• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 20,613 Views, 1,073 Comments

Twilight's Realm: Advanced Generation - CosmicAlchemist24

Twilight Sparkle is given a chance by the Alpha Pokemon Arceus, to start her life over after being betrayed by her friends, family and teacher.

  • ...

Get the show on the road!

Location: ???

“W..where am I?” Twilight asked herself as she found herself walking down a dark hallway that seemed to go on forever.

“Hello, is anyone there!” Twilight asked hoping someone would answer. She then looked to the ground.

“What do I do now?” She thought to herself. Just then she saw a light in the distance.

This way my student.” A familiar voice from the light said. Twilight immediately recognized the voice and began running towards the light.

“Arceus, is that you?” She said. Before she could get an answer, she was soon consumed by the light she was running toward. After a few seconds, Twilight found herself in a room filled with various pictures and the weird thing is that all the Pictures had Ash and Pikachu in them.

“What is all this?” Twilight asked as she went up to one on the pictures. The picture in question was of Ash and Pikachu along with a girl with orange hair holding what looked like a pokemon that had just hatched from it’s egg and a boy with spiky brown hair with an orange fox-like pokemon in his arms.

“Who are they?” Twilight asked walking to another picture. This one was of Ash, Pikachu, the orange haired girl and a boy with olive-green hair holding a marill of his own. She then saw a picture of Ash and Pikachu with another girl on his right with brown hair wearing a white hat and the exact same girl on his left not wearing a hat.

Twins...maybe?” Twilight thought. She then went to another picture of Ash holding a little girl with short light brown hair wearing a light blue dress in his arms.

“Aww, she’s so cute and she seems so happy.” Twilight said with a smile. “But just what are all these pictures.” She asked.

“They are Ash’s memories.” Twilight turned to the the ‘Alpha’ pokemon standing behind her.

“Arceus.” Twilight said. Arceus nodded.

“You see, all these pictures are the precious memories Ash keeps in his heart and the people in those pictures are the people he shares a strong connection with.” Arceus said. Twilight nodded and looked around the room again.

“He has a lot of friends in his life.” Twilight said.

“That he does, Ash has always had a habit of making friends even with complete strangers.” Arceus said.

“Hmmm...must be nice.” Twilight said looking down.

“Still thinking about what happened?” Arceus asked her. Twilight nodded as she felt a few tears fall from her face. “It'll be ok young one, you have a grand adventure awaiting and how are you going to enjoy it if you're crying.” Arceus said in a joking tone. Twilight looked to Arceus and gave him a small smile.

“I guess you’re right.” She said. Arceus nodded.

“Tell me what do you think of my young student.” He asked looking at one of the pictures.

“Well he seems nice enough and I can tell he and Pikachu care for each other deeply.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Those two have been through alot together and I can tell that fate has more in store for them.” Arceus said. Twilight nodded.

“Arceus, I have a question.” She said.

“Go on.” Arceus said.

“Well...now that I’ve met Ash, should I tell him the truth about where I come from or should I keep it to myself?” Twilight asked looking down. Arceus looked at her for a moment before answering.

“That is entirely up to you Twilight, but if you do tell him about your origin I ask you don’t mention me. I’ll meet Ash when the time is right, but right now he’s not ready.” Arceus said. Twilight raised an eyebrow at this.

“Ready? Ready for what?” She asked in confusion. Arceus stayed silent. Just then, the room began to fade and Arceus along with it.

“W..what’s going on?” Twilight asked in a worried tone.

“Calm down Twilight, you’re just waking up.” Arceus said.

“Waking up...wait I’m dreaming?” Twilight asked.

“I figured that was obvious.” Arceus said with a chuckle. Twilight just gave him a deadpanned stare.

“You’re hilarious.” She said.

“I know, i’ll speak with you soon Twilight.” Arceus said before vanishing. The room around Twilight also vanished and she began to wake up.

Location: Passenger bedrooms

Twilight slowly opened her eyes and began to get up.

“Ugh, weird dream.” Twilight said rubbing her eyes. She then looked down and saw Marill still sleeping.

“Aww, such a cutie.” Twilight said with a smile. She then looked to the bed that Ash was sleeping in and only saw Pikachu.

“Where’s Ash?” She asked herself.

“Mar..” Twilight looked back down to see Marill waking up.

“Morning sleepyhead.” Twilight said. Marill looked to Twilight and smiled. “Mar Marill.” Marill said jumping into Twilight’s arms. Twilight smiled back.

“Come on, let’s wake Pikachu and go find Ash.” She said.

“Marill Mar.” Marill said with a nod. They made their way over to Pikachu.

“Pikachu, it time to wake up.” Twilight said. Marill jumped out of Twilight arms and landed next to Pikachu.

“Marill Mar Mar.” Marill said nudging Pikachu. Just then, Pikachu’s cheeks began to randomly spark and Pikachu was groaning as if he was in pain. Twilight and Marill looked at Pikachu and began to worry.

“Something’s wrong.” Twilight said. Marill nodded and got closer to Pikachu.

Pikachu, what’s wrong.” She asked. Pikachu slowly opened his eyes.

I don’t…..know….my body..hurts so much.” Pikachu struggled to say. Marill quickly turned to Twilight.

“Marill Marill!” She said in a worried tone. Twilight could tell whatever Marill and Pikachu said to each other it wasn’t good. Before she could say anything though, Ash was walking into the room.

“You guys have got to come outside it’s ama-” “Ash get over her, I think something wrong with Pikachu.” Twilight said in a panic. Ash quickly made his way over and saw Pikachu’s cheeks randomly sparking.

“Pikachu, what's wrong?” Ash asked as he put a hand on Pikachu’s head.

“He’s burning up.” Ash said in a worried tone.

“Oh no.” Twilight said also worried.

“Marill Mar.” Marill said. Pikachu was still randomly sparking and could barely get a word out.

“Aw buddy, what’s wrong with you?” Ash asked in a sad tone.

Pokemon: Advanced

Narrator: Still determined to become a Pokemon master, Ash, his best friend Pikachu, along with their new friends Twilight and Marill continue their quest as the sail towards the Hoenn Region. But right now, there’s one thing on their minds.

Ash was currently holding Pikachu who was now wrapped in a blanket in his arm. “Just try to rest Pikachu, as soon as we dock I’m taking straight to the pokemon center.” Ash said in a worried tone. Twilight and Marill also had worried looks on their faces.

“Oh Ash.” Twilight quietly.

“Marill.” Marill said in a sad tone.

With Team Rocket

“Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to Littleroot town. Please grab all your belongings and prepare to leave the ship.” The captain said on the intercom.

“Littleroot Town?” James asked with a confused look on his face.

“The city whose colors will never change.” Jessie said in a melancholy tone. James and Meowth both looked at her with confused looks on their faces.

“That’s right, Littleroot Town has remained true to it’s roots and I guess my colors have been slowly changing over the years.” She said with a smile.

“What do mean?” Meowth asked still confused.

“Jessie, have you been here before?” James asked. Jessie nodded slowly and then looked up to the sky.

“Is this really all that there is?” She asked.

“Huh?” James and Meowth said still confused.

“I mean following the twerp and trying to catch Pikachu, James have we truly ever blasted off at the speed of light?” She asked. James and Meowth both looked at one another.

“Is she speaking hypothetically?” James asked.

“If that mean crazy, then yes.” Meowth answered.

“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet said before jessie returned it to it’s pokeball.

With Ash and Twilight

Ash and Twilight quickly made their way off the boat and walked over to a nearby local. “Excuse me sir, can you tell us where the pokemon center is please?” Ash asked.

“I’m sorry son, this city doesn’t have a pokemon center.” The man said.

“Aww you’re kidding.” Ashe said in a sad tone before looking down at Pikachu. Twilight then walked up to him.

“What do we do now?” She said in a worried tone.

“Marill Mar.” Marill said. Ash looked to Pikachu who was still looking pretty bad.

“Hmmm…. I got it, follow me hurry.” Ash said before running off.

“Wait for us.” Twilight said as she and Marill followed. Ash and Twilight arrived at a nearby video phone and Ash quickly picked it up.

“Um Ash, what is that?” Twilight asked.

“Later Twilight….Hello, is this Professor Birch’s lab?” Ash asked into the phone.

“Yes, may I ask who’s calling?” Someone on the other line asked.

“My name is Ash Ketchum.” Ash answered.

“Ah yes Ash, the professor is expecting you.” the man said.

“Yes I know but, I have a problem. My Pikachu isn’t feeling well and I’m nowhere near a pokemon center.” Ash said looking down a Pikachu.

“Oh no, don’t worry Ash I’ll get in contact with the professor and have him pick you up.” The man said.

“Thank you.” Ash said before hanging up.

“So?” Twilight asked holding Marill tight in her arms.

“We just wait for the professor to pick up us.” Ash said as he sat down on a bench. Twilight sat down next to him.

“Are you ok?” She asked.

“Just worried is all, Pikachu has never shown symptoms like this before.” Ash said.

“I see.” Twilight said. “I wish there was more I could do, this seems nothing like the boy I met yesterday.” Twilight thought. Marill looked to Pikachu with worry in her eyes.

Oh Pikachu, please be ok.” She thought. After about ten minutes, a jeep stopped in front of Ash and Twilight and a man with brown hair and a lab coat was driving.

“Hey, are you Ash by any chance?” The man asked.

“Yeah that’s me, are you Professor Birch?” Ash asked back.

“Yes I am and I can see your Pikachu is in worse shape than I thought. Come on, let’s hurry to me lab.” Birch said.

“Right, Twilight come on.” Ash said before getting into the car.

“Right.” Twilight said getting into the car.

“I wasn’t told you had a traveling companion with you.” Birch said.

“We can talk about that later, right now Pikachu needs help.” Ash said.

“Right sorry, what’s your name missy?” Birch asked.

“My name’s Twilight sir and this is Marill.” Twilight answered.

“Mar Mar.” Marill said.

“Well it’s nice to meet you both, now hold on this is going to be a bumpy ride.” Birch said before starting the car and taking off.

“So do you know what’s wrong with Pikachu professor?” Twilight asked. Before the professor could answer, Pikachu began sparking again and moaning in pain.

“I was right, symptoms of electrical discharge.” Birch said in a serious tone.

“What’s does mean exactly?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Pikachu can’t release it’s electricity normally, so it randomly sparks like that. It’s a serious problem that sometimes occurs among electric types. Tell me has Pikachu been exposed to any magnetic fields?” Birch asked the two young trainers. Ash and Twilight’s eyes both widened and remembered the magnet Pikachu was strapped to yesterday.

“Yea Pikachu was strapped to a magnet.” Ash said.

“An electromagnet no doubt.” Birch said. Before anything else could be said, Pikachu began to unwrap from the blanket and try to free itself from Ash’s arms.

“Pikachu stop, what’s wrong.” Ash said trying to hold Pikachu back.

“I high fever is confusing it.” Birch said. Just then a larger spark came from Pikachu’s cheeks before falling unconscious.

“That was worse than the last one.” Twilight said in a worried tone.

“Mar Marill.” Marill said.

“This is bad, hold on kids.” Birch said as he increased the speed of the jeep.


The professor, Ash and Twilight all arrived at the lab and the man that was on the phone with Ash was waiting for them. “Professor, everything’s ready for you inside.” He said.

“Thank you, this way kids.” Birch said walking into the lab. Twilight and Ash nodded and followed. After reaching a medical room, Ash placed Pikachu on a table and took a step back. The professor then put a small device that was hooked to a bigger machine on Pikachu’s cheeks.

“What’s that Professor?” Twilight asked.

“A device that will absorb all of Pikachu’s unneeded electricity. Joshua if you would.” Birch said gesturing to his assistant.

“Yes sir.” The man now known as Joshua said as he activated the device. The machine began to power up and Ash, Twilight and Marill looked on in worry. “Pikachu just hold on.” Ash said gritting his teeth.

“You’ll be ok, don’t worry.” Twilight said holding Marill tightly.

Please be ok..Please.” Marill thought. The machine began absorbing Pikachu’s electricity, but after a few second Pikachu’s cheeks began sparking out of control.

“Professor something’s wrong!” Joshua said.

“What is is?” Birch asked.

“The storage unit can’t hold all this electricity!” Joshua said. Pikachu’s sparks got more and more intense as the seconds passed.

“Pikachu!” Ash said in a worried tone.

“What’s going on!?” Twilight asked. Just then the device on Pikachu’s cheeks instantly broke apart.

“EVERYONE GET DOWN!” Birch said as the machine behind him began to explode. Ash quickly grabbed Twilight and forced her to the ground and shielded her from the blast.


Twilight slowly opened her eyes and felt something on her back. She looked behind her and saw Ash on her back and his arms wrapped around her.

Oh my gosh, he shielded me.” Twilight thought with a worried look on her face. She then looked to Marill who was unconscious in her arms. “Oh thank goodness you’re alright Marill.” She thought as she kissed Marill on the head.

“Pi..ka.” Twilight turned around and saw Pikachu struggling to get up.

“Pikachu, Are you ok?” Twilight asked as she tried to get out of Ash’s grip. Pikachu didn’t answer instead he got right up and jumped out of the lab window into the forest. “Pikachu no, Ash get up!” Twilight said trying to shake Ash awake.

“Ugh, w..What happened?” Ash asked rubbing his head.

“No time, now can you please let me go?” Twilight asked. Ash then looked down and noticed he was laying on Twilight’s back.

“Oh man, sorry.” Ash said quickly getting off of Twilight.

“It’s fine don’t worry about me, Pikachu’s gone!” Twilight said getting up.

“What! Where did he go!?” Ash asked also getting up.

“Out the window!” Twilight answered. Without another word, Ash jumped out the Window and began to look for his partner.

“Ash wait!” Twilight said watching him run.

“I’ll be fine, wake the professor and tell him what happened.” Ash said as he disappeared into the forest. Twilight just looked on for a few seconds before Marill pulled on her shirt.

“Marill Marill Mar!” Marill said pointing to the Professor and Joshua.

“Oh right.” Twilight said as she made her way over to the Professor Birch.

“Professor, wake up!” Twilight said shaking the professor. It took a minute, but the Professor finally regained consciousness.

“Ugh, my head. Hey, are you kids alright?” Birch asked getting up.

“I’m fine and so am Ash, but Pikachu took off into the forest and Ash took off after him.” Twilight said.

“Oh no! Tell me, does Ash have any pokemon that are good against electric types?” Birch asked as he went over to a small desk. Twilight shook her head.

“From what he’s told me only has Pikachu with him.” She said.

“Marill Mar.” Marill said.

“Then we’ll use mine.” Birch said as he grabbed a brown bag that contained three pokeballs off of the desk and proceeded to jump out of the window as well.

“Professor wait.” Twilight said.

“No time Twilight, stay with joshua until he wakes up ok.” Birch said as he disappeared into the forest.

“This is so bad.” Twilight said looking down.

“Marill.” Marill said nuzzling Twilight.

With Team Rocket

“What’s up with Pikachu?” Meowth asked as he, Jessie and James all watched Ash and Birch run into the forest.

“Oh boy, I guess this means we run too, right?” Jessie asked in a bored tone.

“Now what’s with you?” Meowth asked as he and James looked at her with confusion.

“It’s what we do Jess.” James said with a sheepish smile.

With Ash

Ash continued running through the forest looking for Pikachu. “Don’t worry pal I’ll find you” Ash thought to himself.

“Ash, wait for me!” Ash turned to see the professor running up to him.

“Professor, are you alright?” Ash asked.

“Yes I’m fine, but no time for that now. Pikachu’s internal electricity is too high, a disturbance of any kind into Pikachu’s electrical field could cause a massive explosion!” Birch said in an urgent tone. As soon as Ash heard that, his face paled and his blood ran cold.

“You mean..that he..” Ash tried to choke out the words, but he couldn’t. Birch nodded understanding what Ash was about to ask.

“Pikachu is in more danger than I thought.” He said looking down. Ash gritted his teeth and looked at Birch with determination.

“We have to hurry!” He said.

“Agreed, I’d think it be better if we split up.” Birch said.

“Ok see you soon.” Ash said as he and Birch went in different directions. “I won’t let that happen not now, not ever!” Ash thought as he kept running.

With Twilight

“Joshua, are you alright?” Twilight asked the young man.

“Yea I’m alright, where’s as and the Professor?” He asked getting up.

“They went into the forest to look for Pikachu.” Twilight said.

“I see, why didn’t you go with them?” Joshua asked.

“I was told to stay with you and make sure you were ok.” Twilight said. “Marill Mar.” Marill said with a nod. Joshua smiled.

“Well I’m just fine, so think you should go and help out your friend.” He said. Twilight and Marill looked at him with shock.

“Uh...are you sure?” Twilight asked.

“Of course I’m sure, now go on.” Joshua said. Twilight looked to Marill who gave her a nod.

“Alright, I’ll see you soon.” Twilight said as she jumped out of the lab window with Marill in her arms. “Hang on you two we’re on our way.” Twilight thought as she ran into the forest.

Pikachu, please be ok.” Marill thought to herself.

With Ash

With the thought of his partner blowing fresh in his mind, Ash continued his search for Pikachu and so far having no luck. “PIKACHU!! WHERE ARE YOU!?” Ash said still running.

With Birch

“PIkachu, answer me please!” Birch called out. “Where could he have gone?” He thought to himself. Just as he stepped forward, he failed to notice the small slope beneath him and he slipped.

“AHHH!” He yelled as he fell down the slope. Once he landed on the bottom of the slope, he began to groan and rub her back. “Aww, that hurt and my bag fell off.” Birch said. Just then he hear a small growl, he then looked behind him to see a Poochyena and it did not look happy.

“Oh hello there, sorry for just dropping in on you like this.” Birch said with a sheepish smile. The Poochyena then began to howl and within seconds two more Poochyena showed up and they all growled at Birch. Birch then began analyzing the Poochyena in front of him.

“Uh..that’s not a friendly greeting, doesn’t sound sad either, so that means one thing you’re angry!” Birch said with a smile. The Poochyena then began charging him, Birch quickly got up and began running. “Ha, I’m brilliant! Hey, can’t we discuss this! HELP!” Birch yelled as he ran from the Poochyena.

With Twilight

“Where are they?” Twilight asked looking around.

“Marill.” Marill said.

“HELP!” Twilight and Marill heard the cry and quickly made their way over to it. Upon arriving, they both see Professor Birch up in a tree and three little black dogs barking at him.

“Professor!” Twilight said. Birch looked over to Twilight and smiled.

“Twilight, thank goodness! You and Marill mind giving me a hand here?” He asked.

“Sure, but I’m not sure what to do.” Twilight said. Marill then jumped out of Twilight arms and gave her a small nod.

“Um ok, I think I know where you’re going with this.” Twilight said.

“Marill!” Marill said turning her attention to the three black dogs.

“Professor, Marill wants to help, but I’m new at this whole thing.” Twilight said.

“I understand, do you see a brown bag anywhere?” Birch asked. Twilight looked around and saw the bag on her left.

“Yes, I see it!” Twilight said going over to the bag.

“Now what?” She asked.

“Look inside and you’ll find a small red device.” Birch said. Twilight nodded and did what she was told.

“Um….is this it?” She asked holding up the red device.

“Yes that’s it, now point it at Marill quickly.” Birch said.

“Ok.” Twilight said holding up the device at Marill. The Device slowly opened and the screen displayed a picture of Marill on it.

Marill, the Aqua Mouse Pokemon. Its sensitive ears can detect distant sounds and the round rubbery tip on its tail can expand and contract, assisting Marill in the water. Moves: Water Gun, Rollout and Bubblebeam.” The device said. Twilight looked at the small device in awe.

“So..this is some sort of encyclopedia?” Twilight asked in shock.

“Yes, now hurry and tell Marill to use one of it’s moves on the Poochyena.” Birch said. Twilight nodded and looked back at the device.

“Ok Marill use Water Gun on the Poochyena.” Twilight commanded. Marill then jumped into the air.

“Mar MARILL!” Marill yelled before releasing a stream of water from her mouth.

“Wow.” Twilight said in awe. The stream of water sent all the Poochyena back a few feet and this caused them all to flee.

“Amazing, great job you two.” Birch said climbing out of the tree.

“Marill!” Marill said with a proud smile. Twilight then went over to Marill and picked her up.

“Marill that was incredible!” She said giving Marill a hug.

“Thank you for the help Twilight, but we have to get moving.” Birch said in a serious tone.

With Pikachu

Pikachu had absolutely no idea what was going on around him and walked aimlessly around the forest.

W..where am I? What’s going on?” Pikachu thought to himself.

“Pikachu!” Pikachu turned to see someone walking towards him, but due to his fever he couldn’t make out who.

“Pikachu it’s me Ahhhhhwwwss.” To Pikachu the vice started getting distorted and it frightened Pikachu.

Get Back!” Pikachu said with a growl as his cheeks began to spark.

Ash’s perspective

Ash had finally found Pikachu and tried to get in close.

“Pikachu it’s me Ash.” Ash said getting closer.

“PIKA PIKA!” Pikachu growled as his eyes turned red and his cheeks began to spark. “PIKA PIKA-CHU!!!!!” With that a bolt of electricity came from Pikachu and was heading straight for Ash.


With Birch and Twilight

Marill’s ears began to twitch and she quickly jumped out of Twilight’s arms again. “Marill what’s wrong?” Twilight asked. Just before Marill could answer, a huge bolt of electricity shot up into the sky.

“Whoa, what was that?” Twilight asked.

“Pikachu’s electrical buildup is reaching critical mass.” Birch said.

“Huh, what do you mean?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“I mean if we don’t hurry Pikachu could explode.” Birch said as he ran off. Twilight took a moment to let that sink in before speaking.

“HE’S GONNA WHAT!?” Twilight yelled as she ran after Birch. Marill heard this as well and she was taking it worse.

“He’s gonna...no...NO!” Marill said running after Birch and Twilight.

With Ash

Ash was laying on the ground after getting shocked by Pikachu, he was still recovering from the blast in the Professor’s lab and that attack from Pikachu wasn’t helping. His arm was bleeding and so was his head. “Ugh….Pikachu...I’m coming.” Ash said as he slowly got up. Once he was on his feet he looked over to Pikachu laying on the ground and in pain.

“No Pikachu.” Ash said as he started walking over to Pikachu. As soon as he got close, Pikachu’s cheeks released another bolt of electricity, but it wasn’t a bad as the last one. Ash shielded himself and tried to get in closer, but without warning Pikachu began running away.

“Pikachu!” Ash yelled. Using every ounce of strength he had left Ash ran after Pikachu. “I’m not giving up on you buddy!” Ash thought as he kept running not even caring about the blood he was losing. Just then he saw Pikachu running towards a very high cliff and wasn’t stopping.

“PIKACHU STOP!!” Ash yelled, but his words didn’t reach Pikachu in time and he jumped off the cliff. “NO PIKACHU!” Ash yelled as he jumped off the cliff after Pikachu. Ash quickly put his right arm around Pikachu and used his left to grab onto a stray branch.

“Just hold on Pikachu.” Ash said holding Pikachu close. Pikachu didn’t listen and began struggling. “Pikachu, hold still.” Ash said, but Pikachu began shocking him again. “AHHH!” Ash screamed in pain. Once the shock ended, Ash began breathing heavily and he began losing his grip on the branch.

“Aw no...s..s..SOMEONE HELP!!” Ash yelled. Just as he yelled he saw a rope fall next to him. “Huh, Who’s up there?” Ash asked.

“Ash, it’s us.”

“Marill Mar.”

Ash looked up and saw Twilight, Marill and Birch holding the rope. “Twilight, Professor, am I glad to see you two.” Ash said with a smile.

“Hurry Ash, grab the rope and we’ll pull you up.” Birch said.

“Right.” Ash said with a nod. He then let got of the branch and quickly grabbed onto the rope before he could fall. Twilight, Birch and Marill quickly pulled him up, but as they did Pikachu began struggling again.

“Pikachu, please calm down!” Ash said. Pikachu didn’t listen and began shocking Ash again. “AHH!” Ash screamed in pain.

“ASH/MAR!” Birch, Twilight and Marill screamed.

“I...I’m fine, Pikachu…..please stop.” Ash said looking down a Pikachu. Pikachu just kept struggling and without warning he bit Ash and also proceeded to shock him again. “AHHH” Ash screamed.

“ASH!” Twilight yelled in a worried tone.

“Just hold on!” Birch said. Once the shock was over, Ash’s sight began to blur and his grip began to slowly loosen.

“Pika...chu.” Ash said quietly. Pikachu’s ears twitched a bit and he quickly looked up to Ash.

“Pika Pi?” Pikachu said.

“Don’t worry, e...everything will be...alright.” Ash said weakly with a small smile.

“Pika Pi.” Pikachu said in a sad tone. Ash then looked back up to Twilight, Birch, Marill.

“Guys hurry, I can’t hold on much longer.” Ash said. Twilight, Birch and Marill all nodded and continued to pull Ash up until he was back on solid ground. Ash crawled away from the cliff and fell onto his side.

“Ash!” Twilight said running up to him.

“Marill!” Marill said following Twilight.

“Are you alright?” Twilight asked kneeling down to him.

“Ugh, yea I’m...fine, what about you pal?” Ash asked Pikachu. Pikachu only looked at Ash with a face of guilt and began nuzzling him.

“Pika Pi, Pikachu.” Pikachu said.

“I told you, I’m fine.” Ash said with a small smile.

“Come on, let’s get these two back to the lab. Twilight you carry Pikachu and I’ll carry Ash.” Birch said grabbing ash and putting him on his back. Twilight nodded and grabbed Pikachu.

“It’ll be alright, don’t worry.” Twilight said to Pikachu.

“Pika Pika.” Pikachu said. Marill then jumped onto Twilight shoulder and she looked at Pikachu.

Hey, you ok?” She asked.

Well...other than my entire body hurting, I’m fine.” Pikachu said with a small smile. Marill giggled. Just as they all began to leave, a huge red robot landed in front of them.

“W..what the heck is that?” Birch asked in shock.

“I have a...pretty good idea.” Ash said with a small growl.

Team Rocket XYZ Theme

Prepare for trouble for the umpteenth time
Make it double and I’ll make it rhyme
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all people within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
Surrender now or prepare for an out of this world fight!
That’s right!

“Team Rocket!” Ash said angrily.

“Not you three again!” Twilight said glaring at the trio.

“You know them?” Birch asked.

“They’re a bunch of crook who are always trying to take Pikachu from me.” Ash explained.

“I’ve never heard of them before.” Birch said.

“Trust us, they’re nothing more than a bunch no go crooks.” Twilight seethed.

“Aww can it Twerpette, now let’s get to work.” Meowth said as he Jessie and James got into the robot.

“So Pikachu, where’s all you’re thunderbolts?” Meowth mocked.

“My aren’t we confident.” James said.

“And for good reason, you see this machine will beat that Pikachu at it’s own nasty game. Now matter how many volts he shoots, this machine will absorb them.” Meowth said with a smile. Pikachu glared at the robot and tried to free itself from Twilight's arms.

“No Pikachu, you’re not ready to fight right now.” Twilight said holding Pikachu back.

“Oh so that’s how you want to play, fine with us!” Meowth said as he pressed a button and a claw shot out of it’s chest and it grabbed Pikachu.

“NO!” Twilight said trying to pull Pikachu back. Ash tried to get off on the professor’s back, but Birch kept hold of him.

“Ash you’re hurt to badly, you can’t do anything.” Birch said. Ash gritted his teeth, if he hated one thing it’s the feeling of being useless. Twilight tried her best, but she lost her grip and fell to the ground.

“Pikachu!/Marill!” Twilight, Ash and Marill said in a worried tone. The claw then brought Pikachu up to the robot and then the robot put two suction cups on Pikachu’s cheeks.

“Absorption James.” Meowth ordered.

“You got it.” James said pulling down a lever. As soon as he did, the suction cups began absorbing Pikachu’s electricity.

“HAHAHAHA, what an electrifying moment for Team Rocket.” Meowth said.

“Shocking!” James said with a smile.

“Whatever.” Jessie said in a bored tone. Pikachu groaned in pain while the machine was still absorbing his electricity.

“Pika..chu.” Ash said weakly. Twilight quickly got off the ground and looked to Marill.

“Marill use Water Gun.” Twilight commanded.

“No if Marill uses water gun now, Marill will get shocked as well.” Birch said. Twilight gritted her teeth.

“Then what do we do!” Twilight said angrily. Before Birch could answer, a lightening bolt nearly hit him.

“What the!?” Twilight, Ash and Birch all looked back at the robot and saw that the electricity being absorbed from Pikachu was getting more intense.

“What’s going on?” Meowth asked getting worried.

“I’m not sure, but Pikachu’s electricity levels are exceeding what we thought they were.” James said in a panic. Jessie’s eyes widened a bit and got a bit interested.

“It’s exceeding the levels?” Jessie asked.

“Professor?” Ash asked.

“Pikachu’s output it’s incredible.” Birch said. Twilight and Marill both looked in awe.

“That’s actually really impressive.” Twilight said.

“Marill.” Marill said a nod.

“This is bad.” Meowth said.

“What ever gave you that idea?” James asked sarcastically.

“Oh well, another blast off.” Jessie said. After a few seconds, the suction cups stopped absorbing and Pikachu surprisingly felt...better.

Whoa my body doesn’t hurt anymore, I can’t believe I’m saying this but thanks Team Rocket. Now, let me return the favor.” Pikachu thought as he used Thunderbolt and shocked the robot along with Team Rocket on the inside.

“Whoa!” Ash said in awe.

“Amazing.” Twilight said.

“I was wrong all along, we haven’t been wasting our time. This amazing Pikachu is the only thing the Boss would want.” Jessie said as she and her Teammates were getting shocked.

“Yea..great.” Meowth said. “

But have we captured too much of a good thing!” James said.

“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet said with a salute.

“Do you all smell something burning?” Jessie asked.

“I THINK WE’RE SMELLING US!” Jessie, James and Meowth said before the Machine exploded and sent them flying.

“Quite a Thunderbolt.” Meowth said.

“It has renewed my energy and Passion.” Jessie said with a huge smile on her face.

“Wobbuffet.” Wobbuffet said with another salute.

“Here we go again.” James said.

“LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET’S BLASTING AGAIN!” Team Rocket said before disappearing in the wild blue yonder. As the smoke from the explosion clear, Ash, Twilight, Marill and Birch all saw Pikachu standing tall with a small smile on it’s face.

“Pika!” Pikachu said proudly before collapsing from exhaustion.

“Pikachu!” Twilight said running over and Picking Pikachu up.

“He must be exhausted.” Birch said.

“Yea well, he’s not the only..one.” Ash said before blacking out himself.

“Come on Twilight, let’s get back to the lab.” Birch said walking away. Twilight nodded and followed the professor.


“Professor, it seems Pikachu’s electricity pressure has reached normal levels again.” Joshua said as he was examining Pikachu. Marill was sitting next to Pikachu the entire time he was being treated.

“Good, that machine of Team Rocket’s must have removed all of Pikachu’s unneeded electricity. All it needs now is to get some rest. Keep an eye on him Joshua, I’m going to go check on the kids.” Birch said before leaving the room. Marill kept looking at Pikachu and she smiled.

“Pikachu, you’re going to be just fine.” Marill said.

With Twilight and Ash

“That was reckless!” Twilight said to Ash as she wrapped some bandages around his head and his arm.

“I know, sorry.” Ash said looking down. Twilight finished wrapping the bandages and looked at him.

“It’s alright, I just can’t believe you went that far for Pikachu.” Twilight said.

“Why wouldn’t I, Pikachu’s my number one partner and buddy.” Ash said with a smile. Upon hearing that, Twilight immediately thought of her former friend Spike and how he always said he would be her number one assistant. She then looked away.

“You’re lucky to have Pikachu by your side.” Twilight said with a frown. Ash heard the sadness in Twilight’s voice.

“Is something wrong Twilight?” Ash asked in concern. Twilight didn’t answer. Ash then put a hand on her head and began ruffling her hair.

“Look if you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine, but if you ever need too I’m here.” Ash said with a smile. Twilight looked back to him and she soon remembered Arceus’s words.

If you want to tell him that’s entirely up to you.” Twilight then took a deep breath.

“Ash, there’s something I have to tell you and it’s really important.” She said. Ash cocked an eyebrow before speaking.

“Ok, what is it?” He asked. Twilight hesitated for a minute before speaking up again.

“You remember when I said wasn’t from around here?” She asked. Ash nodded.

“Well, it’s actually more complicated than that.” Twilight said looking down.

“What do you mean?” Ash asked confused. Twilight then took another deep breath and began to explain her origin and how she came to this world while keeping Arceus out of it. She then told him about what transpired at her brother's wedding and how all of her friends left her for someone they just met. “And that’s pretty much it.” Twilight said. She then looked to Ash who’s eyes were wide from what he had just been told.

I knew it, he thinks I’m crazy.” Twilight thought looking down.

“Wow...just..wow.” Ash said as he put a hand on his head.

“I..I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true.” Twilight said. Ash took a moment to process everything before speaking.

“Well if what you say is true, all I have to say is those so-called friends of yours and your brother are a bunch of jerks.” Ash said. Twilight's eyes widened in shock.

“Wait...you...believe me?” Twilight asked.

“Well, I doubt you could make a story like that up and you given me no reason not to trust you. I mean you saved Pikachu when we first met and you saved me not too long ago. Thanks for that by the way.” Ash said with a smile. Twilight just kept staring at Ash with wide eyes. Before she could say anything, the Professor walked into the room.

“How are you feeling Ash?” He asked. “I’m fine don’t worry, how’s Pikachu?” Ash asked.

“He’s fine, just resting right now. Pikachu should be up and around by tomorrow morning.” Birch said with a smile. Ash sighed in relief.

“Thank goodness, thank you professor.” Ash said. Twilight smiled and was relieved to hear that Pikachu was alright.

“It’s no problem, now I have a few questions for you Ms. Twilight.” Birch said. Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Um ok, what do you want to know?” She asked.

“Well earlier today when you helped me with those Poochyena, you said that you were new to all of this, right?” Birch asked. Twilight nodded.

“And forgive me, but I couldn’t help but overhear what you told Ash and if what you say is true then you have no idea how things work in this world, right?” He asked. Twilight nodded again.

“I see, well I guess I have no choice now.” Birch said.

“Huh?” Ash and Twilight said in confusion.

“Well since you’re going to be living here, I think the best thing for you to do is become a trainer like Ash.” Birch said smiling. Twilight looked at the Professor for a good minute before speaking.

“Me...A trainer?” Twilight said in confusion.

“I think it’s a great idea, this way you won’t look like a clueless little girl.” Ash said with a smirk.

“What’s that suppose to mean and I’m not little, I’m 16.” Twilight said glaring at Ash.

“And I’m 17 little one.” Ash said still smirking.

“Why you!” Twilight seethed.

“HAHAHAHA, You both are hilarious.” Birch said laughing his butt off.

“Haha, I’m joking Twilight.” Ash said before ruffling her hair. Twilight pouted and crossed her arms.

“Well, it wasn’t funny.” She said.

“I know, sorry.” Ash said with smile. Twilight saw Ash’s smile and her face softened a bit.

“It’s fine.” She said before turning back to professor Birch.

“Professor, I’d like to take you up on your offer.” Twilight said.

“Excellent, Twilight come with me.” Birch said walking out of the room. Twilight nodded and followed birch out of the room.

“I’m going to go check on Pikachu, I’ll see you later.” Ash said.

“Ok, just don’t over do it.” Twilight said.

“I won’t, promise.” Ash said.

With Marill and Pikachu

Pikachu slowly began opening his eyes and saw Marill sitting beside him.

Hey sleepyhead.” Marill said with a smile. Pikachu smiled back.

Hi, how long was I out for?” Pikachu asked as he tried to get up. Marill then put a paw on Pikachu and laid him back down.

You’re still hurt, just stay still. You’ve been out for a few hours now and we’ve all been worried sick about you.” Marill said. Pikachu’s eyes widened as he remembered what happened earlier.

Oh no Ash, is he alright?” Pikachu said in a panic. Before Marill could answer, the door to the room opened and Ash walked in.

“Hey buddy, you’re awake.” Ash said with a smile. Pikachu just stared for a minute before forcing himself up and jumped into Ash’s arms.

“Pika Pi!” Pikachu said happily.

“Good to see you too pal.” Ash said hugging his partner. Marill looked on with a smile before leaving to room to look for Twilight.

“How ya feeling?” Ash asked putting Pikachu back on the table.

“Pika Pika, Pikachu.” Pikachu said with a smile.

“Still hurting a bit, huh? Don’t worry, the professor said you’ll be alright by tomorrow morning.” Ash said.

“Pika Pika, Pika Pi?” Pikachu asked.

“Oh Twilight’s with the professor right now, she going to become a trainer like me and buddy do I have a story for you.” Ash said. Pikachu tilted his head in confusion.

“Pika?” He asked.

“Well you see…”


The next morning, Ash and Pikachu were walking through the lab looking for Twilight and Marill. “Where are they” Ash asked.

“Pika.” Pikachu said shrugging his shoulders.

“Well good morning Ash.” Ash and Pikachu turned to see Professor Birch walking towards them.

“Good morning to you too Professor.” Ash said with a smile.

“Pika Pikachu.” Pikachu said.

“It’s good to see you both are feeling better.” Birch said.

“Thanks, have you seen Twilight and Marill around?” Ash asked.

“Well, the last time I saw her was last night in the lab’s library.” Birch said crossing his arms.

“I’ll go check there then, thanks professor.” Ash said before walking away.

“Once you find her, are you both gonna head out?” Birch asked. Ash thought about this before answered.

“I guess so, I wanna register for the Hoenn League as soon as possible and head to the first gym.” Ash said.

“If that’s the case, I’ll give you something that might help you both on your journey.” Birch said walking away.

“What do you think he’s going to give us?” Ash asked his partner.

“Pika.” Pikachu said shrugging his shoulders.

“Oh well, let’s find Twilight.” Ash said as walked to the library.

Lab Library

Ash and Pikachu arrived at the library and looked around for Twilight. “Twilight, you in here?” Ash called out.

“Pika Pika.” Pikachu called out as well. There was no answer.

“I guess she’s not here either.” Ash said.

“Pika.” Pikachu said. Just then, Pikachu’s ears twitched and jumped off of Ash’s shoulder. “Pika Pika.” Pikachu said as he ran off.

“Wait for me pal.” Ash said following Pikachu. After a few minutes, Pikachu stopped in front on a desk where a sleeping Twilight and Marill were surrounded by books. Ash Finally caught up and looked at Twilight sleeping.

“Aww, that’s adorable.” Ash said with a chuckle. He then went over to Twilight and tried to wake her up. “Twilight, it’s time to get up.” Ash said shaking her. Pikachu made his way over to Marill and tied to wake her up as well.

Marill, wake up.” Pikachu said. Twilight’s eyes slowly opened and she let out a yawn.

“Oh Ash, Morning.” She said rubbing her eyes.

“Morning to you too, Have you been in here all night?” Ash asked.

“Yea, I was studying more about this world and the Pokemon that inhabit it. I can’t believe there are over 700 different pokemon and 6 different regions where they're native to.” Twilight said with a smile.

“I know what you mean, so many Pokemon to discover and so many new people to meet. I can tell this next chapter of our journey is going to be awesome, right Pikachu?” Ash asked his partner who was still trying to wake up Marill.

“Pika Pikachu. Pika Pika Pi.” Pikachu said shaking Marill. Marill opened her eyes and yawned.

Ok ok, I'm up.” Marill said stretching out her paws.

Good morning to you too Marill.” Pikachu said with a smile.

Oh sorry Pikachu, good morning.” Marill said smiling back.

“Well look who's finally awake.” Twilight said.

“You're one to talk, you slept through breakfast.” Ash said with a smirk.

“Oh shut up! By the way, I have something to ask you.” Twilight said.

“Sure, what's up?” Ash asked.

“During my studies, I found out the some people and Pokemon battle alongside one another to enter some sort of league, is that true?” Twilight asked. Ash’s face lit up and he gave Twilight smile.

“You bet it is, let me explain. You see I'm here to enter the Hoenn League and become Pokemon Master.” He said. Ash looked at him in confusion.

“A Pokemon Master?” She asked.

“That’s right, you see ever since I was a kid I wanted to be the very best trainer like no one ever was and the only way to do that is to win in a Pokemon League. I’ve entered two leagues a few years ago and lost in both, but that’s not going to stop me. I know I’ll reach my goal someday.” Ash said putting his hand over his heart. Twilight stared at Ash for a few seconds before smiling at him.

“That actually sounds really cool, but i’m not so sure about the whole battling thing.” She said.

“Why, battling is a way for you and your pokemon to connect and bond with each other. The reason me and Pikachu are so close is because of the battles and adventures he and I have been in together these past few years.” Ash said with a smile.

“Pika Pika Pikachu!” Pikachu said smiling as well. Twilight looked at Ash and Pikachu before looking at Marill.

“Marill, do like to battle?” She asked. Marill thought about this before answering.

“Marill!” Marill said nodding her head. Pikachu looked to Marill with shock.

You really like to battle?” He asked.

Yea, I use to spar with the pokemon in that old warehouse area for a long time.” Marill said with a sheepish smile. Pikachu smiled at Marill.

Well, aren't you full of surprises.” He said.

You got that right and you’ll find them out soon enough.” Marill said as she winked at Pikachu. Twilight nodded back and looked to Ash.

“Ash is that the reason you’re here, to enter the Pokemon League in this region?” Twilight asked.

“That’s right.” Ash said.

“If that’s the case, I’ll enter too.” Twilight said getting up from her seat with determination in her eyes. Ash, Pikachu and Marill looked at her with wide eyes.

“Um...where did that come from?” Ash asked in confusion.

“I want to learn more about this world and I think going on a journey can help me with that. The professor told me the basics about being a trainer and the different types of Trainers.” Twilight said.

“I see well if that’s your choice then more power to ya, just know that as soon as you enter the Hoenn League you and I will be rivals.” Ash said with a smile.

“That’s fine with me.” Twilight said smiling back. Marill and Pikachu both looked at their respective trainers and sighed.

Well, here we go again.” Pikachu said shrugging his shoulders.

I guess Twilight’s just as hot headed as Ash is.” Marill said with a giggle.

“Oh and I have a question for you Ash.” Twilight said. “

Well, let’s see if I have an answer.” Ash said with a smirk.

“Smart mouth. Anyway, do you mind if me and Marill tag along with you?” Twilight asked.

“Sure I don’t mind at all, traveling with friends is way more fun than traveling alone.” Ash said without a moment of hesitation.

“Sweet, thank you!” Twilight said with a smile.


Ash, Pikachu,Twilight and Marill walked out of the Lab with Professor Birch behind them. “So are you both ready?” Birch asked.

“You bet we are.” Ash said fistpump.

“Yea, I triple checked everything.” Twilight said putting a backpack she got from Birch on her back.

“That’s great, now I want to give you both something before you head out.” Birch said putting his hand in his pocket before pulling out two Pokedexes.

“Aww sweet, new Pokedexes.” Ash said taking one of the Dexes.

“I remember this thing, it helped me learn Marill’s moves.” Twilight said taking hers.

“That right, as Ash said it’s called a Pokedex and it has the information of every pokemon found in all 6 of the different regions.” Birch said with a smile.

“Wow that’s awesome.” Ash said.

“I know right.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Perfect you two are all set, do you remember where to go from here?” Birch asked.

“Yup, first we head to Oldale town to register for the Hoenn League.” Ash said.

“And then we head to the first gym in Petalburg City.” Twilight said.

“Um..while it’s true there's a gym in Petalburg City, I’m afraid you’ll need 4 badges to actually challenge it.” Birch said.

“WHAT/PIKA/MAR!?” Ash, Twi, Pikachu sand Marill yelled.

“Sorry kids, but that’s the rules of that specific gym. So might I suggest you both head to Rustboro City for your first gym badge.” Birch said trying to cheer the group up.

“I guess that’ll work, what do you say Twilight?” Ash asked.

“I’m fine with it.” Twilight said.

“Alright, then let’s get going.” Ash said with a smile.

“Yea.” Twilight said also smiling.

This is going to be an interesting adventure.” Pikachu said.

You can say that again.” Marill said.

“Be careful you two and look after one another.” Birch said.

“We will.” Ash said.

“Pika/Mar.” Pikachu and Marill said waving.

“See you again soo Professor and thank you for everything.” With that said Ash and Twilight began walking away. Birch watched as the two teens left.

I can tell those two are going to a one hell of a time together.” Birch thought with a chuckle.

Narrator: With Pikachu fully recovered, Ash and Twilight can begin their journey together. As they head to Oldale Town and the Nearest Pokemon Center. Together they are sure to discover new Pokemon and new friends as well. One thing is for sure, even more exciting adventures lie just ahead.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

THE JOURNEY BEGINS!! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, comments are always welcome. As you can see May has not shown up in this chapter, but don't worry she'll have another roll in the story later on.

Ash: Wait, what now?

Twilight: You heard me Ash, I challenge you to a battle.

Next time: Ash Vs Twilight.