "Ah..."

Greymane walked down the bell tower, Arctic perched on his head. "Think it's the same phoenix from the other day."

He looked up as everyone stared at him in silence. Amber glanced at all of them, then trotted up.

"You saved him. Thank you so much, Greymane!"

Fallout popped in. "Yeah. Way to go there, new guy."

Raincloud asked, "That phoenix was carrying something, wasn't it?"

Greymane shrugged as Arctic cawed. "Yeah, there was something in its talons. But I never really got a good look at it. Guess it let it go when I wasn't looking."

"So, where's Ry-Ry?" Amber asked.

"Eh, he said he forgot something. Told me to go ahead."

Raincloud pointed a hoof. "That's it! The embarrassing secret that he's hiding."

"So, that's it, Madam President?" Stryker walked out, nothing out of the ordinary on him.

Raincloud pouted. "Aww, after all this time I thought I had some dirt on you."

"Yeah. He almost lost his cool for once." Amber giggled.

Sirocco spoke up. "So, uh... do you two know each other, then?"

"But... he's an Eleven." Shadow said awkwardly.

Stryker and Greymane exchanged glances as Moth bit her lip.

Greymane started to say. "No. I just-"

"He's my friend." Stryker cut in. Turning to Raincloud, he asked, "Madam President, would you permit him as a member of the Student Council?"

"Huh?" The current members of the council looked at him in confusion.

"The rules are clear. All students are required to join a club. Although..."

Everyone looked at Raincloud.

Raincloud shrugged. "Well, you are the Vice President. I suppose I can't refuse."

A smile appeared on everyone's faces. Moth wobbled forward.

"Well then, I'd say that's the end of that. Now, come here, you two. Lend me an ear."

Stryker and Greymane blinked in confusion, but complied, nonetheless. She gave them each a peck on the cheek. They reeled back, eyes-wide.

"M...Moth?" Greymane exclaimed.

She grinned. "There you go, the reward Miss Raincloud promised. Since you both caught the phoenix, you'll just have to settle for me, almost a student council member."

Fallout hovered in the air. "Alright then, let's celebrate the catching of the phoenix! Everything's on the new guy, naturally."

Amber joined him in the air, pushing him in the shoulder in good nature. "Oh, back off!" She grinned at Greymane. "Hi, there! I'm Amber. Pleasure to meet ya'."

"Oh, right. I'm Fallout, secretary."

"Raincloud Tempus, Student Council President."

Greymane smiled. "The pleasure is mine."

"And now, Her royal Majesty, the 98th Queen of the Holy Nymphian Empire: Queen Arcane zi Mirren." The announcer stated as the orchid maned changeling queen appeared. The queen narrowed her eyes as she spoke.

"All creatures, are not created equal. Some are born swifter of hoof, some with greater beauty, some are born into poverty, and others born sick and feeble. Both in birthland and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every creature is inherently different. Yes, that is why creatures discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition, and the unfaltering march of progress. Inequality, is not wrong, equality is! What of the EU, which made equality a right, rabble politics by a popularity contest. The Chineighse Federation, with its equal distribution of wealth, a nation of lazy dullards. But not our beloved Nymphia, we fight, we compete, evolution is continuous..."

Gear commented to Azure with a chuckle, "Evolution, such a pretty little word."

"...Nymphia alone moves forward, advancing steadily into the future. Even the death of my nephew Xirex demonstrates Nymphia's unswerving commitment to progress. We will fight on. We shall struggle, compete, plunder, and dominate. And in the end, the future shall be ours. All Hail Nymphia!" She raised a holed hoof into the air.

"All Hail Nymphia! All Hail Nymphia!" The crowd chanted.

S2 sat on Stryker's bed as she watched the broadcast. "So, this is Stryker's enemy. Well..."

'The word "hatred" is not strong enough. If my mother is the embodiment of Nymphia, she must be destroyed. And if Chrysalis gets in my way, she'll suffer the same fate. You may not know it yet, mother, sister, but I have power. So long as I possess Geass, I can go this alone.'

Author's Note:

Little different from the original, right?:moustache:
Having characters be related is fun when doing a crossover. You can have more possibilities than the original.:scootangel:
Also, that 'wing guard' isn't a throw-away prop. You'll be seeing it again. Thx to NightBlaze422 for coming up with the concept of it. If you don't understand, then be patient for the chapter where it appears again.