• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 20,547 Views, 1,072 Comments

Twilight's Realm: Advanced Generation - CosmicAlchemist24

Twilight Sparkle is given a chance by the Alpha Pokemon Arceus, to start her life over after being betrayed by her friends, family and teacher.

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Eeveelution Confusion! Pt.1

Location: Petalburg Forest

“Wow, this place is beautiful.” Cadance said, looking around at the lush forest surrounding them.

“I know what you mean, after all that craziness it’s nice to just take in the scenery.” Twilight said walking alongside her former babysitter.

“Mar Mar!” Marill said in a cheerful tone. Ash and Brock were walking behind the two Equestria girls with smiles on their faces.

“It’s nice to see Twi and Cadance so relaxed, I’m glad they can start seeing the good points of our world.” Ash said.

“I know what you mean, although it’s still hard to believe that they're from a completely different world from us.” Brock commented. Ash just chuckled.

“C’mon Brock, you and I have seen weirder in our past travels.”

“Pika Pika.” Pikchu said with a nod.

“Well you’re not wrong, we sure have been through some crazy things.” Brock said reminiscing.

“Yea and I wouldn’t change a thing.”

“Neither would I.”

“Pika Pikachu!”

“Hey, what are you boys talking about?” The two boys looked ahead to see that Twilight, Cadance and Marill were looking back at them.

“Oh nothing, just past adventures.” Brock said, smiling at the two.

“Ooooh! I wanna hear more about your adventures!” Cadance said in an excited tone. Twilight and Marill giggled at the older girl as did Ash and Brock.

“Alright then Cadance, I got a story for you. This is how Brock and I first met.” Ash said smirking at the former Gym Leader. Brock froze up immediately and slowly turned to Ash.

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“You sure about that?” Cadance, Twilight Marill and even Pikachu who had jumped off of Ash’s shoulder and onto Cadance’s all took a step back. Before the two old friends could begin their argument, Pikachu and Marill’s ears twitched.

Did you hear that?”

“Yea, it sounded like a whimper.”

“PIKA PI!” Pikachu’s call got Ash’s attention.

“What’s up buddy?” Brock looked over to the yellow mouse as well.

“Pika Pika Pi.” Pikachu said, jumping off of Cadance’s shoulder and pointing to the river.

“Over there, huh? Let’s check it out.” With that, Ash and Pikachu ran off leaving Twilight, Cadance and Brock.

“Never a dull moment I see.” Cadance then began to follow Ash.

“Wait for us.” Twilight and Brock said running after the two.

Pokemon Advanced

Narrator: After welcoming Taillowing into their family, our heroes continue on to Rustboro City. But, an alert from Pikachu has our heroes running off into a new adventure.

“What do you think Pikachu heard that has him in such a hurry?” Cadance asked running behind the yellow mouse’s trainer.

“I’m not too sure, but whatever it is it must be important. Pikachu wouldn’t just lead us somewhere without a reason.” Ash explained. Cadance nodded her head and the group continued to run through the forest. Pikachu then arrived at the river and his ears twitched again.

“Where are you?” Ash and the group arrived as well and looked to Pikachu who was searching for something. Marill then jumped out of Twilight’s arms and walked over to Pikachu.

Do you hear them?”

“Shhh…” Pikachu’s ears twitched again and he quickly turned his head to the left. “There!” Pikachu said, pointing over to a small boulder alongside the river. Ash looked to where Pikachu was pointing and he ran over to see what the fuss was about. Upon arriving at the boulder, Ash looked behind it and what he saw shocked him.

“Holy crap! Brock!” Brock, Cadance and Twilight heard the alarm and worry in Ash’s voice and they all ran over to Ash.

“What’s wrong?” Brock asked. Ash then kneeled down behind the rock and picked up something. He then stood back up and in his arms was a fluffy, brown pokemon with long ears and a bushy tail. The problem was that it was covered in dirt, drenched in water and its fur was overgrown. Cadance was the first to inspect the pokemon in Ash’s arms and she immediately began to gush.

“OH MY FAUST! IT’S SO CUTE!” Brock and Twilight along with Marill and Pikachu were also looking over the pokemon in Ash’s arms.

“An Eevee and it looks to be in bad shape.” Brock quickly took off his backpack to retrieve his first aid kit all the while Twilight pulled out her Pokedex.


Eevee, the Evolution Pokemon

Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup, this special pokemon conceals many different possible evolutions through certain stones and circumstances.

“Wow, a pokemon based entirely on evolution?” Twilight said in wonder.

“Yea, Eevee is one of the most versatile pokemon in the world believe it or not.” Brock said, laying out a small blanket and placing the first aid kit on it. “Ash, lay him down on the blanket.” Ash nodded his head and placed the Eevee down on the blanket. Cadance and Twilight kneeled down on the blanket and Cadance spoke up.

“He? It’s a boy?” Ash nodded and spoke up.

“Yup, take a look at its tail. A male Eevee has a spikey pattern on the end of its tail while a female Eevee has a flower pattern.” Ash explained while helping Brock by drying off the Eevee with a towel. Cadance and Twilight both looked at Eevee’s tail and saw the spikey pattern on its tail.

“Wow, so there is a way to differentiate a male and female pokemon from certain characteristics.” Twilight said, smiling at the information that was given.

“I guess there is more to a pokemon then just battling, huh?” Cadance asked still looking at the Eevee. Marill and Pikachu were also looking at Eevee with neutral expressions.

What do you think happened?” Marill asked the yellow mouse.

I’m not sure, maybe it was attacked or it might have just fallen into the river by accident. I can’t really tell, one thing is for sure he’s lucky we were in the area.” Marill nodded at Pikachu’s comment.

True, hopefully he’ll be alright.”

“He’ll be just fine, Brock the best when it comes to these kinds of things.” Twilight continued looking at her Pokedex and saw the picture of Eevee and multiple colored circles surrounding it. She was curious so she pressed the orange one and the Picture on the screen was now showing a pokemon that looked like Eevee. Its coat was orange, it had a fluffy yellow tail and a similar mane.

“Whoa, who is this?” Twilight asked in shock.

Flareon, the Flame Pokemon and an evolved form of Eevee

Flareon’s fluffy fur releases heat into the air as it can reach up to 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit.

“1,600 DEGREES!?” Twilight spazzed. Cadance heard this too and wondered how a Flareon could withstand such heat. Ash, Brock, Pikachu and Marill all chuckled at their reactions.

“Calm down Twi, there are way hotter Fire-Types out in the world. Flareon’s 1,600 degrees is kinda low tier.” Ash explained.

“That’s ‘Low’ Tier!?” Ash put his hand up defensively not wanting Twilight’s rage on him anymore. Cadance looked back to Eevee who was now dried off and clean.

That’s just one of its evolutions, I wonder what the others are like. You certainly are a special pokemon Eevee.” The crystal princess gave a small smile and began petting Eevee’s head.

“I didn’t see any bruises or any traces of it being hurt, but it’s really malnourished.” Brock said, continuing to look over Eevee.

“It hasn’t eaten?” Cadance said, worried for the fluffy pokemon.

“Yeah, probably not for a few days now.” Brock then turned to Ash. “Ash we have set up camp for the night, once Eevee wakes up he needs to eat.” Ash nodded his head.

“No problem pal, the next Pokemon Center is in Rustboro which is four days away. The sun is going down anyway, let’s get ourselves settled.” Ash then looked at Twilight. “Mind giving me a hand Twi?” Twilight smiled and nodded.

“Of course, I told you I’ve never been camping so this will be interesting.” She said with a smile. The two then stood up and Ash picked up Pikachu.

“C’mon buddy, let’s go get some firewood.” Pikachu nodded and perched himself onto his shoulder. Marill also jumped into Twilight’s arms with a smile.

“Let’s go Mary.” Ash and Twilight then began walking back into the forest. Brock then reached into his bag and took out a bunch of pots, pans and his portable stove.

“I need to go and get some extra berries for Eevee for his meal, Cadance think you can watch Eevee while i’m gone?” Cadance smiled at Brock and nodded her head.

“Leave it to me, I'll take good care of him.” Brock smiled back at her and he headed off into the forest. Cadance put her attention back onto to Eevee and she continues stroking his back. “Don’t worry little one, you’ll be just fine. Once you wake up you’ll be greeted by warm smiles and a great meal.” Once Cadance said that, Eevee gave a small pur and twitches its ears. The Crystal Princess had to summon all of her strength to not pick up the Eevee and hug it to death.

No no! Stop it! Get a hold of yourself Cadance, you can’t be distracted by his cuteness. Brock told you to take care of him, not treat him like a stuffed animal.” She then put her attention back on Eevee and she unconsciously picked up Eevee as slowly as she could and placed him on her lap. “Curse my weakness for cute things.” As she was scolding herself mentally, Eevee began to stir slightly and his eyes were slowly opening.

Uh… what… where…” Eevee moved his eyes around to take in his surroundings as his body was not up to moving. “Well, I’m out of the river and I seem to have dried off quickly. Great, now I just need to find some food… I’m starving I-Whoa!” Eevee then felt something stroking his back and he slowly turned his head.

“Oh, you’re awake thank goodness.” Eevee stared at the human girl who’s lap he was in. “Are you ok, do you need anything?” She asked in a sweet tone. Eevee just continued to stare at the girl and the warm smile on her face.

Wow, she’s so pretty. Is she the one who took care of me?” Eevee’s thoughts were stopped as an Oran Berry was presented to him.

“Here you go, my friend said Oran Berries can help regain your strength. I bet you’re hungry, aren’t you?” Eevee looked between the girl and the berry and he slowly began eating the berry. “There you go, slowly now you don’t wanna choke.” Eevee nodded his head and continued eating. After about a minute, Eevee finished the Oran Berry and the Girl smiled at him.

“Was it good?” Eevee nodded again and the girl began rubbing his back again. “Great and don’t worry once my friends get back you’ll get a decent meal.” She said still in her sweet tone. Eevee was a bit overwhelmed by the girl’s kindness, but he didn’t complain.

She’s very caring, kinda like a mother.” The girl then turned Eevee around so he was facing her.

“We’ll take good care of you until you can get yourself back on your feet I promise. Oh, My name is Cadance by the way.” She said, Eevee nodded his head at the Equestria girl.

Cadance huh, that’s a nice name.” He then decided to finally speak to the her. “Eevee Eev.” Cadance nearly lost herself, Eevee’s voice was a tad high but scruffy at the same time and it was so cute to her.

“Sweet Faust, you’re so cute.” She said with a small squeal. Eevee blushed at the compliment, but he just turned his head as if saying ‘Whatever’. “Aww don’t be embarrassed, it's true.” Eevee began to pout and Cadance just continued to fawn over the Evolution Pokemon. “You know pouting like that only makes you cuter.” Now Eevee was annoyed with the Crystal Princess, but was still too weak to do anything about it.

She’s so lucky that I can’t-” “Ok, I’ll stop. I can see you getting a tad heated.” Eevee looked up at Cadance with wide eyes.

“Let’s just say, I’m good at reading people’s emotions.” She said with a giggle. Eevee just continued to stare at the girl, but before he could say anything Brock had come back from berry picking.

“Cadance!” The Crystal Princess looked up to see Brock and she waved to him.

“Hey there, look who just woke up.” Brock looked to see Eevee awake and laying on Cadance’s lap. He then reached the two and he kneeled down to them.

“Hi there, I’m Brock. How are you feeling?” Eevee didn’t know what to do at this very moment, he wasn’t used to all this concern and worry.

“Eevee.” He said before laying his head back down on Cadance’s lap. Brock just smiled at Eevee and then looked at Cadance.

“Wow, he’s already comfortable with you.” Cadance giggled at Brock’s comment and she began petting Eeevee again.

“He’s a sweetheart.” Eevee wanted to growl at the Princess, but he was too busy purring to do so. Brock then stood up and walked over to his pots and his stove.

“Well I better make this sweetheart an amazing dinner then.”

“You better.” Brock then pulled out his two pokeballs and threw them into the air. After a few seconds, Vulpix and Forretress appeared out of the pokeballs.

“Pix! Vul!” Vulpix said with a yawn.

“Forretress For!” Forretress said bouncing up and down.

“Hey you two, Think you can keep Cadance and our guest company while I get dinner started for us?” Vulpix and Forretress looked over to see Cadance and Eevee sitting on a blanket. The two pokemon both nodded to their trainer and went over to Eevee and the Princess. Brock smiled and began his prep work. Vulpix and Forretress reached Cadance and quickly greeted her. The Crystal Princess gave the two a warm smile.

“Hello Vulpix, hi Forretress.” She said petting the two pokemon. Eevee stared at the two pokemon in front of him, Vulpix noticed he was staring and decided to speak up.

You know staring at someone and not speaking is very rude sir.” Eevee was taken aback by Vulpix’s critical tone and felt a tad embarrassed. Forretress sighed and lightly bumped his teammate.

Seriously Pixie, don’t go scaring the kid!” Forretress then turned to Eevee. “I’m sorry about her, Pixie can be a little harsh. Don’t take it personally, she’s like that with everyone.” Vulpix gave the Steel and Bug Type and small glare.

How dare you, I'm not harsh!”

“Really Miss ‘Everyone is a dolt except for me’, you’ve been like that ever since we met.” Vulpix growled in irritation at her teammate but before she could speak…

Quite the quick tempered Fire-Type aren’t ya?” Eevee said with a smirk. There was a moment of silence before Forretress was literally rolling around Cadance while laughing. Vulpix was speechless, she began sputtering her words and her face was bright red. Cadance didn’t know what they were talking about, but she felt as if Eevee said something smart to Vulpix considering the Fox pokemon’s face looked rather embarrassed. Eevee couldn’t help but smirk at the sputtering fox and he snickered. Cadance ruffled Eevee’s head and gave him a stern look.

“I may not know what you just said, but I can tell you said something rude to Vulpix. Say you’re sorry Eevee.” Eevee felt the pressure of the stare Cadance was giving him, it was like a mother giving her child a disappointed look and he shrunk before turning to Vulpix.

“Ee..vee…” Eevee said in an apologetic tone. Vulpix saw the look on Eevee’s face and she just sighed before going up to him and placing her paw on his head.

“Pix Vulpix.” She said with a smile. Forretress stopped rolling and jumped next to Vulpix.

“For For Forretress!” He said with a chuckle. Vulpix’s eye twitched, but she kept her composure. Cadance watched on with a smile.

“We’re back!” The group along with Brock looked back to the forest and saw Ash and Twilight walking out with the firewood. Marill and Pikachu were right behind them and both carrying a single log of wood.

“Hey guys!” Brock said as he continued prepping dinner.

“Think you got enough wood?” Cadance teased. Twilight and Ash just chuckled at the comment.

“That’s what I told him, but he didn’t listen.”

“Hey, trust me when I say that this much is necessary for all of us. You know how much food we need to prepare for the four of us plus our pokemon.” Brock then gave his old friend a smirk.

“I’m sorry… ‘We’?” Ash placed his pile next to Brock and gave him a sheepish smile.

“Sorry, how much Brock would have to prepare.”

“That’s better.” The two boys shared a laugh as Twilight laid her pile next to Ash’s.

“I’m going to take a wild guess and say that Ash is pretty lazy when it comes to food prep, huh?” Ash fell to the ground causing Brock to laugh even louder and Pikachu joined in as well. Marill giggled at her friends' antics and looked over to Cadance and Saw that Vulpix and Forretress were out and about along with the Eevee they had found.

Pixie! Forretress!” Both the Fire-Type and the Bug/Steel-Type turned to the blue mouse who was running over to them.

Hello Mary!” Forretress said, hopping up and down.

Good day Mary.” Vulpix said with a small smile. Eevee stared at the blue mouse for a few seconds before Cadance began to speak up.

“Hi Mary, how are you?” She asked the Water-Type. Marill smiled and waved to the Crystal Princess.

“Mar Marill!” She said in a cheerful tone. Cadance smiled back at the blue mouse and looked over to Twilight and Ash.

“I’m glad you both are back, look who's up.” Ash and Twilight looked at Cadance’s lap and saw Eevee looking at them.

“He’s awake!” Twilight said, running over to them. Eevee was slightly startled by the Equestria girl running up to them, but Cadance began petting him again.

“Don’t worry, she’s an old friend.” Eevee calmed down a bit as Twilight reached them and kneeled down.

“Hi, I’m Twilight! Are you ok, are you feeling better?” Eevee was a bit overwhelmed by the questions, lucky for him Cadance placed a finger on the young girl’s mouth.

“Calm yourself Twilight, you don’t wanna scare him.” She said with a giggle. Twilight blushed and Marill laughed at her trainer. Twilight then cleared her throat and put her attention back on Eevee.

“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Are you doing alright?” Eevee stared at the purple haired girl and he nodded at her. “That’s good, like I said I’m Twilight Sparkle. It’s nice to meet you.” She said with a calm smile. Eevee saw the calm look on Twilight’s and he smiled back at her.

“Eev Eevee!” Twilight heard Eevee’s voice and just like Cadance she began to gush.

“Oh my Faust, his voice is so cute!” Eevee began to pout.

“EVE EEVEE!” He yelled causing Twilight to flinch. Cadance giggled at Eevee’s reaction and rubbed his back to calm him down.

“He really doesn’t like being called cute, learned that the hard way.” Eevee just continued to pout causing Marill Forretress and Vulpix to laugh.

“Seems like we got ourselves a tough one.” Everyone turned to see Ash and Pikachu walking up to them. Pikachu went over to the other pokemon while Ash kneeled down next to Twilight.

“What’s up little buddy, Name’s Ash and this is Pikachu. He’s the one who found you along the river.”

“Pika Pikachu.” Eevee heard this and bowed his head to the yellow mouse.

“Eevee Eve.” He said in a grateful tone. Ash smiled at the two and then he looked up to Cadance.

“You seem to be getting pretty attached to Eevee.” Cadance’s eyes widened at Ash’s comment and she looked back down to Eevee who looked up to her.

“I mean how could I not, he’s a good boy.” She said with a motherly smile. Eevee blushed again and he quickly turned his head from the Crystal Princess. Ash and Twilight both chuckled at Eevee’s reaction. Marill and Vulpix also giggled while Pikachu and Forretress snickered.

Aww is someone not used to being complimented?” Vulpix teased. Eevee pouted again causing the rest of the pokemon to laugh again.

Knock it off Pixie, why do you have to give everyone a hard time?” Pikachu asked.

Oh let her have her fun, the newbie should know how things work around here.” Marill said.

Doesn’t mean she should annoy him like she does the rest of us.” Forretress said in a sly tone. Vulpix glared at her teammate.

I beg your pardon!” Pikachu, Marill and Forretress all fell over laughing at their friends reaction and it wasn’t long before Eevee joined in.

You all sure are a lively bunch, aren’t you?” He asked.

We try our best.” Pikachu said. Ash, Cadance and Twilight all chuckled seeing their pokemon getting along.

“Hey Twi, Budew and Taillow shouldn’t be left out of this. Plus, we could use the help setting up for dinner.” Ash suggested as he took out Taillow’s pokeball.

“Good Idea.” Twilight said in a cheerful tone. Both trainers then threw their respective pokeballs in the air releasing Taillow and Budew. The Flying-Type landed on Ash’s shoulder while Budew landed in the arms of her trainer.

“Taillow Tail!” Taillow said, stretching her wings out.

“Glad to be out and about?” Ash asked his new teammate. Taillow nodded and flew off next to Pikachu and the rest of the pokemon.

Sup?” Taillow greeted. Everyone but Vulpix and Eevee greeted her back.

Didn’t anyone teach you to greet people properly?” Vulpix scolded. Taillow rolled her eyes at the Fire-Type.

Oh don’t get your tails in a twist Pixie, besides manners are a waste of time.” Vulpix got an irritated look on her face.

Manners are important Birdbrain, but I guess they would be lost on a meathead like you.” There was a moment of silence, all the pokemon took a few steps back as they saw Taillow’s left eye twitch. Ash, Twilight and Cadance saw this too and they all could see that Vulpix and Taillow were about to get into it.

“Taillow, calm yourself.” Ash said doing his best not to have his Flying-Type go on a rampage. Taillow walked up to Vulpix and got right in her face.

You’ve got a big mouth for someone I could easily drop from 3 stories.”

“And you’ve got some nerve walking up to someone who could turn you into a fried chicken.” Eevee watched the two with his eyes half closed.

Are you guys gonna kiss or are you gonna fight?” There was another moment of silence only this time it was broken by Pikachu and Forretress laughing.

Wow! You didn’t say that, you did not just say that!” Pikachu said falling onto his back. Forretress wasn’t doing any better as he was rolloing once again. Marill just moved back over to her trainer with her paws over her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Vulpix and Taillow were both sputtering their words and their faces were red.

“You… You can’t just say stuff like that dude!” Taillow spazzed Vulpix was just silent as she turned away from Taillow and her friends. Cadance, Ash, Twilight and Budew watched on and were confused by what was happening.

“Am I the only one lost?” Twilight asked.

“No it’s me too, but it can’t be bad considering both Pikachu and Forretress are laughing their butts off.” Ash said, crossing his arms. Budew then looked over to the Blue mouse and finally spoke up.

Hey Mary, what’s going on? What’s with the Eevee and why are Taillow and Vulpix looking like tomato berries?” Marill just continued to cover her mouth while at the same time snickering at her teammates' words.

“Ok, Dinner is all set and ready to be cooked.” Brock said walking over to the group with a bowl of Pokemon food for Eevee when he reached them though he raised an eyebrow at the scene in front of him. “Um… did I miss something?” He asked. Cadance sighed and looked up to the breeder.

“From what I’m somewhat understanding, Taillow and Vulpix got into an argument and then Eevee probably said something smart that caused them both to spazz out.” Eevee just smirked at Cadance’s description of what just happened. Brock then let out a chuckle and then Keeled down with them.

“Is that so, Looks like we got ourselves a troublemaker.” Brock said as he placed the bowl in front of Cadance. “This is fore you little guy, sorry but I didn’t have ant Normal-Type pokemon food so I hope you can settle for Fire-Type instead. It’ll still taste great I promise.” He said with a smile. Cadance then picked up the bowl and brought it up to Eevee.

“Here you go sweetie.” She said in a sweet tone. Eevee once again saw the motherly look on Cadance’s face and he nodded his head before taking a bite of the food.

“Eve Eevee.” He said looking over to Brock with a small smile. Brock smiled back.

“I’m glad you like it, again sorry it’s not Normal-Type food.” Pikachu then spoke up to the Evolution pokemon.

Brock really is an amazing chef, I bet if you were a Fire-Type that food would taste even better to you.” Eevee stopped eating and looked at Pikachu.

Really, well in that case…” Eevee’s body was soon enveloped in a bright light causing everyone to flinch and worry about the Normal-Type.

“Brock, what’s going on? What’s wrong with Eevee?” Cadance asked in a scared tone. Ash and Brock knew what this was, but both wondered how?

“It can’t be?”

“But it is!”

“Can someone please tell me what’s going on!” A confused Twilight asked. The pokemon were not doing any better than their human trainers.

I’m sorry, WHAT!

Pikachu, is he…

Yeah Mary, he is!

But… there isn’t a stone!”

“Then this can’t be possible.” Soon the light died down and Eevee was no longer sitting in Cadance’s lap. Instead, a familiar orange fox-like pokemon with a fluffy yellow mane and tail took its place. No one said anything as the fox pokemon took a few bites out of the food in the bowl and he smiled.

“You were right, it does taste better.” The groups continued to stare and Twilight pulled out her Pokedex.

“There’s no way.” She said pointing at the orange pokemon.

Flareon, the Flame Pokemon and an evolved form of Eevee

Flareon’s fluffy fur releases heat into the air as it can reach up to 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit.


Author's Note:

Wow Got this out Quick! See you all Next time!

Next Time: Eeveelution Confusion! Pt.2