• Published 4th Jul 2016
  • 894 Views, 112 Comments

Code Geass: Stryker of the Equus Rebellion - Skye Mist

Nymphia has conquered the island nation of Japone with the help of new robotics called Knight-Mares. Stripped of their very identities, the Japonese are renamed Elevens; their land, Colony 11. Among the war, one character shall bring justice: Zero.

  • ...

Act Xll: An Ally Gained, A Life Lost

"The Japone Liberation Front was nearly wiped out by your Nareina operation, viceroy. Now, we're hunting down the survivors, one by one."

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at the drone from her position at the head of the table. "Are you being sarcastic? We're barely pulling our forces back together after that fiasco."

The drone shook his head rapidly. "No, I- I didn't mean to-"

Mandible didn't let him finish. "The Occupation Government is responsible for this. They've done nothing about Colony 11's subways and mining railways. In the ghettoes, they falsify the registries and property deeds as the rebellion spreads unchallenged."

"Ah, the subway tunnels stretch over the whole country. We can't just fill them all in. We don't have the budget."

Mandible growled, "The terrorists are using them as their strike bases and escape routes."

"B-But, Prince Xirex instructed us-" Chrysalis glared at him. "Ah, he said forcing them would fuel the rebellion giving the Chineighse Federation an excuse to attack."

"They've already got their excuse. Zero is growing stronger and bolder everyday." She scowled.

Decas cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. "Vice-Minister. Internal Affairs has appointed special group of the Elevens to self-govern this area, isn't that right? A group who are called the NAC."

Many of the Nymphians in the room blinked in surprise and confusion. "Huh?"

"When we stormed Nareina, we looked for the evidence of the NAC's conspiracies. But it was buried in the landslide. Still our suspicions remain high." He turned his head towards Chrysalis. "If we suppress them now..."

"Hm, a group of blue-bloods and plutocrats. Relics of their dismal past." Chrysalis said.

The minister stood from his chair, panic in his eyes. "Oh, wait! please! These are just rumors. There's no evidence of that at all. If you suppress them, then the Elevens' economy will certainly collapse. That means no tax revenue to send to the homeland. Also, it's a prime directive of the empire that Numbers should take care of their own kind."

"And what have you done to find the Black Knights?" She said scathingly.

"We analyzed the shield machine they left, showing Zero was behind the Nareina operation. But that's all we've got. You can't squeeze information out of corpses."

Chrysalis shook her head. "So you can't catch Zero and you don't want us to hit Sythi. Do you know the word 'incompetent', minister? It's for creatures who can't get results."

"So, the Nymphian viceroy has gone this far already." The old drone sighed to the circle of members.

"With the Liberation Front smashed, the last embers of Japone have died away, Kuruta." The stallion to his immediate left said.

"No, he may be on the run, but Taiyang is still strong, still fighting." A mare across from them argued.

The stallion to her right shook his head. "Even if that is so, I heard he lost his custom Burais. So, there's no hope."

"There is hope." A younger voice interjected from behind them.

"Hm?" They all turned to see a slim, young changeling queen with a fancy, wavy light-blue mane and tail and red eyes. Eyes which now were fixated on Kuruta.

One mare exclaimed, "The Black Knights, Silken? You've been infatuated with Zero ever since he rescued Greymane. We even sent him the Guren Mk-II."

"So?" The young changeling queen asked.

"Zero and the Black Knights are no more miracle-workers than any resistance group." The mare clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Y'know... even though you claim that you're nothing like your mother, you both have one thing in common: stubbornness."

"And after the defeat at Trafoalgar, Eneffy the third found herself surrounded by revolutionaries in Reindinburgh."

Shutting out the teacher, Amber looked at the two concert tickets in an envelope and smiled. 'Oh, father...'

"However with the help of Lord Mirren, she fled to the Glade colonies now known as our homeland Nymphia."

She glanced over at Stryker's empty seat, and then over at Sirocco's empty seat. 'Oh...' She sighed despairingly.

Afterwards, in the student council room, she flew back and forth restlessly as she held the envelope in her hooves. "Hmm..."

Raincloud looked up. "Huh? Okay. What's got you so worried? Constipated? Need to go to the restroom? What?"

Amber stopped and blinked, processing the question. "Huh? What? ...N-no, that's not it."

Raincloud put a hoof to her chin as she thought. "Hmm... Ah! You're lonely 'cause Stryker is gone, aren't you?"

Amber said dejectedly, "Well... It's more like Sirocco is absent the same day he is... again."

"Oh, so carefree. While the rest of Equus grapples with what happened at Nareina. Greymane's been out for two days because of that, too."

"I know that! But Ry-Ry and Sirocco gone on the same day together? That's serious."

Raincloud giggled. "Hehe! I envy you, Amber. That's what I love about you."

"Don't make fun of me!" Amber pouted.

"Caw!" Arctic said from her perch, seemingly agreeing with her.

"Then just tell him already," Raincloud said, pulling Amber down to the ground again. Amber placed the envelope on the edge of the table. "Three little words: 'I like you!'."

Amber blushed and exclaimed, "Uh... I couldn't! I just couldn't! I mean what if..."

"What if he rejects me, it can ruin our great friendship. Hahahahaha!" Raincloud laughed. "Like he would ever do that!"

Amber looked at her hooves. "You don't have to laugh that hard, you know?"

Raincloud sighed, "...It's comfortable isn't it? This place now. The way we're together."

"That's true." Amber murmured.

"Still, we should prepare ourselves a bit. The fact is nothing stays the same forever, you know."


Raincloud waved a hoof. "Oh, forget it. Please don't take me too seriously. If it's bothering you, why not you just ask him the next chance you get?" She turned towards the door as it opened. "So, how do you feel about it on your side?"

Amber glanced behind her and jumped into the air. "Huh? Wha... Ry-Ry?! I thought you were absent!"

Stryker stopped beside the table. "Moth had a little fever this morning and Raven was busy. So, I stayed home to help."

Amber blushed. "Oh really? Y-you don't say. So, is Moth feeling better now?"

"A bit." He turned towards Raincloud. "Madam president, those papers?"

"All right." She dropped a stack of papers on the edge of the table. "Make sure you organize all of them by year and class, okay?"

He chuckled as he used his magic to levitate them. "Yeah, I will. Maybe your cutie mark should be different, Prez; you have a talent for ordering creatures around."

Raincloud laughed. "Haha! Maybe it should be! And you're a great subordinate, by the way."

Stryker paused for a moment at the door before chuckling at the irony. He called over his shoulder, "Subordinate? I guess that's what I am."

Amber turned to Raincloud as the door closed. "Oh, madam president! You nearly gave me a heart attack doing that!" She turned to pick up her envelope, only to see nothing on the table. "Huh?! Where are my tickets?" She remembered Stryker picking up the stack of papers. Her eyes widened, and she sped down the hall.

"Ry-Ry!" She called as she made it outside.

Stryker turned around. "What is it?"

Her mind seemed to crash. "Ah... Um... Is my dad's letter mixed up with that paperwork?"

He blinked and sorted through the papers. "Huh? Oh, sorry." He gave it back to her. Amber took it, but bit her lip as she stood there looking down at her hooves. Stryker raised a nonexistent eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

Amber's gaze snapped back up. "Uh! Ry-Ry!"


S2 looked out the window to see Amber give Stryker a ticket while blushing, and fly off. "Huh?"

She suddenly frowned. "Stop being so suspicious. That's hardly the case. To me, he is nothing more than a-"

"He's talking to you again?"

S2 turned to the pony walking through the door, hence she didn't see a changeling on the next roof. "Yeah. Can't even look at Stryker without him commenting something." She rolled her eyes as the pony changed form in a bright aura. "...Hey, Night, I have to ask..."

The dusk-blue alicorn looked at her. "Mhm?"

"Have you ever, well..."

Amber lighted down behind the school building. She smiled to herself. "I did it! I actually really did it!"

She blushed. 'So, now what happens? He'll come, right? I mean he didn't say no. Then again... N-no, he is just coming with me to a little concert. So, it's not big thing but still it's a chance.' She hugged her ticket. 'Thank you, father.'

Her phone began ringing. "Huh?"

"Sythi praised us for using the Guren Mk-II so well. I thought that was encouraging." Rough Boulder said as he leaned against the wall.

"But there was the white Knight-Mare." Sirocco said from next to Zero as she reread the manual.

"Don't sweat it. It was a tie, right? A tie! Hahahaha!" Eclipse laughed.

'Why would Amber just out of the blue...?'

'"My dad works where really long away from here. But he likes to send me great staff like this to keep my spirits up, you know? So, I was just wondering..."'

"Here." Rough Boulder handed him a letter, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Hmm? What's this?" Zero said, taking it from him with a hoof.

"A love letter." Boulder said sarcastically.

"Oh? From you?" Zero shot back.

Eclipse exploded with laughter. "Ahahahaha! And they say you have no sense of humor! Hahahaha!"

"You laugh too much." Sirocco said to him, looking up from her manual.

"It's an official letter from Sythi. They urgently request a meeting." Boulder said.

"Is this really such a big deal?" Zero asked.

"A big deal?! It's Sythi!" Sirocco exclaimed.

Boulder added, "If they accept us it means funding and support. It could solve our financial crisis."

"Crisis?" Zero asked.


"There shouldn't be any problems if you're following the budget I laid out." Zero said.

Rough Boulder fumbled his words. "Uh, well..." He looked over at Eclipse.

Eclipse exclaimed, "Hey! It's not my fault! We're turning into a big organization now! That means new expenses, y'know!"

"Like Prench dinners for the new recruits so you can show off?" Sirocco asked snidely.

"Hey, you-"

"I know where you've been taking them, big spender."

"Uh-?! You know about it?!" He exclaimed.

"Hm... We'll put Rough Boulder in charge of the treasury for now." Zero said.

Eclipse stood up and pointed a hoof towards himself. "Hold it right there! I'm the one that's in charge of the cash! That's my job!"

"If you want me to trust you, then show me some results."

"Did you actually just say trust a pony who hides his face from his own partners?!" He exclaimed.

Torpid and Syphilis both glanced in their direction.

"How about it, Zero. Huh?!" Eclipse exclaimed.

Boulder turned. "Hold on... That's a-"

Sirocco interjected, standing up. "Zero is not the problem here. Who cares who he is? He had the skill to outwit Chrysalis, didn't he? That's why he's the leader of the Black Knights. Do you really need to know more?"

Eclipse turned away, scowling. "Grr...!"

"Huh... So, what do we do?" Eclipse asked as he rested his head against a crate.

"I don't know." Boulder shrugged.

"We were in Aurora's unit. Young or not, she certainly was one of the better commanders." Syphilis said offhandedly.

Torpid added onto it by saying, "I don't mind about her older sister Sirocco technically being of higher rank than us but..."

"You were next in line to be leader." Eclipse finished, turning to Boulder.

"No one said that at Nareina." Rough Boulder grumbled.

"'Cause Zero practically forced us." Torpid retorted.

"We're the senior commanders and he keeps secrets from us." Syphilis emphasized.


Stryker rested his head on a hoof as he looked through Sythi's members. 'I've narrowed it down to twelve possibilities. Now let's see which bets pay off. For that, I'll have to meet them face to face...'

There was a knocking at the door. Stryker readied his mask and disguise.

"Who is it?"

"It's me." Sirocco's voice came through the door. "Um... I'm sorry if I was out of line when I spoke up back there."

"Sirocco, tell me. Do you wanna know my identity as well?"

Sirocco leaned on the door and murmured, "...That alicorn knows, doesn't she?"

She let out a deep breath. "...No, sorry to bother you."

Stryker listened as her hoofsteps faded.

Stryker peeked into his sister's room.


"Huh?" Stryker blinked in surprise as Moth sat up. He walked in. "Huh... Looks like your fever's gone."

"Maybe I was just a little moody." She said with a smile.


She laid back down. "Mm... It just seems to me lately that you've become a little distant, like you have other things weighing on your mind."

Stryker's eyes widened in surprise.

"Perhaps my body just did this on its own to get your attention." Moth giggled.

Stryker held Moth's hoof with his own. "You're wrong. I haven't changed. No matter what, I'll always be at your side, Moth."

She turned her towards him and asked, "So then, can I be a little selfish now? Could you please hold my hoof just a little bit longer? If I fall asleep alone, I'm afraid I'll have that dream again."

"Sure..." He held her hoof tighter. 'Don't worry, Moth. I'll always be here for you. Always.'

S2 raised an eyebrow as she leaned against the tree trunk in her pegasus disguise. "You're serious? You're asking me for a favor?"

"Yes, I got the idea from something that you said. No matter what Sythi's intentions are, I want their power." Stryker said.

"Is that what you truly wish for? If it's at the very core of your reason for living, then I'll try to help you."

"Then do it. S2, I need you."

She smirked. "Hmm, I understand. By the way, you forgot something." She held up his ticket in an invisible aura.

"Huh?!" He snatched it from her aura and scowled. "I didn't forget! I don't know when I'll be back tonight so I was planning to call her and cancel."

She scoffed. "Stick to your contract."

Stryker's phone went off. "Huh?"

Stryker latched it onto his ear. "It's me. ...Oh good timing, I wanted to call. You see-"

S2's ears flicked as she heard Amber's voice leak through. "Um... Listen, Ry-Ry?"


"I know I made a date with you, but I may be late."

She looked at the incoming train headed for Nareina.

"Sorry, but anyway, I'm sure it'll be fine, really. But I promise you that I'll be there."

Zero stood alone in the fog as a limo rolled up. The driver's window slid down.

"Please bring your command staff along as per my master's instruction, understood?" The stallion said.

"They're patrolling the perimeter in case of any unpleasant contingencies. I'll call them soon. However before I do..." A part of the left side of his mask slid down, revealing his red left eye.

"Severely damaged corpses should be brought to tent 2. ID all personal items. Bring remains with identifiable faces to tent 1. Note locations and times."

"Medical team 2 will arrive and help provide support. Transport personnel, report to tent 2."

Greymane took a drink of water as he thought to himself about the last confrontation between him and Zero. 'Was it really her? Did I really see her there? And then... Just forget it. She doesn't show up in any of the data.'

"Dug enough bodies out of the landslide yet?" Gear asked, walking up.

"Hmm... I'd like to continue recovery operations if that's possible."

"Be my guest till it's out of your system. Consider it Princess Chrysalis's pleasure to indulge you."

"Hmm..." He asked Gear, "Ah, Gear, Zero and the Black Knights what are they trying to do? What do they hope to achieve by sacrificing all these lives?"

"They're knights for justice, haven't you heard?" Gear asked with a hint of sarcasm.

Greymane clenched his teeth. "Is this justice?"

"Hey hey, I hope you're not going to start spouting some embarrassing theory about the nature of justice. We're soldiers, after all."

Greymane looked up to see Amber and who he presumed to be her mother being led by Ember Ash. "Huh. Hmm?"

"All set!" Greymane looked towards Azure. "I replaced the energy filler for you."

"Ah... okay!" He looked back again, but he couldn't see Amber anymore. He walked away to find her.

"Azure." Gear walked over.

"I checked the units, including the purebloods." She said, her eyes fixated on the Lancelot.

"And I was right, wasn't I?" Gear asked.

She turned to him. and nodded solemnly "Yes, a radiant surge."

"Resilience. I never thought he'd work with our enemies." Gear narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Plus their pilot was extremely skilled. Greymane's mental status is so unstable now. If we have to fight that Knight-Mare again..." She grimaced.

Gear raised an eyebrow. "You don't think it could win? Against my dear Lancelot?"

"This is taking too long. When do we get there?" Eclipse asked impatiently, tapping a hoof on the limo seat.

Sirocco rolled her eyes. "Could you chill out? You're embarrassing."

They all suddenly felt a slight bump before the limo began to move oddly. Eclipse exclaimed, "What the heck?"

"We're going up...?" Sirocco questioned.

The limo came to a stop, and the door was opened by the driver. "Sorry for the inconvenience. The master is waiting for you."

As they exited the limo, they caught a glimpse of what was outside. Their eyes widened. "Huh...!?"

"Wow...!" Torpid exclaimed, running over to the window along with Eclipse, Sirocco, and Syphilis.

"This is... the Fuji mines?" Rough Boulder asked, joining them.

"That's not possible. There's no way we could be here." Syphilis commented as she turned towards Boulder.

Sirocco frowned. "It has to be Mount Fuji! There's only one mountain like this."

Eclipse said, "That means the Sakuradite's right below us? The damned treasure that caused this whole war. You know what they do to intruders here? Execute them!"

"Their power reaches all the way up to here? The Sythi group is amazing." Boulder exclaimed in awe.

"It's repulsive." They all turned around and noticed the speaker, hidden behind a curtain.

In an instant, the windows all became opaque, casting the room into an eerie red color.

"Mount Fuji, a sacred mountain once known for its clear water and quiet beauty. Now it is bent to the empire's will, a place of hideous violation. Our reflection of what Japone has become. It pains me so. ...I apologize for not showing my face. But, Zero, your face is hidden as well. Unfortunately, I cannot allow this. To trust you, I must know who you are. Therefore, you will show me your face."

He pointed a cane at Zero in his green aura. Four Knight-Mares appeared out of the darkness and pointed their guns.

Sirocco stepped out in front of Zero, who had not spoken a word yet, and spread her wings defensively. "Please wait! Zero has given us power and victory. That should be-"

"Silence! Now which of you is Rough Boulder?"

Rough Boulder started. "Huh...! That's me."

"You will remove Zero's mask."

Rough Boulder hesitated, but began walking over to Zero.

"Boulder!" Sirocco exclaimed shockingly.

Boulder grimaced. "I'm sorry Zero, but we need a reason to put our faith in you, too. So help us to put our trust in you." He took off the mask with his hooves. He dropped the mask and gaped in shock. Everyone else followed suit as a resounding 'clink' echoed throughout the room.


"A mare?!" Eclipse spoke their thoughts. A white pegasus mare with a straight, mauve and navy-blue mane and bangs was behind the mask. She opened her wings from behind the cloak to reveal a thestral wing slip-on prop. A pearl necklace rested around her neck and a black bow was placed in her mane.

"It can't be...!" Boulder gaped.

Sirocco narrowed her eyes at the mare's accessories. Her eyes widened in recognition. "Wait a minute! It's not! This isn't Zero. I saw her before. She was with Zero after Nareina." She pointed a hoof at the pegasus mare. "You're that alicorn, aren't you?"

The speaker behind the curtain asked, "You there, mare, is this true?"

S2 smiled slightly as her disguise dissipated, revealing her true form. Everyone, with the exception of Sirocco and the old drone, gasped. Her slitted eyes had a certain gleam to them as she answered, "It is."

"So you are not Japonese?" The old drone questioned.

She inclined her head, a serene smile still plastered on her face. "Correct, clan chief of Sythi, Kuruta Quasi."

"Huh!?" The two bodyguards raised their guns. One exclaimed, "Anyone who can identify him must die."

"Especially one who is not Japonese!" The other interjected. The Knight-Mares raised their guns threateningly as well.

"Hey, hold on! I'm not part of this!" Eclipse exclaimed.

Suddenly, one of the Knight-Mares fired slash harkens at the two across from it, disabling them of their weapons. The Knight-Mare to its immediate left was met with a stun-tonfa, knocking it backwards. Speeding in front of Kuruta and his bodyguards, it pointed a gun towards the curtain, and essentially, Kuruta, before anyone could do anything.

"You're soft and your methods and thinking are outdated. That is why you'll never win!" Zero said, opening the hatch.

"Zero?" Sirocco exclaimed.

"When did you...? Grr!" One of the bodyguards pointed his gun at him.

His partner exclaimed, "Hold on! He can fire at us with that remote." Indeed, there was a remote strapped onto his hoof. "Everyone, stay back! Don't make a move!"

Zero lighted down on the floor with his leathery wings and walked forward, his hoofsteps the only sound in the tension.

"...Kuruta Quasi, founder of Kuruta Industry which has monopoly on Sakuradite mining, formerly a key backer of the last Japonese regime. However, when Japone fell, you dodged the tribunals by collaborating with the colonial rulers. Commonly known as Kuruta the traitor. In reality, you're one of the leaders of the Six Houses Of Sythi, who support resistance groups throughout Japone: a double agent. ...How cliché."

Zero stopped before the curtain.

One bodyguard growled, "Show some respect, you swine!"

"Stop!" Kuruta ordered.

Zero chuckled a bit. "It's as you guessed though. I... am not Japonese!"

The Black Knights gasped in shock. Eclipse exclaimed, "Is he serious? No wonder he never showed his face!"

Kuruta asked, "If you are not Japonese, why do you fight for Japone? What is it that you want?"

"Simple. The destruction of Nymphia." Zero replied coolly.

"And so, do you believe that this is possible, that you can do it?"

"I can, because I must. I have reasons which compel me execrably." He chuckled, lifting a hoof up to his mask. "I'm glad I'm dealing with you." He took off the mask. A green blaze whipped around Zero's form and an aura appeared around the mask.

The Black Knights gasped. Syphilis and Torpid exclaimed in unison, "A changeling?!"

Kuruta gaped from behind the curtain. "You..."

Stryker smiled. "It's been a long time, Lord Kuruta."

"Is it really you? It's been eight years since that family received you as a hostage."

"Yes. And I appreciate you for taking care of me then." Stryker nodded respectfully.

"If I hadn't come tonight, were you planning to take a messenger hostage?"

"Not at all. I came to ask for your help. That's all I'm seeking from you."

Kuruta smiled. "So the flower planted eight years ago has finally bloomed?" He burst out laughing.

Eclipse narrowed his eyes and attempted to see around the Knight-Mare that blocked Zero from view. "I can't see him!"

He began to step forward, but Sirocco barred his path with a wing.

"Boulder!" Kuruta said as his hearty laughter subsided.

"Yes!" Rough Boulder stood at attention.

"This drone is a true mortal enemy of Nymphia. His face must remain hidden for vital reasons. I urge you to follow Zero. And I guarantee that if you do, we will assist you generously with intelligence and strategic support." Kuruta said.

They all blinked in surprise, but Boulder managed to say, "W-we thank you."

"I am grateful, Lord Kuruta." Stryker said, a green blaze transforming him back into a thestral. He turned as he levitated the mask back towards his face.

"Are you embarking on the path of blood?" Kuruta asked, finally coming out from behind the curtain and revealing the old drone.

Stryker stopped and glanced back. Before he put the mask back on, he smirked and answered, "Indeed, if that is my destiny."

Ember stopped as she glanced at Amber's ID again to confirm. "Yes, I'm afraid this is him. I'm sorry you had to learn about it like this."

Amber's mother murmured, "I-it's all right..."

"Can you please identify the body?" A soldier asked, unzipping the bag.

Ember glanced at Amber's ID a second time and started. Amber had a picture of the drone she'd been looking for.

Stryker walked off the train, his phone dialing as he shielded himself from the rain with an umbrella. He sighed as the line didn't go through. "Of course, it's too late already."

'Anyway, things are finally moving forward. Now the Black Knights will operate as I envisioned.'

He stopped as he spotted something out of the corner of his eye. "Huh?"

Amber was just standing there in the rain, looking down at her hooves. Stryker's senses began picking up on her sadness, so he ran over to shield her with the umbrella.

He immediately apologized. "I'm sorry I was late. I thought you'd already be back home by now. Anyway, never mind that. Come on, let's go some place to get out of the rain now."

"...Ry-Ry, tell me. Zero... he fights for the weak, doesn't he?" Amber asked quietly.

Stryker blinked in confusion. "What? Yeah, well, that's what he says."

"The-then... w-why did he kill my f-father...?"

Stryker's eyes widened as the breath left his body. 'What?'

Amber looked up at him with tears rolling down her face. "Y-you know... my fa-father... He w-was so gentle. H-he never ev-ever hurt me. He... he didn't do anything wrong. But h-he was buried alive. He couldn't- He couldn't breathe... Wh-why did my father have to die? I-I don't want this! Father...!"

She rushed forward and hugged Stryker tightly, sobbing into his shoulder. Stryker could only stand frozen as his telekinetic grip on the umbrella fell away. "Please, Ry-Ry..." She looked up at him. "Help me."

Stryker felt her lips press against his. He almost flinched as a flood of emotions not his own washed over him. 'What've I done...?'

He unconsciously wrapped a hoof around her and pulled her close, trying to comfort her aching heart.

'I never understood what consequences my actions brought. ...Now I do. And it's too late.'

Author's Note:

So many things are just going on right now at the end of the month, and I kept getting distracted!

I've also started writing this FNAF series fanfiction over on Wattpad, so if you want, you can check out the first chapter/introduction here: The Lost Soul Through The Glass

Please leave your thoughts down in the comments and I'll try to update sooner!