• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 20,611 Views, 1,073 Comments

Twilight's Realm: Advanced Generation - CosmicAlchemist24

Twilight Sparkle is given a chance by the Alpha Pokemon Arceus, to start her life over after being betrayed by her friends, family and teacher.

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Hoenn Alone Pt.1

Location: Seafoam Island Ferry

Narrator: After a quick stop in Pallet town, Ash and Pikachu boarded a ferry headed to the Hoenn region in search of new challenges and adventures.

“Ready Pikachu?” Ash said as he and Pikachu were on a high diving board about to jump into a pool.

“Pika Pikachu!” Pikachu said with a smile.

“Alright let’s go!” Ash said as he jumped off diving board. As the pair landed in the water, they quickly resurfaced and looked at one another.

“Feels great, right Pikachu?” Ash asked smiling at his partner.

“Pika Pika!” Pikachu said before slashing some water in Ash’s face.

“Oh you think you’re funny huh, well try this!” Ash said before splashing Pikachu and before long the two were in a full on water fight.

Pokemon: Master Quest

A/N: Yes I know this is the ‘Advanced Generation’, but Ash isn’t in Hoenn yet. So until then enjoy the ‘Master Quest’ theme


The sun was setting and Ash and Pikachu were both laying on a beach chair.

“The Hoenn region it won’t be long now, I bet once we get there we’re going to meet tons of new pokemon and lots of awesome trainers to Pikachu.” Ash said.

“Pikachu!” Pikachu said with a smile.

“First things first though, we have to go and see Professor Birch in Littleroot Town. We promised Harrison we would after all.” Ash said.

“Pika Pika!” Pikachu said with a nod. Just then, the captain of the ship and his Machoke was passing by doing their daily rounds.

“Excuse me captain.” Ash said.

“Hmmm yes young man, what can I do for you?” The captain asked.

“Can you please tell me when this ship will get to Littleroot Town?” Ash asked with a smile.

“Let’s see, if we stay on our current course...we should be there by tomorrow night.” The captain said.

“Great, hey thanks.” Ash said.

“Pika Pika!” Pikachu said thanking the captain as well.

“Is this your first trip to the Hoenn Region son?” The captain asked.

“Yes sir.” Ash said with a nod.

“I would imagine it must be kinda lonely traveling all by yourself like that.” The captain said.

“Nah I’m not lonely at all not as long as I have Pikachu with me, right buddy?” Ash asked.

“Pikachu!” Pikachu said with a smile. “I see you and your Pikachu must be very close friends.” The captain said.

“Ma,Machoke!” Machoke agreed. Unbeknownst to Ash and the captain, three shady and recurring figures were spying on them in a lifeboat.

“Ha, like two sitting Psyduck.” Jessie said.

“With you know who just right for the plucking.” James said.

“Yea getting ahold of that Pikachu should be a piece of cake now that there’s only one twerp instead of three.” Meowth said with a sinister grin.

“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet said appearing behind the trio.

“Not only that, today we open a brand new chapter in Team Rocket History.” Jessie said with a smile.

“Oh Yea, It’s the new and improved us.” Meowth said.

“That’s right and the first step to further enhancement is to put Pikachu permanently in our possession. Do you read me?” Jessie asked.

“10-4!” James Meowth said simultaneously.

“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet said with a nod.


“It hasn’t been you and me since we first started our journey.” Ash said as he was laying down in a bed next to his now sleeping Pikachu. “Now, here we are again starting a brand new journey and I don’t know why but I feel like this time it’ll be better than that last. Well good night.” Ash said before he yawned and fell asleep.

An hour passed and everyone on the ship was sound asleep….well not everyone. The door to Ash’s room opened and a long mechanical arm reached over the other sleeping passengers and grabbed Pikachu.

“Pi...Pika!” Pikachu yelled as it struggled to get free. Ash stirred a bit before waking up.

“Mmmm..What is it Pikachu?” Ash asked.

“Pika Pi!” Pika yelled still struggling. Ash rubbed his eyes and looked to the door only to see Pikachu being taken.

“What the- Pikachu!” Ash said before jumping out of his bed. He ran out the door and looked up and down the hallway.

“Pikachu!” Ash said calling to his partner. He then took off around the corner only to bump into the captain and his Machoke doing their nightly rounds.

“Easy son, is something wrong?” The captain asked.

“Yes captain, someone broke into my room and stole my Pikachu.” Ash said.

“Are you kidding, did you see where the went?” The captain said in a serious tone.

“No when I got out here Pikachu was already gone.” Ash said looking down.

“Well, we’re going to find it.” The captain said walking over to a small computer.

“What’s that?” Ash asked.

“It’s a special computer that allows me to scan the entire ship and search for any stowaways that might be aboard.” The captain said as he was typing on the computer.

“Ah right there, the food storage area on the lower deck. Come on young man, let’s go.” The captain said as he and his Machoke began running to the lower deck.

“Right.” Ash said following right behind them.

On the Lower deck, we find Team Rocket eating and chatting about their next move.

“We did it and with enough time for a midnight snack.” Meowth said before putting a cookie in his mouth.

“Does anyone even know where this this boat is going?” James asked.

“Anywhere will do, once it dock we’ll disappear in a crowd and make our way back to the boss.” Jessie said with a smile.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” James said before eating a spoonful of pudding.

“Then we’re agreed, now let’s fill our bellies and get so shut eye.” Meowth declared.

“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet said.

“CHUUUU!” Pikachu screamed as he tried to use Thunderbolt to escape, but to bad for him his cage was insulated.

“Poor Pikachu, You’re just wasting your volts with those Thunderbolts.” Jessie taunted.

“She’s right, that cage can take every single watt you dish out.” James said.

“So why don’t you just be little pokemon and sit back and enjoy this peaceful sea cruise.” Meowth said.

“There’s nothing peaceful about it!” Team Rocket turned only to see Ash, the captain and his Machoke standing behind them.

“You got some nerve stealing Ash’s Pikachu way from him, who do you think you are?” The captain asked angrily.

Team Rocket Motto

Prepare for trouble on land, air and sea!
And Make it double, with troubles on me!
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all people within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Team Rocket rides the waves at the speed of light!
Shoot the curl, hanging ten and preparing to fight!
Meowth that’s right!

“Who’s Team Rocket?” The captain asked.

“There a bunch of crooks and a major thorn in my side.” Ash said angrily.

“You got that right Twerp, you should know by now we won’t stop until Pikachu is ours!” Jessie said.

“That’s not going to happen on my watch, Go Machoke!” The captain said as Machoke began charging toward Team Rocket.

“On no you don’t, Go Arbok!” Jessie said throwing a pokeball.

“Come on out Weezing!” James said as he also threw a pokeball. After a few seconds, both pokeballs opened to reveal a large purple snake and the other was a small purple Pokémon consisting of two spherical heads connected by a thin tube with another sphere in the center.

“Alright I choose Bay- Oh that’s right I don’t have Bayleef.” Ash said realizing he left all of his pokemon with Professor Oak.

“Arbok Use Poison Sting!” Jessie commanded. Arbok soon was shooting purple needles out of it’s mouth and they were head straight for Machoke.

“Dodge Machoke!” The captain ordered. Machoke quickly moved to the left avoiding the Poison Sting.

“Weezing, Smokescreen!” James commanded. Weezing soon released a thick cloud of smog from it’s mouth covering the entire room.

“Great now we can’t see!” The captain said.

“Now Weezing use Tackle on Machoke!” James commanded. Weezing immediately took off and slammed itself into Machoke. Machoke was pushed back into a large metal pipe.

“Alright Arbok, Finish this with Acid!” Jessie commanded. Arbok soon released a purple liquid from it’s mouth and it was heading straight for Machoke.

“Machoke, get out of there.” The captain said. Machoke quickly looked up and moved out of the way, but by doing so the Acid attack hit the metal pipe melting it. Soon, there was water shooting out of the pipe.

“Oh no the water storage tank!” The captain said before he, Machoke, Team Rocket and Ash were being carried away by the water.

“Ugh Machoke, grabon to one of the railing we need to call for help.” The captain said.

“Ma Machoke!” Machoke said before grabbing the rails and grabbing the captain.

“Nice work Machoke, now let’s get this ship repaired.

With Ash

Ash was on Team Rocket’s trail, swimming as fast as he could to get Pikachu back.

Hold on buddy, I’m coming!” Ash thought to himself. He soon made it to the top deck and got out of the water.

“Where are- Hey get back here!” Ash yelled as he saw Team Rocket running away.

“I’m exhausted, doesn’t that Twerp ever give up?” James asked.

“Apparently he doesn’t, so let’s think of something.” Jessie said.

“Any Ideas!” Meowth asked.

“Oh wait forgot I had this, my brand new Ropester.” James said pulling out a large grappling hook out of nowhere. He then fired it onto a large crane.

“Wow impressive!” Jessie said.

“Thank you, shall we?” James asked. Jessie, Meowth and Wobbuffet all nodded and grabbed onto James before jumping off the boat. Ash saw this and immediately jumped off the boat.

“Oh no you don’t, give me back my Pikachu!” Ash said grabbing onto Wobbuffet.

“Wobbuffet be a loyal Pokemon and let go of my leg!” Jessie commanded, but Wobbuffet didn’t listen.

“You better give me my Pikachu back or I’ll-” Ash was cut off as he and Team Rocket all crashed into the very crane the grappling hook was hooked onto. Ash fell into a pile of wooden crates, while Team Rocket and Pikachu landed on two trucks. Jessie, James and Wobbuffet were on the left truck and Meowth and Pikachu were on the right truck.

“Well not the most gracious landing, but we got away nonetheless.” Jessie said as she and her teammates laughed. Ash tried his best to push all of the wooden boxes out of his way.

“Hold on Pikachu!” Ash yelled pushing another crate.

“Pika Pi!” Pikachu yelled. Just then both truck began to rev up and move out.

“Yes we finally won, So long Twerp!” James said.

“I swear when I find you three again a Thunderbolt will be the least of your worries!” Ash yelled.

“Oh we’re so scared….not! Not let’s get- What the?” Before the knew what was going on both trucks were now heading in opposite direction.

“Wait Meowth, where do you think you’re going?” Jessie asked frantically.

“You bring the truck back here this instant!” James said.

“I can’t in case you haven’t noticed, I’m the passenger on this rig.” Meowth said. Ash finally got out of of the crate pile, but was too late to stop the trucks.

“No Pikachu!” Ash said gritting his teeth. Just then, a woman with spiky blue rode up next to Ash on a motorcycle.

“Hey are you alright, what happened?” The woman asked. Ash looked at the next to him and immediately recognized her.

“Officer Jenny, look we don’t have much time! Team Rocket came after me again and took Pikachu away!” Ash said. Jenny’s face immediately turned serious.

“I'll do whatever I can to help.” She said.

Timeskip with Meowth and Pikachu

“Aww great now what do I do?” Meowth asked.

“Pika Pi Pikachu?” Pikachu asked.

“You must be crazy if you think i’m letting you- Whoa!” Before Meowth could finish his sentence, the truck carrying them made a sharp left turn causing both Meowth and Pikachu to fall off the truck and onto the ground.

“Aww my head, where am I and….WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF YOUR CAGE!” Meowth yelled as he saw Pikachu’s cage smashed into pieces.

“Pika Pika!” Pikachu said angrily as his cheeks began to spark.

“Hey, let's not do anything hasty here and besides I doubt you'll be able to find the Twerp on your own.” Meowth said holding his paws up. Pikachu thought about this for a minute before calming down.

“Pikachu Pika Pi.” Pikachu said as he walked past Meowth.

“Good plan, let’s head back the way we came, with any luck we might run into the Jessie and James.” Meowth said before receiving a shock from Pikachu.

“Pika Pi!” Pikachu growled.

“Right I’ll shut up.” Meowth said laying on the ground. Pikachu didn’t really care if Meowth followed him or not, as long as he found Ash nothing else mattered.

“Hey wait up!” Meowth yelled before running after Pikachu. Pikachu didn’t listen though since he was in his own thoughts.

Why does this keep happening, why are those three idiots so interested in me? Why can they just leave me alone, I wish- wait what was that?” Pikachu thought as heard something faint in the distance. Pikachu then made a dash for the sound.

“Hey, where ya going?” Meowth asked.

“Pika Pika, Pikachu!” Pikachu said still running.

“Ya heard something, like what?” Meowth said as he ran after Pikachu.

“I’m not sure, but I think someone needs help.” Pikachu thought. Both Meowth and Pikachu soon found themselves approaching a storage block.

“Pika Pika!” Pikachu said. “The sound came from in there, huh?” Meowth asked. Pikachu nodded and the two proceeded inside.

“You know for storage block, this place isn’t all that big.” Meowth said.

“Pika Pi.” Pikachu said with a nod.

“Uhhhhg..” Meowth and Pikachu both jumped when they heard that moan.

“What was that?” Meowth asked hiding behind Pikachu.

“Pika!” Pikachu said looking around.

“Uhhhhg…” The noise was a bit louder this time and Pikachu was able to lock onto where it was.

“Pikachu!” Pikachu said before running off again.

“Hey wait, don't leave me all alone!” Meowth said running after Pikachu. Pikachu took a shortcut by jumping over a few boxes and as he did he spotted something.

Is that a person or a pokemon?” Pikachu asked himself. He then made his way over to whatever he saw.

“There you are what’s the big idea leaving me alone like that?” Meowth asked angrily.

“Pika Pi, Pikachu!” Pikachu said.

“You found someone?” Meowth asked as he followed Pikachu once again.

The two pokemon got to whatever was making that sound and upon further inspection it looked like a human girl. She had tan colored skin and purple hair with what looked like pink highlights. She was wearing a light blue long sleeve collar shirt, purple overalls that seemed a little too short, a white hat with a six-pointed star crystal on it, white socks and light blue shoes.

“I wonder who this girl is and what's she doing in a place like this?” Meowth asked crossing his arms. Pikachu shrugged and decided to wake to girl up.

“Pika Pika, Pika Pi!” Pikachu said shaking the girl a bit. The girl the began to stir and she slowly opened her eyes.

“Ugh, where am I?” The girl asked rubbing her head.

“Hey, are you ok?” Meowth asked.

“Pika Pi?” Pikachu asked as well. The girl looked around to find that she was in a dark place and next to her was a yellow mouse looking creature and a cat with a gold coin on its head.

“Who...What are you?”

Author's Note:

Chapter Two done, YAY! Hope you all enjoyed Part 1, Part 2 is on it's way soon promise.

Twilight: Wait your Ash!?

Ash: Yep that's my name and this is my buddy Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Next Time: Hoenn Alone Pt.2