• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 20,613 Views, 1,073 Comments

Twilight's Realm: Advanced Generation - CosmicAlchemist24

Twilight Sparkle is given a chance by the Alpha Pokemon Arceus, to start her life over after being betrayed by her friends, family and teacher.

  • ...

You Never can Taillow! Pt.4

Narrator: After a reunion between Ash and Brock as well as Twilight and Cadance, Ash and Pikachu found themselves challenged by the Taillow Flocks Leader! After a fierce battle that ended in a draw, the Flock had returned and somehow are now working for Team Rocket! How will this situation unfold, find out now!

"Team Rocket!" Ash and Brock said at the same time. Cadance was even more confused now.

"Team Rocket, who are they?" She asked curiously.

"Bad news that's what, they're a group of crooks who steal other people's Pokemon." Twilight explained to her former babysitter. Cadance's eyes widened and she glared at the trio.

"Stealing Pokemon, what is wrong with you!?" She seethed. The trio just laughed at Cadance.

"Oh please, there is nothing wrong with us. Our goals are simple: assemble an army of powerful and rare Pokemon to take over the world." Jessie explained with a smirk.

"Yes and our army begins with this flock of Taillow." James said, gesturing to the Flock.

"And what better way to get them to do as we tell'em then threaten their little friend here." Meowth said as he revealed the still poisoned Lieutenant bound to a metal ring.

"Lieutenant!" Taillow said with worry in her voice. Lieutenant Taillow slowly opened his eyes and lowered his head.

"I'm sorry Chief, I let you down." He said. Taillow's eyes were filled with hatred and she took to the air before looking at Team Rocket.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR HURTING MY LIEUTENANT!" She screamed before charging the trio. As she neared them though, Meowth extended his claws and put them near the Lieutenant's neck causing her to stop dead in her tracks.

"One inch closer and the good Lieutenant here gets worse than the poison!" Taillow growled at Meowth and this caused the group to tense up.

"What do we do?" Twilight asked in worry. Ash and Brock wanted so badly to deal with this as they usually do, but with Taillow being held captive they couldn't do anything.

"What you're going to do is hand over Pikachu and Marill!" Jessie said, pulling a Glass and barred cage from the balloon. Ash and Twilight both growled at the criminals in front of them as did Pikachu and Marill.

"Please tell me we have a plan?" Budew whispered.

"Yea it's called: give ourselves up." Pikachu said in a serious tone.

"You can't be serious?"

"Pixie, do we have any other options here? I don't want that Taillow's life on my conscience." Vulpix gritted her teeth at the yellow mouse, but she knew he was right. Ash was confused though.

"Why do you want Marill, you three have only ever wanted Pikachu." Jessie smiled at the question.

"We've seen what Marill could do since the Twerpette joined up and we've decided that it's quite the Power player!" She explained. Twilight was beyond livid, she wanted nothing more than to send those three flying off as they usually do but with the odds stacked against them like this it was impossible. Jesse then opened the two cages.

"Alright you two, in you go and no funny business!" Pikachu and Marill both looked at one another as did Ash and Twilight.

"Fine!" They all said at the same time causing Taillow to widen her eyes in shock and turn to Marill and Pikachu.

"Are you both insane!? Why would you-" "Because it's the right thing to do!" Pikachu said cutting Taillow off.

"He's right, we have to." Marill said sadly. Taillow just flew there with an incredulous look on her face and she didn't know what to say. Brock could have thrown out Forretress, but knew it was too risky. Cadance hand no idea what to do either, she wasn't a trainer and she didn't have any pokemon to help her. Ash and Twilight both picked up their respective partners and they began walking over to the two cages.

"Remember, no funny business." James gestured to Meowth who put his claws closer to the Taillow Lieutenant. Both trainers growled, but continued onward before putting both pokemon in their respective cages. Jessie closed the cages and smirked.

"Very good, now back off and we'll let the good Lieutenant go." Twilight and Ash highly doubted this, but they did as they were told and went back to Brock and Cadance.

"Very Good!" James then grabbed both cages and put them back into the balloon. Taillow was still watching all of this and she was so confused.

"Why would they go this far for a random Pokemon they just met, I don't get it." Jessie and James then jumped back into the balloon and upon seeing Ash and Twilight return to Brack and Cadance they smirked.

"Perfect, now for a clean getaway. Meowth, let's start making tracks!" James said.

"Righty-o! Now you Twerps and Taillow are all gonna stay right there and only when me and my pals are a safe distance will we send back the good Lieutenant." Meowth explained as he jumped into the Balloon with the Taillow Flock's second in command. The trainers and the Taillow Flock all glared at Team Rocket while Marill and Pikachu and Marill could only growl in anger.

"We have to do something." Marill Whispered.

"I don't think there's anything we can do right now, one false move and that Taillow is done for." Pikachu said, gritting his teeth. Marill looked down and closed her eyes.

Ash wished so badly Charizard or Heracross to just show up out of nowhere and Knock these jokers out of the sky, but he knew better than to risk his friends safety like that.

"Ash, you got a plan?" Brock asked quietly. Twilight and Cadance also looked at the Kanto resident with hope, but he just shook his head. "Sorry guys, not this time." Ash said, looking down. Twilight balled her hand into a fist as she watched the Trio's Balloon ascending. Jessie, James and Meowth all began to laugh.

"I can't believe it, after all this time we finally won!"

"Wait til the Boss gets a load of this!"

"We'll be chillin on a beach for the rest of our lives after this!


Marill and Pikachu could only roll their eyes while the Taillow lieutenant was leaning against Pikachu's cage with a glare on his face.

"I can't believe these idiots got the better of me like that." The Lieutenant said, looking down in shame. Pikachu looked at the Flying-Type and Shook his Head.

"Don't blame yourself, I've had my share of Team Rocket capturing me loads of times. They really don't know when to give up." Marill Nodded her head.

"He's right, it's not your fault." While the Lieutenant appreciated the words, they didn't help him feel any better.

"Thanks, but I don't think we're making it out of this one. Those three idiots said they would release me at a safe distance, we all know that's a lie." Pikachu knew all too well how Team Rocket worked so this didn't really surprise him. Marill then sighed and sat in her cage as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"This is ridiculous, I've only been with Twilight for a few days and now I might not see her again." Pikachu and the Lieutenant saw this and wanted to comfort the blue mouse, but before they could…

"Quit your crying Blue." Pikachu, Marill and the Lieutenant all jumped at the sudden invisible voice. Suddenly, the cages and the Lieutenant were now covered in a purple aura and lifted out of the balloon while Team Rocket was still gloating. Marill saw the purple aura around the cage and her eyes widened.


"Shut it! You want them to notice? Now keep quiet and let me concentrate!" Pikachu and the Lieutenant were very confused by the conversation between Marill and the invisible voice, but they weren't complaining. The three were now out of the Balloon and were descending behind it, which didn't go unnoticed by the group and the Taillow Flock.

"What in the- are you guys seeing this?" Ash asked quietly.

"It's not just you pal, Pikachu and the others are free!" Brock said with a smile. Cadance was also smiling, but Twilight was confused as were Vulpix and Budew.

"But how?"

"Are you complaining, Pixie?"

"No I'm not, I'm just very confused."

"You ain't alone Foxy!" Budew and Marill looked up at Taillow who was looking at the Balloon with a smirk on her face. As The group and the Taillow Flock all watched as Pikachu, Marill and the lieutenant were all lowered by the invisible Misdreavus, Team Rocket kept ascending higher and higher into the air.

"Alright let's beat it!" Jessie said with a smile.

"Roger! Meowth, Make sure our guests are comfortable will you? I need to set our course." James said, pulling out a small remote control.

"You got it! Hope you kiddies are settled in because… AHHHHHHHHHH! WHERE DID THEY GO!" Meowth Yelled in a panic. Jessies and James looked back as well and both adopted the horrified look on Meowth's face.

"What the Hell!"

"HOW DID THEY-" James Looked behind the Balloon and saw Pikachu, Marill and the Lieutenant being lowered to the ground. "There they are!" He said as they landed on the ground. Jessie gritted her teeth knowing what would happen if they didn't get them back.

"We need to Hurry! Get them back on this balloon now!" Ash heard this and knew it was time for action.


"On it! Vulpix, Fire Spin!" Vulpix wasted no time running up to the balloon and jumping into the air!

Vul-PIX!" Vulpix screamed as she released multiple rings of fire that surrounded the Balloon. Team Rocket tried to escape but the fires surrounding them were too hot. Ash then ran over to Pikachu, Marill and the Lieutenant with the rest of the group plus Taillow right behind him.



"Brock, can you help the Taillow's friend?"

"I'll do my best Cadance." As they reached the cages, Ash and Twilight attempted to free their partners all the while Brock and Cadance were tending to the lieutenant with the Taillow watching carefully.

"Tail Taillow!" She screeched at the Breeder. Brock turned his head to Taillow and nodded his head.

"I'll do whatever I can to help your friend, I promise." Cadance took the small bird into her arms and nodded her head. Taillow looked over the Breeder and the Princess of Love and she saw the determined looks on their faces. she nodded her head at them and flew over to Ash and Twilight. Brock and Cadance then ran off with the lieutenant and Cadance Looked up to the Flock who was watching them. "We're going to help your friend, but you need to cover us while we do so." She said to them. The Flock looked at one another for a few seconds before looking at each and every Taillow began to surround Brock and Cadance like a protective wall with Vulpix in the front. The Breeder and the Princess of Love smiled and quickly put their attention back on the lieutenant. Ash and Twilight had finally opened the cages after a few failed attempts. Marill and Piakchu both jumped into respective trainers arms.


"Pika Pi!


"Marill Mar!"

Team Rocket saw all of this through the flames and they all were getting a very bad feeling.

"We Need to take back control of this!" Jessie said pulling out a Pokeball!

"Agreed! "James said Pulling out two Pokeballs.

"Arbok, Let's GO!"

Weezing, Cacnea!" Arbok, Weezing and Cacnea all emerged from their pokeballs ready for battle.

"Cacnea, use Sandstorm and get rid of this Fire!" James commanded. Cacnea jumped onto the railing on the balloon basket and raised his hands.

"CACNEA!" Cacnea's eyes began to glow and out of nowhere a massive sandstorm began to cover the area causing the fire to dissipate.

"Whoa! That's some sandstorm!" Ash said as he and Pikachu looked up at the small green cactus pokemon causing the sandstorm and they were impressed. "I guess Team Rocket decided to finally upgrade." He said standing up.

"Pika Pika." Pikachu said with a nod. Twilight, Marill and Budew stood with Ash and Pikachu. Taillow soon joined as well and landed next to Pikachu.

"Joining the fun I see." Pikachu said with a smirk.

"You didn't think I was gonna miss this, did you?" Taillow then looked to Ash and nodded her head to him. Ash quickly knew what this meant and he smiled.

"I got you Taillow, Ready Twi?"

"Oh yeah! Time for payback, you two ready?" Twilight said with a serious look.


"I wonder where Misdreavus went?" Marill thought to herself.

The sandstorm subsided and Team Rocket landed their Balloon allowing their pokemon to jump out.

"Let's get this over with! Arbok, Poison Sting!" Jessie commanded!

"AR-BOK!" Arbok yelled as he released multiple purple pins from his mouth that headed for Pikachu and Taillow

"Weezing, Sludge Bomb! Cacnea, Pin Missile! James commanded.

"Cacnea/Weezing!" The cactus pokemon fired multiple while pins from his arms while Weezing shot large purple balls of sludge from his mouth aiming for Marill and Budew.

"Taillow, Boomburst!"

"TAILLOW!" Taillow screeched as she released large soundwaves towards Team Rocket causing the attacks heading towards them to dissipate.

"No way!" Team Rocket said in shock!

"Great job Taillow!" Ash complimented.

"Tail Taillow!" Twilight smiled at the tiny bird and quickly put her attention back on Team Rocket.

"Our Turn! Mary use Water Gun on Arbok and Budew use Bullet Seed on Cacnea!" Budew and Marill jumped into the air and fired their respective attacks.

"Pikachu and Taillow, Quick Attack on Weezing!" Both Pikachu and Tailow Took off at blinding speed and slammed into Weezing causing him to fall to the ground. At the same time, Marill's Water Gun and Budew's Bullet Seed hit their marks and sent Arbok and Cacnea back a few feet.


"Weezing Cacnea!" Ash and Twilight smiled at the damage they caused and decided to keep the Pressure on.

"Marill use Rollout on Arbok! Budew use Bullet Seed on Cacnea again."

"Pikachu ThunderBolt! Taillow, Wing Attack!" All four pokemon readied their attacks but James quickly pulled himself together.

"Cacnea uses Sandstorm!" Cacnea got up and swung his arms out creating another Sandstorm. Pikachu and Taillow did their best to resist being blown away but Marill and Budew weren't so lucky.

"MARILL/BUD!" Twilight's pokemon yelled at them both got swept up by the Sandstorm.

"Mary! Budew!" Twilight said in a worried tone. Jessie then composed herself and smirked.

"Arbok, let's aid our new green friend with Acid!" Arbok nodded and spewed purple liquid from his mouth. The Acid attack mixed with the Sandstorm turning it purple and damaging Marill and Budew more.

"Talk about a combo and since Marill's a Fairy Type it's doing more damage to her! Taillow Break up that poisonous Sandstorm with Boomburst!" Ash Commanded.

" Oh no you don't, Weezing use Sludge Bomb!"

"Pikachu Thunderbolt!" Pikachu quickly got in front of Weezing and released a bolt of electricity and multiple balls on sludge respectively causing a massive explosion. Weezing was knocked into Arbok and Cacnea while Pikachu landed next to Ash. In the meantime, Taillow was flying towards the sandstorm with determination in her eyes.

"TAIL!" She screeched as the soundwaves she released caused the Sandstorm to dissipate and free Marill and Budew.

"Mar/Bud!" They both said falling to the ground.

"Pikachu, Taillow, Quick Attack and catch them both!" Taillow took off and caught Budew while Pikachu caught Marill.

"Are you ok Mary?"

"I'm fine Pikachu, don't worry." Marill said with a small smile.

"You good Greeny?"

"I'm good! Come on, let's finish this!" Taillow and Budew landed next to Marill and Pikachu. Team Rocket had gotten back up after the explosion and were ready to go again.

"I've had enough of this! Arbok, Poison Fang!"

"I'm right behind you! Weezing, Tackle! Cacnea, Needle Arm!"

"I'll join in too! Night Slash!" Meowth said, rushing towards the group with his teammates. Ash and Twilight looked towards one another and smirked.

"Pikachu, Thunder! Taillow, Boomburst!"

"Marill, Water Gun! Budew, Bullet Seed!"

"PIKA-CHU!" The yellow mouse then released a massive lightning bolt from his cheeks and stuck the approaching Arbok and pushed him back to Jessie.

"TALLOW!" The massive soundwaves that Taillow released stopped Meowth in his tracks and sent him back to Jessie and James as well.

"MARILL!" Marill Fired her Water Gun at Cacnea not doing much Damage, but the force pushed him back to James.

"BUDEW!" The Grass-Type fired multiple yellow seeds at Meowth causing him also to stop charging and was immediately pushed back to Jessie and James who were distraught.


"This can't be happening!" Ash Smirked and decided that it was time to end this.

"Pikachu, ThunderBolt!" He commanded. Pikachu jumped into the air as his cheeks began to spark.

"PI-KA-CHU!" The yellow Released his attack that connected to Team rocket and their Balloon.

"AHHHHHH!" Team Rocket screamed before the electricity became too much for the Balloon and it exploded causing Team Rocket to fly off.

"WE WERE SO CLOSE THIS TIME!" Jessie complained.

"HOW IS IT WHAT WE ROSE SO FAR JUST TO FALL SO HARD!?" James asked in irritation.

"BLAME THE WRITERS!" Meowth yelled.

"WOBBUFFET!" Wobbuffet said with a Salute.

"WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" Team Rocket yelled as they all disappeared into the wild blue yonder.

"GOOD RIDDANCE!" Ash and Twilight yelled before giving each other a high five. Pikachu, Marill, Budew and Taillow were also celebrating their victory.

"That was EPIC!" Taillow cheered!

"Not as Epic as you! Those Boombursts were amazing!" Pikachu complimented.

"No no my yellow friend, that's you! The Thunder was insane!"

"No way, I was just the back up for you during all of that!" Marill and Budew watched on with smiles as they watched Taillow and Pikachu kept gushing about one another.

"Those two are cut from the same cloth." Marill said with a giggle.

"You got that right! Both are stubborn, hard headed, strong and reliable." Budew joked, causing Marill to laugh. Marill soon stopped laughing after a few seconds and looked to the explosion site of Team Rocket's Balloon.

"I wonder where Misdreavus went, I never got to thank her." Ash and Twilight ran over to their respective Pokemon.

"Pikachu you were amazing! I expected nothing less from my buddy!" Ash said, petting Pikachu's head.

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu said happily. Ash then turned to the Taillow.

"Don't think you're getting left out of this! You were incredible, Taillow! I can see why you're the leader of your flock, You're really strong." He complimented. Taillow puffed out her chest at the compliment. Twilight had picked up both Marill and Budew and gave them a loving squeeze.

"I'm glad you both are alright!" She and Marill nuzzled the Equestria girl with smiles on their faces. Twilight then turned to Taillow who still had her chest puffed out. "Thank you Taillow." She said sincerely. Taillow looked at Twilight and she gave her a small salute.

"THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" Ash and Twilight turned to see Cadance standing Next to Vulpix with smiles on their faces. The Taillow Flock were also cheering for their leader. "Your Teamwork, the attacks, the final blow! It was all so amazing!" Cadance gushed. Taillow looked to her flock and noticed that her lieutenant. She then flew away for Ash and Twilight and passed Cadance to get to Brock. "Taillow wait!" Cadance called out to the tiny bird. Taillow didn't listen and went straight for the Breeder and once she reached him…

"Lieutenant!" Taillow was now flying over Brock and what she saw…. Surprised her.

"There you go little guy, a second helping of Lum and Sitrus Berry Puree." Brock said, putting a small bowl in front of the Lieutenant.

"Tail Taillow!" The Lieutenant said, spreading his wings out in joy and began eating. Taillow just stared at her Lieutenant with wide eyes for a few seconds before landing next to him and Brock with narrowed eyes.

"Enjoying yourself, old friend?" She asked in a calm tone. The Lieutenant as well as the flock all froze knowing that their Leader was not happy with what she was seeing. The Lieutenant quickly swallowed his food and turned to his leader.

"Ma'am, it's good to see you safe and- OW!" Taillow had knocked the Lieutenant onto the ground with a strong swipe of her right wing.

"I SHOULD BE SAYING THAT TO YOU! YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK!" She yelled! Brock Flinched at the scene in front of him as did the rest of the Taillow Flock.

"Sorry Ma'am." The Lieutenant said slowly getting up. Taillow just sighed and pulled her friend back up.

"Are you really ok?" She asked with concern in her voice. The Lieutenant shook off the pain and gave his leader a quick nod.

"I'm fine boss. That human over there made this amazing berry mix and after one bite I was healed up. I also couldn't help but ask for a second helping because it tasted so good." He said with a sheepish smile. Taillow sighed again and shook her head.

"Hopeless. You are Hopeless." The Lieutenant lowered his head in slight shame but lifted it when he felt two wings wrap around him.

"I'm glad you're ok." She said in a soft tone. The Lieutenant was in shock for a few seconds before returning the hug.

"Sorry I made you worry." Ash, Twilight, Cadance and Brock all smiled as did their respective pokemon and the Taillow Flock.


Everyone jumped at the sudden ringing and looked over to see the cooking timer going off and the pot of Stew slightly boiling over.





While the Teens were all freaking out, Their Pokemon just shook their heads.

"They get too worked up over this stuff!" Vulpix said with a sigh.

"I know what you mean." Budew Added. Marill, and Pikachu just nodded. Brock Quickly pulled the lid off the pot and a wonderful aroma filled the area. Twilight, Ash and Cadance began to drool as the aroma hit their noses. Pikachu and the other Pokemon were no different and were ready to eat. The Taillow Flock along with the Lieutenant could also smell the homemade stew and were ready to take only for their Leader to give them a Glare.

"DON'T YOU DARE! " The Flock and the Lieutenant all froze in place at their leader's command. Ash saw this and he turned to Brock.

"Hey Brock, think the Taillow can join us for Lunch?" Brock looked at his long time friend and he smiled.

"Of course, I have enough ingredients for everyone! After everything they've been through, I'm sure they're all starving." Ash smiled back and he walked over to Taillow.

"Pardon me, Miss Leader?" He asked, ruffling her head. Taillow turned to the Trainer and her angry expression began to soften. "How would you and your Flock like to join us for Lunch? Brock says he has enough for everyone." Taillow stared at Ash for a few minutes before flashing him a smile.

"Tail Taillow!" She said with a nod before turning back to her Flock.

"Taillow! Taillow! Tail!" The Flock all gave expressions of joy and began cheering. Twilight and Cadance watched on in wonder at both Ash, Taillow and the Flock.

"He's quite the Human isn't he?" The Crystal Princess asked. Twilight turned to Cadance who had a huge smile on her face. "I mean one minute he's battling that Taillow with all his might and right now he's inviting her and her Flock to eat with us. Ash is somepo-one who is quite unpredictable." She explained.

"You got that right." The two Equestria girls looked over to Brock who was beginning to prep more stew. "Ash has always been like that, he may be a fierce battler but he also has a heart of gold. It doesn't matter who he battles with, win or lose he'll always treat his opponents with the utmost respect." He said with a smile. Cadance and Twilight nodded their heads and the latter turned back to Ash who was still conversing with the Taillow Leader.

"Candace is right, he is quite the Human."

It had been thirty minutes since Team Rocket was sent off into the sky and everyone was enjoying the amazing stew that Brock had made for them.

"Brock, you've really outdone yourself this time!" Ash said before putting another spoonful of stew in his mouth. Twilight had done the same and she nodded.

"I know Ash told me you were an amazing cook, but I never expected this! This Stew is incredible." Cadance nodded her head and looked towards the breeder.

"This is better than the berry salad you made for me when we met! So delicious!" Brock could only blush in embarrassment, he knew he was a decent cook but getting praised by so many people left him quite flustered.

"Aww come on guys, I'm not all that great." He said with a nervous chuckle. Ash, Twilight and Cadance could only laugh at the Breeder's flustered face. Meanwhile, Pikachu and the rest of the Pokemon were having their own little conversation with Taillow and the Lieutenant.

"Hold up! You took on a Donphan and a Graveler…ON YOUR OWN!" Budew shrieked as Taillow was telling a story of when she and her Flock were in another forest near Fortree City. Taillow just puffed out her chest.

"Those punks hurt my Flock, I wasn't just going to do nothing! So I taught them a Lesson and both of them were crying by the end of it." Pikachu, Budew, Marill, Vulpix and Forretress just looked at her with wide eyes.

"That's our Leader, she's very Loyal and she knows how to dish out pain." The Lieutenant said proudly. Forretress gave a hardy laugh after hearing that.

"Thank Arceus it was Pikachu you were fighting during our meeting in the forest. If you can handle a Graveler and a Donphan I don't think I'd stand much of a chance, Steel-Typing or not!" Taillow laughed along with the Steel and Bug-Type.

"Aw don't be selling yourself short, that Explosion you set off to save you friends was so powerful. I bet you could give me a good fight if you really wanted to." Forretress just shook his body.

"No thank you! Any Pokemon that can give Pikachu a hard time I'd like to stay away from." Marill, Budew and Vulpix all nodded at his statement.

"Indeed, Pikachu may be a Dolt but he's a powerful Dolt." Vulpix said with a chuckle. The group began to laugh at her comment while Pikachu just covered his face in embarrassment.

"I'm not that bad." He said quietly. Marill just patted the Yellow Mouse on his back trying her best to both make him feel better and to stop herself from laughing. Taillow stopped laughing and looked at the group in front of her with a smile on her face.

"You guys are alright, honestly I've never had this much fun in my life." The Lieutenant nodded at his Leader's comment.

"This truly has been a pleasant experience, you all are quite the ensemble of characters." The group smiled back at the two Taillow.

"You both aren't too bad yourselves, You really know how to liven up someone's day." Pikachu said, giving the Taillow Leader a smirk. Taillow returned the smirk, she wouldn't say it out right but she had gained a lot of respect for the yellow mouse. She had only known him for a few hours and she felt a certain level of comradery form when she fought with him earlier. Before anything else could be said, a Young Taillow from the flock landed in front of the group.

"Ma'am, Lieutenant! Our Scouts we sent out earlier have double checked the area! All the food in the vicinity has been cleared out and as soon as the rest of the flock is done eating here we'll be ready to move out as soon as you both are!" He said with a salute. Taillow heard this and she felt a slight pain in her heart, but she pushed it down and addressed her follower. The lieutenant took notice of this but decided to stay quiet.

"Good work! Tell the Flock once they get their fill our new friends' amazing stew we'll head out!" The young Taillow saluted once again and went to deliver the orders to the rest of the flock. Taillow then looked back at the group who looked slightly sad.

"Heading out already?" Pikachu asked. Taillow flinched a bit once again being noticed by the lieutenant.

"Um… yeah. The forest is cleared out, we have to move on." She said looking down at the ground. Marill, Vulpix, Budew and Forretress gave the Flying-Type sad looks while Pikachu gave a small smile.

"I'll be honest, I was getting used to having you around." Taillow looked up to the Yellow Mouse and she smiled back at him.


Soon, Taillow Flock had finished up their food and were now taking to the Skies again ready to head to their next destination.

"Looks like the Taillow are all heading out of here." Twilight said, looking up at the Flock. Brock looked up at them as well.

"All the food in the area must be gone, they're probably going to move on." He theorized.

"Make sense." Cadance commented. Ash watched the Flock as well, but his gaze fell to their Leader and she looked sad.

"Is she alright?" He thought to himself. The four trainers then stood up and walked up to their Pokemon, Taillow and the Lieutenant.

"Heading off?" Ash asked the two Flying Types. Taillow and the Lieutenant both nodded their heads but the former was a bit hesitant. Twilight and cadance went up to the two birds and crouched down in front of them.

"I guess this is it then." Twilight then began petting the Taillow leader. "Thank you so much for what you did for us. You saved Marill and Pikachu and I'll forever be grateful for that." She said, giving the small bird a warm smile. Cadance did the same with the Lieutenant.

"You keep yourselves out of trouble, you don't want us worrying about you too much." She said, The lieutenant gave a sheepish smile and nodded his head. Brock then stepped up and waved to the Flock.

"Hope you all enjoyed the Stew!" The Flock all gave an appreciative cheer for Brock causing the Breeder to smile. Ash then went over to Taillow and petted her as well.

"Your flock is really lucky, they have such a strong leader! You make sure to keep them all safe, got it?" Taillow just stared at the trainer in front of her and she gave a small nod. Pikachu then hopped on Ash's shoulder and waved to her. The lieutenant then took to the skies and was flying alongside the Flock.

"Ready Boss?" He asked. Taillow between both her Flock and Ash who was still smiling at her. The Lieutenant as well as the Flock all saw the hesitation in their leaders eyes and the former gave a sigh.

"Yea, I'm coming." Taillow then gave a small wave to Ash and Pikachu before joining her Flock in the sky. "Alright, let's move out!" She ordered. The Lieutenant and the Flock just continued to stare at her, none of them were moving and she was puzzled as to the reason.

"What's up, what are all of you just floating there?" The Lieutenant flew over to her and shook his head.

"You don't want to leave those two, do you?" Taillow's eyes widened at her second in command, he didn't stop there though. "I understand why, Ash and his Pikachu are different from any other Human and Pokemon we've met before. You've always been attracted to strong people and Pokemon so It's only natural that you'd be drawn to them." Taillow lowered her head, she couldn't deny the connection she had made with Ash and Pikachu.

"It doesn't matter, I have a respos-" "Nope I'm gonna stop you right there!" The Lieutenant said cutting his leader off. "You don't need to worry about us all the time, We can take care of ourselves. Don't let us stop you from doing what you wanna do, if you wanna stay then stay." Taillow began to tear up at her lieutenant's words and she gave him a hug to which he welcomed.

"You are the best Lieutenant I've ever had!"

"And you're the best Leader we've ever had." The two birds ended their hug and they both looked to the rest of the flock who were smiling at them though they were sad knowing what was coming. Taillow flew forward and began to speak.

"My fellow Taillow, it's been an honor to work with you all! I've spent many years working with and Leading you, but now I'm sorry to say I have to step down. I know you all will be sad to see me go but know that I leave you all in good wings!" She then turned to the Lieutenant. "It's all you old friend." The Lieutenant turned Leader, gave her a salute and looked to his Flock.

"Don't think just because she stepped down that you all can start being Lazy!" The Flock flew at attention at their new leader's tone. "I want nothing less than your Best! I want you all to commit a thousand percent to the Flock! I want… To know that I'm humbled to be your new Leader and I swear I will not let you down!" The Flock could only look at the former Lieutenant with proud expressions on their faces and They weren't the only ones. Taillow was also proud of her friend. The New Leader then turned back to Taillow and gestured over to Ash and his group who all had confused looks on their faces.

"What's going on up there?" Cadance asked. Twilight and Marill also wondered what the Taillow Flock was discussing.

"I'm not sure, I figured they would have left by now."

"Mar Marill?"

"They could be talking about where they're going next?" Brock theorized. Ash and Pikachu just watched in silence, they were very curious about what was happening up there. Taillow then flew down from the Flock and landed on top of Ash's head before taking his hat again.

"HEY!" Taillow just smirked at the trainer's reaction as she flew around him. "Are we really going through this again!?" Ash complained trying to get his hat back. Pikachu just watched with a smile on his face, he would always tease Ash like this and Taillow seemed to enjoy it as well. Taillow finally stopped teasing and placed Ash's hat back on his head. Brock, Twilight and Cadance all began to chuckle at Ash's struggle as well.

"What was that all about?" He asked, fixing his hat.

"Tail! Taillow!" She said before landing on his left shoulder. Pikachu's eyes widened at Taillow's words.

"Pika Pi Pikachu?" He asked in concern. Taillow just nodded and looked over to Ash.

"Tail! Tail Taillow!" Ash stared at the tiny bird on his shoulder and after a few seconds before coming to a conclusion that caused him to smile.

"You wanna come along with us, don't ya?" The Group's eyes widened at Ash's words, all except Brock who just had a knowing smile on his face.

"Is..is that really ok?" Twilight asked with concern in her voice.

"Yeah, doesn't her Flock need her?" Cadance asked also concerned. Brock didn't say anything, he's experienced these kinds of moments with Ash before and it always ends one way. Taillow shook her head at the two Equestria Girls before pointing up to the Flock who were all cheering for their former leader.

"I think they'll be just fine without her." Brock said with a nod. Ash kept staring at Taillow before a smile appeared on his face. He pulled a Pokeball out of his pocket and presented it to her.

"We'll be working hard and facing all sorts of tough opponents, think you can handle that?" He asked. Taillow just gave the boy a cocky smirk and tapped her wing in the middle of the Pokeball. The tiny bird was once again turned into red energy and was sucked into the Pokeball. The ball began shaking in Ash's hand for a few seconds before a 'Click' could be heard. Ash just stared at the Pokeball in excitement before looking at Pikachu.

"Pikachu, this is our first new friend in the Hoenn Region!"

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu said also excited. Ash then raised the Pokeball in the air.

"WE GOT A TAILLOW!" He declared in triumph!

"PI PIKACHU!" Twilight, Brock and Cadance couldn't help but smile at Ash and Pikachu. The Flock was cheering for the trainer and the Yellow Mouse while Marill, Budew, Forretress and Vulpix were also smiling at them.

"Oh joy, another loud mouth." Vulpix said in a teasing tone.

"Loud beak is more like it." Budew said with a snicker.

"Be nice you two!" Forretress scolded. Marill just giggled at her friends comments. Ash then threw the Pokeball in the air and Taillow was released again.

"Taillow!" She cried out before landing on Ash's head.

"Welcome to the family Taillow!" Ash said.

"Pika Pika." Pikachu said with a nod. Taillow also gave a nod and looked up to her former Lieutenant.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do pal!" She said with a salute. The New Leader Salutes back and turns back to the Flock.

"Alright! MOVE OUT!" The Flock all nodded at the command and began flying off. The group all began waving to the Flock as they left.



"Keep Each other safe!"

"Do your Best!"

"Pika/Mar/Pix/Bud/For/Tail!" The Pokemon all said waving goodbye as well.

Narrator: Farewell Taillow Flock, we hope to see you again soon and don't worry about your former Leader. As long as she is with our Heroes, she's in good hands. Now, Our Heroes can continue on to Rustboro City, As the Journey Continues!

Author's Note:

See you all Next Time!

Next Time: Eeveelution Confusion!