• Published 5th Oct 2016
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Twilight's Realm: Advanced Generation - CosmicAlchemist24

Twilight Sparkle is given a chance by the Alpha Pokemon Arceus, to start her life over after being betrayed by her friends, family and teacher.

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You Never can Taillow! Pt.1

Location: Route 103

Narrator: After Stopping Team Rocket and saying farewell to Wally and Gym Leader Norman, Ash and Twilight are on the road once again as their four day walk to Rustboro City finally begins and new adventures await them both.

“Are you still gonna complain about thing Twi?” Ash asked, looking at the Equestria Girl who had a worried yet excited look on her face.

“No no, it’s just well I’m excited to finally go camping, but the four day walk is really getting to me. I know I sound like a wimp right now, but I’m just not used to traveling like this. Usually I travel by train or a flying chariot.” Twilight explained looking down a bit. Marill looked up at her Trainer in confusion as she was resting in Twilight’s arms. Twilight took note of Marill’s look and she just shook her head. “I’ll tell you later sweetie.” She said with a sheepish smile.

“Your world really is weird.” Ash said with a chuckle.

“Pika Pi.” Pikachu said nodding in agreement.

“Yea it is, so, do we know anything about the Rustboro Gym and what type of Pokemon they use?” Twilight asked, wanting to change the subject.

“I asked Nurse Joy this morning when we left, apparently the Rustboro Gym Leader specializes in Rock-Type Pokemon.” Ash explained.

“Rock-Types, Huh? Should we be worried about that fact?” She asked, putting her hand on her chin.

“For me yes, you not so much.” Ash said looking down a bit.

“Why is that?’ Twilight asked.

“Well, since you have Marill and Budew the Gym should be a walk in the park for you. Grass and Water-Types are strong against Rock-Types. The only Pokemon I have at this very moment is Pikachu and none for his moves will do much damage against Rock-Types.” Ash explained wondering how he’s going to beat this Gym. Pikachu sighed knowing what Ash said was true and it irritated him. Twilight and Marill took in Ash’s words and began to think.

“Then all you need is to get a Pokemon that is good against Rock-Types. Finding a Grass or Water-Type maybe and if I read Professor Birch’s books right Fighting, Ground, and Steel can help you out too.” Twilight said giving Ash a reassuring smile.

“Mar, Mar!” Marill said with a nod.

“Not only that we have four days before we get there, I think that’s plenty of time to find the Pokemon you’re looking for.” Twilight said. Ash and Pikachu lifted their heads and nodded.

“You’re right, this is no time to worry! We have time and I say we use it, Right buddy?” Ash asked his partner.

“Pika Pikachu!” Pikachu said with determination in his voice.

“That’s the spirit!” Twilight cheered.

“Mar Marill!” Marill said, also cheering for the boy and the yellow mouse.


As the two continued through Route 103, they both decided to take a small lunch break before moving on.

“Alright lunch time!” Ash said, pulling out Pikachu’s pokemon food and a bowl from his bag.

“You first buddy.” He said, pouring the food in the bowl.

“PIKA PIKA!” Pikachu cheered, as he began eating his food. Twilight took out two bowls from her bag as well and then grabbed Budew’s Pokeball.

“Lunch Time Budew!” She said, throwing the Pokeball in the air. After a few seconds, Budew emerged from the Pokeball with a smile on her face.

“Budew!” Budew said happily.

“Marill!” Marill said before picking up Budew and hugging her.

“Dew Budew!” Budew said, struggling to free herself for the blue mouse’s grip. Twilight could help but chuckle at her Pokemon as she poured their food into their bowls.

“Alright you two, time to eat.” She said putting the bowls in front of the two.

“MAR/DEW!” Marill and Budew cheered as they both began to eat.

“Alright, now it’s our turn.” Ash said, taking out a small container on Ritz Crackers and two cans of soda.

“Here Twi!” He said tossing the second can to Twilight. The Equestria girl struggled for a few seconds before successfully catching the can.

“Still getting the hang of these things.” Twilight said before opening the can.

“Just give it some time, you’ll have it down in no time.” Ash said, offering the container of Ritz to her. Twilight took three and put one into her mouth.

“Oh, these things are good! What are they?” She asked curiously.

“Ritz crackers, best snack in my opinion. I’ve been eating them for years now, I blame my friend Tracey for that.” Ash explained with a chuckle. Twilight raised an eyebrow at the mention of this Tracey.

“Who is Tracey?” She asked.

“Oh right, I never told you about my time through the Orange islands. You see me and my friends Misty and Brock continued traveling with each other after the Indigo League and headed for the Orange Islands.” Ash explained. Twilight put another cracker into her mouth as she listened closely.

“You see during that time our friend Brock decided to leave us in order to…. ‘help’ out a researcher named Professor Ivy. After we left him, we came across a Pokemon Sketch Artist and his name was Tracey. He was an amazing artist and an even better friend. He joined me and Misty on our Journey and it was so much fun, we all had many good times with each other.” Ash said with a huge smile on his face. Twilight couldn’t help but smile as well. “He also had a Marill like you, he was a great help and a great friend to Pikachu.” Ash explained. Marill heard this and looked over to Pikachu.

You know another Marill?” She asked him.

Oh yeah, I wonder how he’s doing these days.” Pikachu said looking up at the sky.

“So, What happened to him?” Twilight asked.

“Tracey is currently working as an assistant for Professor Oak. He’s using his time there to improve his Sketching skills and learn more about the pokemon that are kept at the lab.” Ash explained.

“Wow, getting to work with a world renown Pokemon professor! That has to be exciting for him.” Twilight said wondering what it would be like. Ash nodded at the Equestria girl.

“He loves it, I should really call him one of these days to see how he’s doing.” Ash said. Twilight was curious about this Tracy as well, he seemed quite the interesting character. Ash was about to say more about tracy, but something caught his attention and he began looking around.

“Something’s wrong.” He said as he stopped walking. Twilight stopped as well and she looked to Ash with a worried look on her face.

“What is it Ash?” She asked.

“Well, we’re on Route 103 and we’re nearing Petalburg Forest. I’m wondering why there are no pokemon around here.” Ash explained as he continued looking around. Twilight eyes widened at this, Ash was right she hadn’t seen a single pokemon since they left leaving Petalburg City.

“That is strange, you think something’s going on?” She asked.

“I’m not sure, but we should probably keep moving.” Ash said as he grabbed Twilight’s Hand and began guiding her toward Petalburg Woods. Twilight quickly forced herself out of his grip. “We have to clean up first. Ash looked at the bowls and food on the ground and nodded his head. Pikachu, Budew and Marill who had been strangely silent shared a look with each other.

You feel it too?” Pikachu asked in a serious tone.

“Yeah, Someone or something is watching us and i don’t think they’re friendly.” Marill said worried about her trainer. Budew kept quiet, but kept her guard up.

After cleaning up and walking for a few minutes, the group made it to the entrance to Petalburg Woods and the bad feeling they had didn’t go away.

“Are you sure there isn’t another way to Rustboro?” Twilight asks with slight fear in her voice. “Not unless you wanna take a shortcut through a cave on the other side of the region.” Ash responded with a sigh. Twilight sighed as well and took a deep breath.

“Alright, let’s do this.” She said. Ash nodded and looked to Pikachu.

“Be ready, ok pal?” Pikachu nodded and with that they all entered the Petalburg Woods. Once they did, Ash and Twilight both took in their surroundings and they couldn’t help but admire the forest.

“Wow, this place is beautiful. I’ve never seen a forest like this before.” Twilight said admiring the lush green trees, bushes and grass.

“I know it’s amazing.” Ash said with a smile on his face. This caused the two teens to start to calm down a bit, but the Pokemon were still on their guard. Ash then took a sigh of relief and turned to Twilight.

“Maybe I’m just worried over nothing, the place seems peaceful enough. Let’s get moving, but just keep your guard up.” He said to her. Twilight nodded and the two began walking.

“Oh, I bet she’d love this.” Twilight then pulled Budew’s pokeball out of her pocket. “Budew, come on out!” She said throwing the Pokeball up in the air. In a bright flash of white light, Budew was released once again and she landed in Twilight’s arms.

“Budew?” She questioned looking up at her trainer. “Hey Bud, Just figured you could use some fresh air and I wanted to show you how beautiful this forest is.” Twilight said giving the small green pokemon a smile. Budew tilted her head and turned around to see the lush forest.

“Dew! Bud!” Budew said in a shocked tone. Ash chuckled at Budew’s reaction.

“She seems to like the view.” He said. Twilight giggled and nodded. Budew was about to say something about the beauty of the forest, but her instincts kicked in and she began looking around.

“Bud, what’s wrong?” Twilight asked in concern. Budew didn’t answer she just kept looking around.

You feel it too, huh?” Marill asked her friend.

Kinda hard not to feel a bunch of eyes on you from every direction.” Budew Sassed, but in the most serious way.

Stay sharp you two, we don’t know what we're dealing with.” Pikachu said with narrowed eyes. Twilight saw how serious all three pokemon were and it was starting to scare her a bit.

“What’s wrong with you guys?” She asked.

“Pokemon have better sense than us humans, I’m willing to bet pikachu and the others are sensing something or someone watching us. Am I right?” He asked his yellow partner.

“Pika!” Pikachu said with a nod. Twilight understood and looked to her two pokemon.

“Can you both feel something too?” She asked. Budew and Marill both nodded at their trainer.

“What should we do Ash?” Twilight asked. Ash crossed his arms and sighed.

“If they wanted to attack us they would have by now, I say we keep walking but keep ourselves calm quiet til we find someplace safe to rest.” He explained. Twilight thought about it for a second and nodded.

“Ok, let’s do this.” She said with a nod. With that, the two trainers began walking again in silence. After about an hour of walking, the two trainers found a wide open area surrounded by apple trees and Twilight’s stomach began to growl.

“Oh sorry, we didn’t eat too much since we rushed here.” She said with a slight blush on her face. Marill and Budew giggled at their trainer while Ash felt guilty and Pikachu just chuckled.

“I suppose we can take a small break, luckily we’re surrounded by a bunch of apple trees.” Ash said looking up at all the red fruit.

“Pika!” Pikachu said with a smile.

“Mar!/Dew!” Marill and Budew agreed. Twilight looked up at all the apple trees and they reminded her of the apple trees back in Sweet Apple Acres.

“Applejack would probably love it here, see as how there are so many apples.” She said aloud. Ash raised an eyebrow at the Equestria Girl.

“Applejack?” He asked curiously.

“The girl with the stetson, you remember?” Twilight asked back. Ash took a minute to think and remembered the tall blonde he saw with Twilight’s other friends.

“Oh yeah, why would she like this place?” He asked. Twilight sighed and looked up at the trees again.

“She and her family run an apple farm. Believe it or not, her family is actually pretty famous back in Equestria.” She explained. Ash widened his eyes at this, but let Twilight continue. “Me and Spike would help out whenever I had time off from my studies and honestly it was fun. Picking apples, planting them, eating one on Granny Smith’s amazing apple recipes. It was all… amazing, made me feel like I was part of the family.” Twilight said with a small sigh. Once she finished, Ash put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile. “Isn’t that a good thing?” He asked. Twilight was taken aback by the question and began to think about it. Sure she was mad at Applejack, but she wasn’t angry at Applebloom, Big Mac or Granny Smith. “I guess so, Granny Smith was a real sweetheart, her little sister Applebloom was like the one I never had and her brother…” Twilight began shaking a bit, but she continued. “Was like a second brother to me.” She said in a sad tone. Ash knew where this was going and quickly changed the subject.

“Hey, all this talk of apples must be making you hungrier. Come on, let’s chow down! Pikachu, think you can give us a hand?” He asked his yellow partner. Pikachu quickly caught on and nodded his head.

“Pi-Ka!” Pikachu said as he jumped off Ash’s shoulder and cut down five apples with his tail.

“Nice one buddy!” Ash complimented as he held out his arms to catch the apples.


Suddenly, five black blurs flew past Ash with great speed and the apples that were falling were gone.

“What in the!?” Ash exclaimed. Twilight’s eyes widened and Marill and Budew jumped onto the ground.

You saw that Right?” Marill asked.

Barely, what was that?” Budew asked, looking around frantically. Pikachu landed on the ground and looked up to the sky.

Not really sure, but we should-WHOA!” Pikachu yelped as another black blur sped past him. Marill and Budew were almost knocked down by two black blurs and got in defensive stances.

“That is that thing?” Twilight asked curiously. Ash was about to answer, but suddenly his hat was taken off of his head.

“My hat!” He complained putting a hand on his head. Ash looked around to find his hat and his eyes landed on a small dark blue bird flying above him with his hat. “There it is!” Ash shahid pointing upward. Twilight and the Pokemon all looked up to see the small bird in the sky.

“What is that?” Twilight asked before pulling out her pokedex and holding it up to the bird

Taillow, The Tiny Swallow Pokemon

Taillow courageously stands its ground against foes, however strong they may be. This gutsy Pokémon will remain defiant even after a loss. On the other hand, it cries loudly if it becomes hungry.

“A Taillow huh?” Ash asked, staring at the small bird. A few seconds after he said that, a whole flock of Taillow soon surrounded the two trainers and their Pokemon. “Correction, a whole flock of Taillow.” He said, taking a step back. Twilight looked around at all the birds surrounding them and she slowly moved towards Ash.

“I’ve never seen this many birds in one place before.” She said with slight fear in her voice. Pikachu, Marill and Budew got in front of their trainers and prepared for a fight.

“These Taillow must have been what put our Pokemon on edge.” Ash theorized.

“I think you’re right, what do we do?” She asked.

“I think we both know that with our luck so far, we’re going to have to fight.” Ash said in a serious tone.

“I was afraid you were going to say that!” Twilight complained, but metally prepared herself.

“Tail! Taillow!” The Taillow with Ash’s hat screeched as she began flying at the group. The rest of the flock followed suit and followed.

“Told you, Pikachu Thunderbolt!” Ash commanded. Pikachu quickly jumped into the air.

“PI-KA-CHUUU!” He screamed as he released a large bolt of electricity from his cheeks and struck the Taillow with Ash hat.

“Taillow!” The Taillow Cried out in pain before falling to the ground.

“It’s a Flying-type, so that was super effec-” Twilight was silenced at the Taillow quickly got up and gave Pikachu a Glare.

“What the-” “Twilight Focus!” Ash said as he pointed to the rest of the Flock.

“Right! Marill use Water Gun! Budew use Bullet Seed!” Twilight commanded! Marill released a torrent of water from her mouth hitting multiple Taillow and pushing them back. Budew fried multiple golden seeds at the Flock, they didn’t do much damage but she managed to push some on them back. Pikachu and Ash saw Twilight and her team faring well against the flock and were able to put their attention on the supposed leader.

“Pikachu, Thunder!” Ash Commanded.

“PIKA-CHUU!” Pikachu yelled as he released a larger bolt of electricity from his cheek. The Taillow leader smirked at the incoming attack.

TAILLOW!!!!” The Taillow screeched, releasing large soundwaves that caused the Thunder attack to dissipate and cause Pikachu to fly backwards.

“PIKACHU!” Ash yelled in a worried tone. Marill saw what happened and looked at the yellow mouse in worry.

Pikachu?” She asked. Budew looked over as well but quickly put her focus back on the flock.

“Twilight was worried as well, but knew Pikachu and Ash could handle it.

“Budew use Stun Spore! Marill, Rollout!” She commanded. Budew opened it’s bud and released a yellow mist from it causing most of the Taillow to become paralyzed. Marill took a breath and turned away from Pikachu. She then curled up into a ball and took off knocking into multiple Taillow causing them to fall onto the ground. Ash ran up the hi partner and kneeled down.

“Are you ok?” He asked. Pikachu shook his head and nodded to his partner before putting his attention back on the Taillow leader.

“I’ve never seen a move like that before, it wasn’t supersonic and it definitely wasn’t screech either.” Ash said standing back up.

“Be careful pal, don’t let your guard down. Quick Attack!” He commanded. Pikachu took off like a rocket with a white aura covering his body. The Taillow leader smirked again and also covered itself in a white aura before charging at Pikachu as well.

“So it has Quick Attack too, this Taillow is really amazing.” Ash said, impressed with the small bird. Both Pikachu and the Taillow Leader collided and caused a small explosion. Back with Twilight, she and her team were doing quite well against the flock and for Twilight this was some good battle experience and she was really getting into it.

“You both are doing great! Let’s keep it up! Marill, spin and use Water Gun! Budew, Stun Spore Again!” She commanded. Budew quickly released more yellow mist and paralyzed the remainder of the Flock while Mairll began to spin like a top while firing her Water Gun in random directions. The flock couldn’t move and were struck with Marill’s Water Gun and they all fell to the ground.

“Amazing job!” Twilight cheered. Marill and Budew Smiled at each other.

You’re so cool Bud!” Marill Gushed.

Not as cool as you Mary!” Budew said with a proud smile. Back with Ash, he waited for the dust to clear and saw that Pikachu was still standing while the Taillow leader was on the ground sparking with electricity.

“Nice job buddy and Static did it’s job!” Ash said proudly.

“Pika! Pika!” Pikachu said in a triumphant tone. Ash then walked over to the fallen Taillow and picked up his hat.

“Home sweet home.” He said before putting his hat back on his head.

“Are you two ok?” Ash and Pikachu turned to see Twilight, Marill and Budew running over to them.

“Ah, I see you three handled the flock with no problem.” Ash said with a smile. Twilight and her pokemon gave confident smiles.

“You bet! Honestly,I was scared at first but it got easier as the battle went on.” Twilight said looking down at her team.

“MAR!/DEW!” Marill and Budew agreed. Ash and Pikachu nodded and the three and were about to praise the trio again… but…

“TAILLOW!” The team all jumped and turned around to see the lead Taillow was standing once again with a smirk on its face and it’s eyes glowing red.

“What in the-” “Uh… Ash!” Twilight squeaked out. Ash looked to Twilight and saw she was pointing at the flock who were also getting up with red eyes.

“What in the world!” Ash exclaimed in confusion.

“I don’t know, but I don’t like it.” Twilight said her fear coming back. The Flock of Taillow were all in the air again, but this time they were all covered in a red aura. Ash recognized the aura and a certain angry bear Pokemon from his Johto Journey.

“Those Taillow have Guts!” He exclaimed.

“I kinda figured that, they’re not ones to go down easy.” Twilight said, completely missing what Ash was saying.

“No Twi! I mean their Ability is Guts! It’s a Dangerous ability that is activated if the pokemon is afflicted with….certain status conditions.” Ash explained as he facepalmed. Twilight paled at the explanation and her fear officially came back.

“What does it do exactly?” She asked, taking a step back.

“It raises attack power and the Pokemon becomes a lot more aggressive.” Ash explained, also taking a step back. Pikachu, Marill and Budew all had horrified looks on their faces… well Marill and Budew did, Pikachu just looked… determined.

This is not good.” Marill said in a frightened tone.

Ya think!?” Budew exclaimed. Pikachu didn’t take his eyes off the Flock, but his main focus was on the lead Taillow who was eyeing him back.

Quite the Ability you got there Guy, impressive!” Pikachu said to the Lead Taillow in an impressed tone. The Taillow smiled at the yellow mouse.

That’s Miss to you and You’re quite impressive yourself. Usually our enemies would have run away by now, but you… You seem ready for another round even with your current situation. “ She said.

What can I say, I like a challenge and you seem pretty strong. We maybe outnumbered, but honestly… I’m still excited.” Pikachu explained as his cheeks began to spark. The lead Taillow looked at Pikachu with wide eyes.

I like you, let’s see what you got!” She said with a smirk. Marill and Budew looked at Pikachu as if he had lost his mind. Twilight wondered what Pikachu and the Taillow were talking about while Ash knew that look in Pikachu’s eyes.

“You like her fighting spirit don’t you?” Ash asked his partner with a smile.

“Pika Pi, Pikachu!” Pikachu said with a nod of his head. Twilight had never seen Ash or Pikachu act like this before, they were all surrounded and the two of them seemed… excited by that fact. “What is wrong with you!? We’re in trouble here!” She said shaking Ash’s shoulder. Ash didn’t answer and kept his eyes on the lead Taillow.

I like her too, she’s really strong and her fighting spirit is off the charts.” He thought to himself. Twilight just stared at Ash in Awe, the look in his eye was something she had seen from… Rainbow Dash.

The Rainbow-maned Pony had that look whenever she found a worthy flyer to race or a person who could match her in a karate match. Ash was excited for the challenge and so was Pikachu. Twilight then looked back up to the flock and she felt a wave of courage overtake her. She then balled her hands into fists and .

“Mary, Bud, Get ready!” She said with a determined look on her face. Marill and Budew turned to Twilight with dropped jaws. “I know it looks hopeless, but I need you both to summon all your courage. We’re going to win!” She said with a reassuring smile. Marill and Budew blinked at their trainer’s words and looked at one another.

She’s fired up, what do we do?” Budew asked. Marill just chuckled and turned to the flock.

We kick Taillow butt!” She said Twilight’s courage rubbing off on her. Budew sighed and knew this was insane… but she couldn’t deny that her Trainer’s words were inspiring.

Well if that’s the case, BRING IT!” Budew Yelled. The Flock of Taillow all flew towards the group who were ready to counter attack!

“FORRETRESS, EXPLOSION!” Suddenly in a bright flash of white light, a spherical pokemon covered in a steel shell appeared in front of the Taillow and began to glow again. Ash saw this and quickly grabbed Twilight before hitting the deck. Pikachu did the same with Budew and Marill. After a few seconds, a massive explosion was caused by the spherical Pokemon causing all the Taillow the scatter in both fear and confusion. Ash was covering Twilight with his arm and once the dust cleared he slowly turned his head to see that all the Taillow were gone and the Spherical Pokemon was on the ground in their place.

“Is that?” Ash asked, getting a better look at the pokemon.

“For!” The Pokemon said in a cheerful tone. Twilight soon came to her senses and looked to see Ash was still on top of her.

“Um Ash, can I get up please?” She asked with a lite blush on her face. She turned back to her and quickly got up.

“Oh… uh… sorry.” He said scratching the back of his head. Twilight got up as well.

“It’s fine, what happ- What is that?” She asked in confusion.

“It’s a Forretress.” Ash answered. Twilight pulled out her Pokedex and pointed it at the now named Forretress.

Forretress, The Bagworm Pokemon

Forretress conceals itself inside its hardened steel shell. The shell is opened when the Pokémon is catching prey, but it does so at such a quick pace that the shell’s inside cannot be seen.

“A Bug and Steel-Type? That’s quite the unique typing.” Twilight commented. Pikachu, Marill and Budew had finally gotten up after the explosion.

The heck was that?” Budew said, shaking her head.

I don't know, but it seemed to have scared all the Taillow away.” Marill said looking up at the sky. Pikachu was a bit disappointed, he really wanted to finish that fight.

Oh well I guess-” “Hey pal!” Pikachu was cut off by a new voice and turned to see Forretress bouncing up and down. Pikachu’s eyes widened as he saw one of his old friends from Johto.

Forretress!” Pikachu said before running over to the Bug/Steel-type and giving him a hug.

It’s so good to see you!” He said in a cheerful tone.

“You too old friend.” Forretress said happy to see the yellow mouse. Twilight, Marilla dn Budew all watched the exchange in confusion while Ash watched in shock. “Oh my Arceus, it really is-”

“Of course it is, why else would a Forretress save your butt.” Ash heard a familiar voice and turned back to the forest and saw a certain Gym Leader walking out with a girl with pin, purple and yellow hair.

“BROCK!” Ash said running over to his old traveling buddy! Brock opened his arms and gave the trainer a big hug.

“It’s good to see you Ash!” He said with a smile.

“You Too Brocko!” Ash said with a chuckle. Twilight would have commented on how sweet the reunion was, but her focus was on the girl with brock and she knew her all too well.

“Cadance?” She asked in shock.


Author's Note:

APRIL FOOLS! How are all of you amazing People doing!? New Year, new Month, New Chapter! Yes this is a two parter, you'll be seeing a lot of those from now on sorry. I'm glad to be back and I can't wait to write more. I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you all in the comments.

Twilight: What are you doing her?

Cadance: I came to be with you Twily.

Brock: You wanna explain this?

Ash: It's complicated.