• Published 17th Jan 2017
  • 1,435 Views, 33 Comments

The Adventures of The Dash - Silver Inkwell

When Rainbow Dash is hit by a lightning bolt her whole entire life starts to change as she has to become the hero that the city needs and deserves, she has to become 'The Dash'.

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Lightning Strikes and Hospital Talk/ Conversation

It was a bright and sunny early morning in the Canterlot Public High School and all was quite well with it and the city and the whole entire world.

Well, all was well, except for a certain student named Rainbow Dash who ran in a hurry down the halls of this vast and regal renowned school anxious to not be late for her classes, “Sorry!” she said bumping into a few stragglers like herself who also did not want to be late to class, but like her would probably fail in this attempt. And so it was that just as the bell rang she entered her first class of the day, science. “Late again as always and usual Miss Dash, but do please take a seat, we have much to discuss and learn here today,” the teacher Mr. Fair said in a cold calm cruel uncaring voice.

“But I got here just as the bell rang,” she complained loudly as she took her seat.

“Yes, you did, but the rules state specifically that you must be in your seat before the bell rings and not after, but I think that I can and will ignore this great offense if you will only try to pay attention and listen to me.”

And with that said he started class as she (and many others) struggled to just stay awake and she barely focused on him at all or payed attention and only responded to questions and other phrases when she needed to.

After class ended he stopped her for a moment, “I would like to speak to you after school today Miss Dash if you can spare me the time.”

“Sure thing,” she said, “I don’t have soccer practice today so I should be fine.”

“Soccer,” he said very simply and plainly, “Is a frivolous game like any other, and while I understand the need for humans to amuse themselves shortly and temporarily it is still a pointless pursuit compared to the great vast field that man has uncovered and explored that is simply known as science.”

“Um yeah, sure thing,” she said not knowing how to respond to yet another one of his famous inspiring and yet still wise and deep little speeches.

“Very well then,” he said, “After school, and don’t worry about being late, just worry about coming here, now then you better go before you’re late for yet another class, and I also do not wish to explain myself to
the other teachers.”

“Yes sir!” Rainbow Dash said trotting off down the hallway to her next class.

Her next class was history, and once more again was boring just like the class that she had left (and could even be clearly seen and evidenced by the many or few who did somehow manage to fall asleep with their faces on the desk).

After that it was Lunch and then Literature or Writing and then finally Art.

(She had a two-day schedule where she took different classes every day so it worked out for her quite well enough indeed,)

After her last and final class of the day she took a nervous deep breath and went into the science classroom to see the teacher, Mr. Fair.

“Well hello there, Miss Dash,” he said (and in case you were wondering he has this policy where he calls students by their last name since they were growing up into adults), “I am glad to see that you have come for I have something very important and urgent that I must discuss with you. You see, your grades…”

And once he said those words she knew for certain and sure that this wasn’t good at all, “Your grades, they are very low,” he continued onwards, “And if you are to pass this class and school, and you must if you
want to have options to go anywhere in this life, well you must find a way to bring them back up once more
again. And I know that you can do it because I see great potential within you as I do with every student who walks through these halls or enters my class seeking knowledge and wisdom and power. You can be great
if you will only try to find and discover your true purpose and destiny.

Do you understand what I am telling you, Miss Dash?”

“Yes,” she said, “And don’t worry, I’ll find a way to bring my grades back up again, I can promise you that, and I’ll try thinking of some things.”

Mr. Fair smiled deviously, “Well I already actually have an idea of how you can get started for that, you can call it ‘Bonus Points’ if you want to, but I rather would prefer to see it as a way that I can held students who need it most.”

“Really?” Rainbow Dash said with surprise “Great! But what is it exactly?”

“I want you to experiment with the lab materials to try to find a way to make the world better by improving upon it or something within it, perhaps maybe I can even suggest something to do with energy and paper?”

“I have literally no clue or idea of what you just said.”

“Look,” he said handing her a printed piece of paper, “Just follow what’s on the page and you’ll be fine, and
to pass you cannot ask for any help, not even mine, besides, I would rather be watching the new particle accelerator open up on TV, they say that it’s going to change the world in everything that we think or know, they’ll be better ways of energy and understanding it and using it.

It will be truly revolutionary, and to think that the one behind it all, the very basic idea and concept was a woman, which just goes to show how far you can go in something like a field or job if you just push yourself hard enough.

Now then if you will please excuse me I must leave now.

Thank you for your time and should you ever need my help in the future just ask, my door is always open to you and my students and to whomever may want to learn for themselves what great power science holds for them.”

And with that said he left leaving Rainbow Dash all alone.

Great, she thought, now what am I going to do? I don’t have any help and can’t get any either and if I fail this ‘bonus’ assignment or homework I have no idea what will or might happen to me, plus I also don’t want to disappoint him.

He seemed really genuine and true with his words that he spoke to me.

And with those thoughts in her head she tried to focus on her work.

But eventually after many minutes she decided to stop and give up and go home, but before she did she decided to turn on the TV on in the room just to see what Mr. Fair had been talking about since she was curious naturally enough (and in case you were wondering why they just had a TV in the room there, well please don’t ask, just don’t, but long answer short, it was basically ONLY for educational purposes and had all kind of blocks and filters on it).

“We are here in Downtown Crystal City,” the female news reporter said, “Coming to you live as the long awaited Scientific Tower of the Advancement of Research and Technology or START Labs which was developed many years ago by the famous scientist Lightning Dust who was also a woman and while being heavily criticized for even thinking of such an idea at the time she now stands here with us today to bask in the glory of her new creation and idea which has taken many years of hard work, time, effort, energy and money to build.

Fortunately we have scheduled some time with her for a few last final thoughts and words before she goes in to finally activate and start this reactor, the time is now yours,” she said holding the microphone to her.

“Thanks Iris, well I would just like to say that what we have here will not only change this city, but also the
world and what it thinks of science, and my plans for this tower is that I must keep it running as long as possible for the good of the future so I just want to thank everyone who supported this idea, thank you for your time, your effort, your imagination and ideas and hard work, and most importantly of all, your money,” she said with a nervous laugh, “Your names will not be lost or forgotten for you will live within this piece of scientific work.

Anyhow that’s all I have to say and I will see you once this is done.”

And with that said the light sky blue skin colored woman with orange and yellow hair with strange and mysterious golden yellow eyes that seemed odd and unusual to Rainbow Dash when she looked at them very closely enough, but she didn’t have time to go over the details as the news went on.

“Well we just want to thank Miss Dust for her kind and inspiring words today and wish to say that we understand that her work is more important to her than staying for any kind of interview for the news, and now it’s back to you.”

“Thanks Iris,” Joe said very calmly, “And now for the latest and current updates with the world…” and with that they droned on about something ‘important’ and ‘urgent’ and ‘dire’, but to be honest she could care less.

She wanted to leave for her home now, but she also wanted to stay to see if there was anything worth watching on this channel anyways.

And so she shrugged and set down her backpack, she did have a relatively light load of homework today, and so she could afford to lose some time on this.

And so she watched as the scene developed and unfolded around her.

And very soon enough something interesting did eventually happen there.

“Wait,” the reporter said, “We’re getting a message and update from the tower that it is failing, repeat the tower systems are failing, expect collateral damage.

So it seems like the experiment is not going that well, and I honestly think that we should probably back up and away now,” she said trying to move away.

But before she could there was a very large explosion and boom, and even from the science room where she stood she still felt the rumble beneath her feet.

“Apparently the shield protecting the tower is collapsing, and I think that you can all run for your lives now,” and with that she ran.

And then Rainbow Dash decided to look outside over by the window and she saw a very large golden yellow beam of light reaching up far up high into the sky out of sight and distance and then she saw a wave of something coming towards her and then she too decided to try and run.

But she didn’t make it very far before the wave of energy and light hit her, in fact she couldn’t even make it to the door before a bolt of lightning hit her right in the chest and then sent her straight into a very deep sleep.

After the lightning strike not much was clear and she couldn’t remember anything while she was in the coma, but later on her friends and the doctors had told her that due to some luck and the intervention of
Mr. Fair and the principals of the school and even Lightning Dust herself she had been saved.

Mr. Fair had quickly called the principal, Celestia, to ask her to go check on his student who he knew that the last location she should be in was his classroom and reluctantly she agreed to do so only for the sake and reason that he cared for his student’s safety, and also because of the paperwork involved too.

And when asked why he left school he just looked down in some slight shame, “The school is open to students after it is done, and I don’t control what they do or even how long they stay, and I wasn’t getting paid to stay after either so I left instead just like I do every day at four, I mean you can’t expect any more from me, can you? I mean I didn’t know that this would or even could happen to her, but if I did… I would have stayed with her instead to try and stop it.”

“I know you would have,” Celestia said, “But we can’t change her past, we can only affect the present and hope for the best in the future.”

“I just I wish that I could have been there for her to help her out.”

“I know that you do, but all we can do for her now is pray, and have faith and hope, and don’t hold all the blame on yourself, that’s just bad for you.”

“I know that I shouldn’t,” he said, “But I can’t, and that’s why I have little to no hope or faith for her, I am a man of science after all, I rely on the numbers and statistics, not some blind faith even though I know what benefits it can bring to the mental mind and the emotions of the heart too.”

“Perhaps maybe it is time that you start believing in something.”

“Or perhaps maybe someone instead, and you don’t need just hope in this sad and desperate situation of yours that you face now,” a voice said behind them.

And then they all turned to see Lighting Dust standing there.

“What are you doing here?” Luna asked.

“I’m here to ensure Rainbow Dash’s safety and protection of her life, and I am also here to redeem myself, ever since the night of the particle accelerator accident things have been so very hard on me, but I am now trying to bring myself up from the ashes of that night and save all those who it may have harmed, so please, just give me the chance to help you by helping her.

The doctors, they don’t know what’s wrong and up with him, she’s been in a coma for a month now and they still have nothing to help her at all yet.

But I can, but only if you give me the chance and opportunity.”

Celestia gazed at Luna with a pondering look and then at Lightning Dust.

“And if we do agree to your help, what terms and conditions does that entail for us and her exactly?” she said.

“Firstly, I will need your full trust, secondly, I will have to locate her to my tower, it’s the only place that can help her out now, and my team will be more than willing and ready to help her out in every way possible and all that they can, and don’t worry, I’ll give you their personal contacts.

Thirdly, you must accept that I may not be able to save her, and fourth and finally last of all, you must not tell anyone of this, do you understand?”

Celestia nodded, “Yes, we understand and agree to these terms and conditions, but if anything happens to her, that will fall badly upon all of us, you most of all, so if I even hear a rumor or whisper that she is hurt, then you will pay.”

“I have no doubt that you will make good on your threat or promise,” she said, “But you should also be warned that I am a very powerful person with access to many resources and while my tower may have been shut down and off due to safety reasons, it does not mean that there are not those or ones ready and willing to help me out, as I said before I have a team, and they are very smart people, now then with your permission and the proper paperwork for the doctors I will take Rainbow Dash away to my tower to try and heal her.”

“Of course,” she said, “You can, but I already think that you do have the proper paperwork at hand unless I am quite wrong and mistaken?” Celestia said.

“You think right then,” she said holding out the paperwork, “Just sign your names at the dotted lines, everything else has already been filled out for you.”

“I’m guessing that you already know our personal information?” she said signing the paper.

“Of course,” she said handing the paperwork to Luna who very reluctantly signed, “I always make it a habit of mine to know the history of all my friends and enemies, but luckily enough for you, you are not on either list.”

“Why is being on either list bad?” she said curiously.

“Because I have no loyalty to even my friends,” she said.

Celestia was shocked and surprised at this piece of new information.

“Shocked and surprised? I don’t blame you, and most would react that way when they heard this, but you see I am telling you the honest truth now so that you do not feel betrayed later on, it’s my own personal moral and value to always tell the absolute truth, especially in matters of science, the heart, and finally the mind and soul, but no matter, the paperwork is filled out now and that is all that I needed, I really hope that you have a good day and I really hope that I can and may see more of you very soon in the nearby

“Wait,” Celestia said, “How soon are you going to move her?”

“If all goes well and according to plan I should have her out in two to three weeks just because of the stupid waiting time for all this paperwork to be sorted out, now then if you will please excuse me, I have far more important matters to attend to, good day ladies, it was a very nice visit that we had.”

And with that said Lightning Dust finally left and just as she did more doctors rushed into Rainbow Dash’s room to help her out.

“I don’t understand,” one of them said, “She’s still alive yet the monitors all still stay that she doesn’t have any heartbeat, how is any of this this even possible? I mean there’s a lot of stuff and things out there that just don’t make any kind of sense at all… but this… this has to take the top spot on my list.”

“I don’t know,” another one said, “But I heard that they’ll be moving her very soon, but not to another hospital or room, but somewhere else instead.”

“Where is this place that they are moving her to exactly?”

“START Labs, or rather Lightning Labs as they’re calling it now.”

“When did they start calling it that?”

“Ever since the night of the particle accelerator accident.”

“Huh, who knew that?”

“I did, now then she should be fine for now, but honestly I am kind of relieved that she is being taken off our hands if she is in the care of someone who will now how to help her out and heal her better than we ever could, even if that person just so happens to be the one that caused so much destruction to Crystal City, even if it’s the person who caused the death of my wife.”

“Hey man, you can’t hold her death over his head and you can’t hold onto your pain and grief either, you just need to let it go.”

“I know that I should, but I just can’t, I just wish that I could.”

“I know man, I know.”

And with that said the two doctors remained silent and worked quietly to help Rainbow Dash out as much as they could with their limited knowledge and power and resources and access. But Celestia and Luna didn’t hear the doctor’s little conversation, and neither did Mr. Fair or Rainbow Dash.

But this will be important to remember later on for reasons yet to come in the story, but I think that I have been on the doctors for too long now, back to the real people that you should focus on. Celestia and Luna looked at the doctors as they tried to help Rainbow Dash out as much as they possibly could with their limited knowledge, resources and access and failing at it very much, a lot.

“Do you think that we made the right choice?” Luna said.

“I do not know little sister, but I hope that we did, I really do, and for now, that’s all that we can do, the rest is in the hands of Lightning Dust.”

And with that said they stared in silence at the sleeping form of Rainbow Dash as she lay in her bed not moving, and at that very moment they all wished that she could and would wake up right then even if it cost the whole entire world.

Author's Note:

Next Chapter: Waking Up

So (please) stay tuned for more!