• Published 4th Jul 2016
  • 896 Views, 112 Comments

Code Geass: Stryker of the Equus Rebellion - Skye Mist

Nymphia has conquered the island nation of Japone with the help of new robotics called Knight-Mares. Stripped of their very identities, the Japonese are renamed Elevens; their land, Colony 11. Among the war, one character shall bring justice: Zero.

  • ...

Act Vll: Chrysalis's Tactics

8 years ago...

"Announcing, Prince Stryker vi Mirren, 17th heir to the royal Nymphian imperial throne."

As a young Stryker walked briskly towards the throne where his mother sat regally, vassals murmured amongst themselves while bowing.

"I heard that King Rancor was killed inside of the Nymphian Palace."

"There's no way terrorists could've gotten in there."

"Which means that the real assassins must have been-"

"Shh... Beware, my friend. You'll regret it if anyone hears that kind of talk around the Palace."

"And yet the young drone remains... even though his father is dead."

"It's over. And the Tempus family who stood behind them is finished as well."

"And his younger sister, the Princess?"

"We understand she was shot in the hindlegs. Heard that they're trying to give her bionic legs. ...And also that she lost her sight."

"Blindness caused by trauma though, isn't it?"

"No difference. Now she can't even be married off for political gain."

Stryker stopped before the throne at the bottom of the steps. "Hail, Your Majesty. My father, the King, is dead."

Arcane glared down at her son. "Old news. What of it?"

Stryker widened his eyes. "What of it?"

"You sought an audience with the Queen of Nymphia simply to inform me of that? Send the next one in. I have no time for these foalish games." She ordered.

Stryker started to run up, crying out, "Mother!"

The guards tried to block his path, but Arcane raised a hoof.

"Yes, Your Majesty." They returned to their posts.

Stryker stopped at the top step and yelled, "Why didn't you keep Father out of harm's way?! You're the Queen, the greatest changeling in this nation, if not all of Equus! You should have protected him and now you don't even visit Moth?!"

"I've no use for that weakling." Arcane stated coldly.

Stryker's eyes widened. "That weakling...?"

"I saw from the moment she was born that she was a weakling. Why else would I name her after a weak insect? If it wasn't for your father..." She let the statement hang like a guillotine. "As for you... You could be so much more if you so choose. That is what it means to be royalty, Stryker."

Stryker shut his eyes to keep the tears out. His sister was not a weakling. Her heart was pure and her spirit free. If being royalty meant he was to abandon his little sister...

"Then I don't wanna be your heir." He looked into his mother's slitted crimson and indigo eyes and yelled, "I give up my claim to the throne!"

All the vassals gasped in shock.

"I'm sick of fighting and scheming against my sisters and cousins over who will succeed you, Mother. I've had enough!" Stryker screamed.

"You are dead."

"Huh...?" Stryker blinked in confusion and took a step back.

Arcane stood. Her voice carried throughout the room even though she never raised it. "You have always been dead to me, dead from the moment you were born. I thought I saw something in you, but I was clearly wrong. Who gave you a comfortable home, the food you eat, the love you flourish upon, and your very life? All of those, I have provided for you. In short, you are nothing to me because you have never existed. Yet you dare to speak such foolishness to me?" She stepped forward threateningly.

Stryker backed up, falling down the stairs, yet he kept his eyes on Arcane. "Ah!"

Arcane towered over her son. "Stryker! You are dead. Therefore, you are not entitled to any rights. I am sending you and Moth to Japone. As Prince and Princess you will serve well as bargaining tools. ...But first..."

Then, all the changelings felt it; it was like a wire had been cut within the hivemind. A shiver went up Stryker's spine, and he almost collapsed right then and there.

Stryker and Moth were no longer connected to Arcane. They truly were, exiled.

Present day...

'Mother, you were wrong. I am not dead. I will crush Nymphia. I will crush you!'

"It's a seventh generation Knightmare Frame, making its abilities far greater than normal." Gear explained to Chrysalis.

She in turn, said to him, "I understand that the Lancelot's pilot is an Eleven."

"That's correct, an Honorary Nymphian. However-"

She cut him off. "I'm promoting this pony from private to warrant officer; that should satisfy him."

"I'm trying to win without having to rely too much on the Numbers." She explained as Gear raised an eyebrow in question.

Masquerade sighed. 'Those who risk their lives on the battlefield are the ones who deserve to rule. I understand the theory, sister. But still...'

"Sorry, you have to sit here watching me do my homework." Greymane mumbled to Azure with a pen in his mouth.

"Oh, don't worry about it. You've never attended a regular school before, so it can't be avoided." She brushed it off.

He spit out the pen. "The guys on the Student Council are helping me, too. But... it's still hard."

Azure chuckled. "Hehe. To be perfectly honest with you, I've been a little bit worried. It's supposed to be a liberal school, but I was afraid you weren't fitting in well."

"Me, too. I was expecting that. But I happened to run into an old friend there and he smoothed everything out for me." Greymane smiled.

"Well then, be sure you never take that friend for granted. If your friendship continues, then your reunion won't have been coincidence. It will have been predestined."

"Okay..." Greymane said with a hint of disbelief.

"Anyway, please try one of these." Azure used her magic to levitate a tray of rice balls over.

"Thank you, I will." He grabbed one and bit into it. He instantly regretted it and winced.

"I'd like your opinion of them." Azure said, smiling.

Not wanting to be rude, Greymane said, "Uh, there's... jam."

Azure smiled. "Yes. I just happened to get some lovely blueberries."

"Alright, stop harassing the poor colt with your food, Azure. Also, pack it up, everyone. We're done today. Don't do anymore. That's all folks... ugh." Gear exclaimed.

"My food is not that bad, Gear! If my sisters were here right now, they'd agree!" Azure yelled.

"Right, sure. But Hazel and Amethyst aren't here, are they?"

"Oh, you... arggh..." Azure fumed.

Greymane tried to find his voice in light of the rather... odd conversation topic. "Ah... Um..."

Azure took a deep breath to calm down. In a moment, her cheerful demeanor returned. "Go to school, Greymane. Classes might be over for the day, but it's important to meet your friends and have a social life, too."

"Say, can I ask you something important?" Amber asked Sirocco as the latter was playing with Arctic midair.

"Uh-huh. Sure, what is it?" Sirocco replied.

"Ah, Sirocco... are you hiding something from us?"

"Huh?" Sirocco paused and looked at her. 'She couldn't know that I'm a terrorist, could she?'

"If it's something too personal..."

"No. What are you talking about?" Sirocco asked.

"You can tell me. I promise I won't be shocked or upset. Uh well, the thing is I happened to see you before." Amber remembered Stryker pulling Sirocco close to him. Were they...?

Sirocco didn't know what to think; she drew out her pouch from her uniform, ready to use if it came to that. Arctic backed up, cawing at the sight of the blade.

Amber whirled around, her cheeks a bright pink. "You're going out with Ry-Ry, right?!"

Sirocco blinked. "Ry-Ry?"

"The other day I saw you outside." Amber said, her gaze dropping.

Sirocco widened her eyes in realization. She quickly stuffed her pouch back into her uniform. She shook her head quickly and lighted down on the floor. "Ah, no no no no. That was all his doing."

"His doing?!" Amber's head snapped back up, a bright blush on her cheeks.

"No, wait! It wasn't like that!"

"I don't get it. You were trying so hard to catch the phoenix before." Amber said in confusion.

"No, that wasn't it! Besides it's not like we kissed or anything!"

"Or anything?! Then you stopped short of doing it?!" Amber exclaimed.

"Will you quit imagining things? You don't understand the circumstances one bit!"

By now, both of their cheeks were burning red.

Raincloud stood in the principal's office on the phone.

"But an arranged marriage is so... I understand how much you want to reestablish the Tempus family. But Mother, it's just that..."

Chrysalis sat on a throne-like chair as Decas gave the report.

"The Saddlema Ghetto is now completely surrounded. The Yamare Alliance's hideout is located at somewhere in here. Half the creatures in this neighborhood are cooperating with them. So, if we proceed now-"

"What will be the effect on production?" Chrysalis asked.

"Primary sector output should decrease by 0.2%."

"Within expectations, you mean. All right." She turned to the line of officers to her right. "All of you here participated in the Shineighku disaster. Is that correct?"

They bowed. "Yes. And we're indebted to you, Princess Chrysalis for your mercy."

"That's not what I'm asking." She narrowed her eyes. "Do you think the conditions are similar?"


"To those in Shineighku." She smirked.

"Military authorities report that they have surrounded the Saddlema Ghetto, a known hiding place for terrorists. Viceroy Chrysalis is also on the scene, and entry to that area is restricted."

S2 looked up from grooming a fiery phoenix as Stryker walked into the room. "Oh, well? What has you looking so serious?"

Stryker gave no reply.

"It appears that a full scale assault will be launched in two hours. Consequently, power will be shut off..."

"News is one thing, but why are we broadcasting the start time?" A mare asked Hazel in a quiet voice as the reporter continued.

Hazel narrowed her eyes. "Because they're trying to provoke Zero..."

"Zero is a criminal with a flair for the theatrical. I've recreated the same conditions that existed in Shineighku in order to draw him out. If he's the overconfident type, I predict he'll come here to try to kill me." Chrysalis stated.

"Viceroy, you'd really risk your own life like this?"

"What you fail to understand is war is a struggle between pride and life." She said, narrowing her eyes at the drone.

"You're not falling for the enemy's provocation, are you?" S2 asked as Stryker sorted through a case. The phoenix cocked her head and let out a questioning caw.

"They went to such trouble to invite me, though. Besides, there's something I'd like to ask Chrysalis personally." Stryker said.

S2 sighed. "Destroying Nymphia or discovering who murdered your father, which is more important to you?"

"The two are of equal importance. The royal family members are competing with each other to see who will ascend the throne and become the next ruler." His eyes flashed with anger. "Or rather, they're being forced to fight by that nymph."

"But the very thing you hate is the same thing that makes Nymphia strong. The royal heir who is best fit to become the next ruler of Nymphia is the last one left standing."

"Exactly. The weak ones lose and they're cast aside. Nymphia is that kind of nation. That kind of world."

"Survival of the fittest is the most basic rule of all."

Stryker felt his rage boil. "If that's true, then what happens to Moth?! Should I simply give up on my sister because she's frail?! I refuse to accept that. I'll wipe out that sort of world myself." He closed the case.

He looked up to see S2 pointing a hoof-strap gun at him, her horn projecting a magic-proof barrier. "Hmm?"

As Greymane neared the student council room, Sirocco stepped out, looking flustered.

"Like I've said, there's nothing between Stryker and I!"

"Stryker?" Greymane questioned.

Sirocco started at his appearance but said to Amber, "Anyway, that's how it is." She began to walk away.

"There's nothing going on." She muttered.

Greymane blinked in confusion and stepped into the room. "Huh? Um... where's Stryker?"

"I don't know where he is and I don't give a damn!" Amber shouted.

"Huh?" Greymane blinked in confusion. 'Did I miss something?'

"You can't go, Stryker. You need to fulfill your part of our bargain, so I won't have you dying before that." S2 said calmly.

"Notice that what you're saying and what you're doing are contradictory." Stryker narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, I won't kill you. I'm merely going to shoot you in the forelegs to quiet you down."

Stryker smirked. "Now I get it. You're unable to use Geass yourself, aren't you?"

S2 flinched the slightest bit. Despite not being able to sense her emotions, he knew obvious signs.

"I'm not surprised. I suspected as much. You obviously wouldn't have asked me to do it if you could've done it yourself." He said smugly before pulling his own hoof-strap gun out from his uniform. The phoenix cawed in a panicked manner at S2.

"Do you honestly think you can threaten me with a gun?" S2 asked coldly.

Stryker smirked and answered, "Yes, I do."

Instead of pointing it at S2, he pointed it at the side of his own head.

The phoenix grew eerily silent. S2 clenched her teeth.

Stryker said calmly, "Until I met you, I was dead. An empty corpse existing behind a false guise of life, a life in which I did nothing real. Day to day, I merely went through the motions of living as if I were a zombie. And I always had the feeling that I was gradually dying. If I'm condemned to go back to that, then I'd rather..." Stryker started to pull the trigger.

"Stop it." S2 lowered her gun and cast away the barrier.

"Hmph." Stryker stopped and lowered his own gun.

S2 cast her eyes downward. "I see now. It's life without meaning. And a life like that..."

"Gahhh...!" A drone fell into a pool of his own ichor. Several bullets were lodged in his chitin, some penetrating his insides. The crowd gasped as the pool of green ichor grew.

"Oh my God. Why the heck did you do that?! Even foals are here. What's going on? We haven't done anything!" One pony shouted at the Nymphian soldiers.

"That's exactly why. The creatures of this ghetto refuse to report the terrorists. You hide them, cover for them. That's treason against a suzerain state!"

As if on cue, they fired all at once at the citizens.

"We're done sweeping away those in charge." Decas said, turning to Chrysalis.

Chrysalis's slitted harlequin eyes gleamed. "It's nearly time to set our plan into motion. So, shall we begin?"

Decas nodded. "Right." He spoke through both the hivemind and communication lines. "Attention all forces. Commence eradication of the Saddlema Ghetto." As troops and Knight-Mares gathered, he commanded, "All forces, assume No. 1 battle stations."

Crescent and the purebloods all stood on the sidelines next to Chrysalis's own checkpoint.

"I don't understand. Why won't Princess Chrysalis order us to attack as well?" Crescent said irritably.

Kiquy said scathingly, "She won't because Calico is here." Crescent clenched his teeth. "Just be thankful that you haven't been disposed of. You're to blame for this. It's due to you that our careers are over."

"You're wrong. Zero's the one who did it!" Crescent exclaimed.

Kiquy turned his head away and scoffed. "That again, hmph."

Ember narrowed her eyes in thought. 'Zero. Could that student be working with him?'

"Suppression of area 4 complete. 8th and 11th mechanized infantry companies are sweeping north and south in a pincer movement."

Stryker, in a military uniform guise, scowled as the destruction went on. 'Always the same. Chrysalis replaces Xirex, yet Nymphia never changes.'

A Knight-Mare halted him as it landed from a building nearby. "What unit are you from? Your unit name and ID, soldier."

Stryker replied instantly, "Private Midnight Striker, sir. With Third Reconnaissance Company." He took out a disc with his magic. "I obtained this item from one of the terrorists. Could I ask you please transmit it to headquarters for me, sir?"

The pilot opened his hatch. "Disc, huh? Well, I still need to verify your ID first."

Stryker smirked. "Right, understood. But before we do that, sir," He activated his Geass. "I'd like to borrow your Sutherland. So, hoof it over."

"Sure. No problem. Just take good care of it." The drone said.

Stryker smirked. "Thank you, I really appreciate it."

Within a warehouse, the Yamare resistance hid, waiting for the inevitable.

"It's hopeless."

"Can't we break through along the Saddlekyo Line?"

"They got armor blocking it. We can't use backroads, either. Any reinforcements from Akabaneigh or Jujib?"

"One creature might get through but not a group."

"Ranot!" An earth pony mare ran in with a radio.

"Damn. Any word of Tackda or Kawagaitchi districts?"

"Forget that. Listen!" She thrust the radio forward with the volume increased.


The radio fuzzed to life. "This, is Zero."


"Zero, you mean...?"

"I assume all of you have heard about the Shineighku incident. Do what I say, and you'll be saved." Zero said.

Smiles and cheers broke out among the Yamare group. They had a chance now!

"B-12, suppression complete."

"F-7, no sign of the enemy."

"D-24, we are 87% complete."

"Paladin team, change course to 516." Decas commanded.

"Yes, my lord. Moving to 516."

The two Sutherlands moved to the location. One said, "No response at all. This pony Zero might turn out to be a no show."

"Yeah, he's just another run of the mill terrorist."

He spoke too soon, for the next moment they were attacked by two explosive missiles. The Sutherlands exploded before they could eject.

The Yamare members gaped. "They came! They really came!"

"Just like Zero said they would!"

Stryker smirked from within the stolen Sutherland. 'Now then. Shall I drag Chrysalis out, or should I make an opening?'

"R-1, R-2, maintain distance. Draw them back to the area where N-2 is. B-7, open fire towards 2 o'clock. P-5's team will commence its barrage." He said through the radio.

"Serto team, contact lost."

"Enemy spotted in district G-4-7."

"Kuznetackii team engaging. They were ambushed."

"The enemy appears to be using Sutherlands captured from our own forces."

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes but kept silent as her subordinates murmured amongst themselves.

"Exactly the same as Shineighku."

"Has there been any sign of Zero yet?"

"N-2, continue towards the upper-right. R-4, fire. N-1, take the drone on the left. Right. P-3, take out the bridge and close down the route now." Stryker commanded.

Chrysalis's forces dwindled extensively.

"Point 1-7 has fallen. Hypter team, contact lost."

Chrysalis raised a hoof. "That's enough. Order all troops to fall back. Further damage and casualties serve no point."

"Fall back? With all due respect, we can still fight them."

She shook her head. "We can't fight them like this."

Decas commanded, "All forces, fall back behind Ghetto perimeter at once. Formation dosen't matter. Fall back behind Ghetto perimeter at once."

Stryker lay his head on his hoof as he sneered internally, 'What? No stomach for it?' He tapped the screen with the other hoof. 'If I blend in with the retreating units that'd put me right next to Chrysalis. Have I cleared the task at hoof already?'

S2 lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Hm. You can't fight your own blood, can you? But regardless, that type of creature is dangerous. ...I wonder which path he'll take. ...I understand. Just who do you think I am, anyway?" She said as she got up. The phoenix tilted its head and cawed at her. She smiled. "Make sure your sister doesn't anything to draw attention to herself, Majesty."

"Hmm.... So, Ry-Ry lived here before this became Colony 11, huh? Was he a neighbor?" Amber asked as she stroked Arctic, her eyes unfocused.

Greymane avoided the question. "Uh... what about yourself?"

"Myself?" She turned to look at Greymane. "I guess we're a lot alike in that respect. Honestly, I didn't like Ry-Ry at the beginning when I first met him. He gave me the impression that he was flippant, and the only thing he worked hard at was avoiding hard work."

She looked down at the ground.

"But back when we were both freshmen, I happened to see him come upon a traffic accident. A driver rear-ended another car and was clearly at fault, but he tried to blame it on the elderly owners of the other car. Nobody tried to help them. And then..." Amber paused and smiled a bit. "Ry-Ry didn't do it so he could boast to his buddies or laugh about it later. He did it with the same bored expression he always wears. That's when I wondered, 'What's up with this drone? What goes on his mind? What does he wanna do?' I really wanted to know and in the process of finding out..."

"You fell in love with him?" Greymane finished.

Amber widened her eyes and blushed. "Huh, um... You think that what this is?" She looked down. "...Maybe you're right."

Raincloud stood outside the door, having listened in on the story. She sighed.

"How dreamy it is to be in love. Oh, how I wish."

'Chrysalis, you're no match you'll lose.'

"Zero is no match, I'll win." Chrysalis grinned.

One drone turned to her. "Huh?"

"Of course. That's why we call Princess Chrysalis, the Goddess of Victory." Decas said.

Chrysalis turned to Mandible, who stood next to her throne-like chair. "Shall we go, then, Mandible, my knight?"

He bowed. "It is my pleasure to serve and obey you, my lady."

'Hmph. Even with my Geass, the normal security makes it too risky for me to simply stroll in. I guess I'll have to create an opening as I did with Xirex.' His phone rang. Stryker looked at the caller ID. 'Hmm? The Student Council room? I thought the Bird Festival meeting was scheduled for tomorrow.'

"I know Sirocco said I had it all wrong, but it seemed like she was getting upset in order to fool me." Amber said dejectedly in midair.

Greymane held the phone in his hoof as it dialed. "Which is why in this case, it's best to simply ask him directly. On your behalf, I can ask him how he feels about you."

She whirled around to him. "What?! You'd really do that?!"

"Just relax. It'll be fine." He said.

Amber swooped down and grabbed the phone from Greymane. "Are you nuts?! No way!" She slammed it back onto its ringer.

Stryker tilted his head as the call stopped outgoing. "Hm? Oh, whatever."

Greymane grabbed the phone again. "Aw, come on. Let me handle this for you. I'll be discreet."

Amber yanked it back. "I don't want your help, okay?"

He leaned to get the phone back. "It'll be fine. Oh!" He tripped over the cord and fell, taking Amber down as well.

Arctic fluttered down with a chortle.

"Sorry." Greymane said sheepishly.


"Oww..." Greymane suddenly exclaimed.

Arctic had an almost michevious gleam in her eyes as her talons sunk into his hoof, not enough to draw blood but enough to hurt.

"Uh-oh. ...Does that hurt much?" Amber asked.

Greymane winced as he tried to move. "Greatly."

'You're desperate, Chrysalis, using your Royal Guard in such a manner.'

He spoke into the radio. "This is Zero. N-1 will reengage their IFF signal. Operate as a Britannian unit."


'...as my decoy.' Stryker smirked.

Decas reported to Chrysalis, "One Knight-Mare left transmitting an IFF signal within the city area."

"Can't you contact it?"

"Scrabble the rescue team!"

"No, destroy it." Chrysalis ordered.

"You can't! He might be a captive of the enemy."

Chrysalis bared her fangs. "I ordered all troops to fall back. I have no use for soldiers who can't follow my orders."

Decas narrowed his eyes. "You heard the Princess."


"Do your duty even if it costs your life. My subordinates follow that code without question." Chrysalis said coldly.

Mandible headed a group of Gloucesters as they headed towards the decoy. "At your command, your Highness."

The N-1 pilot exclaimed, "Hey! What're you doing? Can't you read the IFF signal? I'm on your side!"

Mandible and the Gloucesters continued.

"Damn it!" The pilot fired at them, but they jumped right over and used their lances to pierce through the cockpit.

Stryker narrowed his eyes. 'No confirmation? Well then...'

"N-2, transmit signal then fall back to the hospital ruins. R-1, R-2, hold your positions, fire only if attacked."

"They've transmitted another signal, which means one thing. They've set an ambush. Send in more Gloucesters and surround them." Chrysalis ordered.

Stryker stared wide-eyed at the screen as his plan fell apart. 'They're not following? No, damn it!'

"R-1, R-2, abort the ambush and fall back at once. Abort!"

"Gloucesters have arrived at the indicated area. No sign of the enemy." Decas reported.

'He anticipated my move. It's possible we really are dealing with Zero himself.' The ends of Chrysalis's fanged mouth went up.

"P-2, N-3, circle around behind the enemy." No response. "What's wrong? Come in! P-2, N-3!" Silence. "Damn it! B-1, B-5, move in!"

"Like Tartarus! There's no way we can beat Chrysalis's Royal Guards. That's a death sentence. I'm out!"

Stryker clenched his teeth. 'You fools!'

Three Yamare members stepped out of their Knight-Mares.

"Hey, we surrender."

"We won't resist."

"Spare us."

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes. "Kill them."

Shots rang out.

"P-6, P-8, what's happening?" Static. "Aargh! B-7, circle around and cover N-4."

"This is B-7. I've got a prime target here. I'll take him out first."

Stryker exclaimed, "No, hold fire! That's a decoy. B-7, that's an order!"

"What d'you mean? I've got this bastard right in my sights!"

"Fall back! They'll strike from above. B-7, fall back!"


"Idiot! B-8, this is Zero. I want a status report now."

"Screw your status report- Aargh!"

"B-8! ...Damn! Anyone who's left, report in from the P-group now." Stryker yelled into the radio. His attention was sidetracked by an announcement coming from Chrysalis's transport.

"Mission complete. All forces, take formation No.4."

Stryker clenched his teeth and closed his eyes as he shook in dismayed fury. His hoof hit against the panel. 'Beaten as easily. But that's not how the game was supposed to go.'

Chrysalis smirked smugly. 'This didn't work out the way it did in Shineighku, Zero. So, are you still masquerading as one of us? We'll discover who you are shortly.'

'This... This is what a real organization can do.' Stryker thought.

"Attention, all Knight-Mare pilots. Open your hatches and reveal your faces." Chrysalis's voice came through.

Stryker snapped his head up in surprise. With a growl and his eyes wide and burning with hate, he hissed, "Chrysalis!"

Chrysalis smirked. "Hm. I repeat, all pilots, open your hatches and show me your faces."

Stryker shook. 'What do I do? If she gets me in a line-up without my mask, my identity will be exposed. That can't happen. Can't use a disguise without them knowing I'm not one of them. Use my Geass? No, impossible. It won't work unless I look directly at them. The enemy is protected within Knight-Mares. That leaves the infantry and the other pilots. Forget it, they're too many of them. How do I turn this around? No, would that work? Show them I'm Zero, then use the power? But then the Knight-Mares. Maybe I can start shooting and break out of here? Impossible, against Chrysalis's Royal Guard that would be suicide.'

He was snapped out of his stupor as Mandble's Knight-Mare stopped in front of his. "Open your hatch. It's your turn."

'What can I do?! I'm cornered!'

Mandible narrowed his green eyes. "What's wrong? Hurry up and open your hatch."

"Well, my hatch was damaged earlier in battle." He lied to buy for time.

"I see, then we'll open it for you. Turn around."

Stryker clenched his teeth. 'Damn it! There's no way out!'

"Well, come on!"

'It's over.' Stryker felt his heart beat wildly. "Yes, understood. At once, sir."

"Zero's been sighted!"

Mandible turned.

Stryker widened his eyes in surprise. "Huh?"

There, on the top of a partially-crumbled building was Zero, mask, cloak, and all.

"Aha, I was right. Zero has a flair for the dramatic." Chrysalis grinned triumphantly.

"No way!" Stryker gaped. 'The only one who'd know is...'

Mandible commanded, "Capture him! Platoon 3 and 5, stay..."

"Image detected. Target confirmed."

'I'll just have to play along then.' Stryker followed the other Knight-Mares.

"Head around back."

"Sharpshooters, open fire!" They fired at the building Zero stood on.

Zero fell back out of their view.

"He fell!"

"Your Highness, how do you want us to proceed now?" Mandible asked.

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes. "Hmm... Any likelihood it's a trap?"

Decas turned to her. "There's always that possibility. Especially since we don't know anything about this pony, aside from the fact that he seems as prideful as you anticipated, Viceroy."

"Then there's no point in chasing him." She inclined her head.

"Correct. If he intentionally revealed himself directly to his enemy, he must already have an escape route already in place."

"So self-preservation trumps all?" Chrysalis sneered.

Stryker ran down the dark, underground sewage-ways. 'That's how Chrysalis is. She's nothing at all like Xirex.'

"Huh?" He stopped as 'Zero' appeared before him. He narrowed his eyes.

"Why did you rescue me?" He asked.

'Zero' took off the mask with 'his' hooves. A white female pegasus with a straight mauve and navy-blue mane and bangs was behind the mask. In a flash of cerulean, S2 stood in her natural form before him. She fixated her slitted eyes on Stryker. "I told you already. I can't have you dying."

Stryker growled, "I wouldn't have lost if the conditions were equal."

S2 turned, the mask in her aura, as she smirked. "You sore loser. If you're really that good, you should be able to set up conditions the way you want."

"That's what I'll do then, I'll set them up."

S2 turned back towards him.

"I'll raise an army that can't lose to Nymphia. A nation!"

'Only question is... Who will serve my army? If only I could ask Greymane to join me... But he's a Nymphian soldier now. Even if he doesn't enter into the fray, he's still my enemy. ...Well then, I'll just have to choose.'

Author's Note:

If you're confused about Queen Arcane zi Mirren's eye color, let me clarify: her left eye is crimson and her right eye is indigo.