• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 20,613 Views, 1,073 Comments

Twilight's Realm: Advanced Generation - CosmicAlchemist24

Twilight Sparkle is given a chance by the Alpha Pokemon Arceus, to start her life over after being betrayed by her friends, family and teacher.

  • ...

Hoenn Alone Pt. 2

Narrator: After boarding a ship bound for the Hoenn Region, Ash and Pikachu once again cross paths with Team Rocket. Who once again tries to steal Pikachu from Ash, but by doing so they get separated from Meowth who has Pikachu in his possession. Will Ash find Pikachu before Team Rocket, Find out now!

Pokemon: Master Quest

With Twilight…

Who...what are you?” Twilight asked scooting away from the cat and the yellow mouse.

“Hey calm down there kid.” The cat said.

“Y..y...you can talk?” Twilight asked.

“Well I can see there's a brain in that skull of yours.” The cat said with a smirk. Twilight didn't take kindly to that comment, but before she could say anything...

“PI-KA-CHUU!!” The yellow mouse released a bolt of lightning from it cheeks and it was heading straight for the cat.

“OK, OK I'M SORRY!” The cat said as he was being shocked. The mouse then stopped his attack and smirked. Twilight stared at the yellow mouse with shock.

A/N: No pun intended.

“Ok I ask again, what are you?” Twilight asked getting a bit scared. Pikachu then turned to the girl and smiled at her.

“Pika pika, Pika Pi!” Pikachu said.

“Um...what now?” Twilight asked with a confused look.

“It said “Don’t worry we won't hurt you, what’s your name?” The cat said translating for the mouse.

“It’s….Twilight. Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said introducing herself. Pikachu smiled at the girl.

“Pika Pi, Pikachu!” The mouse said. Twilight turned to the cat for a translation.

“He says his name’s Pikachu and that you have a pretty name.” The cat said. Twilight smiled at the mouse and then looked to the cat.

“And who are you?” Twilight asked.

“The names Meowth kid and I got a few questions for you.” The cat now know as Meowth said pointing to Twilight.

“I have a few questions myself. First off, What are you two, I’ve never seen animals like you before.” Twilight said. Pikachu and Meowth just looked at Twilight as if she had grown another head.

“Are you serious, you’ve never seen a pokemon before kid?” Meowth asked. Twilight’s eyes widened in shock.

“So these are the pokemon Arceus told me about.” Twilight thought to herself.

“Pika Pi, Pika?” Pikachu asked. “He’s asking if you’re ok.” Meowth translated.

“Um..yea I’m fine.” Twilight said putting a hand on her head….wait what? Twilight took a good long look at her hands.

“AHHHHH! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!?” Twilight screamed. Meowth and Pikachu both flinched at her sudden freak out.

“What’s wrong with you, why are you freaking out?” Meowth asked. Twilight didn’t hear him though as she was too busy having an episode.

“W...What am I, What are these, Where did my horn go!?” Twilight asked looking herself over.

“Kid have you gone crazy or something, you're a human. How could you not know that?” Meowth said looking at the girl with a confused look. Pikachu was also confused by what was going on.

What’s with this girl, why is she acting as if she’s never looked in a mirror before.” Pikachu thought to himself. Twilight tried her best to calm down, but this was all too much for her.

Ok calm down Sparkle and just breath. You made the choice to come to this world and now you have to deal with this.” Twilight thought to herself. “Ok….I’m good sorry.” Twilight said taking a deep breath. Pikachu and Meowth both looked at one another and shrugged.

“Pika pika, pika pi?” Pikachu asked. “He said,

“Can you tell us how you ended up in this warehouse?” Meowth translated. Twilight was about to answer, but decided to keep the whole Arceus experience under wraps at least until she found this ‘Ash’ po-person.

“I’m not sure exactly sure how I got her. I mean one minute I’m in my library and then next I’m here with you two.” Twilight said. Pikachu could tell the girl was hiding something, but decided not to press the subject.

“Pika pika pi, Pika pi pikachu.” Pikachu said.

“Pikachu says that if you want you can come with us, we’re looking for his friend and he’s sure he can help you out.” Meowth translated. Twilight thought about this for a minute.

I’m not sure I should trust them right off the bat, but then again I don’t know my way around this world.” Twilight thought. “Alright I’ll go with you two.” Twilight said. Pikachu smiled at the girl and immediately jumped onto her shoulder. Twilight was startled at first, but noticed how adorable the yellow mouse was and smiled.

“Can we get out of her now, this place is giving me the creeps.” Meowth said. Twilight and Pikachu both nodded and the three proceeded to leave. While they were leaving, Meowth and Pikachu noticed that Twilight wasn’t walking right.

“Um kid, why are you walking on all fours?” Meowth asked. Twilight looked at Meowth with a confused look on her face.

“Am I not supposed to walk like this?” Twilight asked. Meowth facepalmed and shook his head. Pikachu on the other hand was laughing his yellow tail off.

With Ash…

Ash and Officer Jenny were getting ready to search for Pikachu and Team Rocket, but before they could the captain of the ship called out to Ash.

“Ash, the ship's water tank should be repaired by nightfall. So if you don’t get back to the ship before then I’m afraid we’ll have to leave without you.” The captain said.

“ Don’t worry captain, I’ll be back by then.” Ash said giving the captain a thumbs up.

“Alright are you ready Ash?” Jenny asked.

“You bet.” Ash said. Jenny nodded and pulled a pokeball out of her pocket.

“Pidgeot, help us look for team Rocket.” She said throwing the pokeball. The pokeball opened and released Pidgeot allowing her go and survey the area. “Let’s go” Jenny said starting up her motorcycle.

“Don’t worry Pikachu, I’m coming for ya.” Ash thought to himself as he and Jenny began their search.

With Twilight, Pikachu and Meowth…

“Whoa..walking on two legs is so weird.” Twilight said trying to keep her balance.

“Yeah well a human walking on all fours is even weirder.” Meowth snarked.

Well excuse me for not being use to this body.” Twilight thought as she glared at Meowth. “Whatever, so can you tell me where we’re going actually?” Twilight asked.

“Heck if I know, we both got separated from our friends before we found you and it’s all that little yellow pesticide’s fault!” Meowth said pointing to Pikachu.

“Pika!? Pika Pika, Pika Pi!” Pikachu said angrily.

“Now, now calm down you two. I’m sure we can-” “Haunter.” Twilight got cut off by a haunting voice that came from behind her. She soon looked a a purple ghost with two floating hands on each of its sides.

“AHHHHHHH!” Twilight screamed as she fell to the ground. “W...w….w...what is that thing!?” She asked frantically.

“Calm down it’s just a Haunter, it’s a ghost and poison type Pokemon.” Meowth said.

“A..ggg...gg..ghost?” Twilight asked backing away slowly. The Haunter then started to move closer to the group with a strange look on it’s face.

“Hey, do we have a problem here?” Meowth said getting into a defensive position. Pikachu jumped off of Twilight's shoulder and ran next to Meowth.

“Pika Pika!” Pikachu said as his cheeks began to spark. The Haunter then without warning fired a Nightshade attack from it’s eyes.

“Look out!” Meowth said before he and Pikachu dodged the attack. Twilight wasn’t so lucky, the attack hit her in her chest and send her flying back a few feet.

“Pika Pi!” Pikachu said in a worried tone

“You ok kid?” Meowth asked. Twilight clutched her chest in pain.

“No...ugh..that hurt.” Twilight said. Pikachu and Meowth both glared at the Haunter.

“I may not be the nicest pokemon around, but even I know it wrong to hit a girl.” Meowth said. Pikachu nodded in agreement.

“Haunt Haunter!” The Haunter said firing another Nightshade attack at them.

“PI-KA-CHUU!!” Pikachu yelled as he released a bolt of lightning from his cheeks. The two attacks collided with each other and caused a small explosion. “AH!” Twilight yelled covering her head. The Haunter was sent flying back a few feet and collapsed onto the ground.

“Nice job, now let’s get the kid and get out of here.” Meowth said.

“Pika!” Pikachu said with a nod. The two then went over to Twilight who still had her head covered.

“Come on kid that Haunter won’t stay down for long, we need to get out of her.” Meowth said trying to get Twilight on her feet. Twilight shook her head.

“I can’t, I wanna go home.” Twilight said as tears fell from her face. Pikachu saw the tears in the girl's eyes and went to nuzzle her cheek.

“Pi Pika Pi, Pikachu.” Pikachu said with a small smile.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Pikachu said not to cry, I’m going to keep you safe.” Meowth translated. Twilight’s eyes widened and she looked to Pikachu who had a look of confidence in his eyes. She then nodded to Pikachu and got up onto her feet.

“Atta girl, now let’s get.” Meowth said running ahead. Pikachu nodded and got onto Twilight’s shoulders. Twilight then wiped the tear from her face and began running after Meowth.

“Thank you Pikachu.” Twilight thought as she looked at her little yellow friend. After a few minutes, Twilight, Pikachu and Meowth decided to take a small break.

“Well... there’s my exercise... for the day.” Meowth said while panting.

“Agreed.” Twilight said.

“Pika Pika.” Pikachu said.

“What do you mean you’re tired, you were on the kids shoulder on the entire time.” Meowth said glaring at the yellow mouse. “Calm down this is no time to- Uh-oh.” Twilight said looking behind Pikachu and Meowth.

“What now?” Meowth asked as he and Pikachu looked behind themselves only to see a trio of Oddish, a trio of Rattata, a trio of Pidgey and a lone Marril.

“Oh great more trouble.” Meowth said backing up a bit.

“Pika pika.” Pikachu said.

“Here we go again.” said getting into a defensive position.

“Rata Rata Tata.” one of the Rattata said.

“Wait, you’re not going to hurt us?” Meowth asked. The Rattata nodded.

“Tata rattata tata.” It said. “What’s it saying?” Twilight asked.

“It’s saying that a bunch of these Haunter moved into the neighborhood and are busy scaring everyone and causing chaos. Is that right?” Meowth asked. The Rattata, the Pidgey, the Oddish and the lone Marill all nodded.

“Rattata rat rat rattata.” Another one of the Rattata said.

“And you can’t even go outside to run around and play anymore?” Meowth asked. They all nodded.

“Pika pika.” Pikachu and in a sad tone.

“You know you could just stand up to them.” The pokemon all turned to Twilight who crouched down to their level. “They sound like nothing more than a bunch of bullies, you should all stand up for yourselves.” She said.

“The kids right, you gotta fight back.” Meowth said.

“Pika pika.” Pikachu said in agreement.

“Rata rat rat rattata!” The third Rattata said.

“Oh I see, there are five of them and you all think you’re out numbered.” Meowth said.

“Well there are ten of you, I don’t see how they can fend you all off.” Twilight said.

“I can, you see as I said earlier, Haunter are ghost and poison types and the pokemon in front of us are normal, flying, grass, poison and water. That’s a pretty bad match up in a battle against them.” Meowth said crossing his arms.

“I see so type advantage plays a big role in this world right?” Twilight asked.

“That’s right, and we’re at a major disadvantage right now.” Meowth said. Before anything else could be said one of the oddish ran up to everyone in a hurry.

“Oddish oddish oddish odd.” It said frantically.

“Are you kidding me!” Meowth said in shock.

“Pika Pi!” Pikachu said also in shock.

“What is it?” Twilight asked.

“That Haunter is getting his buddies and they’re coming to get us.” Meowth said. Twilight just took a deep breath.

“This day just keeps getting better and better.” She said rubbing her head. The marill then went up to her.

“Marill Mar?” The Marill asked. “Meowth, translate please?” Twilight asked.

“Marill asked if you were alright?” Meowth translated.

“Oh yes, I’m fine little one.” Twilight said petting marill on the head. Marill smiled and giggle. “Aww it’s adorable.” Twilight thought with a smile on her face.

With Team Rocket

“I don’t believe it, there isn’t a sign of Meowth anywhere.” James said as he a Jessie were looking for Meowth in their hot air balloon.

“Excuse me, but searching for Pikachu is the point of this search and not Meowth. We’re on a tight schedule and the boss is waiting.” Jessie said.

“Aren’t you just a teensy bit worried about him?” James asked.

“Oh please, as soon as the stomach of his is empty he’ll be back in no time.” Jessie said.

“You make a good point.” James said.

“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet said with a salute.

With Ash and Jenny

“So Ash, this Pikachu of yours must mean much more to you than just another one of your pokemon, am I right?” Jenny asked as she and Ash followed he Pidgeot.

“Yea, Pikachu and I have been a tem since the very start of my journey. For this journey however I wanted to start all over again, so instead of bringing all my old partners with me I decided to bring just Pikachu with me. We’ve been through everything together and Pikachu is more than my best friend he’s part of my family.” Ash said looking down.

“I understand don’t worry I’ll do everything I can to help you find Pikachu.” Jenny said with a smile. Before Ash could thank jenny, Pidgeot called out to them.

“Pidgeot Pidg!” Pidgeot said speeding up a bit.

“Looks like Pidgeot spotted something.” Ash said.

“Then let’s kick it into high gear.” Jenny said increasing the speed of her motorcycle.

Back with Twilight

The Haunter from before had shown up after a few minutes with it buddies in tow. “Haunter haunter haunter.” The Haunter said.

“So you want us to leave because this is your turf.” The Haunter nodded.

"Hey listen pal, we weren't planning on staying anyway.” Meowth said.

“Pika pika pi!” Pikachu said getting in a defensive position.

“Hey simmer down Pikachu.” Meowth said.

“What’s Pikachu saying?” Twilight asked.

“Pikachu’s talling the Haunter that this place isn’t just for them it’s for everyone.” Meowth translated. Twilight nodded.

“Pikachu’s right, you should be sharing this not with all the pokemon here not just yourselves.” Twilight said glaring at the Haunter. The Marill from before stared at Twilight in awe, but soon smiled at her.

“Pika pika Pi Pika!” Pikachu said as it’s cheeks began to spark.

“Hey I’m all for standing up to bullies Pikachu bu-” “Pika pika, pika pi!” Pikachu said cutting Meowth off.

“You’re saying Ash would do it because it’s the right thing?” Meowth asked.

“Pikachu.” Pikachu said with a nod. This caught Twilight’s attention.

“Wait Ash, Pikachu you know someone named Ash?” Twilight asked. Before Pikachu could answer, one of the Haunter fired a Shadow Ball at them. Twilight, Meowth and Pikachu all moved out of the way of the Attack.

“You all need to go and hid , we’ll take care of this.” Twilight said. All the pokemon except Marill nodded and went to hide somewhere. The Marill did the opposite and stayed with Twilight.

“What are you doing, I told you to hide.” Twilight said.

“Marill Mar.” Marill said shaking it’s head. Twilight looked at the blue mouse and soon picked it up.

"If you’re going to stay, then you’re staying close to me.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Marill Mar.” Marill said with a nod.

“Pikachu, Meowth, you two ok?” Twilight asked.

“Pika pika.” Pikachu said with a nod. “Yeah I’m fine, but I really angry now.” Meowth said glaring at the Haunter.

“Pika, PI-KA-CHU!” Pikachu said firing a Thunderbolt at the Haunter. The group of Haunter quickly moved out of the way and surrounded Twilight. Marill, Pikachu and Meowth.

“Great we’re surrounded and I can’t do anything about it!” Meowth said angrily.

“Pika pika.” Pikachu said.

“Yea I know we have to fight no matter what, alright let’s go!” Meowth said extending his claws.

“Fury Swipes!” Meow said trying to hit on of the Haunter, but his attacks just phased through them. The Haunter began to laugh.

“Haunter haunt.” The Haunter taunted.

“What did you call me, I am no weakling and I’ll prove it!” Meowth said angrily. Just then Meowth’s claws soon had a purple tint to them and he began hitting the Haunter again only this time the strikes were actually hitting it.

“How do you like that, here have some more.” Meowth said as he kept slashing the Haunter.

“Whoa.” Twilight said in shock.

“Pika pika.” Pikachu said in shock. Meowth slashed the Haunter on final time causing it to fall to the ground.

“That’s what happens when you call me weak. How did I do that anyway?” Meowth asked before looking at his claws.

“Pika pika pi pikachu!” Pikachu said with a smile.
“Huh, I learned Night Slash?” Meowth asked Pikachu nodded. “No wonder I was able to hit that Haunter, Night Slash is a dark type move and it’s very effective against ghost types.” Meowth said with a smile.

“That means we have an advantage now right?” Twilight asked.

“That’s right kid, Come on Pikachu let’s rock!” Meowth said.

“Pika pi!” Pikachu said. The remaining Haunter all fired Nightshade Attacks the two, but they both quickly jumped out of the way casing the Haunter to hit one another.

“Time for the finale, Night Slash!” Meowth said slashing two of the Haunter with his claws.

“PI-KA-CHU!!” Pikachu yelled as he fired a Thunderbolt at the remaining two.

“Haunter haunt haunt.” The Haunter said as he and his buddies began to flee.

“Wow, that was amazing.” Twilight said in awe.

“Mar marill.” Marill said.

“We did it and I learned a new move, so that’s a double win for me.” Meowth said.

“Pika pika.” Pikachu said with a smile. The pokemon came out of there hiding places and began to cheer for Meowth a Pikachu.

“You two were amazing.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Marill marill.” Marill said also smiling.

“Aw it was nothing.” Meowth said crossing his arms.

“Pika pika pi.” Pikachu said.

“Rattata rat rat rattata.” The Rattata said.

“You want us to stay here with all of you and you wanna make Pikachu the leader?” Meowth asked. All the pokemon began smiling and nodding. “Wow they’re really grateful for to you Pikachu.” Twilight said.

“Marill Mar.” Marill said.

“Sorry kiddies, but someone else needs this Pikachu a lot more than you and that’s Team Rocket.” Meowth said. Pikachu just groaned, while Twilight just stared in confusion.

“Team Rocket?” She asked.

“That would be us.” Just as that was said, a small metal ring wrapped itself around Pikachu.

“Pikachu!” Twilight said in a worried tone.

“Could it be, my buddies Jessie and James.” Meowth said looking up to saw the hot air balloon.

“We do seem to stumble into the right place at the right time.” Jessie said.

“Hold it right there, Meowth I got you.” James said as he used a Mechanical hand to grab Meowth and put him in the balloon.

“What is going on her?” Twilight asked.

“What’s going on kid is we’ll be taking that Pikachu.” Meowth said with a sinister smile. “

What, why, you to were working so well together. Why would you do this?” Twilight said as she tightened her grip on Marill.

“That maybe, but I’m a member of Team Rocket now and forever. Sorry kid, James if you please.” Meowth said.

“You got it, come on Pikachu!” James said pressing a button on a remote control. Just the the bottom of the balloon opened a secret hatch and a huge Electromagnet came out of it. The magnet activated and Pikachu was slowly being pulled in.

“No Pikachu!” Twilight said before putting Marill down.

“You stay right here.” She said before running off to help Pikachu. Marill look on with a worried look on it’s face.

“Marill.” It said in a sad tone. Twilight quickly grabbed Pikachu and tried to pull him back.

“I got you Pikachu, don’t worry.” Twilight said using every ounce of strength she had to pull Pikachu back.

“Pika pika!” Pikachu said. After a few seconds, Twilight could hold on to Pikachu anymore and the recoil made her fall to the ground.

“No Pikachu!” Twilight said as she watched Pikachu float up to the magnet.

“PIKA PIKA!” Pikachu yelled in pain.

“Pikachu! How could you all be so cruel?” Twilight asked glaring at Team Rocket.

“It’s what we do little girl.” Jessie said.

“That’s right and now that we got what we wanted, time to say goodbye” James said.

“No! Twilight screamed.

“Pidgeot use Wing Attack!” A voice behind Twilight said. Just then, a bird that looked like a bigger Pidgey slashed the balloon with its wings causing it to deflate and fall to the ground.

“Are you kidding me?” Meowth said as he and his friends fell to the ground.

“What was that?” Twilight asked herself.

“Pikachu, are you ok?” Twilight looked behind her to see a boy with her skin color and black hair running towards her. Pikachu was freed for the magnets pull and looked up to see Ash running towards him.

“Pika pi!” Pikachu said with a smile. Ash made way to Pikachu and and began to hug him.

“Oh thank goodness you’re alright,I was worried sick.” He said.

“Pika pika.” Pikachu said. Twilight just looked on at the scene and smiled a bit.

“So this is the friends Pikachu told me about.” Twilight said to herself before feeling a tap on her leg. She then looked down to see Marill smiling at her. Twilight smiled back and picked Marill up.

“You ok?” She asked.

“Marill mar.” Marill said with a nod.

“Hey Twerp, what’d you go and do that for?” Ash and Twilight turned to see Team Rocket up once again.

“Everything was going swimmingly before you came along.” James said.

“Wobbu!” Wobbuffet said with a salute.

“Yea and just when we thought we were taking off, we come crashing back down.” Meowth said said in a sad tone.

“You deserve it after what you did.” Twilight said glaring at Meowth.

“Marill mar.” Marill said. Ash looked back to the girl.

Who is she supposed to be.” he thought to himself. Jenny then stepped forward.

“It’s against the law to steal another's pokemon and I won’t stand for it.” She said.

“You know how much I care about what you stand for, about zero percent officer.” Jessie said.

“Yea and that Pikachu goes with us.” Meowth said.

“Enough, let’s have our magnet do the talking.” James said press the button on the remote control again. The magnet began to power up and began pulling Pikachu in once again.

“Hold on Buddy!” Ash said hold onto Pikachu.

“No not again.” Twilight said as she ran up to help Ash. “

Here, let us help.” She said holding onto Pikachu as well. “Marill Mar.” Marill said.

“Thank you.” Ash said with a smile.

“Pika Pi.” Pikachu said.

“Great, now the Twerpette and her blue pest are helping now.” Jessie said angrily.

“James give it the gas.” Meowth said.

“Roger.” James said pressing another button. The magnets power increased and it was harder and harder for Ash, Twilight and Marill to hold on to Pikachu.

“It’s slipping.” Twilight said losing her grip.

“We can’t give up now.” Ash said.

“Marill!” Marill said. Unbeknownst to the three and bunch of metal barrels were being pulled in by the magnet and were heading straight for them.

“Watch out you two!” Jenny said. Ash and Twilight tried to looked behind them, but they were both hit by the barrel and Pikachu found himself attached to the magnet again.

“Pikachu no!” Ash and Twilight said at the same time.

“A bullseye!” Meowth cheered.

“Yes, we shoot and we score.” Jessie and James said simultaneously.

“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet said.

“PIKA PIKA!” Pikachu screamed in pain.

“PIkachu!” Ash said in a worried tone. Twilight could only look in horror as did Jenny and the pokemon. Marill on the other hand jumped out of Twilight arms and ran toward Pikachu.

“Hey, come back!” Twilight said trying to grab Marill. Marill didn’t listen and began to roll like a ball and increasing it’s speed.

“What’s Marill doing?” Twilight asked.

“Marill’s using Rollout.” Ash explained. Marill then jumped to hit the metal ring holding Pikachu and shattered it.

“Alright, Marill did it!” Jenny said.

“No Fair!” Jessie said in shock.

“That ring cost a fortune.” James said. Pikachu then landed face first on the ground with marill landing next to him.

“Pikachu, are you ok?” Ash said picking Pikachu up.

“Marill, don’t you ever do that again.” Twilight said picking Marill up and hugging it.

“Marill mar.” Marill said nuzzling Twilight.

“Oh so you wanna play hard ball fine, let’s get them.” Jessie said before she, James and Meowth started running towards Ash and Twilight only to be stopped by the group of Haunter from earlier.

“Oh crap.” Meowth said. The Haunter all fired their Nightshade attacks at Team Rocket and the Magnet causing it to explode and send Team Rocket flying.

“Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off again!” Team Rocket said before flying out of sight.

“Hey, you helped us, why?” Twilight asked the Haunter. The Haunter all looked to Pikachu.

“Pika pika.” Pikachu said weakly.

“I see, they respect Pikachu for standing up to them and us for standing up to Team Rocket.” Ash said with a smile. The Haunter nodded and went over to the other pokemon.

“Haunt haunter.” The Haunter said.

“Rattata rat rat?” Rattata said holding out a paw. The haunter grabbed it and began to shake.

“Wow looks like they’re making up.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Yea, oh I’m sorry I never got to thank you or introduce myself. My name is Ash, it’s nice to meet you.” Ash said smiling back at her.

“Wait, your Ash?” Twilight asked.

“You that’s my name and you already met my buddy Pikachu.” Ash said.

“Pika Pikachu.” Pikachu said. “Well my name is Twilight Sparkle, it a pleasure to meet you too.” Twilight said.

“Nice name, so how do you know me anyway?” Ash asked.

“Uh well-” “Um Ash I hate to interrupt, but don’t you have a boat to catch?” Jenny asked.

"Oh man your right, look thanks again I got to go. Hope to see you again one day.” Ash said before running off.

“Wait I’ve been looking for you and I need to ask you some things.” Twilight said grabbing Ash's arm.

“Well if that’s the case then come with me to the boat, we can talk there.” Ash said. Twilight didn’t hesitate and she ran after Ash with Marill right behind her.


The boat bound for hoenn was leaving and the captain was on the deck still looking for Ash. “Too bad, I guess Ash Couldn’t make it back in time.” He said looking down.

“Choke machoke.” Machoke said in a sad tone.

“Hey you weren't leaving without us, were you?” The captain looked up to see and a girl flying on the back of Pidgeot.

“Ash!” The captain said with a smile.

“Sorry I’m late captain and I hope you don’t mind an extra passenger.” Ash said. Twilight saw the boat and was in awe.

“Wow, I’ve never seen a boat that big before.” Twilight said.

“Marill mar.” Marill said. Just then, Twilight noticed that Marill was still with her.

“Marill, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your friends?” Twilight asked. Marill shook its head.

“Marril marill mar.” Marill said nuzzling Twilight.

“I think it wants to stay with you.” Ash said with a smile. Twilight looked Marill then to Ash and then back to Marill.

“Is that true, you wanna stay with me?” Twilight asked the Blue mouse.

“Mar mar Marill.” MArill said with a big smile and a nod. “Aww how could I refuse, you’re so adorable.” Twilight said hugging Marill.

“That awesome, you got yourself a new pokemon.” Ash said.

“Thanks.” Twilight said. Pidgeot landed on the boat and Ash and Twilight both got off of it’s back.

“Thank you Pidgeot, tell Jeny we said thank you too.” Ash said petting Pigeot. Pidgeot nodded and soon took to the skies once again.

In the passenger bedrooms

“So you aren’t from around here?” Ash asked as he and Twilight were laying down on the passenger beds.

“You could say that, we don’t have pokemon where I come from.” Twilight said.

“Are you serious?” Ash asked in shock.

“Yea and at first I was scared, but now I’m really glad I came here. I mean if I didn’t I would never have met Marill or Pikachu.” Twilight said looking down at Marill sleeping in her arms.

“You must have had one heck of a day.” Ash said.

“You’re telling me, but I think Pikachu had it worse than me.” Twilight said looking at the sleeping yellow mouse.

“Yea he must be exhausted from a day like today and the same goes for you. Why don’t talk in the morning, ok?” Ash asked.

“Sure I am a bit tired.” Twilight said with a yawn.

“Well goodnight.” Ash said closing his eyes.

“Goodnight." Twilight said closing her eyes as well.


Ash was up bright and early on the deck of the ship, wanting to see the Hoenn region before the ported. “Finally the Hoenn Region, lots of new pokemon for me to catch and lots of new rival for me to battle.” Ash said with a smile.

Narrator: Still on his quest to become a Pokemon Master, Ash has finally arrived in the Hoenn Region. Where a brand new journey and many exciting new adventures await.

As the ship got closer to the port, ash was stating to see so many new pokemon that he had never seen before. “Wow this is so cool, I can wait for Pikachu, Twilight and Marill to see this.” Ash said before running back to the passenger bedrooms. Ash had arrived to the bedrooms and saw Twilight and Marill over Pikachu.

“You guys have got to come outside it’s ama-” “Ash get over her, I think something wrong with Pikachu.” Twilight said in a panic. Ash quickly mad his way over and saw Pikachu’s cheeks randomly sparking.

“Pikachu, what wrong?” Ash asked as he put a hand on Pikachu’s head.

“He’s burning up.” Ash said in a worried tone.

“Oh no.” Twilight said also worried.

“Marill mar.” Marill said. Pikachu was still randomly sparking and could barely get a word out.

“Aw buddy, what’s wrong with you?” Ash asked in a sad tone.

Next Time…
A New Beginning!

Author's Note:

Let the Hoenn Journey finally begin, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I hope to see all of you next time.

Ash: Pikachu, Hold on!

Twilight: Ash, Be careful!

Pikachu: PI-KA-CHUU!!!!!

Next Time: Get the show on the Road.